Ucsp 2nd Quarter Assessment

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UCSP 2nd Quarter Assessment

Introduction To Sociology (Mindanao State University)

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Downloaded by Marijoy De jesus (marijoydejesusd@gmail.com)
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education Region
X – Northern Mindanao

Understanding Culture, Society, and Politics

Second Quarter Assessment

Name: Section:
Multiple Choice: Direction: Write the letter of the correct answer in a separate sheet of paper.

1. This group can be defined as a group of individuals who often act with each other on the premise of shared
expectations regarding behavior and who share a similar identity.
a. social aggregate c. social categories
b. social group d. society

2. This group can be large or small; common interests bind the members together more than their
a. primary group c. tertiary group
b. secondary group d. reference group

3. This is a kind of group to which we compare ourselves.

a. social group c. secondary group
b. reference group d. social aggregate

4. A social group to which an individual feels he belongs.

a. secondary group c. out-group
b. in-group d. primary group

5. A social group that an individual does not identify with.

a. reference group c. primary group
b. out-group d. network

6. The marriage of a woman to two or more men at the same time.

a. polygamy c. monogamy
b. polyandry d. polygyny

7. The basic institution of most societies.

a. kinship c. marriage
b. family d. descent

8. The family structure based on residence that permits the newly married couple to live independently.
a. patrilocal c. biolocal
b. neolocal d. matrilocal

9. This refers to a group whose members are involved in politics. This group can be seen in families that have been
part of the government for several generations.
a. political alliance c. political kinship
b. political dynasty d. political descent

Downloaded by Marijoy De jesus (marijoydejesusd@gmail.com)

10. It is formed by several families living together based on marriage ties, common descendants, friendship
affiliations and members usually have common interest, or enemy.
a. chiefdom c. tribe
b. band d. nation

11. A group usually headed by a village headman.

a. tribe c. nation-state
b. chiefdom d. state

12. Formal leadership exists and, authority rests solely on the members of a select family.
a. chiefdom c. tribe
b. state d. nation

13. This term is defined as a political unit consisting of a government that has sovereignty presiding over a group of
people and well-defined territory and has the highest form of political organization.
a. state c. nation
b. nation-state d. state-nation

14. It does not possess political sovereignty.

a. Nation-state c. nation
b. state d. state-nation

15. It is a financial institution that lends money both to public and private organizations.
a. Banks c. corporations
b. labor union d. trade unions

16. It refers to an autonomous association whose membership is voluntary toward the attainment of shared economic,
social and, cultural needs or aspirations.
a. bank c. NGO
b. cooperative d. labor union

17. What is the term used to an organization of workers whose main objective is to protect the welfare of its
a. labor union c. cooperative
b. NGO d. INGO

18. Which of the following is an example of a non-formal education?

a. adult night classes c. primary schooling
b. senior high school d. doctorate program

19. What term explains a social institution that formally socializes members of society?
a. education c. formal education
b. non-formal education d. school

20. It is an intentional, organized and, structured form of learning, imparted in educational institutions like school,
college or, university to modify the behavior of an individual.
a. Formal education c. school
b. non-formal education d. education

21. Learning that goes on in daily life and can be received through daily experiences such as from family, peer
group, the media and, other influences in a person’s environment.

Downloaded by Marijoy De jesus (marijoydejesusd@gmail.com)

a. education c. informal education
b. non-formal education d. formal education

22. It refers to the education of persons who are physically, mentally, emotionally, socially or, culturally
different from so-called “normal” individuals.
a. primary education c. special education
b. secondary education d tertiary education

23. It consists of the elite or wealthy families.

a. lower class c. upper class
b. ascribed status d. achieved status

24. It is one in which people are born into their social standing and will remain in it their whole lives.
a. middle class c. caste and closed-class system
b. open class system d. lower class

25. The individual’s position in the social structure.

a. upper class c. status
b. middle class d. statuses

26. Status earned by the individual.

a. status c. achieved status
b. ascribed status d. statuses

27. People whose cultural background differs from that of the dominant members of the society
a. PWD c. ethnic minority
b. women d. LGBT

28. These people are barred from some degree of power, prestige, or wealth.
a. dominant c. minority
b. wealthy d. majority

29. Women are regarded as placed in the lower social status in the society compared to men.
a. racial discrimination c. gender discrimination
b. ethnic discrimination d. disability discrimination

30. It is the thinking that one’s race is superior to the others.

a. discrimination c. racism
b. stereotyping d. prejudice

31. The following are the top solutions to income inequality except;
a. job creation c. tax policy
b. workforce development d. decline quality of education

32. It involves the concentration of resources in certain nations, significantly affecting the opportunities of
individuals in poorer and less powerful countries.
a. economic inequality c. social inequality
b. political inequality d. global inequality

33. It refers to the unequal distribution among nations.

a. discrimination c. prejudice
b. racism d. global stratification

34. Social movements help bring about social change. This statement is .
a. a, b, and c c. neither b nor d
b. false d. true

Downloaded by Marijoy De jesus (marijoydejesusd@gmail.com)

35. Social change can be
a. Political c. a, b, and d
b. social d. scientific

36. The following are causes of social changes except;

a. environment c. technology
b. modernization d. tensions

37. This refers to the view that all genders including men and women should receive equal treatment and therefore
should not be discriminated based on their gender
a. ethnic conflict c. feminist movement
b. racial discrimination d. gender equality

38. Overseas Filipino Workers are also called

a. Huwarang Mamamayan ng Bansa
b. Bayani ng Makabagong Panahon
c. Modelo ng Bayan
d. Bagong Bayani ng Bayan

39. It is the process of geographic mobility, or the change of residence of a person from one community to another
with the intention of settling temporarily or permanently.
a. mobilization c. urbanization
b. transnationalism d. migration

40. A change of residence within a country is called

a. transnational migration c. international migration
b. circulatory migration d. internal migration

Downloaded by Marijoy De jesus (marijoydejesusd@gmail.com)

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