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Course Title: Business Statistics

Course Code: ALD 3509

Assignment On –
9 Math Problems Solution

Submitted By:
Batch BBA 8 (Girls Group)
Id- 5, 9, 10, 12, 13, 22, 23, 27, 29, 31, 35, 39, 42, 55

Submitted To:
Mr. Afzal Hossain
Asst. Professor,
Army IBA, Savar.

Submission Deadline:
7 November 2023
Solution No 1:
Calculate the mean for the marks of Business Statistics using group and ungroup data.

Business Statistics Course Marks -

ID Marks ID Marks

1 30 27 37

2 35 29 24

3 37 30 30

4 20 31 16

5 32 33 29

6 25 34 36

8 39 35 20

9 38 36 35

10 31 37 22

11 19 38 18

12 38 39 33

13 28 40 23

15 15 41 20

16 15 42 27

17 33 43 16

18 22 44 21

19 17 45 30

20 25 49 25

21 30 50 26

22 17 54 28
23 34 55 39

24 40 56 29

26 21 57 30

All the marks in ascending order are given below :

15, 15, 16, 16, 17, 17, 18, 19, 20, 20, 20, 21, 21, 22, 22, 23, 24, 25, 25, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 30,
30, 30,30,30,31, 32,33,33, 34, 35,35,35,36,37,37,3.8,38,39,39, 40.

Ungroup Data:

Arithmetic Mean:
X̄ = Σ Xi / N = 1263 / 46 = 27.46.

Geometric Mean:
Log X̄ = Σ Log Xi / N

Log X̄ = ( 1.18x2 +1.120x2 + 1.23x2 + 1.26 + 1.28 + 1.30x3 + 1.32x2 + 1.34x2 + 1.36 + 1.138 +
1.39x3 + 1.41 + 1.43 + 1.45 + 1.46 + 1.48x6 + 1.49 + 1.51 + 1.52x2 + 1.53 + 1.54x3 + 1.56 +
1.57x2 + 1.58×2 + 1.59×2 +1.60 ) / 46

Log X̄ = 65.35 / 46 = 1.42

So, X̄ = 26.30.

Harmonic Mean:
X̄ = N / (Σ 1/Xi )

X̄ = 46 / ( 0. 070 + 0.06x2 + 0.06x2 + 0.06 + 0.05+ 0.05 x3 + 0.04x3 + 0.05x2 + 0.04 + 0.04 +
0.04X3 + 0.04 + 0.04 + 0.1044 + 0:03 + 0.03x6 + 0.0340x0.3 + 0.03X2 + 0.03 + 0.03x3 + 0.03 +
0.03X2 + 0.0 3X2 + 0.03x2 + 0.025

X̄ = 46 / 25.21

Quatric Mean:
X̄ = √ ( Σ Xi^2 / N )

X̄ = √ ( 58843 / 46 )
X̄ = 35.77

Group Data:

CI fi xi fixi di fidi di fidi Logxi filogxi fi / xi xi^2 fi*xi^2

15-25 17 20 340 -10 -170 -1 -17 1.30 22.1 0.85 400 6800

25-35 18 30 540 0 0 0 0 1.48 26.64 0.6 900 16200

35-45 11 40 440 10 110 1 11 1.60 17.6 0.28 1600 17600

Total 46 1320 -60 -6 66.34 1.73 40600

Arithmetic Method:

Direct method -
X̄ = Σ fixi / N
X̄ = 1320 / 46
X̄ = 28.69

Shortcut method -
X̄ = A + ( Σ fidi / N )
X̄ = 30 + ( -60 / 46 )
X̄ = 28.70

X̄ = A + ( Σ fidi / N ) * xi
X̄ = 30 + ( -6 / 46 ) * 10
X̄ = 28.70

Geometric Method:
LogX̄ = Σ fiLogxi / N
LogX̄ = 66.34 / 46
LogX̄ =1.44
So, X̄ = 27.54

Harmonic Method:
X̄ = N / ( Σ fi / xi)
X̄ = 46 / 1.73
X̄ = 26.59

Quatric Method:
X̄ = √ ( Σ fixi^2 / N )
X̄ = √ ( 40600 / 46 )
X̄ = 29.71

Here, 29.71 > 28.70 > 27.57 > 26.59

So, QM > AM > GM > HM.
Solution No 2:

Ungrouped Data

To calculate the median of ungrouped data, we first need to order the data from least to
10, 11, 12, 12, 12, 12, 13, 13, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 21, 21, 22, 22, 23, 23, 24, 24,
25, 25, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 29, 30, 31, 31, 32, 32, 32, 33, 33, 33, 34, 34, 35, 35

The median is the middle value in the ordered data set. Since we have 46 values, the median
is the 23rd value, which is 23.

Grouped Data
To calculate the median of grouped data, we first need to create a frequency table.

Class Interval Frequency

10-14 10

15-19 5

20-24 10

25-29 8

30-34 11

35-39 2

To calculate the median, we need to find the median class. The median class is the class that
contains the middle value in the ordered data set. Since we have 46 values, the median class
is the 23rd class, which is the 20-24 class.
To find the median value of the median class, we use the following formula:
Median = L + W [(N/2 - Cf) / f]
 L is the lower limit of the median class
 f is the frequency of the median class
 Cf is the cumulative frequency of the class below the median class
 w is the width of the median class
 N is the total number of frequency

In this case, we have:

L = 20
f = 10
Cf = 15
N = 46
Substituting these values into the formula, we get:
Median = 20+ 5 [ (46/2-15)/ 10]
Median = 20 + 4
Median = 24

Therefore, the median mark for intermediate accounting using grouped data is 24.
Solution No 3:

Ungroup Data

The marks of Business Statistics:


Mode: The observation with the highest number of frequency is 30 ( which is 6

times in here)

The marks of Intermediate Accounting:


Mode: 25

The difference of mode of both courses =30 - 25 =5

Group Data

Business Statistics:

CI fi
15-25 17
25-35 18
35-45 11

f 1−f 2 Here,
Mode ¿ L1+ 2 ( f 1−f 0−f 2 ) X
i= L2-L1;
= 35-25= 10
¿ 25+ X 10
2 (18−17−11)

Intermediate Accounting:

CI fi
20-30 22
30-40 16
40-50 8

f 1−f 2 Here,
Mode ¿ L1+ 2 ( f 1−f 0−f 2 ) X

18−17 f0= 0
¿ 25+ X 10
2 ( 22−0−16 ) f2=16
=30-20 =10
The difference of mode of both courses=38.33-24.5
Solution No 4:

4.Calculate all variations of both courses for group and ungroup data.

Business Statistics : Ungroup Data

15,15,16,16,17,17,18, 19, 20,20,20,21,21,22,22,23,24,25,25,26,27,28,29,30,30,30,30,30,30,

Here, Maximum Value= 40

Minimum Value= 15

1. Range= maximum - minimum

= 40-15
= 25

Coefficient of Range = Max-Min/ Max+Min

= 40-15/ 40+15
= 0.45

Midrange = max + min/ 2

= 40+15/2

2. Interquartile Range = Q3 - Q1
= 34.25- 20.75
= 13.5

3. Quartile Deviation = Q3-Q1/ 2

= 13.5 / 2
= 6.75

Coefficient of Quartile Deviation= Q3-Q1/ Q3+Q1

= 13.5 /2
= 6.75

Median= 28.5
Q3= 34.25 Q1=

Equity Test: Median- Q1 = Q3- Median

=> 28.5-20.75= 35.25 - 28.5
=> 7.75 = 5.75
As the difference is not equal, so it is not perfect deviation
4. Mean Deviation< MD( Median) = Σ| xi - Median / n
= 299/46
= 6.5

Coefficient of mean Deviation ( MD)= MD/ Median

= 6.5/ 28.5
= 0.23
6. Standard Deviation, σ = √ Σ (x- x)² /N
=√2565.41 / 46
= 7.47

Coefficient of mean Deviation = (σ / μ) *100

= (7.47 / 27.46 ) *100
= 27.20%

Intermediate Accounting:
20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20 ,20, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25 ,25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30,
30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 35, 35, 35, 35, 35, 40, 40, 40, 40, 45, 45, 45, 45, 45

Maximum Value= 45
Minimum value= 20

1. Range = Maximum- Minimum

= 45 - 20
= 25

Coefficient of Range = Max-Min/ Max+Min

= 45-20/ 45+20
= 0.38

Mid Range = Max + Min /2

= 45=20/ 2
= 32.5

Q1= 25 & Q3= 35

2. Interquartile Range = Q3 - Q1
= 35 - 25

= 10

3. Quartile Deviation = Q3-Q1/ 2

= 10/2

Coefficient of Quartile Deviation= Q3-Q1/ Q3+Q1

= 5/ 60
= 0.08

Equity Test: Median- Q1 = Q3- Median

=> 5=5

As the difference is equal, so it is perfect deviation

4. Mean Deviation< MD( Median) = Σ| xi - Median / n

= 285/46
= 6.19

Coefficient of mean Deviation ( MD)= MD/ Median

= 6.19/30
= 0.21

Mean μ = x = 1345/ 46
= 29.24

6. Standard Deviation, σ = √ Σ (x- x)² /N

= √ 2698.37/ 46
= 7.66

Coefficient of mean Deviation = (σ / μ) *100

= (7.66/ 29.24) * 100
= 26.19 %
Solution No 5:

Ungroup Data
Business Statistics

Skewness ; 2 types

1. Symmetrical Distribution,
x= Median =Mode
2.Asymmetrical Distribution
Mode<Median<Mean(positive skewed distribution)
Mode>Median>Mean (Negetevely Skewed Distribution)
We Got,


So this is Asummetrical Deistribution (Negetevely Skewed Distribution)

Coefficient of skewness:

1.karl pearson’s Measure,

Coefficient of skewness=( mean -Mode) /standard deviation
=(27.46-30) /7.46
= -0.3

Or, in this case the mode is indeterminate,

Coefficient of skewness= 3( mean -Mode) /standard deviation

2.Bowley’s Measure
Coefficient of skewness=(Q3+Q1- 2 median) /Q3-Q1
=(34.25+20.75- 2*28.5) /(34.25-20.75)
= -0.15

3.kelley’s Measures
Coefficient of skewness= (D1+D9-2Median) /(P90 -P10)
= (20+41.5-2*28.5) /(41.5-20)
Or ,Coefficient of skewness= (P90- 2P50+p10) /(P90-P10)

4.Moment’s Measur,
Mk= 1/n < fi (xi -x)

K =1,2,3,4,....
M1 = Mean/0
M2 = Variance
M3 =Skewness
M4 =Kutosis

Moments About Mean :

M1 (Mean)= 1/n < fi (xi -x)^1
= 8.38 /46

M2 (Variance) = 1/n < fi (xi -x)^2

=2565.41 /46

M3 (Skewness) = 1/n < fi (xi -x)^3

=-1015.65 /46

M4 (Kurtosis) = 1/n < fi (xi -x)^24

=220534.64 /46

M2 = 1/n < (xi -x)^2

M4 = 1/n < (xi -x)^4


Given by the karl Pearson,

Coefficient of Kurtosis ,B2 = M4 / M2^2
= 1.54

B2<3, the distribution in platykurtic

Value of B2 Shape of the curve

B2= 3 Mesokurtic

B2< 3 Platykurtic

B2>3 Leptokurtic

Intermediate Accounting
We got

x=29.24 Q1=25 D9=41.5

Median =30 Q3=35 σ =7.66

Mode =25 D1=20

1.Karl Pearson’s Measure

Coefficient of skewness=( mean -Mode) /standard deviation
=(29.24-25) /7.66
= 0.55

2. Bowley’s Measure,
Coefficient of skewness=(Q3+Q1-2Median) /(Q3-Q1)
=(35+25-2*30) /(35-25)
Moments about Mean
M1 (Mean)= 1/n < fi (xi -x)^1

M2(Variance)= 1/n < fi (xi -x)^2

M3= 1/n < fi (xi -x)^3

M4= 1/n < fi (xi -x)^4


‌2. Bowley’s Measure,

Coefficient of skewness = (Q3+Q1-2 median) /(Q3-Q1)
=(34.72+21.76-2*28.33) /(34.72-21.76)
= -0.01

3. Kelley’s Measures,
Coefficient of skewness = (D1+D9 - 2 Median) / D9-D1
=(17.7+40.82 - 2*28.33) /(40.82 -17.7)

4.Moment’s Measur,
Mk= 1/n < fi (xi -x)

K =1,2,3,4,....
M1 = Mean/0
M2 = Variance
M3 =Skewness
M4 =Kutosis

Kurtosis ;

Moments about Mean

M1= 1/n < fi (xi -x)^1

M2= 1/n < fi (xi -x)^2

M3= 1/n < fi (xi -x)^3

M4= 1/n < fi (xi -x)^4

Solution No 6:
6. Find out the correlation of both courses?
For Business Statistics Course:
SL. ID (xi) (Xi-x̄ ) (Xi-x̄ ) ² Marks(yi) (yi-ȳ) (yi-ȳ) ² (Xi-x̄ ) (yi-
01 1 -22.5 506.25 30 2.5 5.25 -56.25
02 2 -21.5 462.25 35 7.5 56.25 -161.25
03 3 -20.5 420.25 37 9.5 90.25 -194.25
04 4 -19.5 380.25 20 -7.5 56.25 146.25
05 5 -18.5 342.25 32 4.5 20.25 -83.25
06 6 -17.5 306.25 25 -2.5 6.25 43.75
07 7 -16.5 272.25 39 11.5 132.25 -189.25
08 8 -15.5 240.25 15 -12.5 156.25 193.75
09 9 -14.5 210.25 30 2.5 6.25 -36.25
10 10 -13.5 182.25 39 11.5 132.25 -155.25
11 11 -12.5 156.25 36 8.5 72.25 -106.25
12 12 -11.5 132.25 31 3.5 110.25 -40.25
13 13 -10.5 110.25 19 -8.5 0.25 89.25
14 14 -9.5 90.25 38 10.5 156.25 -99.25
15 15 -8.5 72.25 28 0.5 30.25 -4.25
16 16 -7.5 56.25 15 -12.5 110.25 93.25
17 17 -6.5 42.25 33 5.5 6.25 -33.25
18 18 -5.5 30.25 22 -5.5 6.25 30.25
19 19 -4.5 20.25 17 -10.5 110.25 47.25
20 20 -3.5 12.25 25 6.5 42.25 8.75
21 21 -2.5 6.25 30 12.5 8.75 -6.25
22 22 -1.5 2.25 17 -6.5 6.25 15.25
23 23 -0.5 0.25 25 12.5 6.25 -3.25
24 24 0.5 0.25 30 -6.5 12.25 6.25
25 25 1.5 2.25 17 7.5 14.25 15.75
26 26 2.5 6.25 25 37 42.25 -3.25
27 27 3.5 12.25 30 24 156.25 6.25
28 28 4.5 20.25 17 -3.4 42.5 -9.75
29 29 5.5 30.25 34 2.5 156.25 18.75
30 30 6.5 42.25 40 -11.5 56.25 -74.75
31 31 7.5 56.25 21 1.5 2.25 11.25
32 32 8.5 72.25 35 8.5 72.25 72.25
33 33 9.5 90.25 37 -7.5 56.25 -71.25
34 34 10.5 110.25 24 17.5 56.25 78.75
35 35 11.5 132.25 30 -5.5 0.25 -63.25
36 36 12.5 156.25 16 -9.5 90.25 -112.25
37 37 13.5 182.25 29 5.5 30.25 74.25
38 38 14.5 210.25 36 -4.5 90.25 -65.25
39 39 15.5 240.25 20 2.5 30.25 38.25
40 40 16.5 272.25 20 -7.5 90.25 -123.75
41 41 17.5 306.25 27 -0.5 56.25 -8.75
42 42 18.5 342.25 16 -11.5 132.25 -212.75
43 43 19.5 380.25 21 -6.5 42.25 -126.75
44 44 20.5 420.25 30 2.5 6.25 51.25
45 45 21.5 462.25 25 -2.5 6.25 -53.75
46 46 22.5 506.25 26 -1.5 2.25 -33.75
Σxi=108 Σ(Xi-x̄ ) Σ(Xi-x̄ ) ΣYi=1263 Σ(yi-ȳ) Σ(yi- Σ(Xi-x̄ )
1 =0 ²= ȳ= 27.46 = -4 ȳ) ² = (yi-ȳ) =
x̄ = 23.5 4459.5 2427.5 1082.5

x̄ = 23.5
ȳ= 27.46

= -1082.5/ √ 4459.5*2427.5
= -0.33
Solution No 7:

Regression Direct Method –

Assume Tanha gets the numbers in Business Statistics, are (x) and the numbers
gets in accounting are (Y)
Here the table-
2 2
SL xi yi xi yi xiyi
1 35 40 1225 1600 1400
2 35 30 1225 1050 1050
3 35 50 1225 1750 1750
N=3 ∑ xi=105 ∑ yi=120 ∑ xi
∑ yi
∑ xiyi=4200
=3675 =5000

We know,
Y=a xy +¿b yx ¿

Y = ∑ yi / n

= 3


X = ∑ xi / n

= 3


N ∑ xiyi−∑ xi ∑ yi
b yx=
∑ xi2−¿ ¿


a yx= Y -b yx X

=40- (0 X 35)
If she gets 35 in Acc. And gets (Y) in Business Statistics
X= a xy +¿b ¿ . X

a xy = X -b yx Y


N ∑ xiyi−∑ xi ∑ yi
b xy =
∑ yi2−¿ ¿

Regression= 35
Indirect Method-
SL Xi yi d xi d yi d xi d yi d xi 2 d yi 2
1 35 0 0 10 0 0 100
2 35 0 0 0 0 0 0
3 35 0 0 -20 0 0 400

Y= a xy +¿b ¿ . X

N ∑ dxiyi−∑ dxi ∑ dyi

b yx=
∑ d xi2−¿ ¿
( 3 X 0 )−(0 X 10)

Solution No 8:

Here at the steps to achieve this :

Step 1 : Make a list : Make a list of all the students. (as mention about there are 100000 students
of both courses,the list must contain 100000 names)

Step 2 : Assign a sequential number : to each student (1,2,3,4.......n).This is the sampling frame
(the list from which I draw simple random sample).

Step 3 : Figure out what the sample size is going to be : ( In this case the same size is 46).

Step 4 : Use a random number generator : to select the sample using the sampling frame
(population size) from Step 2 and the sample size from Step 3

Ques: Suppose total students of both courses are 100000.How can you select the 46 students
from 100000 students?Briefly explain the different steps of selecting samples using appropriate

Ans: Selecting representative sample of 46 students from a total population of 100000 students
involving a process called random sampling.

Sampling : The process of selecting a sample is known as sampling.

Simple Random Sampling: This is a type of Sampling technique one must have come across at
some point.Here every individual is chosen entirely by chance and each member of the
population has equal chance of being selected.

For example if the sample size is 46 and the population size is 100000 generate 46 random
students between 1 to 100000

Example: Let's say I have a list of 100000 students numbered from 1 to 100000.I can use random
number generator to select 46 random numbers within this range.
For instance,if the generator produces the numbers 8,250,9,70,1005,489,895 and so on, I would
select the corresponding students with those numbers from the list.

1. Ensure Randomness: It’s crucial to ensure that the Random selection process is truly random
and not biased in anyway.This helps maintaining the samples representativeness.
2. Contact Selected Students : Once I have the 46 selected students, I can contact them or gather
the necessary data for analysis.

By following these steps, I can obtain a sample of 46 students from the total population of
100000 in a way that it is likely to be representative of the larger group.
Solution No 9:

Supposed total students of both courses were 100000. How can you select the 46 students
from 100000? Find out the confidence interval of samples for group and ungroup data.
(Simple random sampling)


Ungroup Data

Sample mean,x̄ = ∑xi /n =1263/46 = 274.6

Variance, S =√(xi-x̄ )2/(n-1)=√(276.6/(46-1)= 7.55

Standard error,SE = s/√n = 7.55/√46 = 1.12

Confidence level =Probably, the most frequently chosen confidence level is 95%
(Where level is 95%-100%)

Critical value (often a z-score or a t-score),CV= Since data are greater than 30,so we can use
z-score.For confidence level 95%, the z-score value is 1.96which is dented or critical level.

Margin of error,ME=SE×CV= 1.12 x 1.16 = 2.2

Confidence Interval,CI(min)= x̄ - ME = 27.46-2.2 = 25.26

CI(max)= x̄ - ME = 27.46 - 2.2 = 29.66

In summary,here are the results of our analysis.Based on sample data,we estimate that the
population mean is 27.46 given a 95% confident level, the margin of error around that
estimate is 22; and the 95% confidence level is 25.26 to 29.66.

Group Data

Sample mean,x̄ = ∑fixi /n = 1320/46 =28.7

Variance,S=√∑fixi(xi-x̄ )2/(n-1) = √2721.92/(46-1)=7.78

Standard error,SE= s/√n= 7.78/(46-1) = 1.15

Confidence level=95%

Critical value, CV =For confident level 95%, the z-score value is 1.96 which dented as
critical value.

Margin of error,ME=SE×CV = 1.15 x 1.16= 2.25

Confidence Interval, CI(min)= x̄ - ME = 28.7-2.27 = 26.45

CI(max)= x̄ - ME = 28.7 - 2.25 =30.95

In summary,here are the results of our analysis.Based on sample data,we estimate that the
population mean is 28.7. Given a 95% confidence level,the margin of error around that
estimate is 2.25; and the 95% confident interval is 26.45 to 30.95.

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