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Q1: Include files must have the file extension ".inc"?

a None

b None

c False

d True

e None

f None

Q2: How can we destroy a PHP session:?

a sessionDestroy()

b startD()

c session_destroy()

d destroySession()

e destroy_session()

f session()

Q3: If you want to undo a GRANT, you should use?






f None

Q4: What does PHP stand for??

a None

b PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor

c Personal Hypertext Processor

d None

e Private Home Page

f Personal Home Page

Q5: Which of the following method can be used to create a MySql database using PHP??

a mysql_create()

b None of the mentioned

The correct Answer is: None

d mysql_query()

e mysql_connect()

f mysql_close()

Q6: PHP can be run on Microsoft Windows IIS(Internet Information Server):?

a None

b None

c None

d None

e False

f True

Q7: A homepage is __________?

a the first page of a website

b where all Internet data is stored

c None

d required for access to the Internet

e an index of encyclopedia articles

f None

Q8: How to list the contents of a folder??

a None

b list

c pwd

d print

e None

f ls

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