Copia Di Summer Holidays 2C

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● 1

1 Energy is used to maintain body temperature.

State threeother uses of energy in humans.


muscle contraction

hormone production

[Total: 3]

2 The plant Mimosa pudica has leaves that fold in when touched.

This demonstrates movement and which other characteristic?

A excretion

B growth

C nutrition

D sensitivity


[Total: 1]

3 The diagram shows the apparatus at the beginning of an investigation into temperature change
during the germination of seeds. The temperature at the start of the investigation was 25 °C in both

After two days the temperature in flask 1 is 25 °C. The temperature in flask 2 is 28 °C.


dead and
living seeds

cotton wool


flask 1 flask 2

Which characteristic of living organisms is shown in this experiment?

A excretion

B growth

C reproduction

D respiration


[Total: 1]

4 Flowering plants can be divided into two groups: monocotyledons and eudicotyledons (dicotyledons).

Complete the table below to state the differences between these two types of flowering plants. An
example has been done for you.

difference monocotyledons

number of cotyledons in the seed 1 2

pattern of leaf veins

number of petals present

mono= 1
petals in
multiple of 3

petals in
multiple of
four or five


[Total: 4]

5 The diagram below shows three vertebrates. Each is from a different class (group) of vertebrate.
not drawn to scale

(a) State one characteristic of all vertebrates.

the presence of a vertebral column

(b) (i) Name the two other classes of vertebrate not shown in the diagram above.

1 .............................................................................................................................

2 ............................................................................................................................. [2]

(ii) Name the feature which covers the surface of the bodies of animals in these two classes
but not the three animals shown in the diagram.

................................................................................................................................ [1]

[Total: 4]

6 The diagram below shows seven plant species that are important crops.



not drawn to scale


(a) (i) Use the key to identify each species. Write the letter of each species (A to G) in the
correct box beside the key. One has been done for you.

1 (a) branched veins on leaves go to 2

(b) parallel veins (not branched) on leaves go to 3

leaves divided into leaflets (look like small individual
2 (a) go to 4

(b) leaves not divided into leaflets go to 5

flowers grouped tightly together at the top of the
3 (a) Triticum aestivum
flowers grouped
(b) go to 6
loosely together
at the top of the
4 (a) large
flowers located
at top of stem

(b) small flowers located along the stem Glycine max

5 (a) leaves have five lobes Manihot esculenta F

(b) leaves have three lobes Ipomoea batatas

6 (a) flowers above youngest leaf Zeamays

(b) flowers bend down below youngest leaf Oryza sativa


B=ipomoea batatas

C=glycine max

D=triticum eastivum

E=oryza sativa

F= manihot esculenta

G=solanum tuberosum


(ii) The pattern of the veins on the leaves was used in the key to separate the
monocotyledonous crop plants and eudicotyledonous (dicotyledonous) crop plants
shown in the diagram.
State one other feature that could be used to identify monocotyledonous plants from
eudicotyledonous plants.

leaves in multiple of 3, 4, 5
................................................................................................................................ [1]

[Total: 4]

7 The table shows the scientific names of four members of the cat family.

common name scientific name

leopard Panthera pardus

lion Panthera leo

ocelot Leopardus pardalis

tiger Panthera tigris

Which statement is correct?

A All four cats are members of the same species.

B The leopard and the ocelot are members of the same genus.

C The leopard, lion and tiger are members of the same genus.

D The leopard, lion and tiger are members of the same species.


[Total: 1]

8 The diagram below shows four different animals.

not to scale

(a) Classify each animal into its correct group choosing words from this list.

Write your answers in the ‘group’ column of the table below.

amphibian bird fish insect mammal mollusc reptile

One example has been completed for you.

group feature 1 feature 2

A amphibian has a backbone has slimy skin


(b) Using phrases from the list, complete the table above by adding two features of each animal
group, as shown for amphibians.

You may use each feature once, more than once or not at all.

has no backbone has a backbone has feathers has fur

has gills has scaly skin has slimy skin has a shell

has 8 legs has 6 legs


[Total: 4]

9 To which group do both the organisms shown in the diagram belong?

leaf-like fronds which have

structures containing spores
on their lower surface

A dicotyledons

B ferns

C fungi

D monocotyledons


[Total: 1]

10 The diagram shows six different arthropods labelled A, B, C, D, E and F.

State the letter of the organism in the diagram that is a crustacean.

Give a reason for your answer.

letter E .........................................................................................................................................

reason has a exoskeleton......................................................................................................................................

.................................................................................................................................................. [2]

[Total: 2]

11 The diagram below shows an arthropod that is a parasite that can live on humans.

(a) (i) Make a large labelled drawing of the part of the parasite in the rectangle.


(ii) Name the group of arthropods to which this animal belongs.

Give a reason for your answer.


[Total: 6]

12 The diagram below shows four insects.


(a) State one feature of the insects shown above, that is characteristic of this group.

has anthennae

(b) Use the key to identify the four insects.

key name of insect

1 (a) body has stripes go to 2
(b) body has no stripes go to 3

2 (a) head is long and narrow Otiorhynchus 4

(b) head is wide and rounded Leptinotarsa 3

3 (a) antennae are longer than width of head Lilioceris 2

(b) antennae are shorter than width of head Coccinella 1

insect name of insect

A otiorhynchus
B leptinotarsa
C lilioceris
D coccinella


[Total: 4]

13 Diagram 1 shows a plant cell after it has been in a solution of glucose for fifteen minutes.

diagram 1

The plant cell in diagram 1 was then placed in distilled water.

Diagram 2 shows the appearance of the cell after fifteen minutes in distilled water.

diagram 2

Explain why the plant cell changed when it was placed in distilled water.

when a plant cell is placed in distilled water after being in a glucose solution, it absorbs water through osmosis,
leading to increased turgor pressure and cell turgidity.

[Total: 3]

14 Dialysis tubing is an artificial membrane, which is similar to the lining of the intestine.

A student investigated the diffusion of glucose through dialysis tubing by using the apparatus shown
in the diagram.

The student took samples of the water outside the dialysis tubing at 5 minute intervals and tested
the samples with Benedict’s solution. The results are shown in the table.
results of the Benedict’s tests on the water outside
time / minutes
the dialysis tubing

0 blue

5 green

10 yellow

15 red

Describe and explain the results shown in the table

because thanks to benedict solution we can see that in the solution there are sugars

15 The movement of sucrose in plants can be modelled using laboratory apparatus.

Diagram A shows the apparatus used to model the movement of sucrose in a plant:

• Partially permeable bags were attached tightly to the ends of tube Q.

• The bag representing a source was filled with a coloured sucrose solution.
• The bag representing a sink was filled with water.
• The containers and tube Q and tube S were filled with water.

diagram A

Diagram B shows the position of the coloured sucrose solution 30 minutes after the apparatus was set up.

The arrows show the direction of the movement of the liquids.

diagram B

In plants the movement of sucrose is usually continuous. However, after 2 hours the movement of sucrose
in tube Q in diagram B stopped.

Suggest why the movement of sucrose in tube Q stopped.

thanks to the establishment of osmotic equilibrium between the sucrose solution in the bag and the surrounding water
in tube Q.

[Total: 1]

16 The photograph shows part of a cross-section of the stem of a young sunflower plant.

Explain how the cells in area Y are able to support the stem so that it stays upright.

turgor pressure

[Total: 3]

17 The ratio of the surface area to the volume of a cell affects the rate of diffusion of a substance into
the cell.

The results of an investigation on diffusion into a cube-shaped cell are shown in the table below.

Complete the table. One of the rows has been done for you.

time taken for

surface area of
length of side of substance to volume of surface area to
2 3
cube / mm diffuse to centre cube / mm (total volume ratio
cube / mm
of cell / s 2
of 6 sides)

1 20 6 1 6:1

2 41

3 76


[Total: 2]

18 A group of students investigated the effect of soaking small onion bulbs in different concentrations
of sodium chloride solution. They peeled off the outer papery leaves of the onion bulbs and divided
the onions into 6 batches, each with 10 onions.

The onions were surface dried with paper towels and weighed. The mean mass of the onions in
each batch was calculated. The onions were then left in sodium chloride solutions for three hours.

After three hours the students surface dried the onions and weighed them again. Their results are
given in the table below.

mean mass of onions / g

concentration of sodium chloride percentage
–3 after soaking for change in mass
solution / g dm
before soaking
3 hours
0 147 173 +17.7

25 153 165 +7.8

50 176 172 −2.3

100 154 149 −3.2

150 149 142 −4.7

200 183 175


(i) Calculate the percentage change in mass of the onions that were in the most
concentrated solution of sodium chloride. Show your working. Write your answer in the
table above.


(ii) Explain why the students calculated the percentage change in mass of the onions.

to misure the osmotic effect

(b) The students plotted a graph of the results as shown in the graph below.




0 50 100 150 200

concentration of sodium chloride solution / g dm–3

(i) Complete the graph using your answer to (a)(i). [1]


(ii) Use the graph to estimate the concentration of the sodium chloride solution that has
the same water potential as the onions.

................................................................................................................................ [2]

[Total: 7]

19 The enzyme catalase is found in lettuce leaves.

A student investigated the activity of this enzyme by grinding some lettuce leaves and adding them
to a solution of hydrogen peroxide. The volume of oxygen produced was measured until the reaction

The student's results are shown in the graph below.

6 ××
5 ×
volume 4 ×

d / cm3


20 40 60 80 100 120
time/ s

(a) (i) Describe the results shown in the graph. You will gain credit if you use the data in your

as the time passes the volume of oxygen increase, until it reach his full capacity and it stops growing

(ii) Explain the action of enzymes during a reaction.

Enzymes play a crucial role in biochemical reactions by serving as biological catalysts, facilitating and
accelerating chemical reactions in living organisms

[Total: 6]

20 The enzyme lipase digests fats into fatty acids and glycerol.

Some students investigated how temperature affects the break down of fats in milk using lipase.

A pH indicator called bromothymol blue was used and the colour change was observed and recorded
every two minutes for a total time of 20 minutes.

The table below shows the colour changes of this indicator.

pH 6 7 8

colour yellow green blue

sodium lipase
milk and

cold wat er warm wat er hot wat er

Three beakers were labelled: cold, warm, and hot. One test-tube was placed in each of the labelled
beakers. Three drops of bromothymol blue indicator were put into each test-tube. 2cm
of sodium
carbonate solution was added to each test-tube and then 2cm
of milk was added to each test-tube.

Finally, one test-tube containing 3cm

of lipase was put into each of the three beakers. The
temperature in each beaker was measured and recorded.

The experiment was left for 5 minutes, as shown in the diagram above.

After 5 minutes, the lipase was poured from the test-tube labelled lipase in the cold beaker into
the other test-tube in the cold beaker.

This process was repeated for the warm beaker and the hot beaker.

The mixtures were stirred and the colour of the bromothymol blue indicator in each test-tube was
recorded at 0 (start), 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18 and 20 minutes.

The table below shows the students' results.

Temperatures times and colours

0 - blue, 2 - blue, 4 - blue, 6 -
ice and water = 4,
blue, 8 - blue, 10 - blue, 12 - blue,
14 - blue, 16 - blue, 18 - blue, 20
- blue
0 - blue, 2 - blue, 4 - blue, 6 - blue, 8 - green, 10 - blue, 12 - green,
room temp = 21,
14 - green, 16 - yellow, 18 - yellow, 20 - yellow
0 - blue, 2 - blue, 4 - blue, 6 - green, 8 - green, 10 - green / yellow,
hot water = 50,
14 - yellow, 16 - yellow, 18 - yellow, 20 - yellow

(a) Complete the table below to records the students' results.

colour of indicator
cold warm hot
time / min
.....4...... °C ......21..... °C ......50.....


(b) (i) Sodium carbonate solution has a pH of 8. Suggest why sodium carbonate solution was
added to the milk in this investigation.

Sodium carbonate solution is likely added to the milk in this investigation to maintain a constant pH
level in the reaction mixture [1]

(ii) State why the two test-tubes in each of the labelled containers were left for 5 minutes
before mixing their contents.

to allow the milk and other reactants to reach the desired temperature[1]

(iii) Explain why the colour of the bromothymol blue indicator changed during the

due to changes in the pH of the reaction mixture [2]

(iv) Predict the colour that you would observe if the experiment had been repeated using
water at 80°C.

Explain your answer.

the colour would be blue because there would be no enzymatic digestion of fats and no associated pH

(v) Suggest a result that may be anomalous. Give a reason for your answer. non capito

anomalous result....................................................................................................


................................................................................................................................ [2]

(c) State two variables that have been controlled in this investigation.

For each of these variables, describe how it has been controlled.

1 variable

ph of the reaction mixture...........................................................................................................................

how it has been controlled

by adding sodium carbonate solution.................................................................................................


2 variable


how it has been controlled


........................................................................................................................................... [4]

(d) Suggest two ways to modify this investigation to find the optimum (best) temperature for the
enzyme lipase to break down the fats in milk.




........................................................................................................................................... [2]

[Total: 17]

21 The rate of photosynthesis can be measured using the apparatus shown in the diagram.

The faster the rate of photosynthesis, the more gas bubbles are produced.

The table shows the results from an investigation using this apparatus.

distance of light source number of bubbles

from plant / cm produced in 5 minutes

5 74

10 75

20 35

30 15

40 5

50 1

60 0

Describe the relationship between light and the rate of photosynthesis shown in the table.

as the distance increases, the rate of photosynthesis decreases

[Total: 2]

22 The diagram below shows a leaf.


(a) • The part of the leaf labelled G contains no chlorophyll and is a white colour.

• The part of the leaf labelled H contains chlorophyll and is a green colour.

Glucose produced during photosynthesis is stored in the leaf as starch.

The leaf was boiled in ethanol to remove the chlorophyll. The leaf was then tested for the
presence of starch with iodine solution.

(i) Predict the colour of the part of the leaf labelled G after iodine solution has been added.

yellow................................................................................................................................ [1]

(ii) Predict the colour of the part of the leaf labelled H after iodine solution has been added.

red................................................................................................................................ [1]

(iii) State a conclusion about chlorophyll from this investigation.

where there is chlorophyll the iodine solution turns red

................................................................................................................................ [1]

[Total: 3]

23 A student carried out an investigation to find the effect of carbon dioxide concentration on the rate
of photosynthesis of an aquatic plant.
The apparatus that the student used is shown in the diagram below. The student was advised to
use a light meter positioned at the same distance from the lamp as the pond plant. The student
counted the number of bubbles produced by the cut end of the stem.

dilute sodium
movable lamp

stop watch

pond plant
0 cm 15

Fig. 2.1

(a) Explain why the student included the following in the apparatus.

(i) The beaker of water and the thermometer.

to maintain a certain temperature





................................................................................................................................ [2]

(ii) The light meter and the ruler.

to mantain a certain distance





................................................................................................................................ [2]

[Total: 4]

24 The diagram below shows a method of growing tomato plants without soil.

The plants are supported above a tank of mineral solution aerated by an air pump.

plastic support

air line

air pump mineral


Mineral ions from the solution enter the tomato plants and are transported to the leaves.

(a) Name the type of cell that is responsible for:

absorbing water and minerals into the plant;root hair cell.....................................................................

transporting water and minerals to the leaves xylem cell................................................................... [2]

(b) Tomato plants need nitrate ions and magnesium ions.

Explain why these ions are important for healthy plant growth.

nitrate ions

they provide the necessary nitrogen for the synthesis of proteins, chlorophyll, and nucleic


magnesium ions

they serve as essential macronutrients that play several critical roles in various physiological processes within

........................................................................................................................................... [2]

(c) The mineral solution in the tank is checked regularly to see whether more minerals are needed.

Suggest two reasons why it is necessary to continue to add minerals to the solution.


2......................................................................................................................................... [2]
(d) Tomato plants need potassium ions to form flowers and fruit.

The graph below shows the mass of potassium ions absorbed by the tomato plants when the
air pump is switched off and when the air pump is switched on.


air pump
total uptake
of potassium 150 air pump
/ mg switched o



0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0
time/ hours

The students needed two additional pieces of apparatus to take measurements so that they could
calculate the rate of transpiration from their results.

State the two additional pieces of apparatus the students needed to take the measurements.

1 ...............................................................................................................................................

2 ............................................................................................................................................... [2]

[Total: 2]

27 Scientists investigated the effect of cuticle thickness on water loss from the leaves of the balsam
fir tree, Abies balsamea.

The leaves were divided into three groups:

A - thick cuticle
B - medium cuticle
C - thin cuticle

Samples of leaves from each group were weighed. The leaves were placed on a tray in dry air at
20 °C. The samples of leaves were reweighed, at intervals, over 15 hours.

The scientists calculated the mass of each sample of leaves as a percentage of the initial mass.

The graph shows the results.


(a) Describe and explain the results shown on the graph.

as the time passed the mass of the leaves decreased











........................................................................................................................................... [5]

(b) The investigation was repeated on a day when the air humidity was higher.

Suggest and explain the affect that this would have on the results.

there would be a smaller percentage of mass loss beacuse higher air humidity would lead to reduced rates of
water loss from the leaves






........................................................................................................................................... [3]

[Total: 8]

28 A student investigated how light intensity affected the rate of water loss from a leaf.

Suggest two variables that the student would control in their investigation.

1 temperature................................................................................................................................................


2 humidity................................................................................................................................................

.................................................................................................................................................. [2]

[Total: 2]

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