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J. B. Mall


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Mind may doubt and heart may fail, when called upon to face new mode of thoughts. But
I am earnest, firm in conviction, will not retard, will never retreat a single inch whatever I
believe to be right. This scientific system of selection
spreaded its haphazard cuts and its causes due to its failure
which further challenged its suitability. This unsuitability
stood with its IInd challenge, which compelled the
psychologist and scientists to review it for its survival. This
system of selection was reinducted as a psychological
based selection due to tremendous efforts of the experts.
This system survived its new life which can be attributed to
its revival after the second world war of 1939.
The said selection system further imposed an ambiguous phenomenon as it remained
uniterpreted and unmasked. Gentlemen, you will feel pleasure and even I am proud to
appraise that this system of selection is one of the best in the world. First time, I am
presenting a trying package to explore and interpret it with Why ? How ? and What this
system of selection is ?
Since 1939, this technique is facing mutual conflict that—How to write ? Why to write ?
and finally What to write ? Thousand of my disciples including myself have faced number of
experts including INTERVIEWING OFFICERS, G.T.Os and Scientists. We all have
submissively made efforts during and after their conferences to make them spell; what to
write ? and why to write ? But always and every time they have been speaking with how to
write ? only. On open and humble request of aspirants to spell what to write ? and why to
write ?, they have always said ‘No’.
This conceiving and possessive concept of the assessors of this system revolutionalised
me and my mind, first to know the entire philosophy behind it and then to spell it to all of you.
Having gone into a lot of researches and having faced repression and supression on various
occasions, the entire philosophy of the SSB from ground to sky is being submitted which can
provide a true and rich guidance to make very good officer and even a very good citizen of
this country.
Luck extends opportunities while knocking the different doors, but destiny undertakes its
own turn and takes you to the place wherever it would like to pick you up. I myself having
been educated from HARE RAM PATHSHALA ·gjs jke ikBæk¥k] would hereby mean an
( iv )
interior or rustic primary and junior school where children are taught in a regional language)
plunged into the system in 1972-73 and stayed up to 1980. I distanced myself for a period of 7
years opting Semi-Govt. job as an officer. This destiny again dashed me to join this system
again in 1987. Since then, I have been burning my midnight oil to research, explore and
expose this system and with a concept to interpret What ? Why ? and How ?. The purpose
behind it, is to impart the real education/knowledge of SSB’s technique to all the men and
women aspirants in the interest of the masses and the nation atlarge.
The induction of ‘WOMEN COMMISSION’ being a brain child of the high policy
makers had been gathering dust and was awaiting for opportunity to plunge on the surface.
However, the first Gulf war broke out in 1991-92 and the U. S. army landed with its women
force to combat the war. Taking cognizance of this situational instance the high policy makers
of the Union Ministry of Defence inducted Women Commission in its three wings of the
armed forces in 1992. Since 1939 to till date whatever books or literature are available in the
market, are only useful for men. Women are taking the guidance from these literatures as
nothing is particularly available for them. I am extremely pleased to introduce this literature
for ‘WOMEN COMMISSION’ first time that is after 1992. These are available under chapter
2, lesson 21 and lesson 22 and further under chapter 4, lesson 2 in last pages.
With confiscated idea, the high policy makers of DIPR (Defence Institute of
Psychological Research) brought this screening into the system in the year 1988-89 on trial
and error basis for the period of one to two years. This screening is being called as mini SSB
as the main SSB system has been condensed into it. With my 40 years of experience, I can
dare to say that the technique of this selection is scientific and fool-proof and one of the best
in the world. But at the same time I am not convinced with the screening and on so many
practical observations, ups and down, it can be said that its not a fool-proof system whatever
reason it may have.
However, again no literature is available on the screening since 1988-89. I am again glad
to introduce sufficient literature on screening in chapter No. ‘1’. This literature of screening
will help you to reduce the bouncing from the first round and will enhance the
recommendation in the final round.
To the best of my capacity, experience, wisdom and interactional intellectual imagination,
I have knocked every unanswered question and have explained and interpreted your answered
versions. This literature, whatever I am providing can dare say that it is one of the best in the
To originate this literature, I am thankful to my wife and son who are no more with me.
The first and foremost to Mr. N. N. Sanyal who basically handed over this knowledge to me.
Apart, I am credited to Brig. B. C. Pathak, (Ex. President of SSB), Col. O. P. Bahukhandi
(Ex. President), Commander T. Chandra (Ex. Deputy President). Dr. B. C. Sinha (Ex. Chief
Scientist), Dr. A. K. Das (Ex. Chief Scientist), Col. D. Chaudhari (Ex. Scientist), Wing
Commander A. K. Srivastava (Scientist), Col. S. C. Basu (Ex. (Scientist), Wing Commander
( v )
B. C. Lathe (Ex. Scientist), Col. Mahinder Singh (Ex. G. T. O.), Col. Pankaj Mehra
(Ex. G. T. O.), Col. Kaul (Ex. G. T. O.), Col. Shahi (Ex. G. T. O.), Col. Baxi (Ex. G. T. O.).
I am thankful to all the visiting officers (who are the product of this academy) who have
been offering a good piece of suggestion and the latest technical knowledge for the
advancement of this system. These officers are Major Susmit Banerjee, Major Amit Verma,
Major A. K. Singh, Major Diwan Singh, Lt. Col. Amit Chaterjee, Capt. Shivendra Pandey,
Capt. Amit Tiwari and Flight Lt. Sudhaker Mishra. The Sr. Commanders of this academy
have been very much instrumental to help me to design the various tasks and diagram etc.
These dedicated people are Sri M. P. Singh, Dharmveer Singh, Shailendra Kumar. To collect,
prepare and Compile the various data the credit goes to Mrs. Sunita Tomar. Apart, the
motivational and encouraging officers are. Lt. Sunny Verma, Lt. Rana Shivam Singh, Sri
Ratnesh Ojha and Capt. Arpit Bhargava.
The most shocking cyclon and an unbearable setback has been the death of my wife, son
and son-in-law. Now the family which has challenged the society and undertook the
responsibility to care my life and limb is Mr. M. P. Singh and Mrs. Sunita Tomar. It could not
have been possible to bring this valuable literatures before the masses without them.

—J. B. Mall

Screening Defence Services and the I. Q. Factor
Lesson 1 : I.Q. 3–32
Lesson 2 : PP & DT (Picture Perception and Description Test) 33–54

Psychology of the Crisis Management & TAT
Lesson 1 : Crisis Management & Composition of Armed Forces 55–57
Lesson 2 : The Leader and The Led : Officers and Men 57–59
Lesson 3 : Creativity 59–62
Lesson 4 : Combination of Skill an d Will 62–63
Lesson 5 : What the Selection Boards Look in You 63–64
Lesson 6 : Individual Qualities 64–69
Lesson 7 : Group Qualities 69–72
Lesson 8 : Leadership Qualities 72–74
Lesson 9 : Approach of SSBs—How These Qualities are Tested 74–95
Lesson 10 : Preparation of SSB Interview 96–97
Lesson 11 : Call Letter-Journey-Reporting-Personal Information
Questionnaire 97–100
Lesson 12 : Psychological Tests 100–101
Lesson 13 : Projective Tests 101–102
Lesson 14 : TAT (Thematic Apperception Test) 102–104
Lesson 15 : What If Such A Person is not Available in the Picture ? 104–105
Lesson 16 : Long-term Versus Short-term Tasks 105–106
Lesson 17 : Resources 106–108
Lesson 18 : TAT Must Answer the Following 108–109
Lesson 19 : Add Power-Productivity-Depth And Span to
Your Imagination 109–111
Lesson 20 : Practice Stories for TAT 111–130
Lesson 21 : Pictures/Stories for WOMEN COMMISSION 130–138
Lesson 22 : Factorwise 12 Stories for Women Candidates 138–143
( vii )

Lesson 23 : Pictures/Stories for Male Candidates with Factorwise

Distribution and the O.L.Qs (Officer Like Qualities)
Projected by the Concerning Stories 143–146

WAT (Word Association Test)
Lesson 1 : Word Association Test (WAT) 147–149
Lesson 2 : Nature and Content of Stimuli in WAT 149–149
Lesson 3 : Some Possible Association with the Word ‘Problem’ 150–152
Lesson 4 : Word & Responses 152–152
Lesson 5 : Practicing the Words, Rules Response and Solutions 153–160

SRT (Situation Reaction Test)
Lesson 1 : Situation Reaction Test (SRT) 161–163
Lesson 2 : Structure of Situation Reaction Test 163–173
Lesson 3 : Nature, Characteristics and Content of Situations 173–174
Lesson 4 : Projective Tests 174–182
Lesson 5 : Mixed Situations 182–184
Lesson 6 : Good is not Even Good, But Bad is Very Bad 184–184
Lesson 7 : Why a Situation is a Situation.
Does it Qualify to Become a Situation ? 184–191
Lesson 8 : Explanation 191–198

‘SD’ Self-Description Test or Self-Appraisal Test
Lesson 1 : Self-Description and Self-Concept 199–199
Lesson 2 : Instructions for the Test and How to do Well in SD 199–200
Lesson 3 : Practice and Solution of Self-Description (S.D.) Test 200–201

You are in Action The Group Testing Series
Lesson 1 : Nature-Schedule-Characteristics of Group Testing 202–203
Lesson 2 : Tests in GT Battery 203–203
Lesson 3 : Stage I–Indoor Tasks : The Group Forms 203–204
Lesson 4 : The Average Officer 204–207
Lesson 5 : Courage 207–207
Lesson 6 : Personality and Qualities 208–210
( viii )

Lesson 7 : Know Inside of G.T.O. Testing 210–212

(Role of Group Testing in the Selection Board)
Lesson 8 : Pilot Aptitude Battery Test 212–214
Lesson 9 : Group 215–216
Lesson 10 : Tests and their Valuation 216–217
Lesson 11 : Formation of Group in Group Testing Test Battery and
Group Discussion 217–220
Lesson 12 : Practising the G.D. 220–221
Lesson 13 : Topics for G.D. 221–225
Lesson 14 : Group Planning Exercise : The Next Important Test
in the Series 225–228
Lesson 15 : Practicing Exercise of Group Planning 228–230
Lesson 16 : A Warm Sunshine Awaits You : The Outdoor Tasks 230–231
Lesson 17 : Categories of Outdoor Tasks 231–232
Lesson 18 : PGT (Progressive Group Task) 232–233
Lesson 19 : Practicing the PGT 233–233
Lesson 20 : Half Group Task (HGT) 234–234
Lesson 21 : PGT, HGT and Command Task 234–236
Lesson 22 : Practicing the Command Task 236–236
Lesson 23 : How to do Well in the Outdoor Tasks 236–237
Lesson 24 : Final Group Task (FGT) 237–238
Lesson 25 : Practicing the F.G.T. 238–238
Lesson 26 : Tests to Measure Individual Competence : Individual
Obstacles and Lecturette 239–246
Lesson 27 : Group Obstacle Race 246–246
Lesson 28 : Practicing the G.O.R. 247–247

Interview Technique
Lesson 1 : Common Misgivings About SSB 248–264
What ? How ? and Why ?
Screening Defence Services &
the I.Q. Factor
Lesson 1

The I.Q. tests were introduced in India after the second World War with the underlying idea of
selecting individuals with foresight. These tests have been updated and streamlined from time to time.
Through years of application this test has been perfected to the level that it is now suitable for the
selection of deserving candidates in government as well as in private sector jobs.
I.Q. Would mean the mental ability to solve the problems quickly & correctly
The Services Selection Board defines intelligence as the global capacity of the indivdiual to act
purposefully, think rationally and get along effectively with his environment. The test is now broadly
regarded as a test of reasoning.
The rate of I.Q. development during adolescence is much less than in childhood. Maximum I.Q. for
a given individual is attained in ages 7,14,16 & 18 years of age, depending on the relative position of
the individual on the intelligence scale of the population. A poet has put it thus : “He who is not
handsome at 20 strong at 30, rich at 40 & wise at 50, can never be handsome, strong rich and the wise.”
I.Q. Means to establish quick relationship between time and result achieved.

Intelligence Quotient
The mental age must be considered in relation to actual age in years and months if the I.Q. is to be
determined. A convenient device to show the difference keeping mental and chronological age is a
deciding factor, as age is not always the determined criteria to decide the I.Q. as individual is not the
same as his chronological age is. In case the mental age of an individual coincide, he can be termed as
having hundred intelligence quotient or in other words his I.Q. is 100. Therefore it follows that if his
mental age is lesser, than his I.Q. is less than 100. The entire process revolved on the assessment of the
4 | SSB

mental age and it is here that intelligence tests come into play as a mental of assessing the mental age
and quantifying the I.Q. with an expressed formula as under :
Mental age
× 100 = Intelligence Quotient.
Chronological age
In accordance with this formula, the term originally used for I.Q. was Brightness Index. It was the
American Psychologist L.M. Termon, who gave accuracy to the term I.Q. Which is a standfoot. Binet
test is a means of assessing the mental age as accurately as possible and today it is the most reliable test
for assessing and quantifying the I.Q.
Improvement in I.Q.

The degree of perfection varies from person to person. Hence, the I.Q. will remain different in
different person even after training. But the fact remains that I.Q. of an individual can be improved by
training. There are two kinds of I.Q. tests applicable in defence services. (A) Verbal and (B) Non-
Verbal. Candidates reporting directly to S.S.B. without UPSC written exams under direct entry schemes
are also being screened through I.Q. followed by screening test and rejected, if they do not acquire the
The verbal test pertains to General Knowledge, English, Elementary Mathematics, Science and
History. The non-verbal tests are related to circle, cubes, squares, mathematical figures and dices.
The aim of the test is to assess the basic intelligence, general awareness and ability to
correlate/distinguish/manage/feed the sequence and fill the gap.
Foolproof Screening Test for SSB
I.Q. Test Ist Series Non-Verbal Tests
“I.Q. is the indication of your intellectual strength and the questions are against the time pressure. It is your
mental ability to understand and solve the problems quickly and correctly, time pressure becomes the potential
source of stress in I.Q. test, it depends on your imagination.

The newly inducted screening test is almost a reasonably foolproof system of selecting deserving
candidates. Known as the mini SSB, it consists of three stages :—
1. The first among the series is I.Q. test, second is P.P. & D.T., (Picture Perception and Description
Test) and the last is G.D. based on PP&DT (Group Discussion based on Picture Perception and
Description test).
2. In this article, I will concentrate on I.Q. only and here I.Q. means only subjective one, whereas I.Q.
has got its two meaning—basic and practical intelligence.
3. Two I.Q. (Intelligence Quotients) test booklets are being circulated to the candidates under
screening tests. The set of booklet contains two bunch of I.Q. tests which are verbal and non-
Procedure of the I.Q. test and Screening test :
The new questions are designed in the following manner.
Relation based—
1. A is the father of B but ‘B’ is not the son of ‘A’ so B is (Answer is Daughter) Analogy (Pick the
Correct one)
2. If horse is to stable then bee is : to (a) Kennel (b) Den (c) Burrow (d) Hive (Answer is Hive).
Shelter Based.
SSB | 5

3. The sound made by a pig is—(a) Twitter (b) Neigh (c) Grunt (d) Bark.
4. Doctor is to patient so teacher is to…………………
(Answer is Student)
5. Lion is to den then dog is to ……………………
(Answer Kennel).
6. Cat is to mew so vulture is to ………………
(Answer scream)
7. 128,64,32,18,8,4,2,2. Options (a) 60, (b) 16, (c) 4, (d) 32.
Answer—18 Explanation–Every number in the series is proceeding in the following manner. 128 /
2 = 64, 64 / 2 = 32, 32 / 2 = 16 therefore 18 is the odd one out.
8. 7, 8, 12, 21, 37, 60, 80. Option (a) 8, (b)12, (c) 21, (d) 37, (e) 60.
Answer is 60.
Explanation—The difference between two adjacent numbers is proceeding in a series which is in
the following manner (1)2 = 1, (2)2 = 4(3)2 = 9(4)2 = 16 and so on, so the difference between 37 and
60 should be 25. Therefore 60 is the odd one out.
9. 9, 121,169,225,289.
Answer is “9”.
10. APPLE, BANANA, CARROT, PINEAPPLE. Answer is—Carrot (Remaining three belong to a
single family)
11. Jumbled words : EALENI PPP is a fruit, and you will have to write the last latter of the exact
word. The answer is ‘E’ as the word is Pineapple.
12. T O U Q B E is given to show regard and love, you have to write the second last letter. The word is
B O U Q U E T and the answer is E.
13. Jumbled Sentences : CHILD, SPARE AND THE SPOIL, THE ROD.
Answer is child.
Method : In these type of jumbled sentences first you will have to arrange the sentence and then
act according to the question. In these type of sentences, sense of context will only help you.
14. Logical Reasoning : Mohan is older than Ram, Shyam is older than Mohan, Ramesh and Ram are
of the same age.
Option :
1. Ram is the eldest one,
2. Mohan is older than Shyam
3. Shyam is youngest of all
4. Ram and Mohan are of the same age.
5. None of these Solution : Shyam > Mohan > Ram = Ramesh.
Answer will be 5 that is none of these.
OIR Tests [Officers Intelligence Rating Tests]—OIR tests are the test which are given on the
first day for screening in SSB. These tests are defined as verbal and non-verbal tests. Verbal tests
are those where language is used and in non-verbal tests where graphing is used. These test are
virtually I.Q. tests.
(i) Verbal Test—(i) Analogies—Analogies are the similarity between two same or different items.
(ii) Ex—If white is to Black then Vice is to virtuer.
# If ascend is to descend than what is to attack ?
(A) Defence (B) Withdrawal (C) Retreat (D) Escape
Ans. (C)
# If tomorrow is to yesterday then what is to Monday ?
Ans. Saturday.
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# If ABC is to XYZ the what is to FED ?

Ans. WVU.
(ii) Alphabetical Order—In these type of Question, Questions come on Alphabetical order of
Q. How does April come before March and Friday before Thursday ?
Ans. Dictionary.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
Q. Write the first word, middle word and last word from these words.
Ans. (i) Accident (ii) Account (iii) Accord (iv) Accomplish
(v) Accept
Ans. (v), (i), (iv), (iii), (ii).
Q. Last letter of the first word.
Q. What is that letter which is twelfth from left side and again from that position 8th right
side ?
Ans. T (iii) Jumbled words—Jumbled words are those words which the spelling is jumbled up but
a clue is given in the bracket to find out. What is the exact word ?
Ex.—NEP → PEN (Ans.)
MALP → PALM (Ans.)
Important Words—
Beginning (Start)
Pineapple (Name of fruit)
Efficiency (Perfection)
Statistics (Name of a subject)
Machine (Mechanical tool)
(iv) Jumbled Proverbs—In this type of questions the last word of the proverb is given to be a
Ex—Right might is → Ans—Right.
Sword the Mightier than is pen.
Ans. Sword.
# Necessity is the mother of invention.
# Slow and steady wins the race.
(v) Strangers and odd one out—This is found out by finding the stranger by showing
(a) Human being and non-human being.
(b) Animater and non-animater.
(c) Functional and non-functional.
Ex—Paper, Pencil, Fountain-pen and calculator.
Ans. Calculator.
Ex—January, February, March and April.
Ans. April.
Ex—August, October, November, September, December.
Ans. August.
SSB | 7

(vi) Ages—Basic Rule—There is no age difference between two characters in any age of life when
time differs.
Ex—Q. A father is twice the age of his daughter after ten years the age of the father would be
to what would be the difference between their ages ?
Q. Sum of Ages of two brothers is 45 one brother is elder to other by 7 years. What are their
respective ages ?
(vii) Coding—Coding is a language in which original word is coded and each letter is coded
differently to make a different word by following methods.
(a) Sucreating order—Ex—A boy is coded as CPZ then how would you code the word girl ?
Ans. HJSM.
(b) Preceding order—A boy is coded as ANX and how would you code the word girl ?
(c) Reverse Order—A boy is coded as you and code the word girl in the same order.
(d) Two or three words gap following the original letter.
(e) Two or three letters following the original letter.
Ex—A boy is coded as CDPQZA then code the word girl.
Ex—If love is coded as MNPQWXFG then code the word girl.
(xiii) Profit, Losses and Expenditure—A person goes out with certain amount in his pocket, he
spends 50% on his lunch and another 50% on the dinner, finally he uses left with Rs. 25 and 75
naya paisa.
(ix) Sense of direction, speed and distance—(i) Use of Pythagoras theorem.
Ex—Mr. X travels 8 km in north and then turns to right (east) and travels 4 km then he ends his
journey how far he is from starting points ?
Q. A person drives his car and crosses the electrical poles in one minute the distance between
two poles is 10 meter only what is the speed of the car ?
Ans. 59·4 km/hour.
Q. A person goes from his residence to office at speed of 3 kms per hour, reaches late by 8
minutes and if he increases his speed 4 km per hour, he reaches his office early by 2 minutes ?
X 5 x 2
Solution— – = +
3 10 4 60
Ans. 1·4 km
(x) Blood Relations—In this type of question a hidden blood relation to be found out by picking
up the right in the first line user by three choices given and finally this is connected to the right
choice by the three choices given there.
Non-Verbal Dices
Rule No. 1 Two Dices In case of two dices when two faces are common the
3 1 remaining faces are opposite to each other ∴ 3 × 4
1 S S 4

Rule No. II Two Dices In case of two dices when one face is common and its
2 4 position is also same the remaining corresponding forces are
opposite to each other 2 × 4 × 3 × 5, 1 × 6.
1 3 1 5
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Rule No. III Two Dices In case of two dices when one face is common but its
2 4 position is not same then all corresponding faces are adjacent
to each other ∴ 2–4, 1–3, 3 – 5.
1 3 3 5

Rule No. IV Two Dices when all faces are different in two dices formula
(A) (D) → T1 × T2 , L1 × R2, L2 × R1
T1 T2
(B)L1 R1(C) (E)L2 R2 (F)

Rule No. V Four Dices Method of Elimination adjacent faces. eq. opp. of
6 3–1, 2 (3), 4, 5 6 ∴ 3 × 4
3 1 5 3 2
2 4 5 1 3 6

Rule No. VI Four Dices Method of Elimination (Adj Faces) whenever

more than one face is left then find out step 1–Example Opp
4–1, 2 3 (4) 5 6
Step II Max. times faces 3 ∴ OPP 3-
5 1 2 (3) 4 5 6 ∴ 3 × 6 – ∴ 4 × 1
1 3 3 4 2
4 5 3 2 3 1

Rule No. VII Three Dices Method of Elimination (Adjacent Faces)

B C C E E B Step I B C D E F
Step II Max time Faces – B, C, E
∴ E A or A × E
Series—Series are of the following types—
(i) Letter Series
(ii) Figure Series—(i) Single Series (ii) Double Series
(iii) Circular Series
(iv) Graphic Series.
Letter Series—Letter Series move into ascending or descending order with uniform or changing
gap between the series.
Number Series—Added by 3 multiplied by 4.
1 + 3 = 4 × 4 = 16
2 + 3 = 5 × 4 = 20
3 + 3 = 6 × 4 = 24
4 + 3 = 7 × 4 = 28
5 + 3 = 8 × 4 = 32
Reverse Series 10 × 3 + 2 = 32
9 × 3 + 2 = 29
8 × 3 + 2 = 26
7 × 3 + 2 = 23
SSB | 9

6 × 3 + 2 = 20
5 × 3 + 2 = 17
4 × 3 + 2 = 14
3 × 3 + 2 = 11
2 ×3+2 = 8
1 ×3+2 = 5
Series—Square × 3 22 × 3 = 12
32 × 3 = 27
42 × 3 = 48
52 × 3 = 75
62 × 3 = 108
72 × 3 = 147
82 × 3 = 192
Practice— 33 + 3 = 30
43 + 3 = 67
53 + 3 = 128
63 + 3 = 219
In reverse order— 102 – 3 = 97
92 – 3 = 78
82 – 3 = 61
72 – 3 = 46
62 – 3 = 33
52 – 3 = 22
42 – 3 = 13
32 – 3 = 6
22 – 3 = 1
The number series move into increasing or decreasing order by gaps created into by base created to
do by addition, substraction, multiplication and division by other number.
(ii) In the number series the base number is created and supplemented by and added, multiplied,
substracted, divided etc. by other number.
Double Series—The double series move in increasing or decreasing order in which there are two
parallel series
Circular Series—The series move into clockwise or anticlockwise direction based on same
mathematical relationship which is in number series. When a circle is divided into different segments
there is a relationship between opposite segment on mathematical principle.
2 6

24 28

Note—Here in this question the some of opposite segment is 30.

Graphic Series—Graphic series move into increasing or decreasing order showing a tendency to
grow or change—
(i) A cross (ii) Triangle (iii) Square (iv) Pentagon
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Verbal Test of Intelligence

This test assesses your reasoning ability with the help of words and numbers. There are six
different types of question and their examples are given below :
Example No. 1
Tree is to leaves as Book is to—
(A) Paragraph (B) Chapters (C) Pages (D) Words
(E) Punctuation Answer to this question is words.
The letter (D) allotted to it has been written in the Answer Box opposite. (D)
Example No. 2
Permanent Means—
(A) Stable (B) Frequent (C) Never (D) Always
(E) Temporary
Answer to this question is stable. The letter (A) allotted to it has been written in the Answer Box
Opposite. (A)
Example No. 3
Which is odd one out ?
(A) Banana (B) Orange (C) Apple (D) Mango
(E) Cabbage
Answer to this question is Cabbage. The letter (E) allotted to it has been written in the Answer Box
Opposite. (E)
Example No. 4
Opposite of Night is—
(A) Dusk (B) Dawn (C) Day (D) Horizon
(E) Afternoon
Answer to this question is Day. The letter (C) allotted to it has been written in the Answer Box
opposite. (C)
Example No. 5
Which is second in the alphabetical order ?
(A) Groom (B) Grist (C) Grouse (D) Grieve
(E) Great
Answer to this question is Grieve. The letter (D) allotted to it has been written in the Answer Box
opposite. (D)
Example No. 6
Which number continues the series 6 8 11 15 20 ?
(A) 22 (B) 26 (C) 24 (D) 30
(E) 23
Answer to this question is 26. The letter (B) allotted to it has been written in the Answer Box
opposite. (B)
In all there are thirty questions in this test. You will get 12 minutes only to do them. Please ensure
to write your answer to the question in the respective Answer Boxes.
SSB | 11

11. Expensive is to Cheap as Tall is to—
(A) Large (B) Little
(C) Low (D) Few
(E) Small
12. Costly means—
(A) Valuable (B) Experience
(C) Scarce (D) Reliable
(E) Strong
13. Find the odd one out—
(A) Tree (B) Star
(C) Cloud (D) Sky
(E) Rainbow
14. Opposite of Brave is—
(A) Disloyal (B) Stout
(C) Determined (D) Cheat
(E) Coward
15. Which is fourth in alphabetical order ?
(A) Stop (B) Slow
(C) Scale (D) Stress
(E) Suppose
16. What number continues the series 15 17 19 21 23 ?
(A) 24 (B) 33
(C) 27 (D) 31
(E) 25
17. Air Force is to sky as Navy is to—
(A) Sea (B) Ships
(C) Lake (D) Yatch
(E) Submarine
18. Dynamic Means—
(A) Progressing (B) Resisting
(C) Changing (D) Running
(E) Decaying
19. Find the odd one out—
(A) Paper (B) Pencil
(C) Pen (D) File
(E) Knife
10. Opposite of Compact is—
(A) Brief (B) Elaborate
(C) Lucid (D) Abridged
(E) Clear
12 | SSB

11. Which is last in alphabetical order ?

(A) Stool (B) Staunch
(C) Strain (D) Stair
(E) Stale
12. What Number continues the series 1 1 2 3 5 ?
(A) 6 (B) 9
(C) 8 (D) 7
(E) 10
13. As Sculptor statues so Poet :—
(A) Story (B) Drama
(C) Novel (D) Verse
(E) Biography
14. Persistent means—
(A) Quick (B) Smart
(C) Firm (D) Doubtful
(E) Hopeful
15. Find the odd one out—
(A) Sixty Three (B) Eighteen
(C) Forty Five (D) Ninety One
(E) Fifty Four
16. Opposite of Group is—
(A) Crowd (B) Team
(C) Person (D) Mob
(E) Individual
17. Which is first in alphabetical order ?
(A) Progress (B) Proceed
(C) Procedure (D) Provocation
(E) Promise
18. What number continues the series 6 9 15 27 51 ?
(A) 102 (B) 99
(C) 89 (D) 78
(E) 105
19. Addiction is to Habit as Prediction is to—
(A) Prophecy (B) Astrology
(C) Fortune (D) Future
(E) Incident
20. Morose means—
(A) Repentant (B) Anxious
(C) Ugly (D) Gloomy
(E) Proud
SSB | 13

21. Find the odd one out—

(A) Horse (B) Camel
(C) Bull (D) Calf
(E) Mare
22. Opposite of infinite is—
(A) Correct (B) Definite
(C) Transient (D) Precise
(E) Permanent
23. Which is third in alphabetical order ?
(A) Abandon (B) Abdomen
(C) Acclaim (D) Abstain
(E) Arabic
24. What number continues the series 21 24 84 816 3216 ?
(A) 3264 (B) 1784
(C) 6236 (D) 6236
(E) 5379
25. Happiness : Enjoyment then Anxiety :—
(A) Worrying (B) Suffering
(C) Ailing (D) Repenting
(E) Crying
26. Frugal means—
(A) Sensitive (B) Miser
(C) Vigilant (D) Vain
(E) Careful
27. Find the odd one out—
(A) Occasional (B) Casual
(C) Probable (D) Seldom
(E) Often
28. Opposite of Atheist is—
(A) Pious (B) Saint
(C) Clever (D) Religious
(E) Devoted
29. Which is second in alphabetical order ?
(A) Ramaswamy (B) Ramavtar
(C) Ramgulam (D) Rambharosay
(E) Ramachandan
30. Which number continues the series 16 25 44 83 162 ?
(A) 166 (B) 348
(C) 321 (D) 224
14 | SSB

Non-Verbal Test of Intelligence

This test assesses your reasoning ability with the help of geometrical figures. In each given
problem, there are eight figures. The first two figures are related with each other. You have to look at
them deeply and understand the nature of their relationship. The third figure of the problem is related to
one of the five alternative figures, marked A, B, C, D & E in the same manner as the first two figures.
You have to find out that one alternative. Here is an example.
Example No. 1 Answer

In the Example No. 1 the first figure consists of a vertical arrow. The second figure of two vertical
arrows. The relationship between these two figures, therefore is that what is given in the first figure is
doubled in the second figure. In the third figure, we find one vertical line working on the basis of
relationship observed between the first two figures, the answer to this problem, is the alternative marked
A. Among all the five alternative marked A, B, C, D & E that is the only which has two vertical lines.
Letter A, therefore, has been written in the ANSWER BOX of this example.
Let us take one more example.
Example No. 1 Answer

In the problem given above, the first figure is a circle and the second is a filled circle of the same
size. The third figure is a square. What we require for answer of this problem, is, a filled square of the
same size as given in figure three. This is the alternative marked D therefore letter D has been written in
the ANSWER BOX of this example you will get only 10 minutes to solve 28 problem.
Please ensure to write your answer to the problem in their respective ANSWER BOXES only.


(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)


(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)


(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)


(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)


(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)

SSB | 15


(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)


(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)


(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)


(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)


(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)


(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)


(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)


(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)


(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)


(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)

16 | SSB


(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)


(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)


(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)


(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)


(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)


(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)


(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)


(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)


(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)


(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)

SSB | 17


(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)


(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)


(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)

I.Q. Test II Series Verbal Tests

Verbal Questions
No. of Questions : 50 Time : 15 Minutes
When alphabetical code values are assigned to the numbers.
Example—In a certain code, 3456 is coded as ROPE, 15526 is coded as APPLE then how is 54613
coded ?
(E) None of these
Solution. Clearly in the given figures, the numbers are coded as follows—
3 4 5 6 1 2
i.e., 5 is coded as P, 4 as O, 6 as E, 1 as A and 3 as R. So, 54613 as coded as POEAR hence, the
answer is (C).
* Directions—The number in each question below is to be codified in the following code :
11. In a certain code, a number 13479 is written as AQFJL and 5268 is written as DMPN. How is
396824 written in that code ?
(E) None of these
12. In a certain code, 15789 is written as EGKPT and 2346 is written as ALUR. How is 23549 written
in that code ?
(E) None of these
13. 64928—
(E) None of these
14. 879341—
(E) None of these
15. 184632—
(E) None of these
18 | SSB

16. In a certain code, 15789 is written as AXBTC, 2346 is written as MPDU. How is 23549 written in
that code ?
(E) None of these
17. If in certain language; 943 is coded as BED and 12448 is coded as SWEET how is 492311 coded in
that language ?
18. In a certain code, 15789 is written as XTZAL and 2346 is written as NPSU. How is 23549 written
in that code ?
(E) None of these
19. In a certain code, 33946 is coded as PPOAL and 1987 is coded as ROSE. How is 94678 coded in
that code ?
Directions—In a certain language, the numbers are coded as follows—
4 3 9 2 1 6 7 8 5 2 0
How are the following figures coded in that code ?
10. 3125—
11. 421665—
(E) None of these
12. 91352—
13. 439216—
14. 67825—
15. 720435—
(E) None of these
16. 55128—
17. 6650—
(E) None of these
SSB | 19

18. 67852—
(E) None of these
Directions—In a certain language , 36492 is written as SMILE and 058 is written an RUN. How
are the following figures coded in that language ?
19. 6458
20. 33980
(C) SLSNR (D) can’t be determined
(E) None of these
Directions—Read the following information carefully and answer the questions given below it—
(i) Six flats on a floor in two rows facing North and South are allotted to P, Q, R, S, T and U.
(ii) Q gets a North facing flat and is not next to S.
(iii) S and U get diagonally opposite flats.
(iv) R next to U gets a South facing flat and T gets a North facing flat.
21. To arrive at the answer to the above question which of the following statements can be dispensed
with ?
(A) None (B) (i) Only (C) (ii) Only (D) (iii) Only
(E) None of these
22. Whose flat is between Q and S ?
(A) T (B) U (C) R (D) P
(E) Data inadequate
23. The flats of which of the other pairs than SU, is diagonally opposite to each other ?
(A) QP (B) QR (C) PT (D) TS
(E) None of these
24. If the flats of T and P are interchanged, whose flat will be next to that U ?
(A) P (B) Q (C) R (D) T
(E) None of these
25. Which of the following combination get south facing flats ?
(A) QTS (B) UPT (C) URP (D) Data inadequate
(E) None of these
26. One evening before sunset two friends Sumit and Mohit were talking to each other face to face. If
Mohit’s shadow was exactly to his right side which direction exactly to his right side which
direction was Sumit facing ?
(A) North (B) South (C) West (D) Data inadequate
(E) None of these
27. One morning after sunrise, Reeta and Kavita were talking to each other face to face at Tilak square
of Kavita’s shadow was exactly to the right of Reeta which direction Kavita was facing ?
(A) North (B) South (C) East (D) Data inadequate
(E) None of these
20 | SSB

28. One morning after sunrise, Vikram and Shailesh were standing in a lawn with their backs towards
each other Vikram’s shadow fell exactly towards left hand side. Which direction was Shailesh
facing ?
(A) East (B) West (C) North (D) South
29. One morning after sunrise, Gopal was standing facing a pole. The shadow of the pole fell exactly to
his right which direction was he facing ?
(A) South (B) East (C) West (D) Data inadequate
(E) None of these
Directions—Arrange the given words in the alphabetical order and tick the one that comes last.
30. (A) Afford (B) Avoid (C) Answer (D) Awesome
(E) After
31. (A) Regard (B) Refer (C) Remind (D) Report
(E) Render
32. (A) Finger (B) Flourish (C) Formal (D) Forget
(E) Forgo
33. (A) Window (B) Marriage (C) Widow (D) Distress
(E) Matrimonial
34. (A) Demand (B) Destroy (C) Deterred (D) Direct
(E) Damage
35. (A) Cover (B) Collect (C) Caught (D) Callous
(E) Career
36. (A) Mother (B) Monitor (C) Monkey (D) Master
(E) Matter
37. (A) Language (B) Litter (C) Lieutenant (D) Luggage
(E) Landlord
38. (A) Eventual (B) Extra (C) Entrance (D) Exterminate
(E) Emancipate
39. (A) Separate (B) Settle (C) Suggest (D) Satisfaction
(E) Sundry
40. (A) Perpetual (B) Parachute (C) Paragraph (D) Pursue
(E) Programme
41. (A) Pillow (B) Institution (C) Examination (D) Inference
(E) Drive
42. (A) Hamper (B) Hesitate (C) Hectic (D) Hunter
(E) Hollow
43. (A) Television (B) Truant (C) Twist (D) Tension
(E) Teletext
44. (A) Determination (B) Destitute (C) Detergent (D) Definite
(E) Distance
SSB | 21

45. Lokesh’s school bus is facing North when it reaches his school. After starting from Lokesh’s
house, it turns right twice and then left before reaching the school. What direction was the bus
facing when it left the bus stop in front of Lokesh’s house ?
(A) North (B) South (C) East (D) West
(E) None of these
46. I start from my home and go 2 km straight then, I turn towards my right and go 1 km. I turn again
towards my right and go 1 km again. If I am north–west from my house, then in the beginning ?
(A) North (B) South (C) East (D) West
(E) South-East
47. A boy rode his bicycle north wards, then turned left and rode 1 km and again turned left and rode 2
km. He found him self exactly 1 km west of his starting point. How far did he ride north wards
initially ?
(A) 1 km (B) 2 km (C) 3 km (D) 5 km
48. After walking 6 km, I turned right and covered a distance of 2 km, then turned left and covered a
distance of 10 km. In the end I was moving towards the north. From which direction did I start my
journey ?
(A) North (B) South (C) East (D) West
49. If South-east becomes North, North-east becomes West and so on, what will west become ?
(A) North-east (B) North-west (C) South-east (D) South-west
(E) South
50. If ‘South-east’ is called ‘East’ ‘North-West’ is called ‘West’ ‘South-West’ is called ‘South and so
on, what will ‘North’ be called ?
(A) East (B) North-East (C) North-West (D) South
(E) None of these

1. (B) 2. (C) 3. (A) 4. (C) 5. (D) 6. (D) 7. (E) 8. (C) 9. (B) 10. (A)
11. (A) 12. (A) 13. (E) 14. (C) 15. (C) 16. (E) 17. (B) 18. (D) 19. (D) 20. (A)
21. (A) 22. (A) 23. (A) 24. (C) 25. (C) 26. (D) 27. (A) 28. (D) 29. (A) 30. (D)
31. (D) 32. (C) 33. (A) 34. (D) 35. (A) 36. (A) 37. (D) 38. (B) 39. (E) 40. (D)
41. (A) 42. (D) 43. (C) 44. (E) 45. (D) 46. (D) 47. (B) 48. (B) 49. (C) 50. (C)

Verbal Intelligence Tests

11. A meaningful word starting with ‘A’ is made from the first, the second, the fourth, the fifth and
sixth letters of the word ‘CONTRACT’, which of the following is the middle letter of the word ?
(A) C (B) T (C) O (D) R
(E) None of these
12. If the following scrambled letters are rearranged to form the name of a city, which letter will appear
in the middle ? AIDMURA
(A) M (B) R (C) U (D) D
(E) None of these
13. How many is are there in the following sequence which are immediately proceeded by 9 but not
immediately followed by 7 ?
(A) One (B) Two (C) Three (D) Four
(E) None of these
22 | SSB

14. Jaya ranks 5th in a class of 53. What is her rank from the bottom in the class ?
(A) 49th (B) 48th (C) 47th (D) 50th
(E) None of these
15. In the following question select one which is different from the other three responses.
(A) Addition (B) Subtraction (C) Multiplication (D) Fraction
16. A man goes towards East five kilometre, then he takes a turn to South-West and goes 5 km. He
again takes a turn towards North-West & goes 5 km with respect to the point from where he
started, where is he now ?
(A) At the starting point (B) In the West
(C) In the East (D) In the North-East
17. Which of the following cities is different from the other three ?
(A) Mathura (B) Varanasi (C) Nagpur (D) Haridwar
18. In the following question which pair of nos. is different from the other three ?
(A) 24–42 (B) 36–63 (C) 37–73 (D) 35–51
19. ‘Metal’ is related to ‘Sculptor’ in the same way as ‘Canvas’ is related to—
(A) Painter (B) Cloth (C) Colours (D) Painting
10. ‘Tree’ is related to ‘Forest’ in the same way as ‘soldier’ is related to—
(A) Battle (B) Army (C) Gun (D) General
11. A father tells this son, “I was of your present age when you were born”. If the father is 36 now,
how old was the boy 5 years back ?
(A) 13 (B) 15 (C) 17 (D) 20
12. The number of boys in a class is three times the no. of girls. Which one of the following nos. can
not represent the total no. of children in the class ?
(A) 48 (B) 44 (C) 42 (D) 40
13. A no. is greater than 3 but less than 8. Also, it is greater than 6 but less than 10. The no. is—
(A) 5 (B) 6 (C) 7 (D) 8
14. Which no. would replace question-mark (?) in the series :
7, 12, 19, ?, 39
(A) 29 (B) 28 (C) 26 (D) 24
15. Find the missing no. in the following series :
3, 6, 18, 72, ……
(A) 144 (B) 216 (C) 288 (D) 360
16. Complete the following series :
17. Complete the following series :
18. Find the missing character in the following figure :

? 8

216 27

125 64

(A) 4 (B) 305 (C) 343 (D) 729

SSB | 23

19. Rahul told Anand, “Yesterday I defeated the only brother of the daughter of my grand mother”.
Whom did Rahul defeat ?
(A) Son (B) Father (C) Brother (D) Father-in-law
(E) Cousin
20. If in a certain language, POPULAR is coded as QPQVMBS. How the word FAMOUS would be
coded ?
21. In a certain code, PAPER is written as SCTGW, How is MOTHER written in that code ?
22. IF DIAMOND is coded as VQYMKLV, how is FEMALE coded ?
23. If a = +
b = –
c = ×
d = ÷,
Then 18c 14a 6b 16d 4 = ?
(A) 63 (B) 254 (C) 288 (D) 1208
24. If – mean ÷, + means ×, ÷ means –, × means +, then which of the following is correct ?
(A) 52 ÷ 4 + 5 × 8 – 2 = 36 (B) 43 × 7 ÷ 5 + 4 – 8 = 25
(C) 36 × 4 – 12 + 5 ÷ 3 = 420 (D) 36 – 12 × 6 ÷ 3 + 4 = 60
25. How many 6’s are there in the following series of nos. which are preceded by 7 but not
immediately followed by 9 ?
(A) One (B) Two (C) Three (D) Four
26. Sugar is related to Molasses in the same way as Gasoline is related to ?
(A) Mine (B) Quarry (C) Drill (D) Petroleum
27. Earth is related to Axis in the same way as wheel is related to … ?
(A) Tyre (B) Car (C) Road (D) Hub
28. Complete the following series :
L X F, M T J, N P N, O L R, ?
29. What is the next no. of the series ?
4, 6, 12, 14, 28, 30, …
(A) 32 (B) 60 (C) 62 (D) 64
30. Find the missing no. in the following sequence :
1, 3, 3, 6, 7, 9, ?, 12, 21
(A) 10 (B) 11 (C) 12 (D) 13
31. Complete the following series :
32. In a certain code COMPUTER is written as RFUVQNPC. How is MEDICINE written in the same
code ?
24 | SSB

33. Arun said, “This girl is the wife of the grandson of my mother.” Who is Arun to the girl ?
(A) Father (B) Grandfather (C) Husband (D) Father-in-law
34. There are five different houses, A to E, in a row. A is to the right of B and E is to the left of C and
right of A. B is to the right of D. which of the houses is in the middle ?
(A) A (B) B (C) D (D) E
35. Complete the following series :
5, 8, 16, 19, 38, 41, 82, …, …
36. Rahul’s mother is the only daughter of Monika’s father. How is Monika’s husband related to
Rahul ?
(A) Uncle (B) Father (C) Grandfather (D) Brother
37. Complete the sequence :
38. If 2 ↑ 3 → 4 = 2, 4 ↑ 4 → 8 = 32, then what will be the value of 6 ↑ 2 → 4 = ?
(A) 9 (B) 10 (C) 8 (D) 12
39. If 4 * 2 @ 3 = 6, 18 * 6 @ 4 = 12. Then what will be the value of 24 * 3 @ 7 = ?
(A) 21 (B) 27 (C) 72 (D) 56
40. Complete the following series :
41. If 3 × 4 = 14, 5 × 6 = 33, 6 × 8 = 56, 9 × 5 = 76, then 3 × 9 = ?
(A) 39 (B) 93 (C) 72 (D) 54
42. Name the group of letters that is different from others.
43. If the following word would be arranged in an alphabetical order, which word will appear in the
middle ?
(A) Principal (B) Principle (C) Principia (D) Principled
(E) Priceless
44. If DELHI is coded as 73541 and CALCUTTA as 82589662, how can CALICUT be coded ?
(A) 5279431 (B) 5978213 (C) 8251896 (D) 8543691
45. If 5 years added to age of Mohan, he will be half his age. What is his actual age ?
(A) 60 (B) 65 (C) 70 (D) 75
46. Aluminium is to Bauxite as Iron is to …… ?
(A) Pyrite (B) Magnesite (C) Pyrelusite (D) Haematite
47. Spot out the odd in the following :
(A) 7, 21, 29, 49, 105, 147 (B) 13, 52, 40, 104, 156
48. Sadashiv remembers that Sanjay’s birthday is certainly after January 12 but not later than 16th
January. If Mehar remembers that Sanjay’s birthday is before 17th of January but not before 13th
January, on which of the following day was Sanjay’s birthday ?
(A) 14th (B) 15th
(C) 16th (D) Can’t be determined
(E) None
49. Orange is to Peel as Tooth is to—
(A) Gums (B) Clove (C) Enamel (D) Joints
SSB | 25

50. A girl introduced a boy as the son of the daughter of the father of her uncle. The boy is girl’s—
(A) Brother (B) Son (C) Uncle (D) Son-in-law
(E) Nephew
No. of Questions : 50 Time : 15 Minutes
Detecting the Wrong in the Series
In this type of series you have to find out odd figure from the series begins with un-lettered figure
followed by five figures, from (A) to (E) and then again an un-lettered figure, on extreme right. Out of
five lettered you have to find one odd figure.

(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)

Solution. In the above set of figures, the arrows are added to the right and left sides alternately.
But in the third figure the arrow which was to be added to the right side, has been added to the left side.
Hence, fig. (3) is the answer.
Directions—In each of the following questions, there are five lettered figures and two un-lettered
figures on the extremes. These seven figures form a series. However, one of the five lettered figures
does not fit into the series. The letter of that figure is the answer.


(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)


(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)


(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)


(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)

26 | SSB


(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)


(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)


(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)


(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)


(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)


(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)


(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)


(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)

SSB | 27


(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)


(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)


(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)


(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)


(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)


(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)


(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)


(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)

28 | SSB


(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)

Crossing One Element Of A Similarly Related Pair
This type of problem consists of four figures 1, 2, 3 and 4 forming the problem set and 5 others
marked (A), (B), (C), (D), (E) as answers. There is relation between 1 and 2 and there is similar relation
between 3 and 4. You have to find answer using the relation.
Example 1 : Problem Figures Answer Figures

(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)

Solution. Clearly, the right half of the figure is lost and the remaining portion is shaded to get fig.
(2) from fig. (1).
Similar relationship will give fig. (E) from fig. (3).
Hence, fig. (E) is the answer.
Example 2 : Problem Figures Answer Figures

(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)

Solution. Fig. (2) is the water image of fig. (1). Similarly, the water image of fig. (3) is fig. (B).
Hence, the answer is (B).
Example 3. Problem Figures Answer Figures

(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)

Solution : Clearly, the symbol inside the central figure interchanges position with the closed figure
at one of the corners. This figure encloses the centre figure. The arrow rotates 135° CW and moves one
and a half side of the square in CW direction.

(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)


(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)

SSB | 29


(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)


(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)

26. ?

(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)


(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)


(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)


(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)


(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)


(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)


(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)

30 | SSB


(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)


(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)


(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)


(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)


(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)


(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)


(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)


(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)


(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)

We are given figures showing various positions of a dice. In this we have to find the number
opposite a given number on the dice.
Example 1 : A dice is thrown four times and its four different positions are given below. Find the
number on the face opposite the face showing 2.
SSB | 31

2 1 3 6
3 4 3 2 5 4 2 4

(i) (ii) (iii) (iv)

(A) 3 (B) 4 (C) 5 (D) 6
Solution. Here, the number 2 appears in three dice, namely (i), (ii) and (iv). In these dice, we
observe that the numbers 2, 4, 1 and 6 appear adjacent to 3. So, none of these numbers can be present
opposite 2. The only number left is 5.
Hence, 5 is present on the face opposite 2.
∴ The answer is (C).
Example 2 : Shown below are, four different positions of the same dice. Find the number on the
face opposite the face showing 6.
5 6 3 4
6 3 1 3 4 5 2 5

(i) (ii) (iii) (iv)

(A) 1 (B) 2 (C) 4 (D) 5
Solution. In this case, the number 6 appears in only two dice from which we observe that the
numbers 1, 3 and 5 appear adjacent to 6, so that 2 or 4 can appear opposite 6.
So, we begin finding a number which appears at least in three of the given dice. 3 is such a number,
which appears in (i), (ii) and (iii). We observe in these dice that, the numbers 1, 4, 5 and 6 appear
adjacent to 3. So, they cannot appear opposite 3. The only number that can appear opposite 3 is 2.
So, 2 cannot appear opposite 6.
Hence, 4 appears opposite 6, so that (C) is the answer.
We are now in a position to solve the following exercise.
42. 6 6 5 1
3 2 2 4 6 4 4 2

(i) (ii) (iii) (iv)

Which number is on the face opposite 6 ?
(A) 1 (B) 2 (C) 3 (D) 4
43. 2 1 4 2
5 1 5 6 6 5 4 3

(i) (ii) (iii) (iv)

Which number is on the face opposite 4 ?
(A) 1 (B) 2 (C) 3 (D) 5
44. 5 3 4 2
1 3 4 5 3 2 3 1

(i) (ii) (iii) (iv)

What number is opposite 4 ?
(A) 1 (B) 2 (C) 5 (D) 6
32 | SSB

45. Two positions of a parallelopiped rectangle are shown below. When the number 3 will be on the
top side, then which number will be at the bottom ?

(i) (ii)
(A) 1 (B) 4 (C) 5 (D) 6
46. 6 5 3 2
3 1 2 4 5 1 3 6

(i) (ii) (iii) (iv)

What number is opposite to 3 ?
(A) 2 (B) 3 (C) 4 (D) 6
47. What number is opposite to 1 ?

(i) (ii)
(A) 2 (B) 3 (C) 5 (D) 6
48. In a dice a, b, c and d are written on the adjacent faces, in a clockwise order and e and f at the top
and bottom. When c is at the top, what will be at the bottom ?
(A) a (B) b (C) c (D) e
49. Two positions of a dice are shown. When 4 is at the bottom, what number will be on the top ?
1 1
2 6
3 5
(i) (ii)
(A) 1 (B) 2 (C) 5 (D) 6
50. 5 2 3 4
4 6 1 4 6 5 1 5

(i) (ii) (iii) (iv)

Which number is opposite 3 ?
(A) 1 (B) 2 (C) 4 (D) 6
1. (A) 2. (B) 3. (A) 4. (B) 5. (D) 6. (A) 7. (D) 8. (B) 9. (A) 10. (E)
11. (A) 12. (C) 13. (C) 14. (B) 15. (C) 16. (D) 17. (E) 18. (D) 19. (B) 20. (A)
21. (A) 22. (A) 23. (B) 24. (B) 25. (E) 26. (B) 27. (D) 28. (D) 29. (A) 30. (C)
31. (A) 32. (E) 33. (A) 34. (D) 35. (A) 36. (E) 37. (A) 38. (C) 39. (C) 40. (C)
41. (B) 42. (A) 43. (A) 44. (A) 45. (C) 46. (C) 47. (B) 48. (A) 49. (A) 50. (C)
SSB | 33

Lesson 2
(Picture Perception and Description Test)
Fair, unbiased and fool proof system of SSB is based on 7 selection determinants and 15 O.L.Qs to
examine the potent signs of an efficient defence officer within the period of 4 to 5 days. Now the whole
test spanning 4 to 5 days has been condensed in the form of a screening through which the candidate is
judged and assessed. Candidates are further screened by three or even more assessors who assess the
psycho-physical make up of the candidates by their actions and reactions.
The aim of this test is to choose the right material. It was introduced in 1998; on an experimental
basis for a duration of one or two years, depending on its performances an inference is drawn for its
future detainment and applicability by the high policy makers of D.I.P.R. (Defence Institute of
Psychological Research)
At present, the bulk of students approach the SSB after clearing the UPSC designed written
examination. For DIPR scientists, it is becoming quite hectic to test the large number of candidates
considering the job requirement of three wings of Defence Services.
Those, getting good jobs owe it to their intelligence, but it is seen that they fail to climb the success
ladder because their E.Q. (Emotional Quotient) gets disturbed.
Keeping this in mind and to enhance the strength of the three wings of the services DIPR has
designed screening system to test the I.Q. and E.Q. (I.Q. would here by mean the intelligence quotient
and further the E.Q. would mean the emotional quotient) and its equilibrium so that the deserving
candidates do not lag behind in achieving their ambition and to make the system more scientific and
fool proof.
Consequences of Screening Test
Till now, it is seen that the candidates who possess the flair of maths and with a science
background easily qualify the screening tests. Whereas the few testing booklets vary and repeaters are
well acquainted with screening system and also are familiar with the series of questions available in all
the centres, but it is not the case with the newcomers with the introduction of the new system the
difference in comprehension between freshers and repeaters will be made up and the real
intelligence/traits of a balance personality can be assessed thoroughly.
Applicability of The Test
It is seen that higher the age, less flexible the candidate is, and to mould the candidate of age group
exceeding 21 years is tough. Keeping this in mind this new method of testing is being introduced where
not only analytical skills are tested but also the balanced personality comes out, and the traits of an
individual can be well assessed infront of all the three assessors and decision is taken by psychological
group behaviour and communicating skills.
Scientific applicability related to the deserving candidates is more and transparency can be well
judged by the assessors.
Purpose of The Test
1. To induct more flexible, more trainable and properly balanced personality.
2. To determine the right traits/aptitude for the services.
3. To test the emotional quotient alongwith intelligence quotient.
4. To remove the veil put by coaching institutions.
5. To supplant the below/substandard candidates into deserving candidates.
6. To reduce the pressure on assessors as well as to the government exchequer.
7. To make three days a week for the assessors thereby reducing the psychological stress on them.
34 | SSB

8. To raise the level of aspirants.

9. To strengthen the combat forces of the country.
10. To change the stagnant old procedure.
Result Of The SSB After Commissioning Of New Screening Test
This new system is a step towards making system more fool-proof and those who naturally possess
the requirements of the services either by birth or had acquired with diligence will be easily
recommended by the selection centres. At present 70–80% of the candidates are screened out as they
are neither achievers in academic nor in outdoor activities. To improve the result now the candidates
have to introspect themselves along with sincere efforts and intelligent approach to qualify.
Why the procedure is applicable for NDA/IMA/OTA and other entries : If we test the
flexibility we will find that more rigidity does not suit the regimentation but degrades the emotional
stability as well.
An NDA candidate is immature, highly flexible, trainable and he can be easily moulded into the
regimentation system of the defence forces.
In IAF & Naval entry job requirements are different and in former SSB tests the flying aptitude and
in later besides technical apitiude, dynamism is tested.
As far as the IMA/OTA direct entries/university entries, women entry is concerned, maturity level,
social effectiveness, frustration tolerance is high and thereby E.Q. gets degraded and if candidates
possessing high I.Q. with low E.Q. are inducted, the level of officers in the services will degrade.
The intention behind this test is to sort out a balance personality possessing all the O.L.Qs.
Induction in NDA/IMA/OTA and in other entries are more thereby forming the 75% of the total
strength of the services and with high strength high profile prestigious jobs in the eyes of the country’s
men cannot be degraded.
How To Take The PP & D.T. ?
Interdynamic performances in total 3 tests under PP & DT at the acceptable level, makes an
aspirant to qualify the screening tests. Among battery of screening tests PP & DT is the most
important test of screening.
The fundamental aim of the PP & DT is to see and evaluate the degree and quality of perception
and observation. In all the SSBs, PP & DT is being undertaken mostly in a similar manner with minor
In PP & DT the candidate’s perception and observation is tested. You are given the time of 4 and a
half minutes. For half a minute you have to see the picture very carefully and you are not allowed to
write in this duration. The picture may be clear or slightly hazy and if you cannot interpret it clearly,
then your perception and observation goes wrong.
In the second step you have to write about the characters in the picture. You have to perceive their
age, sex and mood and then write the action, and don’t write the story into. And finally write the story
in the space given.
Difference Between PP & DT And TAT
Perception and apperception both are at sake in the SSB. Perception is an ability to perceive
whereas apperception denotes to the act and process of apperceiving. Perception is a backformation
after the concept perception, while apperception relates to the state or the fact of the mind in being
conscious of its own consciousness. You can’t appercept unless you perceive. Therefore perception
being the 1st stage of the psychological and mental process has stood up in picture perception test of
In PP & DT only one picture is projected and that too a hazy, semi hazy or may it be a clear one. In
that depiction you have to visualise or perceive the gap and interpret the image of character which that
picture is expressing. Since “clue” is very important phenomenon in PP & DT and TAT both, hence I
would interpret the clue as under.
SSB | 35

“Clue” means a gap or fact or a piece of evidence that helps to solve a problem or reveal a truth in
investigation or visualising a thing to land up to an amicable observation. It will further denote a word
or words indicating the answer to be inserted in a crossed puzzle or indication specially of solution of a
mystery or puzzle or a way of guidance. I will cite it as here under—
“In a hazy picture if a man
wearing a heavy cap is portrayed
and nothing is shown except two or
three persons in a jungle.” Here the
clue is “heavy cap” and heavy cap
of this type is used in horse riding
or hunting. Therefore, you may
project an idea of horse riding or
using the horse for any important
task or for hunting or to stop the
If a helmet is visible in the
projection, it means either the man is riding a cycle or ready or likely to drive the bike for any
emergency or important task.
If two or three persons are visible in a room and a telephone is depicted in the hanging position
(means receiver is detached from the box) then the story will circulate around the telephone and the
telephone is the clue.
In TAT you have to perceive then appercept to build up a theme as two kinds of TAT sets are
portrayed consisting 10 or 12 pictures and the last one is blank. TAT is a broader sense of apperception
but PP & DT is coincised sense of perception.
In both, PP & DT and TAT, analytical mind, reasoning ability (sensitivity of reasoning) capacity to
find and locate the clue and the interpretation of the same is must.
Interpretation Of Story In Screening Test
(a) What is the first thing you see in the picture or the first thought that comes into your mind.
(b) How many persons are visible in the picture.
(c) Their sex, age and mood.
(d) Actions being performed by them.
Visualization of the first thing and the reaction of the
first thought both are the same introspection which
indicates the varying reactions of the candidates. Reaction
means natural reaction which a common man rountinely
faces or reaction to the natural causes / reasons and
Depiction—A man aged 45–48 is seen with
depressed mood, keeping both hands over the forehead
and besides him a boy and a girl is standing aged around
14 are 18.
Reaction—Can you say that he is in happy mood ?
Due to the fast changing scenario of the SSB
screening test and keeping the rumour spread by the
selected/rejected candidates and stereotyped guidance being emphasised by the SSB books and various
coaching institution the boys are told to project the positive reaction. Now for the sound guidance of
youth a true interpretation of the phenomenon “reaction” is essential as SSB is entirely based on
reaction and reaction being prime factor, causes action. I would interpret reaction as here under—
Reaction is of three kinds (a) Positive (b) Negative (c) Neutral. Keeping mum without any face
impression is no reaction.
36 | SSB

Candidates generally act or told to act or indicate/follow positivity/instead of negativity. The

doctrine of natural reaction is to accept negativity, if the situation depicts and presently in the newly
inducted screening system positivity is rarely portrayed. Now the natural reaction of the candidate
should be to accept and mark the negative mood and reaction in the given space and the action being
drawn by the hero / actor should be so effective, organised and resourceful so he could switch over
towards the success through his dynamic and leadership qualities.
Here is toughening process and survival instinct only becomes instrument to lift at the
acceptable/workable success in depressive, negative and in situations of duress.
To facilitate the PP sample is being given :
Name, Batch No.
SSB Chest No.
Action : (1) Thinking (what they are thinking)
(2) Discussing (what ?)
(3) Helping (why and to whom)
(4) Attacking (why and to whom etc.)
Story : Here you are to write story
Indications :
‘M’ for Male
‘F’ for Female
‘+’ Positive
‘–’ Negative
O Neutral or no reaction
? means, can’t say.
Timing—30 seconds to see the perception/image/scene, 1 minute to determine the sex, age, mood
and write the action and within 3 minutes write any story resembling to the situation portrayed in the

All about Picture Perception & Description or Discussion Test

The picture perception & Description Test (PP&DT), the third and most important test in mini
SSB, has come to stay as a major tool for distinguishing between deserving and non-deserving aspirants
for the further steps of selection for commissioning in the armed forces.
The Defence Institute of Psychological Research (DIPR) earlier known as DPR (Defence
Psychological Research), has to play a major role to ensure that the tests are updated and modernised to
meet the advancement in the thought process of the present generation. The DIPR holds the All India
Standardisation Conference for the selection of officer in the Armed forces annually at one of the three
selection centres namely. S.S.B. South Bangalore, S.S.B. Central Bhopal and S.S.B. East Allahabad for
Selection is a game of attitude, so it is a matter of only 4 to 5 days at the SSB, including the event of
screening. One must have a little brain and a little heart. The basic requirement of the system is an
average brain with lucid and cogent language (language here does not mean only English, it means.
English or Hindi or (Under exceptional, changed and varied circumstances) English into Hindi or
Hindi into English. They must have dedication, and full faith on the following aspects.
SSB | 37

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

Dedicated Socially well Honesty Self-confidence Learning Attitude to
hard work adjusted attitude accept the
fault and
overcome it

and so on.

(7) (8) (9) (10)

Attitude to live Imaginative and Dynamic Cosmopolitan
for group and resourceful
die for group citizen

Any one can act out for 4 to 5 days with the above mentioned parameters, if the initiation is honestly natural
then it circulates with your body system, then whatever you think, act, speak or perform will certainly land up
within the above mentioned parameter.

Refinement in Perceiving and Plotting the PP & DT.

Idea/Purpose of The I.Q. and PP & DT.
I.Q. test is conducted to determine intelligence. Although this I.Q. is an elementary analysis to prove the
subjective ability of an aspirant as without it, objective and projective performances are not perceptible.
Therefore, I.Q. has stood out as initial and basic foundation in battery of screening test in Mini SSB and is
carried out in battery of psychological test in the main SSB which determines the O.I.R. (Officer Intelligence
Rating) and OIR in turn becomes instrumental and sometimes the deciding factor when the discussion among
assessors emerge during conference. Hence, if one’s OIR is O.K. half of the battle of selection is won. This OIR
further becomes an instrument to your trainability. Better IQ strengthens an individual who consumes minimum
time for maximum. Emotional Quotient (E.Q) serves the idea to acknowledge the emotional reactions of a
candidate. Meaning thereby that how a candidate reacts to the facts of life and how and up to what extent he
remains cool and composed with emotional situations, causes and reactions. However the emotions should not
override your judgements, and this is a key factor in assessment of the ER, (Emotion Reaction).

The PP & DT has occupied a valuable seat in the mini SSB as it burdens the candidates to baffle the
observatory sense to catch the clue or gap.

How to Operate PP & DT

Consistency and consistent thinking becomes the extract of the psychological testing PP & DT is
an unitary formation in which the scientists of DIPR have tried to coincide/induct all the essentials of
38 | SSB

scientific system of the SSB testing. The aim is to draw the following traits, which may suit to the job
requirement :

(a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

Consistency : It can be interpreted as Perceptional Perception with Level and quality Capacity for
degree of density of combination, or a ability imagination. of intelligence. observation.
thing, matter or substance cogently
composed of or compatible or constant
to the same principle pattern or style, if
at one stage you are conservative and
at second stage you are liberal means (f) (g)
your views lack consistency, A degree
of thickness, firmness or solidity. A Principle of coherence A sound and balanced
person is not deemed to be consistent or sequence. application of doctrine
if at first he condemns and second of positivism and
stage he praises. optimism.

Doctorine of Optimism
It refers to the most favourable conditions or best compromise and further it denotes the helpful
view or disposition tendency or inclination of favourable out come. An increasing tendency of
confidence in success, a belief that good will triumph over evil in the end.



SSB Screening Test GD on PP & D.T.

As soon as the PP & DT is over and the candidates are made to sit in a semi circle, 3 or more
assessors start watching/confirming to conclude the performance and potential of the candidates. The
candidate’s performance is bound to deteriorate and this may be one of the major factor for a large
number of bouncing and in turn it also becomes an instrument of recomendation for those who are cool
and composed and maintain their level of confidence.
Now it proves that leader and leadership both emerge from the problematic condition and in fact it
is the problematic condition.
In PP & DT. Test the monitor is switched on then soon a projection is depicted. Since PP & DT is
an unconscious test, hence conscious faculty of the mind goes-off and unconscious automatically
operates within the parameters advocated by the examiner (examiner here will mean either Technical
officer or the Psychologist whosoever will conduct the test). As projection is portrayed, a hazy; semi
hazy or clear picture will be on the screen for 30 seconds. This is how the candidates should proceed.
Perceive the person and situation around them and what action they are performing and how ?
failing to do this under the existing situation will put a question-mark against your imagination /
perception / sensational brilliance / observation and essentially your sensitivity of reasoning.
Why Only “Thought Provoking” Scenes are Portrayed in the PP & DT
SSB | 39

It is so because a depiction, scene or situational

crisis which stimulates and creates suspense on what to
do next, what will happen then, rather than one which
creates confusion and baffles the imagination and
perception about who is taking what steps and why ?

An example : Doctors Office in the hospital

One man is sitting in a suit, and another one is sitting

in white clothes, around the scene some people are also
visible like nurses, ward boys, the gender of other
characters are not clear and the picture is quite hazy and
confused one. Since an action is not clear in the said
depiction, hence it is hazy. Now this particular hazy
projection warrants an action and the requirement is to catch the clue and initiate the action. The clue
for the action may be a G.D. (group discussion) or discussion or may be planning to commence a
literacy mission or establishment of a library or removing illiteracy from the village or may be a plan
for vaccination.
You may perceive any of the above action or any other which your perception depicts :
Introspection is to be done on following lines :
(a) What led to the scene ?

It means what the surroundings need, demand or the situational crisis has compelled the leader to do so.
This is the first stage of the story termed as an introduction. The second stage is crisis (means how problem is
being dealt with or tackled in a practical, feasible and realistic manner).

The logic is linked with the introduction of the story

Mr. Deo a mobile medical unit officer while on way to Khema village on January 16 was messaged
to execute a polio vaccination camp at Kala village on January 17, 1999.
The dominating one is Hero and he is (Mr. Deo) a doctor and the “Polio Vaccination program” is a
situational crisis which has compelled him to discuss plan and decide the camping on January 17.
(b) What is happening ?

This is the second stage of the story, meaning thereby what the leading character did and why ? How and in
what way he is tackling the situation ? How and with what intelligence, planning, organizing ability &
determination etc. (with required leadership qualities) he is tackling or overcoming the situation ? Is it
practical, feasible, realistic or within the common reach and logical approach ? If yes then the crisis being part
of the story will be definitely acceptable. I will link this logic with the introduction of the story :

Factor IV Dynamic Aspect and Factor III Leadership Aspect

He immediately rushed back to the district hospital within two hours. He planned with C.M.O.
(Chief Medical Officer) and took with him one more doctor, 2 compounders, 4 nurses, 2 wardboys, tent,
buckets and other medical equipments and reached the village by night. Early in the morning they
installed two camps and without rest from 8 to 5 PM they kept on giving polio drops to infants and
children. A total of 350 children were given the polio drops, it became successful due to his efforts and
the co-operation of his staff.
The above description is a crisis or in the aforesaid was the hero who has solved or completed the
action with the support of his staff. The hero has solved the problem in a realistic way and has used the
potential and required O.L.Q’s and this story is acceptable.
40 | SSB

(c) What is the outcome ?

The process of inducting a hero or a leader with a job in a situational happening to perform the assigned
mission suitable to his calibre is an introduction. After being inducted into the problem when the hero has
solved it, a problem or job or task being tackled and solved in a realstic manner with effective application or
resources is a crisis and finally when he overcomes or solves, it is a pack-up or conclusion.



Now the second stage is determining the ‘sex’ of the leader and the subordinates. In most of the projection,
determinations of sex may puzzle you. In such a case you can mark ‘P’ means people.


OF YOUNG AGE (BETWEEN 30 TO 35, 25 TO 30, 20 TO 25).
The third stage is the determination of the mood, and for this use your practical intelligence and
worksense to decide it. If thought process is cohesive and the right cause is fought properly, which
consequently brings mission satisfactorily achieved then ‘Mood’ has nothing to do. But since mood
becomes determining factor for the action hence deciding mood becomes a logical requirement.
You will notice very less monitoring of happy mood, Some projections of positive mood but more
you will find in negative mood.

Happy mood probably denotes that the mission is achieved. The story pertaining to this aspect can
also give rise to an acceptability, if constructed cohesively and reassembled positively.
Example :
By this method you may also construct the story :
What is going to happen ? Means an introduction.
What is and how ? and for what it is happening will be the
crisis. And simultaneously what is the result, is a

Positive mood denotes a determined attitude to struggle and complete the action despite odds and duress.
Story of this aspect emerges as a good story.


SSB | 41

An ‘Action’ comes at the fourth stage. Action will

constitute and spell the main object of the story such as
laughing, running or jumping into the water is an action
but here the action should carry an indication of a mission
under PP&DT.
When any act will substitute or carry or attached with
a mission then it will fall under the logic of an action
which PP & DT demands :
Example :
When you notice or confirm the scene or crisis
‘Mood’ is made up then reaction comes when you move
with mood and reaction to attempt for a mission then
action constitutes.
Citations :
Why hero is laughing because he has won the match,
this will be the object of the story, hence the action will be
: hero is laughing as he has won the match. (Playing
match with winning attitude)
Suppose in a hazy picture a boat is i.e., being
capasized, this prevailling situation will warrant an action
form the hero, that is to jump into the water & to
complete the rescue operation. Hence, the action of the
hero is; he is about to plunge into the water to rescue the
victims. (Rescuing the drowning man)

The final stage is to plot a story which has been already described. Now there is difference between hazy,
semi hazy and un-hazy picture (un-hazy will denote the clear picture which are not confused and actions are
definite, clear and visible like mountaineering, scouting, fire, marriage, no vacancy, trekking, accident,
drowning scene, teaching, literacy mission, agricultural work, blood donation, rescuing a lady from robbers,
chain snachting etc.

In a hazy one you are free to interpret but in clear picture your interpretation is limited to the
portrayed scene. Further the hazy picture will facilitate you to choose the plot, interpret the character
and their action which can resemble to the plot to construct the story. Contrary to this, in a clear picture
your hero, story and characters will surround and move around the plot.
42 | SSB

A Final Confirmatory Test of Screening G.D. After PP & DT

Taking the sex, age and mood of the ‘Hero and the subordinates; followed by an action undertaken by them
into the consideration, the group has to arrive at a consensus, revealing the main theme, an object or the aim of
the story evolving a healthy & progressive discussion & resultantly reaching on agreed story by equal and
common contribution conclusively. The leader recommended by the group will produce the common story
before all the assessors and resultantly this becomes the sole factor for recommendation in the screening test.


The apex test graded as final test in screening is G.D. The principle of this G.D. is the same as the
G.D. conducted under the G.T.O. tasks as a 1st test of the basic series. The concept of basic series has
been well interpreted in G.T.O. Series in chapter ‘6’. The entire system of SSB has been divided in
three consecutive series

(1) (2) (2)

Basic series Confirmatory Final
series series

In a battery of psychological test TAT Thematic Apperception Test is a Basic series. WAT (Word
Association Test) and SRT (Situation Reaction Test) are the confirmatory series and S.D. Test (Self
Description Test is the final series. In G.T.O. Testing GD (Group Discussion), G.P.E. (Group Planning
Exercise, P.G.T., (Progressive Group Task), and G.O.R. (Group Obstacle Race) are the basic series. HGT (Half
Group Task), Individual obstacles, Lecturette and Command Task are regulated under confirmatory series and
finally the F.G.T. (Final Group Task) is undertaken in the final series. Similarly in the Interview technique
which is under the defintion of the system is called as ‘PC’ (Personal / Personalised Conversation). Here the
concept personalised will denote to your personal behavioural pattern, personal surroundings, involvements,
relations and personal touches and interactions. For example you, your involvements, your behaviour, habits,
personal reaches, attainments, you and your family, neighbours, relatives, friends, teachers, subjects, schools,
places, likings dislikings, bad and good points, your failures and your confession and admission. I mean to say
the things with which you are personalised or known or familiar. In Interview Technique your family
background becomes your’ Basic Series’. The friend circle, surroundings, schooling, hobby interest, liking,
disliking become your confirmatory series and the verbal painted situation or organisation and asking finally
about your good and bad points becomes your final or conclusive series.
On the basis of gravity and importance, this test assumes the potential and it serves the purpose of
confirmatory nature and usually turns to be a deciding factor in the ‘Mini SSB’. It becomes the
responsibility and obligation of the author of these series to clarify the basic concepts of both types of
G.D. One of which is conducted as final confirmatory test in the Mini SSB and the second one is
conducted as the 1st test among the G.T.O. tasks as a basic test under the basic series. At first stage, I
will clear the basic concept of the G.D. conducted by the GTO in the GTO task :—
G.T.O. undertakes the briefing and allots two controversial subjects, out of which, candidates have
to choose one by the majority consent. Having chosen the subject the G.T.O. repeats the issue once
again before the G.D. Commences. When the prescribed time is over (here the prescribed time will
depend over the size and standard of the group and the level of discussion) he undertakes the second
round of discussion. In this round the topic will be of his choice and this G.D. is called compulsory
G.D. It also carries the same time schedule as the previous one.
The Procedure of conducting G.D. in screening test is different as it is based on PT & DT. (Picture
Perception & Description Test). Under the rectangle of the circulated format, each candidate has to
complete the process of PP & DT. That is after determining the sex, age and mood & after writing the
action, the story has to be composed depending on the perception level and the portrayed scene.
SSB | 43

How to Succeed in G.D. ?

After having conducted the PP & DT, the cnadidates are given a break. When you are out side in
break, interact properly with the whole group, Know all about their stories, identify those points on
which consensus can be drawn easily. Further, convince the whole group to reach the consensus on
those relevant points. Never be rigid and give due respect to the majority responses. But at the same
time search the gap / clue where you can accomodate what you have percieved and written. While
actual presentation is in progress, the consensus should look like a product of the discussion done
only in front of the assessors and it should reflect that the group has already decided the consensus
story even before plunging into the real G.D. The consensus should be reached by a gradual effort
and not by a quantum leap.

My following story will suffice the requirement as warranted in the above description
Scene of PP&DT :—Some what hazy picture :
Housing scene, a mother, and a sister are standing at some
distance and a father is saying something to his son while
putting one hand over his shoulder and the boy at that
moment is looking down.
Action :—Hero decides to complete his B. Tech.
from IIT and will set an example.
Story :—REEMA village located in the interior of
Assam was badly flooded by Brahmputra river for the last
four years. Consequently, the survival of the villagers was
at stake Rupendra, after guided by his father & mother
and elder sister decided to pursue mechanical engineering
as a career and took the challenge. He boarded the next
train to Delhi; took 4 tutions dividing his time equally for morning and evening. Further, he joined a
group of IIT competitors, obtained membership from libraries, kept taking guidance from teachers twice
a week with his group. Finally he secured the 15th rank in IIT JEE.
This much story is enough but if you want and time situation permits you can aid further like
this :
After the completion of the course of B. Tech in NTPC Tanda with all the facilities and is happily
residing with his parents. Seeing his exemplary performance the youngsters of the village set out on his
foot prints. Be aware narration requires interaction. Narration which is not dubbed with pitch and
modulation while projecting with pauses, gaps and maintaining the eye contact and further rotating
from one to another individual in the group will not amount to narration as system requires. This kind of
narration will not create motivation and the interactional behavioural pattern. A narration with
fluctuation, stucks-up, fumbling or with a number of mistakes either in English or in Hindi will inflict
When G.D. starts, with majority consent discuss and draw consensus on Sex, age, mood, and
action. I will cite as here under to prove my point :
In this example the son is the hero and since he is an IIT aspirant, hence his age will range between 16 to
19. Therefore, draw consensus at 18. Mood has 4 classification ‘+’ positive, ‘–’ negative. ‘O’ Neutral and ‘?’
means can’t say or stuck up. In deciding the mood, have positive contributory discussion, I will link this logic
with the following citation :
44 | SSB

Discuss like this—Despite, a lot of trouble the father is not depressed and encourages his son to
bear the burden of life and he is ready to bear it to the best of his capacity. Therefore, father is in a
positive mood. Mother and sister are depressed with unbearable domestic Problems and secondary both
will get detached from him, hence they are in Negative mood. Son (means the ‘Hero’) under the
prevailing situation he is in negative mood that signifies that his family life is at stake, therefore he
takes the decisions on the spot to qualify IIT to set an example. The decision taken by him
becomes an action :
The major aspect which occupies the focal responsibility for the recommendation is that the group
has to reach a final consensus that is ‘Main Theme’ object or aim of the story. I will cite the same group
situation occurring in the test as here under’.
Take for instance—Chest no 1 says “that Indo Pak
cricket match of international importance is likely to be held
and the son is pursuing his father to buy a T.V. “Chest No. 5
says “boy (Hero) has qualified for N.D.A. father is
consoling, his mother and the sister is depressed seeing his
departure.” Chest No. 7 says “father is a farmer and unable
to pay back the Zamidar’s loan and wants his son to work
on his land and also carry on his studies.” Chest No. 3 says
“the son has qualified the NTSE (National Talent Search
Examination) and has been called for further studies at
Jodhpur on Govt. expense” Chest No. 16 says “son (Rohit is
the captain of the scout and will lead his team to
Uttrakhand to rescue the earthquake victims. His father is
encouraging him for the best and mother/sister are
depressed as he has never gone out of the house.” Similarly
Chest No. 4, 6, 9, 11, 12, 13 and others, if given the opportunity will come out with the stories, but it may and
may not happen under the prevailing situation as the group members will start shouting for a common story.
Now every candidate will be persisting to accept his story but the discussion again emerges quantifying out of
the above said themes which is a best plot and can be accepted and recognised as a common plot. Now chest No.
1 and 5 proposed that the plot of chest no 16 which relates to the rescuing of earthquake victims of Uttrakhand is
a good plot and can be accepted and agreed upon to produce a common story.
Now 5 to 7 candidates have agreed that chest No. 1 should produce the common story on the
plot of chest No. 16 and the common story of chest No. 16 is being read by chest No. 1 as here
under :—
Sex of the Hero is male, age 18yrs, mood positive, and the action is that he is likely to move to
Uttrakhand for the rescue operation of the earthquake victims. The sex of second one is also male, age
48, mood positive. The age of third one is 45, sex-female, mood-negative. The sex of 4th one is female
age 22, mood negative means ‘–’.
The Story is as here under :—
Rohit, captain of scout team of Govt. Jubli Inter College, Lucknow took the sponsorship from Lions
Club Lucknow to help victims of Uttrakhand. On Jan 1998 he boarded the train, alongwith 25 cadets,
with food packages, blankets winter clothes, medicines and other required items and reached Purwa
village of Uttarakhand on 2nd Jan, 1998. He immediately finalized the task and divided all 25 boys in 5
teams who joined the Govt. authorities and N.G.O.’s in the rescue operations. They stayed for 15 days.
Serving/nursing the victims, and enjoyed trekking for one day and returned happily.
Consequences or result of screening test :—
Analysis drawn on the basis of data collection is as here under : 4 kinds of results are being
(a) On lookers : are those who are sitting during testing hours as guests
and not contributing in the discussion.
(b) Contributors : are those who are initiating / involving themselves in the
G.D. (contribution here means positive contribution to
aid something to generate a healthy & progressive
SSB | 45

discussion. Here contribution will not mean an

opposition.) These categories are being recommended.
(c) Promoters : Those who initiate the discussion and also promote it
without dominating and ridiculing any one, are also
(d) Dominants and Over Dominants
: Promoters, sometimes, become dominant and till the
time they remain dominant without effecting the group
harmony and ridiculing others are also put under the
recommended list. The moment they become over
dominant they may not be accepted.
To become over dominant from the stage of dominant is a situational condition and it depends on individual
sensitivity, perceiveness, self-consciousness, self-control and emotional Intelligence.

Interpretation of acceptability :—
If a candidate of shy nature or semi shy nature becomes dominant or over dominant, resultantly it
will become the exposure for him but contrary to this if a dominant or exposed candidate becomes over
dominant then it may amount to the cause of his unacceptability or bouncing subject to the mobility of
the group members and their changing behavioural pattern.
P.P. & D.T. (Picture Perception & Description Test)
(III and Most Important in Newly Inducted Screening Test)

The second and interdynamic performances in total 3 tests at the acceptable grade makes an aspirant to
qualify the screening test. IIIrd among battery of screening test is G.D. on PP&DT, and after qualifying the
mini SSB, TAT (Thematic Apperception Test) will stand 1st among the battery of Psychological tests which will
part main SSB ? Now I will interpret how PP & DT is being conducted differently in different selection Boards.
The fundamental aim of the PP&DT is to see and evaluate the degree and quality of perception and
observation. In all the SSB’s PP&DT is being undertaken mostly under the same fashion/manner with
minor variations so that coaching institutions SSB aspirants (fresher or the repeaters) may not copy it
and the pattern may not fall under stereotyped category and the actual potential could be drawn upon.
How PP&DT is Conducted
There are nine selection boards for Army; located at three different places. Now-a-days PP & DT is
being conducted under three citations in a similar way. The following example will suffice your
I Citation : Now you are giving the test which is known as PP&DT. In this test we test
your perception and observation. You are given a time of 4 and 1/2 mintues.
For 1/2 mintues you have to see the picture very carefully as this picture may
be a hazy one. Please don’t write in those 1/2 minutes if you are not able to
perceive and observe the picture than your perception and observation goes
wrong. Now on the second step you have to write about the characters of the
picture. In the 1st site you saw the first person in the picture was your hero,
you have to perceive his age, sex and mood and make a circle in the
rectangle and observe the rectangle as the scene. Now the same will be for
the subordinates. Then on the right side of the rectangle write the action, and
don’t write the story into action and finally write the story in the space given.
II Citation : We will show a picture for 30 seconds. You will have to see it and write any
story resembling to the situation portrayed in the picture within 3 minutes.
Before, that you will have to write how many characters you have seen in the
picture, their sex, age and their mood and what is going on in the picture. We
will show one example, and after that your test starts. Now on the given
paper after filling the particulars you have to write a story.
46 | SSB

III Citation : This is the IIIrd phase in which we would like to know that what your
unconscious mind has told you. We would like you to give your natural
feelings. Don’t try to elaborate the picture but give a practical meaningful
story in the given blank paper. In the left side write the age, sex determined
by you & also write their mood ‘+’ for happiness, ‘–’ for seriousness and ‘O’
for neutral and ‘?’ means you are stuck. Time to see the picture is 30 seconds
and to determine sex, age and mood is one minute and to write the story in
three minutes.
For the adequate analysis/evaluation of the candidate’s personality a thorough analysis of
perception and apperception is being conducted in the SSB.
Differences between PP&DT and TAT

The common concept of perception is an ability to perceive whereas apperception denotes the act and
process of apperceiving. Perception is a back formation after the concept perception while apperception
relates to the state or the fact of the mind in being conscious of its own consciousness. You can’t appercept
unless you percept. Therefore, perception being the 1st stage of the psychological and mental process has stood
up in the picture perception test of SSB.

1. 4 minutes time.
2. minutes to see the picture. 1 minute to determine, sex, age, mood and an ‘Action’. 3 minutes to
describe the story.
3. Only one picture is shown.
4. Length of the story goes to 6 to 10 lines, it may be more depending on the communicating ability of
a candidate. (in words it may range between 40 to 60) words.
5. Here you are to describe the picture because it is Picture Perception and Description Test. In the
Services Selection Board some Assessors at the time of giving the instructions speak it as a Picture
Perception and Description Test and some pronounce it as a Picture Perception and Discussion
Test. Both are applicable ‘Description’ as well as ‘Discussion’.
6. The story in PP & DT is never meant for evaluation, it is only there to defend your perception and
arguments for the example what you have perceived ? How you have perceived ? How many
human figures you have perceived ? and after the perception, how you have determined their sex,
age, mood and action.
7. In PP & DT your narration and interactional behavioural pattern is more important rather than your
individual story.
8. If you are able to convince the board that how you have perceived two or three human figures, their
sex, age, mood, and action with means available like jeep, car, bike and environment like village,
forest, school etc. then you are acceptable. The homogeneous mix and sound interplay of
perception and observation produces accuracy in perception for the example a jeep is the jeep, car
is a car, motorcycle is motorcycle, it may be HeroHonda, Yamaha, Bajaj Kawasaki but motorcycle
can’t be a scooter or cycle or rickshaw. When G.D. is undertaken your perception becomes the
subject of discussion, if your perception becomes wrong then you have to face more disagreement
in discussion and that may discourage you or may deteriorate your confidence, therefore your
perception should be reasonable.
SSB | 47

1. Only 30 seconds to see the picture.
2. 4 minutes to create a story.
3. 12 set of pictures and the last one is ‘blank’.
4. System requires 250 words in 20 to 25 lines, but the minimum requirement is between 60 to 80
words and in 12 to 16 lines.
5. Here you have to write the story and not to describe the picture as it is Thematic Apperception
6. It is only for evaluation and in turn becomes the basic series in Battery of Psychological Test. This
is the only test where you get maximum opportunity to project your O.L.Qs along with the
behavioural pattern and it also becomes instrumental in your recommendation.
7. In TAT your variety of imagination is required and your story should be relevant to the situation.
You have to establish the logical connection between the situation and the point of start.
8. Here you have to write a story around the persons and the situation shown in the picture covering
three aspects; what led to the situation ? What is the situation ? and finally what is the out come of
that situation ?
9. TAT projects your personality in totality because it is purely an unconscious test.

In PP&DT, only one picture is projected that may be clear or hazy one. In that depiction you have to
visualise or perceive the gap and intepret the image or ideas which that picture is impressing. Since “clue” is
very important phenomenon in PP&DT and in TAT both, hence I would interpret the clue as under :—

“Clue means a gap or fact or a piece of evidence that helps to solve a problem or reveal a truth
investigation or visualising a thing to land up to an amicable observation. It will further denote a word
or words indicating the answer to be inserted in a crossword puzzle or indication specially for solution
of mystery or puzzle or a way of guidance. I will cite it as here under :—

If the helmet is only being visible in the projection, it means either the man with motorcycle is
ready or likely to drive the bike for any emergency or important task.
48 | SSB

If two or three persons are visible in a room and a telephone is depicted in the hanging position (means
receiver is detached from the crate) then the story will circulate around the telephone and the telephone is the

In TAT you have to precept then appercept to build up a theme, as two kinds of TAT sets are
Portrayed consisting 10 or 12 and the last one in both the sets are blank. TAT is a broader sense of
apperception but PP&DT – is concised sense of perception. As TAT constitutes various depiction like
confrontation scenes, drowning, no-vacancy, graveyard, scouting, combating, jungle, accident,
suspicious, hazy, ambiguous etc.
In both PP&DT and TAT analytical mind, reasoning ability (sensitivity of reasoning) capacity to find and
locate the clue and the interpretation of the same is must.

Interpretation of story in Screening Test

(a) (b) (c) (d)

What is the Ist thing you How many persons Their sex, age Action being
see in the picture or the are being visible and mood undertaken by them
1st thought which strikes in the picture
your mind.

Visualization of the 1st thing and the reaction of the 1st thought both are the same introspection
which evolves from the varying reaction of the candidate. Reaction means natural reaction to the natural
causes / reasons and in turn it becomes the actions. I will cite it as here under :—
Depiction : A man aged 45–58 is seen in a depressed mood keeping both hands over the forehead, with
down face beside him is standing a boy and girl aged around 14 or 18.
SSB | 49

Reaction : Can you say that he is in a happy mood ?

Due to the fast changing scenario of the SSB’s screening test and keeping the rumour spread by the
selected/ rejected candidates and stereotyped guidance being emphasised by the SSB’s books and various
coaching institutions, the boys are told to project the positive reaction. Now for the sound guidance of youth a
true interpretation of the phenomenon “reaction” is essential as SSB’s is entirely based on reaction and
reaction being a prime factor causes action.
I would interpret reaction as here under :—
The phenomenon reaction has been surfaced in the screening test as “mood”. Reaction is of three
kinds :

(a) (b) (c)

Positive Negative Neutral. Keeping mum
without any face impression
is not a reaction.
Candidates generally act or are told to act positively / instead of negativity. The doctrine of natural
reaction is to accept negativity of the situation which depicts depression or depressive mood and
presently in the newly inducted screening system the positivity is rarely portrayed. Now the natural
reaction of the candidate should be to accept and mark the negative mood and reaction in the given
space and the action being drawn by the hero/actor should be so effective, organised and resourceful so
he could plunge into the crisis through his dynamics and leadership. Here a toughening process and
survival instinct only beocmes instrumental to lift at the acceptable, workable success in depressive,
negative and in situation of duress.
Therefore, if portrayed image depicts negative mood then your hero has to perform the action inspite of all
the difficulties and trails, so he could land up to the successful conclusion. Here, the inference will be drawn by
the psychologist that the hero has accepted the real / existing or negative situation and struggled in such a
manner with all the capabilities which resulted in positivity instead of negativity.

Action :

(1) (2) (3)

Think Discussing Helping
(what they are thinking) (what ?) (why and to whom)
Attacking (why and to whom etc.)
Story : Here you are to write a story.
Indications : ‘M’, for Male ‘F’, for Female.
+ Positive –Negative
‘O’ Natural or no reaction and ‘?’ means can’t say.
Timing : 30 seconds to see the perception / image / scene. 1 minute to determine the sex, age,
mood and write the action and in 3 minutes to write any story resembling to the situation in the picture.
Projection of the screening sheets are of two kinds :—
50 | SSB

Action :— Batch No. …………………

Chest No. …………………

M- S-
A- Action :—
M- A-

In second kind of screening everything will remain the same, only there will be a big, small and
smaller points in the place of the circle i.e. :

M- Action :
S- Object and Resources :
A- S-
S- M- A-
A- M-
Story : ………………………………………………………………………
In some selection centres candidates are being instructed to write the object and resources below
the action which they perceive. See the example given above.

PP & DT (Picture Perception & Description Test) from Bhopal

Sudhanshu Kumar Tripathi
(Not Recommended) 29th Oct. 98–2nd Oct. 98

After completing the story, there will be a break for 20 to 30 minutes after that you will narrate the
story, when last man finishes then the G.D. starts.

0 Action :
25 24 24

Story : ………………………………………………………………………
17th Feb. 1999
From Allahabad
Now you are giving the test which is known as PP & DT, in this test we test your perception and
observation and you are given a time of 4 and 1/2 minutes. For 1/2 minutes you have to see the picture
very carefully as this picture is a hazy one. Please do not write in those 1/2 minutes, if the perception is
SSB | 51

not clear to you, then your perception and imagination goes wrong. Now in the second step you have to
write about the characters of the picture. At the Ist site when you see the picture you have to perceive
who is your hero, his age, Sex, mood and circle in the rectangle imagining this rectangle as frame of the
scene. Then write about the action and don’t write the story into action. And finally write the story in
the space given.
P.P. & D.T.
15 Assessors
Commander Singh
I am the deputy president not from this board. I am from Varanasi as here conference is going on, I
have a responsibility to know about your perception, imagination and your story. Here group testing
officers and many psychologists are sitting, they will listen to your story. Now gentlemen take the
initiative then chest no 9 will recite his story without reading then 10 and 11th and so on. After
finishing this, come to a conclusion with in 20–25 minutes.
Batch No.
Chest No.
M 1. Thinking
50 2. Discussing
M 3. Helping
45 (neutral) 4. Attacking
ve 5. Weeping etc.
Story : ………………………………………………………………………
Below the block you are required to write a story within 3 minutes.
From Bangalore
Prashant Dathwal (Not Recommended)
25th Oct 98 – 29th Oct 98
This is the IIIrd phase of your screening in which we would like to know that what your
unconscious mind has told you. We would like you to give natural feelings. Don’t try to elaborate the
picture but give a practical and meaningful story.
Picture :—
In this hazy picture a boy is standing, aged 30 to 35 and beside him a middle aged women is
standing at the right side. A young lady having the phone in her hand is standing.

From Allahabad
RACHIT SHAHINI (Recommended)
7th Nov. 98 – 11 Nov. 98. (Again appeared in 99 and Got recommended)
52 | SSB

The story may be of any kind but it is quite necessary for the group to reach consensus without
much debate. They would like to see your Co-operation, group harmony & the way you speak clearly
& confidently.
23rd Sept, 99 – 28 Sept 99
As above
SAURABH DUGGAL (Not Recommended)
22rd March 200 23rd March 2000
In PP & DT there was a man standing in front of a hut, who was only wearing a dhoti and behind
the hut there was fire.

From Allahabad
Rakesh Mishra (Not Recommended)
23rd Aug. 99 28th Aug. 99
Two men were sitting on a stone (Middle aged) & one young man aged 20–25 was standing before
them. All were trying to provide first aid to the lying in front of them. The picture was a bit hazy.

In this screening the pattern of determining the sex, age, mood, has been changed & the candidates
are required to view the scene & mark the area they have visualised in a rectangle like this
P Denotes to
M A Persons
SSB | 53

Suppose one has seen the entire scene then he has to cover entire rectangle like above.
Suppose one has seen one corner of the picture then he has to mark like this
Sex Age Mood
M 30
M 32
M 22

SUCHIVART SINGH (Not Recommended)

29th Oct., 99 3rd Oct. 99



BHASKAR SAXENA (Recommended)

18th Sept, 99 23rd Sept, 99

It was picture of a hut. On the backside there was a big fire. In front of the hut there were two men & one
woman. One woman & One man were standing near the gate & one man was making a ditch or a canal. Be
positive & try to make a constructive story. If you have no idea to make a constructive story then use
destructive idea in a positive manner. On this picture we can make a canal in constructive manner & we can
make a fire but in a positive manner as following. There was no development in village and ground was barren.
A villager cuts all useless plants,put them on fire and makes the ground fertile with his hard work. In PP & DT
we had to write Sex, Age, Mood, but the action not in the circle.
After completing the story, the GD starts, GD plays a main role for a candidate not to be
screened out. Don’t cut others point, put your own points only.

NITESH NAGPAL (Recommended)

1st March 2000—6 March 2000
What perceived from the hazy picture is that there were two male, one aged 25 and the other aged
35 with positive mood. I saw a video camera in the hand of a 25 year man.
54 | SSB

PREM SINGH MEHTA (Recommended)
23rd Sept. 99—28th Sept. 99
The picture shown consisted of three people helping an
injured man.
The story made by most of the groups displayed hero &
his subordinates rescuing a group of injured persons and then
giving medical aid to them.

In G.D. the main aim of candidates is to give logical

views in the form of his story & that too in a very decent
All the above names and incidents are real and the source of information is lying in the record of
the academy.

Psychology of the Crisis
Management & TAT
Lesson 1
Crisis Management & Composition of Armed Forces
Vibhishana was disconcerted when he saw Ravana mounted on a chariot and the Hero of Raghu’s
line (Ram) without any. His great fondness for the Lord filled his mind with diffidence; and bowing to
His feet he spoke with a tender heart : “My lord, You have neither chariot nor any protection either for
your body in (the shape of armour) or for your feet (in the shape of shoes). How, then, can you expect
to conquer this mighty hero ?” “Listen friend :” replied the all merciful, “that leads one to victory is
quite another. Valour and fortitude are of that chariot, while truthfulness and good conduct are its
enduring banner and standard. Even so strength, discretion, self-control and benevolence are its four
horses that have been joined to the chariot with the cords of forgiveness, compassion and evenness of
mind. Adoration of God is the expert driver; dispassion, the shield and contentment, the sword, again
charity is the axe; reason, the fierce lance and the highest wisdom, the relentless bow. A pure and steady
mind is like a quiver; while quietude and the various forms of abstinence (Yamas) and religious
observances (Niyamas) are a sheaf of arrows. Homage to the Brahmans and to one’s own preceptor is
an impenetrable coat of mail; there is no other equipment for victory as efficacious as this.
Listen O friend of resolute mind: The hero, who happens to be in possession of such a strong
chariot can conquer even that mighty and invincible foe, the existence in the world itself.
—Sri Ramcharitamanasa, Lanka Kand
I will exemplify with two examples—The first one will relate to the father of nation Sri Mohan
Das Karam Chand Gandhi who got India free without using any weapon. What he used was a Doctrine
that is principle of Non-violence. The second example will pertain to Sri Lal Bahadur Shastri who did
not use any weapon and conquered the emergent problem of striving, which our people were facing.
Another unimaginative achievement to defeat the Pak in 1965 with a Slogan of Jai Jawan and Jaikisan.
Before thinking of taking up a career in the Armed Forces, ask the following questions to yourself :—
● Do you understand the structure and role of the Armed Forces ?
● Do you know the role of an officer in the Armed Forces ?
● How is an officer in the Armed Forces different from his counterpart in civvies ? Civvies means civilian
clothing or a civilian or civil personnels.
● Do you know the qualities required to perform an officer’s role ? The interpretation of these qualities which
are 15 in number are called OLQs (Officer Like qualities). The inculcation, fertility, nurturing and finally
their enhancement at the optimum level rests on OLBs (Officer Like Behaviour) which constitutes
personality. And the SSB requires a right type of personality.
● How are these qualities acquired ? It is neither easy nor much difficult to acquire these qualities. On any
occasion or event of life, these can be acquired with dash application of three qualities :—
56 | SSB

By mere possession of these three qualities you can be an achiever in any field of life—

1 3

Determination Sense of Responsibility

Practical, effective and efficient

Crisis Management; System of a Nation

Security is one of the prime concerns of every state and society. No nation, state or society can
afford to ignore the possibility of threats from enemies; internal strives caused by disgruntled
elements, communal violence, breakdown of law and order, epidemics or natural calamities. The most
extreme form of emergencies come in the shape of aggression from an enemy, which could jeopardize
the very existence of the nation. Every country maintains a system of handling such emergencies.
Such emergencies can also be called as crisis. However it is not possible to predict the type, duration
and degree of crisis. So, a country has to remain prepared for emergencies of all types, from
simple to complex and from predictable to unpredictable! I will exemplify it as under—Maldives
did not have its own army. Maldives sought help when trespassers attacked. Our paraforces rescued
Maldives within hours, similarly the East Pakistan (Now known as Bangladesh) did not have its own
army. During aggression Pak army clutched the innocent civilians and subjected them to inhuman
torture and mass killings. Bangladesh cried for safety and shelter, for action at first instance we
deployed Muktivahini (Muktivahini was a deployment of the armed forces personnels in civilian
clothing) and later on army was pressed into the action. Consequently 93 thousand POWs (Prisoners
of war) surrendered and Bangladesh was rescued. We were blessed with a credit of being the first
country to recognise Bangladesh as a separate nation.
Let us not forget that crisis-managing agencies are only ‘consumers’. They do not produce
anything to benefit the society. To avoid wastage of scarce resources of the nation; distribution of tools,
weapons, training and expertise has to be tightly regulated. Our country has got a multi-tier system of
crisis management. At the bottom the system lays the volunteer Home Guards followed by the Civil
Police, Armed Constabularies and Paramilitary Forces. Armed Forces stand at the apex. The level of
skill, effectiveness, endurance and firepower increases from lowest to the highest in the hierarchy. The
Armed Forces thus have such skills and tools in highest quality and magnitude. In the event of any
emergency or crisis, a lower organisation is pressed into service initially. If it fails, the task is handed
over to the next higher organisation till it is achieved. The unfinished mission is handed over to next
capable agency. Armed Forces are called to manage the crisis only if all lower agencies fail.
Remember, the Armed Forces cannot hand over their unfinished mission to any next agency.
Nation is doomed if the Armed Forces too fail. I will cite an example from the opening address given
by one of the senior officer of SSC (Services Selection Centre) Central Bhopal for 116 IMA course to
prove the testimony of the above statement.
“Gentlemen, you should remember that you are aspiring to join an organisation which has no
parallel in our country. If you go by the recent communal riots in Gujarat, you can reaffirm your faith in
this organisation. There, when the situation went out of control, the state police machinery and
thereafter the CRPF, RAF and other security forces raised their hands up. It was then that the army was
pressed into action and the job which could not be done by 20,000 police personnels was successfully
undertaken by 2,000 army men.”
SSB | 57

Many of us think that fighting the war is the job only of the Armed Forces. No doubt combat is the
primary role of the Armed Forces. But fighting war is not the only role of the Armed Forces contrary to
the common notion. The Armed Forces are obliged to play their role of crisis management irrespective
of the sources and nature of crisis. Indian Armed Forces have saved the country many times in many
ways in the past, in addition to fighting wars.
Your chest must swell with pride that you have decided to join the highest agency in the crisis
management system of the country. Now, you can think once again whether you are a cut out for this or
Composition of The Armed Forces
Members of Armed forces wear uniform the world over. Can you make out from the uniform of
any member, and his position in the organisation ? If you observe carefully, you will find two categories
of members in the Armed Forces. The first category consists of those people who wear their rank
badges on their shoulders. Second category is of those who wear their rank badges on their sleeves.
What does this signify ?
Those who wear rank badges on the shoulders of their uniform are officers (including Junior
Commissioned Officers–JCOs). The other category of people is referred to as Men or ORs (other
ranks). Like Civil Services, Armed Forces too have a sharp division between officers and men. The
term ‘OFFICER’ refers to commissioned officers and excludes JCOs. Officers are commissioned
whereas ORs are recruited. Junior Commissioned Officers (or their equivalents in the Navy and Air
Force) are initially recruited who later are promoted on merit basis.
The place of rank badges symbolically communicates their role in the organisation. Officers are
‘responsible’ for the assigned tasks or missions. As they ‘shoulder’ responsibilities, they wear their
badges on their shoulders. On the other hand, men are the working force. They carryout orders given
by officers. Men are more involved with their hands and hence they wear the rank badges on their

Lesson 2
The Leader and The Led : Officers and Men
Officers give command to men. They lead their men during accomplishment of assigned tasks.
Leadership is a complex function. Behavioural scientists have adopted different approaches for
leadership to study the complexities involved in leadership behaviour. Sufficient here it would be to say
that in military the leader leads from the front and he is expected to be the best among his troops. He
commands respect by virtue of his position and qualities in equal measures. Secondly his leadership
qualities are best adjudged in the situation of crisis, which does not spare the life and limb of its
handlers. I will cite the true examples of few warriors whose deeds/sacrifies will prove the testimony of
the above fact. The first is Lt. Saurabh Kalia, second is Capt. Manoj Pandey and the third is Capt.
Vikram Batra and so many others.
The military leader does not give command from a safe and well-fortified den but from the
field where he and troops are exposed naked to dangers. Such officer is different from his civilian
counterparts in many ways. He is optimistic, cool headed, more poised; ready to strike, clear in
his priorities, stern to hardships but soft to hearts. He does not mess up during events that shakes
up people ordinarily.
● There is a Sharp Division Between The Officers and Men in The Armed Forces
● Officers Lead-Men are Led
● Officers Command Respect by Virtue of their Position and Qualities in Equal Measures
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Another quality that characterises a military leader is that they derive satisfaction out of
achievements of only hard tasks. Tasks that include some challenge, thrill or adventure. While a large
majority of others avoid involvement in difficulties, crisis leader prays on them for self-gratification.
A Crisis Leader Enjoys Hard and Adventurous Tasks
I will prove the testimony of the above with the help of my following article written by me which
subsequently got published in the Times of India dated August 19, 1998 on.

A Special Force of Indian Armed Forces
They are rugged, yet gentle and possess
the toughest mental Stamina. They can fetch
Laurel from across the horizons and protect
the interest of the nation from the clutches
of the deadliest enemy through their perfect
physical and mental Stamina. They are
endowed with the stuff, which can turn
dreams into reality.
Physically fit volunteers from the army in
the age group of 20–35 years can join the
Commando fold and carry out specialized
operation. They are trained to possess the
unmatchable instinct of survival and under
extremely severe conditions they produce
exemplary results which are for beyond
comparison. An aspiring Commando may be
required to walk 60 km in day with full combat
load and while he is at the end of his tether and
nearing the destination, and expecting a treat,
is told, he has another 10 km to go, due to the
changed circumstances, before anything is
available to him by way of replenishment or
other mode of transportation. Only the
mentally toughest can force himself to go on
surmounting his own ultimate threshold of
Expectations—Although the Commandos are taking high risk and forever in motion either in
training or in operations, there seems to be very little awareness amongst the general public about the
very specialist forces we have, due to their low profile attitude.
Only by media exposure the general public get to see that of the gun toting VIP Security elements
on T.V. and in newspaper. Notwithstanding that, the Army Commandos remain one of the most
dedicated, highly motivated and professional band men in uniform, the Indian’s can be proud of during
the internal security and the C.I. (Counter Insurgency) operations in past decade the commandos have
notched up an impressive tally of successes, be it in the operation in the valley, or in the North East or
elsewhere, they are the sharper edge of our army and will continue to serve the country with the utmost
dedication. They carry their logo ‘BALIDAN’ on their chest and are proud of the sense of sacrifice they
carry forever.
Observation !
What is the difference between a Soldier and a General ? Asked the Ustad of new recruits. No difference
Shriman, except that the General Sahib has a small tond (pot-belly) also, came the prompt reply.
SSB | 59

Qualities of a Military Officer

With clarity in our mind regarding the role of the Armed Forces and the officer cadre we must
understand the qualities that are needed in an officer. These qualities, in SSBs’ parlance are called as
Officer Like Qualities (the OLQs). We can be patient for the time being for the list of these qualities.
We must understand the concept of these qualities.
The task of crisis management involves two salient points :—
1. What is to be done to obviate/defuse the crisis ? (Problem Solving Skill)
2. How to do the needful ? (Organising Skill)

There is always How ? between the problem and solutions. Let me exemplify with following

graph Problem

How ? This ‘How’ aspect reveals your problem solving behaviour which
includes, what to do ? How to do ? and why to do ? This is known
as organising and execution stage which further reveals your
Solution leadership skills.

Problem Solving Skill

Ability to produce solutions of various types questions. It is the ability, which involves interplay of
many factors. Intelligence, knowledge, Information, past experience, Application, creativity and
imagination are a few of these factors. Another point to remember here is that the problems that result
into crisis are not academic in nature. They are problems of day-to-day life which may not always be
anticipated or prepared for. Combat situation is the ultimate test of an officer’s problem solving ability.
The element of surprise is a very significant principle of war. Surprise can turn the tables in war.
An officer must learn to surprise the enemy and not get surprised by the move of the enemy. This
necessitates a high degree of creativity.

Lesson 3
It has been proved by researches that creativity and intelligence have very peculiar relation. All
intelligent persons need not be creative, but all creative people must have a high degree of
intelligence. Creativity involves novelty; something beyond routine. While intelligence involves
the process of convergent thinking, creativity involves both the divergent and the convergent
thinking. Imagination and application make the core of creative behaviour. People with high
intelligence sense of creativity are not successful in military. There is a common misconception that
Army needs only a mediocre. The fact is just the antithesis of this notion. Military, perhaps need not
only intelligent but creative people. All intelligent persons need not be creative, but all creative
people must have a high degree of intelligence.
Crazy Solutions !
Santa—Oye Banta, imagine you are crossing a big river in a boat, which develops a small hole in the midway.
Water is coming in fast and unless something is done the boat is sure to capsize. Tell me what would you do ?
Banta—Simple yaar! I will make a bigger hole to let water go out of it !
Psychologists explain creativity as the ability to think fast, generate new ideas and deal with the
problems effectively. According to a workable definition, “Creativity is the ability or the capacity of a
60 | SSB

person to discover and explore new areas, to create or produce a new idea or theory or object including
the re-arrangement or reshaping of what already exists.”
The creativity of a military officer is never suppressed even in the face of a stress and extreme odds.

A successful military officer has creativity in a fairly high degree. The point to underscore here is
that his creativity is not suppressed even in the face of stress. The battle accounts of gallantry award
winners bear full testimony to this fact. This drives our attention to another quality of military officers
i.e. the emotional control or emotional maturity.
Creativity and Related Personality Factors
A creative person has a high level of psychological energy. This makes him a wanderer in his
conduct. He is freaky in his disposition. Creativity is seen in the intellect, dynamism and achievement
motivation. Creative people are sometimes branded as crazy, stupid, philosopher or jhakki. Ordinary
people as a routine tow the line of others whereas creative people generally avoid the beaten path. Plato
thought that a creative writer was the agent of a super power.

Crazy Obsessions !
Philosopher Kant had obsession to go for evening walk at a particular time. He would never deviate from his
routine; comes what way. His punctuality became the talk of the town. Once a man observed that Kant was late
by a few minutes. He went to him and told him about this. Kant asked for a time check and then the man found
that his own watch had stopped !

Photograph of Professor Kant

Torrance (1962) has compiled a list of 84 characteristics of a creative personality. Relevant to our
context are a few ones that can be associated with intellectual, leadership or dynamic behaviour. Some
of these are :—
SSB | 61

Intellectual Traits of Creativity are:—

Perceptive Self-discipline
Original/Non-conformist Self-confidence
Tolerance to ambiguity*
Curious Extrovert/open
Inventive and visionary Liveliness/Cheerfulness
Dreamer of fantasising
Dynamic Qualities Associated with Creativity :

Positive and energetic attitude towards work (all jobs are good; nothing is derogatory or
Adventurous and risk taker
Desire to Excel (achievement motivation)
Conscientious and tenacious
Stress tolerance.
* Tolerance to ambiguity reflects mainly on confidence, optimism, stress tolerance and other
dynamic factors. However, ambiguity can be tolerated by reasoning, inference and such like
intellectual factors also.

Proven Prudence !
According to a Hindi proverb, these three avoid trading along the beaten path—a poet, lion and a worthy
son. Originality or novelty adores a poet, marks the courage of a lion and reflects on the noble concerns of a
worthy son for his clan. The proverb reads–LEEK CHHANDI TEENAHI CHALEN, SHAAYAR SINGH

No Job is Good or Bad !

As newly commissioned officer Field Marshal KM Cariappa was given the appointment of Officer-in-charge
Band of his unit. Most of the officers found this appointment lack-lustre. Cariappa took over with whatever
mind but within six months his band was declared best in his Area.

Emotional Control—Emotional control or EQ (Emotional quotient) it has been proved by various

researches, is a better predictor of success. People with high EQ or emotional maturity have better grip
over their impulses, understand their own feelings well and show a great deal of empathy for the
feelings of others. Emotional maturity helps a person respond better to setbacks. A person with high
emotional maturity recovers from rejection earlier than a person who is low on it, is a better leader,
happier and well adjusted in social situations.
Three major dimensions are being evaluated—

1 3
Conscious intellectual Externalised emotions
Internalised emotions
62 | SSB

Expression of emotionality is learnt through environment. Indians, for that matter oriental people
tend to emote more than the western people. Their gestures, facial expression, tone and pitch of voice
and other related aspects of body language are louder and more emphatic than people from the western
countries. Show of emotions is unfavourable in many fields. Officers in the Armed Forces can ill afford
to express their emotions. It is better to remain unpredictable; stern faced rather than exhibit your joys
and sorrows in every situation. An expressive officer runs the risk of being vulnerable.

Lesson 4
Combination of Skill and Will
There must be a will to do and skill to perform. ‘What to do’ refers to problem solving skill of an
individual. Factors mentioned in the above paragraphs like knowledge, information, exposure,
imagination, creativity etc. do play their role in selecting a particular course of action for trouble
shooting. Problem solving is a skill. In the situation of crisis or war, skill alone does not help to defuse
the crisis. What is equally important is the ‘will to succeed’. This refers to determination of a person.
The core to this is a psychological factor ‘achievement motivation.’
The few examples will suffice your requirement—The question striked us, who will be the next
after Nehru; then Lal Bahadur Shastri won and recorded the race with a Slogan, ‘Jai Jawan and Jai
Kisan’ and even credited to win the 1965 war. Similar to this motivation we cannot forget the
unmatchable contribution and brain of Subhas Chand Bose who formed and organised Azad Hind Fauj
that too across the country.
Achievement motivation decides what is the minimum, which an individual must get to be
satisfied. This energizes a person to work hard in pursuit of his goal. A person with high achievement
motivation does not remain satisfied with success once. He will strive for still higher goals and will get
satisfied only when his potential is realised to its fullest. Captain Vikram Batra’s ‘Ye Dil Mange More’
is perhaps the best example of a soldier’s cravings to achieve higher and Yet, look for higher goals.
Nothing is highest for such a person because nothing would be left for him to achieve further. Success
is merely a journey and not a permanent destination for achievers.
Ye Dil Does Not Want More !
Bertrand Russell wrote once-Happiness lies in prospering and not in having been prospered for the man is
constantly striving and not like a boa constrictor that has his prey once a month and sleeps for rest of the time.

Key To Problem-Solving
Achievement Motivation

So much about the skill to solve the problem; crisis in our particular reference. We have to see the
second point raised in the beginning of the chapter i.e. the ‘How ?’ aspect of problem solving.
A great teacher and counsellor has said ‘winners do not do different things; they do things
differently’. The essence of this legendary phrase answers our second question concerning crisis
management i.e. “How to do ?” or the organising skill. ‘Quality’ of implementation is as
important as the decision itself.
SSB | 63

As mentioned earlier, the intellectual world today gives importance to EQ more than the IQ.
Further, the concept of SQ (Skill Quotient) has been added to this. You must have observed some
people are more neat and orderly. They do not mess up whereas others are clumsy, wasteful and rather
disorganised. Organisation does not only refer to skillful deployment and manipulation of resources but
also the ability to scan through the environment and observe, improvise or guess the availability of
necessary resources. Mental faculties like observation and imagination play maximum in honing the
organising skill. Of course training, exposure and richness of one’s childhood environment are very
important factors in shaping the organising skills.
Saving Grace !
Husband came late in the evening and declared that some highwaymen had robbed him on the way “They
took away my wallet, ring, wristwatch, documents and my bike also at knife point”, he told in a tired voice. “But
you had your pistol with you ……”, the wife was amazed. “That is saved sweetheart. Thank God, they did not
see that”, assured the husband.

Lesson 5
What the Selection Boards Look in You
Armed Forces are to perform the role of a saviour and hence any compromise on the quality of its
human composition would be suicidal. And it is for this purpose that the Armed Forces have adapted a
very unique and scientific method of selecting their officer cadre. We find all of you upto the mark of
a good gentlemen, but we cannot recommend everyone as we are bound under certain job
specifications. We also know that a cool minded person can give better responses/reactions to all
of our situations, but we only recommend those who come up out of extreme odds. This procedure of
selection has stood the test of time. It has proved effective, economical and easy to operate. But the
most important feature of this system is its uniqueness. Beyond every doubt this system has its
Psychological base , and further fool-proof and scientific. A person who does not get through

the fault is lying with him Not with the system . My following citation will exemplify the testimony
to the above scientific fact—
Our army has fought ‘5’ wars and has carried out a number of operations. These wars have been fought in
1947-48, 62, 65, 71, 1999 and a number of operations like operation Blue Star, Bajrang, Rhino, Khukhuri and
the Sadbhavana etc. But the largest operation we are carrying is insurgency operation since 1988. I am proud to
say that neither our system, Jawans nor our officers have yet failed, flopped or have been subjected to omission.

As any employer, Armed Forces also had tried different means and methods for selection of
officers cadre in the past. They earlier relied on traditional thought of ‘blue blood’ more than anything
else till about the early years of twentieth century. Then the rising temper of scientific probe swept the
world across. Scientific researches proved that it was not the heredity alone that decided the worth and
achievement of a person. His environment plays an important role equally. The interplay of heredity
and environment results into uniqueness of behavioural pattern of any person, which is referred to as
The Armed forces were the first among the few organisations to realise the fact that success of any
person depends on his behavioural qualities and hence thorough scanning of qualities must be made of
the job aspirants. Armed Forces refer to these qualities as Officer Like Qualities (OLQs). As of now,
the list of OLQs includes fifteen qualities. These qualities are grouped into four categories (Factors).
Lists of these qualities are placed below:—
64 | SSB

1. Effective Intelligence.
2. Reasoning Ability. Factor I
3. Organising Ability. Intellectual Factor
4. Power of Expression.

5. Social Adaptability.
6. Co-operation. Factor II
7. Sense of Responsibility. Social Adjustment

8. Initiative.
9. Self Confidence.
10. Speed of Decision. Factor III
11. Ability to Influence Social Effectiveness
the Group.
12. Liveliness.

13. Determination.
Factor IV
14. Courage.
15. Stamina.
A careful observation would reveal that the above mentioned qualities can further be brought under
two broad canopies i.e. Individual Qualities And Qualities With Reference To the Group. The above-
mentioned qualities can be rearranged as given ahead :—
Individual Qualities Qualities in Relation to Group
1 2 1 2

Intellectual Qualities Dynamism Social Adjustment Social Effectiveness

Factor I Factor IV Factor II Factor III

Lesson 6
Individual Qualities
Individual qualities are those which don’t need a social group for their effective expression while
qualities in relation to a group are quite different in nature. They cannot be seen without a background
of some social group. While solving a puzzle, a mathematical problem or other problem of such nature
the individual exhibits his own abilities. During the process of solving the problem, he is dissociated
from any group. He does not interact with others in his success or failure in problem solving. In simple
words, presence or absence of other persons around him is insignificant. Presence of other persons may
only increase or decrease his level of motivation and set. But the individual is generally free from
influence of group in a problem solving situation.
The other type of qualities is essentially in relation to some group as they necessitate interaction
with others in working out the solution. Effectiveness of a leader can never be judged in isolation.
Leadership and leader both emerge in a problematic conditions Similarly, effect of prejudices, biases
and preferences in social affiliations are seen only in social context. Probing of social qualities is an
SSB | 65

exclusive feature of the selection policy of the officer cadre in the Armed Forces. Living in group
and achievement through group efforts are the distinguished characteristics of the Armed Forces.
The troops derive the emotional succour and strength through group affiliation only. Besides this,
group norms and values provide the Forces a cause to live and die. A loner or eccentric person is
totally misfit in the officer cadre. Leader and leadership both are the parameter of a crisis leader.
The situation are created in such a way that the group has got no alternate except to throw its
leader up.
Now we will see the qualities in detail.
Individual Qualities
Intellectual Factor—Strength of intellectual faculty is very essential to solve any problem. It
is often heard among common public that the Army does not need intelligent persons. Sometimes,
even intellectuals misconceive and propagate this notion. As per common belief, intelligence is
associated only with academic ability and academic achievement. A non-achiever in the academic
field is not considered intelligent. SSB is neither subjective nor objective but it is a purely
projective technique, therefore whosoever will project nicely will get through only.
Armed Forces take the concept of intelligence in totality. Academic achievement reflects on
intelligence of a person in a limited way. Emotional intelligence, Social intelligence and Effective
intelligence are the other areas where intelligence expresses itself. Emotional intelligence helps a person
respond better in face of hurdles, failures, rejections and disapproval. In the above mentioned profile of
a military officer, it is associated with the Dynamism (Factor IV). Social intelligence makes a person
interact with others according to norms and situational requirements. Social situations sometimes
put great adjective demands on individuals where a wrong decision can lead to conflicts and
disharmony. It helps in social adjustment and hence is associated with the second Factor of an
officer’s profile.
I will cite an example quoting the third demand of the system, whereas the selection system does put
‘4’ demands. These demands should be met in a proportionate manner, nothing less or more. The third
demand is laid down as here under—
“One should have the capacity to care, share and command, at the same time he should or must turn
to be an authoritarian when situation demands.”
Associated with the first Factor is the Effective Intelligence. Besides Effective Intelligence,
Reasoning Ability, Organising Ability and Power of Expression are included in this factor. We will
understand these factors and their role in problem solving behaviour or the crisis management in the
succeeding lines.
Effective Intelligence is utilised in coping with practical situations of varying complexity.
Which subjects are to be selected at college, how to manage reservation for a long journey,
selection of a life partner, how to manage transfer at a desired place, how to substitute or replace
a missing or non- functional part of a machine, how to transport heavy bulk of household on
change of accommodation are a few examples of problems faced by any person in the routine of
his life.
In combat situation how to fox, outsmart or surprise the enemy is the primary professional
requirement. People having high academic or basic intelligence may not be able to produce solutions in
practical situations. Level of academic qualifications has hardly got any relation with this. Effective
Intelligence is related with the heat and dust of life.
You must have heard of some ‘intelligent fools’. Mohammad-bin-Tughlaq is the famous historical
example of an ‘intelligent fool’. Intelligent fools see only one side of the situation. An intelligent
person, in our context takes total view of the situation. According to one Sanskrit proverb
‘shastravadhityapi bhavanti moorkhah’. It means in spite of having read the shastras some people
remain blockheads. Renowned the world over. Panchatantra is basically a collection of stories to prove
the point that one may not be wise by merely reading the text-books. Some parents overstress the
66 | SSB

importance of academic achievements and they discourage their children to play, participate in extra-
curricular activities or socialise ‘coz’ that might be distracting. They forget that association with
practical life cannot be dispensed with. In practical life solutions are created or improvised.
Participation in games, cultural programmes and extra curricular activities help a person improvise
solutions, imagine better and scrounge ideas successfully.
Practical Solution !
Once Natwar Lal, the notorious fraud was apprehended by the Police and was being taken for interrogation
in the police jeep. He was caught with a box full of currency notes acquired fraudulently from some Bank.
Natwar Lal managed to open the box in some pretext and started flying currency notes on the road drawing
attention of the public. People ran amok to loot notes and a big chaos was created. everyone wanted the biggest
booty! Traffic came to halt. Leaving the box of notes open to the public he escaped watching people struggle
and fight for the biggest share from the god send gift !

Intelligent Fools
A story from the Panchatantra. You must have read the story of five fast friends; four of them were well read
while the fifth one could not study due to poverty. Once there was a big famine in their locality and they all
decided to go to another place in search of livelihood. While crossing a thick forest during their journey, they
found bones of a tiger. The four friends decided to try their book knowledge in reviving the dead tiger to life. At
the final moment when they were about to revive the tiger, their uneducated friend cautioned them against their
misadventure. When they refused, he climbed a tall tree for his own security. The educated friends brought the
tiger to life. The tiger attacked immediately and devoured them! The intelligent fools paid the heaviest price of
their life to test their textbook knowledge.
Reasoning Ability is the ability to grasp essentials well and to arrive at conclusions by rational
thinking. Reasoning ability includes receptivity, inquiring attitude, logical operations and selection of
priorities. Various sub elements of this factor are mentioned below:—
Receptivity is the ability to comprehend and assimilate new impressions. Contributing to this
ability are interest, attention and grasping power. Of course, Basic Intelligence, which is the ability to
perceive relations among objects, also contributes to a great deal. Receptivity however is affected
greatly by temporal factors. Receptivity is not ability to perceive but effect of many factors.
Inquiring Attitude Urge to expand one’s knowledge, information repertoire and explore one’s
surroundings result into inquiring attitude. Further, it is seen into the curiosity to obtain details of any
situation. By an active inquiring attitude, a person becomes precise, to the point and avoids living with
ambiguity. A successful commanding officer knows every inch of his territory and he has such a strong
information network that nothing remains out of his sight. Management by ‘wandering about’
prescribed for the heads of institutions is now a very popular method specially suited in the military set
up. Hallmark of inquiring attitude results in alertness to meet any eventuality. Anything unusual must
draw your attention. An ADSO (Air Defence System Operator) must be able to differentiate between a
friendly or hostile aircraft within twenty seconds from the first appearance of beep on the radar console.
One of the principles of war is the ‘element of surprise’. The enemy wants to catch you happening
and he will be successful if you are neglecting inquiring attitude and lie complacent!
Inquiring Attitude !
Santa Singh started his lessons in English but soon found himself amidst in an array of confusions. If a
vegetarian ‘eats’ vegetables, a non-vegetarian ‘eats’ meat; (non-vegetable) then a humanitarian must be the one
who…… Any answers ?

Logical Operation is done to reach the essentials, to weed the chaff from the grain and shift the
various elements in order of importance for achieving the best solution of the problem deploying
resources in the most economical way. Life is illusive in many ways.
Enemy is won not by strength or weapons but by understanding the moves of enemy and employing
better and illusive tactics.
SSB | 67

Important here is to note that logical faculties of a military officer must aid him fully during stress.
People tend to panic and in such a situation, they take leave of their reasoning power, start mixing up,
waste resources and cannot differentiate between shadow and substance.
Organising Ability ‘Plan your actions and action your plans’ is the classical wisdom that steers
anyone to success. The word ‘organise’ basically is related to the search, acquisition and deployment of
resources in action of the plan. In other words, organising ability refers to the systematic arrangement of
resources in order to produce effective results. Organising ability is the product of imagination. The
depth and span of imagination make it productive. Practice and exposure have favourable effects
on organising ability.
During the night roll call, the JCO of a paltan told his jawans, “Jawano, we are going for para jumping
tomorrow. Any doubts.” He roared ? “Usmen kya hoga janaab”, enquired Santa Singh ?
“O nothing”, the JCO explained . “You will be boarding an aircraft at 1000 hrs sharp with the parachute tied
on your back. The aircraft will take off and climb to the height of four thousand feet :, then the rear door of the
aircraft will open, and you will jump from the aircraft. The parachute on your back will open like an umbrella
and you will come down with ease. A jonga jeep will take you to your Mess. Wahan jaa kar daaru pee lena. Koi
shak ?” he again thundered.
Santa Singh was satisfied by and large, but he was not very sure, none the less. “Sir, what will we do if the
parachute does not open ?” Came a meek query from the soldier. “That is hardly any problem” assured the JCO.
“There is a standby parachute, pull the string like this and it will open. Do not worry. And now go to bed, you
louse,” commanded the JCO.
As luck would have it, Santa Singh’s parachute did not open. Tumbling down fast he tried to open the
standby parachute. Much against his expectations, even the standby parachute got stuck. Cursing his luck Santa
Singh whined to himself “JCO has befooled me today. he found only me to give those bloody non-working
chutes ! I am sure he has not sent the jeep also to go to the mess and enjoy my drink”.

Power of Expression is the ability to put across one’s ideas adequately with ease and clarity. The
key factor in the function of Armed Forces is ‘command’. Officers receive command from their
superiors and further pass on to their juniors. Good expression drives home easily and effectively.
Noteworthy here is that power of expression is not the ability to wield the language alone. It includes
the language of course, but equally significant factor is the arrangement of ideas (reasoning ability too
contributes a great deal) to make an effective communication. Any distortion in understanding or
communication of the message would ruin the plan or in other cases may be rather benevolently
favourabe to the enemy. Power of expression includes all forms of communication i.e. written and
oral of any medium.
Twisted Communication !
Message released by the Company Commander from battlefield-Send reinforcements; we are advancing.
Message received at the HQs-Send refreshments, we are dancing !

Dynamic Factor—Achieving desired goal is not a cakewalk. Hurdles, impediments, obstacles and
difficulties greet you on your way to achievement of your aim. That is why life is called struggle. How,
then is it possible to succeed in the word which is so difficult to live in ? We survive by our grit, spirit
to fight, will to achieve and determination to keep ourselves going even in face of extreme odds. This
requires lot of strength of mind and body. ‘Survival of the fittest’ is not just a theory of biology. It
amply explains the success and failures of human beings. A person in the profession of fighting must
have the highest degree of physical and mental power and energy.
Combat situation is a source of extreme physical and psychological stress. Only those, who have
high level of Dynamism, can survive the stress. Qualities related to this factor are mentioned further:—
Determination—People react to failures in different ways. Some fight till they succeed, some start
thinking of alternative goal while to lot many just drop their aim altogether. Determination is the
quality of not giving up. ‘When the going gets tough the tough gets going’, ‘winners never quit, quitters
never win’ are a few figures that explain the essential quality of determination in a warrior.
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Quality of Braves
According to Bhartrihari, the, the poet, philosopher and yogi turned king of Ujjayini, three categories of
people are seen in the world. The inferiors do not begin for the fear of failures. The mediocres begin with a
mission but leave unfinished facing hurdles. But great are those who despite being hit by obstacles and failures
continue their pursuit to succeed at last !

Determination implies fixedness of purpose, mental concentration and

strength of will. It includes inner motive power at the disposal of an individual. It
is the capacity to force oneself along when under pressure and urgency.
Ancient Wisdom !
In ancient India gambling was prescribed as a must game for Kshatriyas (the warrior class). According to
Mahabharata, Yudhishthir lost everything including his brothers and wife in a gambling match with his cousin
Duryodhana. Gambling instils the quality of taking risk with hope to win. Society discards gambling as a
deplorable addiction. But a warrior must have the addiction of victory !

Courage is the ability to appreciate and take purposive risks willingly. Ability to meet appreciated
dangers, spirit of adventure, and capacity to keep oneself composed in adverse situations are the other
shades of this quality. Courage has got two elements; physical and psychological. The important matter
to remember here is that physical strength has got nothing to do with the quality of courage. Physical
strength may be deterrent to the enemy for a while but courage is primarily a psychological quality. It is
associated with the cause or the values, which the warrior believes to defend.
Another area in which this quality is seen is the spirit of adventure. There are many adventurous
hobbies or sports like trekking, mountaineering, rock climbing, skydiving, river rafting, wind surfing,
hang gliding, sky diving etc. that involve fun and adventure in a single fold. Lot of physical and mental
grit and stamina is needed in these sports.
Mental Courage or Courage of Conviction is associated with faith in the cause for which one is
fighting. Fighting for a cause is not easy. Sufferors not only the person who fights but equally suffers
his family and dependents too. Children remain deprived of love and affection while the other members
of a fighter’s family undergo many hardships. Newspapers and journals are full of stories of the plight
of martyrs’ family members. While the fighter laid down his life in the interest of the nation, his family
members are left to fight with corruption, red-tapism, cruel system of government offices to get
compensation and succour.
To own up one’s mistakes too needs lot of courage. People justify even their wrong deeds
committed knowingly or unknowingly. They by habit shift the blame to others. A true warrior always
accepts the consequences of his acts and omissions gracefully; and is ready to suffer for them come
what may.

Think It Over !
A line from my school prayer book When I am in the wrong; give me the grace to admit it wholly; neither
offering excuses, nor trying to shift the blame… Make me more honest in my thinking; more charitable in my
opinions !

Stamina is the indication of endurance. It is the ability to work hard and consistently. Stamina, like
courage has two aspects—physical and mental. In other words stamina refers to capacity to withstand
protracted physical and mental strain.
Combat leaves lot of strain and stress on fighters. Physical fatigue, anxiety of injury and
death, condition of isolation, fear of being taken as war prisoner and subsequent treatment by
enemy forces and above everything the condition of ambiguity leaves lots of pressure on the
member of any fighting force.
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The importance of stamina; both of physical and psychological dimensions was best tested in the
two World Wars. Prolonged isolation and stress has resulted into many neurotic abnormalities and
psychological defence mechanisms. Those who were weak or less strong could not bear stress for long
and broke down with negative syndromes whereas those who were strong survived well; be it deserts of
Africa, thick forests and marshes of Burma or winters of Russia. It may not be out of place to mention
that many countries sent their troops only to honour their commitment of treaties with friendly nations
otherwise their troops did not have any apparent cause to feel victors or vanquished. The absence of any
convincing purpose or reason for the War made many fighters savagely insane and they perpetrated
such crimes against humanity that were beyond any stretch of imagination!
Not all have the ability to consistently work hard. Stamina is reflected in mental concentration
(ability to remain focused) during the performance of any job. Some people need rest and respite at
short intervals while a few others can maintain their concentration for long hours.

We Take A Short Break …

According to the opinion voiced by some senior psychologists, the present day TV culture brought by
private channels are spoiling the owner of concentration of the viewers specially of the younger generation and
more so of the children. When a two minutes of coverage is intercepted by equal time length of commercials;
the ability to grasp/receive input for a long time only weakens. Earlier, it had been proved by researches that a
thing presented in ‘whole’ are retained better compared to the presentation in parts.
Such an important medium of knowledge is conditioning people for receiving lesser quantum of input at a
learning session.

Lesson 7
Group Qualities
Qualities in Relation To Group
Social Adjustment “We must sail and sink together”; this proverb contains the essence of the
group living in the Armed Forces. Members of Armed Forces live in group, perform in group and
achieve in group. Group living provides emotional security and succour during crisis. Group also
provides identity and sense of pride. A soldier lays down his life for the sake of ‘izzat’ of his
paltan. No member of the Armed Forces worth his salt wants to be a cause of shame for his unit
and; it is for this purpose the cohesiveness and group morale are to be maintained at optimum
level. Qualities in relation to group are those that belong to living happily and performing one’s
role for achievement of group goals. This factor includes three qualities:—

Social Adaptability or Accommodating Spirit.

Co-operation, and

Sense of Responsibility

Social Adaptability is the ability of an individual to adapt himself to the social environment and
adjust well with persons and social groups with special reference to superiors, peers and subordinates.
Social adaptability includes social intelligence, attitudes towards others, tact and adaptability.
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Social Intelligence is the intellecutal ability applied in Social Field. It is the ability to
understand people and select appropriate response in interpersonal situations. A socially
intelligent person takes early start with strangers. He not only begins well but also maintains
relations for a long period and knows well when and how to part away. Social Intelligence is a
direct application of EQ (as discussed earlier) because in interpersonal situations understanding and
control of emotions play a great deal. Also, knowledge, information about society, its norms and customs
and maturity in expectations from others help in acquisition of social intelligence. It is often seen that people
with high degree of academic achievements are weak in establishment and maintenance of social relations.
Due to high achievement motivation in academic field, people ignore chances of socialisation. They think
socialisation is distracting and wastage of time. This philosophy results in making such persons
Aloo Fish and ecccentric in nature. Adding to this, dependence on personal likers and preferences,
generalisation of past experience, socially supplied prejudices etc. play their complex role in
social situations. Such things are detrimental to the making of a healthy Life in Armed forces
specially in the officer cadre needs a high level of emotional and social intelligence.

Getting clued up ?
A young officer was to go for a dinner party for the first time. The thought of interaction with ladies was
making him nervous because he never had such an opportunity ever in the past. So he went to his senior officer
for some practical guidance.
The senior was a seasoned man for occasions of this type. “That is hardly any problem young man, introduce
yourself and then ask the ladies about their marriage, children to begin with and just pick up”.
‘Marriage-children’ kept reverberating in his mind and he joined the party. Holding uncomfortably a glass he
found a lady very near to him alone. Obviously it was only a discourtesy to ignore her. “Ma’am, are you
married ?” the young man broke the ice. “No” came a cold reply from the lady. My first question was shot down.
The young officer felt more nervous.
Gathering himself, he thought of trying the other question. “Fine ma’am, how many children you have ?”
“Are you crazy ? How the hell you expect me to have children once I told you I am not married ?” The lady gave
him a devouring look and advised him to behave.
The frustrated young man thought of trying his luck with another lady, “Perhaps I have put my questions in a
wrong order with the previous lady and so she got annoyed.” With the revised sequence in his mind and a better
resolve, he approached another lady who was expecting someone to strike conversation.
The young man advanced and after introducing himself he asked the lady about her children first. The lady
was delighted and told about her three children at length. The young man listened without any interest but gave
no hint to the lady. At least the conversation was going on. Finally the lady stopped and between them loomed
an uncomfortable lull.
Now let me ask the other questions. Again the lady will continue her chatter, thought the young man.
Enthused about his success with the first question, he told “So much about your children ma’am. But tell me are
you married also ?”
Attitude Towards Others—Attitude plays very important role in social situations. Attitude is
shaped by the influence of environment. It is a rather complex process. We here do not mention attitude
in that sense. Here attitude refer to the ability to put oneself into the other man’s position so as to
appreciate justifiable difficulties and render help. It means to empathise and sympathise with others
whenever they encounter difficulties and discomfiture. This quality separates a truly effective and
humanitarian leader from an authoritarian leader. It may be remembered that it is not humanly possible
to achieve every desired goal. Success is not the universal story even in the case of Armed Forces.
Armed Forces also encounter failures, setbacks and losses. Sometimes, even best put in efforts go in
vain. One may choose to become authoritarian and blame his subordinates/superiors for lack of effort or
vision but it is not advisable in all cases. A healthy and humanitarian attitude towards others keeps the
cohesiveness of the group intact even in face of failures.
Tact—It refers to skillful management of the others responses in interpersonal situations. It involves two
important things reading and analysis of other person’s intentions and selection of one’s own responses so that
the outcome of the interaction is desirable. Management of other person’s behaviour requires ability to read
between lines quickly and manoeuvre the situation in a favourable direction without being unpleasant. Tact is
an important quality of leaders.
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Adaptability : Social adaptability refers to the ability to adjust to the environment according
to the varying situations. Feeling of happiness in any group is the hallmark of this quality. A
person with high social adaptability has high social need and hence he does not put a precondition
or choice of a particular type of social group to befriend. His adjustment with the group is active’.
We have seen people who declare that they have no problems with anyone. ‘Having no problem’
is the passive kind of adaptability. A man who has limited social needs may also tag along without
feeling or causing any problem in the social set up. But such a person cannot contribute anything from
his own side to nourish the social bonds among the members of the organisation. An officer should go a
step further to ‘having no problem with any group’. He must enjoy the company of different person
around him and must actively involve himself to enthuse and energise his troops socially. This is
possible only if the officer himself has strong need of social affiliation.
Armed Forces follow hierarchical/pyramidal structure of personnel. By virtue of this structure,
every member is someone’s superior and subordinate barring a few exceptions. It is expected that
members will be obedient to their superiors, kind to their juniors and friendly to their peers. It
needs a balanced pattern of adjustment with all categories of person around. However, owing to a
number of reasons people do not exhibit equal strength of adjustment with all. Someone is more
comfortable with the seniors while a few are happier with their subordinates. An officer can ill
afford to show such selection or preferences in his interaction with his own community members.
Hence, Armed Forces lay great stress on the factor of social adjustment of the officer cadre.
An Officer in the Armed Forces is a Cosmopolitan citizen in True Sense
The sum and substance of the matter is that an officer needs to be a cosmopolitan citizen in a true
sense. He should be happy and socially buoyant without any preconditions of caste, creed religious or
ethnic nature. Let us not forget that Indian society is basically a heterogeneous society and there exists
and endless variety of languages, religions, food habits and many other factors according to region and
climatic conditions.
Co-operation—It refers to willing and harmonious participation with others in a group in
achievement of group goals. This implies belief in collective effort being more productive than the
individual effort. Understanding and living according to team norms and values is the essence of
co-operation. But it is easier said than done.
In real life views, opinions often clash with other on any matter. Co-operation is put to trial when
things go against your own likings, expectations, opinions, views and stand. A Company Commander
may have some opinion about how military job is to be carried out but his Commanding Officer may
order him to perform in a different manner. Whether the Coy Cdr. still performs that job whole-
heartedly depends on his sense of co-operation. It is quite likely that in such situations, a person
might become nonchalant and dissociate himself mentally with the job. Such a tendency has no
scope in the Armed Forces. You are required to perform with full energy, vigour and involved,
irrespective of your own likes and dislikes.
Also, as an officer in the Armed Forces, you are on duty for 24 hours. Some people have wrong
notions about the ‘office hours’ and ‘duty hours’. Your hour of duty can begin at any time and for any
stretch of time. You are duty bound to perform in the overall interest of the organisation. Let it come
what may be the bearing in all personal inconveniences. You are required to subordinate all your
personal aims/goals to the group goals/aims.
Sense of Responsibility, Dependability and willingness to discharge one’s obligations are
referred to as Sense of Responsibility. Sense of responsibility is not attached to any official
position or age group only. A student of junior standards may show more sense of responsibility
compared to any government servant. The best part of SOR is that it excludes nobody. Everyone
can be evaluated in terms of being responsible or not respondsible. Lead your prescribed role with
sincerity; as a student, as grown up and as a citizen. Roles may be prescribed formally or they could just
be informal and social in nature. A man who switches off the lights and fans on leaving any hall in the
last shows a ‘responsible’ attitude. A person who gets his vehicle tuned to check the emission under
control is also responsible. A teacher who does not check the assignments and only blames students for
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indiscipline who's only irresponsible attitude. An officer who does not bother for the punctuality of
his staff or wastage of office stationery is only irresponsible. So much so that if you do not cast
your vote during any election, you can be termed as irresponsible exactly like a lazy housewife
who ignores her involvement in maintenance of household. SOR thus, has a very wide
implication. Sense of Responsibility implies two things i.e. Sense of Duty and Discipline.
Sense of Duty—It refers to faithful and firm actions taken in pursuit of orders from superiors not
expecting any reward or recognitions. Happiness is derived out of the results of one’s actions in favour
of the organisation. Sense of Duty contains all elements of ‘attitudes’ i.e. information, emotion and
action in psychological sense. Sense of duty is enhanced with role clarity. It is expected that an officer
will keep himself informed with all aspects of his duties, acquaint himself with all rules, regulations and
sharpen the skills needed to perform his job well.
Discipline—It refers to a trained sense of acting strictly in accordance with rules, regulations and
conventions. Because of this, self-control is developed that helps a person remain within the bounds of
social and normal standards. Discipline can best be judged when a person is not under direct
observation of his superiors.
In short, Sense of Responsibility means a thorough understanding of the
values of duty, social standards and what is required of an individual. Also, it
includes doing one’s best, carrying out even unspecified and probably unforeseen
duties and obligations rather than faithfully carrying out what one is told.
Social Effectiveness—This factor is directly related with the function of leadership and contains
qualities that are helpful in discharging leadership function well. Authority for leadership in the officer
cadre is vested in the position indicated by the rank. The hierarchical structure of the Armed Forces
gives authority to every person holding a higher rank to command the junior. But rank or authority
alone cannot make an officer a successful leader. One must possess those tools in terms of qualities that
add quality to leadership. Though all functions of leadership are performed by the officers, situation of
war provides the best opportunity to test the effectiveness of leadership.
Nowhere else perhaps, the factor of morale plays as much a decisive role as in the combat
situation. Morale is a direct outcome of leadership. Let us not forget that combat is the source of
extreme physical and mental stress and troops have to fight stress and enemy both
simultaneously. Enemy has perhaps killed lesser number of troops than the stress in the combat
situation. A high quality of leadership keeps the morale of the troops high that results in higher
rates of success in each mission. The opposite is also truth. A well-trained and well-equipped
Army may suffer humiliating defeat because of poor leadership.

Lesson 8
Leadership Qualities
According to the Defence Institute of Psychological Research (DIPR) there are five qualities that
are associated with the function of leadership mentioned as following :—
1 2 3

Initiative Self-confidence Speed of Decision

Ability to Influence Others
SSB | 73

Initiative is the ability to originate an action in the absence of any order or command in the overall
interest of the organisation. Mostly it is misconstrued as the ability to take the FIRST STEP. Anyone
who takes the lead in originating any action is said to be taking initiative as per the common notion. In
my opinion initiative has primarily two elements-firstly the situation and secondly the intention
behind originating any action.
Clear orders or Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs in the parlance of Defence) are available in
normal or routine situations. However, it is not possible to decide a course of action where an error of
judgement is likely to happen due to vagueness or ambiguity in the situation. Secondly there may be a
possibility of an unforeseen/unpredictable situation in which the laid down norms or proven methods
could not be applied. The situation demands ‘some new step’ must be taken. The action according to
these situations qualifies to be called as initiative.
Initiative is something beyond routine. In war situations while the soldier is required to follow
commands without any thought, an officer must seek the opportunity to take initiative to turn the
situation in his favour. Initiative, thus, is a step beyond the spirit of ‘strict compliance’. Character of
‘strict compliance’ is a great quality of a soldier, whereas an officer goes beyond merely following the
commands of his superiors taking initiative wherever required. Initiative is better and higher in degree
than merely following.
The second quality of initiative is the intention behind originating action. Only those acts directed
to further the organisational cause can be rightly called as initiative. People originate action due to
many reasons. Many a times actions are taken for ‘self-gratification’ rather than for any organisational
interest. Many other reasons can also be associated but unless the action taken implicitly involves the
achievement of organisational goals, it cannot be called as initiative.
Many individuals have the capability to initiate actions but fell ‘inhibited’ or lack self-assurance due
to which, the initiation of the required action is either very feeble or remains at the level of thoughts only.
Initiative requires not only originating but also sustenance of action till achievement of desired goals.
Self Confidence—It is faith in one’s own ability to meet stressful situations. Self-confidence is
best tested in situations of unfamiliar and ambiguous nature. you will be amazed to see how
comfortably the tribals (even their children) navigate their way through the thick forests without any
landmarks. They do not get lost in the puzzling growth of trees and bushes. But they tremble to go to an
unknown place however clear are the landmarks.
An under confident person perceives stress in unfamiliar situation. The
shadow of stress (perceived stress) is always bigger than the substance (actual
Tolerance to Ambiguity : See and Believe !
Visit a railway station and watch the reaction of public on announcements regarding train arrivals. People
hardly react when a train is announced to be late by 4–6 hours but feel perplexed when a train is announced to
be delayed by 30–45 minutes but does not arrive at the announced time !
Ask some persons to perform some task (e.g. delivery of an important document to an unknown person at an
unknown place). Allow them to seek clarifications. You will find that a person with high level of confidence
will ask far less number of questions compared to an under confident person !

Speed of Decision—Ability to arrive at workable decision expeditiously. The two elements

involved in this quality are appropriateness and quickness. The appropriateness of decision takes special
importance because they are generally taken in stressful situations and a wrong decision may cost
darely in terms of life and limbs of own troops. Quickness too has a similar significance because in
the combat situation delay can immensely help the enemy or may cause great damage to own
forces. Crisis management is the first and foremost function of the Armed Forces. Each fraction
of second in face of crisis can be damaging and hence decisions must be taken well in time. You
may ask the fighter pilots about the value of SOD. Delay can be suicidal in their profession !
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When Will You Raise Alarm ?

We have heard this story from our grandparents more than often A Punditji never did any job without
consulting the almanac for an appropriate and auspicious time. Once some thieves entered his house in the
middle of the night for their professional ventures. His wife woke up and sensing what would happen next, she
quietly shook the Pundit out of his snores. Whispering about the uninvited guests at home, she urged him to
raise alarm!
Punditji habitually consulted his panchang in the faint candle light and declared that this was no time to raise
alarm. When will be the appropriate time ? Enquired his wife. Not in the near future; only six months later, was
the answer from the Pundit. The thieves overheard the conversation, and delightfully decamped with the
Six months later when the auspicious time approached both the Pundit and his wife cried at the top of their
voice about the thieves in their house. Neighbours responded promptly and gathered to help out the distressed
Pundit but soon discovered the foolishness of the Pundit and went back to their home much bemused!
Ability To Influence—The Group is the ability, which enables an individual to bring about willing
effort from the group for achieving the objective desired by him. This is the primary function of the
leader of any group. This quality includes, Tact, Communication skills, Persuasion and Assertiveness.
Let us not forget that any order or command causes resistance in the minds of some members of the
group, however noble it may be. In no case, one can rest assured of hundred per cent willingness of the
followers in execution of orders. Non-cooperation, inhibition, hesitation and lack of understanding are
some of the factors that come in the way of total compliance of instructions. The true leader is alive to
this reality and uses his tact to elicit compliance from his subordinates. Leadership is the most trainable
quality and different proven techniques are available for the purpose. A leader may use his own nobel
ideas depending on his own imagination and understanding of the situation and the nature of his
Liveliness—Combat situation is full of stress. The quality to keep oneself happy and buoyant in the
adverse situations is liveliness. A true leader does not allow the stress to overpower him or his troops.
Sense of humour is yet another related quality that helps a person fight the stress effectively. Without
this quality; it is difficult for the leader to keep his troops in high morale.
Death is Happiness !
Philosopher and poet Kabir Das—I have no fear of death, which is so dreadful for the rest of the world. In
fact I am waiting for the day when I depart from the world and attain the ultimate pleasure of meeting my Lord!
The Doha reads-
Jise marne se jag dare, mero adhik anand
Kab marihon Kab bhetihon-puran parmanand.

Lesson 9
Approach of SSBs—How These Qualities are Tested
Armed Forces are very rare employers. They have different organisational norms, values and ethos.
Accordingly their method of selection of officer cadre also is quite unconventional. We can appreciate
the approach of Armed Forces better only after paying a thought on the means and methods adapted by
other organisations for the purpose of comparison.
By and large, the methodology adopted by other organisations essentially includes test the
knowledge of employment-seekers in specific fields related to the jobs. Such tests are based on a well-
demarcated syllabus. Such tests are called as achievement tests wherein the probability of success
increases with preparation. At the end an interview is conducted for those who succeed in the written
test. In certain other types of jobs perhaps some skill test may be included in the selection process.
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As far as the basic intelligence and academic achievements of the aspirants of the officer-cadre in
the Armed forces is concerned, the written test conducted by the Union Public Service Commission
(NDA and CDSE) takes a good care of this aspect. In cases of direct entries, a minimum percentage of
marks in graduation or post graduation examination is laid down as essential qualification.

But wars are not won with mere bookish knowledge or academic intelligence as we saw in the previous
chapters. Courage, Grit, Resourcefulness, Tact, Situational intelligence, manoeuvrability, Leadership and
Decision-making are some of such qualities essential to succeed in A war. It is a fact that these qualities are
developed by the influence of environment and not essentially people with high academic achievements
possess these qualities also. However, a man without these qualities may become anything but not a
successful warrior. It is for this reason; Services Selection Boards primarily test the qualities (the OLQ
profile) of the aspirants.

The Officer Like Qualities (the OLQs) once acquired and assimilated in the personality, are
reflected in the overall behaviour of an individual. Not going into the psychological definition of
behaviour and its constituents, it is worth noticing what are the dimension or planes of behaviour, overt
or covert. The three planes or dimensions of behaviour are—Thoughts, Words and Actions. It is
presumed and observed that qualities are in all these three dimensions of behaviour. For example, if a
person has high intellectual ability, his thoughts well bear the testimony of it. His words and actions too
bear the intellectual characteristic. We may consider yet another example. You must have seen people
who have very limited social circle; they feel shy in initiating friendship and keep telling their children
about losses of having large friend circle, social parties and gatherings. Psychologically, such person
can be called as introvert. His introversion and limited social needs are well reflected in his thoughts,
words and actions. It is also a fact that in social situation behaviour is influenced by ‘the element of
desirability’. A person tries to hide his unpleasant feelings and thoughts for the fear of rejection. At the
same time due to force of social norms, customs and etiquettes, people are bound to behave in a
desirable direction. However, controlled expression of aggression or negative emotions does not negate
our assumption that qualities of an individual are reflected on all the behavioural dimensions i.e.
thoughts, words and actions.
Performance Versus Potential—The approach of the Service Selection Boards is to fathom your
level of potential by a deep and intensive probing of your qualities. They go by the premise that your
manifested performance (in various tests and examinations) may not be a true indication of your
potential. In majority of cases the potential of an individual is not fully realised. The SSBs therefore,
not only ‘observe’ the level of demonstrated performance but also make a fair guesswork of what could
be your achievable level. Such guesswork is based on a dispassionate assessment on your assets and
liabilities and trainability of factors in the OLQ’s profile. We may refer inference of trainability at an
appropriate time and place later on.
Thoughts are Examined by Psychologist—In practical sense and suitable in our context, the term
‘thought’ includes intelligence, knowledge, information, aptitude, perceptual patterns, apperceptions,
psychological energy, ego, defence mechanisms, experience, emotions and all those factors which can
be conventionally be called as ‘psychological’.
Psychologist has a battery of tests to administer. His tools include basic intelligence test, tests of
imagination (picture story writing test and word association test), situation reaction test and the test of
self-concept (self-description). We will see psychological tests in detail later.
Action Are Examined By Group Testing Officer. The Group Testing Officer makes you ‘perform’.
While you ‘act’ according to the instructions given by the GTO, he gets enough input to evaluate your
actions. GTO too has a battery of tests. His test battery ranges from verbal to motor and from
individual to group situation. We will discuss the tests and tasks given by the GTO separately.
Words (Spoken Communication) Are Examined by Interviewing Officer. Verbal or more aptly,
spoken communication is a very strong indicator of your qualities (personality). The Armed Forces
have included the system of a scrupulous and comprehensive personal interview in the selection process
of officers. A trained interviewing officer will assess your OLQ’s profile by taking inputs from your
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What to Write ? How to Write ?
What is required ?

Leader in Crisis or Leader of Crisis

< <
SSB is a problem TAT is a problem solving behaviour We want a leader who can
Solving behaviour in a particular context attack the problem and solve it

Psychological technique evaluates the psyche tests. In this technique

inferences are drawn. It is based on projection of thought process that
too expressively, adequately, consistently and logically.

TAT → What ? Why ? and How ?

TAT requires a ‘thema’/story. Story requires a hero. Hero must face the challenges/risk but should
not fail. Depending on the situational crisis hero may face the failure for time being but finally he
should succeed.
No courage without challenge/risk, no motivation without failure.
Failure determines your determination who should be a hero, how hero should be introduced in a
story. What is shown, is one portion of the event, that can be the part of the scene. It is not the whole,
but it may be the part of the whole. The obvious is never 100% in TAT. Obvious means whatever is
shown on the screen. Here your imagination comes and it strengthens you an opportunity for its
exploration and simultaneously for its span and depth. The TAT spells your social factor and your
social factor is never directly measured. Social adjustment means your ability to adjust globally with
every kind of people.
There should be a match between you and your hero, because hero is your alter ego, your deployed commander
who should represent you 100%. There may exist a minimum distance between you and your hero. There may be
a difference of perception, emotions and ability but not in the achievement. There should be a similarity between
age, sex and character.

(a) Story—Due to meagre representation,

Robin Mathew sports coach started to train the
youngsters of Rohitpur village in Basti (U.P.) to
support the recruitment drive of the Army. In the
month of Dec. 7, 2007 he started with one boy.
After a week the strength went to 7. He scheduled
morning and evening hours for exercises/race and
day/evening for the written preparation leaving 6 to
8 hours for other activities. For entire December he
made them familiar with written and physical test.
Right from January Ist he made the entire course
competitive. He started pointing towards the best
one to follow the speed and maintain the time in
physical as well as in written practice session. In the
month of February 2008, out of 5 boys 4 got Picture of a young man pointing out another person
recruited in the recruitment drive camped by the who is running. It is an evening or night scene.
SSB | 77

Army at the Gorakhpur Zonal Recruitment Centre. Seeing the result many youngsters joined the centre
and started taking training for the next recruitment drive.
Qualities being Revealed

Sense of responsi- Planning and

bility organisation

Stamina Effective intelligence Decision making

Self confidence


Interpretation of the OLQs

Hero undertook the challenge, chose the undriven field in that locality (challenging ability). For the
said ability one has to go beyond the duty that is Sense of responsibility. In most of the cases the sense
of responsibility is often dubbed with the risk taking ability which this hero had. His punctuality,
dedication of fixing the schedule and training programme reveals his planning and organising ability.
Pointing the best one to be followed by the rest one shows competitive ability and motivation. With his
hard work and sacrifice he created an exemplary result that would mean the leadership by example.
Seeing the result, youngsters of neighbouring villages got themselves motivated and joined the training
centre, shows the motivation level for that the credit goes to Mathew.
Knowing the system is one thing but proving worth to the system is more important.
Therefore the job requirement of the army officer is—

Ability to Ability to
combat the combat the
stress crisis

Ability to combat
the adventure
Interpretation—For that you have to enter into the problem, bail out the problem and draw the
Psychological test—
1 Time
What is ?
2 Space
Explanation—Psychological tests are not ‘fact’ based, they are ‘opinion’, emotions’, ‘value’ and
an ‘attitude’ based. What colour and combination you want to give to your story. Which aspect will
dominate. Some where value, emotions, helping attitude, sacrifice, faithfulness with full of challenges.
For these aspects you are required to go beyond the obvious. Going beyond the obvious will enhance
your imagination and the imagination has no prescription.
Job Requirement of a Leader
Acting against the emergency and challenges etc., is it not the true profile of a defence officer ?

Do You Have It In You ?

78 | SSB

It denotes the demand or the job requirement of the defence forces and it is possible only through
crisis or an adventure, which spells the challenges and the risk of life that too knowingly.


Challenges, emergency
Given Per- and the risk may be of
ceive any kind
Observation to the Here imagina-
picture and imagi- tion comes or
nation to appercept. required

Explanation—For writing the story you have to plot the theme and you have to find a clue as
imagination does not happen in vacuum, it only happens in clue.

You are not for the executive or managerial job but you are the person to brave the dust, dirt and the dent of life.

Interpretation—It is a psychological quality to indulge with the challenges—we want the cool
courage. The regimentation and the fighting strategy of the defence forces run on obsession not
on the logic.
(b) Story—Two (10+2), final year boys Raju
and Rinku were preparing for NDA written and
SSB in Shekhar Academy, old YMCA Building
beside Dainik Jagaran Chauraha LKO since May
2007. On the way to their house they used to eat
mangoes while trespassing into the garden. One
day Mali caught both of them and started
escorting to their parents. Raju confessed the fault
with Rinku and requested not to take to his parents
and in return promised to do something for the
garden. On coming Sunday Raju with Rinku
approached the orchard along with their six
friends. With gardener they cleaned the orchard,
repaired the boundary wall and sprayed the
pesticides and they further promised the Mali to
carry it on once in a month. Mali became happy
and distributed them fruits and they all became Two boys are in Orchard.
friendly to each other.
Explanation—In the above story the hero trespassed into the orchard, when caught confessed the
fault in an acceptable and submissive way and made the confession with his friend not to repeat. (the
hero had a good friendly influence on his friends). Further he requested not to take to their parents. On
their promise to do something good for the garden. Seeing their acceptable conversation, admissible
gesture and the quality/ degree of confession Mali released them. Raju with Rinku convinced their
friends to set an example by doing some welfare deeds which made Mali happy and Mali gave them
sufficient fruits.

Your evaluation becomes positive and goes in your favour the moment
you start admitting and confessing the fault or deeds
SSB | 79

OLQs being revealed—This is a very good story of social adjustment the qualities being revealed

1 Initiative Courage 4
Self confidence

2 Social Adaptability 8 Sense of 5


3 Organising Ability Determination 6


Ability to influence the group

Interpretation and how these kinds of stories are most desirable one—
Stories are never bad, good, negative or wrong. They are evaluated
and termed to be only desirable and not desirable.

What this Story Teaches

This story teaches realisation, introspection, confession, the group coordination and welfare deeds by a group
of boys and finally a lesson to get something by doing something.

Story—Seeing a peon’s son becoming an

IAS, Robin a 23 year old, elder son of a daily
worker determined to give qualitative education
to his two younger brothers. He took a job as an
electrician in a surgical instrument factory at
Ghaziabad. He approached the supervisor for a
special favour and on satisfactory performances
he was allowed to work for double shift. On
detailing the problem of siblings education.
Inspite of ‘16’ hours of working further he did not
hesitate to attempt for extra work for additional
payment. With 4 years of rigorous efforts his one
brother completed the B. Tech. and another one
MBA from BHU Varanasi and both got the
campus placement. Robin got warm welcome on
the annual function of the factory for setting an A woman is cooking and distributing bread to her sons
in her hutment.
example of a good worker and a good brother.
Interpretation—Story itself or any projection, work, performance, help, cooperation given or done
in the SSB should not be award seeking. Award, welcome, thanks or any commendation may suffice the
requirement for maximum one or in two stories. One or two stories may teach a lesson or set an
example, as so many people can learn, get motivated or opt it.
Explanation—Again it is a motivational story. Hero got motivated from a peon’s son who got an
IAS Cadre. This excelled his enthusiasm/ zeal and he undertook the challenge, became an electrician,
chose to work for double shift parting with additional work for extra earning to supplement more for
their educational expenses. He preferred to stay there as he knew that being a daily worker it was
beyond their parents to meet out the expenses of an elite institutions. He never allowed his brothers to
feel the shortage of any thing. His 4 years of hard work brought the fruit to his family setting an
example as a good brother and a good worker.
80 | SSB

How to write a good story : Interpretation and analysis—

(1) Power of expression does not mean English or Hindi, it would only mean the ability to convey
the way you want. If you are able to convey whatever is expected from you keeping in mind your
socioeconomic background then your expression will be termed O.K.
(2) When the Hero identification is specific, clear, further suiting your situation, crisis or plot and
even relevant to it then it is again O.K. contrary to this when the hero identification is not relevant to the
situation then either it will become vague, confused, irrelevant or exaggerated introduction. Resultantly
it will not amount to be a desirable story.
Exaggerated would mean, when you use superlative degree to your hero,
like intelligent, brave, courageous, honest and even do not give the pose or impression creating introduction like
national champion, very popular, very dynamic etc.

(3) What is the task or aim before the hero. (Task means a problem, a crisis, risk, adventure,
challenge etc.) ‘Aim’ will illustrate a career, a target, an achievement that too in a positive context.
(4) Need of a medico for the treatment or operation for the severe disease, then what type of
medicine is required (give specification of the medicine and disease).

A house is on fire, pagdandi and trees are shown.

(5) What is the difficulty in finding the medicine, (here you have to create the stress) creating the
stress or the degree of difficulty is the direct product of your imagination. Do not create more stress
than the stress is required or whatever that particular situation allows to imagine. If no other human help
is available then utilise the clue, because imagination does not happen in vacuum but it only exists in
clue. The further interpretation of ‘clue’ in a scene requires, use of your observation to find the clue
from the situation itself. Situation itself provides the environment, if nothing is there except a house
then imagine, what can be expected to be there as situation allows. I will exemplify as under—
Fire Scene—A house is on fire. Nothing is around. No human movement is around except some
trees, pagdandi. Here the nature or status of house, trees and pagdandi will become the clue. This clue
explores a village environment and other houses may be at some distance and not shown beside the
scene just to give stress to your imagination.
SSB | 81

(6) Task has to be justified by the appropriate level of hindrances, obstacles, hurdles, problems and
risk etc.
(7) Now the important issue is the selection of resources. It is always appropriate for the hero to use
and apply the resources according to the requirement of the situation. The use and the application of the
resources, is direct product of your imagination again and again and more importantly it should be
instrumental to the story.
(8) I want your hero to inculcate and display the will to challenge and skill to perform the task
ahead, atleast at the optimum level.
(9) Hero should have will to lead and skill to perform.
(10) First, your hero should have will to lead, his “WILL” will depend on an attitude, with a
passage of time attitude will develop the will.


Merits and Demerits in TAT

(1) (2) (3)

Your failure does not certify Your ability to solve the problem
your disqualification, your Psychologist will evaluate of day to day life. The problem
failure does not mean disquali- your social adjustment and should be a problem of beyond
fication, as motivation does casual behaviour. routine. TAT requires your pro-
not exist without failure. blem solving behaviour.

Background of the Story—12 stories are projected on the screen, the last one is ‘blank’. If all
the stories are of similar background then your imagination will not have the variety. Psychologist is
interested in variety of stories to find out the pattern of your behaviour. You must be able to solve the
problem of beyond routine. Your intellectual imagination is fashioned by going with the situations
which are beyond routine. Daily life encountered problems are not the requirement of your TAT.
Urgency is the requisite of a crisis leader as urgency qualifies the problem.
What about the Blank Story—(1) To give a chance to your mind to settle down for another test.
In ‘11’ stories your unconscious becomes active as TAT is the test of your imagination and it is an
unconscious test. Therefore without settling down your unconscious we can’t take you to another test.
(2) You have some speciality. You have certain very good quality that you may represent in a blank
(3) Whether blank story should be well prepared or should be imagined on the spot ? There is no
harm if you go well prepared, but it will be better if you imagine on the spot.
(4) Which kinds of story should be written for blank one ? There are certain arised emotions which
could not get opportunity in all the eleven stories. You can project your unprojected emotions in blank
one. The another advice is either career oriented story or whichever aspect you have not been able to
produce in previous stories.
Strength of TAT/Story—Element of desirability must be there. After the completion of the story
conclusion is obvious but your conclusion may not lead to confusion. Conclusion must be striking,
natural and reasonable. Do not write as per the picture or this picture says this or that or I have seen this
or that in the picture. It will mean that you are distancing yourself from the picture and further it will
reveal that you and the picture are the different things.
The aim of the test—The aim of the entire psychological test or the selection system is to find
out the qualities by virtue of that you are able to solve the problem of day to day life. The process of
solving the problem should be the convenient outcome of your personality.
82 | SSB

What is seen and How it is seen through these three techniques :—

Psyche G.T.O. I.O. Technique

Psychologist G.T.O. will This technique

will evaluate your evaluate your effective means personalised
social adjustment and intelligence and conversation
casual behaviour stamina

Interview officer will evaluate your emotional

attitude, your resistence. He finds out it while rejecting your answers
or creating hurdles, difficulties and obstructions
in your answers.

For above required components of TAT, I will exemplify with following stories :—
There must be 5 Components in the Story
(1) Suitable ‘Hero’ (2) Deployment, Management of Resources
Hero should be given a ‘Task’ Hidden Available
(Task means problem or crisis,
challenge, stress and risk etc.)
(5) Direction Delegation Supervision
Out-Come Out-Come
Should be surprising, actual but should not be of the resources for the task
award seeking. In one or two stories there may at hand
be an award, commendation or praise so that (4)
many people can learn example but not in all or You have to plan, manipulate, fabri-
most of the stories. cate and multiply the resources.

Situation or Scene :—(A house is on fire)

Story :—Vijay Kumar was the student of M.A.
final year of Modern History in the Ganesh
Shanker Vidyarthi Post Graduate College
Lakhimpur (U.P.). At 11 A.M. while he was on
the way to his college, he heard the scream of a
woman, he rushed on the spot, entered in her
house and noticed that her house was catching the
fire from inside. There was no one as it was the
working hours. He snatched a blanket from a
nearby bed and struggled hard to prevent the
beginning of the fire but due to cross ventilation
fire spreaded extending some burn to him.
Sustaining minor burn boosted him to
cooldown the fire. He came out from the house
consoling the woman to prevent the havoc. He
deployed some passers by to gather the villagers
and he himself made a loud cry. The villagers A house is on fire, pagdandi and trees are shown.
gathered with buckets, sand and dust and started throwing on the house Vijay Kumar got himself boiled
up and started motivating and working with the people from one corner to another, within 45 minutes
the havoc was finally controlled. He gave thanks to villagers, consoled the woman, took some first aid
and went ahead to attend the college.
Interpretation and Explanation of the Components being revealed which are responsible to
reveal the officers like qualities—The story reveals the identification of a hero and a suitable hero that
too completely. There is a logical connection between the situation and the point of start. The situation
SSB | 83

is fire in the house and the man responsible for the point of start is hero who was on the way to his
college and his presence in the situation is justified. SRT (Situation Reaction Test) is a collection of
routine situations but TAT is a situation of beyond routine. Fire is a situation of beyond routine. The
another requirement is element of desirability must be there. It happens when there is havoc, here the
woman is crying to prevent and the hero is fighting to cooldown the fire. There must be “WILL” to do
and “SKILL” to perform which is being revealed from the fighting skill of the hero. Now the stage
comes for the deployment of the resources and the management of the resources then the situation
comes for the direction, delegation and supervision of the resources. At first stage he snatched the
blanket, it was a available resource. When he found that the fire was spreading and he could not control
that, then he deployed two passersby and got the people gathered with bucket, dust etc. Now having got
sufficient resources and manpower he used his skill of directing delegating and supervising the people
whereas evaluation by psychologist is concerned there is no lack of social adjustment and there is no
casual behaviour because fire was brought under control within 45 minutes.
Can you write or give 100% in TAT or Whether TAT can be written 100%—Not possible
under normal conditions. You can cover maximum or most of the components or requirements of TAT,
but not all because one scene or situation is not enough to invite/call upon all the leadership qualities.
Therefore all these 15 OLQs are bifurcated in 4 factors and again all the 12 stories are projected
factorwise. By this way a candidate can exhibit all or most of the leadership qualities. To cover other
components. I am giving other story :
Three women and one aged person who appears to be the head of family are discussing
domestic matters and an young boy is sitting and every one is in sorrow mood and all are weeping.
Factor IInd, Social Adjustment and
factor Ist Organising Aspect or factor
Intelligence—MR. R. Kumar a resident of
village, Dhampur District–Unnao (U.P.) became
very happy to see himself under IIT’s merit list
that too between 50 and had one month to report
to the college. When he sat with his family
members, all started arguing with happiness and
simultaneously started weeping as they had no
money to afford his education and stay. His
elder sister, aunty and his parents were not able
to draw any conclusion. He requested his
parents, aunty and his sister to mortgage their
ornaments only for two months till his
scholarship is sanctioned and tuition is managed.
Having reported to IIT Khadagpur, within two months he started getting scholarship payment and a
monthly tuition of Rs. 5000. He started paying the loan in monthly easy instalments and within an year
he cleared all the dues with full dedication to his IIT career.
Explanation and Interpretation—Factor IInd is Social Adjustment and it has three qualities.

Accommodating GROUP FACTOR

spirit or social Cooperation
The three qualities of this
Sense of responsibility factor, the performances
and adaptation is not
possible without the
Not compromisable group
If one does not possess at the optimum or acceptable or required level. Then there
is strict ‘NO-NO’, never, no chance and not at all.
84 | SSB

The second factor being revealed in this story is factor Ist which carries 4 qualities and known as
organising Aspect or factor Intelligence, these qualities are—

(1) (2) (3) (4)

Planning & Logical Effective Power of
organisation reasoning intelligence expression


This individual factor and the qualities associated with it does not require any
group and can function and its qualities can be inculcated individually

Story :—Rahim, a state hockey player of

Gorakhpur University was not allowed to
appear in M.Sc. final year examination of
Physics due to shortage of attendance and for
not preparing the course. He requested his
physics teacher to converse with the head of
physics department seeking 25 days time for
the preparation. At the first step he started
taking two hours from his physics teacher and
at second, third and final stage he brought
unsolved from the market, took class notes and
help from his classmates and library. A week
before the examination he again requested his
teacher to conduct the trial test which resulted
in above average success. After the examina-
tion when result was declared he got seventh
position in the department with higher second division.
Factorwise Qualities being
Factor 1st, Organising Aspect
Factor Intelligence

It contains 4 qualities
(2) (3)
Planning & Organisation
Logical Reasoning Effective Intelligence
Power of Expression

The 4th factor and its associated qualities being revealed in this story is ‘Dynamic Aspect and its
associated qualities are—

(1) (2) (3)

Courage Determination Stamina

(1) (2)
Mental Physical
SSB | 85

Conditions responsible to make a story undesirable and that too psychologically weak—Story
requires a hero. Hero means indirectly you, your alter ego, your deployed commander and further who
can represent you 100% that too always and everytime. There should be a similarity between you and
your hero, meaning thereby similarity in age, sex, mood, characteristics, emotions, feelings, attitude and
passions. When it is not found, your story does not deserve for recommendation. On one particular
picture more than 100 stories can be made. Your story should suit your socio-economic background,
environment you come from and more importantly story written by you should be a story of your own.
Story is the direct product of your intellectual imagination and further imagination is also a direct
product of your mind. Story being the direct product of your personality should reveal your capacity,
thoughts, emotions, thought process, actions and feelings etc. The instructions given by the scientist or
psychologist of the respective selection Boards will bear the testimony of my statement :
Gentlemen this is the first test of the battery of your psychological test known as TAT, Thematic
Apperception Test. This is purely the test of your imagination. A number of pictures will be shown to
you on the screen that is 11 + 1 = 12 and the last will be blank one. Each picture will be shown to you
for 30 seconds on which you are required to write a story on each picture within 4 minutes the way it
comes to your mind, around the persons and situations shown in the picture, answering three basic
thematic questions that is :

What led to the situation ?

What is happening ?
What the outcome will be ?

Please do not merely describe a picture but write a story. While writing the stories your hero and
characters will interact together then your thoughts, emotions, actions and feelings will come together
and that will become the material for our evaluation. Also do not write mugged up stories, borrowed one
or stories from books and derived from the films or serials.

Every situation is a situation and further qualifies to become a

situation as it involves a problem. The action demanded by the situation should be completed. What action a
particular situation demands depends on your power of intellectual imagination. However, there should be a logical
connection between the situation and the point of start.

In my earlier write-ups, I have exampled only good stories. Now, I will example two respective
stories which are not desirable and even does not have logical connection between the situation and the
point of start. And expressively this exampled story does not fulfil the demand of the situation.
Story written by Candidate Daleep Singh—Daleep Singh
is serving in the Army has been to SSB 4 times twice at
Allahabad, once in Bhopal and Bangalore but could not make the
Story written by the Candidate—Mahesh hailed from a
remote area. He was a hard working and sincere student, who
always thought about the development of his village. Mahesh
completed his studies and became an engineer. Mahesh got posted
to his distt. He saw that his village lacked the basic infrastructure
because of funds the village could hardly progress. Mahesh along
with his villagers approached the administration and requested for
roads and bridges on the river. Soon the Govt. sanctioned a bridge and a road to the village. Mahesh
being the engineer was made incharge of the construction work. Road and bridge was completed which
brought prosperity to the village. Village became a modern village.
86 | SSB

What every SSB aspirant demands—Various articles published on magazines and books on SSB,
whatever is available in the market do not tell how a story does not become desirable. What to write ?
How to write ? and what not to write ? and why ?
Interpretation and Post mortem of the Story written by the Candidate and being
corrected by the Psychologist
Neither I have corrected nor I have altered any word in the story whatever is written by the
candidate—Daleep Singh writes his story as under—
● “Mahesh hailed from a remote area.”
● He further writes that, “he was a hardworking and sincere student” The candidate further writes.
● “He always thought about the development of his village.”
● Mahesh completed his studies and became engineer.
● Mahesh got posted to his Distt. He saw that his village lacked the basic infrastructure because of
funds the village could hardly progress.
● Mahesh along with his villagers approached the administration and requested for roads and bridges
on the river. Soon the Govt. sanctioned a bridge and a road to the village. Mahesh being the
engineer was made the incharge of the construction work.
● Road and bridge was completed which brought prosperity to the village, village became a modern

Interpretation by the Psychologist or Scientist

● “The first requirement of TAT is Hero identification not the introduction. Here the hero
introduction is not complete. He writes Mahesh hailed from a remote area.” Now the first question
is from which remote area the candidate is, he should name the village, Distt. and state etc. if
● Again writing that “he was a hard working and sincere student.” Please note, no unwanted details,
impression management is required and even no adjective like hard working and sincere, national
champion, honest brave etc. These qualities should be revealed by action and through your problem
solving behaviour.
● Was there no one in the village to think about the development except him ? for this the hero in his
background should not be from an engineering background rather he should have been introduced
as a social worker.
● Which studies Mahesh has completed whether B.Tech in Civil, Electrical, Mechanical and from
where ? Further, was there no one to see the progress of his village except him and that too when
he became an engineer ? And before becoming an engineer did he not see whether village was
lacking progress because of fund ?
This kind of story is evaluated as self generated response. This means you generate a response as you wish
and as per your convenience. See Mr. Mahesh is doing whatever he wants and story is running according to
his wish.
● Again hero means, Mahesh is doing according to his wish getting himself posted to his own
district, and witnessing that the village lacked the basic infrastructure and due to shortage of fund
village could not progress. This all he is doing to write the story as he wants.
● Further, he along with villagers approaching the district administration and getting the fund
sanctioned will hereby mean that everything was pre determined that fund had to be sanctioned
without any hurdle or problem. Further, Mahesh being an engineer becomes the incharge of the
construction here again the story is being designed to suit the hero as he wants to perform.
SSB | 87

This kind of story can be further termed as wishful story. Wishful story means you design a story according
to your wish.

Finally the road and bridge was completed which brought prosperity and made the village as
modern village. Again the story revealed a small effort and big achievement which is not possible in
practical life.
The Practical interpretation of the said story with context to subjective interpre-
tation and psychological interpretation
The above evaluation is the subjective one. Now I will take pleasure to offer the psychological
and actual interpretation which can make and break the story or may not allow the story to
become psychologically desirable one :
Please see, the candidate has not perceived the situation and scene of the situation properly and has
not used/applied his imaginative imagination to observe that what this particular situation demands :
● There is no similarity between the situation and the point of start. Now the situation of the scene is
that a person being alone is going ahead while facing the cyclone and heavy rain that too in night.
● Candidate has not forced his intellectual imagination to imagine that what this particular situation
demands and what the candidate has perceived or has written in his story.
Desirable interpretation that what the candidate has written and what he is expected to write
as per the demand of the situation :
What the candidate has perceived ? and written ? What he is expected to perceive to make his story
imaginative and acceptable ?
The candidate has perceived that a remote village has not The candidate has perceived a longterm goal where
progressed and no one has thought ever to do so except as the demand of the situation is to perceive short
him where as the demand of the situation is some thing term goal.
The selection system would like to see you in the toe of a Company Commander. A Company
Commander is a crisis leader; saviour, trouble shooter. To prove your self as a leader of crisis certain
leadership qualities are required. These qualities can only be revealed during the crisis, hardships.
Therefore the profile of a defence officer is

(1) (2)
Reactionary Visionary

If you are only a visionary not the reactionary perhaps you may or may not be even the last person
to be taken in the armed forces officers cadre. In the above story the candidate has perceived a visionary
task related to longterm goal which will not facilitate him to react and reflect the crisis managing
How to Imagine and Perceive Adequately : Situation itself will tell you that what does it want.
Whether it requires reactionary concept or visionary one. The question is not only limited to write a
story but to react on a story and that reaction stimulates you to form a plot and when you will perceive
adequately, you will react adequately then formation of plot will go in your favour. In above scene the
candidate has perceived a longterm goal related to the development of the village whereas the candidate
should have perceived the shortterm goal related to some crisis, problem, risk, challenge, trouble as that
particular situation requires. Please observe the situation. An young man is challenging the difficult,
challenging and problematic and climatic conditions that is heavy rain with cyclone, and he is fighting
the situation that means some problem is so critical and urgent which requires immediate disposal. If
the problem is not urgently disposed of then there is 100% chance of a big havoc or loss of human life.
A candidate should react on it and should make a plot manifesting an urgent problem which should
warrant immediate disposal through that he can reveal the qualities of a crisis leader.
88 | SSB

Failure in TAT
TAT Success in TAT

Thematic Apperception Test or Picture Story Writing

Neither story is right nor wrong, it What ? Consistency and consistent thinking
is only termed as DESIRABLE AND is the essence of the PSYCHOLOGI-
Why ?


What led to the Situation ? (1) (2) What is happening ?
What is the out come of that happening ?



Failure and Success in TAT, you will not fail, if you study and practice it—I will take pleasure
again to evaluate and point out that how stories are turned NOT DESIRABLE, INCOMPLETE,
assessed in TAT and how to overcome it ? For this I am giving, operating, evaluating and interpreting
six stories with context to OLQs (Officers Like Qualities) in the profile of a defence officer.

Picture No. 1, written by Daleep Singh—“Rahul was a

bright student who completed his graduation in law. Right from
his childhood Rahul believed in social work. Rahul saw that the
people in his area were not aware of their rights and duties and
then they suffered a lot from the Zamindars. Rahul arranged
classes for the youth who were taught the rights and duties so that
there was no exploitation. The youth of the village thanked to
Rahul and became aware of their duties and rights and they lived
Evaluation of the story written by Daleep Singh—This
story is from factor Ist, which is known as factor intelligence or
the factor organising, which has four qualities—

(1) (2) (3) (4)

Planning and Logical Effective Power of
Organisation Reasoning Intelligence Expression

All the 12 stories are bifurcated according to factor wise. The first picture will be shown from
factor Ist and second picture will be from factor IInd, that is social Adjustment, the third picture will
relate to factor IIIrd, that is leadership aspect and finally the fourth picture will relate to factor IV, that
is factor Dynamic Aspect.
SSB | 89

What kind of pictures fall under factor Ist that is factor intelligence or organising aspect—
Any intellectual scene for the example : A man working on computer, a man studying on table or any
where even under street light, a man working in library, a teacher teaching in the class, a person sitting
on the table, books are opened and table lamp is switched on but he is in sorrow mood and not studying.
However, any academic scene of school children studying or a child standing out side the class catching
his both ears with a school bag on his back will come under factor Ist. This kind of story will definitely
reveal all its associated four qualities but again it will reveal other qualities from remaining three
factors. Let us see how it is happening.
Evaluation of the story written by Daleep Singh—Again you have started introduction with
preconceived and predetermined work. Simply write the introduction and come to the main problem.
Where as perception of situation or scene is concerned it is acceptable because this story is from factor
Ist that is factor intelligence or factor organising aspect and you have perceived/ imagined as per the
requirement of the picture.
After the introduction which is full of impression management the story is moving to the main
body, it means the meeting point of what led to the scene ? and what is going on ? Here the task which
the hero has to confront is being introduced that is, “Rahul saw that the people in his area were not
aware of their right and duties and then they suffered a lot from the Zamindars.”
Gentleman the creation of problem in a story is the product of your rich imagination. Nowadays,
rarely Zamindars are found. You should have written MONEY LENDERS’. And now the creation of
problem is not practical and justified. Please answer my question; has Rahul done law only to see the
awareness of right and duties of people ? Now a days people are aware about their right and duties
because of electronic, print media and increasing standard of education in the village. Therefore this
kind of problem will never be left untouched for the hero. Another objection is what is the cause or
issue between people and Zamindar which became the cause of suffering ?, give specification. Story
further proceeds that “Rahul arranged classes for the youth who were taught the rights and duties so that
there was no exploitation. The youth of the village followed Rahul and people became aware of their
duties and rights and they lived happily.”
Gentleman, please try to understand the system of the TAT. The main thing in the TAT is the body
part that is, “what is happening ? or what the situation is ? or what is going on ? In the TAT the
beginning is hidden and the end of the story that is what is the out come of that situation, is again
hidden. What is given is the main body that is shown in the picture. After seeing the scene you have to
imagine the beginning then you have to come to the body part that is the management of the crisis. Here
the body part is too short. And this is the body part which reveals all the qualities. Here you have given
more unwanted details in introducing the hero and creating the crisis, this is the reason you did not have
enough time and space to execute the body part in detail. Now your body part is being finished within
two lines that is “Rahul arranged classes for the youth who were taught the rights and duties so
that there was no exploitation.”
To make people aware about their rights and duties there is no use of arranging the classes. Again
where classes were arranged ?. No specification of subjects and issues, place, teachers, at what time for
how many days ? What was the role of the hero whether he managed only or taught the youth and how
many youth were trained.
Again the conclusion is haphazard as there was no exploitation, youth followed Rahul and people
became aware of their rights and duties and they lived happily. Gentlemen you are removing this
problem just like eradication of disease. Practically it is not possible. The execution of problem and
drawing the solution is becoming a magic play, whereas it should be the convenient and actual out come
of your personality.
Qualities Being Revealed
Your language is good, you have speed also. Having read this much about TAT, how you will be
able to write a desirable story. No doubt this story you have perceived as per the requirement of the
TAT, but remaining part is not desirable therefore this story is not revealing OLQs.
90 | SSB

Picture No. 2 written by Daleep Singh—“Abdul hailed

from a backward area who has seen about the difficulties of life in
the rural area. Abdul completed his graduation in B. Sc. forestry.
He saw that due to the growing fuel demands the people were
indulging in cutting of forests and harm to forest life. Abdul
became forest officer and was posted to his distt. Abdul took the
campaign to teach people the importance of forest and wild life to
man. Abdul with the help of the village head and his friends
arranged the lecture on importance of forests. People helped the
forest department in nabbing the culprits. Abdul approached the
Govt. to pardon the defaulters and arranged for their rehabilitation. People lived happily.”
Evaluation of the story written by Daleep Singh—Daleep Singh, the picture shown to you is
known as obvious. You can go beyond the obvious but cannot or should not ignore the obvious. When
you ignore the obvious the entire purpose of TAT is defeated. Here you have ignored the obvious.
Daleep; the requirement of TAT is; “you are required to write a story around the persons and
situations shown in the picture”. This story you have not written covering the persons and situations,
let me explain how ?
This is a hospital scene, bed No. 43 is written, a bed is being shown, a patient is lying on the bed
and around the bed a doctor and a nurse is standing. This picture requires a story of short term goal
related to operation, accident scene, kidney transplantation, any operation or treatment which requires
urgent treatment or operation. And Daleep you have imagined a situation or story related to forest scene
that is cutting of trees and nabbing the culprits. Therefore this story is not desirable. However this story
belongs to factor IIIrd that is leadership aspect.
Picture No. 3 written by the same candidate—“Deepak
hailed from a small village which had a large no of soldiers
serving in the Army. Deepak always dreamt of becoming an Army
Officer. Deepak completed his studies and joined the Army as an
officer. after commissioning Deepak was posted to one of the
forward areas in desert region. One day while on patrolling
Deepak saw some footprints leading towards the border. He
enquired from the local people who told him that there was a
group of smugglers who smuggle the drugs to nearby country.
Deepak alongwith his men mountained vulgars and one day
caught two people with drugs. He handed them over to the police and enquired about the reason from
the people to resort to such activities. He was told that it was poverty that compelled them. So, Deepak
arranged for funds of poor people and handed to them and the activity was permanently stopped.”
Evaluation of Story—In this picture you have imagined as per the demand of the situation and
your picture is within the parameter. This story belongs to factor IIIrd that is leadership aspect which
has five qualities

(3) (5)
nce (4) Li v e
nf ide lines
lity kin
abi n ma


Ability to

SSB | 91

Story of this aspect will reveal all the above ‘5’ qualities but a story does not become desirable
unless it takes support of other qualities from remaining three factors. Let us see how it is happening.
Interpretation and Evaluation—Introduce the hero directly like this : Capt. Deepak was posted to
Kupwara Sector of J&K where heavy infiltration was being carried on. On the wireless message from
his commanding officer he undertook the task, took 10 men, well equipped with latest weapons. It was
the difficult weather of Dec. 2007 and he along with his men on the basis of stock position passed by
the intelligence.” Now this is the body part which requires your planning, organisation, deployment of
resources and the execution of the same. Give specification of deployment like this, that he deployed 3
men behind a rock, two men on the tree, further 4 men for confronting the firing and he along with one
man kept on checking and sensing the deployment. Men at all the positions were told to wait till further
order. He ordered his men to remain alert and he himself made the announcement to surrender but it
could not become possible as there was no response. Within next moment he and his men had a narrow
escape from enemy’s firing. He messaged all deployed men to remain silent. With the persistent firing
of half an hour he finally sensed the direction and ordered his men to open the fire. The cross firing
continued for 6 hours having a silence in between. At the 7th hour firing became silent and all the 7
infiltrators were killed.
Neither I myself nor any psychologist will suggest you to follow a copy write and imitate his
planning. Take the idea and develop your planning according to your capacity and leadership qualities
which you possess because leader or hero in your story means your alter ego, your deployed
commander, hero means indirectly you. Hero means a person similar to your age, sex and mood who
can represent you 100%.
This is the reason psychologist before the commencement of TAT test issues/gives instruction that
gentlemen please write a story do not merely describe the picture and do not write borrowed stories,
filmy stories or stories taken/derived from the serials, books and novels as it will create a distance and
your qualities will never be reflected.
Daleep coming to your story firstly, you have prolonged the introduction including unwanted
details. Long introduction becomes the life history, career history and the impression management
about the hero. No, not at all, never required. What is required is only, always and every time a hero’s
identification, not the detail or life history of the hero which you have been writing. Therefore you have
consumed too much time and space in identifying the hero. See Daleep, time and space both are limited
and please try to understand the quality should not suffer because of the quantity and the quantity
should not suffer because of the quality.
The quality should not suffer because of the quantity and the quantity should not suffer because the quality.

Daleep coming to the focal point of your story that is body part or the crisis management which in
the language of TAT is known as what is going on ? or what is happening ? or what the situation is ? In
this part you have tried to do well while writing that “while patrolling Deepak saw some foot prints
leading towards the border. He engaged the local people who told him.” Till this stage story is some
what desirable, but Daleep while proceeding further you have committed a blunder while inducting the
smuggling situation in the main crisis. Please try to understand that TAT is the purely test of your
imagination and imagination is the practical application of your scientific principles and the imagination
only and always travels on the vehicle of information.
TAT is the purely test of your imagination and imagination is the practical application of your scientific
principles and finally and only imagination travels on the vehicle of information that too always and every time.
In the body part when the story was reaching to its crisis part you have inducted the situation of
smuggling that goes against your imagination. Please see how ? and why ?
Daleep answer my question again. Is it the job of an army officer to check and catch/nab the
smugglers ?. Practically it is the job of B.S.F. if the smuggling is being carried at the border area
otherwise this becomes the nature of job of a police officer or the police department, C.B.I., I.B., L.I.U.
etc. The question mark goes against your imagination, observation and perception. Therefore finally
92 | SSB

your story will have a fight between desirable and not desirable one and in totality since your earlier
stories are mostly ‘NOT DESIRABLE’ hence this story will not possess the merit to become the
desirable one.
Answer; again when an army officer will start operating against the smugglers then who will fight
the war, insurgency operation, infiltration, terrorism etc. Please again try to understand. We have
multitier security crisis managing agencies, when all the security agencies are failed then army comes in
the operation. What will happen to other agencies, which are responsible and duty bound for internal
operations. Smuggling is purely internal affair not the external and whereas army is always used for
external affairs. Therefore including smuggling in the story where army operation is not required, goes
out of question.
Picture No. 4—“Ajit was a hardworking student. He passed
the entrance test for a boarding school and joined the school. He
always liked to participate actively in sports games and co-
curricular activities. When Ajit was in hostel there was dramatic
competition. He was made incharge of the house dramatic team.
Ajit directed the Hindi drama and also other cultural events. Ajit
also played the lead role in the play. On the final day his team
performed excellently and his house won the dramatics
competition. Ajit team was also selected to represent the school in
state level dramatic competition. His school also won the State
level competition.”
Evaluation of the Story—You are not being tested for the managerial and executive job. Here
your qualities are being tested by virtue of that you are able to manage the crisis. The demand of the
system is to choose a saviour and to find out the right men for the right job, all these pressure tests have
been created. To support the testimony of my statement I am quoting the contents of my article
published in The Times of India in 1995 under the heading of, “attack the problem to achieve your
goal” (SSB Guidance, TAT).
The psychologists lay emphasis on conditions of hardships (forest scene) just to know how the
particular candidate is confronting or facing the situations when he is in a jungle, because in services
these situations are to be confronted. The forest scene will also denote that how the persons will deal
with difficult and odd situation.
As far as ‘tank’ and suspicious scenes are concerned, they are projected just to test the boldness,
aggressiveness, adventures and also to test the intellectual perfections of the candidate along with stress
The scene pertaining to pointing of hands in angry mood, accidents, no vacancy and grave yards
are shown just to test the attitude of the candidate in apparently negative situations.
Whereas ambiguous situations are concerned, in these set of pictures, each projection shows ‘two’
persons or ‘three’ or may be a single one in frustrating situations of the common occurrence. One
person in each picture is represented as making a statement which either helps in describing the
frustration of the second individual or itself frustrating to the latter. The caption box above the second
or third individual is blank. The features and expressions in all figures are omitted. Interpreting the
ambiguous stories, one is bound to reveal the aspects of his own personality, of which he is not aware.
In creating stories based upon ambiguous pictures the individual organises the contents of his personal
Explanation—The responses denoting the frustrated pictures are intended to show the individuals
frustration tolerance, which signifies the absence of observable disorganisation in response to the
frustrating situations or adequacy and efficiency of responses despite frustrations.
Frustrations are the common experiences. Modes of adjustment to them are significant in
understanding behaviour and personality organisations, since these modes reveal ways of coping with
SSB | 93

Evaluation of Story No. 4 in the context of above statement—Again in this story everything is
vague right from the introduction to the crisis. There is a vague introduction as it does not display any
thing in a sound manner. Like Ajit is hero and introduction does not spell who the Ajeet was. For which
boarding school he has passed the entrance examination. Again there is an impression management like
Ajit was hard working, he always liked to participate actively in sports, games and cocurricular
activities. These are not required. Again you write that Ajit was made incharge of the house dramatics
team, this is also not required. Again you write that Ajit directed the drama, played the leading role and
finally his team performed well and won.
What was the name and heading of drama. On which occasion it was organised means what led to
the situation has not been made clear by you. Where as the second part of TAT is concerned that what is
happening ? It is also not clear like what was the name of the play, what was the proper schedule of
preparation ? Before whom practice session were being carried on ? Whether it was the only play and
only one team or were there other competitive teams ? Apart this play, were there other items ? or not, it
was also not made clear.
Actual mistake committed by the candidate in this story—You have to perceive the stress in the
picture. In some pictures stress is given but in remaining pictures stress is perceived. Perception,
observation and imagining the stress is the direct product of your imagination. Gentleman, whenever
you introduce any drama or stage programme in the story then the entire stress is neutralised. In this
picture a person in serious mood is pointing his left hand towards the ground where waste materials like
old and waste clothes are thrown in a haphazard manner. It is night scene and no one is around. Here
you have perceived a drama. In drama a play is staged for the purposes of entertainment therefore, it
will never have actual stress and the actual stress is only required because we want actually a crisis
leader and conclusively a ‘SAVIOUR’. Therefore, these kind of stories are not the requirement of the
TAT. Please also note one or two stories will not make or break you but majority of stories do spell the
Story No. 5—“Harish hailed from remote area of Rajasthan.
Harish joined Army as an officer. During his leave he saw that
due to shortage of water in the summer the villagers faced lot of
problem. Harish gathered the villagers and briefed them about
water management through water harvesting. He made a team of
youth to spread the awareness to other villages also. During the
same year there were good monsoons and people conserved lot of
water for the coming summer. People also worked together and
started constructing dams. Seeing the determination the Govt.
also aided them financially and technically. This lead to a
revolution in water conservation and brought prosperity to the
Evaluation of the story—Night scene, the picture is hazy. Hazy means an ambiguous. Let me
interpret the meaning of the word hazy or an ambiguous. It will mean deem, murky, lacking light, not
clear and finally which has more than two, three or so many interpretations. This picture is an
ambiguous one. The picture reveals that a person bearing a cap, seems to be a brave person, going alone
in night that too in hurry, the picture further reveals that he is passing through such an area which is
lonely and that does not have presence/existence of any house or person or human environment.
Requirement of the scene—This particular scene requires your perception, observation and the
imagination which demands that : Who is that man ? What has happened with him ? What he is
doing ? Why he is doing ? How he is doing ? How he is planning and executing ? What he wants
to execute ? How he is utilising the manpower and the resources ? and finally, How he is reaching
to the result ?
If and when you are able to answer above those questions your TAT will definitely fall under the
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Interpretation of the story—All the pictures are action oriented. The action in any story can be
based on three things

Person or Situation or The movement, Gesture, Stepping

Hero the environment and body language
around the Hero
See Gentleman, this picture demands a short term goal. The short term goal requires an urgent
mission. The situation around the hero and the environment also supports that the hero should undertake
some urgent mission or risk or problem but gentleman inspite of involving your hero with some
emergency or urgent mission you are introducing your hero as an Army officer who comes on leave and
finds water problem causing a lot of scarcity to villagers. He further gathers villagers and briefs about
water management through water harvesting. Again you are making a team of youth to make the other
villagers aware. Since you have not perceived the obvious properly and further you have not acted
according to the demand of the situation. The first reason is that you have not written the story around
the persons and situations shown in the picture.
Secondly, you have not answered three basic thematic questions that is—

What led to the situation ?

What is happening ?

What is the out come of that happening ?

Because of the above reasons your story is again not desirable. The best way is first you perceive a
problem according to the obvious, then at the second stage introduce a hero and give him the task. At
the time of allotting the task you have to imagine whether stress is given in the obvious or not ?. If not
then you have to perceive the stress. Having perceived the stress, engage your hero to combat the stress.
Combating the stress should be managed and executed stage by stage that too in actual sense. This is
such a stage which reveals most of the OLQs, therefore, it requires the practical and possible
deployment of resources, manpower etc. If you practice and follow the above stages your story will
automatically become desirable.
You have not been able to meet the requirement due to your vague and unwanted details in the
introduction, haphazard planning for the management of the crisis stage by stage and that too not proper
and right deployment of the resources.
Interpretation; (taking parameter in context)—Repetition in psychology is against the doctrine
of imagination. In most of stories you have written that hero hailed from the remote area. Again you are
writing in most of the stories that he liked since childhood, again it is of no use. When hero liked
adventures activity since his childhood he should undertake the same single mission and not the other
SSB is a problem solving behaviour and TAT is a problem solving behaviour in a single or particular context.
In most of the stories you have mixed ‘two’ some ‘times’ three missions. In this story, please you
see how you have sauced or sandwiched two objects or missions. What you have done and why ? Let
me evaluate it.
“Gentleman, your hero is interested in adventures activities since childhood therefore you should
have handed over the task related to adventure, trekking or mountaineering. For what your hero
becomes the lecturer ? Please tell me just to only motivate the youth to participate in adventures
activities ? and again tell me can’t he motivate without being a lecturer ? and how much time gap you
have created while writing the story that Vinay liked the adventures activities since his childhood and
SSB | 95

later on he became the lecturer. Don’t you imagine how many years it takes to become an adult from
childhood stage and further to become a lecturer ? Again it becomes haphazard. After selecting the team
there was a competition after one year, again it becomes time taking process.” Finally this story
demands a short term crisis of an urgent nature which you have failed to project.
Leader in Crisis—You cannot be a leader of crisis in your profile unless you create and solve a situation of
crisis. If you do not create a situation then you cannot give indication from your imagination that you are a
leader of crisis.
Again tell me; he selected the college trekking team only when he joined the college as a lecturer
before that, was there no trekking team in the college ?
Consistency and consistent thinking becomes the essence of psychological testing.
In your all stories you have not been able to maintain the consistency in any part of your stories.
Picture No. 6—“Vinay hailed from a remote area of a hilly
state. Vinay liked the adventures right from his school days. He
while studying in a college took trekking and mountaineering
expedition. Vinay became a lecturer in the college and motivated
the youth to participate in the adventures activities. He selected
the college trekking team. A year later there was inter distt rock
climbing and treasure hunt competition organised by the state
youth and sports ministry. Vinay’s college team won the inter
district competition and later on Vinay organised an expedition to
K 2 peak which they completed successfully. Many other students
also got motivated joined the adventure club.”
Evaluation of the Story—Take the TAT’s system in
consideration which says, you are to write a story around the
persons and situations shown in the picture. Here your perception
is in the right direction as you have perceived an adventurous
activity but your imagination is under question. In this picture a
person in combat uniform is climbing on a hill. The scene reveals
a toughest climbing and in a difficult climatic conditions. Any
candidate of mountaineering, climbing or adventurous activity
would not be able to undertake, this mission. Therefore, your imagination comes under the question. In
actual sense this type of mission can be undertaken by the commandos, men from para, soldiers of
infantary who engaged or deployed with combat operation in hilly areas and difficult terrain. Although
this picture belongs from factor IV that is Dynamic Aspect which has three qualities—

1 Courage Determination 2

1 2
Physical Mental
Stamina Stamina

Your most of the stories are not answering the three basic thematic questions : These are—
(1) (2) (3)
What led to the What is & What is the out come
situation ? happening ? of that happening ?
96 | SSB

Lesson 10
Preparation of SSB Interview
As the SSBs focus on qualities, it is only humbug to think of a laid down syllabus and making a
formal and time-bound preparation. Any one who assures a short term and yet a sure short preparation
of SSB interview is only deluding you. It is impossible to wear a mask of military officer for a long time.
No one sanes these qualities is shrewd enough to outsmart the scientifically evolved and time proven
techniques. Let us not forget that the main agent for inculcation of the qualities is your environment;
specially the schooling from middle to secondary level. Deprivation causes irreparable damage to the
personality. Once time and opportunity is lost, retrieval is impossible.
How This Book Can Help You ? You may, then, ask the justification of any formal guidance for
SSB. What is the fun of consulting an expert or going through this book if nothing substantial can be
achieved ? Let me assure you that it is possible to train the mind, gain control over emotions and give
desirable direction to thoughts and improve the expression by motivation and sustained effort. The
human mind has enormous capacity and tremendous flexibility. It is still possible to ‘gain’. We with
growth become more mature, more understanding and more absorbing. As mature persons, we may not
learn much by ‘conditioning’, which is the main method of learning during the early stages of life. We
as adults have higher level of motivation and learn by repetition, practice and social desirability. An
adult has better developed cognitive faculties and grasping power. With these things in our favour, we
can modify our behaviour in the desired direction with conscious efforts. This book, I am sure, can be
of tremendous help to any motivated reader because for the following reasons :

The book lays stress on long-term rather than a It dispels the doubts or misgivings about what
1 2
short preparation for SSB. is desirable and what is not ?

Instead of dwelling on commercial phrases like By cautioning the readers against the possible
3 ‘positive-appraoch, initiative, leadership pitfalls in various tests. 4
qualities’, it explains, how such qualities can
be inculcated.

By neutralising the effect of wrong advises It will reduce your reaction time as various
5 given by quacks in the field of SSBs coaching. tests have been explained with clear and 6
objective instructions.

By inducing consistency in your


Watch Your Thoughts

Watch your thoughts, they become words
Watch your words they become actions
Watch your actions they become habits
Watch your habits they become character
Watch your character, it becomes your destiny —Frank Outlaw
SSB | 97

Importance of Language and Expression. Candidates must not forget that language of SSB is
English. You are required to be well versed in expressing your thoughts or ideas in English; in written
as well as spoken form. No doubt, you are allowed to give your answers in Hindi also. My own
experience suggests that only those candidates opt to answer in Hindi who cannot express themselves
well in English. Language is only a means to communicate one’s thoughts. Notwithstanding this I
would assert that knowledge of many languages is an asset of the personality that helps you to survive
well. Unfortunately, English language, in most part of our country has been declared as a symbol of
‘mental slavery’ of British by vested interests. Knowledge of English is not promoted because it is
against the patriotic spirit. I do not want to kick a controversy on this issue. As an officer, your area of
interaction is far beyond your own region or country. You will be interacting with your counterparts
from European American and commonwealth countries more than often. The literature of military
hardware is mostly available in English Language. So let us be flexible and without prejudice to any
language, acquire the skill to communicate in English well. I leave it to you how you are going to
acquire this.

Lesson 11
Call Letter-Journey-Reporting-Personal
Information Questionnaire
Tests at Selection Boards span over four to five days. You must plan for staying at least fifteen
days away from home comfortably and equip yourself accordingly. In most of the cases successful
candidates are sent for medical examinations from Boards immediately after declaration of results.
Medical examinations are carried out at nearest Military/Command Hospitals. Medical tests also may
last for about a week and hence must be prepared for a fifteen days rendezvous with mind and body as
scanning agencies are away from home. However, you must go through your call letter and come
prepared according to instructions given therein.
As per the established practice, candidates are received at the nearest railway station at appointed
date and time by a representative of the Board. On arrival, candidates are required to fill up various
forms for various official purposes. One of the most important papers a candidate is required to fill is
the Personal Information Questionnaire. Personal Information Questionnaire seeks total information
about the past of any candidate. A sample pattern of the PIQ is given at the end of the chapter. PIQ is
filled in two copies. One copy is given to the psychologist and the other one goes to the interviewing

Importance of PIQ : Personal Information Questionnaire contains the entire developmental history of an
individual. It is a complete reflection of your achievements, socio-economic background, percentage,
schoolings, hobbies and interests, achievement in various fields etc. Remember, what you are today is due to
your environment. You have complete control over the environmental factors; and therefore, you must be
truthful in supplying the information sought. Do not be tempted to exaggerate your achievements specially in
the field of co and extra curricular activities. Nor it is advisable to hide any point which you feel, reflects you in
poor light. A truthful PIQ is only a help to build a realistic image of the candidate. I want to quote two real
instances to prove my point.

Case I. I recall the case of Navin (not the real name), a candidate for NDA entry at 4 AFSB
Varanasi. The candidate hailed from Gorakhpur and belonged to an educated middle class
family. His father was an engineer in a public sector. He studied in St. Paul’s School of
Gorakhpur which is a reputed English medium school of that area. A highly motivated
candidate he was and took briefing from someone regarding SSB tests.
98 | SSB

Navin must have played football at some stage but he boasted to be the Captain of his
School football team. The interviewing officer quizzed him thoroughly to verify the facts
submitted and to ascertain his motivation for sports. Navin had hardly expected such
questions. He tried to put a brave front initially but was unable to sustain the penetrating
questions. Finally he broke down and confessed to the IO that he gave this information only
to impress the Board. The only truth was that he liked to play football. The candidate faced a
lot of embarrassment on the other achievements also which he had mentioned and finally
pleaded apology for wrong; perhaps exaggerated information. Navin’s case was discussed at
length in the President’s conference also. Navin was finally NOT RECOMMENDED.
Comment—Navin’s case is a burning example, how dependence on a quack’s advice can ruin your
chances in SSB. Secondly, there is a general tendency among the candidates to give inflated
information regarding their achievements. Had Navin been advised to be truthful he would not have
faced discomfiture of that degree. Truth would have saved him!
Case II. We will examine the responses of two candidates to a situation in the psychological test
Situation—He had to go to a place some 20 Km away in a hot summer afternoon. Having waited
at the bus-stop for a long time when no bus came he …
Candidate 1. He took a tonga and managed to reach his destination.
Candidate 2. Hired a taxi and reached there on time.
Comment—Though the response of the second candidate (hiring a taxi) appears better in
comparison to the first candidate’s response, a psychologist would not take this only on the face value.
A professional would find both the responses of equal merit. Both the candidates have taken same
decision i.e. not to wait any further and to go for a substitute means of transport. Both the candidates
have shown equal degree of understanding, grasp and decision-making to explore an alternative
resource. Now, what will they explore depends on their socio-economic backgrounds. The second
candidate belonged to New Delhi where hiring a taxi is a common phenomenon. Hiring a taxi is in his
world of cognition. The first candidate chose to take a tonga because he hailed from a small suburb in
Aligarh in UP. The common means of transport in his environment is tonga. He would not imagine
hiring of taxi at the spur of the moment. The first candidate comes from a relatively deprived socio-
economic background. The second candidate comes from a better and richer background. But both of
them understand the situation in similar way and take similar decisions !
One cannot appreciate these finer aspects by ignoring the PIQ of candidates. In the mentioned case
the candidates would have been assessed on uneven keel. Correct and truthful information supplied in
the PIQ can save a candidate.
1. Name …………………………………
(as mentioned in the application form) …………………………………
2. Father’s name …………………………………
3. Place of maximum residence …………………………………
4. Present address …………………………………
(with approximate population of the place) …………………………………
5. Permanent address …………………………………
(with approximate population of the place) …………………………………
Whether district headquarters or not …………………………………
SSB | 99

6. District & State Religion Mother Tongue Marital Status

7. Whether parents alive or not ……………………………………………
If not alive, your age at the time of Father/mother’s
death ……………………………………………
8. Education and occupation of parents
Education Occupation Sector of employment Monthly Income
(a) Father ………………… ………………… …………………
(b) Mother ………………… ………………… …………………
9. Name of Brothers and Sisters ………………………………………
Your ranking among Siblings ………………………………………
Education and Occupation of your ………………………………………
Brothers and sisters ………………………………………
10. Educational Record (matriculation onwards)
Exam Board/School Class Division % of Medium of Boarder/ Outstanding-
marks of instruction Day scholar achievements
if any
11. Present Occupation and monthly income if any……………………………………………………
12. Height in cm………………weight in kilograms…………………………………………………
13. Whether had NCC training Yes/No. If yes, give details
Duration of Training Wing Division Outstanding achievements if any
14. Participation in games and sports
Sports Activity Duration of Level of participation Outstanding achievements if any
15. Participation in extracurricular and group activities
Name of Duration of Level of participation Outstanding achievements if any
Activity participation
16. Hobbies/interest …………………………………………………
100 | SSB

17. Position of Responsibility in In games/sports and extra curricular

group activities …………………………………………………
18. Choice of Arms/Service …………………………………………………
19. Type of Commission …………………………………………………
20. No. of chances availed …………………………………………………
21. Results of chances available in the past
SSB No. Batch and Chest no. Dates of Interview Whether Recommended or Not

Lesson 12
Psychological Tests
Schedule—Psychological tests (as we understand in reference to SSBs) are conducted immediately
after the screening test. Psychological tests in SSBs are of two types—Intelligence tests and Projective
Intelligence Tests—The purpose of intelligence tests is to assess the basic intelligence of
candidates. Without going through various definitions proposed to understand intelligence, it is
sufficient to mention that intelligence is capacity to solve problems ‘quickly and correctly’. The two
basic features of any intelligence are speed and accuracy.
Types of Questions—If you have been going through some competition magazines regularly you
will understand the types of questions that normally comprise intelligence tests. Simple questions on
numerical ability, linguistic ability, spatial ability, logic, and abstract operations are asked in the
intelligence tests. Some examples of these tests are given at the end of this chapter. Important to
remember here is that intelligence tests are always conducted with some stress-causing factor/factors.
In our situations of testing, stress is introduced by two factors i.e. difficulty and time. Questions
vary in terms of difficulty. Secondly, they are to be attempted within limited time. In SSBs various
intelligence batteries are available in which the no. of items, degree of difficulty and allotted maximum
time vary.
Conduct of Intelligence Tests—The Psychologist initially gives detailed instructions on the
conduct of the test. He clarifies the nature of questions and method of writing their answers with the
help of adequate examples question. A practice set is given before the actual set of questions is
administered to ensure grasp.
Generally, intelligence tests are to be written in PENCIL ONLY. Candidates are not allowed to use
the ink or ballpoint pens because the question-booklets are reusable and therefore, it is necessary to
avoid any type of permanent marking on them.
An intelligence test battery consists of two sets of question papers. Both the sets are to be answered
one after the other. Instructions and questions for the two sets may be similar or different. The
Psychologist would ensure that the candidates are fully clear about the questions, allotted time, and
intructions about the conduct of test.
Do’s And Don’ts During Intelligence Tests
1. Intelligence tests are to be taken with a peaceful and attentive mind. You must be fresh and
arrive at the testing venue at or a little before the allotted time. In no case rush up or reach late at the
testing hall.
SSB | 101

2. Your writing kit must have two sharpened pencils, a pencil sharpener and one eraser of good
3. Occupy your own allotted seat and after that withdraw your thoughts from all that is not relevant.
4. Be attentive to the instructions. Instructions are imparted in simple English. Do not hesitate to
seek clarification if you have not understood any part of the instructions.
5. Participate in the process of going through the examples and the practice set whole-heartedly. Do
not ignore any part of the instruction or take anything for granted.
6. Be a Gentleman (if I may use the word ‘Gentle person’ for women candidates) in your conduct.
Show your discipline and full co-opertion with the Duty Psychologist. Sometimes he may request you
to help him in distribution or collection of answer-sheets or question-booklets. You must happily extend
him your help.
How to Prepare for Intelligence Tests ? You must bear in mind that the answers of intelligence
tests are evaluated for their correctness. They are ‘objective’ in a way that every question has only one
correct/admissible answer. It is not possible to consider variation in answers that may result due to the
influence of Personal psychological attributes. The only way to prepare for intelligences tests is to
practice sincerely. Lot of Books on intelligence test are available in libraries and on bookstands. You
may pick up a few of them and practice on your own. Be faithful to time to attain speed.

Lesson 13
Projective Tests
Projective tests are those tests in which subjects (candidates in our context) project their own
personality qualities in their responses. Candidates responses are not evaluated for correctness.
Inference about the psychological attributes of candidates is drawn from their responses. The
psychological test battery includes the following four tests in vogue in SSBs :—
1 2 3 4

Thematic Apperception Word Association Situation Reaction Self-Description Test

Test (TAT) Test (WAT) Test (SRT) (SD)

Thematic Apperception Test

Thematic Apperception Test is picture story-writing test. The Psychologist projects a few black and
white pictures on the screen. Candidates are asked to write a story on the situation shown in the
pictures. Pictures vary in clarity (some pictures may be clear, partially clear or vague) and in content. In
the present system of SSBs, candidates are required to write eleven stories on the projected situations
and one story on a situation imagined by themselves. Before proceeding further we must understand the
concept of perception and apperception.
Perception and Apperception :—The psychological phenomenon that makes the core of the TAT
is ‘Apperception’. Apperception implies ‘assigning the perceived object’. It is a step further to the
process of perception. In perception an object or a person is perceived for recognition and identification.
Psychologically, the process of assigning meaning to sensory input is called perception. Various
audio-visual clause, properties of figure and background etc. combine with the attributes of the
individual (perceiver) play their role in such recognition and identification. However, the interaction
with the environment is incomplete without the identification of purpose/intention of the perceived
object/person in his environment.
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The perceived object has a meaning with relation to its environment and the process of finding such
meaning is called as apperception. We will understand the difference between perception and apperception with
the help of an example.

Look at the picture above. Try to identify various elements of the picture. You can identify three
main constituents of this picture : ‘a man’, ‘a road’ and ‘a signpost’. The conclusion about ‘a man’, ‘a
road’ and a ‘signpost’ are perception. Now, try to answer the following questions :

Who is the man in the picture ? 1 2 What is the man doing in the picture ?

3 4 What is the the object held by the man

What are contents of the signpost ?
in his right hand ?

5 6
What is the occupation of the man ? Why is the man staring at the signpost ?

 The process of finding answer to the above mention questions is

apperception. Apperception is a highly individual process and two individuals
in all probability will only differ in finding answers to these questions. Thus, while
the process of assigning meaning to sensory input is perception, the process of
assigning meaning to perception is apperception.
, ,
Apperception brings out the individual differences perhaps in best way. In the TAT
being an unconscious test, the motives, forces, motivation, conflicts, defence mechanisms
are the main determinants of personality. These factors provide a force and patterned
direction to personality, which are unique to individual. Above all these factors are the
greatest determinants of psychological health on individual. For these considerations
the Thematic Apperception Test (TAT) is the most powerful test in the psychological
test battery. A good performance in the picture story test is a sure step towards
success. Half of the battle is won if you perform well in the TAT. Converse is also
true. It is only a wishful thinking to expect success with a bad performance
in TAT.

Lesson 14
TAT (Thematic Apperception Test)
Instructions for TAT—The Psychologist will give detailed instructions before conducting every
test. Instructions for the TAT will be like this :—
(1) Gentlemen, this is the first test of the battery of your psychological test, known as TAT
(Thematic Apperception Test). This is purely the test of your imagination. A number of pictures will be
SSB | 103

shown to you on the screen for 30 seconds that will be 11 + 1 = 12, and the last will be a blank one.
You are required to write a story the way it comes to your mind spontaneously within 4 minutes that too
on each one covering the persons and the situations shown in the picture while answering three basic
thematic questions :—

What led to the situation ?

What the situation is ?

What is going on ?


What the picture is ?


What is happeing in that picture ?

3 What is the outcome ?


What the conclusion is ?


What is the result of that picture ?

Please write a story and merely do not describe the picture and also do not write a filmy story, or
the story guided by friends and the books. While writing the stories your characters will interact
together then the thought, feelings and emotions will come and that will become the material for our
Instruction for the TAT include the following points :—
1. TAT is a test of your imagination and you are free to give your responses the way they appear in
your mind.
2. Twelve pictures will be projected on the screen one after the other.
3. You are required to write a story around the persons and situations shown in the picture covering
what led to the situation (past), what is going on (present) and what will be the outcome (future) of
the situation.
4. In your stories you will describe thoughts, feelings, actions and emotions of the characters.
5. Do not care for the beauty of expression; write freely the thoughts that come to your mind.
6. You may find a few pictures vague or hazy. Instead of seeking any clarification, use your own
imagination and proceed.
104 | SSB

7. Each picture will stay on the screen for 30 seconds and you will get four minutes to write the
8. You will see eleven pictures on the screen. For the twelth story, no picture will be projected on
the screen. You will find only a patch of light on the screen for 30 seconds during which you will
imagine a situation of your own choice. You will write a story around the person & situations imagined
by you.
Psychologist clarifies the conduct of test by projecting an example picture. It is not possible to
entertain any doubt or query after commencement of the test and hence it is advisable to clarify
everything before the test begins.
The conduct of TAT is summed up as following :—
Thematic Apperception Test : Summary
Number of pictures/situations 11 + 1 blank (imagined by candidate)
Duration of Exposure on the Screen 30 Seconds
Time for Writing Each Story– 04 Minutes
Space for Writing Stories 1/2 page
How To Do well In TAT ? Knowledge is power. The first and foremost requirement for doing
well in TAT is to know the nature of the test itself. Thematic Apperception Test is a directions less test.
It does not provide any direction to your thoughts. There is no objective reality in the contents of the
situation. You are free to imagine anything. Your stories reflect own personality qualities. You can
utilise the TAT to project your qualities by keeping a few things in your mind the following factors :—
1 2 3 4 5

Hero Task Resources Planning and Conclusion

organisation and
Hero—Hero is the central character of any story. You have to select one person as
the hero of the story. Hero is the most active and influential person of the stories. He
commands others, takes decisions, solves problems, supports and nourishes social norms,
fights evils and contributes most actively in achieving goals of his group, nation and
society. As a rule, you must select a person of your own age and sex as the Hero of your
stories. That means for a young male candidate a child; an old man and a female should
not be selected as hero. Women candidates by the same token; should not select a male
or any person beyond their own age group as heroes. Remember, you can project your
own qualities only through a person who is most similar to you. Hero in other words
represents you. Your qualities cannot be projected through a dissimilar person. A child
can represent his own level of knowledge, skills and physical strength by virtue of his
own age limitations. Consider you are a sportsman with adequate stamina to run fifteen
kilometres comfortably. How can a child logically represent this quality/achievement of
yours ? The sum and substance of the matter is—
There should not be a gap between you and the hero in terms of age, sex, strength, motivation and vision.

Lesson 15
What If Such A Person Is Not Available In The Picture ?
Remember what you saw (projected picture on the screen) is only one frame of an event. Many
aspects of the event are yet hidden and you have to reach them using your imagination. If you do not
find a person qualifying to be selected as hero, his presence in the event cannot be ruled out. In certain
pictures used at SSBs, there is no human figure at all, let alone a suitable person being present. Even in
SSB | 105

movies/plays also hero is not present in every single scene. Hero’s presence in every act/frame is
not necessary. Hero is the main character of the event/story and not of every sub-division of the
total act. Hero’s absence from the projected scene may be temporary and for well-justified
Task—The next important ingredient of story is task. Task refers to the main event contained in
the story. Hero is responsible for carrying out the task. Task is the mission for the hero in story. All
efforts, decision, resources, planning and organisation meant to facilitate achievement of task make the
theme of any story.
I reiterate here that TAT is a directionless test. Psychologist does not regulate or punctuate
the thoughts of candidates. You are at full liberty to imagine anything. Selection of task is
completely up to the wish of the candidate. It reflects mainly on our problem solving abilities and
dynamism. If a candidate spontaneously selects a difficult task for the hero he shows the will to
tackle difficulties. His personality is more appropriate and in accordance to the OLQ’s profile.
On the other hand, selection of simple tasks shows the escapist tendency or poor ability to deal
with difficulties on the part of the candidate.
May I here remind you that SSBs are looking for a saviour and a trouble-shooter ! (Leader in
crisis who enjoys hard and adventures tasks.) TAT is the best opportunity to prove you as one.
You can convince about your abilities only by selecting a crisis/difficulty or adventures task for
the hero and proposing, how to overcome/achieve it.

Lesson 16
Long-term Versus Short-term Tasks
In your stories the hero must be engaged in a mission, which must have some crisis,
adventure and an urgency. You can retrieve the situation only by your immediate reaction. Delay
in such situation would prove fatal or further complicate the situation. For example, a drowning
man could be saved only by taking an immediate and appropriate step. One can ill afford to delay
action in such a situation. Saving a drowning man, Rescuing flood or earthquake victims to
safety, saving victims of road accidents, fighting dacoits, arranging blood for person being
immediately operated on, saving persons from a sinking ship, climbing a steep cliff/mountain,
skydiving, river rafting etc. are a few examples of involvement in hard and adventures tasks
wherein your qualities are manifested in crisis situations. These situations require urgent reaction
on the part of the hero.
But much to the dismay of psychologists most the candidates even with positive-attitude,
courage, persistence, and leadership qualities select tasks like organising a picnic, eradication of
rural illiteracy, tackling dowry menace, organising eye-operation or poliodrop camps, helping a
friend arrange his sister’s wedding, making people aware of the dreaded diseases like aids and
social issues of various types. There is nothing wrong in selecting these types of tasks. But don’t
miss to realise that these issues need primarily a ‘vision’ or a long-term strategy. The requirement
of Armed Forces lays emphasis on your ‘reaction pattern’ when you face a situation. With a
vision or strategy, you may obviate or avoid falling into a problem. But once a problem has
arisen, you have to solve it instead of avoiding with your appropriate reaction. My advice to you-
as far as possible is, train your mind to imagine those problems, which contain some
stress/crisis/urgency and primarily need a quick and short-term solutions.
Your crisis managing personality is assessed primarily by examining the content of your
imagination. If you enjoy fighting crisis and succeeding by staking your comforts, braving risks,
you will spontaneously imagine such situations. But if you are given to comforts, avoid heat and
106 | SSB

dust of life and prefer to work in stress free environment, your imagination will fish out only such
jobs as the mission for your hero. Also, you will notice, that in a set of twelve (11 +1 blank)
situations, invariably one or two situations contain something obviously stressful. You might find
the scene of a road accident or a drowning ship or a person being washed away by strong
currents, the purpose behind giving these stressful situations is to force you in stress and gauge
your reaction.

Lesson 17
Once the hero who is the doer (is committed to the task and (what is to be done) he needs some
tools or equipment and some assistance from the people to achieve his goal. If the hero wants to go to
any place he needs some transport/vehicle, if he is to fight some terrorists he needs weapons and a team,
if he is to communicate, he must have something like a telephone or some other means-call these things
resources. The long and short of the matter is, you got to have some resources to perform your job
successfully. Resources are of four types as mentioned in the following lines :—

1 2 3 4

Human Resources Material Resources Time Money

Human Resources—In a variety of situation jobs cannot be performed by a single person. A joint
or team effort only can bring success. In your stories, the hero must delegate responsibilities and assign
a slice of jobs to his team members under his supervision. Remember there is a meaning behind every
person’s presence in the situation or the picture shown to you. Derive help from other human figures
given in the situation.
Material Resources—You not only need some ‘fools’ to follow you, but some
‘tools’ also to make your job easy. The list of material resources is exhaustive and
excludes nothing. Material resources can be accessed by one of the following ways :—
By Observation—Look carefully into the picture shown to you. You may find many resources
scattered into the environment itself. All you need is to hone your power of observation.

By Imagination or Guesswork or Surroundings :—Sometimes resources are available in the surroundings

but they are either hidden or lay behind any physical barrier. For example, if the picture shown to you depicts
rural surroundings it contains all resources of a village. Some of them may be seen obviously in the picture
while a great majority of such resources may be hidden. For instance, you may find a bullock-cart in the picture
but a tractor which is a faster means of transport in the village may not be given, though it is very much a part
of the village life.

Similarly the picture shown to you may suggest an office. Some external features of the office may
be seen obviously people, a peon, some indicative boards etc. The office might contain a host of
resources inside but because of physical barrier these cannot be seen for example a telephone, office
stationary, furniture or a fire extinguisher from outside.
SSB | 107

Such available resources are to be fished out by an active application of your imagination or guesswork. It is
the process of exploration. Your power of observation and ability to catch clues will aid you maximum in
finding out resources by this process.

By Improvisation. Many a time your requirements cannot be met by merely

observation, exploration or guesswork. You might require a specific object or a rarely
used object, which is not available in normal course. To take an example, there may
be a need of stretcher to rescue some injured persons. In such a situation, you have to
improvise the thing. Improvisation is the outcome of your creativity, which again is
the result of your imagination. A non-conventional object is to be improvised.
Time—One of the most important but least understood resources is time. Sadly time cannot be
manipulated. One can only learn how to utilise it in the best way. You can achieve it by increasing your
speed, increasing your physical and mental stamina, cutting your rest hours, being more methodical and
orderly and by adopting a lateral instead of linear approach in time management. In lateral approach
of time management you learn to handle many things at a time. You may learn music, yoga and do a
part time job while studying in a college. It is very much possible. In the linear approach one does
things one by one. This approach is slow and less productive because unless one thing in hand is
finished one cannot undertake another job. Remember, time travels only in one direction with its own
unstoppable force. But it is available to everyone in equal measures. God has been totally impartial in
distributing time to human kind. You can take a leaf from the life of any of the successful persons. They
have utilised time in the most productive and astute way.
Money—Undoubtedly, money is very important and a highly efficacious resource. Though money
cannot do anything per se, but it can be converted into many resource; at least those which could be
purchased. Money could be earned, borrowed or lent. In emergency it could be obtained by selling an
article or providing a service.
Planning and Organisation—Planning and organisation refer to the scheme of arrangement of
resources according to a strategy. Orderliness and parsimony are the two essential characteristics of
planning and organisation. Orderliness shows your skill to manoeuvre and maintain your tools in proper
place. You must have observed that some people keep their things in proper place and in a neat and tidy
fashion while some people remain careless, scatter, much around and do not maintain their
tools/equipment. The principle of parsimony refers to being least wasteful. Resources are scare, they are
to be utilised thriftly. Don’t deploy two where one is sufficient.
Let me assure you that planning and organisation cannot be ‘declared’ for a psychologist. I have
observed many candidates write ‘then he made a plan’ may be as suggested by some SSB guidebooks.
Plan is not to be proclaimed this way. The psychologist will make inference about your planning skills
according to the layout of the stories. Both the contents and the cover of your stories provide ample
evidence of your planning and organisational abilities. Even your handwriting is a great indication of
your ‘neat’ or ‘haphazard’ way of dealing with the resources. Cuttings, overwriting, correction,
repetition of words or sentences, variation or consistency in the style and size of letters ‘fonts’ in
computer language give adequate input about your planning and organising ability.
Conclusion—Your stories must and plausibly be written in relation to the task undertaken by the
hero. The psychologist generally scrutinises the conclusion of your stories in the following terms :—

Whether the hero was able to achieve the task or not.

Whether the task was achieved totally or partially.

● Whether the story answers ‘how the task was achieved’. The task has to be achieved by some
planning, organisation and gradual efforts but not due to sheer wishful thinking. Remember you
have to give details and not to end the story abruptly.
108 | SSB

● What follows achievement of task. Many candidates show rewards/felicitations to the hero for
doing a wonderful job. Some of the oft-noticed recognitions are ‘he was awarded with Param Vir
Chakra’ ‘the rich man offered him a good job in his factory’ or ‘he was selected as the Mayor of
the city’, his boss offered him double promotion etc. The reward seeker sets a precondition to do a
good act; thus he is calculative and shrewd. He is selfish and does not perform unless some benefit
is perceived. A habitually good person always gives rewards/personal profits a secondary
consideration in pursuit of his duties.

Lesson 18
TAT Must Answer the Following
To conclude in most simple terms—‘TAT stories are the accounts of ‘how the hero was able to
solve a difficult problem or achieve a task of urgent nature’.
The following box contains the sum and substances of all that make a good story in TAT—

Stories in TAT Must answer the following

By answering this you will
Who is the hero ? TAT is the problem solving
answer three basic thematic
behaviour in a particular or
questions. What is the task/mission of the hero ?
single context. By this way
1. What led to the scene ?
Was the hero able achieve his goal ? you will qualify in TAT.
2. What is going on ?
3. What the outcome is ? How the task was achieved ?

Additional Do’s and Don’ts of Story Writings

● Give simple and brief introduction of the hero in your stories. Do not decorate your hero with
superlatives like best in studies, best in sports, best cadet in NCC, most human, extremely soft and
kind-hearted etc. Remember hero is indirectly projecting your own qualities. He is not a superman.
● Avoid progress of stories with expressions like ‘somehow he did it’ or he could do it by his ‘sheer
hard work’. Instead, give details.
● Some of the pictures contain stress obviously. A road accident, a drowning child, a sinking ship, a
scene of storm and such like stressful situation may be depicted. Some candidates, instead of
perceiving stress, see the whole situation into a ‘drama’ or ‘a scene from a movie’ or something
else that is not real but a created one. Denial is a serious psychological limitation. One can ill afford
to ignore the obvious stress and distort the same into a drama or created scene.
● Some candidates achieve the mission in the stories by wishful thinking. I reiterate that your stories
must answer ‘how the task was achieved’. The series of steps between task identification and task
accomplishment must be clearly spelt out.
● Some candidates think that all twelve situations are the part of a single story. Though it is rare
nevertheless has happened many time. Remember, there is no link or continuity between two
situations projected to you.
● For the blank situation you must imagine a situation then and there and write a story there upon
rather than going with a story prepared beforehand. Without dwelling the psychological basis of
this advice. I wish to emphasise that the previously projected situation in a very subtle way. This
created mental set seeks a direction, which must be given expression. If you go with a prepared
story in advance, you run a risk of suppression of your own aroused thoughts. Suppression creates
conflicts, which might affect your performance in subsequent tests. Hence, the same advice would
be to act according to your mental set and imagine a situation on the spot.
SSB | 109

No jokes, this happened actually. An Airfoce Officer was posted as instructor at one of the Airmen training
institutes. The unit was gearing up for AOC-in-C’s inspection and every officer appeared to be racing against
time to complete the various assigned tasks. They were expected to be everywhere but on inquiry officers were
found nowhere ! Such was the scene.
He finished one of his classes and kicked off his bike to the officers mess to supervise some preparations in
connection with the VIP’s visit. His Squadron Commander needed him badly for something and finding him
nowhere in the Squadron building, a frantic search was launched. “Did you see Sqn. Leader R.K. Verma” was
the clamour going on but nobody actually answered till a shy and seemingly introvert trainee dared open his
mouth “Yes Sir”. My Warrant Officer was delighted. “Where is he” ? He flung with the next query.
The trainee Airman struggled hard to speak. Finding the trainee lost for appropriate English words; the
Warrant Officer encouraged him to speak—“Care not for your expression, just say without any hesitation”. The
trainee with lots of gestures and nods managed to say “Sir he has passed away !” My Warrant Officer was shell-
shocked. “Are you sure ?”
“Yes Sir, the officer took our class then passed away towards that side in his motorcycle” was the truthful
report from the Airman.

Selection Board Tit Bit !

Engineering Knowledge Test for the technical entry of the IAF used to be conducted at the Selection Boards
during those days. EKT was in progress at NO 2 AFSB, Mysore. After giving detailed instructions the officer
gave the starter and began patrolling in the testing hall.
He found one candidate restless. The candidate frequently bent sideways to catch a glimpse of his
neighbour’s answer sheet. It was not acceptable and so the officer on duty warned him.
But the man appeared a die-hard. He continued with his acts and so serving him the final warning the officer
told him to ‘watch out’ !
Oh, watch out Sir ? Here it is. And the candidate took out his wrist watch and put it on the table.

Lesson 19
Add Power-Productivity-Depth And
Span to Your Imagination
Strength of your stories depends on the strength of your imagination. You imagine (and explore
perhaps) what led to the situation ?, what is going on ?, and what would be the outcome of the
situation ?. You imagine the mission for the hero, resources needed to achieve the task, plan and
maneuver till the achievement of the aim. How far your imagination has travelled from the obvious ? is
the most important consideration for your assessment. A candidate whose span and depth of
imagination is limited to the obvious cannot make a mark. Favourable impression can be casted or
created by convincing the assessor of your span and depth of imagination.
Psychologists and educationists have devised various methods/exercises for development of
imagination. Various simple co and extra curricular activities conducted at the junior and secondary
level help improving sense of application and exploratory behaviour. These fall in both verbal and non-
verbal categories. Unfortunately, most of the schools in villages, suburbs and small to medium towns of
India hardly pay any attention to this. Expansion of paragraphs, story-writings, essay writings. quiz
contents, wit and humour contests, fancy dress competitions, solving crossword puzzles, project works
and work experience activities, mimicry and various games for fun and entertainment involve
imagination and application of mind. If you had been involving yourself in these activities the results
would be in your favour anyway. It is not possible to list out every such activity and give you a practice
through this book. Just to give you a feel that it is possible to train your mind to be more active and
imaginative, some verbal exercises are given to you.
Instructions—Expand the following paragraphs to make them a complete narration. Add a
maximum of 600 words. Finish your narration taking not more than 8 minutes for each paragraph.
110 | SSB

Jitendra was feeling sad and lonely. His father was transferred to a tribal area from Bhopal with a
special mission. They had to move, as there was no choice. The nearest college was some sixty Kms
Subodh was preparing for his SSB interview. It was a hot and humid evening and winds started
gusting fast. There was warning of cyclone. Subodh was worrying because his father, who was a bank
manager, had not returned home. Suddenly, with a loud bang of sparking, the electricity failed. As
Subodh asked his mother for a candle and matchbox the phone rang…
Keep your trap shut and let me think, shouted Ravi Inder who was the leader of the trekking
expedition. It was the group of ten college students who were NCC enthusiasts and were now on a 300
Km long trekking expedition in the hills of Garhwal. It was their third day and each day they were
behind the schedule. Ravi Inder believed in participatory management and at every step he invited
suggestions from his team members. The group lost way twice in the last two days and they could not
reach the target distance at the end of the day. Now, they missed an important landmark and Ravi Inder
did not want difference of opinion. When a member said something he…
How can my father be so cruel to me, Sukhbir thought to himself. Why had he stopped me from
going abroad in search of a career ? Three of his friends were already in Australia and their parents
were enjoying dollars. He cursed Jyoti. Because of her only his father perhaps…
When Ashutosh left for his college in his motorbike, least he expected what was going to happen.
A man asked for lift up to Nirala Chauk and he agreed for that. But as the man sat in the pillion seat, he
commanded him to drive him towards the airport saying that he had a pistol and will not hesitate to
shoot him if he did not obey…
Atul was thrilled. Lora was the object of his daydreams from the day he joined the college. Lora
was the daughter of a military officer and did not care about what people would think or say about her.
Atul liked her and could not care her careless attitude. Lora met Atul in the library and told that she
wanted his help in the project work. “Come to my home, we will discuss.” Today Atul planned to visit
Postman ! Rohit heard and rushed to the gate with a throbbing hear. The postman handed him over
the envelope. Man proposes, God disposes ! With lot of anxiety Rohit opened the envelope…
It never happened in the holy city of Hardiwar. Sudesh was in a great hurry to reach there. His boss
had already reached there. The train arrived late by two hours and when Sudesh boarded down, he
learnt that the town was under curfew. The previous evening some clashes took place between the Mela
police and shopkeepers over some trivial issue…
Balwant never saw such helpless people in his native place. He recently came to Mumbai as he got
a job in a factory as apprentice engineer. He became a paying guest in a medium class of locality. The
locality people paid regular taxes from their hard earned money to some roadies. The roadies not only
extorted money but misbehaved with the girls and ladies of the locality also. When Balwant saw this…
Nagesh could not believe what the supervisor has told. His younger brother’s marriage was fixed
for the next week and being the eldest son of his ailing father he had to lookafter the arrangements. His
supervisor knew it but suddenly orders came from the head office that the Director General was going
SSB | 111

to have a thorough inspection of their unit around the same dates. He cancelled the leave of all staff
members including Nagesh’s. When Nagesh protested…
Expanding Horizon

Situation I—The students of Gabbar Singh Memorial College are not happy with the academic
environment of the college so they decided to protest against this. When the students reached the office
of the principal, he strictly refused to listen to them.
Q. 1. What would the students do ?
Q. 2. What would the college authorities do in such a situation ?
Q. 3. Imagine that the principal agrees to the demands of the students but expressed his inability to
implement anything because of financial constraints. What should the students do in such a situation ?
Situation–II—You enter in the Office of Flood Control Department with a request to take some
measures for the permanent solution of flood situation in your locality. There is no officer and only a
few clerks are available who habitually obstruct any action in your favour.

Lesson 20
Practice Stories for TAT
Picture 1-Scene :—A farmer is cutting the crop in the field.
Story—Surendra Singh was a farmer. He had a
rose garden. It was 27th Oct. 2003, at about 4.30
am. he went to his garden to pluck the flowers as on
the same day there was marriage of sarpanch’s
daughter and he had to supply flowers and also to
decorate the house. He heard some whispering from
the near by orange orchard that five people were
planning to loot the marriage party. He moved a
way from the place without making noise and
immediately informed the Sarpanch. He escorted
the Sarpanch to the nearest Police Station and
further accompanied the force to nearby spot
releasing the Sarpanch to lookafter the marriage.
Police started searching from one field to another,
making the announcement to surrender when police
entered into 4th sugarcane field three persons came
Factor I Factor IV Factor III out saying not to fire on them promising to disclose
Intelligence or Dynamic Factor Leadership the location of remaining two persons who were
Aspect caught later on.
112 | SSB

Picture (2) : Only an empty bridge is

Story—The first week of Dec. 2005 was a
crime prevention week of U.P. Police. All
media channels sounded the government about
three consecutive road robberies with heavy
casualties near Kukrail bridge of Lucknow. ASP
Rupal Dev of Crime branch constituted a
special task force and started patrolling the area
from 8 p.m. to 5 am. Sensing this, the robbers
changed the area and robbed two four wheelers
on Gomti Bridge near Taj Hotel. ASP Rupal
Dev got information and combed around Pakka
Pul near Nakkhas from two sides. At about 2
am. two hooligans stopped a four wheeler.
Before they could attempt, he cautioned them. Factor I Factor IV
Intelligence or Organising Dynamism
One was caught on the bank and another was Aspect
nabbed over bridge.
Picture 3.
Considering the gravity of situation a company
of 5 Rajputana was deployed at Mohari sector of
Rajouri, Jammu and Kashmir to check heavy
infiltration Capt. Amit confronted a series of heavy
shelling while patrolling the sensitive area at around
11 p.m. He witnessed some intruders at the distance
of 250 yards and set a moving standing camera. He
again moved 100 yards back from there and got that
camera connected to a display screen, upto 5 am he
could not sense any movement. At 6 am. the screen
displayed that two persons are climbing on the A hole in a slide.
mountain at a distance of 500 yards towards North.
He directed his men to comb the situation and within
50 rounds of firing, 5 terrorist were killed and two Factor V Factor I Factor III
were captured alive. Dynamic Organising or Leadership
Picture 4.
Accepting the third challenge to nab the dreaded gangster
‘Munna’ in Lakhimpur. Inspector Rahul alongwith S.I. Rajna had
no alternative except to take the boat and vigil the sensitive area
posing as tourist. Their three consecutive attempts could not sort
out any clue. It was the fourth attempt when it was raining heavily
and they had to row the boat against the current towards a hilly
A man and women in a boat area. After reaching there they started vigiling. After 4 hours of
and weather is normal rigorous effort on boat and that too having left the boat aside they
failed to prioritise any action. Finally both decided to stay nearby
and next day they posed themselves as Sadhus and took their way
Factor V Factor III Factor I to the forest. At 1 PM a man with a rifle approached them and
Dynamic Leadership Organising or asked to bring some thing from nearby village. Rahul cautioned the
force after taking stock position with Rajna and deployed the force
from his wireless set at the required points. Surprisingly dacoits witnessing the heavy deployment
surrendered without confrontation.
SSB | 113

Picture 5. (Scene) : Human organ trafficking.

Factor I Factor III Factor IV

Intelligence or Leadership Dynamism
Story : —After the T.V. channels disclosure of organ trafficking in Nanavati Hospital of Delhi
by TEHELKA channel, on 5th April broad- casted the news and the police speeded up combing in
search of culprits. Crime detector Rishi Kumar conversed with CMO and deployed his men as
compounders, wardboys and further lodged fake patients in surgical department. After a month they
became familiar with all the staff. Having studied the favourable opportunity they also deployed
one doctor from Police Hospital. At 2 am. doctor in the police uniform noticed that one patient was
not on his bed, he rushed to operation theatre and simultaneously wirelessed the force to arrive. He
forcefully entered in the operation theater when stomach was being stitched. The doctor and the
subsequent staff were ordered to remain as it is. Meanwhile Rishi Kumar with force arrived, he checked
the body with the help of Police Doctor and found that one Kidney was missing. Immediately the entire
staff was arrested and further interrogation led to the arrest of four agents involved in the scandle.

Picture 6. (Scene) : Four uniform personnels are

conducting an operation in the forest.
Story :—ASP Ramesh Kumar got an information
from his intelligence that the most wanted smuggler
‘Nirbhay’ will meet with some gangsters on 2nd June at
around 11 pm. Near Juhu Beach to finalise his deal.
Ramesh took four men with him and reached the site at
9 pm. They dressed themselves as fishermen ASP Ramesh
deployed his men at different positions on beach, while he
himself went in sea with a boat as to sense the situation
posing as a fisherman. After 6 hours before sunrise, two
steamers arrived at the beach. Ramesh Kumar informed
his men on wireless to take positions. When ‘Nirbhya
stepped out from one of the steamer Ramesh Kumar with
his men made the surprise attack on him. The unaware
Nirbhay could not understand the attempt and before
advancing the first step to escape he was nabbed, the Factor I Factor III Factor IV
remaining members of his gang tried to escape but due to Organising Aspect Leadership Dynamism
shoot-at-site order they also surrendered. or Factor Intelligence Aspect
114 | SSB

Picture 7. (Scene) : A man in uniform standing and addressing to a group of people.

Factor V Factor I Factor III

Dynamism Intelligence or Leadership or
Organising Aspect Factor social effectiveness or
(Both are same) factor influencing
(All the three are same)

Story—Due to operation launched by STF and after nabbing three dcoits the “Sapolo” gang shifted
from Rajpur forest to Sanghe village and threatened Gram Pradhan for a ransom of Rs. 5,00000/- They
also said that if the amount is not paid within 15 days, they would kidnap his daughter and kill her.
Deputy S.P. Raj Thapa Crime Branch of Rajasthan challenged the task and counselled Pradhan to
extend the time by one week. Meanwhile, he deployed two intelligence officers of LIU to vigil and
collect the stock position. Raj directed Gram Pradhan to be in touch with dacoits and to reach on the
bank of Sharda river on 28th August, one day earlier to the expiry date. Having got familiar with
adjustment and environment they plunged with the operation posing themselves as local farmers. A
stranger asked the Pradhan to handover the ransom as Puja material. Within 3 hours 45 minutes
some Sadhus and Pujaries approached the spot while singing religious songs. Surprisingly force
encircled them and got them nabbed without any confrontation.
Picture 8. (Scene) : One fighter plane is on flight.

Factor V Factor I
Dynamism Intelligence or
Organising Aspect
SSB | 115

Story—Flight lieutenant Raj got an order from Air Force Head Quarter, while on a flight, that 5
tourists have been caught under avalanche in Laddakh area on the hill point no 2005. Within next
minute he returned to the base. He flew by rescue helicopter alongwith 4 members of the rescue team.
He approached the spot within 5 minutes. They landed in the area with full equipments like rope, keals,
hammers and also with required first-aid. In the first attempt he asked three persons to land down by the
ladder. They reported from their set that this complexity of situation requires 3 more members to bail
out the operation. He flew back again and accompanied three members within 10 minutes. All the six
members using the rescue equipment brought all of them safely. He lifted two of them by a ladder and
flew with them asking rescue team members to continue the medical aid. In the second attempt he
carried all of them back.

Scene—(9) : A man is talking, one is sitting before the table and he is in a positive mood.

Story—Mr. Susheel, Assistant Manager of SBI,

received a telephone call while working in office that his
nephew has met with an accident and was fighting with life
in emergency ward of KGMU (King George Medical
University Lucknow). His father Col. Vaid has gone on a
movement order. He immediately ran-up and talked to
KGMU Emergency ward, drew Rs. 20,000/- from
his account and immediately rushed the hospital in next 25
minutes. Doctors were waiting for the costly life saving
drugs & medicines. He arranged them within minutes. He
also asked Bank Manager to send him Rs. 10,000 more for
further expenses. They boy was shifted to the surgical ward
from operation theatre in a safe condition. Doctor advised
for the family members to carry on the prescribed doses
and not to allow him to talk and walk more till further
advise. After a week of sincere monitoring by doctor’s and Factor I Factor III Factor V
Intelligence & Leadership Dynamic
staff they discharged the boy with a further medical advise Organising
to care and give the doses.

Picture 10. (Scene) : A man opening the compound door & looking back.

Story—Ravi, 26 who works as a clerk in SBI, Jodhpur

was watching TV with his family when he heard a scream
and saw from his window that the adjacent house was on
fire and a child was shouting from the compound door for
the rescue. There was a crowd and the chaos and nobody
was willing to plung into the fire. He spotted two blankets
and motivated a like minded person to plunge inside taking
sensitive precaution. He brought out an old lady and his aid
Factor IV Factor I Factor III could anyhow pulled an old man out in semiburn condition.
Dynamism Intelligence or Leadership He asked his aid to give the first-aid and ask some active
Organising Aspect
men to call the fire brigade and ambulance. With minor
burn again he managed to enter inside from the safer side but found nothing. In third stage he
disconnected the electric connection. Seeing the disconnection people started cooling down the fire and
got encouraged when fire brigade and ambulance team joined them. Ravi managed the first-aid and
carried the injured to nearest hospital.
116 | SSB

Picture 11—Scene : Two men watching a person standing

in the centre of a mountain river. One of the two men is having
a rope in his hand.
Story—Rohan, 24, an Airman posted at Dehradun, was
enjoying the picnic near the bank of the river Ramganga with
his colleagues, when he heard the voice of a man shouting for
help. The man was around a big stones in the centre of the
mountain’s river and the water current was increasing fastly
and he was fighting between life and death. Rohan shouted at
his friends and took out the ropes of erect tents & rushed to the
river and quickly tied all the ropes together. They threw the
rope towards the person but it didn’t work, then Rohan entered
the river by forming a human chain and brought the person
Factor III Factor I Factor IV back. He gave him the first-aid for cuts and joined him in the
Leadership Intelligence or Dynamism picnic. Later he dropped him to his village promising to meet
Organising Aspect
him on next Sunday.
Picture 12—A rally taking place

Factor IV Factor III Factor I

Dynamism Leadership Intelligence

Story : Sandeep, 28 a school teacher in primary school. Mirzapur while crossing Govt. College,
(only science college of the town) saw that a rally was advancing aggressively in which there are
SSB | 117

hundreds of youngsters. They were protesting against the admission policy and demanding more
admissions in personal interests. The rally was turning violent and the college authorities were not
ready to accept their demands. Sandeep met with their leaders and advised them to talk for evening
classes, rise in the fee, incentives to the teachers for teaching extra hours, until new teachers are
appointed. The extra money will help to build the infrastructure to carry the extra classes. This idea
struck student leaders. Sandeep alongwith the rally leaders met principal and he agreed on their idea.

Picture 13. (Scene)—A man packing his suitcase

while another one is standing behind him.

S t o r y —Rahim, 25 working in BSF, posted at

Guwahati, received a telephone call from his friend Mukesh
who has gone to his native village in Bihar for his sister’s
marriage, conveyed him the sudden demand of a motorbike
by the bridegroom for that he requires Rs. 50 thousand
immediately. Rahim assured him to reply after 2 hours,
Rahim then met with all his friends, colleagues and seniors
and discussed together. They took decision to contribute
informing Mukesh about the arrangement for money and
the train with he was boarding to his home. Rahim arrived a
week earlier and worked with Mukesh in organising Factor I Factor II Factor III
everything required for the marriage. Intelligence or Social Leadership
Organising Adjustment

Picture 14. (Scene)—A boy giving lesson to a group of Villagers.

Story—Mohan, 22 years old studying in M.A.

(Final year) of Govt. PG College Patna was assigned
a group project for literacy awareness to literate and
aware the people of a remote village in Patna district
under the national literacy mission project. After
finalizing the scheme, Mohan alongwith his friend
Deo went to Sitapur village which had poor literacy
rate of 15% in District. He met with panchayat head
and explained about their mission with his help he
organized a panchayat in which he with his friends
had to answer and teach the people who were eager to
be literate. Seeing the method and qualitative
teaching, People joined him in the large numbers.
Mohan with all his knowledge shared his experiences.
He gave valuable points related to nutrition, hygiene,
population control and agriculture etc. His effort was
a good success as the literacy awareness rate of the
village got enhanced from 15% to 35% within two
Factor I Factor II months.
Intelligence or Social Adjustment
Organising Aspect
118 | SSB

Picture 15. (Scene)—A man is writing on black board

and the class is empty.
Story—Mohan B.Sc. III year student of Lucknow
University found himself difficult to hit the merit because of
the 4th part of statistics paper. The result revealed his lower
merit when teacher announced the result of the speed test,
conducted before a month of the final exam. His consultation
with his teacher, colleagues and books did not prove too much.
He restrospected himself to find the solution, He again and
again concentrated what to do and how to do ? Having
analysed 4 to 5 times he decided to conduct the free teaching
session of intermediate and B.Sc. Ist year boys thrice in a week
in three evening colleges. After 25 days of persistent effort he
acquired knowledge of such a standard which made him
Factor III Factor I Factor V capable enough to solve the unsolved. This resulted his merit
Leadership Intelligence Dynamic Aspect in B.Sc. final exams.

Picture 16. (Scene)—A man wearing a shirt and a boy

standing at the open door.
Story—Rohan, 28 a clerk in municipal corporation of
Hyderabad while watching TV at 2130 hrs heard a knock on
his door. He was Ravi who wanted his help as his grandfather
has just fell unconscious and there is no one in the house.
Rohan immediately rushed to his home, picked grandfather
and alongwith Ravi took him to hospital by a taxi. It was a
heart attack and because of immediate and timely action it
was controlled. Rohan and Ravi looked after the grandfather
in hospital till he became normal. Even having brought to the
house he remained punctual and committed and kept on
giving the prescribed medicines in absence of Ravi till he
recovered and mean time they counselled and made him
Factor II Factor V
capable enough to take the prescribed doses itself. Social Adjustment Dynamic Aspect
Picture. 17 (Scene)—Four army man are aiming a hut.
Story :—Naik Ramesh of Assam Rifles was on a
regular patrol duty with his colleague sepoy Ram in
Kokrajhar, Assam. A village informer told him that he
has seen 4 ULFA militants hid-ing in a hut along with
weapons & a box. They are planning to leave within 2
hours, Ramesh thought that the box could have explosive
in it. Ramesh immediately informed the base on RT and
the base directed him to somehow engage them for two
hours as the bridge in the way is being repaired. Ramesh
and Ram rushed to the hut and kept eye on them. When
the militants started to move they challenged them, fought
them and held them up for 2 hours. Meanwhile the further
deployment joined him and he with his men overpowered
the militants alongwith their heavy ammunitions and
Factor V Factor I Factor III important papers that too without any casuality.
Dynamic Intelligence or Leadership
Aspect Organising
SSB | 119

Picture 18. (Scene)—An athlete running on a track

Story :—Ravi, 23 a B.A. (Final) student of DAV
Degree College Chandigarh was shocked to know that his
principal because of the poor records of college athletics
team has decided not to send his team in the Inter college
athletics championship to be held in Ludhiana on eve of
Republic Day of 2006. Ravi and other, athletes were
desperate. Ravi met with the college sports teacher and
alongwith him met the principal and persuaded him for
the last chance. Within two days Ravi with sports teacher
studied the reasons of defeat, visited other colleges and
analysed their schedules, planning, good kits and
coaches. Under the guidance of sports teacher and new
coaches, Ravi reorganized the team and decided to
undertake the regular practice, as 22 days were only left. Factor V Factor I
Dynamic Aspect Intelligence Organising
With a regular practice of twice in a day and league Aspect
matches on each Sunday, his team on the day of the event
performed well and won by 02 and 01 after the interval.
Picture 19. (Scene)—
(a) Bringing doctor from another village to provide medical-aid to an ill villager suffering from stomach pain
with frequent vomiting.
(b) Searching father, who was late for more than three hours in a stormy night and then found him lying
unconscious in a lonely place.
Note : You can write stories on any of the above two plots.

Story—(a) Rakesh, 18 years old, resident of

Sonpur village got informed by his neighbour’s wife
at 10 P.M. that her husband was suffering from severe
stomach pain and was vomiting frequently. Doctor was
living in the next village that is 1 km away situated on
kaccha road. It was not possible to ride the motorbike due
to heavy rain. He gave him some tablets and counselled
his wife to give him water mixing sugar and salt. He
himself dared to walk fast to the next village and brought
the doctor with 30 minutes. He then made arrangements
for doctor’s stay and looked after his neighbour till his
condition was brought under control and by next morning
he made proper arrangement to send the doctor back to
his village.
Factor IV Factor II
Dynamic Aspect Social Adjustment

Picture Same as above

Factor III Factor IV

Leadership Dynamism
120 | SSB

Story—(b) Shivam a 20 years old resident of Nankana village was waiting for his father who used
to come back by 5 P.M. and the time became 7 P.M. His mother got worried as it was a stormy night.
He left his younger brother at home as his mother’s B.P. might get deteriorated due to tension. He
alongwith his friend went to his father’s workshop. He went from zig-zag way and sent his friend from
another route as there were two roads to the workshop. Shivam found his father in a lonely place lying
unconscious with a tree branches over him. He removed the branchs from his father’s body and made
him conscious by rubbing his hands and legs. Then he gave him support and took him to the house and
gave him the first-aid.
Picture 20. (Scene)—Students and their coach standing on the track.

Factor I Factor III

Intelligence or Organizing Leadership
Story—The expulsion of two national hockey players of class XI, Vikram and Ravi due to their
failure in class XI’s half yearly exams, became a cause of great worry for Mr. Kailash. It was the first
occasion in the history of Deshraj College Deharadoon. The Sports teacher Mr. Kailash undertook the
challenge and requested the principal to conduct a meeting of executive members. He got the case
pleaded and sought the permission for re-examination. Mr. Kailash further arranged for P.C.M. teachers
and rescheduled the studies of the boys that is four hours for the morning session & the next four hours
for consulting the books and preparing notes from the library. After a bit gap of next 4 hours for
revision, also arranged pressure tests twice in a week and after a month in re-examination both the boys
got through with good marks.
Picture 21. Scene—Two police personnels are standing at the gate of pandal. Some people are
inside and outside the pandal. A person wearing garland of flowers, a woman by his side and 2 male
person infront of him.
Story—(a) In dec. 2004 an unpleasant situation took place
when a marriage got hanged. The situation took its turn when
the groom’s parents threatened to terminate the marriage for
the demand of Rs. 1 lakh or jewellery matching the same
amount. Raj B.Sc. II year student of LU separated the parents
from the scene and negotiated with a promise to pay but the
marriage was still hanging. Raj having used all efforts left with
no alternative but to dial No. 100. The Police reached within
15 minutes. Raj found favourable impression from boys
parents and requested the police officer to negotiate the
marriage so as to save the dignity of both the parents and allow Factor II Factor III Factor IV
Social Leadership Dynamism
the girl to marry. Adjustment
SSB | 121

Picture 21. (b) Scene : Scene is same but the story is different

Factor I Factor V Factor III

Intelligence or Organising Dynamic Factor Leadership
Story—(b) A former member of fidayeen group left the heinous profession and won the election of
Gram Pradhan of village ‘Pir’ of Kupwara sector. Gram Pradhan left with no alternative except to
terminate the marriage of his daughter having threatened that the couple will be killed if he failed to
join back the group. He shifted his family with his close relative immediately and contacted the
commandant of BSF alongwith his two partners. Having taken one platoon, he escorted the force to raid
the different hideouts as he knew the area and places. A week of persistent combing and raiding
resulted in killing of many terrorists. Having failed to confront the force the Fidayeen group shifted
their strategy leaving the village untouched.
Picture 22. (Scene)—A woman standing at the door.
Story : On the occasion of my relative’s marriage everyone
was out of station. I was preparing for my M.A. (Final) year
examination of Agra University. My maid servant knocked the
door at midnight and narrated me that her son was vomiting
blood and she had knocked so many doors but none was ready to
help. I took out my bike and asked my maid servant to envelope
her son and we rushed to the Emergency Ward of Balrampur
Hospital. I ran from one point to another and persuaded the staff
and within 20 minutes glucose and other medical-aid was
provided by the doctor. Meanwhile, I got the prescription from
Factor I Factor III Factor IV the doctor and arranged 2 injections and 7 kind of medicines
Intelligence & Leadership Dynamism from different medical stores and stayed up to the morning till he
Organising recovered.
Picture 23. (Scene)—A person lifting a heavy stone.

Factor IV Dynamic
Story : Ram Kumar a gangman of 20 years of age at Badshahnagar crossing was on duty. While
sensing the railway track he noticed that a big ditch has been made under the fish plates and Rajdhani
Express was likely to approach Badshahnagar station from Delhi. Ram Kumar was alone as others were
working at different places. To prevent the havoc he was left with no alternative except to fill the ditch.
After placing 3-4 stones, he started rushing toward the approaching train alongwith a red cloth and just
at the distance of 150 yards he confronted the train and any how by his effort and loud cry, the driver
was able to stop the train only at a 10 feet before the ditch.'
122 | SSB

Picture 24. (Scene)—A trekking scene or

mountaineering expedition or soldiers are climbing the
mountain under a mission.
Story : It was the first do and die war demonstration task
which Capt. Suraj Das from 13 Jat undertook alongwith his
men soon after his first field posting. The venue was Nanda
Devi peak of Himalaya, where the weather was foggy and the
duration was 4 hours. Now it became a challenging task for
him and his men. After 500 feet they found the route but not
the way to climb up. Capt. Das started cutting rocks and
inserting nails. Under his direction his men also started
cutting the ice to climb over. He completed the entire
destination facing the same situational crisis and even against
difficult and the bad weather, in the meantime he kept on Factor V Factor III Factor I
motivating his men resultantly they reached their destination Dynamic Aspect Leadership Intelligence or
in stipulated time. Organising

Picture 25. (Scene) : Beside a tank a person is standing, beside that footprints are shown.
Story : Seeing the heavy advancement and shelling of
enemy towards Vekhra post in Rajasthan near Indo-Pak
border, our soldiers being unable to stop the enemy, left
the post and informed the headquarter. Capt. Vikram of
Sikh regiment undertook the challenge. He took 10
commandos with him and reached Vekhra post and placed
anti-tank mines and land mines upto 400 Mt. from their
post to stop the advancement of the enemy troops and
asked the headquarter to dispatch more troops. He divided
his group into three and surrounded the enemy from three
sides. Seeing the Vekhra post blank, the enemy took to
rest and the team led by Capt. Vikram made a surprise
Factor IV Factor I attack with grenades and rocket launchers and killed 10
Dynamic Aspect Organising Aspect soldiers of enemy. Because of mines, enemy could not
advance and soon the reinforcement came and joined Capt.
Vikram. Now seeing the strong advancement, the enemy stopped shelling and thus Capt. Vikram was
able to save the post.
Picture 26. (Scene) : An elephant in the jungle.
Story : There were frequent occasions of poaching of
elephants in Kaziranga National Park. Forest officer Vinod
Singh got information from a local informer that some
poachers were seen in North Western Region of National
Park. Vinod immediately took 10 forest guards with him and
rushed to the spot. They then cordoned the area and started
the search operation. For 30 minutes they could not find any
thing. But in the second attempt Vinod saw 4 suspicious
person carrying arms were advancing towards elephant’s
area. Having noticed his team made a surprise attack and
Factor V
nabbed all the 4 poachers and recovered two teeths of an Dynamic Factor I
Aspect Organising Aspect
SSB | 123

Picture 27. (Scene) : A person on a boat near the bank of a river and another person with a pistol
behind a tree.

Factor IV Factor III Factor I

Dynamic Leadership Intelligence or
Aspect Aspect Organising Aspect

Story : Nanku gang had intensified its activities in Lucknow. S.I. Vijay Kumar of Hazaratgang
Police Station Lucknow (UP) got information at 7 A.M. from one of his personal informer that a drug
deal will take place between Nanku and Robin Gang at 1·45 am at Nadiyakinare Restaurant. S.I. rushed
to the spot and in surprising way met the Restaurant manager and deployed his men as waiters,
customers and stand employees and made to hid some of them behind bushes. When both the gang
members reached at around 1.45 A.M. a surprise attack was made at 1·50 A.M. and all the smugglers
were nabbed red handed and 2 kg of drug with other smuggled goods were also siezed.
Picture 28. (Scene) : A boy is reading a book.

Factor I Factor IV
Intelligence or Dynamism
Organising Aspect

Amerendra’s Story : Rajesh was a student of B.Sc. III year and he was 21 years old. He was a
good student but during his B.Sc. exams he fell ill due to “Jaundice”. The doctor-advised him to take
124 | SSB

complete bed rest but Rajesh did not leave hope and decided to take the exam, because of his positive
thinking he recovered very soon and due to his hard-work he stood first in the class.
Comment : Short, incomplete but story has some potential.
Story corrected by Psychologist :—

Factor IV Factor III

Dynamic Aspect Leadership

Factor I Factor IV
Intelligence or Organising Dynamism
Story :—Rajesh a IIIrd year student of Babu Banarsi Das Engg. College Lko, badly suffered from
“Jaundice” during his B.E. 6th Semester exam. Before he could recover, 7th Sem. approached & again
the doctor advised him for complete rest for one month. He wanted to compensate the percentage of
previous semester and at the same time he wanted to perform better in the next semester. He appealed to
all his friends and teachers to assist with note-books and to render help for the incomplete courses and
in the hospital itself he started working hard, while remaining on the bed under the doctor’s care. In the
next semester, he recovered his percentage and got the VIIth position in the college.
The real Case History of Sri Amerendra Verma—Amerendra Verma a student of B. Tech. in
Babu Banarsidas Engineering College Lucknow, is a son of Peon, reported to me in 2006 for UES
(University Entry Scheme) for the Army. He Got through in first attempt. I would like to say that this
system of selection does not have different yard-stick for the selection of officers in the commissioned
cadre. Whether you are a son a of a peon or the President of India, it will never create impression to the
system of selection. The assessors of the system have no different stick-yards. To prove the testimony
of my statement I would like to quote the closing address given by one of the senior officer of the SSB
Bhopal (20 SSB) for 116 IMA course in 2003.
“Very often candidates come up with the question that what are we looking for in a candidate. In
short It can be said that we are looking for a person who is mentally, physically, emotionally and
psychologically well balanced. There are certain areas where we may lower the bar a little like
physical stamina because it is understandable that in today’s highly competitive environment, students
very rarely get time for sports and exercises. Like if some one can not speak English, it can be worked
upon. We have academies to do this job. But there are some personality traits, which if you don’t have,
then it is a strict NO-NO for example if some one is not honest, no amount of training can make him
honest, since it is an in born virtue to be well nurtured from the childhood. Many times, candidates are
hesitant to admit their negative traits, we want that the person should have enough guts to admit the
shady side of his personality. We certainly give more importance to moral courage than to physical
courage. It is again a wrong notion that we don’t like it, if a candidate has undertaken a coaching.
Coaching can help you to get feel of the tests, but definitely we do not like person’s natural personality
should be masked due to coaching.”
Now Gentlemen, you all are the citizens of this country, I can dare say having more than 40 years
of experience at my credit in this field that this system of selection again I am proud to say is one of the
best in the world. Therefore, Gentlemen, without bothering the caste, colour, creed, language, socio-
economic background, financial condition and finally whether you are poor or rich, having poor
percentage or good one. The only requirement is your achieving attitude, trainable, flexible behavioural
pattern with an attitude of giving 100% in every assignment whatever you undertake.
SSB | 125

Picture 29. (Scene) : A boy talking with a man.

Amerendr’s story : Rahul, a 18 years old boy was a
student of class 12th. His friend’s father was a drinker and he
used to beat his mother daily. On 20 June 2000, he got the
news from his friend that last night his father had beaten his
mother. He immediately rushed to his house with some friends
and informed the police. There he told his friend’s father to
quit alcohol otherwise he will be sent to Jail. His father
promised him that he will not beat his wife and quit alcohol.
Thus by his efforts Rahul solved the Problem.
Pschologist’s ‘Corrected Story’ : Rahul’s friend Sudhir
became unable to control his father as he was a regular drinker
and often used to beat his mother at midnight. In the month of
Feb. 2003 while he was studying he listened the scream of his
mother and saw from the window that his mother was lying
unconscious and profusely bleeding. He immediately rushed
the Rahul’s place and both plunged into his mother’s room and Factor II Factor V
they made her conscious after sprinkling water and giving first- Social Adjustment Dynamism
aid and massaze etc. The next morning Rahul assembled his father’s and mother’s friends for
counselling, Sudhir’s father got his father agreed to decrease the frequency. After 15 days of his
continuous counselling not a single incident of drinking and beating was reported.
Picture 30. (Scene) : There are ‘6’ chairs around a table four tea cups are shown, no one is around.

Factor I Factor IV Factor III

Intelligence or Dynamism Leadership
Organising Aspect Aspect
Story—Due to assembly election in different parts of Lucknow, the entire police force was under
deployment to monitor the election. Taking the advantage of this situation few persons arrived in a
black ambassador car in the campus of Lucknow University and molested three girls and escaped from
the scene. The president Rajendra Singh left his union office alongwith 5 colleagues, plunged into the
situation and enquired the car number from an onlooker girl. He with his team exhilarated chasing from
pillar to post for two hours and got the miscreants surrendered by overpowering them while they were
taking their lunch at a Dhaba on Lucknow Raibarelly road. They handed them over to the police and
revealed their willingness to witness and record the evidence against them. Rajendra further discussed
126 | SSB

the V.C. and soon an order was passed to record the name of every visitor, his vehicle No. alongwith
the purpose and to whom he is to meet.
Picture 31. (Scene) : Farmer and his son are serious in the field and about to move.
Suresh Luhani an IAS Officer newly posted in
Maharashtra home department, first time came to his
native village after joining the cadre in the month of
January 2005. He got shocked when a farmer and his son
reported that he has seen three terrorists in nearby
sugarcane field beside our Naga Village. It was the first
occasion of intrusion in the village. Without delay he
accompanied with five retired Army personnels and sent
his younger brother to call the police. He encircled the
sugarcane field from all the corners while deploying his
men properly with precautions not to allow the terrorist to
escape with a warning not to create any hustle-bustle.
When police arrived they made the announcement to
surrender but inturn terrorists responded in their own
action. Having announced the last warning Suresh Luhani
agreed with the force to open fire. It took three hours to Factor III Factor I Factor V
bring silence which resulted killing of two terrorists and Leadership Intelligence Dynamism
third one consumed poison finding no way and having
nothing to fire.
Picture 32. (Scene) : An young boy is crossing the hanging bridge the environment denotes village

Factor IV Factor I
Dynamic Aspect Factor Intelligence
Story :—It was a hot summer evening in the month of June 2004, when Anil and Ankit were
swimming in Ganga river of Kanpur Dehat. As they reached the middle they started drowning due to
fast flow. They shouted for help. In the nearest field Girish was working with his father. Girish rushed
the spot and jumped and swimmed to the first one to whom he found near. He caught his back shirt,
swimmed back and dragged towards his father who was waiting to hold him on his call. Then he rushed
to the second one who was at a long distance fighting between life and death. He himself brought him
in Semi surviving conditions. The first drowning one stood up after a minor first-aid but at once he took
second one to a nearby clinic, informing his parents. Girish stayed for three hours till he recovered.
Picture 33. (Scene) : Three women and two men are sitting in the house and all are weeping.
Story—Raj Kumar after his B.Ed. from Kashi Vidyapeeth Varanasi, left all the assignments and
immediately rushed back to his village as his family plunged under heavy debt because of a severe
SSB | 127

bypass surgery of his father. He was left with no

alternate except to start the “Literacy Mission”
programme with due consent of the Gram Pradhan
of Rampur Village where literacy rate was only 20
to 25% who got Rs. 50,000/- sanctioned from
district Literacy Mission Officer of Moradabad. Just
after a week he started two batches Ist under literacy
mission and another of his own during evening
hours. For morning hours he collected 25 children
having door to door campaign and began another
session on nominal charges taking Literacy Mission
Officer in his confidence. Within three months he
with the efforts of his teachers raised the literacy
rate from 25 to 45%. From the next month he started
transferring 10 thousand in his fathers account that Factor II Factor I Factor III
Social Intelligence Leadership
was 5000 for installment of medical loan and Adjustment Aspect
remaining 5000 for domestic expenses.
Picture 34. (Scene) : A person appears to be a qualified one and is serious while standing in his

Factor IV Factor III Factor II

Dynamic Leadership Social
Aspect Aspect Adustment
Story :—It was the first earthquake resistance building project near Chamoli Uttrakhand. Asstt.
Engineer Civil Navin immediately came out from his office and saw a big crowd making noise. Without
any delay he entered in the crowd and found that five labourers have been trapped inside and are crying.
It happened because of the failure of electric lift. He immediately alongwith 4 healthy staff asked the
crowd to disperse. He deployed the labourers and asked them to remain on the spot and immediately
called the welder working nearby to cut the door and with the help of ballies and bamboos he started
pulling up the injured one by one with four healthy persons and on the spot he arranged the first-aid and
lodged two of them in the nearest clinic for immediate care & treatment. He paid Rs. 2 thousand for the
urgent treatment from the office and remained 3 hours with the injured till their restoration.
Picture 35 (Scene) : Village Scene and two boys are going out by cycle.
Picture 35 Story (a) Two tribal boys while going to school through a forest changed the route
immediately after noticing Naxalites hiding behind the bushes and were planning something. The sports
teacher Rohit Kumar after getting the information from the boys rushed to nearest BSF post. Alongwith
128 | SSB

BSF and one boy being an eye witness rushed towards the
spot. Assistant Commandant Shiv Dev taking the exact stock
position and having studied the actual strength and hideout of
Naxalites, deployed his men from ‘3’ sides and kept mum for
two hours to watch the further movements. The assistant
Commandant was planning to nab them alive to get further
information. Along with 3 BSF soldiers he crawled 45 meters
inside and captured 2 Naxalites and immediately made
another 2 Naxalites unconscious by shelling gas bombs and
over powered this situation.
Picture 35. Story (b) Because of anti-sandal wood
smuggling drive a small group of smugglers ran towards a
small forest near Kalu village of Tamil Nadu. Two shepherd
rushed to the assistant forest ranger Kapil Dev and reported
that 4 people are cutting the sandalwoods during day hours.
Assistant Ranger immediately took the forest guards
alongwith the shepherd being an eye witness and encircled Factor III Factor IV Factor I
them. Within 25 minutes. Two smugglers taking the Leadership Dynamism Intelligence or
advantage of the bushes disappeared and two hid in the Aspect Organising
busheds. The assistant forest ranger plunged search operation making the announcement to surrender or
face encounter. Having listened the three consecutive announcement the remaining two surrendered.
Picture 35. Story—(c) The two boys of Government School of Andhra Pradesh were under scout
training for the forest practice session alongwith their team members. While moving into the forest they
were shocked when they witnessed two thieves stealing the Natraj Statue of the forest temple. They
immediately rushed to the nearest Police Station. Police Inspector Kabir Das immediately reached to the
temple and found the statue stolen. He started searching the thieves with his team from one place to
another. He could not find any clue even after 8 hours of persistent searching. Then inspector changed
his plan and plunged with another operation from railway to roadways. At 11·30 pm he got a message
on his wireless that a private taxi is loading heavy material covered with jute bag. He immediately
reached and hid himself at a distance of 50 meter from the taxi stand. When the taxi was likely to move,
he appeared at the scene and recovered the statue and got the men arrested.

Factor III Factor I Factor II Factor IV

Leadership Intelligence or Organising Social Adjustment Dynamism
Picture 36. Election Campaign by the students.
1. Campaigning for a post in university elections.
2. Clash between members of two political parties while
Story—The new academic session in L.U. (Lucknow
University) began in August 2004. The political arena was
also getting heated. Venu Gopal, a B.Sc. II year student
decided to contest for the post of science representative. He
along with his friends made a different strategy for
campaigning. He started his campaign through a counselling
rally, distributed hand written pamphlets, went for individual
interaction and made a separate counter for considering the
problems. He alongwith his friends went to each class and
gave a motivational and down to earth talk and even
encouraged the girls to come alongwith to campaign for a
worthy candidate. Nominations were filed just two days
before the election. On 8th September by 5 P.M. result was Factor III Factor II Factor I
declared and they emerged jubiliant in the camp of his leader Leadership Social Intelligence or
who won by 85 votes from his rival Brijesh. Aspect Adjustment Organising
SSB | 129

Picture 37.

Factor I Factor II Factor III

Intelligence Social Leadership

Story—Boatman Rahupal was returning towards bank after fishing. He heard scream and spotted
that 2 boys were struggling for life as they were badly entangled in aquatic weeds. He immediately
rushed to the site and threw the rope towards the boys with one end tied with the boat, He plunged into
the water with a knife and in his first attempt he cut few weeds and then gave slight push to both the
boys from below, in order to come up. In the next two consecutive attempts he made them free and
brought them to the bank on his boat. He made them normal after giving the required first-aid and
encouraged them to go to their residence.
1. Saving the life of a drowning boy.
2. Catching the drug smugglers.
3. Catching smugglers of tordoise shells and arms.
Note : You can make stories an any of the above plot or even more depending on the horizon of your

Picture 38. One person is making one young boy understand, it seems that he is an educated

Story—Under a special project launched by the Ministry of Human Resources Development of

India, a prosperous village Rampur of Madhya Pradesh was blessed to install a post office. It became a
task for assistant post master Ashok to teach and counselled the villagers for various schemes. Ashok
alongwith his team carried door to door campaigning and completed the task in one month. Among the
strength of one thousand villagers due to his efficient counselling the villagers opened RD, saving, joint
accounts, Kisan Vikas Patra, Indira Vikas Patra and one time deposit scheme, by this way the post
office was able to collect huge funds and the villagers were benefited by the various schemes.
130 | SSB

Lesson 21
Pictures/Stories for “WOMEN COMMISSION”
Factorwise distribution of pictures in TAT
In TAT all the pictures are distributed in ‘4’ factors. The first picture will be from Factor one that is
factor Intelligence or factor Organising. The second picture will go in factor IInd that is factor Social
Adjustment. The third picture will consist of factor IIIrd that is Leadership Aspect and the fourth picture
will be from factor Dynamism. The same cycle will go on till 12 picture is finished. The last and 12
picture will be the blank one. I am exemplifying all the 12 pictures having their factorwise
Factor Ist, Factor Intelligence or factor organising Aspect—This factor has 4 qualities :

1 2 3 4

Planning and Logical Effective Power of

Organisation Resoning Intelligence Expression

Story :—(For Factor Ist) Rupa Acharya a student of M.Sc. final Botany from Uttaranchal
University had to submit a project for variety of medicinal plants for 2007 final examination, she took a
letter from the dean student of science and sought permission from the forest officer of Dehradun forest.
She accompanied with her two colleagues and hired an elephant. Her one colleague took binocular and
started spotting out the plants. Rupa with her second friend’s assistance started collecting the
medicinal plants within two days she with her friends collected 20 plants and 5 plants she collected
from the National Botanical Research Institute Lucknow. She prepared a chart of 25 plants detailing
their availability and different medicinal use and submitted her report before 15 days of the declaration
of the result and also co-operated with her friends in their projects.

Note—A particular story may relate to one factor but the qualities related to one factor will not be
sufficient to constitute a desirable story. This story belongs to factor first but the qualities of factor IInd
that is social adjustment and the qualities of factor IIIrd that is leadership, have joined hands to project a
desirable story.
SSB | 131

Picture No. 2 (For Factor IInd)

Story :—After graduation Usha Rani married in
an average farmer family of Rampur Village of Distt.
Banda (U.P.) She had to do all the household works
of her house. While going to bring water on every
morning, often she used to see three neighbouring
women criticising neighbours. She gradually
developed friendship with them while sharing their
domestic works. Soon after gaining confidence she
put a proposal of making the clay models and pots
and also briefed about the availability of raw
material. On next Monday she took them to their
Block Development Officer and started with a small
sanctioned fund of Rs. 5,000. with three months another 50 more women joined and the monthly
circulation went to Rs. 80 thousand and every one started earning while putting 4 to 6 hours of per day

IInd Factor, Factor Social Adjustment. It has three qualities :

Accomodating sprit Sense of Responsibility

1 3

Note—This story relates to factor IInd, that is social Adjustment but factor Ist that is intelligence
and factor IIIrd that is Leadership Aspect, have joined-hand to constitute this story as a desirable one.
Picture No. 3 (For Factor IIIrd)

Story :—Miss Sheela Kaur a B.A. IIIrd year student was coming by local train from Kanpur to
Lucknow to appear in Combined Defence Services Examination in the month of March 2007 in
Lucknow UPSC hall. The train stopped at Unnao Jn. She saw a beggar was approaching to her
compartment and Shivering from the cold. First she asked the beggar to take her woolen shawl and
called a tea seller/vendor to give a cup of tea. She further with the help of co-passengers collected
rupees 100 and added Rs. 25 from her side and gave Rs. 125 to the beggar and counselled him to come
to her school to undertake a small work for his livelihood.
132 | SSB

IIIrd Factor, Factor Leadership or Factor Social effectiveness or factor influencing—It has
five qualities—

1 2
Initiative Self-confidence
4 5

Ability to
Influence the Liveliness

Note—This particular story relates to factor IIIrd that is Leaderships Aspect but factor IInd that is
Social Adjustment has joined its hand to form an acceptable story.

Picture No. 4, for Factor IV but Factor IIIrd that is Leadership and factor Ist,
Intelligence have come together to form a desirable story—
Story :—Shah Naj Khan a B.Com. IIIrd year student
of DAV College Kanpur boarded the morning bus for
Lucknow to appear in SSC examination to be held on Jan.
Sunday of 2006. Her mobile rang up and she left the bus
and rushed to the Rly. Station Central Kanpur, to attend her
friend who a few moments back met with an accident and
was suffering with pain. Shah Naj took her to the nearest
clinic and requested the doctor to make her comfort so she
can carry her to the examination hall as she was also the
aspirant. After the due treatment she hired a private taxi
and reached to the examination centre that too in time.
Mean time in the taxi she encouraged her a lot and kept on
revising the course. Both gave good performances and
Shah Naj again took her back to Kanpur after the examination.
IV Factor, Factor Dynamics or Dynamism; It has three qualities :

1 Determination Courage 2
(It is of two kinds)
1 2

Mental Stamina Physical Stamina

Repetition of all these four factors in remaining TATs

Factor Ist, Factor Intelligence or Organising Aspect
Picture No. 5 (for factor Ist) Here Factor IInd that is Social Adjustment is being
instrumental to form an acceptable story—
{The concerning or related qualities of factor Ist has been already described by me in above story
No. 1, and related qualities of factor IInd has been described in story No. 2.}
SSB | 133

Story :—Rita Ranjan an M.A. first year

student of Village Bhojpur Distt. Rajpur UP was
unable to carry on her higher education due to
pathetic condition of her parents because of
heavy flood which destroyed the crops. Rita
decided and opted her father’s profession that is
to boat the passengers across the river. First she
approached her father friend’s son to learn
boating as her father was not putting well.
Within three days of time she learnt boating.
Right from the fourth day she started earning from her profession & started to bear the expenses of her
sibling’s education. After bringing a proper balance in her family she started to carry her higher
education. While putting 14 hours of hard work from profession to her education and while balancing
her family she was able to carry her sibling’s education, family and her higher education.
Factor IInd Social Adjustment
{The concerning qualities of factor IInd has been described by me in above story No. 2}
Picture No. 6 for factor IInd but factor IV that is Dynamism, has come together
to form a desirable story
Story :—Shamim Rahmani was sitting in Nikah Ceremony in the year 2006 in Nakhas area of
Lucknow. Her groom’s parents promised to pay Rs. 50 thousand amount of Mehar at the time of her
marriage but they refused to pay and in turn they started humiliating her father and her family members.
She stood up from her marriage party and announced to create a record not to mortgage her talent and
virtue. She decided/declared to prolong her higher education to her own choice. She refused
respectively her father’s expenses, took a job as part time teacher and completed her post graduation
holding Ist position in the Department of Ancient Culture and became an university lecturer. On her
meritorious performances a well settled boy offered/proposed himself and she married according to her
own choice.

Factor IIIrd, Leadership Aspect—{The related qualities for factor IIIrd, I have already described
in above picture no 3}
Picture No. 7, Factor IIIrd but Factor IInd that is Social Adjustment and Factor
IIIrd that is Leadership have come together to form a desirable story
Story :—Sugna Desai got married after her post graduation examination in the village Khalapur of
distt. Barabanki near Lucknow. On the late night Dec. 2005 she awoke after the persistent knock on her
front door. Her neighbour member told her that the entire family is vomiting except her and they need
134 | SSB

immediate medical aid. She got her three neighbours awoke while describing the emergencies and with
their transport lodged all the victims in the respective village and managed immediately to extend
fast medical aid. Due to her interaction with doctors within 7 hours and by few essential expenses all
the patients became well and the amount was not much which could invite contribution.

Picture No. 8 for Dynamic Aspect or factor Dynamism—{The related qualities of this factor has
been described by me on above picture No. 4} But Factor Ist that is Factor Intelligence and Factor IIIrd
that is leadership have come together to make a desirable story—
Picture No. 8
Story :—Miss Bipasa Basu after passing the Bachelor of Physical education from Lucknow
Christian College in 2007, dropped the offer of sports coach and determined to start a Army
Recruitment Training institute in her village area. She met the D.M. of district Kanpur Dehat and being
the Ist proposer as woman she got rupees 50 thousand sanctioned from discretionary fund. At beginning
she took only 5 young men, prepared their daily routine, which included morning, noon and evening
race and 4 hours of written preparation. At first recruitment rally 4 got recruited. Seeing the result and
her dedication like getting the boys to the sport track, running with them, motivating them to perform
better and better, 50 boys joined her next time. She employed more coaches and youth of that areas who
got motivated to join the army in more numbers.

Again the repetition of all these four factors will be done in remaining four stories.
SSB | 135

Picture No. 9 (for Factor Ist)

Story :—Miss Seema Barnwal a first year student of
B.Tech. of Babu Banarsi Das Engineering College got shocked
when she received a telephonic message that her elder brother
could not clear the IInd semester of B.Tech. 4th year from BHU
Varanasi. She took three days permission and reached Varanasi
on next morning. She analysed the situation/ condition around
and found that her brother has left/lost the academic interest
wasting time in seeing movies, gossiping with different group
of friends and smoking and drinking upto late night. She met
her project teacher, sought consent to help her. She further met
with his routine group of friends and requested them to withdraw from him. Further she accompanied
her brother to the project teacher and got him thoroughly counselled. She stayed with him for three
days, rescheduled his daily routine and made him habituated with three days of stay. This got her
brother further on right track.
Qualities being revealed from the above story of factor Ist—The above picture is from factor
Intelligence or organising Aspect. The four related qualities of this factor should be revealed but while
writing the story the other qualities from another remaining three factors may also come. See the
interpretation being given below :
Factor Ist has four qualities as I have already described in Picture No. 1 these qualities are again
being given to facilitate the evaluation of the above story.
1 Factor Intelligence or 2
Factor Organising Aspect
Planning and Logical
Organisation Its associated/related Reasoning
qualties are :

3 4
Effective Intelligence Power of Expression

While writing the stories apart from these qualities

other qualities from other or remaining three
factors may also come.
Psychological evaluation of Story No. 9—The psychological demand of the system is that there
should be logical connection between the situation and the point of start. The situation is a girl and boy
is in face to face situation. The girl is more serious than the boy. It is being revealed that the girl’s face
is reflecting something serious from her facial index and the boy is silently standing but was not able to
collect the guts to face the girl. The second demand of the system is that TAT demands your ability of
‘Intellectual Imagination’ as this is the test of your imagination and imagination is the product of your
“Strength of your imagination depends on the strength of your imagining power. You imagine (and
explore perhaps) what led to the situation ? What is going on ? And what would be the outcome of the
situation ? You imagine the mission for the hero, resources needed to achieve the task. Plan and
manoeuvre till the achievement of the aim. ‘How far your imagination has travelled from the obvious’
is the most important consideration for your assessment.”

A candidate whose span and depth of imagination is limited to the obvious can not make a mark. Favourable
impression can be casted by convincing the assessor of your span and depth of imagination.
136 | SSB

The obvious means whatever situation is shown to you. Here the obvious is a girl and a boy is
being shown face to face. This reflects that either girl is being frustrated or she is making the boy
frustrated. Here stress is being revealed by not being directly reflected which indicates that being the
candidate you have to make your imagination travel to enter in the psychological parameter of the
psychological requirement.
Now I am evaluating the above story no. 9 as here under—The introduction of the story that
Seema Barnwal a first year B. Tech. student projects the intellectual ability of the leader. Getting
shocked having known the failure of her brother shows the sense of relationship. The Girl being his
sister reaches to Varanasi to bring him on the right track reflects her social adjustment and sense of
responsibility. Analysing the situation around and meeting his project teacher and drawing the
conclusion about the exact cause of his failure reveals her effective intelligence. Taking three days of
permission, reaching to Varanasi, finding her different group of friends, talking and winning the consent
of the teacher to help her in the counselling of her brother and convincing his different group of his
friends to withdraw, and further rescheduling his routine and making it habituated shows planning and
organisation and logical reasoning. Talking to her teacher, her brother’s teacher, his group of friends
and convincing and making the situation logical reveals power of expression.
Therefore, this story reveals all the qualities of factor Ist that is factor intelligence or organising
aspect, apart these four qualities it also reveals social adjustment and its related quality that is sense of
responsibility. Again this story reveals other leadership qualities like initiative, self-confidence,
determination etc.

Picture No. 10 (For factor IInd that is social Adjustment.

{The related qualities of this factor has been detailed by me in picture No. 2.}
Jassi John a post graduate final year
student of village Rohitpur Distt. Jaunpur
(U.P.) came to know by her neighbouring
uncle and aunty that their son is not able to
continue his engineering education because
of pathetic financial condition. She coun-
selled them and collected the educational
documents of their son, approached the
nearest branch of ‘SBI’ for educational loan.
She visited the manager twice in a week on
his call to complete the required formalities.
In the third week of Dec. 2007 Rs. 2 Lakh
was sanctioned by the bank in four equal
instalment of Rs. 50 thousand. Due to her
efforts her neighbouring family was able to
continue the higher education of their son.
Qualities being revealed—Jassi John’s neighbouring uncle & aunti have shared their personal
problem shows the deep relationship between the leader Jassi John and the affected family. She
consoled them and undertook the responsibility challenging the situation to get the educational loan
sanctioned shows the accommodating spirit, co-operation and sense of responsibility. Approaching
the bank manager, collecting the documents and completing the required formalities to visit the bank on
his call reveals her determination, effective intelligence and initiative. Therefore, this story reveals
five qualities mainly that is three qualities from factor IInd (Social Adjustment), one quality of initiate
from leadership factor and last quality of determination from dynamic factor.
SSB | 137

Picture No. 11 (For factor IIIrd that is factor Leadership)

{All the qualities of this factor has been detailed by me in Picture No. 3}
Miss Vineeta Singh B.A. IInd year student
of 2007 Session of Lucknow University was
returning home on Sunday after attending the
practice parade of N.C.C. certificate
examination. On ‘U’ turn of main road
connecting the Charbag Rly. Station she heard a
dashing sound and noticed that a cycle rider lost
his balance and a car dashed him from the front.
Road had less traffic being Sunday, she rushed
to the spot parking her cycle beside the road and
pulled the right leg of the victim from the right
side of the car while tying her dupatta. She
called passersby and took the victim to nearby
comfortable place and started massaging his
right leg and further encouraged on lookers to
rub the left leg and back portion of the victim.
After half an hour of effort she made the victim
stood up and encouraged to undertake his work.
Qualities being revealed—This picture belongs to factor IIIrd that is leadership aspect. This factor
has five qualities. I have already interpreted and have been emphasising that a particular story of a
particular factor will reveal all the qualities of that factor but it may and may not be sufficient to
constitute a desirable story without taking help from other factors. This description I have already given
in my earlier two stories that is in story No. 9 and 10 and again I am giving/proving the same in this
exampled story—
Miss Vineeta took the step and rushed to the spot, shows her initiation, courage and self-
confidence initiative and self-confidence is from factor leadership but the courage belongs to factor
‘4’ that is Dynamism. Pulling the right leg of the victim from right side of the car while tying her
dupatta reveals her planning and effective intelligence “effective intelligence means finding a solution
when one finds himself at the tight corner that too with the application of available resources according
to the demand of the situation” these two qualities that is planning and effective intelligence are from
factor Ist that is factor Intelligence or organising aspect.
Calling the passersby to shift the victim at a safer place to make him comfortable reveals her
ability to influence the people and her decision-making ability. These two qualities are from factor
leadership. Putting half an hour effort in massaging her legs and back of the body alongwith passersby
shows the sacrificing attitude which can be attributed to sense of responsibility, this quality belongs to
factor Social adjustment. Encouraging the victim to undertake his mission reveals the motivation
which comes under liveliness of leadership aspect.

Picture 12 (For factor Dynamic)

Philosophy of giving the Blank Picture—There is no harm in
preparing the blank picture. But please take my word, you have certain
emotions, thoughts, feelings which you have not been able to
explore/expose in earlier 11 stories, that you can express in Blank Story.
Another important thing is that you are not sure which set of situations you
will confront in 11 set of stories. Therefore, it would be far better to
imagine a situation on the spot and my advise is, if the confronting stories
allow you then you imagine on the spot preferably a career-oriented plot.
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A Career-oriented plot is being imagined by me as an example story—Sushma Swaraj being a

daughter of a middle class farmer of village Kota of Jaipur Rajsthan was unable to carry on her post
graduation in Physics in Rajasthan University due to severe kidney operation of her father which
incurred a heavy amount and further her father’s salary was stopped making him leave without pay. She
consoled her parents and her younger brother and sister. In the first step she discussed the plan with her
head of department asking for a family visit. On second step she took 5 candidates of B.Sc. part one and
5 from B.Sc. Part second and started giving one hour to each batch. Seeing the progress of boys so
many parents approached her and the strength became 20 and after one month it went to 40. With her
hard work and method of teaching she started earning 20 thousand per month and she started supporting
her family and siblings.
Qualities being revealed from this Blank Story—I have been persistently telling you that a
particular picture and story made on it may be dominated by a particular factor but one factor is not
sufficient to constitute a desirable story or acceptable story as parameter of the system demands. But
another factors will come together to constitute a story and even the role and contribution of the
associated qualities of those factors become instrumental and contributory always and every time. Now
this blank story reveals qualities as here under—
Sushma Swaraj confronted the pathetic financial condition in her family, she consoled her parents
and siblings, reflects her deep sense of attachment with her family. Undertaking the responsibility to
carry on the expenses reveals her sense of responsibility and an ability to challenge the situation. These
reveal her sense of responsibility and her challenging ability reveals her courage. Sense of
responsiblity belongs to factor IInd that is social adjustment and courage belongs to factor IV that is
factor dynamism with which this picture consists of. Discussing the plan with her head of Department
and the way she has implemented shows her planning & organisation and the way of implementation
reveals her effective intelligence. These two qualities are related with factor Ist that is factor
Intelligence or organising aspect. Putting hard work and increasing the strength from 10 to 20 and
consequently from 20 to 40 shows her dedication, determined mental and physical stamina. The
dedication relates to factor IInd that is social adjustment and Stamina belongs to factor 4 that is
dynamism with which story consists of.
I have exampled the ‘12’ stories. 8 stories I have exampled that too factorwise and 4 stories I have
interpreted. Now I am giving again 12 pictures for the women candidates that too factorwise.

Lesson 22
Factorwise 12 Stories for Women Candidates
Picture of factor Ist that is factor intelligence or organising aspect.
SSB | 139

Picture of factor II that is Social Adjustment.

Picture of factor III that is leadership aspect.

Picture of factor IV that is factor Dynamism.

140 | SSB

Picture for factor I that is factor Intelligence or Organising aspect.

Picture for factor II that is Social Adjustment.

Picture for factor IV that is factor Dynamic Aspect.

SSB | 141

Picture for factor I that is Factor Intelligence or Organising Aspect.

Picture for factor II that is factor Social Adjustment.

Picture for factor III that is factor Leadership Aspect.

142 | SSB

Picture for factor IV, that is Dynamic Aspect.

Stories for Girls candidates, being inducted in the armed forces in the commissions cadre. Since
1991-92 after the first gulf war a number of SSB’s books are available in the market but not a single
book has provided psychological guidance for women candidates. This is the first time I am giving
material for the women candidates aspiring for the job.
Factor IV Dynamic Aspect and Factor I, Intelligence or Organising and Factor II Social Adjustment
Picture 1. (Scene)—Police personnel’s are marching in aggressive mood.
Story for Women Aspirants : It was the first posting of
ASP Miss Radha Kumari in district Rampur when she sensed
communal disturbance at Rahim Chauraha in Tasganj locality
on the occasion of Moharram. Immediately she withdrew the
PAC and subsequently deployed 10 RAF men in civil dress &
10 women police to spot out the suspected people and sensitive
places. In the meantime she stopped the procession and she
herself started sensing the actual stock position but found
nothing for four hours. Taking the situation as a challenge, she
further called upon and at first instance placed two C.B.I. men
to assist the operation. After finding the exact clue she along
with her men nabbed 5 Maulanas, 3 pandits and 4 sadhus and
Factor IV Factor I Factor III put them under house arrest and thereafter allowed the
Dynamic Organising Aspect Leadership procession to proceed under the close watch of RAF and
Aspect or Intelligence
women police with additional deployment.
Picture 2. (Scene) : Two male and a female is sitting inside a
Story : Anee Messi a B.Sc. Ist year student of Lucknow
University was watching television with her mother and father. A
neighbour’s son Rahul knocked the door and told that his father
has got a heart attack. Anee Messi immediately rushed to Rahul’s
house and gave Rahul’s father some life saving drugs then she
took her friend’s father in a taxi to a near by hospital and got him
admitted within 15 minutes. She took prescription and then
arranged five medicines and three injections from the medical
stores and nursed him in hospital with her family members till the
situation was brought under control. On the next morning when Factor IV Factor I Factor II
Dynamic Organising Social
Rahul’s father became well, she took him back to his house. Aspect or Intelligence Adjustment
SSB | 143

Factor V
Dynamic Aspect & Factor II Social Adjustment
Picture 3. (Scene) : One boy and girl aged 12 to 14 are discussing, it seems that they are quarrell-
ing together.

Factor II Social Adjustment

Factor I Factor II Factor III

Organising Aspect or Social Adustment Leadership
Story written by Rekha Mehra………………
(Story written by Rekha Mehra an aspirant of women special entry scheme (officers)
Story : Jeewan and Mahesh are brothers and they always quarrel with each other on petty issues
and did not concentrate on their studies. Rekha being the eldest of them. She was out of station for her
higher education. When she came back, she found that her brothers used to quarrel. She went to them
and gave suggestion not to quarrel on minor matters and counselled them to remove the differences by
mutual conversation. In this way they realised their mistakes and started concentrating on their studies.
Story corrected by Psychologist
Story for Women Commission : Jeewan and Mahesh used to quarrel most of the time ignoring
their studies and not obeying their aged parents. Rekha Mathew, their elder sister was staying at Indira
Gandhi women hostel of Sarnath University, Patna for her Doctoral thesis. On information she boarded
the train and next morning arrived her native place Manipur near Balia. First she underlined the
feedback which she took from her parents then she had a talk with both of them separately analysing
their routine and academic calendar. In second step, she accompanied her brothers to their class teacher.
At the final stage she took a bold step before parents, rescheduling their daily routine and academic
calendar including their schooling, home-work, routine study, revisions and she also bifurcated time for
their sports and hobbies as a daily routine and atleast twice a week for speed test. She stayed for 7 days
to implement the schedules. She also kept on motivating and taking the feed back while remaining at
Patna. In board examination result, elder one got Ist Class in intermediate and younger one striked the
merit in high school.
Lesson 23
Pictures/Stories for Male Candidates with Factorwise
Distribution and the O.L.Qs (Officer Like Qualities)
Projected by the Concerning Stories
Picture No. 1 (For factor Ist that is factor Intelligence or Organising Aspect). Its related qualities
1 2
Planning & Logical Resoning
3 Effective Power of 4
Intelligence Expression
144 | SSB

Explanation—Stories on this picture will have all these four qualities, but I have already made it
clear that one factor and its associated qualities will not suffice the requirement to constitute a desirable
story. Other factors and their associated qualities may come into to constitute a desirable story that too
automatically. My following example story will bear the testimony of my above statement.

Story—Vineet Bainswara was a final year student of MCA in Jaipur University of Session 2004. In
the Month of Feb. he received a call from his sister that due to severe illness her project report which
was to be submitted in the month of Jan. has not been submitted yet and on application only 15 days
period has been extended by the Lucknow University authority. Vineet promised his sister not to worry
and he boarded the next train and on next morning he arrived and met her project teacher. He received
all the details of software, collected datas, kept on sitting on internet four times in the week. He also
studied the basics prepared by his sister and time to time he kept on meeting her project teacher once in
day. Within a week Vineet prepared the final project report and submitted to project teacher on behalf
of his sister.
Qualities being revealed—The story reveals good emotional relations between brother and sister
which relates to factor Social Adjustment. Promising his sister not to worry reflects that he is taking
the entire responsibility. It means one can sleep after handing over or taking over the responsibility this
is very good quality which is a sense of responsibility and it comes under factor IInd. Catching the
next train for Lucknow to meet the project teacher reveals his initiative taking the step to prepare her
project reflects his decision-making. The both qualities initiative and decision-making are related
with factor IIIrd that is leadership. Discussing and receiving all the concerning details about the
software project, planning to meet the project teacher and collecting all the datas, sitting on internet,
analysing the basics prepared by his teacher shows the planning & organisation coupled with effective
Intelligence. These both qualities are related with factor Ist that is factor intelligence. The method
and the way of collecting the details and the methodology used right from landing to Lucknow till the
preparation of the project finally reveals logical reasoning and power of expression. The spirit and
guts used in preparing the project timely shows the determination and stamina of both kinds physical
and mental stamina. The quality of determination and stamina belongs to factor IV that is factor
Picture No. 2 (For Social Adjustment)
Factor IInd which is Social Adjustment, has three qualities :
1 2
Social Adaptability or Co-operation
Accommodating Spirit

Sense of Responsibility
SSB | 145

Story—The money-lender of village Rautpur of district Deoria ‘UP’ had captured the land of a
poor house owner who was not able to pay a small loan of Rs. 5,000 for the education of his son who
was studying in 5th class. On the second step the money lender dislodged father and his son from their
house to pay the loan within 24 hours. Having come to know, Rahul Verma the son of the village
Sarpanch studying in B.A. IInd year accompanied his four colleagues. First he talked to the affected
father and his son, then had a thorough discussion with experienced and mature people of his village.
After that he immediately talked to the money-lender and pressurised him to allow them to live in their
house and on Sunday evening he with his four colleagues and three experienced senior citizens sat with
the money-lender and asked him to release the land. On second step during discussion he made 25 easy
instalments of Rs. 200 per month that too without any interest and subsequently met the school
principal for free-studentship and free issuing of book’s so as to facilitate the education.
Evaluation of the Story (qualities being revealed)—There is a situation that a family is being
tortured by the money-lender. Having known the situation Mr. Rahul Verma the young son of the
village Sarpanch took the step and challenged the situation. This shows his courage and sense of
responsibility. Courage belongs to factor 4 but sense of responsibility is related to factor IInd that is
social adjustment. Accompanying his four colleagues, taking to the affected father and his son, then
discussing with mature, experienced people reveals his social adaptability and accommodating spirit.
Talking to the money-lender and pressurising him to release the house and land shows the sympathetic
attitude and co-operation instalments. Further pressurising and asking him to release the land displays
his co-operation. Making 25 easy instalments that too with easy payments and meeting the principal
for freeship and issue of books further shows the sense of responsibility.
Picture No. 3 (For Leadership) that is factor IIIrd
Story—The entire village of Palampur of District
Gonda UP confronted the trouble when a marriage of a
poor village girl got hanged because of heavy demand of
dowry. When the bride parents became unable to pay the
demanded amount of Rs. 50,000 thousand at the time of
marriage. Rupal Deo a student of graduation summoned
the 5 members of his youth welfare club in the old
Panchyat building and discussed the matter considering
the prestige of the village and the precious married life of
the girl. They immediately approached to the place of
marriage and asked both the parties to negotiate. On
refusal by the groom parents Rupal Deo spelt out the
consequences and finalised the negotiation that the bride
parents will pay a sum of Rs. 25 thousand in three
instalments to the girl for her security and welfare. With the combined efforts the marriage was allowed
to be celebrated.
146 | SSB

Qualities being revealed :—

1 2 3 4 5

Initiative Self-confidence Decision-making Ability to liveliness

Ability influence
the group

Evaluation of the Story—Rupal Deo having taken the initiative, summoning his 5 members of his
youth’s club shows his initiative and decision-making ability. Discussing the issue while calling the
members in old Panchayat building considering the prestige of the village and future of the girl shows
his effective intelligence and sense of responsibility. Effective intelligence is the quality of
intelligence that is from factor Ist and sense of responsibility is the quality of factor IInd that Social
Adjustment. Rushing to the marriage Pandal asking both the parties to negotiate and on refusal, the
leader spelling out the consequences reveals his courage and logical reasoning. Courage belongs to
factor four that is Dynamism and logical reasoning is from factor Ist that is factor Intelligence.
Managing negotiation with five members of his group reflects his ability to influence the group and
balancing himself and the entire situation till the end, shows liveliness. Finalising the issue to pay Rs.
25 thousand in three easy instalment for the welfare of the girl by the girl parents and to settled down
everything quickly reveals his planning and organisation and this quality again belongs to factor Ist
that is Intelligence or factor organising.
Picture No. 4 (For Dynamism) that is factor IV
Story—Asstt. Probationary Officer Vinod
Kumar got the telephonic message that his
neighbouring nephew has met with accident and
there is no one in his house. The second subse-
quent message was to bring Rs. 10,000 for the
expenses of life saving drugs as the condition was
serious. Vinod Kumar requested his colleague to
undertake his work and with due permission of
his boss, reached the civil hospital emergency
ward within 25 minutes. Seeing the condition of
his nephew and stretches on his head he did not
loose his patience and stayed in the hospital till 8
pm : when his parents arrived he counselled them
about the required doses and came to his house.
On next day when the patient became conscious
he transported him to his house after 5 p.m.
WAT (Word Association Test)
Lesson 1
Word Association Test (WAT)
This test is again a very strong test for detection of psychological strength of candidates. In this test
psychologist shows sixty words on the screen one after another. Candidates are required to express the
first idea or thought that comes to their mind in a sentence. Mind you, this process of projection of
words and candidates’ response goes uninterrupted from the first to the last word. Each word stays on
the screen for fifteen seconds only within this short duration the candidate is expected to frame and
record his response in the earmarked place.
Instructions for WAT—Following instructions are given by the psychologist before the
commencement of the WAT :
● This is again a test of your imagination wherein you are free to give your responses the way they
come to your mind.
● In this test a number of words will be projected on the screen one after the other.
● You are required to record your first idea or thought that comes to your mind on seeing the words
preferably in the form of a sentence.
● You are at liberty to use the words in your sentences or not to use them.
● Don’t care for the beauty of expression or grammatical errors; write freely your thoughts.
● Each words will stay on the screen for fifteen seconds. You are required to record your response
within that period only.
1 2 3 4

T.A.T. (Thematic W.A.T. (Word S.R.T. (Situation S.D. (Self-description

Apperception Test) Association Test) Reaction Test) Test)

Confirmatory Confirmatory
(a) Basic Series (a) Series (a) (a) Conclusive Series

(b) Unconscious Test (b) Sub-conscious (b) Conscious Test (b) Insight Test

(c) Unguided (c) Partly guided (c) Guided (c) Conscious


(d) Guided
148 | SSB

● If no idea or thought comes to your mind within the stipulated time, leave the corresponding space
blank and proceed further. Make sure that you record your responses in appropriate space only.
Having received your call letter, the Ist appearance in the SSB will be the day of your reporting.
The second day you will appear in your screening test. Disqualifying screening will amount to your
bouncing from the SSB. Having qualified the first round you will be distributed another chest No. and
On next morning you will appear in the battery of your psychological test, among that first will be TAT.
Second WAT, the third SRT and the fourth will be your Self Description Test. Let me display the
psychological bifurcation.
Listen the Instructions—Grasp is directly related to your intelligence. Intelligence further spells
your trainability level. Finally trainability means :—Your I.Q. ‘Intelligence Quotient’ + Period of time.
Lastly for recommendation your trainability decides your predictive value. The name of the system is
Services Selection Board where SSB only recommends does not select. Always and ever recommen-
dation has been in existence and had been and being made and will be made only on the basis of the
predictive value. There are three kinds of value :—

Past Value Present Value

Should not be Should be
objectionable acceptable

Predictive Value

When ‘past value’ is not found objectionable

Then the predictive
and the ‘present value’ is acceptable value will exit

Before the commencement of every test the scientist/psychologist or the technical officer
whosoever will preside or conduct the test, will deliver the instruction. The requirement of the
instructions are :—
2 3 4
1 Listen the instruction
very carefully, sincerely Your performance in the
and adequately leading situational tests will
The second requirement reveal whether have you
is to follow the instruction grasped it 100% and at the
100% and execute it 100% in same time executed 100% ?
the manner as it is demanded.
Not minor but if major
or regular gap is created
then all the three techniques
will put a ‘?’

Grasp is directly proportionate and attributed to the level of your intelligence. Intelligence is instrumental
to perform all the tests at the optimum level. Your P.I.Q. (Personal Information Questionnaire) spells your
expectation to perform at the optimum level. When you did not reach to your expectation then there is strict

WAT is the test of your grasp, effective intelligence, quick reaction, it also measures your level of
thought processes. Being the sub-conscious test and the test of your imagination, it also examines the
span and depth of Ideas. For the example take the instance of a newspaper.
From the first to the last page it covers all the news right from the political to film, sports,
personalities, inventions, books written, policies, agreement, discoveries, climate, relations and
SSB | 149

enemities between the states and the countries, news of crimes and crime preventions, disaster and
development etc. these are the span of newspaper. Now the editorial column including letters to the
editors where newspaper goes into depth on each issue published on that page. This will be the depth of
the news paper. Therefore, after having gone through the newspaper thoroughly you will come to know
the span and the depth of the news.
Similarly when you react on a particular word it reflects the span and depth of your ideas and also
your span and depth of the imagination. I will cite an example :—
Example of Span—(1) India has lessoned the democracy to all the world.
Interpretation—India taught and assisted democratic process in Afghanistan, has lessoned
Pakistan, Nepal and still lessoning to Bhutan and Mayanmar. This example spells the span of ideas.
Example of depth—(2) India’s effort has restored democracy in Nepal.
Interpretation—Himalayan kingdom (Nepal) is our neighbouring country and very close to us.
We deployed Raja Karan Singh as special envoy to give harmonious advice to King Gyanendra to
restore democracy as only alternative remedy left under the changing circumstances. By this way we
went into the depth of relationship as no country did like us.

Lesson 2
Nature and Content of Stimuli in WAT
The OLQs profile includes qualities from intellectual, social, leadership and dynamic fields. The
psychologist selects words, which are ‘likely to elicit responses from these areas’. Following examples
may be considered :—
1 2 3 4

Intellectual Social Leadership Dynamic

Computer Neighbour Colonel Strive
Progress Friend Persuade Achieve
Perfection Accuse Command Energetic
Civilisation Famous Assert Prove

It may be born in mind that it is only a hypothesis. In psychology, things can be understood well
but cannot be predicted well. The word ‘COMPUTER’ can well elicit social or dynamic response too. It
depends on the thought process of the candidate. We may only guess that it could stimulate an
intellectual response according to the meaning of the projected word. However, words from intellectual,
social, leadership and dynamic field are projected in the same and fixed sequence.
How to Do Well in WAT ?
WAT is again a test of your imagination. But more than this, he is interested to know the
context/field, which is settled in your mind around the words. Actually, every word enfolds a cluster of
thoughts or ideas around it. A few of them are associated with more strength and play predominant role
while dealing with the situations of day-to-day life. Through this the psychologist fishes out these
associated ideas, thoughts along with their two primary characteristics i.e., span and depth.
Let us remind ourselves that the entire SSB exercise is the quest of a crisis manager. A successful
manager is equipped with better armour of ideas that actively aid him during the testing times. The
content of your sentences highlights these associated ideas.
Take for example a word ‘PROBLEM’. This word may be associated with many ideas/fields :
150 | SSB

Lesson 3
Some Possible Association with the word ‘Problem’

Solution Failure Obstruction Success Challenge Strategy Help Caution Serious

In situations where time is available in a limited measure not all ideas remain active. Only a few
can be recalled for application in stressful situation. The process of selection is quite fast and takes
place at the sub-conscious level. What idea would be selected depends on a complex interplay of
various personality factors. Without going into such details, we now will see how these ideas/thoughts
are reported. A careful analysis of the sentences reveal that generally the contents reported by
candidates fall into the following categories :—
1. Definition or Explanatory Response 5. Injection, Advices, Preaching or Commands
2. Observation 6. Proverbs, Phrases or Cliches
3. Personal Responses 7. Negatives
4. Factual Responses 8. Analysis or Evaluation
Definition or Explanatory Response—In such type of responses the candidate explains or defines
the content of his idea or associated thought. For example :—
Word Response
War War is the armed conflict between two or more nations or groups.
War is the last resort to settle differences.
Definition or explanatory responses normally lack originality because the candidate likes to bring
out an established fact or an agreed upon opinion to elucidate the matter. Subsequently your
individuality too is suppressed. If you try to define terms like Flower, Computer, Gun, Emotion and
Steam, you have to dwell on scientific terms, which will further reveal your human characteristics.
Hence, as far as possible avoid defining or explaining.
Observation—These are the responses through which the candidate communicates his observation
about anything related with the projected word. For example :—
Word Response
War War has become highly technical in nature in modern times.
Missiles are replacing/cannot replace human being in the war.
Career in the Armed Forces is not the preference of people of Punjab now-a-days.

Evaluation and observation of responses depends on its content. Whether the candidate has
presented a novel or original observation (exploration) or it is one of the often-repeated experiences of
everybody, will be the consideration of the psychologist. Armed Forces need people who are sensitive
to change and observe well. At the same time novelty or uniqueness in observation makes it worth
receiving. Hence, you will be evaluated favourably if you pay attention to something not observed by
Personal Response—In these type of responses the candidate brings out the personal likes or
dislikes, characteristics or qualities, achievements etc. of individuals.
SSB | 151

Word Response
War I want to lay down my life for the sake of my nation.
Mohan is searching the office of recruitment.
You cannot join the Air Force with spectacles.
Look at the first sentence. Who attains prominence in such type of sentence ? The answer is
undisputedly ‘I’. In the second sentence something of no insignificance concerning ‘Mohan’ is reported.
In the third sentence disqualification due to spectacles on another person (you) is communicated. Such
types of responses are personal responses. They communicate facts/opinions/characteristics/qualities or
events concerning individuals however informed he may be. Unless something really deserves
attention, personal responses are not considered to be going in your favour.
Factual Response—in this category of responses are those responses that contain some fact about
the content to be communicated. Facts are of the following three types :—
● Universal Facts
● Simple Facts
● Rare Facts
Universal Facts—The sun rises in the east, is an example of a universal fact. These are non-
controversial and accepted universally.
Simple or Common Facts—These are events or those facts that are known to masses. You gather
simple facts as you grow up. Our country has states and union territories is a simple fact, which is
known even to a junior grade student. London is the capital of England is another example. Knowledge
of simple facts does not bring any credit to any person for the simple reason that no special effort or
involvement is needed to gather and contain them in your mind.
Rare Facts—These are those facts that are known to only a few who took special efforts/interest or
pains to gather them. Qualitatively there is no difference between a simple fact and a rare fact. A rare
fact is available in the cognitive world of only a few. In other words it is because of limited availability
a fact becomes rare. Wright Brothers invented the aeroplane is a common fact. But the information
‘Ivan Sir Kosky successfully flew the first helicopter is not commonly known and hence it will be
considered as a rare information or a rare fact.
Rare facts, since reflect an additional efforts, interests shown by the individual, are considered to be
good responses. They indicate on the intellectual richness/depth of a person. Possession of such
information makes your information unique and it will be taken so.
Injunction, Advices, Preaching or Command—Consider the following types of sentences :—
● You should respect your seniors.
● One must not forget the sacrifices of parents.
● You have to concentrate on your career now.
● Time is very precious. Don’t waste it.
● Follow the path shown by great people.
● Not gold, only men can make a nation great and strong.

The sentences mentioned above contain advice suggestions or command to others. Giving advice is not
wrong per se, but one must not attain the personality of a preacher. A preacher generally remains with content
only by suggesting others. Whether he is involved in the action himself is a secondary matter. Such type of
responses are not viewed favourably. The Armed Forces need a ‘doer’ and not a ‘preacher’. A doer’s priority is
to ‘act’ where as a preacher’s preference is to ‘say’. A preacher is happy by using appropriate words whereas a
doer will derive satisfaction only by his involvement into the required action.
152 | SSB

Proverbs, Phrases or Cliches—Consider the following type of responses :—

● Honesty is the best policy.
● Look before you leap.
● Time and tide wait for none.
● One swallow does not make a summer.

The above-mentioned type of responses appear to communicate something wise. Phrases or cliches come
out of prolonged experience/observation of the public. They guide us as they contain traditional wisdom. But
the problem with idioms/phrases is that they suppress the individuality. If all candidates write the same phrase
they lose a chance to prove their differences. And it is for this reason, it is not recommended to write idioms or

Negatives—In the state and society, many things are accepted despite some shortcomings. Nothing
is perfect in this world. Everything has a pleasant/favourable or positive side. At the same time some
ugly or unfavourable aspect too is associated with it. One cannot keep rejecting/discarding various
things only for their shortcomings overlooking the good points. Consider the following two
responses given in lesson 4.

Lesson 4
Word & Responses
Word Response
War First Response— War brings agony and destruction.
Second Response— Leadership qualities are best reflected in war-situations.
In the above-mentioned responses two side of the same word ‘WAR’ are mentioned. War
undoubtedly brings agony and destruction. But at the same time war produces heroes also. Many
qualities related to valour and glories are best seen only in war. War has re-established the pride, honour
and glory of many nations.
A man used to see only the negative side of things, becomes habitually critical. He loses tolerance
to limitations and in the long run remains deprived of happiness. His adjustment with the environment
suffers set back because of this. And hence it is not favourable to write such responses.
Analysis or Evaluation—Consider the following responses :—
Word Response
War Preparedness for war ensures peace.
War potential of a nation indicates its economic strength and sound foreign policies.
Purchase of modern weapons will upgrade the strength.
Education Mission adult education would bring sense of better citizenship among the deprived masses.
In the above—Mentioned category of responses some inferences or logical derivation have been
made. Also, some evaluation is indicated wherein both sides of a fact have been indicated. Such types
of response are considered highly favourable. Logic is the base for evaluation. And logical soundness is
a highly desirable quality.
SSB | 153

Lesson 5
Practicing the Words, Rules Response and Solutions
The word is → ‘Forgive’
1 2 3 4

Madarasas are likely to be Ability to forgive is Priyanka possesses Sonia Gandhi forgave
integrated with schools. always praised ability to forgive Nalini
WAT is the test of your imagination. You will be shown some words. The words through which we
normally communicate. We require you to communicate preferably in the form of a complete sentence.
We require spontaneous idea in form of a sentence.
The word is ,visit,
1 2
USA has solved the USA has blamed Pak
legitimate grievances for intrusion.
of terrorism
The word is ‘Society’—(1) We are prone to develop casteless society.
(2) Proper interaction with people generates confidence.
(3) NAM has declared complete elimination of nuclear weapons.
Sentence completion is not an idea. Convey idea in the form of a complete sentence

The word is ‘Table’—Time table makes punctual.

Table talk brings the solution.
The word is ‘wife’—(1) Wife motivates for further education.
(2) Kasturba’s cooperation generated confidence in Gandhi jee.
(3) Kiran bedi is restoring social institutions through Aap ki Kachhari.
Explanation—We always give more weightage to a person who is more informed. Intellectual
imagination should land in the form of a sentence. The sentence should contain good information.
Depth of study and even more and more study gives wider ways to the imagination.
Let me interpret the two major and important components of WAT :—

Evaluation Logical Evaluation

When you evaluate a particular side Under the logical evaluation you
things and you give a balance, establish logical connection between the
information. Example
, , : two ends. Example : (1) War brings
The word is War —(1) Preparation instrument to peace.
of war brings peace. (2) Democracy in Nepal ended the war
(2) War can be avoided by a Table talk and restored the democracy.
(3) Hard work brings success. (3) Dedicated hard work brings success.
(4) Intellegently planned work brings

Historical Information—WAT is a confirmatory test, partly guided and this is also the test of your
imagination. Historical fact may be shared but it should be rare piece of information. For the example—
(1) Tope cannon was first used by Tipu Sultan.
(2) Littleman and Fat boy were bombed in Nagasaki & Hiroshima.
154 | SSB

Intellectual Achievements—Intellectual achievements denote your rich imagination and only rich
imagination is capable to manifest the intellectual imagination which is always preferred. Even for
observation, evaluation and for logical evaluation, intellectual imagination is also required. For the
(1) Winners never quit.
(2) Churchill won double noble prize on literature.
(3) In second word war Churchill became the man of the war.
(4) Netajee wrote “Divide & rule and was graded as an intellectual by British”.
(5) Complementary system produces result.
(6) Well planned system produces commodity.
(7) Dispensability produces freedom.
(8) Well organised system produces power.
(9) Well formed group delivers result.
(10) Positive friends give proper direction.
(11) Intellectual depth drives the path of success.
(12) Intelligent projection strengthens organisation.
(13) Intellectual depth gives stability.
(14) Efficiency produces leadership.

Reaction and responses to a particular word which can produce your personality up to the nature of job.

Interpretation—How much fast your reaction is ? and how much fast your grasp is ? is to be seen
in WAT. The word is “Teacher”—
(1) Teacher enhances knowledge,
(2) 14 Nov. is celebrated as teacher’s day.
Manifestation of Substance is WAT—(1) Education enhances the knowledge,
(2) Proper guidance gives the proper direction.
Imagination should land in the form of a sentences that too preferably in the form of a complete
sentence. Depth and more studies gives ways to your wider imagination.
(1) Kiran Bedi is solving grievances through Aap Ki Kachhari.
A Set of 60 Important Words for your SSB test
I am giving 60 set of words which are very important and you will atleast get 30 to 45 words in
every test of WAT conducted by any board of our Country.
01. Gun 02. Father 03. Machine Gun 40. Sister 41. Govern 42. Dislike
04. Commander 05. Bad 06. Army 43. Determine 44. Success 45. Operation
07. Defeat 08. Girl 09. Kill 46. Trust 47. Social 48. Courage
10. Love 11. Awake 12. Challenge 49. Lie 50. Enemy 51. Power
13. War 14. Vulgar 15. Responsible 52. Accident 53. Company 54. Country
16. Patriotism 17. Nurse 18. Blood 55. Neighbour 56. Need 57. Soldier
19. Award 20. Leader 21. Romance 58. Defend 59. Dead 60. Agree
22. Afraid 23. Alert 24. Cure The Second Series of WAT
25. Confidence 26. Terrorist 27. Escape 01. Baffle 02. Company 03. Course
28. Bullet 29. Beat 30. Aloof 04. Card 05. Bottle 06. Caution
31. Create 32. Group 33. Brave 07. Address 08. Cover 09. Basin
34. Impossible 35. Fail 36. Friend 10. Project 11. System 12. Active
37. Education 38. Crisis 39. Society 13. Complicate 14. Sink 15. Careless
SSB | 155

16. Basic 17. Amuse 18. Bitter 01. Real 02. Hate 03. Ammunition
19. Demand 20. Construct 21. Sensitive 04. Guilty 05. Fear 06. Delay
22. Civil 23. Fault 24. Steal 07. Poverty 08. Suicide 09. Operation
25. Draw 26. Grave 27. Religate 10. Bully 11. Torture 12. Mourn
28. Cheat 29. Brain 30. Extent 13. Laughter 14. Loan 15. Night
31. Alarm 32. Bird 33. Contrast 16. Offence 17. Judicial 18. Excuse
34. Compare 35. Dark 36. Close 19. Incredible 20. Attack 21. Trust
37. Attempt 38. Diverge 39. Diary 22. Heat 23. Technical 24. Accident
40. Diminish 41. Consider 42. Dear 25. Imagination 26. Train 27. Reject
43. Custom 44. Baby 45. Appear 28. Cold 29. Never 30. Violent
46. Confess 47. Deposit 48. Suit 31. Cute 32. Entrance 33. Kill
49. Horse 50. Late 51. Danger 34. Bed 35. Crisis 36. Sorry
52. Earthquake 53. Conceal 54. Cheat 37. Unable 38. Noise 39. Alert
55. Sunset 56. Magnet 57. Dynamic 40. Refrain 41. Bullet 42. Lonely
58. Fast 59. Distress 60. Arrange 43. Police 44. Disagree 45. Murder
Third Series of WAT 46. Machine 47. Trail 48. Upset
01. Loyal 02. Train 03. Worship 49. Withdrawn 50. Revenge 51. Avoid
04. Objective 05. Warn 06. March 52. Wreck 53. Umpire 54. Serious
07. Duty 08. Deterrent 09. Interest 55. Naughty 56. Battle 57. Rest
10. Secure 11. Teacher 12. Discipline 58. Conceal 59. Stair 60. Insult
13. Self 14. Sacrifice 15. Subordinate Fifth Series of WAT (Negative Series)
16. Defend 17. Relation 18. Flag 01. Lack 02. Caution 03. Identity
19. Brother 20. Enemy 21. Colleague 04. Cure 05. Humility 06. Eagle
22. Initiate 23. Failure 24. Responsible 07. Fat 08. Sputnik 09. Refuse
25. Ahead 26. Obey 27. Disobey 10. Meat 11. Except 12. Blown off
28. Struggle 29. Decide 30. Force 13. Circumstances 14. Challenge 15. Disturbance
31. Deviate 32. Development 33. Disturbance 16. Drown 17. Discourage 18. Rouge
34. Lead 35. Storm 36. Guide 19. Rule 20. Escape 21. Differ
37. Obstacle 38. Distrust 39. Test 22. Reserve 23. Claim 24. Defeat
40. Supervise 41. Difficulty 42. Tact 25. Discent 26. Ring 27. Mutton
43. Work 44. Meet 45. Creativity 28. Discover 29. Bluff 30. Control
46. Support 47. Analyse 48. Rescue
31. Diverge 32. Beat 33. Diminish
49. Result 50. Depend 51. Depth
52. Camp 53. Organise 54. Alone 34. Solitary 35. Risk 36. Rock
55. Practical 56. Associate 57. Problem 37. Storm 38. Destroy 39. Crowd
58. Friend 59. Group 60. Think 40. Defend 41. Gun 42. Difficulty
Fourth Series of WAT (Negative Series) 43. Reign 44. Disgraceful 45. Deny
Gentlemen, Please understand, in WAT, no 46. Empty 47. Disease 48. Disable
answer is right or wrong similarly selection is 49. Confess 50. Expect 51. Struggle
never made on right and wrong answer but system 52. Dream 53. Regret 54. Contrast
is looking for the right personality. In WAT no
word is ‘Negative’ but only your perception 55. Beach 56. Dull 57. Curious
becomes negative or depressive or pessimistic. 58. Examine 59. Rouge 60. Distinct
What to do ? And How to do well in WAT ?—This system of selection which is scientific and
Fool-proof does not demand the meaning, explanation, translation or interpretation of the word then the
question and issue is what does it require ?
156 | SSB

Sentence completion is It Requires This is also the

not an idea, convey idea When you react on a test of your
in the form of a complete particular word then the imagination.
sentence. system differentiates Write the first idea,
How you react to a between leader and not a thought or impression
particular word, whether leader, between average, the way it comes to your
your reaction is positive below average, and above mind on seeing the word,
Evaluation and associated with the average. Again between preferably in the from of
idea ? common, below common a complete sentence, not
and above common. essentially.
Logical Evaluation
The sentences should be positive The word may
After 20 words the and should be your first and and may not be
scientist/psychologist original response to the word. included but the
will show you a blank idea should be
word. That will be the Practice is very important for WAT. clear.
time to change the page. Do not try to complete a sentence
when the next word is already on the
screeen. Do not leave the space
blank, write something. You have full freedom to express
Do not write a word for a word your feelings. Whatever you feel,
given to you because it can be you write. There are no right or
interpreted in a different ways wrong answers. The , whole thing
than in a manner you yourself depends on individual s peformance
want to project. and reactions to definite words.

A pa
You may w e any wor r
may ticul ar wo 50
sentence u leav d
in Hindi or rite the If yo , please leave the in
n differe
have 0 to
Eng lish. e e w nt r esponses
betw g to serial num ord
c co r d in mi l a ber to en
a si rity. iffer t peo
in the by d ll may be r ple
mainta a ight.
This is the second test of battery There are no fixed a nd
of your psychological test, in answers. No reaction can
which you have to give your be termed as right or These words are
reflections in the form of wrong. It will only purposely shown, by
sentences framed on the words project your thinking and this way we come to
which are shown. The time personality. know your leadership
given in is short so that your qualities and natural
first reaction/reflection comes feelings.
Rare facts Intellectual
out and that is the material for which are achievements
our evaluation. known to are prefered.
few people

“Psychological Requirement of WAT”—We want the manifestation and projection of OLQs

(Officers like Qualities) to fulfil the profile of a defence officer. The OLQs profile includes Officers
Like Qualities from the four factors
These are :
Factor I 1 2 Factor II
Factor Intelligence Factor Social
or Adjustment
Factor Organising

Factor III 3 4 Factor IV

Factor Social Factor Dynamic
Effectiveness or
or Dynamic Aspect
SSB | 157

Actual Explanation—In battery of Psychological test, WAT is the second test and this is also the
test of your imagination. WAT includes 60 words and all these 60 words are given from the four
factors. The first word will be from factor Ist that is Factor Intelligence, the second word will be from
factor IInd that is Factor Social Adjustment, the third word will relate to Factor IIIrd that is Factor
Leadership and finally the fourth word will come from Factor IV that is Factor Dynamism. This cycle
will keep on repeating till 60 words are completed. Hence, the instruction by the psychologist that
completing 60 words are not necessary, your personality may came within 45 to 50 words bears the
testimony of this statement.
Therefore, to bear a required or balanced personality an individual should posses intellectual,
social, leadership and dynamic ability. For example I am giving words from all the four factors—

Factor I Factor II
Factor Intelligence Factor Social Adjustment
It will include the words : It will include the words :

Examine Team
Practice Play
Judgement Relation
Arrange Assist
Alert Company
Desire Friend
Firm Crowd
Effort Sympathy
Factor III, Factor Factor IV
Leadership. It will Factor Dynamism
include the words : It will include the words :

Submit Listen

Follow Aim

Dependent Clean

Reject Behave

Safe Advise

Control Flexible

Convincing Obey

Alive Kind

Responsible Prayer

158 | SSB

What actually WAT is ?—Not the meaning, or the word for word sake, or the Explanation, or the
interpretation but idea associated with a particular word is WAT. Let me interpret how it happens :—
Just to interpret it, I will take one word from all the four factors. Now the Ist word I am taking from
factor Ist that is Factor Intelligence—
Now the word is—“Progress” Let us see the word progress is related with how many aspects the
idea associated with a particular word is WAT. See the word “Progress” is associated with how many
aspect ?—
rt Hosp
on Effo ital

Aim my


Hard work
u lt





nt Desire


University Progress Income






tiv dua
ate ivi
ciety Ind l
So Le


Therefore, one word will or may have more than 50 responses and all are right, bears the testimony
of the above explanation.
Now the second word is from the factor IInd that is Social Adjustment. Now the word is
“RELATION”. Let us see how the word “RELATION” is related with how many areas ?—
N ei





Gi ipa

ft Father ir nc





Mother Relation Social


lege c her


da Family


Brot gn
Computer Forei

Therefore, the word relation is having association with so many fields and you can make the
sentence on any one of them and all will be right. Not necessary to include the word “RELATION” in
making the sentences.
Now the third word is from Leadership that is Factor III. Now the word is “RESPONSIBLE”. Let
us see how the word “RESPONSIBLE” is associated with how many areas.
SSB | 159

Mother Sincer
a tion oldier Captur C
g a ni s S e Co omm
Or Commander Con nfi itte
den e
m ent Family A
c e ce
p i t rm

o n y
vel U


e my


ife etin Duty me ty
g Sub- Team Ti ili
Rig Courseordinate Ab
ht Educ up
Book Gro
Obey Genuine
Therefore, the word “RESPONSIBLE” is having association with so many associated areas you are
free to project your ideas on any of them.
Now the fourth word is “AIM” which is from factor IV that is Factor Dynamic Aspect or
Discovery k



Ha Target

Invention AIM Peace

icer erty
Off Win
tio Scientist





Therefore, the word “AIM” is associated with all the areas as shown above. You can associate your
ideas with any of the related word. Gentlemen, I will allow you to think that, I have given so many
associated words but I am not interpreting all of them. For example I am taking one word to facilitate
the associated relations.
The word is ‘Society’—Please see how the ideas are being associated with a particular word
society. It is not necessary that the word should be included but the idea associated should convey the
affiliated sense.
(1) We are prone to develop casteless society. (2) Proper interaction induces confidence.
(3) NAM has declared the complete elimination (4) We are proposing to introduce domestic
of nuclear weapons. peace bill.
(5) Raja Ram Mohan Rai abolished the Sati (6) Din-E-Ilahi was finally implemented by
Pratha. Akbar.
(7) Nur Fatima has been daughterly treated. (8) Uniform civil code will definitely strengthen
a multidimensional society.
(9) Developed Society enhances harmony. (10) Systematic education develops the quality in
160 | SSB

(11) NRI’s have been granted dual citizenship. (12) Hindustan is a family of all the religions.
(13) Aap Ki Kachari is solving the grievances of (14) Good society develops good citizens.
all the religions.
(15) We all are interacting with seven sisters. (16) Society teaches obediency and responsibility.
(17) Progressive society develops progressive (18) Our society is multicultural.
(19) Cooperative Societies are enhancing the (20) We have socialised the Chakma refugees.
(21) A man’s personality spells his society. (22) Our all societies are enjoying all the festivals.
(23) Our IPKF has been always praised for (24) Good citizens develop good society.
(25) Religious serials are inducing faith in (26) Good behaviour brings harmony in society.
Interpretation—I will interpret two or three sentences in which the word ‘society’ has not been
included for the example—
(1) I will take the Serial No. 23 and the sentence is, “Our IPKF (Indian Peace keeping force) has
been always praised for hospitality” Practically our’s Army is one of the well behaved Army in the
world. When our soldiers are deployed under IPKF they treat old person as father, old women as mother
and girls as sisters. This behaviour spells brotherly message in society. Therefore, the word society has
not been included but bears the association with the word.
(2) Now I am taking the 5th one and again the word is ‘society’ and the sentence is “Raja Ram
Mohan Rai Abolished the Sati Pratha”. Again the word society is not included in this sentence. Sati
Pratha was a social evil and was damaging the society and making the women victim. Raja Ram Mohan
Rai removed the evil of society, hence this sentence has association with society.
(3) The 4th sentence is, “we are proposing to introduce a domestic peace bill.” This is the third
sentence in which the word society has not been included, but it is associated with the word. Let us see
how ? The domestic violence bill was introduced in 2005 and spreading the bitter consequences. On the
report of a married women the entire family is arrested that is husband, sister-in-law, Mother-in-law,
Devar, Devarani, father-in-law and even the remaining members of the family and atleast they are
bailed out after a couple of years. The evil consequence is, if the married girl (means the same married
girl) on whose report the entire family has been imprisoned, if wants to marry again then no boy gets
ready to marry which is leading to a social problem. Therefore, in 2008 various N.G.O’s and women’s
organisation of our country led a procession in Delhi to introduce a Domestic peace bill, proposing
further to scrap out the domestic violence act 2005. By this way this social problem can be diluted.
Therefore, this sentence is related with the word society.
SRT (Situation Reaction Test)
A Conscious Test, Not The Test of Your Imagination. No liberty on the part of the candidates. In
this test everything is controlled by the Psychologist.

Lesson 1
Situation Reaction Test (SRT)
Life is full of problems. It does not move according to our desires, whims or fancies.
Countless hurdles, obstructions, shortages, unexpected troubles, breakdowns, technical snags,
tussles, non-cooperation, disobedience, lack of knowledge or resources in day-to-day situations
are bound to restrict or impede our progress. One cannot succeed by merely setting a goal for
himself. Success or achievement of goal depends on how a hurdle or impediment has been
Facing hurdles people react in different ways. Reactions can happen at all the three dimensions or
planes of behaviour i.e., thoughts, words and actions. Also, reactions may be at overt or covert level.
Consider a case wherein one student plans to take up engineering as his career stream but fails to
qualify the pre-engineering test to get admission in a technical college. Facing this failure, he might
react in many ways like :—
1. He takes a resolve appear with better preparations in the next chance. (Attack)
2. Instead of going for a degree, he joins a diploma course. (Compromise)
3. He applies for re-evaluation of his answer scripts. (Defence mechanism indicating compromise)
4. He thinks that engineering is too tough for him and hence drops this idea and seeks admission in
humanities. (Withdrawal and Compromise)
5. He declares himself as a victim of a corrupt and unfair system of entrance test where merit has no
place. (Defence mechanism)
6. He cries. (Withdrawal)
7. He attempts to commit suicide. (Withdrawal)
8. He joins a coaching institute in Chennai in order to make quality preparations. (Attack)
Let us examine the responses mentioned above. These responses can be grouped into the following
categories :—
1 2 3

Attack Compromise Withdrawal

(a) Attack—Response numbers 1 and 8 indicate the fighting spirit. The candidate is not ready to
give up. He will make another attempt inspite of failures.
(b) Compromise—Examine response at Nos. 2 and 3 and 4. The candidate lowers his aim with the
acceptance that a bigger aim is out of his reach. This may be a realistic evaluation of one’s own
162 | SSB

capabilities. Lack of self-confidence could be another reason for this compromise. However, the person
is not willing to leave the stream but goes on a lower deck.
(c) Withdrawal—Candidate accepts his defeat and gives up his future efforts. Responses Nos 4, 6
and 7 represent such type of responses.
(d) Use of Psychological Defence Mechanisms—Failures
make one uncomfortable. Ego (psychological) of a person
needs to be protected and secured during crisis and failures. In
situations where ego is hurt/threatened, a person resorts to
many types of measures at the level of thoughts, words, actions
or emotions that protect his ego. Such psychological measures
are called as ‘defence mechanism’. Now consider response No.
5. The candidate offers an intellectual justification of his
failures. Similarly in response No. 3 the candidate shows that
he ‘denies’ his failure. He is not accepting that he has failed.
Through the process of re-evaluation, he only delays the
acceptance of his failure. I will exemplify it as under—
(1) Please do not justify failures. It will be always
beneficial and will be in your favour, if you accept the failures.
Accepting the failures means confession, similarly the denial of the same is the defence mechanism.
Finally, the denial is the worst form of the defence mechanism. Therefore, believe in accepting the
failures, that is only the beauty and the expression of the balance personality. For the example, you
declared that you will obtain 95% in the examination but you secured only 45%. Parents, people,
teachers and friends asked you. Your response was that—(1) Teachers were not good, (2) The library
did not have good/required books. (3) Questions in the examination were not taught to us. (4) Round
the year there has been voltage fluctuation from the college to the place of our residence. (5) My
mother suffered with severe illness and remained on bed for six months, like others and so many. These
are all defence mechanism which lead to denial. Denial is the worst form of the psychological defence
mechanism, I will exemplify as under—
Suppose, I am the president and you are the
candidate, I posed a question. Your P.I.Q. says that you
have participated in Hockey/Cricket and have played at
the state level ? Yes Sir, Now here from your responses he
has drawn the impression that you have never played nor
have gone to district level. Now here he poses a rapid fire
questions, like this—
Gentlemen, tell me when you received the
letter/information for the participation what
was the time, date and the day ? What was
the final date ? When did you depart, the
time, place and the means of transport used by you ? When did you reach to the
station ? Which train did you board ? Your seat No., and when you got down at
the railway station ? Name of the stadium ? Number of teams, name of the
captains and coaches if you remember ? and finally what was the result ? Now
you start answering. Your answer remains only an answer and not being
supported by your body language, gesture, tone and facial index. Finally, you
break down and admit or you still protect your denial to retain your ego. In both
the cases the evaluation will come to denial and will not go in your favour.
Psychological defence mechanisms are both positive and negative types. Those that help
achievements of the goal are positive type of defence mechanisms. But a large number of psychological
defence mechanisms are those that defend the ego not by achievement of the goal but by rationalisation,
SSB | 163

withdrawals or by causing psychosomatic syndromes. Such types of ego which takes support from
defence mechanisms are negative mechanisms.
Not in all cases our reactions are seen and can be observed from outside. In many cases
reaction to situations are subtle, covert and are not outwardly manifested. Still in many cases,
reactions take place at emotional level only. Examine the response No. 6. It is an emotional
response, which is outwardly manifested. In many cases even the emotional responses cannot be
observed. They may not be intense enough.
It has also been frequently observed that people ‘freeze’ in case of extreme stress specially when it
comes suddenly and unexpectedly. Such process is again a natural mechanism to protect the physical
and psychological well being of a person.
Not dwelling further on the types of reactions, it may just be summarised that your reaction to
situation is to be examined thoroughly. Please see that your reaction to situations reflects on your
problem solving skill, emotional poise, stamina to absorb stress, social adjustment, motivation,
attitudes, consistency and a variety of personality factors. Situation reaction test must examine the ‘first
reaction’ only. First reaction is spontaneous and hence most valid. Well thought of debated and
measured reactions cannot be accepted as spontaneous reactions and hence may not truly reflect in your

Lesson 2
Structure of Situation Reaction Test
In situation (problems) are drawn from day to day life and candidates are required to record their
reactions as to ‘how they will feel, think and act’ in these situations. In all 60 situations are given and
to ensure that responses are natural and spontaneous, just 30 minutes are given to the candidates to
complete the test. Situations or problems are contained in a booklet. Candidate are required to read the
situations from the booklet and write their responses in the prescribed space in their answer-books.
Instructions for SRT—Following instructions are given by the psychologist before the test :—
● In this test you will find a number of situations (given in the booklet) to you. We want to know
how you will feel, think and act in these situations.
● There are no right or wrong answers to these situations. We are interested to know your responses
to these situations.
● Do not take too much time in thinking out the answers. Write freely that comes to your mind.
● Record your responses against relevant problem number in your answer booklet.
● There are sixty situations in the booklet and you will be given thirty minutes to complete your
answers. Try to finish all responses in the given time. A printed booklet containing 60 situations are
circulated to male candidates. These are to be solved within 30 minutes. A series of 60 situations
are being given as under.
Practice Booklets for Male Candidates—
Situation Reaction Test : I
(Do Not Open Till You Are Asked)
(1) There are 60 situations given in this booklet. You have to put yourself into the situation and
response accordingly.
(2) Answer all the 60 situations in 30 minutes in the space provided in the answer-sheet.
(3) If you have stuck up in a particular situation, proceed further without wasting time at one
particular situation as each situation is allotted 30 seconds time approx.
164 | SSB

(4) There are no right or wrong answers to these situations. It depends how an individual
approaches to them.
1. He was going to meet his sister in the village 40 Km from his home. He had to pass through a
dense forest. Suddenly his bicycle got punctured and it started raining. He …………………………
2. He was going to Shimla on a visit. Suddenly he noticed that all his items were stolen. He had no
money in his pocket. He ……………………………………………………………………………
3. He was watching a movie in a cinema hall. He observed that his friend’s sister was being teased by
some boys sitting next to her. He ……………………………………………………………………
4. He was on leave in his village. One midnight he got up due to firing sound and cries of the village
people. He noticed that village was attacked by dacoits. He ………………………………………
5. He got up during night and entered into the bath-room. He noticed that a big cobra was lying.
6. He was going to Delhi with his friend. On the way, in train, his friend developed high fever. He …
7. His friend lost his job and ran into financial difficulty. He ………………………………………
8. He finalised his programme of picnic. All of a sudden his father got seriously ill. He ……………
9. He wanted to join Army service but his father felt that he must lookafter his business. He ………
10. While travelling in a train, he involved himself into a discussion. Nobody agreed with his
arguments. He ………………………………………………………………………………………
11. His step mother refused to give him more money for Cinema. He …………………………………
12. He wanted to continue his studies but his father wanted him to take up a job. He …………………
13. He was travelling in a train. All of a sudden he found that a man got up and demanded his suitcase
at knife point. He ……………………………………………………………………………………
14. He was fighting for President’s election in his college. All of a sudden he found that his own
supporters were with the opponents. He ……………………………………………………………
15. He prepared well for the examination. But to his surprise he failed in the examination. He
16. He received contradictory orders from his two superior bosses. He ………………………………
17. While working he received orders from his Commander. He felt that Commander’s approach was
wrong. He ……………………………………………………………………………………………
18. While crossing a jungle. He observed that a tiger was standing just 10 yards from him. He………
SSB | 165

19. While going through a jungle, he noticed that someone was following him with a rifle. He………
20. He was going through a jungle. Suddenly an Armed Naga confronted him. He ……………………
21. He received a letter that his examinations were advanced by two months. He was not well
prepared. He …………………………………………………………………………………………
22. The student of his college wanted to call up a strike for their demands. Their demands were
genuine. They were forcing him to join the strike. He ………………………………………………
23. His father wanted him to marry a wealthy and educated girl. But he was in love with a poor and
beautiful girl. He ……………………………………………………………………………………
24. His uncle had a quarrel with his father and threatened him to kill. He ……………………………
25. Most of the time he found that his friends disagreed with his arguments. He ………………………
26. He received a SSB Interview call up letter. When his parents were away on tour. He had no money.
He ……………………………………………………………………………………………………
27. His subordinate was organising a variety entertainment programme in the unit in his guidance. His
subordinate’s mother got seriously ill. He …………………………………………………………
28. He observed that a cobra was entering in his room at night and started approaching to his brother
who was sleeping. He ………………………………………………………………………………
29. While going to the office, he saw a injured man asking for his help. He was getting late for the
office. He ……………………………………………………………………………………………
30. He was kidnapped by the dacoits, where they asked him to sign a ransom note to his father. He …
31. He was in NCC Camp, while on guard duty at night, he observed that a group of dacoits were
approaching towards him. He ………………………………………………………………………
32. He was going to see off his friend to the railway station at night on a bicycle. A group of persons
were coming towards him with lathis. He …………………………………………………………
33. While going through a forest with his brother, he lost the way and it had become dark. He ………
34. While crossing a forest with his friend, his friend fainted due to exertion. He ……………………
35. His parents were out for a week. All of a sudden his younger brother developed high fever and
became unconscious. He ……………………………………………………………………………
36. His friend’s family members were fast at sleep, when their house got fire. He was informed of the
situation by a neighbour. He …………………………………………………………………………
166 | SSB

37. His father was forcing him to continue his study with Science and Maths, but his interest was in
literature. He …………………………………………………………………………………………
38. The boat developed a leak, when he was in the middle of the river. He did not know swimming. He
39. One evening, he noticed his girl friend moving with another friend of his. He ……………………
40. While waiting for the bus on the road, he found a man falling from a moving bus. He ……………
41. There was a famine in his city and people were dying of hunger. He ……………………………
42. In his neighbour’s house people were sleeping upstairs and suddenly he found the house on fire. He
43. He was sitting in the examination hall and he could not solve most of the problems and passing
was important for him. He ……………………………………………………………………………
44. He was going on scooter and he did not have a license. The policeman demanded to see his licence.
He ……………………………………………………………………………………………………
45. He did not drink. His friends insisted him for drinking in a party. He ………………………………
46. He had gone to a temple and he found beggars harassing the people for money. He ………………
47. He was travelling on the back of a 3 ton lorry. He saw that a flag car was following him. He ……
48. While coming to barrack from the firing range, he found that his friend had brought 5 rounds of
7.62 mm SLR. He. …………………………………………………………………………………
49. In the night patrolling exercise, he suddenly fell in a blind and dry well. Fortunately, he had
escaped unhurt but he could not come out himself. He ……………………………………………
50. While watching a movie, he listened a shout of fire in a corner. He ………………………………
51. While sleeping at night, he heard a dreadful cry. On enquiring he found that his neighbour was
lying unconscious with a knife in his chest. He ……………………………………………………
52. He observed that a helicopter fell in the vicinity of his unit. He ……………………………
53. He came home at late night and the lights had gone out. As he entered the kitchen, he found that a
very strong smell of kerosene oil was in the room. Perhaps the kerosene oil tin had leaked out.
54. While travelling in a train, he found a brief case in a compartment alone. He ………………………
55. He had quarrelled with his uncle, when his father was not at home and his uncle decided to leave
the house. He ………………………………………………………………………………………
SSB | 167

56. He was a notorious student in the college. Due to some misunderstanding principal decided to
restricate him for three years. He ……………………………………………………………………
57. While on Annual leave, he found that his agricultural land had been occupied by the notorious
people of the village. When he negotiated with them, they threatened him to kill. He ……………
58. While going to examination hall, he reached half an hour late due to some unavoidable
circumstances. Invigilator refused him to appear in the examination. He …………………………
59. His father was famous doctor and was running a nursing home. He was not interested in becoming
a doctor and failed in the entrance examination for the third time. His father was still not permitting
him to change his subject. He ………………………………………………………………………
60. While going to the office, he saw some policeman enquiring into the accident between a motor
cyclist and a scooter. They wanted him to give his witness He ……………………………………...
Situation Reaction Test : II
(Do Not Open Till You Are Asked)
(1) There are 60 situations given in this booklet. You have to put yourself into the situation and
response accordingly.
(2) Answer all the 60 situations in 30 minutes in the space provided in the answer-sheet.
(3) If you have stuck up in a particular situation, proceed further without wasting time at one
particular situation as each situation is allotted 30 seconds time approx.
(4) There are no right or wrong answers to these situations, it depends how individual approaches
to them.
1. He was to carry some money from one place to another and there was danger of robbers on the
way. He ………………………………………………………………………………………………
2. While going to the office, he saw some policemen enquiring into the accident between a motor
cyclist and a scooter. They wanted him to give his statement as a witness. He ……………………
3. He was hardly 18 years when his father had a severe heart attack. Being the eldest member of the
family. He ……………………………………………………………………………………………
4. His father was famous doctor and was running a nursing home. He was not interested in becoming
a doctor and failed in the entrance examination for the third time. His father was still not permitting
him to change his subjects. He ………………………………………………………………………
5. He was out on picnic with his friends when one of the boys stole some mangoes from the garden
and the gardener came out with his stick. He ………………………………………………………
6. While going to examination hall, he reached half an hour late due to some unavoidable
circumstances. Invigilator refused him to appear in the examination. He …………………………
7. While his classmates wanted to lodge a complaint against one of their teachers, he did not agree
with them and they refused to speak with him. He …………………………………………………
8. While on annual leave, he found that his agricultural land had been occupied by the notorious
people of the village. When he negotiated with them, they threatened him to kill. He ……………
9. He was called up for interview for a job. He badly needed and on the very day his examination was
to start. He ……………………………………………………………………………………………
10. He was notorious student in the college. Due to some misunderstanding, Principal decided to
rusticate him for three years. He ……………………………………………………………………
168 | SSB

11. When all the boys of his class wanted to play tournament from the class, he refused to cooperate
with them and they started abusing him. He …………………………………………………………
12. He had a quarrel with his uncle, when his father was not at home and his uncle decided to leave the
house. He ……………………………………………………………………………………………
13. He was the Captain of the college atheletics team in a tournament and one of his important player
was unable to take part. He ………………………………………………………………………
14. While travelling in a train, he found a briefcase in a compartment alone. He ………………………
15. His father became severely ill and none else was at home. He ………………………………………
16. He came home late at night and the lights had gone out. As he entered the kitchen, he found that a
very strong smell of kerosene oil was in the room. Perhaps the kerosene oil tin had leaked out. He
17. He was going from his house to the examination hall. On the way he was surrounded by ten police
men. He ………………………………………………………………………………………
18. He observed that helicopter fell in the vicinity of his unit lines. He …………………
19. His class teacher was too strict and he ………………………………………………………………
20. While sleeping at night, he heared a dreadful cry. On enquiring he found that his neighbour was
lying unconscious with a knife in his chest. He ……………………………………………………
21. All of a sudden fire broke out in his village and flames were approaching. He ……………………
22. While watching a movie, he listened a shout of fire in a corner. He ………………………………
23. He was returning home late one night and suddenly a big snake leaped up in front of him and he
24. In the night patrolling exercise, he suddenly fell in a blind and dry well. Fortunately he had escaped
unhurt but he could not come out himself. He ………………………………………………
25. The ship was in mid ocean when unexpectedly electricity failed. He was incharge of the electrical
equipment and he therefore, …………………………………………………………………………
26. While coming to barrack from the firing range, he found that his friend had brought 5 rounds of
7.62 mm SLR live ammunition. He …………………………………………………………………
27. Drought conditions were prevailing in his district. He ………………………………………………
28. He was travelling on the back of a 3 ton lorry. He saw that a flag car was following him. He
29. He was serving under two officers who were always against each other and they used to give
conflicting orders. He ………………………………………………………………………………
30. He had gone to a temple and he found beggars harassing the people for money. He ………………
31. He urgently had to reach a certain place across the river but there was a traffic jam on the bridge.
He ……………………………………………………………………………………………………
32. He did not drink. His friends insisted him for drinking in a party. He ………………………………
33. He was on his useful evening walk when he saw a man being thrown out of a speeding taxi. He …
34. He was going on a scooter and he did not have a licence. The policeman demanded to see his
licence. He ……………………………………………………………………………………………
35. He was in great hurry to reach home, when he found an old man fainted on the way, he …………
36. He was sitting in the examination hall and he could not solve most of the problems and passing
was important for him. He ……………………………………………………………………………
37. Generally people did not listen to his arguments so, he ……………………………………………
38. In his neighbour’s house people were sleeping upstairs and suddenly he found the house on fire. He
SSB | 169

39. The sea was very rough and it was night time. As the sea duty officer, he was taking a round when
he stumbled and he fell over board. He ………………………………………………………………
40. There was a famine in his city and people were dying of hunger. He ………………………………
41. Once he was incharge of bomb lifting operation, when all of a sudden the control valve of the lift
gave way. He …………………………………………………………………………………………
42. While waiting for the bus on the road, he found a man falling from a moving bus. He ……………
43. His classmates wanted to go on strike so he …………………………………………………………
44. One evening he noticed his girl friend moving with another friends of his. He ……………………
45. When he came in conflict with others, he …………………………………………………………
46. The boat developed a leak, when he was in the middle of the river. He did not know swimming. He
47. His parents could not afford to send him to college, he ……………………………………………
48. His father was forcing him to continue his study with Science and Maths, but his interest was in
Literature. He ………………………………………………………………………………………
49. While travelling in the train, he lost money. He ……………………………………………………
50. His friend’s family members were fast asleep, when their house got fire. He was informed of a
situation by neighbour. He ……………………………………………………………………
51. He was returning from work when truck knocked down a cyclist. He ………………………………
52. His parents were out for a week. All of a sudden his younger brother developed high fever and
became unconscious. He ……………………………………………………………………………
53. The question of his marriage created a struggle between his father and grandfather. He ……………
54. While crossing a forest with his friends, his friend due to exertion he was unable to proceed. He
55. His father died when he was a small boy and it was difficult for him to continue his studies. He
56. While going through a forest with his brother, he lost the way and it became dark. He ………
57. He was already late from office and he saw a cyclist colliding against a Tanga.
58. He was going to see off his friend to the railway station at night on a bicycle. A group of persons
were coming towards him with lathis. He …………………………………………………………
59. He was in the Cinema House when he noticed some boys were teasing a girl. He …………………
60. He was in NCC Camp, while in guard duty at night, he observed that a group of dacoits were
approaching towards him. He ………………………………………………………………………
Situation Reaction Test : III
(Do Not Open Till You Are Asked)
(1) There are 60 situations given in this booklet. You have to put yourself into the situation and
response accordingly.
(2) Answer all the 60 situations in 30 minutes in the space provided in the answer-sheet.
(3) If you have stuck up in a particular situation proceed further without wasting time at one
particular situation as each situation is allotted 30 seconds time approx.
(4) There are no right or wrong answers to these situations. It depends how individual approaches
to them.
1. It was nearly midnight when he heard gun shots and cries of women and children. On hearing that
the dacoits had raided his village. He ………………………………………………………………
170 | SSB

2. He was kidnapped by the dacoits, where they asked him to sign a ransom note to his father. He
3. When he was a student, his father expired and there was no one else to support the family. He
4. While going to the office, he saw an injured man asking for his help. He was getting late for the
office. He ……………………………………………………………………………………………
5. He was made the Camp Commander in the advanced Leadership course and he …………………
6. He observed that a cobra was entering in his room at night and started approaching to his brother
who was sleeping. He ………………………………………………………………………………
7. Due to the cyclone, his family lost all their possessions and they had to make a first start. He as the
eldest son in the family. He …………………………………………………………………………
8. His subordinate was organising a variety entertainment programme, in the unit in his guidance. His
subordinate’s mother got seriously ill. He …………………………………………………………
9. They planned to go for a movie but could not come to a common decision about the choice of the
particular picture. He …………………………………………………………………………………
10. He received a SSB Interview call up letter, when his parents were away on tour. He had no money.
He ……………………………………………………………………………………………………
11. Most of his friends were donating blood during the war time. He …………………………………
12. Most of the time he found that his friends disagreed with his arguments. He ………………………
13. There was rush at platform and the train was about to start but the coolies carrying his luggage
were not being traced. He……………………………………………………………………………
14. His uncle had a quarrel with his father and threatened him to kill. He ………………………………
15. While wandering aimlessly on the road side, he found a purse containing Rs. 500/-. He …………
16. His father wanted him to marry a wealthy and educated girl. But he was in love with a poor and
beautiful girl. He ……………………………………………………………………………………
17. He was a student when he lost his father and his uncle turned him out of the house. He ……………
18. The student of his college wanted to call up a strike for their demands. Their demands were
genuine. They were forcing him to strike. He ………………………………………………………
19. The cricket match was due to be held on that day but unfortunately their Captain had fallen ill. He
was asked to take over. He …………………………………………………………………………
20. He received a letter that his examinations were advanced by two months. He was not well
prepared. He …………………………………………………………………………………………
21. He was returning home from midnight show. When he spotted behind a group of trees, two
goondas blind folding a lady. He ……………………………………………………………………
22. He was going through a jungle. Suddenly an Armed Naga confronted him. He ……………………
23. Some people were trying to harass his friend’s sister and he had tried to prevent this but to no
avail. He ……………………………………………………………………………………………
24. While going through a jungle, he noticed that some one was following him with a rifle. He ………
25. On his way back to the village one evening just as he reached a lonely spot, he noticed an armed
man following him. He ………………………………………………………………………………
26. While crossing a jungle, he observed that a tiger is standing just ten yards from him. He …………
27. On his way back to the village one evening, just as he reached a lonely spot, suddenly a group of
armed persons confronted him. He …………………………………………………………………
28. While working he received orders from his Commander. He felt that Commander’s approach was
wrong. He ……………………………………………………………………………………………
29. There was a frequent quarrel between his elder brother’s wife and his Mother. He …………………
30. He received contradictory orders from his two superior bosses. He ………………………………
SSB | 171

31. He and his friends were going for an afternoon walk in a cold windy day. Suddenly two men
surrounded his friends and started removing their wrist watch. He …………………………………
32. He prepared well for the examination but to his surprise he failed in the examination. He …………
33. Part time job in a factory plus preparation for AMIE examination was proving too tiring for him.
He ……………………………………………………………………………………………………
34. He was fighting for President’s election in his college. All of a sudden he found that his own
supporters were with the opponents. He ……………………………………………………………
35. When he went into his third year, his expenses no longer filled into the small pocket allowances, he
received from his father. He …………………………………………………………………………
36. He was travelling in a train. All of a sudden he found that a man got up and demanded his suitcase
at knife point. He ……………………………………………………………………………………
37. He was placed as incharge of his entire party on an educational tour of the country, but he found
his best friend always finding fault with his suggestions. He ………………………………………
38. He wanted to continue his studies but his father wanted him to take up a job. He …………………
39. Just one day before the B.A. Examination, he developed high fever, a severe headache and bad
through. He …………………………………………………………………………………………
40. His step-mother refused to give him more money for Cinema. He …………………………………
41. He was passing through a thick jungle on a bicycle when it got punctured. He tried dragging it but
very soon it started getting dark. He …………………………………………………………………
42. While travelling in a train, he involved himself into a discussion. Nobody agreed with his
arguments. He ………………………………………………………………………………………
43. An epidemic had broken out in his village and people had started leaving their houses. He ………
44. He wanted to join Army service but his father felt that he must lookafter his business. He ………
45. The friend to whom he had helped in passing his examination had teamed up with his opponents in
the college election. He ………………………………………………………………………………
46. He finalised his programme of picnic. All of a sudden his father got seriously ill. He ……………
47. His friend urged him to use unfair means during the election but he strongly opposed the idea and
the friend in anger beat him. He ……………………………………………………………………
48. His friend lost his job and ran into financial difficulty. He ………………………………………
49. When he was a student, his father expired and there was no one else to support the family. He ……
50. He was going to Delhi with his friends. On the way in train his friend developed high fever. He …
51. He was required to take part in college seminar. When he went to the library for getting books on
the subject, he found that all the books had already been issued to others. He ……………………
52. He got up during night and entered into the bath room. He noticed that a big cobra is lying. He
53. He was returning from work when a truck knocked down a cyclist. He ……………………………
Practice Booklet
For Female Candidate
Situation Reaction Test : I
(Do Not Open Till You Are Asked)
(1) There are 60 situations given in this booklet. You have to put yourself into the situation and
response accordingly.
(2) Answer all the 60 situations in 30 minutes in the space provided in the answersheet.
(3) If you have stuck up in a particular situation proceed further without wasting time at one
particular situation as each situation is allotted 30 seconds time approx.
172 | SSB

(4) There are no right or wrong answers to these situations. It depends how individual approaches
to them.
1. While travelling in bus few goondas were teasing her friend continuously. She would
2. While returning to home a group of boys were commenting over her. She would …………………
3. While watching movie in cinema hall with your friends, a boy was teasing her friend. She would
4. She wanted to be a doctor but her father wanted to send her in teaching career. She would
5. She got selected in defence and now her father forbid her to join defence. She would
6. She loved a boy but her father wanted to do her marriage in other family. She would ……………
7. She wanted to go in computer career but her father was not in favour of her because of high fees.
She would……………………………………………………………………………………………
8. She had a misconception with her sister-in-law. She would …………………………………………
9. She had quarrelled with her husband. She would ……………………………………………………
10. She was working on a good post but her would be husband told her to quit the job. She …………
11. There was an urgent need of money in her inlaws house. She ………………………………………
12. On her wedding ceremony the next party was demanding for dowry. She …………………………
13. While going to college few boys were chasing her. She ……………………………………………
14. While going on autorickshaw. Suddenly she saw that she had missed her purse. She
15. While returning to home in the evening her scooty got punctured. She ……………………………
16. In a train journey at a midnight certain sound disturbed her sleep. On waking up, she found
someone trying to open the window. She ……………………………………………………………
17. She had quarrelled with her neighbour yesterday. Today she needs his help. She
18. Two of her best friends were quarrelling with each other. She ……………………………………
19. While travelling in a autorickshaw a boy next to her teased her. She ………………………………
20. There was her exam next day and today her father had a heart attack. She …………………………
21. While going to exam she saw a serious accident on the road. She …………………………………
22. While going to exam she got stucked in heavy traffic jam. She ……………………………………
23. While going to market a boy snatched her purse. She ………………………………………………
24. There was a misconception between her and her brother. She ………………………………………
25. She had a quarrel with her friends. She ………………………………………………………………
26. Her friend circle boycotted her. She …………………………………………………………………
27. While going to college she met with an accident. She ………………………………………………
28. While going on scooty a car pushed her scooty. She ………………………………………………
29. There was an urgent need of money in her family. She ……………………………………………
30. Tomorrow was her exam and today she missed her admit card. She ………………………………
31. While enjoying on picnic spot she saw a snake next to her friend. She ……………………………
32. In her sister’s marriage her friend, her relative refused to give money. She ………………………
33. In the train two dacoits were looting every body. They demanded her belongings also. She ………
34. In NCC Camp, on guard duty she found two strangers approaching the camp at night. She. ………
35. She returned from a picnic and came to know that her mother had been insulted by her neighbour’s
son. She ………………………………………………………………………………………………
SSB | 173

36. In a debate when her turn came all spectators walked away. She …………………………………
37. In the marriage party of her close friends she found that the food was delicious but short. She
38. At the railway station she found a beggar shivering with cold. She was gagging to meet her relative
and was wearing a pent and pullover only. She ……………………………………………………
39. There was dispute between two of her friends and they wanted her as mediator, she had to go out
for an urgent work of her father. She ………………………………………………………………...
40. In the circus show two lions went out of control and jumped into the crowd. She
41. Her father decided to change his will in the name of her younger brother. She ……………………
42. She returned from a picnic and came to know that her mother had been insulted by her neighbour’s
son. She ………………………………………………………………………………………………
43. When her Boss did not agree with her views. She …………………………………………………
44. She worked hard because ……………………………………………………………………………
45. She considered that the most important thing in the world is ………………………………………
46. She felt that the work in which she was presently engaged was useless for her. She ………………
47. She went on a mountain expedition which was a failure and one of her friend died in the attempt.
She ……………………………………………………………………………………………………
48. While she was waiting for bus, an accident took place in front of her. She …………………………
49. Due to financial difficulties, her parents found it difficult to give her further education. She ………
50. While travelling in train, she came to know that some one picked her pocket. ……………………
51. She received an order from her CO to do certain work, but she felt that the CO’s approach was
wrong. She ……………………………………………………………………………………………
52. While working in the kitchen garden, rain started. She ……………………………………………
53. She was assigned a difficult task which she had not done earlier. She ………………………………
54. She required to dig trenches., but her colleagues were not co-operating to her. She ………………
55. While returning from market, three persons with knife asked her to hand over everything. She ……
56. While on leave, she heard radio announcement that the war is about to break. She………
57. In field area, she was short of manpower, one of her jawans asked for leave on wrong excuse
which she knew. She …………………………………………………………………………………
58. She was already late to complete her task her colleagues refused to co-operate in her task. She
59. Her friend loved a boy. She knew about his flirting nature. She would ……………………………
60. There was a misconception between her and her manager. She would ……………………………

Lesson 3
Nature, Characteristics and Content of Situations
Situations Involve a Third Person ‘He’—The aim is to find out your reactions (feelings, thoughts
and actions) situations in the SRT are not indicated to ‘you’. In fact a third person ‘he’ is the subject of
the situations and your answers also must be given involving the subject, i.e., he only.
Situations contain the incidents and the candidate is to write the consequences (his reaction). For
174 | SSB

Situation—He was going to railway station to receive his mother in a cold windy night. On the
way his scooter broke down and it started raining. He…
Reaction—Pushed the scooter near a roadside restaurant, locked it, took an auto-rickshaw and
went to railway station to receive his mother.
The above-mentioned example clarifies how the situations are presented and the reactions are
Explanation—Situation is same for everyone but answers vary due to emotional, psychological
variations and differences in behavioural pattern. I will exemplify it as under—
Situation—He received a message that his friend’s mother is severely ill and his friend requests for
heavy amount of money, he would ?
Reaction (1) Draw from the bank, manage rest from the friends, deposit in the hospital and look
after his friend’s mother from time to time till she recovers.
Interpretation—This reaction indicates that his friend is employed but the money deposited in the
bank is not enough to meet the treatment’s expenses therefore, rest he managed from his friends and
deposited in the hospital. The word ‘deposited’ indicates that the person himself deposited the money in
the hospital and further nursing his friend’s mother in the hospital till she recovers reveals his
dedication, sense of responsibility to carry on the motherly responsibility etc.
IInd Reaction—He will convince his parents to manage and pay and he himself will continue to
nurse his friend’s mother till she recovers.
Interpretation—This reaction reveals that the candidate is an NDA aspirant, does not have money,
nor he can ask his peer group to contribute as they are also dependent on their parents. Hence, the
remedy is only to convince their parents. Convincing should be in such a way so that it can reveal that
the candidate is serious and dedicated to the cause.
IIIrd Reaction—If a candidate is mortgaging his car, bike, jewellery/ornaments etc and asking
friends to contribute the balance amount than its also O.K.

Reaction should be natural, within the reach of a candidate and the action demanded by the situation should
be completed.

Lesson 4
Projective Tests
Areas From where Situations Are Drawn—Situations used in SRT are real life situations. Any
person may encounter these situations at one or the other point of time in life without exception. As the
OLQs profile primarily enfolds four areas i.e., intellectual, social, leadership and dynamic, situations
in the SRT are drawn from these only. A few examples of the situations are given below :—
Intellectual Situations—Consider the following examples :—
1. He was not doing well in Maths at college. Therefore he…
2. He was ironing his trouser when received electrical shock. He…
3. He was working as data bank manager of a firm. One morning when some data was urgently
required by the Firm Headquarter, he found his computer crashed due to virus. He…
4. He wanted to go abroad for making a career but found it difficult due to his poverty. He…
5. He was going for a morning walk. Near the park, he found an old man lying unconscious He…
Intellectual situations are those which could be solved by knowledge, information or application of
mind. All the situations mentioned above represent the same class. I will make you understand while
SSB | 175

taking one situation from the intellectual cadre to testify that how the action demanded by a situation is
Situation—He was not doing well in Maths at College, therefore he………
Demand of the Situation—Situation demands action. Situation also demands reaction. Action and
reaction should be displayed according to the capacity of your personality. The another question is
whether the action or reaction can be upgraded or enhanced ?
Yes; in a case when you are a motivational personality. The further interpretation of a motivational
personality is that a person who himself is motivated and at the same time can motivate others.

Reaction and Responses to a particular situation which can project the traits of your personality upto the
nature of job.

Contrary to that if you are not a motivating personality then ‘No’. Again I am rewriting the
Situation—He was not doing well in Maths at College, therefore he………

Interpretation of the Situation—There may be so many reasons for not doing well in ‘Maths’ for
the example—Basically if a candidate does not take interest or the layers of the brain are not activated
or he is not able to concentrate or he does not work hard or his basic intelligence or his OIR (Officers
Intelligence Rating) is on lower side or he is a weak candidate.
How to react on Solution—Being a candidate you practically enter into the situation, bail out the
situation and draw the solution. You; being a candidate first analyse and realise how you can do well in
Maths. Now the practicality is; you will go to Suresh who gets 95%, then Nagesh who gets between 90
to 95 thereafter to so many who consecutively get 85 to 90, 75 to 80 and 80 to 70 to 75. Some one says
I took some help from my seniors and did well. Some responded I took few tips from my father, worked
hard and did well. A few replied taking extra guidance from teachers and coaching institutions. Some
candidates told I practiced and commanded the formula and worked hard for 3 to 4 hours and did well.
Now please think what you can do ? Which aspect you choose ?
Situations are practical and drawn from the practical & routine life situations. The requirement is how you
think, feel and act in these kind of situations.
176 | SSB

Which way and method will suit you to improve the Math. The answers may be many but
‘Situation’ is one. The expected and appropriate/desirable reactions are as under—
1 2 3 4 5

He will take He will take help He will work Will work hard Consult the high
guidance from from his father hard, when need on formulas, performers of the
the Maths teacher and will do well comes, will ask dedicately and class, decide
and will do well in Maths. neighbour for work hard for 4 to what & how to
in Maths. tips and will do 5 hours and will do ? and do well
well in Maths. do well in Maths. in Maths.
Explanation—All aforesaid reactions are desirable and up to the expected level. You think and
realise which of the above response will suit your adjustment and judgement, your nature, behavioural
pattern. Responses suiting your taste, behavioural pattern, intelligence or level of your efficiency are
termed as natural personality and natural reactions/responses.
Social Situations—These are the situations that are drawn from the social walks of life. Scope of
social situations is unlimited. Conflicts, clash of interests and struggles crop-up naturally wherever
human beings interact formally or informally. Life in the family, schools, offices, cinema halls, picnics,
railway stations often gets choked due to lack of adjustments, mutual understanding, lack of co-
operation or lack of responsible attitude of some persons.
Only when the person’s behaviour conforms to social expectations and in doing so, provides him
with satisfaction, it can be called “healthy”. People with healthy personalities are those who are judged
to be well adjusted. The core of healthy personality is an image of the self that the individual can accept
and live with, without feeling too guilty anxious, self-defeated or destructive of others. People with
healthy personalities are judged to be well adjusted because they can gratify their needs, interests and
aspirations through behaviour that conforms to social expectations. Satisfaction depends largely upon
the person’s life pattern, fulfilment of his needs, interests and aspirations. The above passage under the
block has been derived from SCE Journal Selection Centre East Allahabad. Vol 4, Nov. 04, from
“Develop your Personality” page 48 first paragraph.
Life in the Armed Forces is essentialy a group life. You will enjoy it only when you have your
social factor straight and without any kinks. It is for this purpose your social factor is deeply examined
by the psychologist. Now consider the situations mentioned below :—
1. He wanted to study engineering after higher secondary whereas his father was insisting on joining
the Army through NDA. He……
2. He noticed that his younger brother was in the company of bad people and ignoring his studies.
3. He found his stepmother was unduly harsh with him after his father’s death. He…
4. He was enjoying a movie in a cinema hall when he noticed four boys were teasing a girl in the front
row of seats. He…
5. His boss was a hard taskmaster and will hardly grant any leave to subordinates. He…
6. The leader of the student union of his college gave call for a strike in the college. When he opposed
this, leader’s supporters threatened him with dire consequences. He…
7. He politely inquired time from a man on the road who started abusing him. He…
8. He found that many of his college mates talked ill about a lady teacher who was handicapped.
9. His best friend wanted to bunk the class. He…
The above-mentioned situations represent interaction and conflicts in a variety of social situations.
The Moral Edifice of Social Situations—The Social Situations pertain to your adjustment and
judgement, your social interaction/interrelation. The basic demand of the social situations are how you
adjust with your family, neighbours, relatives, friends, teachers, and authorities. Your adjustment and
judgement with seniors, juniors and colleagues.
SSB | 177

Explanation—The demand of the social situations are conflict settlement, conflict adjustment.
You will always find conflict for your adjustment and judgement with your father, teachers, brothers,
sisters, girl friend, colleagues, authorities, neighbours, stepmother etc. The answer of the conflict
oriented situations are the “amicable settlement” only.

Neither the first, second or the third party should suffer, the only answer is the amicable settlement or
adjustment, for that the quick and adequate adjustment and judgement is required.

I will take one situation from the above series of situations that is—
Situation—He found his stepmother was unduly harsh with him after his father’s death. He………
1 2 3

Stepmother Dead Father The candidate himself

Activities—His stepmother is unduly harsh with him.

The answer and reaction—The only reaction/answer is the amicable settlement. There should not
be any conflict between you and your stepmother because—
Explanation—Your father is no more, your step mother is not comfortable and harshed lady. She
should not suffer. The only answer is your amicable adjustment and settlement.
Answer/Reaction—Realise the fault once again, reside happily with stepmother.
Leadership Situation—Consider the following situations :—
1. He found that his Principal was misusing the funds meant for student's welfare. He…
2. He had gone for NCC camp during his Senior Division. When some of the cadets went on strike
against the rude behaviour of a JCO instructor he…
3. His contingent was on a long route march during an Army attachment camp. When they were
passing by a village, some villagers took them for Naxalites and challenged them with firearms. He
as the leader of the contingent…
4. He was appointed as in-charge of marketing unit of his firm. His assistant, who was related to his
boss, always criticized him because of professional jealousy. He…
5. As Headmaster of a reputed residential school, he found it difficult to maintain high academic
standards because the teachers always whined about extra workload. He…
6. He was leader of a team of volunteers for anti-polio programme. When he went to a village for
giving polio drops to children, villagers not only refused the drops but also blamed them for
making their children weak due to such programmes. He…
178 | SSB

No leader or authority can lay complacent about the co-operation of staff/subordinates. People
naturally resist any order that calls for any change from the established practices. Even the best of
strategically successful decisions have been greeted with resentments and lack of co-operations.
How a leader can keep his subordinates happy and motivated is a great concern of behavioural
Situations are created in such a way that the group has no alternative except to throw its leader up.

The leader only emerges through problematic conditions. In aforesaid six Exampled situations
every situation is full of problem.
Interpretation of Situations—Situation No. 1 indicates misuse of student welfare fund. In
situation No. 2 cadets went on strike against the rude behaviour of a JCO-instructor. In situation
No. 3 villagers took a contingent for Naxalites who challenged them with firearms. In situation No.
4 the assistant related to the boss is criticising his incharge because of professional jealousy. In
situation No. 5 there is a demand of the high academic standards but headmaster found that the
teachers always whined about extra workload. And finally the situation No. 6 says that there is a
refusal for polio drops and blame for making the children weak.
Explanations and justification with reality to dispose-off the situations appropriately and
adequately—In social situations there is always a conflict between agreement and disagreement,
there is also a contradiction between conflict/confrontation and the settlement. In social situations
the answer is always an amicable settlement. I will exemplify it as here under—
Situation—He wants to marry Rita, but she is from a different religion, both the parents are
quarrelling and there is apprehension of riot, he would …… ? The first question strikes is, parties
1 2 3 4

Bridegroom Rita Parents Society

Action required—(1) Bridegroom should be tactful.

(2) The marriage of Rita should not suffer.
(3) Parents should not quarrel.
(4) No riot, so society should not suffer.
“The answer is only amicable settlement”
Interpretation of leadership situation with the
context of appropriate disposal—Leadership
oriented situations are with full of problems. Here; in
these situations your problem solving skill is
required. In leadership oriented situations, you are to enter into the problem, confront it, bail out the
problem and draw the solution. In these situations your adjustment and judgement, your problem
solving skill, your emotional ability, your admission and confession, your patience is required. I
will exemplify as here under—
In social situations, you will find that there is difference of opinion, disagreement in which family
members, neighbours, parents, relatives, friends are involved and the consequences are that, it will cost the
loss of your personal/social relationship which may incurr the loss of your reputation, integrity, status,
faith, discipline, obedience and finally it will result to create an impression that you are not a reliable
person. A person of this kind cannot be a suitable match for the toe of a ‘Company Commander’.
See in all the leadership situations there is a problem and being a leader that will cost too much.
There is a direct stroke, challenge, boycott, refusal, problem of adjustment, conflict, strike, threat.
These all kind of situations are created with the view that either you withdraw, surrender,
compromise or attack. In any ways you have to emerge as a leader. Contrary to that, if you will not
emerge as a leader, someone else will take the credit and emerge. Therefore, leadership
SSB | 179

qualities/skill should be judicially and adequately applied to overcome the leadership situation. To
make you clear I will take one situation.
Situation—He was of team of volunteers for anti-polio programme. When he went to a village for
giving polio drops to children, villagers not only refused the drops but also blamed them for
making their children weak due to such programme. He……………
Interpretation of the situation with context to the problem—He is leader with a responsibility
for anti-polio programme now he is confronting with two problems—

Refusal of villagers Villagers blaming

for polio-drops them for making
their children

Solution—Here neither you cannot attack nor you can withdraw. The answer is only compromise.
Therefore, the solution is as under—

1 2

Will sit with the village representatives, Arrange an evening talk with villagers,
convince them with pros-cons and carry discuss the pros-cons in detail inviting
forward the anti-polio programme. their queries and start the programme.
3 4
Immediately we will clear all the doubts We will clear their negativity humbly and
to the objection raisors and switch-on start the programme.
the programme.

Being a team leader, I
will argue the villagers to
allow the programme and I
with one team member will
convince the villagers.

Interpretation—Every answer is right. Only there are few variations that is due to differences in
personality’s organisation and its structures on which you do not have any control. Out of 5
responses, some are of high standard, some are superior, some are good and some are average. But
not a single response is wrong or undesirable.
Dynamic Situations—Some example situations are given below :—
1. He was forced to take up a job some twenty kilometres away from his home. He found it hard to
commute daily and still remain fresh for his further studies through correspondence. He…
180 | SSB

2. He was travelling in a train when some masked persons started looting passengers at knife point.
3. In spite of his hard work, he failed in the IAS examination twice. He…
4. His father lost his job when he was in the final year of his degree. He found it difficult to
concentrate on studies without any financial assurance. He…
5. He was walking casually along the canal near his village when he saw a boy drowning in it. He…
6. His company manager passed an order, which was against the labour laws. When the workers
complained against that the manager threatened them to expel from the service. He…
Dynamic situations test your ability to work hard consistently, ability to take risks, moral courage
and commitment to goal in spite of failures and falls. The above-mentioned situations amply clarify the
nature and types of situations used for testing this quality.
Interpretation and example—Let me take pleasure to explain the word ‘Dynamics’. Dynamics
means a person who enjoys the action oriented situation. Who is ready to risk his life, meaning thereby
one should be ready to face the dirt, dent and dust of life.
The selection system has got least concern with the morality, we want a person with full of bubbling energy
to combat the war.

geÍ mu fxus pqus iq:"kÍ d`h vko';d`rk gS] tks lc eÍ loksZ®e gkÍ] ftueÍ lkgl gks] |S;Z gks] tks pqukSrh d`ks Lohd`kj
d`j ldÍ` vkSj mls iw.Z d`j ldÍ`\ tks [qn Hh ^sfjr gkÍ vkSj vkSj nwljs d`ks ^sfjr d`j ldÍ` vkSj tks nsæ d`h ljgnkÍ ij
txd`j igjk nÍ rks lkjk oru pSu d`h uÓn lks lds`\
∏oks nsæ d`h ljgnkÍ ij txd`j igjk nsrs gß]
rHh rks lkjk oru pSu d`h uÓn lksrk gSπ\
Explanation—Not easy, but most difficult for the system to intake a person for the post of a
Company Commander who can safeguard the interest of his unit, company, battalion, regiment and the
country’s motherland.
The dynamic situation are related to your courage, determination and stamina. Stamina is of two
(1) Mental stamina, and (2) Physical stamina. It warrants you to plunge into the—
1 2 3

Dent Dirt Dust of life

I will take situation No. 2 to illustrate my point. Situation No. 2 is—

Situation—He was travelling in a train when some
masked persons started looting the passengers at knife
point. He…………
Interpretation of the Situation—In dynamic
situations there is always the risk of life. Some where you
have to confront the dacoits, somewhere you have to face
a situation where a girl/woman is being molested,
somewhere a child/women is drowning, somewhere there
is drastic failure in academics/competitions.
How to react in a situation—In above situation
some masked persons are looting the passengers. Now the
situation will be same for every aspirants take for example
NDA, CDS, women candidates, Army entry (service
entry). Technical entries, specialised entry and finally T.A.’s entry. But answer will definitely vary.
This variation happens due to socio-economic differences of environment, physical/mental capacity,
SSB | 181

mindset, poor and rich imagination and finally the exposure level of a candidate. Here, I will interpret
the variation—
Interpretation of variations—An NDA candidate is just like a child. Further an NDA candidate
may be from the interior village, town, district, semi-urban, urban or from the metro cities. Because of
this variation the responses will vary. The same variation will apply for all the aspirants that too for
every commission.
The level of expectation is decided accordingly considering your socio-economic background. I
will exemplify as under—
Situation—He was on bus stop to appear in the B.Sc.
examination, on inquiry he came to know that the last bus
had gone and no public transport was available.
Explanation—Scientific version of a scientist or
psychologist :—
“There are so many ways and means of transport to
go to Delhi from Allahabad. If Tata’s son goes by foot
and a poor man’s son goes by the flight, this means
something is wrong with both of them. But if former goes
by flight and later (means poor man’s son) goes by foot, it
means both have opted the situation according to their
conditions and the psychology of both the candidate
is right.
I will cite an example for the solution of the above situation with the context of above explanation
that is solution of situation No. 2 is given under, considering the socio-economic background of a
candidate and the reaction/responses and answer expected from his level—

1. Response of first candidate—

Solution—I will hire a taxi, reach to the examination centre and appear in the examination.
2. Response of the second candidate—I will convince the passer by for a lift and appear in
the examination.
3. Response of the third candidate—I will request the truck driver to carry me near to the
examnation centre and fastly reach to the centre by foot.
4. Response of the fourth candidate—I will adjust with co-passengers on tonga and reach to
the examination.
5. Response of the fifth candidate—I will request a cycle rider, ask him to sit behind, my
self will ride the cycle and reach to the centre.
There was a discussion among the scientist at the time of the recommendation that how to merit the
responses. One talented scientist came up with the logic that according to the P.I.Q. The responses of
the candidates should be considered considering their socio-economic background and the place/area
fromwhere they belong. Please see the response of a candidate No. 6.—I will take a taxi from the hotel
where I am staying and will reach to the centre.
The scientist said according to the P.I.Q. This boy is rich and from metro city.
The response of candidate No. 1 indicates that he is from city and his socio-economic condition is
The response of candidate No. 2 and 3 reveals that both are from urban or semi urban background
and their option is according to their socio-economic background.
The response of candidate No. 4 and 5 reflects that these both candidates are from the village
background and their option is according to their socio-economic background.
Therefore, all of the above responses are right. Now I am coming to the situation No. 2 which
describes that some masked persons are looting the passengers, what he will do ?
182 | SSB

Real interpretation—
Situations are real/practical and drawn from all walks of life, therefore, the responses/reaction should also
be practical and that too according to your capacity. The best way is; please enter into the situation practically,
bail out the situation and draw the solution. For drawing the solution use the resources, fabricate the resources
with your intellectual imagination and practical worksense.
Take for example ‘A candidate who is good taekwondo player will respond like this—
Solution—I will bash all of them, rescues the passengers, overpower them with co-passengers
support, thereafter take first aid.
Response of an NDA candidate—Suppose an NDA candidate is studious and is not capable
enough to fight, then silently he will prefer for the intellectual solution. Contrary to that if the NDA
candidate is player of Karate then no problem, he will fight and over power the situation.
Response of CDSE candidate—In this category you will also find variations. The reaction will
depend on the capacity, exposure, guts of a candidate. There may be so many responses and all will
Response of the defence personnels of service entry—When any army personnel will confront
the situation, he will also fight and overpower them with co-passengers help.
Response of a Woman Candidate—If she happens to be a player of taekwondo then she will fight
and overpower otherwise she will collect youngsters, or will go to police wala or will collect the co-
passengers etc. to overcome the situation.
What is required and in what way it is required—

Reaction and responses to a particular situation which can project the traits of your personality upto the
nature of job.

What system requires in disposing the situation is

What you think ? What you feel ? & What you act ?

in these kind of situations.

The simple way is whatever maximum you can do while involving in the situation, using
manpower and resources to the utmost of your capacity, giving your 100% to finally dispose-off the
situation, will become the reaction and response to the situations.

Lesson 5
Mixed Situations
The psychologist can only design situations with an aim to test qualities of a particular type.
However, his success depends on the response of the candidate. As there exist no right or wrong
answers with respect to the situations, it is natural to expect variety of answers. There is no standard or
the only way to solve the problems of real life. A problem can be solved by using one’s own intellectual
strength or by taking help of others or by a mix of many qualities at the same time. Also, there may be
situations that might require the interplay of many factors at one time. One can produce solutions that
cover all involved aims only with the strength in more than one field. Let us examine the following
situations :—
Situation–I—He was preparing for his IAS examinations that required late night studies. At about
2 AM he saw two burglars entering the house of his neighbour who had gone out of station to attend a
marriage. He…
SSB | 183

Comment—The situation purports to test many qualities in a single fold. Relationship with
neighbours (social adjustment), courage to tackle the burglars (dynamism), ideas or resourcefulness to
deal with such situation (intellectual) and decision-making (leadership). However, depending on the
understanding and other personality factors, the candidate will select a response that may or may not
include his strength spread over all the fields.
Situation–II—He was the leader of a trekking party that lost its way due to navigational error in
the dense jungles of Sikkim. Weather was getting worse and his party members were badly tired. He…
Comment—This situation involves lot of stress. The leader in this situation has lot of tasks to
manage. He has to see the physical and psychological fitness of his team remain at a high level
along with their morale. Then he has to find the correct way and reach his destination. He will
certainly face conflicting suggestions from his team members. Intellectual qualities, social
qualities, leadership and dynamism are put to test in a single situation.
From the above-mentioned situations, it is clear that situations do not involve manifestation of a
single quality. With a single response, a candidate can show one or more than one qualities.
How To Do Well In SRT ?
Every situation in the SRT contains a problem. As long as you are able to propose a solution to the
situations leaving no essential aspect unattended, you have done fine. All elements of problem solving
i.e., understanding and analysis of the situation, ability to produce solutions, think creatively,
resourcefulness, planning and organisation are involved together. Qualities like dynamism, motivation
to achieve, social adjustment and social effectiveness are also manifested either with force or in a
limited way in your response.
Caution—SRT is a very peculiar. Unlike the TAT and the WAT (that operates at unconscious
and sub-conscious levels) it operates at conscious level. It gives candidates lots of opportunity to
evaluate, assess and manipulate their own responses before they could be written. Thus your
responses, however meritorious may be are taken with a pinch of salt. You cannot thus depend on
the strength of SRT only. SRT only confirms the observation of psychologist in your TAT and
WAT. It does not add anything to your evaluation in real sense.
Secondly, tests at conscious level are influenced by the ‘element of desirability’. A candidate
knows well what and where to hide or suppress his natural responses specially in a social situation.
Take, for example the situations wherein the burglars have entered neighbour’s house in late hours
(discussed earlier in the context of mixed situations). In most of the cases candidates are aware of
‘love with neighbour’. In actual life they might be having strained relationship with their neighbours
and would not actually come to help risking their own life and limb, but in spite of this fact, they will
prefer to show involvement in neighbours welfare at their own cost and risk.
Consider another situation mentioned as following :—
Situation—While going for a morning walk he found a purse containing five thousand rupees.
184 | SSB

In situations of this type, the candidate knows well that the desirable response is to return the
money to the owner’. I have hardly come across any other response to this situation. In actual life the
contradiction between the words and acts is too frequent. Very few today will actually try to trace out
the owner of the purse and return the money whereas they will say whatever is desirable only.
Even the hardcore drug addict says ‘drugs are bad’. Seasoned liars cry at the top of their voice to
‘always speak truth’. Cowards propound the philosophy of ‘martial race’. The leader of militant groups
prefers to live on a safe foreign land and declares ‘to fight till last breath’. Modern saints preach’ simple
life and association with the nature and God’ living ostentiously in air-conditional ashrams.
With all these contradictions around, why should the psychologist take your response on face
value ?

Lesson 6
Good Is Not Even Good, But Bad Is Very Bad
As the element of desirability plays a dominant role in the Situation Reaction Test, any response
even if good, is not taken in the same intensity. But a bad/negative response specially in the social
situations is taken as ‘very bad/highly negative. The candidate is penalised for his lack of tact or
inhibition to keep his bad/negative feelings under check.
Let the Schoolmaster have it !
The village schoolmaster used to ask for free gifts like vegetable, milk or curd from his students who
generally were children of peasant community. Nobody would mind it once in a while but the master’s greed far
such favours never got satiated. His demands were too frequent to be tolerated. But there was hardly any one
who dared opened his mouth against the ‘scholar’. After all, the children had to pass the elementary school for
further education !
There was a coy silent boy who could hardly be noticed for anything. Unaffected by the frequent demands of
the master, he never brought anything till that eventful day when he got a pail of milk for the ‘Punditji’. Even as
the Pundit was delighted, he could not resist asking the boy what was the reason for this magnanimous gift ?
Nothing Shriman, my younger brother is very devilish. He urinated in the milk pot no sooner did my father
milk the cow ! Who would use such milk at home ? So my father told me to take it for you. After all we could
not oblige you even once !
Moral—Honesty is not the best policy. Now it should be amended as following :—
The best policy is to be honest only where it is desirable !

Lesson 7
Why a Situation is a Situation.
Does it Qualify to Become a Situation ?
A confirmatory Test, not the test of your imagination. What, How, under what conditions and why
a situation is a situation. Does it qualify to become a situation ?
Conduct of the Test—(Instruction of the Scientist) Gentlemen, this is the third test of the battery
of your psychological test this is not the test of your imagination. These routine situations are practical
and drawn from various walks of life therefore the responses should be practical suiting the calibre,
capacity and your guts. Answer these situations by imagining that you are confronting these situations
in reality and how you will deal these situations if they confront you. Not necessary to complete all of
them that is ‘60’. These are designed in such a way that if you do appropriate disposal, your personality
will come within 45, 50 and 55.
SSB | 185

How to do well in SRT

● Test of your reaction in day-to-day life. Not Mathematical.
● All the answers must be reported in the IIIrd person, He, she or it.
● Every situation is what involving a problem.
Problem will be given and problem in the environment you have to see and identify the problem
but sometimes two to three problems are compounded together. You have to enter into the problem,
bail out the problem and draw the solution by using the resources with the help of imagination and
observation. The example of two to three problems—
(1) He comes from the school and finds that his father is dead and mother is kidnapped, he would ?

Three Ways to Solve any Problem in the World

1 2 3

Attack Withdraw Compromise

Point to remember—
SSB is not a competition where one aspirant competes with another. It is the test of your
personality under testing conditions. In the SSB your personality is being evaluated not others.
Therefore, any borrowed ideas, responses, others actions or application of guts will not apply in you
while facing the situation. If you do this then it will make a difference between the result produced and
result expected. This becomes the
cause of bouncing as despite
producing your responses you have
produced other’s ideas which can
be evaluated easily that you
yourself is not giving the SSB. I
will cite it as under—
Situation—While on the way
to college, he noticed that a man
snatched the purse of a lady who
was carrying her ailing mother to a
nearby hospital, he will ?
Solution—Will drag the cycle,
rush to the hooligan, bash-him
from his back, overpower and
handover purse to the woman.
186 | SSB

Interpretation—This young chap seems to be strong person, either he is a sportsman, or NCC

Cadet or having gained strength and confidence by achieving good in outdoor activities. Now he is a
saviour and reacted immediately and has challenged the task while risking himself.
Situations are of Three Kinds
1 2 3

Creates semisense of of Routine Situations Creates sense of
urgency and routine and beyond beyond routine. urgency.
situations are
problem. routine They are 11 + 1
situations Blank = 12

These are SRT s, like Creates problem and These situations are
cycle gets punctured, sense of urgency but given mostly in TAT.
a man hit by cycle, depends upon Like accident,
tonga hits by car, you personality variation drowning, terrorsim,
and socio-economic
become late in exam, back ground of the molesting, fire,
you want to change candidate. explosion, dowry
the room because of death, domestic
your partner. violence, killing etc.

These situations are given by the

President, Deputy-president or the
interviewing officer to find out and
evaluate the actual resistence level of
a candidate against the odds to
evaluate him whether the particular
candidate is able to manage, tackle,
confront, solve and draw the solution
from the crisis or not
Explanation—If you have not participated in sports, N.C.C. and out door activities or because of
the overburdened academics you have not explored and exposed yourself, please do not bother. System
is looking for a leader who has will to do.
There are two things which matter
1 2
Will Skill
You should have will to do and skill to perform, if you lack a little bit than it can be developed by
the training. Now coming to the responses of a candidate who is of a shy nature or has not been able to
explore and expose himself due to overburdened academic and high competitive era. For this there are
three requirements of SRT.
Three requirements of SRT
The requirement of the
system to solve these routine situations
are :

What you feel Think and Act in these kind

of situations
SSB | 187

Situations are also stimulus—These situations are stimulus and may stimulate your emotions and
passions to react immediately.
What you feel, think and Act—

We want emotional governance rather than the actual out come.

If you have will to join the services then your ‘will’ can inculcate required qualities to join this
cadre. When you notice or confront a situation your ‘will’ to undertake the challenge and will stimulate
you to feel think and act to render situational justice to the existing problem.

Situational intelligence is more important rather than basic intelligence.

I will interpret the above as under—

For the above I would like to quote a few contents addressed by the deputy-president 18 SSB
“We are looking who can perform in the same manner in which it was expected to be done. He said
that candidates who are not recommended should go for the self-analysis and if they want to report back
to the SSB, they should accept their mistakes and work hard to correct the same”.
To support the above contents I will again quote the closing address by the interview officer
of 20th SSB Bhopal for 116 IMA course—
“Very often candidates come up with the question that what are we looking for in a
candidate. In short it can be said that we are looking for a person who is mentally, physically,
emotionally and psychologically well balanced. There are certain areas where we may lower the
bar a little like physical stamina because it is understandable that in today’s highly competitive
environment, students rarely get time for sports and exercises. Like if someone cannot speak
English, it can be worked upon. We have academies to do this job. But there are some personality
traits, which you do not have. Then it is strict NO-NO. For example if someone is not honest, no
amount of training can make him honest, since it is an inborn virtue to be well nurtured right
from the childhood.”
Touching and qualifying the certain scale of Parameter—Now the question comes at stake is
that How ? Studious/Academic and the candidates of shy nature can enter and touch the certain scale of
“A candidate who, being an academic and studious, has not been able to expose and explore
himself, does not and will not amount to any wrong, in these cases we only expect what he is expected
to perform.”
“We, the assessor’s understand that what your guts and capacity is; if you only reveal ‘will’, and
determination means dashing determination to undertake a challenge then we understand your capacity
and we immediately come under situational satisfaction that you can not perform more than that and we
give you our ranking, rating and grading to touch the scale of our parameter.”

We want an optimum hero who could attack to a problem and solve it.

Just to prove above I will cite as under—

Shivendra Kumar Maurya—(an NDA candidate and was also having second call for TES Army
and subsequently third call for Naval Technical entry scheme for the Naval College of Engineering
Lonavala near Pune is being interviewed).
Having completed half of the interview the president wanted to confirm the following qualities to
justify, prove, confirm and to reach to the actual level to find out whether the candidate deserves to
enter into the toe of a Company Commander or not. The following qualities are subject to
188 | SSB

Practical effective and Stress resistance Quick decision- Confidence

efficient intelligence (courage, resourcefulness) making

Analytical mind to grasp His ability to Remaining cool and

a situation logically give and take help Calm under strain and stress
Now to confirm above evaluation he starts—(Mental Stamina)
Deputy President—Shivendra why did you not take part in Games, sports and co-curricular
activities ?
Candidate—Sir I did not get time.
Deputy President—Will you play if you get time ?
Candidate—Sure sir, I love and enjoy games.
Interpretation—The Dy. President was looking at his face while answering, it seems that candi-
date is enjoying the answer, having ability, zeal and interest to play and participate. It is being revealed
through his facial index, emotions, gesture, eye contact and body language.
Comment—Answer acceptable.
Deputy President—Shivendra why did you not take part.
Candidate—I had to undertake three jobs (1) Intermediate (subjective one), IIT and NDA written
competitive one)
Comment—Dy. President satisfied. It was so innocent answer which was being revealed through
his facial index, gesture, body language and contents of words, all were carrying the flair of confession,
admission, innocence which usually resulted in acceptance.
Dy. President—Shivendra, how many movies have you seen related with Army scenes ?
Dy. President—Which did you like most ?
Candidate—Prahar and LOC.
Dy. President—Whom did you like in Prahar and in LOC ?
Candidate—Nana Patkar in Prahar and Capt. Manoj Pandey in LOC.
Dy. President—Why did you like them ?
Candidate—Because, situationally they proved to be a Saviour.
Dy. President—Shivendra, Don’t you want to be a Saviour ?
Candidate—Why not Sir ?
Dy. President—Shivendra, can you tell me what are those qualities which are possessed and
dashly applied by a Saviour ?
Candidate—Sure Sir, these are; courage, intelligence, morality to sacrifice for the needy, ability to
take measured risk and guts to risk the life Sir.
Dy. President—Shivendra, have you got these qualities ?
Shivendra—Sir, How I can say, if I have not faced these kind of situations.
Dy. President—If you confront situations of any kind related to above, will you plunge into ?
Candidate—Sure Sir
Dy. President—Shivendra, you are lean and thin how you can ?
Candidate—Gandhi jee was lean and thin but most courageous I have ever come across.
Dy. President—Usually when do you come back in evening ?
Candidate—At 9.30 after IIT classes.
Dy. President—Your IIT coaching gets over at 9 PM, at 9.20 in that area road becomes lonely. A
25 year old woman is carrying her ailing baby having got checked up from a nearby child specialist.
Two loafers are snatching the ornaments and purse, the mutual fight resulted the falling of baby on the
SSB | 189

ground, child is crying, women is shouting and protecting the ornaments and her molesty. No one is
coming to rescue. What you will do ? and Shivendra you are alone and having cycle.
Candidate—Sir, I have never thought about it.
Dy. President—Shivendra, hurry up, do something, Shivendra; come on woman is being molested,
child is crying, Shivendra she is the elder sister of your best friend, go-go, do some thing Shivendra,
you can.
Candidate—Sir, I will drag my cycle towards them and while nearing I will throw my school bag
on the mouth of one loafer and simultaneously will throw my cycle on second hooligan. While
disbalancing the both one I will distance the child from the spot so he could not sustain injury in our
fighting, meantime I will ask the lady to engage one hooligan so the situation could allow me to bash
the another one shouting the people to come to our help.
Dy. President—No one is listening your shouting, now tell me what you will do ?, whereas one
hooligan over whom you threw your cycle has escaped as you have bashed him but another hooligan
has badly assaulted your sister, has brought out the knife as he sensed you proceeding to beat him.
Here, the degree of difficulty is being increased gradually while boosting the boy by making him
emotional, sentimental and clubbing his relations with sister in blood relation. Under this
operational/situational process evaluator is undertaking to find out the actual level of the candidate
considering the job requirement and demand of the defence forces.
Reaction and surprise under the situational crisis—
Deputy President is Observing—Interviewer is observing that the candidate has stopped himself
and not able to attempt and attack further under the existing circumstances the candidate again needs
boost up as he has not faced this kind of situation in his past. But the situation is left with no alternate
except to fight. Now again the deputy president has started boosting the candidate.
Dy. President—Shivendra, are you afraid from the knife ? It is not a big knife which can kill you
rather it is vegetable cutter. Have you not taken lesson/teachings from Nana Patkar in Prahar and
simultaneously from Capt. Manoj Pandey in LOC ? And secondly don’t you analyse that your moral is
not at stake because of the Chastity and dignity of your sister ? Come on again Shivendra do something
and any how overpower him.
Candidate’s action—On the spot
Shivendra lifted his cycle up and threw it over
the head of the hooligan with the result
hooligan fell on the ground and subsequently
knife slipped from his right hand and Shivendra
picked up the knife and started bashing the
hooligan, his sister taking the advantage of the
situation picked up a brick started hitting his
head making him unconscious. Resultantly the
hooligan was overpowered and handed over to
Interpretation—“At the moment of dan-
ger to your life, you apply one, two or three and
even more available resources, which become
useless or are slashed down by the I.O. Here
being conscious you are dragged into a state of unconsciousness under the situationsal pressure (effort
to surveillance). Similarly, you have to snach life from the lurking dangers. This situation will mount so
many pressure, e.g., (a) situational pressure (b) pressure due to the non-applicability of resources (c) the
most important is the life saving natural instinct.
190 | SSB

These pressure create two possibilities—

1 2
Either it makes a boy It may drive him to undertake and
hopeless, handicapped or convert all the resoures and
unanswerable. possibilities at his disposal
(seen or unseen) to save his
precious life or to protect the
chastity, honour and dignity of
your loved and near one.

The above Explains the Natural Instinct inherent and Endowed by the Nature in every living being on this

Explanation—This interprets that if an aspirant does not visualise the situation and does not act to
collect all the possibilities available around and hence does not fight with his utmost capacity to save
his invaluable life or + the chastity and dignity being in his blood relation, then indication is drawn that
the candidate is incapable of recommendation. In brief it may be said that one who could not save his
own life or the life of his blood one, shall in no way be able to protect the humanity or the nation at
large. Hence, it is not at all worth to any sort of compromise. 1
Evaluation and Interpretation—System is designed in such a manner that no one, whether a
fresher or a repeater, a student from military school or a normal school, a coached aspirant or an
uncoached one gets an undue advantage over the others. These assessors are so proficient in their
profession that from your socio-economic background, heredity and environmental brought up they
come to know that—

“What you are expected to perform in this existing situation, what is your exact potential, how much
guts/courage you can use to go beyond (beyond does not mean out of limit here beyond means maximum

In the Shivendra’s case he went even beyond and he was acceptable by the deputy president.
Situations are of various kinds and sometimes two to three situations are compounded together :—
for the example—
Situation—He comes from the school and he finds that his father is dead and mother is kidnapped,
he would ?
Situations related to the social environment—(Social Conflict)
Situation—His father wants him to join an MBA but he wants to join Army, he would ? (Conflict
Situation—He is seeing picture in cinema hall. Some people are teasing a girl, he would (Dynamic
& Social)
In SRT real life situation of various types are given.
Sometimes Intellectual, Social, leadership and sometimes dynamic solutions are required.
Situation—He is in Communication Department and computer fails—
Comment—Here, intellectual solution is required.

1. This above contents I have quoted from Ist published book SSB what ? Why ? How ? from the chapter the
vital element, page number 56 and 57.
SSB | 191

Sometimes you go to your friend or authority with poor confidence, poor intellectual level and you
are not able to strike the problem at hand. Situations are same for everyone but solutions/answers are
many by different people at different stage and level.

Speed should be good and approach should be practical.

Situation should be responded in third person he, she or it.

Example—(1) He was going through a dense forest to reach his sister’s village on bicycle. On the
way the bicycle broke down and soon it became dark. He………………
(2) While walking on road he found a money bag containing Rs. 500/- He ?………………
(3) The girl he loved belonged to a different caste. He ……………
(4) His teacher threatened him to fail in the examination. He ……………

Lesson 8
Every printed booklet containing 60 situations will be grouped in above four factor. The first
situation will relate to Factor I that is factor Intelligence which has four qualities—

1 Planning & Organisation 2 Logical Resoning

3 Effective Intelligence 4 Power of Expression

The second situation will be from Factor II that is Social Adjustment which has three qualities—

1 2
Social Adaptability Sense of Responsibility
or Accommodating 3

The third situation will belong to Factor III that is Social Effectiveness or Leadership which has its
five associated qualities—

1 2 3

Initiative Self-confidence Decision-Making Ability

4 5
Ability to influence Liveliness
the group
192 | SSB

Simultaneously, the fourth situation will be from Factor IV that is factor Dynamic which again has
its three associated qualities namely

1 2
Determination Courage

1 2

Mental Physical
Stamina Stamina

Interpretation—Again the fifth situation will be from factor I, 6th situation from factor II and 7th
from factor III and finally the 8th situation will be from factor four. This cycle will be repeated and will
keep on being repeated till 60 situations are completed. Therefore, the instruction given by the
psychologist of the board is; completing 60 situations are not necessary. Your personality will come
within 45 to 50 situations, bears the testimony of their statement. The reason behind is, that all the
situations are grouped in four factors and the system is looking for the qualities not for answers and
completing the situations.
A solution has to bring out the display of your personality through actions and reactions which spells your
leadership qualities to come. You must bring solution to a problem. Assessment of the situation is more
important rather than offering a solution.

How solution can be drawn ?

Certain elements will qualify the crisis. Level of problem and solution of that problem both should
be interrelated. The important aspects to draw the solution is—
1 2 3

What ? Why ? How ?

What ? and How will

Why ? facilitate your
will qualify the resources and
merit of the task planning
These above components will push your performances towards accuracy—
Accuracy Requires two Components

1 2

Will Skill

Your willingness to involve You have to show some way

into the problem to enter into the problem, bailout
the problem and draw the solution.
SSB | 193

Performance and potential—Psychologist is interested in your potential. You might

not be total success but may not be total failure. Psychologist is interested in your
potential not in the level of performances, because potential may indicate your level.
Knowing the system is onething but proving worth to the system is more important
Therefore, the Job of the Army Officer is

Ability to 1 2 Ability to
combat the combat the
stress. 3 Adventure.

Ability to
combat the

Effective and Practical Solution—For the above, you have to enter into the problem, then bail out
the problem and draw the solution.
Psychological Test—What is ?

1 2

Time & Space

Psychological tests are not fact based, but they are opinion, emotion, value and attitutional based.
What colour and combination you want to give to your solutions. Which aspect will dominate;
somewhere value, emotions, helping attitude, sacrifice, faithfulness or full of challenges. For this aspect
you are required to go beyond the obvious. Going beyond the obvious will increase your imagination
and imagination has got no prescription.
Job Requirement of a Leader—Acting against the emergency and challenges etc. Is it not the true
profile of a defence officer ?

Do you Have 1T In you ? 1T denotes the demand or the job requirement of the

defence forces and it is only possible through crisis or adventures which spells the challenges and risks
of life and that too knowingly.

1 Challenges, emergency and risks

Crisis may be of any kind.

Given : Observation to picture and

imagination to appercept.

2 Stress

Perceive : Here imagination comes.

194 | SSB

You are not for the executive or for the managerial job but you are the person to brave the dust, dirt and dent
of life.

It is the Psychological quality to indulge with the challenges—We want cool courage. The
regimentation and fighting strategy of the defence forces run on obsession not on logic.
You need to strike the stress/problem/situation or attending circumstances. Do not use forced
logic to create a stress. Do not ignore the perception understress. Please find out the direct stress,
then face the stress and combat the stress for the proper disposal of S.R.T.
Everything is obvious and drawn from the various walks of life. This is test of reaction of your day
to day life. SRT is not mathematical where, answer is 2 + 2 = 4. The situation is one and answer will be
many. All the answer will be given in third person that is he, she or it.
Problem will be given and problem in environment you have to identity the problem, bail out the
problem and draw the solution. Sometimes two or three problems are compounded together for the
Situation—He comes from the school and he finds that his father is dead and mother is kidnapped
and there is further threat to his family. He would ? …………………………………………
Environment—Social environment (Social conflict)
Example—(1) His father wants to join him engineering and he wants to join Army. He would ?

(2) Some people are teasing a girl in cinema hall. He would ?

SSB | 195

Explanation—Pick up your answer from the problem and propose a solution within a line or two.
Do not give a detail answer, Do not go to the problem too much, only touch the solution.
Interpretation—For example; number one situation is that there is a conflict between the father
and son. The conflict is; father wants engineering and he wants to join Army. Gentlemen, your P.I.Q.
(Personal Information Questionnaire) and your I.Q. (Intelligence Quotient) is there with the scientist.
P.I.Q. spells your life history, socio-economic background, your failures, achievement, interest, hobby,
medium of language, level of education and your social standard. Simultaneously your I.Q. spells your
level of intelligence. Therefore, this system of selection, I would further like to emphasis is not for
executive or managerial job. Here we want your potential and the natural answer which should be the
convenient out come of your personality.
What will amount to be a Natural Answer

Are you Are you

1 3 withdrawing
finding the
solution ? 2 from the
solution ?

Are you
compromising ?

Gentlemen, you must have been fed-up to acknowledge and listen about positive answer, natural
answer or be natural but what is the actual interpretation of the ‘Natural’ answer—
The concept and doctrine of ‘Natural’ answer is your answer not some one’s answer. How and
which answer becomes ‘Your answer’ or ‘Natural answer’ ? Any answer which is the original and
actual out come of your personality will become the natural answer.
The interpretation of the first SRT where there is a conflict between father and son for
joining the Engineering and Army ?
Explanation—Solution should be drawn. Neither father should be dissatisfied nor he should suffer.
Here the solution is compromise.
Answer—He will humbly convince his father and join the Army.
Interpretation—This answer spells that the candidate is confident, has good relation with his
father and is logically strong to convince his father for joining the Army. Seeing the P.I.Q. this answer
will be definitely termed as natural answer.
SRT (situation is same but the second answer by another candidate—I alongwith my mother
convince the father with a merit to join the Army.
Interpretation—Seeing the answer the scientist or Psychologist of the board will see the P.I.Q.
This candidate is an NDA candidate who needs his mother to convince the father. If you remember the
instruction addressed by the Scientist/Psychologist or the Technical Officer of the board, they say
Gentlemen, no answer is right or wrong but it spells your reaction to a particular situation which further
explains your behavioural pattern. An answer suiting your behavioural pattern and if it is the convenient
outcome of your personality then it will become the natural answer or natural reaction.
Reaction, responses and reflection to a
particular situation which can project your
personality up to the nature of job.
196 | SSB

While projecting, the answer do not bother whether an answer is right or wrong, no; not at
all and never, as it is the duty of an assessor. Only give your reaction with your utmost capacity
that will actually project your potential and further this potential, if suits and becomes the
product of your behavioural pattern then that will be your natural personality.
The third candidate writes that—He will talk to his father and join the Army. It means that this
candidate is more confident, more mature and more convincing and logical. This answer is more
appropriate and becomes the ‘Natural answer’ considering the P.I.Q. and level of the candidate.
Now I will come to the second situation—In this situation some people are teasing a girl in
cinema hall. He would ?
I Response—He will bash them and escort the girl to her house.
Interpretation—This answer spells that the candidate is well built, courageous and possesses the
strength to bash the hooligans.
II Response—He alongwith co-sitters bash the teasers, arrange the transport and encourage the girl
to go.
Interpretation—Taking support from the people does not mean the lack of courage. Here the
situation is a girl is being teased and the requirement of the situation is to draw the solution. Being an
aspirant if you feel that to cool down the situation people’s support is must then you must take.
III response—He will come out, escort the police and get the hooligans arrested.
Interpretation—Every situation demands a particular action when that action is completed, it will
mean that the situation has been finally disposed off. The demand of this situation is that the girl has to
be rescued and hooligans should be stopped. You may opt any way with your utmost capacity.
Explanation—There is a difference between the physical courage and the moral courage. You may
or may not have physical courage but may have the moral courage. For example—

A thief is climbing over a building having a knife and a country made pistol but when the duty
guard warns him he runs away. The moral teaching of this example is that if you have 50% of courage
commensurating the physique of hooligans then you can plunge with the fight as you will have the
support of the girl, people around and the biggest power of this country that is law. That 50% of
courage or physique, supported by the moral courage and the environment will make you 100%. By this
way the demand of the system to spot a saviour or trouble shooter or crisis leader will be fulfilled.

We are looking for practical

intelligence not for intellectual or
academic or basic intelligence.
One has to be a quite practical in understanding the situation and proposing a solution.
SSB | 197

Situations of Various kinds, their Nature and Interpretations—

Psychological tests operate at three levels of your mind :

TAT (Thematic W.A.T. (Word

Apperception Test is Association Test)
always at conscious level. At subconscious level.
Test of imagination and Again the test of your
unguided. imagination and
partly guided

S.R.T. (Situation Reaction

Test) conscious level test.

Not mathematical Not subjective

Not the test
of Imagination

Not guided, purely under the control of the psychologist



Purely Projective Test

Therefore, whosoever will project nicely will get through only.

Just to make you transparent, I am quoting some instructions given or addressed by the
Scientists/Psychologists of the various boards to the candidates before the commencement of the
Situation Reaction Test.
1. Scientist SSB Bangalore 3 Dec. You are to answer these situations in full sentences, not in
1990 one or two words, otherwise we won’t be able to judge
your personality. Answer these situations by imagining
that you are facing in reality. How you will deal these
situations, if they confront you. Completing all the
situations are not necessary because this test is so
designed, that if a candidate does an appropriate disposal
he won’t complete all of them. Out of ‘60’ SRT’s, your
personality will comeout within 40 to 45 SRT’s.
198 | SSB

2. Psychologist 4 AFSB Varanasi A particular situation has got so many answers. All are
19th Nov. 1990 correct. A particular situation, response can’t be claimed
to be 100% correct. It is up to you to respond. Your
responses should not contradict. If you maintain this
consistency, then it is better for you.
3. Psychologist Selection Centre. In dealing with SRT, the top priority should be the nation.
East Allahabad If the nation is not involved, human life should be given
the top priority. The protection of property should be
given the last priority. In dealing with a situation, you
remain involved on the spot to operate it. Act according
to the conditions while directly involving yourself,
remaining there and confronting the task. Apply/use
imagination, observation and practical intelligence in
making resources available. At the same time, please also
mind that you may use the manpower & available, hidden
or obvious resources in clutching practical solutions. But
please be aware that while using the manpower and
resources, do not move yourself from the spot, where you
are meeting the situation face to face. This is the only and
best step required to solve the situation.
4. Scientist Selection Centre Situation Reaction Test is entirely on person’s own
Central Bhopal 1995-96 personality. One should be honest while giving the
reaction to SRTs. Your personality whatever you project,
should not clash. Answer should be given in brief. SRT is
other part of the psychological test in which we want to
find-out your reactions to day-to-day situations which
occure around in routine life. In this test, you will be
given some day-to-day problems, which a common man
faces in his daily life. You are to give your responses in
which you will react under the such situations. There is
no correct or wrong answers. You are free to deal with
the problems as you do in daily life, if you come across
such problems.
5. Psychologist, 1 AFSB In SRT, the choice system has to be remembered. The
Dehradun 97-98 January answers should not have a try to complete the situations
but our first priority should be to write the appropriate
answers according to our psychology and the practical
approach which could be done in everyday’s life. If any
situation demands an answer of 4 to 5 lines then you
should give time in completion of task in SRT as
required, because if you leave any situation then it gives
an impression that you are trying to escape from the
situation. The requirement of the armed forces is to face
every kind of situation without escaping from one of
them. The answer should be firm and it should not be a
midway type. You should not use ‘if, then and else’. If
you use these words, it shows extra smartness, which is
not required.
Mind may doubt and the heart may fail, whenever called upon to face new mode of thoughts, but I am the
earnest and firm in conviction. I will not retard, retreat a single inch, whatever I believe to be right.

‘SD’ Self-Description Test or
Self-Appraisal Test
Self-description (SD)
At the end of the psychological tests the psychologist intends to find out “how much do you know
about yourself ?.” So, in this test you are going to describe yourself, quoting the opinion of various
people around you.

Lesson 1
Self-Description and Self-Concept
Every individual has an opinion of his ownself. Self-concept, like the individual, ‘grows’ up. Self-
concept is the ‘well processed’ and well-assimilated opinion of oneself drawn from the sum total of
opinions of people around from the earliest childhood stage. During the early stages of life self-concept
may not be ‘objective’. Maturity brings objectivity to the self-concept. It contains opinions about the
strengths and weakness of one’s personality.
Parents’, teachers’ and friends’ opinions are the strongest sources of self-concept. We frequently
receive applauds, admonitions and corrective feedbacks of our actions from these people. Besides, as
we mature, we are able to assess our own qualities. The final self-concept is the compound of all the
inputs received at different stages and own assessment.
Self-Concept and Improvement/Trainability
A raw civilian is to be trained to become a military-man. Training is a stage of transformation. The
induced changes are sudden, intense and demanding. Many aspects of civilian life are unfavourable
from the military angle. A raw trainee is to unlearn many habits or values that are the characteristics and
the identifications of civil life. A realistic and objective self-concept helps a person establish quick and
effective adjustment with his environment. It is possible only if you know yourself in unambiguous
Administration of Self-Description
In self-description candidates are asked to describe their good and bad points in the opinion of their
parents, teachers/immediate superiors (in case they are employed anywhere), friends, and their own.
This is a descriptive type of test for which 15 to 20 minutes of time and full space is provided.

Lesson 2
Instructions for the Test and How to do Well in SD
— The purpose of this test is to find out how much you know about yourself.
— In this test you are going to describe your good and bad points in the opinion of your parents,
teachers or your immediate superiors if you are employed anywhere, your friends and your own.
200 | SSB

— In the last, mention what type of a person a you would like to be in future and suggest your plans—
how you wish to acquire the qualities of a successful person.
— You will get fifteen minutes to complete your description. Three pages are provided to write your
How to do Well in Self-description ?
— It is not possible to give any model of ‘self-description. Psychologically no two candidates are
having the same personality because of uniqueness of heredity and environment. All you need is to
recall the most frequently voiced opinion of your parents/teachers/friends. Call out the salient
points and arrange them the way you value/wish to report.
— It is rather possible to prepare self-description well in advance and practice to write it.
— Some candidates (obviously as guided by quacks) begin with a detailed introduction of their height,
weight and daily routine like habit of taking cold-water bath daily or once in a month. It is just
humbug ! Without going into such chaffs come straight with the opinion of your parents.
— Clarity of vision only will help your description of the last part of SD. You need to introspect and
fix an aim for your own future and must have the clarity of strategy to achieve it. Preparation to
achieve your aim intrinsically involves the acquisition of qualities/skills. Unfortunately most of the
candidates don’t have any vision/plans or resources to acquire these qualities/skills. If you are one,
please get rid of such a situation at the earliest.
— You may add your outstanding achievements and also, how the opinion of your parents, teachers
and friends shaped your success. For example, you may be an outstanding musician, a craftsman or
a chess player. Utilise this opportunity to highlight your success story.

Lesson 3
Practice and Solution of Self-Description (S.D.) Test
What is Self Description and how is it conducted ?
We are giving 15 minutes to assess you. Every time you analyse other or other analyse you, but this
time we are giving you the chance to analyse yourself. What do you think of yourself and what the
other think of you ? What opinion your parents, friends, teachers, have about you. What are the good
points and bad points of your personality ? Which qualities you will like to inculcate in the near future
and which qualities would you like to upgrade. I will exemplify from my collections to clarify how to
write and what to write in a S.D. Test ?
1. Parents Opinion (in formal way)—“Parents say I need only a hint; they say I learn things fast, my
uptake is good and I take interest in a variety of things and I understand in one chance only.
Sometimes they point out my carelessness and chase me to maintain the schedule and punctuality”.
2. Teachers Opinion (in formal way)—Whether they have reported your dependability,
assertiveness, exertion, punctuality and keen interest in various academic and co-curricular
activities and what are the points and where you should improve, and areas where you are strong
and weak, Capability to work hard and about the occasions when you annoyed them.
3. Colleagues/friends (in formal way)—They say something and something is left to your
understanding. That is your social intelligence to find the elements. These are the sources through
which your concepts develop. On which points they become annoyed and happy. Measures they
suggest to upgrade you. How much and upto what extent have they been instrumental in cultivating
and developing you.
4. Your Opinion—You have to brief about yourself, be a natural man and judge, evaluate yourself
that what type of a man you are. About your social intelligence in which your behaviour pattern
and your adjustment with seniors, juniors and equal comes and how you uptake the sense of
SSB | 201

responsibility, also your intellectual uptake alongwith your dark and light areas. If you know your
strength and weaknesses you can be trained easily. After completing your opinion write your
weakness with point No. 1, 2, or 3 and the steps taken by you to improve them and that too within
how much time say between 15 days, one month and two months or even more but not more and
5. Finally you are to write—What type of person you want to be and what qualities you would like
to improve.
Five Heads of Self-Description
1. Parents Opinion—Under the parents opinion you have to write the nature and kinds of domestic
responsibilities you are sharing, the issues on which your parents get annoyed, the performances on
which they usually become happy. Please write down those points on which they usually
appreciate/commend you.
2. Teachers Opinion—What the opinion of your teachers has been on your strong and weak
performances. Also briefly state your assistance & participation & sharing of responsibilities with
teachers on different occasions. Also do not hesitate to write if they have commended you on
merits & simultaneously punished/pointed out your faults.
3. Friends Opinion—Sometimes you get involved in hot discussions and even unhealthy logic with
your friends. Always good friends will let you know about your merits and demerits. Point out
specially the pattern of exchange of behaviour, co-operation in pleasant and unpleasant situations
and finally arrive at this notion that how you resolve the internal/external disputes.
4. Your Opinion—As much you know about yourself nobody knows more than that. No one is cent
percent perfect. So write your demerits also. If you know your demerits, you can improve them.
Also land a summary from parents to teachers / employers / OC’s / from friends to yourself that
how have you been interacting with your seniors, juniors and equals in society / family /
neighbours and institutions. This is purely your opinion. Therefore, be true to sketch a figure of
your personality. Barely admit your weaknesses and failures in the particular aspect / fields in the
following year and how you have improved them, within how much time/effort, under whose
guidance ?
5. In your life, what type of person you would like to be and what leadership qualities you would like
to improve and how ?
Note—For employed persons teachers opinion will not be applicable in place of teacher’s opinion,
they may write superiors opinion. Army personnels may write C.O’s opinion or superiors opinion.
You are In Action
The Group Testing Series

Lesson 1
Nature-Schedule-Characteristics of Group Testing
(1) Group Testing Is the Test of Individual—The term ‘group testing’ sometimes gives the elusive
appearance of ‘testing of any group’. In actual sense it is the test of ‘individual while he behaves in
a group situation’. Human being is constantly interacting with the society. He is never in isolation.
Our behaviour is governed by the group norms and expectations to a great extent. Qualities which
are responsible for making a person useful to a group are best exhibited in group situation only and
hence group testing is a ‘test in group’ and not the ‘test of group’.
(2) Group Testing Is Based On Observation of Individual—Group Testing Technique is based on
observation of individual’s behaviour. The major difference between the Group Testing Technique
and Psychological or the Interview Technique is this only. Psychological and Interview Techniques
are based on inferences. What part of your behaviour makes input for assessment of your OLQ’s is
standard uniform in the technique of group testing whereas in the Psychological and Interview
techniques it largely depends on the assessors attention and preference.
(3) Group Testing Examines Your Thought, Words And Actions In One Fold—Group Testing
Technique has a battery of tests. It has an impressive variety of tests that incorporate indoor to
outdoor tests, individual to group situations of performance, from knowledge to skill, mental
to physical and to take into account all dimensions of seen behaviour i.e., thoughts, words and
actions. In a way it is a whole-Hog Technique.
(4) Performance In Group Testing Battery Of Tests Increases With Practice—Exposure and
practice have positive influence on a candidate’s performance. Tests like group discussion,
Individual obstacles, lecturette and to a considerable extent the outdoor situations. Once
experienced, leave a salutary effect on the candidate. Basically, these tests include lot of
application and skill that are modified fast with practice and exposure.
SSB | 203

Lesson 2
Tests in GT Battery
Group Testing Battery includes the following tests. This series of G.T.O. testing is bifurcated in
three series :
2 3

Basic Series Confirmatory Series Final Series

1 2 3 4

Final Group Task

G.D. G.P.E. P.G.T. G.O.R.
(Group (Group (Progressive (Group
Discussion) Planning Group Obstacle
Exercise) Task) Race)
1 1 1 2 3 4
G.D. I G.D. II
H.G.T. Lecturette Individual COMMAND
(Half Group Obstacles Task

The schedule of above-mentioned tests spans over two days. A fair assessment of qualities
necessitates, detailed and focused attention on every individual while he performs in the group. We
shall have a detailed attention on these tests.


Lesson 3
Stage I–Indoor Tasks : The Group Forms
How The Groups Form
Mere gathering of some people cannot be called as ‘GROUP’. There must be an opportunity for
interaction among the members to be. Also, there has to be some common purpose or motivation for
joining the group. Let us also, not forget that a group follows its own dynamics. Its origin, sustinence,
strength, weakness, cohesiveness, achievements and pattern of interaction among group-members
follow a dynamic pattern and necessitate certain preconditions. Out of these the most important is the
process of formation.
If you may recall your first day and hour in the class-room of your college. Many boys and girls
had gathered in that big room meant for your class. Some were quiet, some appeared lost, and a few
gave the impression of being tense and anxious. At the same time a few had appeared happy-go-lucky.
Almost all of you were hesitant atleast initially, to break the ice with your neighbour. The first hour was
uneasy for all of you. With this you began your first academic day in your college.
204 | SSB

And now remember the changes after three months since then. You became known to all, friendly
to the majority and a few came very close to your heart. Some of you became ‘star’ figures. The entire
class has now the duos, clichés and groups of different sizes without losing its original identity and
internal cohesiveness. Just ponder over how such a change took place ?
Key process to form the group is interaction among the members. During the process of
interaction among the members, they exchange information and further, evaluate each other’s strength
and weakness. With repeated exchanges another phenomenon i.e., acceptance of mutual influence
(exploration of leader-follower equation) takes place. Some members are accepted as leaders while
others follow them. The group values the thoughts and opinions of some members for decision-making
or anything that may serve the cause of the group. The leader-follower equation takes place in a subtle
way and without any formal commitment/agreement. Further, preferences and mutual likes and dislikes
play active role in this process. A few members interact among themselves more often than others. Such
preferences in interaction divide groups in many sub-groups. The group can now be said to be

Lesson 4
The Average Officer
1. What is average ? The average is a number indicating the central value of a group of observations
or of individuals.
2. There are three main types of average, the Mean, the Mode and Median. The statistician will
always refer to them by their specific names, collectively he will refer to them as measures of
central tendency. Each form of central tendency measure gives a different concept of average.
3. The average whether it be a Mean, Median or Mode serves two important purposes.
The average does not mean a point but is a range—
(a) It is a shorthand description of a mass of quantitative data obtained from a sample.
(b) It also describes with some accuracy the population from which the sample is drawn.
4. On a ten-point rating scale, assuming the distribution to be normal, the average would constitute
44% of the sample.
5. Thus, Average does not mean a point but is a range. Individual within this range would be different
from each other yet would be termed as average.
Average Officer
6. Human personality is not a mechanical summation of various qualities. It is a product of their
integration. Adding the point values on each quality and dividing it by total number of qualities
would not help us to arrive at an average.
7. An average officer may be high in some qualities, low in some and middling in most. Another
officer, also an average may be high in some other qualities, low in a different few and middling on
the remaining. They are both average although different in personality profile.
Orientation of Average
Generally the average required is higher than the average available.
8. While selecting candidates an assessor must know what the average required is and also the
average available. Generally, the average required is higher than the average available, and the
difference is bridged by training.
SSB | 205

Understanding ‘Average’
9. W. J. Reichmann in his book ‘The Use and Abuse of Statistics’ states :—
“The average man does not exist. The average applies to a set of data and not to an individual. If
the average man could exist he would be such an odd specimen that by his very uniqueness he
would deny his own title”. We now come to GROUP TESTING.
As opposed to test individuals in isolation, group testing attempts to evaluate individuals in the
context of a group. From this one seeks to observe and evaluate an individual’s group effectiveness or
in other words, the sum total of an individual's contribution to the group and to the tasks.
In order to appreciate the value of this technique one ought to understand the underlying rational
that is man is, fundamentally, a social being. There probably exists no such being as an individual in
isolation. As such a clear understanding of a man’s behaviour and personality can be achieved through
the study of his social surroundings.
This is because a man’s personality and character traits are largely determined by the
social field in which he finds himself. Since the social field in which a man finds himself
conditions his behaviour and personality to a great extent his personality might be termed as a
reaction to that field.
The study of personality which relates individuals to social surroundings
gathers added support from the fact that the development and growth of
personality is the result of its passing from simpler to larger and complexer
fields, from family to school, neighbourhood and ultimately into the greater
community. Some of these fields will inhibit a man’s personality in some aspects;
others will expand it, but all will modify and shape it.
Therefore, one might say that since man’s personality and behaviour is affected and moulded to a
large extent by his environment, then, if one can choose and control these environments, one may hope
to control and influence the personalities in them. In our context the word ‘Social field” or environment
has been substituted by the word ‘Group’ It is in the context of the group subject to stresses of time and
problem, that individuals are tested. It is considered that if one can control the stresses to which a small
group is submitted, one can hope to provide its members both opportunities for leadership and
conditions that limit these opportunities. From the ability of a person to take advantages of these
opportunities and his adjustment to the limiting conditions, one can draw tentative estimate of the
person’s ability. What one seeks to observe and evaluate is called an individual’s ‘group effectiveness’
the sum total of an individual’s contribution to the group and its tasks.
Group effectivenss can be differentiated into the following three components :—

(a) Effective level of (b) Group cohesiveness : (c) Stability : Ability to

functioning : Ability to Ability of the members of the stand up to the resistance and
contribute towards the group to relate emotionally to frustration without serious
functional aspects of the each other and to the task and impairment of effective level
common task by planning to bind the group in the of functioning and of group
and organising available direction of the common task. cohesiveness.

A procedure of testing, must cater to the requirement of the job but at the same time, it would be
fair to the assessee in so far as it would provide him sufficient opportunity to show his best in the time
available. For this purpose the Group Testing Technique consists of subjecting group and its members to
a number of different situations based on ‘free-for-all’ i.e., leaderless group tasks in which the individuals
206 | SSB

have freedom to choose their own behaviour roles, lay down their own priorities for action and engage
themselves in collective group-activity, promptively or otherwise, influencing each other and bringing
about modifications in their own behaviour and in the behaviour of other individuals. The assessment of
behaviour is made on the overall integrated activity rather than on the basis of addition of scores of
specified test situations. Hence, these are called tasks and not tests.
These tasks require the individual to solve specific concrete problems by actual
participation. These tasks are therefore, action–oriented and release considerable measure of
dynamic forces from each participating member. In designing situational tasks, attempts are
made to reproduce the conditions under which the individual will eventually perform. Since it
is not possible to predict all the forms of numerous situations, an individual will encounter in
future, the candidate is exposed to situations that he is likely to meet in his normal life.
A Test
I shall now give you an example of one of the tests which I give to enable you to have some idea
and understanding of our appraisal system.
A situational problem is given to the candidate on a model. The problem affords a selection of
possible solutions and different ways of approach. This task is carried out in two phases—
(a) The individual planning phase when each candidate is required to write down his own solution
to the problems in about 10 minutes without any mutual discussion, and
(b) The 2nd phase is the group planning phase when the candidates are made to mutually discuss
the problem and to work out a corporate solution and plan of action. The value of this test lies on the
solution offered and also the emphasis is on the plan made by the individual.
In asking for a group solution, emphasis is laid on team endeavour. Yet the need for a common
solution introduces a sense of competition, as each candidate tries to secure the acceptance of his own
plans. The discussion in this exercise is therefore purposeful and its purpose is :—

(a) To create an inter-dependent (b) To make one competitively inter-

interaction promotively in a social related with other, with a view to
situation. achieve recognition of one s ideas and
plans. In the group and to have the
same accepted. The idea is to find the
solution that is the best for everyone in
the group to which all or most are
The resultant interplay of conflicting wishes and ideas enables us to observe how the individual
strives to impress himself on others and whether or not he shows signs of beginning to adapt himself to
being a member of the group.
I look for the extent of objectivity in each candidate, his open-mindedness to the problem, his
good will towards others, and his contribution towards a collective solution. One may make an
excellent plan but may fail to convince the group; another person may carry the group with an
inferior plan, still another may seize the plans of others and attempt to get credit for himself. A
better leader will objectively evaluate his own ideas and those of others, select and co-ordinate
best of those and give credit to each for his contribution. Thereby, he will demonstrate both,
his planning and organising ability, his functional ability and group cohesiveness.
By comparing the written plan of a candidate with his contribution during the discussion stage of
the plan, I am able to know how well the candidate planned and to what extent he was able to make use
of it in the dicussion.
SSB | 207

The following considerations are kept in view while designing this test :—

(a) It should be applicable (b) The specific situation should (c) No specialised knowledge
to the group for which it be within the knowledge and should be required to find a
is intended. experience of all candidates and solution to the problem.
should provide equal opportunity
to all in the exercise of their

(d) There should be a (e) There should be one

minimum of three workable distraction i.e., a Red-herring. It
solutions to the problem. should neither be too simple nor
too serious but strong enough to
lead the less discriminatory

Lesson 5
Courage is perhaps the most misunderstood quality in any personality assessment. In common
language, we call a person courageous if, for instance, he jumps in a torrent to save a drowning person.
As assessors, we would not jump to this conclusion. We would pause to consider—
(a) Whether the jumper knew swimming.
(b) Whether the action was purposive, and
(c) Whether he was capable of achieving the end result. If the answer is yes, we endorse that the
person was courageous, otherwise we would call him rash, foolhardy and plainly foolish.
It is only commonsense to be afraid of real danger. A pedestrian jumping back on to the
pavement to avoid the oncoming bus, is not called afraid. Appreciation of the situation as well
as one’s capacity to handle it, are important ingredients of courage. This must be coupled with
a will to act, do something socially desirable, by taking some risk.
A point which should be clearly understood is that mere bragging of one’s exploits or capacities is
bravado. Similarly recklessness is not a sign of bravery. It is an active form of bravado, and bravado is
only a poor substitute for timidity.
To be able to weigh the pros and cons and then jump into a situation, shows the ability to take
calculated risk, which is certainly a positive attribute.
Appreciation of danger, robust mental attitude, keenness to put one’s effort to achieve a socially
acceptable goal, which is not beyond one’s capacity are signs of courage.
Closing one’s eyes or getting panicky and frozen in face of danger are signs of timidity.
Being afraid of real danger is being sensible. We need not be afraid of being afraid. Vigorous
preparation will reduce our fear and useful action will prevent it. That is the pathway to courage.
208 | SSB

Lesson 6
Personality and Qualities
The word ‘PERSONALITY’ comes from the Latin word ‘PERSONA’ which originally referred to
a mask worn by Roman actors to indicate someone else’s role. It implied a false appearance, a front,
facade and exterior, showy but deceptive. During the Roman period itself an interesting shift in the
meaning took place and personal came to mean the player himself, as an individual with distinct
attributes and appearance that is a person showing his overt behaviour from which one could find out
his personality. It signified the true character of the person rather than merely his appearance.
Personality has been defined by various thinkers, psychologists, sociologists and educationists in a
variety of ways. Gordon Allport in reviewing the literature on the history of the concept of personality
identified fifty different definitions of this term. Please don’t look so worried—I won’t bore you with
all these 50 definitions. These definitions fall into two classes, namely, those laying emphasis on mask
approach and those emphasising on the substance approach. At this stage it would be sufficient to know
that both these approaches relate to the behavioural pattern of an individual to his/her personality.

Now, what do we understand by a well adjusted personality. A review of the studies carried out
by Lawton Maslow, Kalish, and Hurlock, show that some of the important aspects of a well
adjusted personality are Intellectual effectiveness, Insight, Doing something about every
problem, Work and recreation, Responsibility, Security, stress tolerance, Builds up healthy
relationships, Social awareness, Humour, Decisiveness, Appropriate flexibility, Learns from
experience and is optimistic, unwavering and objective, Emotional control, Moral courage, &
Physical Health. We are looking for all these good qualities in an individual. Afterall we don’t
want to hire some one like Jerome K. Jerome who said “Work fascinates me. I could sit and
watch others doing it for hours.”
There are basically 4 major Factors which we feel are essential for an individual to possess. They
are :—

(1) Factor Intelligence or (2) Factor Social Adjustment.
eness 4
l E ffectiv (4) F
3 r Soc acto
r Dy
(3) Facto nam

These factors are further sub-divided into 15 qualities. These qualities are :—
I. Under Factor Intelligence and organising we have
(a) Effective Intelligence
(b) Reasoning ability
(c) Organising ability, and
(d) Power of expression.
II. Under Factor social adjustment we have (a) Social Adaptability, (b) Co-operation, and (c) Sense
of Responsibility.
III. Under factor Social Effectiveness we have (a) Initiative, (b) Self-confidence, (c) Speed of
decision, (d) Ability to influence the group and (e) Liveliness.
SSB | 209

IV. Under factor dynamic we have (a) Determination, (b) Courage and (c) Stamina. I shall now
explain each of these qualities in a little more detail.
(I) (a) Effective Intelligence : Is the intelligence utilised in coping with practical situations of
varying complexity. It is different from Basic Intelligence which is the capacity to perceive relations or
to do abstract thinking. Basic Intelligence is assessed by the use of intelligence tests, Effective
Intelligence includes practical intelligence and resourcefulness. Unlike what a lot of our workers who
think like Robert Frost who said “The brain is a wonderful organ. It starts working the moment you get
up in the morning and does not stop functioning until you retire to your bed.”
(b) Reasoning Ability—The ability to grasp the essentials well and to arrive at the conclusion by
rational thinking. Reasoning Ability includes receptivity, inquiring attitide, logical reasoning and seeing
essentials of a problem.
(c) Organising Ability—The ability to arrange the resources in a systematic way so as to produce
effective results; it can also be defined as the ability to put to the best use of available means for the
attainment of a desired objective.
(d) Power of Expression—The ability to put across one’s ideas adequately with ease and clarity.
(II) (a) Social Adaptability—The ability of an individual to adapt himself to the social
environment and adjust well with person and social groups, with special reference to superiors, equals
and subordinates. Social adaptability includes social intelligence, attitude towards others, tact, and
(b) Co-operation—The attitude of an individual to participate willingly in harmony with others in
a group, in achieving the group goal. This implies belief in the collective effort being more productive
than the individual effort, co-operation includes the element of joint effort and team spirit. Team spirit
indicates loyalty to the aims and objects of the group to the extent of subordinating individual aim to the
group aim. Subjugation of personal interest or goal to the group goal is cooperation.
(c) Sense of Responsibility—It enables person to be dependable and to willingly discharge his
obligation. It includes sense of duty but is much more comprehensive in meaning and scope. It means—
(a) A thorough understanding of the values of duty, social standard, and of what is required of an
individual and then to give it his energy and attention of his own accord.
(b) Taking initiative and doing one’s best, carrying out even unspecified and probably unforseen
duties and obligations, rather than faithfully carrying out what one is told to do. It demonstrates moral
willingness to bear the consequences. It does not mean to quote Ambrose Bierce “What is worth doing
is worth the trouble of asking somebody to do it.”
(III) (a) Intiative—The ability to originate an action. It has two aspects : ability to take the first
step : and to act first usually in a new situation.
(b) Self-confidence—It is the faith in one’s ability to meet stressful situations particularly those
that are unfamiliar.
(c) Speed of Decision—The ability to arrive at workable decision expeditiously. It comprises :
(a) The appropriateness of the decision arrived at.
(b) The quickness in arriving at the decision.
(d) Ability to Influence the Group—The ability which enables an individual to bring about
willing effort from the group for achieving the objective desired by him. This influence is the prime
cause of co-operative and willing effort of a group towards the achievement of a set objective.
(e) Liveliness—The capacity of an individual to keep himself buoyant when meeting problems and
bring about a cheerful atmsophere.
(IV) (a) Determination—A sustained effort to achieve objective inspite of obstacles and set-backs.
It implies fixedness of purpose mental concentration and strength of will.
210 | SSB

(b) Courage—The ability to appreciate and take purposeful risks willingly; it includes :—
1 2 3

(a) Ability to meet (b) Spirit of adventure, an (c) Capacity to keep oneself
appreciated danger. enterprising spirit and a composed in adverse situations
willingness or desire to enabling one to be steady in
dare or risk a hazard. facing and handling such
(c) Stamina—The capacity to withstand protracted physical strain; it emphasises endurance. It also
includes the ability to withstand mental stress. Stamina is of two kinds—Physical and Mental. Physical
Stamina is trainable but mental stamina is not trainable unless effective intelligence and determination
is dashly applied.

Lesson 7
Know Inside of G.T.O. Testing
(Role of Group Testing in the Selection Board)
(1) The underlying rationale is that man is gregarious by nature. His behaviour is best observed in a
group. This envisages the study of not only the static pattern of an individual but to analyse and
interpret the dynamics of inter-relationship, to consider not only a man’s conscious appreciation of a
situation but his total adjustment to it. The study of personality which relates an individual to his social
surroundings gains added support from the fact that the development and growth of personality is the
result of passing from simple to larger and more complex fields i.e., from family to school,
neighbourhood and ultimately into the community. All this will shape and mould the personality of an
individual. Thus it may be said that an individual’s personality is the product of the environment.
Hence, if one would choose and control these environments one may endeavour to influence and
control the personalities therein. In the SSB, the word ENVIRONMENT is substituted by the word
GROUP. It is considered that if one can control the stresses to which a small group is exposed one can
hope to provide its members both opportunities for leadership and conditions that limit these
opportunities. From the ability of a person to take advantage of these opportunities and his adjustment
to the limiting conditions one can draw tentative estimates of his personality.
What a GTO seeks to observe and evaluate is called an individual’s ‘Group Effectiveness’ or
the sum total of an individual’s contribution to the group and its task.
(2) Group Effectiveness can be classified into the following three components :—
1 2 3

Effective Level Stability
of Functioning
SSB | 211

Nature of Group Task

(3) While catering to the requirements of the job the testing procedure must
be fair to the assessee insofar as it provides him with sufficient opportunity to
show his best in the time available. To do this, groups and its members are
subjected to a number of situations based on free for all leaderless group tasks in
which the individuals are free to choose their own behaviour roles, lay down their
own priorities for action and engage themselves in collective group activity,
influencing each other and bringing about modifications in their own behaviour
and in the behaviour of other individuals. The assessment is based on Overall
Integrated Activity rather than on the basis of addition of scores of specified test
situations. Hence these are called Tasks and not tests. These tasks are designed to
reproduce the conditions under which the individual will eventually perform. All
these tasks are subject to rules and each task has a laid down time frame.
Three Phases of Group Testing
(4) This is based on the theory expounded by GESTAULT which is a relationship of the whole to
the parts and the parts to the whole.
The relationship can be classified as follows :
1 2 3

Integration Differentiation Re-Integration

Stage Stage. Stage.

(5) The method followed in the Group Testing Technique is to (1) understand the group of
individuals and their intra-relationship (2) observe each individual separately and check and re-check
particular findings; confirm or rebut these and to resolve doubts specially in borderline cases. For this
purpose the group situational tasks are divided into three series. They are—(1) The Basic Series, (2)
The Confirmatory Series, and (3) Final Series.
(6) Basic Series (Integration Stage)—
The tasks in the Basic Series are
a b

Group Discussion Group Planning

Exercise, and
c d

Progressive Group G.O.R. Group Obstacle

Task Race

(7) The Basic Series enables the GTO to get a general view of the group effectiveness of the
candidates in a leaderless group. In the tasks of Basic Series, therefore, a GTO’s observations is
focussed mainly on roles like communicating, Planning, Organising, Practical Execution, Persuading
others to one’s own line of thinking, adaptability to people and situations, particularly difficult people
and situations creating stress.
(8) The tasks in this series are designed and conduced in a definite order to be administered without
long breaks, to promote a smooth development of the group in accordance with the principles. The
212 | SSB

formation stage takes place with the candidates arriving at the Board and in grouping these candidates
into small groups on the basis of age, school repeaters etc.
Confirmatory Series Differentiation
(9) The GTO now having had a look at the Group as a whole has formed certain opinions of the
group as also individual candidates. He would naturally like to confirm his findings and resolve any
doubt he may have. The second phase of Group Testing i.e., the Confirmatory Series confirms to the
Differentiation Stage of GESTAULT’S theory and the tasks in this series are designed to enable the
GTO to have a closer look at a candidate,s working in smaller groups or individually. These tasks are

1 2
The Half Group Task Individual Obstacles, and
3 4
Lecturette Command Task
(10) This series therefore, shifts the GTO’s observations from the general view to
a close up or pin pointing of the behaviour pattern. In this selective differentiation of
the candidates behaviour the GTO concentrates on the less clear parts which are of
critical importance to the total picture he is trying to build. With this increased
differentiation there is a continuous referal back from the pin pointed ability to the
general ability in order to understand the overall pattern of the candidate.
(11) By this time a particular behavioural pattern has been established by the candidates and the
bits and pieces have fallen into place to form a mental picture in the mind of the GTO. Now, only the
touching up remains and the GTO proceeds to the last and final stage of Group Tasking—the Final
Final Series, Final Group Task (Re-integration Stage)
(12) The last task is known as the Final Group Task. The GTO moves back as it were, to look at the
group as a whole–to further confirm or rebut his findings and resolve any doubts that may still remain.
This task provides the GTO with a global view of the personality of each individual. It also helps in
removing any Halo effect that might have been created in the individual tasks. The GTO seeks a final
consideration of the following aspects of the candidates. Practical-Imagination, Work-sense,
Organisation, Co-operation, Group Mindedness, Initiative, Reasoning and Impact on the Group, and the
knowledge gained from all the tasks done.
(13) After detensing, the GTO walks off the field with his factuals and the mental picture of the
candidates. Based on this, he writes his reports–establishing the level of each. The translation of this
level into a rating scale and in terms of marks enables the GTO to go the Board Conference with clear
ideas and convictions–but with a degree of flexiblity in accepting views of the other two Techinques.

Lesson 8
Pilot Aptitude Battery Test
Leadership and Selection, Stress and Stability
(14) In addition to the GTO battery of tasks the flying branch GTOs are also required to administer
the Pilot Aptitude Battery Tests to the category of candidates mentioned earlier.
These tests are divided into two parts and administered only once in a life time for Service Pilots.
The first part is a written test and is made up of two sections. This test is known as the Instrument
SSB | 213

Comprehension Test. This acts as a precursor and a screening test to the second part which is the
Machine Test. This test is also divided into two parts. They are the CVT or Control Velocity Test and
the SMA or the Sensory Motor Apparatus. Both these tests are designed to test the basic aptitude of an
individual for flying before inducting him into the Air Force as a Pilot trainee or into the Flying Arm of
the other two Services.
Leadership and Selection
I shall now briefly touch upon the aspect of leadership and selection to quote Joseph E
Brooks “Show me a country, a company or an organisation that is doing well and I’ll show you a
good leader. Show me a country or a company that is not doing well and I’ll show you a bad
There is a certain amount of Halo around leaderhip. A leader is seen at work in various spheres,
i.e., in administration in industry, in politics and on the battle field. Success in any of these activities
depends to a large extents on component leadership. The term leadership has many facts and has been
defined in several ways. It involves so many things like ability to administer plan, teach, dominate,
persuade and bully etc., Leadership tend, to vary with the group and the pattern of leadership function
depends upon the type of group in which leadership is exercised. Leadership depends upon the
relationship of all the members of the group.
For the purpose of our testing, leadership may be said to be ‘the measure and degree of an
individual ability to influence and be influenced by a group in the implementation relationship
between three basic variables, namely : the individual, the group, and the task.
The quality and level of leadership is measured in terms of group effectiveness revealed in stressful
group tasks. Group effectiveness is the sum total of an individual’s contribution to the group and its
task. It has the three components which I have previously specified i.e.,
1 2 3

The effective Group

level of cohesiveness, Stability.
functioning and

Stress and Stability

And finally we come to that aspect which has always been there but has lately taken on alarming
importance. I speak of stress and stability. Stress is a state of mind and body in which the situation or
events produce unpleasant emotional tension or a feeling of discomfort. Stress is caused by conditions
which tend to threaten an individual security and well being. An individual security and well being
depend on the satisfaction of his needs. If the needs are satisfied, he feels safeguarded. If these needs
are not satisfied, his security and well being are thwarted, and he experiences stress.
The lack of capacity to adjust i.e., the adaptive failure on part of the individual, causes
conditions which result in frustration of his needs and causes stress. The amount of stress that
an individual experiences, therefore, depends upon the degree of his adjustability to the
unfavourable circumstances.
Stress thus caused may be considered under two dimensions, duration and intensity. It may last for
a short time or may be extended over a longer period of time. It may be mild, moderate or severe. It
will last as long as the conditions, which bring about frustration of an individual’s needs, persist. It’s
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severity will depend upon the strength of a particular need of the individuals as well as, upon the extent
to which conditions are unfavourable.
An individual may be aware or unaware of the stresses acting on him. Thus, a student at an
examination is usually aware of the stress of the examination. An example of unconscious stress would
be the daily routine of duties. Most individuals are not aware of a mild continuous stress which
everyday work imposes. It is only when the individual goes on a holiday that he realises the difference.
Behavioural symptoms of stress are withdrawal from a situation avoiding responsibility and
passing the same to others : conflicts and anxiety preventing effective functioning, aggression
or rigidity in behaviour, vacillation and indecision, lack of capacity to think clearly on simple
problems, disorganisation and confusion, errors in simple tasks; forgetting to do or name
things one does not normally forget; breaking rules and resorting to short-cuts to reach the
goal, tendency to cheat for small gains when things are difficult, justifying wrong acts or
telling lies, nervousness, unhappiness, depression and frustration etc., Intense stress of a fairly
long duration will deeply penetrate the superficial crust of facade and conscious compensations
and reveal the deeper strata of personality. However, the intensity and duration of the stress
must be kept within the maximum tolerance limit of the individual and the group. Extreme
application of stress must be avoided as it would require a high degree of psychological skill to
‘seal-off’ or disperse the after effects of the same.

A number of laboratory studies on individual under stress and field studies of reaction of the group
to a wide variety of environmental stresses have led to the following generalisation about the effects of
external stresses :
(a) In their initial impact stress increases variability of behaviour and reduce its consistency.
(b) Moderate external stress tends to produce some performance improvement; severe stress results
in disorganised performance.
(c) Initial response to moderate stress is shock or resistance. This is followed by recovery and even
over compensation. If the stress is extreme or continues over a longer period of time, lowers
performance and ultimately collapse or breakdown occurs.
(d) Effective leadership and healthy interpersonal relationship reduce the initial shock reaction and
make possible a longer period of adaption to unabated stress. No momentous discovery is made when it
is remarked that an individual exterior is a bit of same. There is a same in all of us, the difference being
only in degree. Rather then accepting things at face value, if therefore, becomes necessary to recognise
the thing as they are and to try to penetrate through the outer layout of an individual to his inner core to
arrive at the true evaluation of the individual’s actual basic set.
An individual who shows a poor sort of veneer may, in actual fact, have sound enough basic set
and an individual with an impressive veneer may have a poor basic set. It is only under emotional
stress, that this superficial veneer drops away to reveal the true basic set. For this reasons the group
situational tasks are stressful group tasks providing sufficient emotional stress for the real part of the
individual to reveal itself.
The capacity to withstand stress is known as Stability. Stability is not a very dynamic term, for
what is essentially a dynamic concept. i.e., the active and continuous capacity not only to resist the
deteriorating effects of stress but also to return to normal when this has passed off. It indicates more of
an actively normalising function that a passively resisting inertia.
The tests provide a medium by which an individual’s functional capacity in stress can be assessed.
The 2 main stresses in the tests are the problem stress and the social stress.
A well adjusted person is not the one without stress but the one who has learnt to handle the
stress that he encounters. A diagonistic criterion for a stable person is the manner in which he
copes with stress.
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Lesson 9
For the purpose of our testing we must understand what is meant by a group. As we have already
said that Man is an organism in a field of forces. Whenever, therefore, we are studying the behaviour of
a man, we are really studying his behaviour as influenced by his preception of the world around him.
The effect of a man’s group membership, his experience with other men, of his past and present
interpersonal relationship reach into each of his activities. This approach emphasises the need to study
not the static pattern of an individual but to analyse and interpret the dynamics of inter relationship, to
consider not merely man’s conscious appreciation of a situation, but also his total adjustment to it; man
as a member of a group interacting continuously with the group in which he finds himself, influencing
them and being influenced by them. That is why it is necessary to understand what is meant by a group.
There are various definitions of a group. But Bates, in 1950 put it very simply and aptly as “A
collection of individuals become a group as the members accept a common task and become
interdependent to promote its accomplishment”.
For the purpose of group testing our group should reveal as the following characteristics :

a b c d e

It should be a It should accept a They should be The members The group should
collection of common task; the aim interdependent should interact, be of small size.
individuals in of the group as their in their activities primarily through
own in which the as a result of (b) oral communication
close proximity. problems are shared
by individual and above. directly so that each
each individual is individual is aware
concerned not only of others.
for himself but for

It will be relevant to highlight at this stage and I am sure that most of you must have experienced
this in your personal life the 3 most common group problems. They are :

a b
Apathy and
Conflict or fight

Inadequate decision making

In the first, conflict or fight it has been used in a metaphorical sense; it means disagreement,
hostility, tension and a status of conflict. This may be a result of impossible work conditions or
problems or a genuine inability to solve a problem.
Some of the common reasons for apathy are : the problem handled by the group does not
seem important enough to its members, non-methodical way of work and poor co-ordination
amongst members a prolonged argument and fight amongst few members who seem to
dominate the group making less dominant feel helpless and apathetic. The consequences of
taking on responsibility may also be frightening, for fear of exposing oneself to failure, ridicule
or being embarassed.
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All groups face difficulties in decision-making, some of the reasons for inadequate decision-making
are :
a b c

Fear of consequences : The Conflict of loyalties : To Interpersonal conflict : Which

responsibility falls heavily oneself to cliques or to may bring individuals in
on one,s shoulders. the group as a whole. competition hostility, antipathy
or loyalty towards someone

Lesson 10
Tests and their valuation
I shall now take you to a brief insight into group tests and their valuation.
Men and the jobs they perform differ from each other in many ways. As it is well known, the
efficiency of an organisation depends upon the effective utilisations of human resources, which can be
achieved only if the man and the job match each other. This matching of the attributes of the worker
with the equipment of the job is impossible without some kind of measurement or appraisal.
The effectivenss of manpower utilisation is gauged by considerations as :—
how much
How well 1 2 satisfaction
people perform each individual
their job ? finds in
3 performance
of his job ?
How much
satisfaction comes
to other people–seniors,
equals and juniors,
with whom he
works in the
organisation ?

Likewise, utility of the individual to the organisation will also be conditioned by his trainability,
potentiality, motivation and consistency in the performance of his job.
Tests which could be designed to find answers to such questions will contribute significantly to the
improvement of selection methods and therefore to the effectiveness of the organisation. Pyschological
testing aims to gather information which may provide answers to these questions.
In industry, the personality tests have helped in selection, classification and promotion. Tests can
be tailor-made for practically any job in industry. These tests will help in the placement of personnels
also. Despite all this progress, Psychological testing has certain limitations and has often invited
adverse criticism like over productivity, lack of comprehensive coverage, over-emphasis on test results,
invasion of privacy, high cost and low validity. The experts, are therefore, concerned in finding out
whether tests will actually help in making good and stable predictions of (on-the-job-behaviour) this
can be considered as the basic problem in the development of tests and testing procedures.
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Situational tests appear to be most effective as they generate the behaviour patterns as they
are designed to predict. Three kinds of situational tests hold good today. (a) Tests involving
leaderless group where a task is assigned that requires the co-operative efforts of a group of
examinees none of whom is designated as a leader or is given any specific responsibility. (b)
Leaderless group discussions where the group is assigned a topic for discussion during a
specific period, and (c) Tests which employ role playing to obtain sample of interpersonal, job
relevant behaviour.
The effectiveness of a testing programme depends to a large extent on its
administrative feasiblity. Firstly, it must fit in to the current personal policy of the
organisation. Any testing programme that runs counter to such policies or requires
major changes in the same is certain to involve resistance from the organisation.
Secondly, the tests should be such as would not require the individuals administering
these tests to undergo highly specialised and extensive training. Many a promising
testing procedure had to be abolished due to non-availability or paucity of adequately
trained staff for administering tests and interpretation of tests results. Thirdly,
although the effectiveness of tests depends on the extent to which it is comprehensive,
from the point of view of the organisation using it, the total time should not be unduly
long. Economy of time must be considered, while determining the number and length
of tests. And finally, the testing procedure must ensure that the output is
commensurate with the expenditure incurred in introducing such tests. The test
constructor, therefore would do well to ascertain and bring out the fact that the gains
from the tests in the form of better quality of selectees and reduced wastage and
mishaps compare favourably with the cost of testing. The tests which the selection
boards administer has been tested and evaluated time and again against the
requirements which I have just related and have found to be the most effective.

Lesson 11
Formation of Group in Group Testing Test Battery and
Group Discussion
The GTO must ensure that the group is formed before he proceeds with his tests. Group
Discussions I and II are meant for the purpose of formation of group. The eight or ten members who
have come to the selection board have already a common aim and motivation. However members
hardly had any interaction to facilitate exploration of each other’s strength, weakness and other
personality qualities. The group has no formal or informal input to evaluate other members for the
purpose of division into probable leaders and followers. To provide opportunity primarily for mutual
interaction under purposeful terms and exploration of each other’s qualities (some of these qualities
include-strength of knowledge, expression, tact, tolerance in social situations, logic flexibility etc.), the
group testing technique prescribes two group discussions.
Group Discussion I—The initial tasks in the GTO battery are the group discussions.The Group
Testing Officers during his first interaction with you in the morning begins with the first group
You will be amazed to find how simple is the topic of the first group discussion. Topics for the first
group discussion are deliberately kept simple and those on which every candidate (of the level of
maturity of intake) could speak something. Actually, through the first group discussion, the tester
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wants-to give everyone the opportunity to speak. It is subsumed that a candidate of higher potential,
calibre or strength of knowledge will have better knowledge or information or argument. Similarly, an
average or an ordinary candidate will present these things in ordinary quality. This difference is for the
consumption of the group.
As you speak, you give the listener the opportunity to evaluate yourself and make a
‘comparison vis-a-vis’ to him. If the listener feels that the speaker is superior to him, he
subconsciously accepts his influence whereas if he finds the speaker inferior to his ownself, he
will exert his influence on the speaker. This is the first step towards division of group into the
leader and the led.
The group-testing officer gives maximum chance to let the first group discussion go without his
presence being noticed by the participants. Sometimes, you may find that the GTO gives the impression
of a non-involved or non-attentive person. By this attitude, he allows the members to speak freely
without making them feel inhibited or evaluation conscious even before the beginning of his main test.
As a result of the first group discussion, the participants get a fair idea about each member in a
broader sense. I reiterate that you reveal so many things about your personality qualities as you speak.
The listener gets fairly good input to evaluate your knowledge, information, tact, tolerance, flexibility
and firmness. The process of spontaneous comparison with his own self also takes place and acceptance
of influence also starts working.
Group Discussion II—After initial interaction and superficial revelation of qualities the serious
business of ‘quest for a leader’ begins. The second group discussion is the first serious exercise towards
this. There is no difference between the first and the second group discussion in terms of structure and
function except for the fact that the topic for the second group discussion is of a higher level. It calls for
better knowledge, more information and more mental application for evaluation. Obviously, an average
or ordinary candidate will find himself in a difficult situation to sail through. He will hardly leave his
mark in the discussion. Only well informed candidates can contribute/participate in the discussion
How to Do Well in a Group Discussion—We must not forget that first impression is the last
impression. You must strive to perform well in the group discussions and achieve mileage from the
beginning itself. One can do well in the group discussions by paying attention on two factors :—

Matter Manner
(What to present) (How to present)

Matter (What to Present)—You must have sufficient knowledge or information of the matter.
Preparation of matter is a slow and continuous process. Regular reading, watching the news and
information channels of televisions and active participation in group-discussions, debates etc. help you
organise your matter well. No short-term preparation can be prescribed. Fortunately in the world today
information travels with the speed of lightening. And the happier aspect is that even a common person
can have easy access to it for its cheaper cost. Without going into details further, I reiterate that you
have to prepare your ideas, thoughts and knowledge through consistent hard work of reading, watching,
observation and your own thinking.
Quick and Spontaneous Editing of Matter—You may have enormous knowledge of a subject.
Remember, in a group discussion situation, your ability to quickly edit your knowledge will benefit you
maximum. In a highly burning competitive environment where it is difficult to get more than two or
three minutes for oneself. People are ready to pounce on you at your weaker point. You must be able to
maintain a pragmatic course without drifting.
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Manner (How to Present)—Any matter can be presented in various forms-good or bad. A matter
well presented will be received well by others resulting in improving chances of your acceptance by the
group. A few tips are given below :—
● Try to Speak During the Initial Phases—The situation during the initial minutes is rather fluid.
Many participants feel inhibited to break the ice; quite a few wait for a clue from others to pick-up.
You can capitalise on this fluidity by taking lead and speak first. If not first, be atleast second or
third speaker. You will yourself find that the last few minutes of the group discussion are very
chaotic. The ‘late bloomers’ suddenly woke-up to make up the initial loss of time. Some
participants revise their views while others hardly show any patience to listen. The long and short
of the matter is there is none to be in listening mood during the last minutes. Everyone wants to
speak only. In fact the commotion created during the last minutes is any time comparable to the
fish-market scene. What is the fun to speak then ?
● Speak Your Part and Withdraw from the Scene. Short, sweet and crisp must be your speech.
After making your point, leave the fray for others. If you drag beyond a limit, you will be a cause
of other’s criticism and boredom. Anyway, you will not be well received by others.
Mind Your Language, Tone, Loudness and Pitch. The language of group discussion is English.
You are required to be a GENTLEMAN in selection of your words. Never use those words that offend
or ridicule others. Your vocabulary must be rich and must communicate your intent.
It is not just your words alone that make your communication. Your tone and body language
contribute to your communication much more than the words. Similarly, the loudness of your voice
indicates at the crude or refined environment of your rearing.
A refined person speaks softly and mildly. He is audible but not loud. You are required to be firm but
not loud. Similarly your tone communicates your emotions. You must be enthusiastic, but never show
Mind Your Mannerism. It is not possible to speak your words with a neutral face and a stern
body. Some gestures frequently and naturally supplement/follow your communication. The most
common among the gestures are hand movements, twisting of fingers, scratching of body parts like
head, movements of eyebrows, clinching of fingers and some head movement like nod. Some people
denounce these mannerisms in totality. Let us be practical. It is not possible to speak like a robot
without resorting to some corresponding gestures. Gestures supplement our content of communication
in interpersonal situations and cannot be discarded altogether. However, if body mannerism is too
repetitive and throwing, the audience finds it distracting rather than supportive. Mannerism of such
nature must be curtailed with conscious efforts.
Verbal Mannerisms. Mannerisms are not limited to body only. Mannerisms are verbal too.
Overstress or repetition of certain words or group of words/phrases or over-reliance on certain type
of expressions constitute verbal mannerisms. Verbal mannerisms inhibit communications besides
distracting away listener’s attention. Some examples of verbal mannerisms are—‘I mean’, ‘the fact
remains’, ‘o shit’. Better, be aware of your verbal mannerisms and try to get rid of them. This again is a
slow process and needs lot of will to overcome the unwanted verbal mannerisms.
Group Discussion and EQ (Emotional Quotient)—The serious business of group discussion
takes place in a highly charged and competitive environment. You might be contradicated, ridiculed or
instigated by others. In a nutshell, you might find others attacking you to make you retreat. In certain
cases you yourself might offend others in the heat of moment. My advice to you is to keep cool. Your
opinion may be divided but it should not be allowed to tear your cohesiveness even before the group is
formed. Here your EQ will help you to appreciate other’s stand select an appropriate response to
offences/criticisms by others who are trying to obtain more mileage.
The Group Testing Officer is scanning those qualities in you that bind, motivate and strengthen the
group. Anything that jeopardizes the structure and functional unity of the group is worthy of forsaking.
Clashes due to mismanagement of emotion make permanent dent in any relation/human institution
however formal or informal it would be. The GTO will be careful to watch your emotionality. Let me
assure you that open expression of emotions makes unfavourable impression about any leader.
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Emotionality and Leadership

A leader has to be warm in social interactions but ice cold in the matters of emotions. His social warmth is
mere a tact, diplomacy or a well-managed show. An emotional leader can be exploited by people with vested
interests. An emotional leader may take decisions under the influence of transient and insignificant
considerations. Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru, the first Prime Minister of India was known for his emotionality. His
speech and body language fully reflected his emotionality. During Chinese aggression, he addressed the nation
with trembling voice and tears in eyes that was received by the world as sheer weakness. India required a
resolute and firm leader during that hour of crisis. Habitually unable to contain his emotionality, Nehru had not
only annoyed many persons/groups of India, but foreign dignitaries including the King of Nepal also.
According to analysts, both from civil and military, India committed a series of strategic blunders during the
Indo-Chinese war. The war of 1962 is a glaring example of the consequences of an emotional leadership of a
historical personality who was so learned, sincere honest, visionary and above all darling of masses !

Lesson 12
Practising the G.D.
G.D.—Indo-Us Nuclear deal—This group consists of seven candidates who are Identified by their
Chest No.
No. 4—(Initiates)—Friends, the running energy crisis demands this type of initiative for nuclear
fuel and technology import, for the regard this deal is beneficial for India. Also we can raise,
(Production of nuclear energy) from 3% to 26% by the year 2052.
Comments—In a hurry to become the initiator of GD, Chest No. 4 started speaking in shouting
voice, while recontrolled intensity of voice later on but ultimately he revealed that he has no control
over his emotions.
No. 1 (Indicated No. 7)—No, you are wrong, I don’t agree with you.
Comments—The chest No. 7 opposed No. 4’s stand which was really harsh. This reaction of Chest
No. 1 is ridiculing to No. 7 and shows he never get agree with friends inspite of prior’s logical
comments. In case of disagreement with others he may say, friend you may be right at your stand but
what I think………
No.—(1, 3, & 6)→Starts simultaneously, resultantly created fish market.
Comments—All the No. 5 have played destructive roll in G.D. In the given limited time, All have
wasted group’s precious time. So not even a single member brought to the notice of assessor, resultantly
no assessment at the moment.
No. 2 (Interrupts in fish market) :—Friends, we should speak one by one we can get points of
one another. As far as my views are concerned throwing open nuclear reactors for IAEA International
Atomic Energy Agency will hamper our reasons and development programme, as IAEA and NSG will
have close watch over our nuclear reactors and production establishment.
Comments—No. 2 regained harmony in the group and simultaneously gave logical points.
Everybody paid attention to him. His body had language was supporting him. In this way he tasked
great impact on the group.
No. 1—(In a supporting manner chest No. 2)—Chest-2 has raised very good point. The real motto
of USA in the deal is to balance the power against China in Asia and to curb the rivalries like Iran & N.
Comments—No. 3 has spoken logically and convincingly. He managed to draw the attention of
the group by supporting No. 2. He even didn’t use hand movements as his voice was loud enough even
being a late riser he projected himself confidently and supportively.
No. 2 (Motivated No. 5 to speak)—Friends we should get ideas of No. 5.
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Comments—Instead of trying several times to speak, No. 5 was not able to share his ideas among
group members but getting promotional No. 5 gave his ideas. This behaviour of No. 2 projects his
analytical ability to search participants (weakers). His supportive nature is also evident.
No. 7 (Interrupts No. 5)—According to me, this deal obliquely maintains India’s right to test in
future, it also provides USA credible grounds to end the deal in case India conducts any test. That can
prove dangerous for our country’s security.
Comments—This time No. 7 came logically with his point. But he snatched chance of the
participant who was already lacking in confidence. So he can’t be promoter. Also No. 7 is in habit of
not to allow weaker to speak.
Chest No. 6—(Could not give even a single point in G.D.)
Comments—No. 6, due to lack of ideas could not speak even he did’t support any one. Because of
this he lost integrity with the group. As he could not become a good speaker, he was also not able to
prove a good listener. During the entire course of G.D. he spelt his uncomfort and frustrating nature in
the group.
Chest No. 1—(Indicates No. 7)—Global warming is knocking the door of world pollution level at
its top. Within no loss of time every country either be developed, developing or poor must think over
reduction of carbon omission. For this cause nuclear energy can be proved a boon.
Comment—No. 1 spoke once but raised very demanding point body language was right. For
sometimes he was having one to one with No. 7. which should be avoided. His manner of submissive
and voice was soft spoken, so proved himself effective in the group.

Lesson 13
Topics for G.D.
Group Discussion Topics
1. Seeing the persent state at which our country is progressing, which field in your opinion we should
lay extra stress—
(A) Industrial development (B) Agricultural development
(C) Population
2. Seeing the present state at which our country is progressing, which field in your opinion is the
major reason behind the brain drain ?
(A) Lack of opportunity (B) Lack of infrastructure
(C) Lust for more money
3. Selling / Transfer of human organs is on the increase these days, lot of such cases appear in news
frequently. In your opinion—
(A) This should be legalised (B) This should be banned
(C) Monitored through Govt. agencies
4. Beauty competitions and pageants are held all over the world and it is becoming popular in India
also. In your opinion—
(A) It is waste of time and money
(B) Helps upliftment of Indian Women
(C) Affects role of Indian Women in family building
5. Building of personality is a very complex process. Who in your opinion influences the most in
personality building of a child ?
(A) Parents (B) Friends
(C) Teachers
222 | SSB

6. Pollution is on the increase every-day and it is also one of the major problems which the world is
facing today. Who in your opinion is the major contributor to the problem ?
(A) Industrial development (B) Growing population
(C) Deforestation
7. For any organisation to progress, it is important that it gets optimum output from its employees.
What is your opinion ? Should it be done to get the optimum output from the employees ? If yes,
how ?
(A) Better pay and perks (B) Cordial working environment
(C) Output oriented remunerations
8. Often there is much debate about the methods employed for job selection. Every method has some
plus and some minus points. In your opinion, what should be given more weightage in selection ?
(A) Educational Qualification (B) Previous Experience
(C) Performance in the entry/screening test
9. For every developing country it is important to have mission. What in your opinion should be the
mission of India as of today ?
(A) Eradicate Poverty by 2020 (B) Become Developed Nation by 2020
(C) Become Asian Power by 2020
10. Sports have been inseparable part of human life since times immemorial. Every country prides
itself in having one or two as their national sports. What in your opinion should be chosen as our
national sports ?
(A) Kabaddi (B) Hockey
(C) Cricket
11. Crime rate is on the increase. The problem is even more grave when you consider the rising
number of young and teenage criminals. What in your opinion is the main cause of rising crime
graph ?
(A) Fragmented society (B) Effect of Media
(C) Foreign Hand
12. Last five general elections have given a fragmented mandate with no single party achieving clear
majority. This has resulted in weak and unstable governments. Who you think is responsible for
fragmented mandate ?
(A) Voters (B) Politicians
(C) Foreign Hand
13. United Nations Organization was formed with a specific aim. To achieve this aim various
programmes are made. Which programme in your opinion is more important than the others
keeping in view today’s scenario ?
(A) Eradication of Poverty (B) Universal Literacy
(C) Population Control
14. Satellite TV network has come a big way in our Indian Society. What in our opinion is the effect of
this on our society ?
(A) Improve the quality of life (B) Increased frustration in youth
(C) Setback to our culture
15. The Kargil conflict and its effects on Indian economy. Discuss.
16. Army’s role in fighting Terrorism/militancy and its effect on the readiness of Army to face any
challenge from enemy during war.
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17. Frequent General elections are being held in the country. Discuss its effect on the development and
progress of the nation.
18. Should women be treated at par with men for employment in different fields of job opportunities
available ?
19. Women can play effective role in the development of the society. Discuss the area and the way of
the contribution in bringing social development.
20. Young students look forward to settlement in life after they complete their education. They have
many options before them. Discuss their priorities—
(A) Own business (B) Govt. Service
(C) Armed Forces (D) Private Job
21. Mercy killing should be carried out in case of an incurable disease causing great suffering to
persons. Discuss.
22. There can be no permanent friends or foes in international diplomacy. What your opinion is ?
23. Which is the most serious problem today ?
(A) Nuclear War (B) AIDS
(C) Environmental Pollution
24. India is a vast country with huge population but our performance in sports at the international level
is pathetic. What do you feel is the reason for this ?
(A) Lack of talent in the country
(B) Lack of infrastructural facilities avaialble to the sportsmen
(C) Favouritism shown to kiths and kins (Parochialism, Nepotism)
25. Should there be job reservation for the backward classes even in the Armed forces ?
26. The cult of violence is ever on the increase in the country, who is responsible for this ?
(A) The religious pandits (B) The politicians
(C) Some foreign agencies
27. The biggest hurdle in India’s development is its fast increasing population. Should one family, one
child policy be made compulsory ?
28. Degrees should be delinked & dispensed with for employment purposes. Discuss.
29. The legislature elected by the people and empowered to make laws should prevail over the
judiciary in a parliamentary democracy. Discuss.
30. Should the MNCs (Multinational companies) be permitted to enter the Indian market or not ?
31. Corruption is increasing day by day in our country. In fact, it has become a way of life. Who is
responsible for this ?
(A) The Politicians (B) The Bureaucrats
(C) Police or (D) We, The Consumers
32. Greater state autonomy will do more harm than good to national unity and survival. Discuss.
33. Immediate privatisation of all public sector undertakings is a must for India to emerge as a
developed nation. Discuss.
34. Every year lesser tourists are visiting India, What is the reason for this decline ?
(A) Is it lack of infrastructural facilities which we offer the tourists (std. of hotels, transportation
(B) Security problem faced by tourists
(C) Or we lag behind in advertising our vast cultural heritage abroad (lack of PR).
35. Who is responsible for the present situation in Jammu and Kashmir ?
(A) The People of the State (B) The Politicians
(C) Pakistan
224 | SSB

36. Should capital punishment be abolished in India ?

37. Indian cinema is a major contributor to the increasing violence & lawlessness in the country.
38. In the recent parliamentary elections, no single party emerged as clear leader to provide a stable
govt. In view of this, do you recommend a presidential form of govt. for our country, or we should
continue with the parliamentary form ?
39. There is no educational qualification laid down even to become the P.M. of India. In your view,
should there be minimum educational qualification laid down to become an M.P. ?
40. Who influences the character of a child more ?
(A) Friends (B) Parents
(C) Teachers
41. Are the developing or underdeveloped countries justified in asking the developed countries to share
their technology as a matter of right ?
42. Entertainment and not education should be the primary aim of cinema.
43. Unless the press abides by a voluntary code, its freedom will evaporate. Discuss.
44. Which weakens a country more ?
(A) External aggression (B) Internal disturbances
45. Ragging in colleges should be banned. Discuss.
46. Should capitation fee be banned ?
47. Should prostitution be legalised ?
48. Should India have occupied POK during operation ‘VIJAY’ ?
49. What is behind a man’s success ?
(A) Ability (B) Opportunity
(C) Luck
50. Is the division of States beneficial ?
51. What should be our govt’s top priority ?
(A) Eradication of illiteracy (B) Eradication of unemployment
(C) Population control
52. Sex education, who can impart the best ?
(A) Teachers (B) Friends
(C) Parents
53. Harassment of women is common. What are the reasons ?
(A) Is it due to the factor of male domination in society ?
(B) Influence of western culture
(C) Are women themselves to be blamed for this trend ?
54. Indian censor should be more strict and ban some TV channels.
55. Best teacher of AIDS—
(A) Parents (B) Teachers
(C) Friends
56. Greatest invention of mankind—
(A) Fire (B) Wheel
(C) Zero
57. Regional language teaching should be banned. Discuss.
SSB | 225

58. To whom should India extend a hand of friendship ?

(A) USA (B) Russia
(C) China
59. India’s foreign policy. Discuss.
60. Cause of militancy in India—
(A) ISI (B) Political–Militant Nexus
(C) Inefficiency of Govt.
61. Biggest menace of India—
(A) Crime against women (B) Child Labour
(C) Prostitution
Allahabad SSB
62. What is the importance of the Fourth Estate/Pillar of democracy ?
63. Which causes max threat to humanity ?
(A) Terrorism (B) Environmental Pollution
(C) Population Growth (D) Anything else
64. Shiv Sena has been protesting against celebrating Valentine’s Day. Should Valentine’s day be
celebrated in its present form ?
65. Fanatic oranizations (like SIMI) should they be—
(A) Banned (B) National consensus obtained for them
66. Today’s modern age ‘angry young man’ why does he behave as he does—
(A) Frustration (B) Deterioration of ethical values
(C) Nuclear Family (drawbacks of)

Lesson 14
Group Planning Exercise : The Next Important Test In the
The two group discussions push the process of group formation. A well-informed candidate stands
differentiated from the ordinary and mediocre candidates. Candidates communicate to each other their
knowledge and information that are necessary tools in problem solving. The next important step is to
test the application of the knowledge in a projected problem situation. This test is called as ‘group
planning exercise’.
Structure and Basic Elements of Group Planning Exercise—Group Planning or the GPE
involves the following elements/steps :—
● First Step. Through a map or a sand model, the GTO will show you an outdoor environment/field,
which is both natural, and man made. It will be away from the main city/metro but will remain
concede. He will then give you a write up that explains some situation. He explains the narration
and matches the legends in the map/model. You are allowed to read it for about 5 minutes.
Important features of narrations contain the following :
● Presence of Your Group with a Purpose. Your group visits the scene with some purposeful
● Courage in Group Testing—No task in the Group Testing Battery is specifically designed to
unravel courage of a candidate. Its manifestation can be seen throughout the series. Ability to
overcome social shyness, normal timidity, and the will to contribute towards group effort, during
group discussion and group planning are signs of mental courage. The attitude of a candidate in
226 | SSB

assessing the situation in planning exercise and his objectives. Assume that your group has gone
there with some purpose (collection of rare plants, to visit architectural ruins of historical
importance, to participate into some exercise, route march are some common reasons/justifications
that would lead the group into that environment.)
● Introduction of Problems. Now you will encounter a string of problems in the situation. You will
find these problems of different nature and of varying degree of difficulty. Remember, the scope of
these problems is unlimited and exclude nothing from the list of death, burglary, attack of robbers,
blowing of railway tracks/bridges, smuggling of national secrets, injury, communal riots, fire and a
lot more. The list of such problems is really unlimited.
What You Are Required To Do In GPE ?
You are then, asked to present :—
● Firstly, your own individual plan of action in the situation. You are required to write your plan
within ten minutes on a paper supplied to you and submit it to the GTO. These individual plan are
evaluated by the GTO later.
● Secondly, the group has to present one plan that is acceptable to all members. This is to be
presented orally by any members (either volunteer or nominated by the group) to the GTO on
behalf of the group.
Importance/Purpose/Function of GPE
Group planning exercise further communicates the individual differences among the group
members in respect of those qualities that make a leader. This is an astute way through which the GTO
allows you to compare your own qualities vis-a-vis’ others. The plan submitted by you is not known to
other members. However, the most acceptable plan is the amalgamation of the best from all the
members it must be within the knowledge of others. The best plan cannot come out till all members
present their views for consideration and correction by the group. You come to know whose ideas have
been incorporated/who has contributed maximum to the group plan.
The GPE thus gives further an opportunity to group members to compare each other in terms
of ideas, their strength and application. The group mentally prepares to accept the influence of
the person who contributes maximum to shape the group plan.

How To Do Well In GPE ?

Group planning exercise reflects on a number of qualities in the OLQ’s profile. Some of them
are manifested directly and with greater force while others indirectly and in subtle way. The
GPE mainly reflects on the qualities of effective or practical intelligence, logic, resourcefulness,
planning and organisation. Other qualities like determination, courage and sense of
responsibility are reflected indirectly . Effective presentation of your plan depends on your
power of expression. But the main vehicle of your qualities is your problem solving behaviour.
Problem solving behaviour is a composite behaviour that involves effective intelligence, grasp
(aided by the logical ability and intelligence), resourcefulness (imagination, application, exploration),
planning and organisation and will to succeed (determination). With this understanding we see what
are essential elements to be followed for doing well in the GPE.
Be attentive to instructions—Group Testing Officer will explain the situation in detail. You must
listen to rather carefully. Remember, the best impression is formed when you have the ‘total’
information. If you miss some or the other element of situation, your plan might be affected in totality.
List out the problems—The situation presented to you in the GPE contains a string of problems.
The number of problems is not certain. You may find two to three or even more number of problems in
a situation.
Analyse the problems and prioritise them— Problems given in the situation vary in
degree of difficulty from each other. Every problem varies from the other in terms of
importance, urgency, complexity and number of sub-elements involved in it. Some
SSB | 227

problems consume more resources than others. In short every problem does not merit
attention in equal measure and simultaneously, you have to decide the order in which
you will attempt them. Remember, your resources are limited and as such you have to
divide them. The best way is to prioritise.
Search for ‘Red-Herrings’—In order to test the soundness of your logical faculty the GTO will
attempt to divert your attention by introducing some problem that appears important but actually it is
not. Such a distracter is called as ‘red herring’ in technical terms meaning thereby someone tries to take
your attention away from the main course of thoughts. Red-herrings are illusive. They might have the
external appeal to appear important but you can break their outer coating by application of logic to find
out the truth.
Search for Resources—Nothing can be achieved in vacuum. One needs to wield some
tools/implements to perform and get the desired results. You need :—
1 2 3

Some people Some

to help/share/take implements/tools/ Time to
responsibility equipment implement
(human resources) (material your plan

I draw your attention to our discussions on resources during TAT. Men, material, time and money
are the four primary resources. Time cannot be manipulated but can be utilised in efficient way. The
story here is not very different. Here also you have to draw resources from the environment or
improvise them using your imagination. Additionally you must bear in mind that the very purpose with
which you enter the situation equips you with some resources. Before setting the course for any
excursion one make preparation to make it successful.
For example if your batch goes on a picnic to a place in all probability, you would carry a
mobile phone, some eatables, a picnic knife, a portable music system, a pair of binoculars,
water can and some items for fun and entertainment. All these items may be used as a resource
at the needed hour in their own way. All you have to do is to activate your imagination.
Principle of Parsimony—It is unthinkable to possess unlimited resources in real life. When many
problems arise at one time and your resources are barely sufficient, the best thing to rely on is the
principle of parsimony. You might have to divide or recycle your men, material, time and money for
solutions of many problems. Principle of parsimony will guide you how to plan ?, when your hands are
tight. This will stimulate your imagination to explore ways and means to survive when chips are down.
Planning and Organisation. Your ability to plan and organise will aid you best to make a
successful plan. Situation in GPE is peculiar in a way that you have to make plans for attending many
problems at one time.
Here the planning and organisaiton is mixed with your ability to prioritise/reorganise.
Summary : Important Steps in GPE
— List out the problems.
— Prioritise the problems. Leave the red herrings.
— Look for resources. Observe, imagine and improvise.
— Allot the available resources according to the principle of parsimony.
— Plan and organise
Courage in Group Testing
No task in the Group Testing battery is specifically designed to unravel courage of a candidate. Its
manifestation can be seen throughout the series. Ability to overcome social shyness, normal timidity
228 | SSB

and the will to contribute towards group effort, during Group discussion and Group planning are signs
of mental courage. The attitude of a candidate in assessing the situation in planning exercise and his
choice of solution would be significant pointers. In field work situations, an individual’s approach to
physical hazards, his participation, his appreciation significantly of his own and other’s capabilities, are
useful indicators. The individual obstacles may not significantly reveal the presence or absence of
courage as they are designed to test primarily a man’s ability to plan the use of his body and muscular
skills. In some obstacles, however, timidity, bravado and courage may be noticeable.

Lesson 15
Practicing Exercise of Group Planning
Exercise 1
You are a group of friends from village Kabir Nagar going in a Jeep to witness a festival match
between a famous Foreign Football Team and our National Team. The match will be held at District
Head Quarter Bihat. Bihat is name of city. You all have bought tickets for the 4 : 30 PM match in
advance. You are going to the farm house to pickup another friend on the way. Your Jeep gets stuck in
wet mud North of the road.
As you walk to the farm house the chaukidar Ramu informs you that only an hour ago, some
dacoits had raided the farm. They had forced the farmer to part with nearly One Lakh Rupees. They had
beaten up the farmer mercilessly and took away Ramu’s son as ransom for another One Lakh Rupees.
The ransom was to be delivered at sunrise the next day at the dacoit’s hide out in the Ruins. Presently,
the farmer was bleeding and lying unconscious.
As you are contemplating your next course of action, your friend arrives running to the farm and
informs, that a lame tiger had been spotted south of the hills. Deoria is a District Head Quarter. Rangpur
has Primary Health Care Centre.
Time now is 3 : 00 P.M.



10 K





0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
SSB | 229

Exercise 2
You all belong to Saidpur village. Your friend Vasan from Baniganj has invited all of you to attend
his wedding to his childhood friend Meena. The wedding reception is at 7 : 00 PM. You all decide to
leave in a jeep at 5 : 30 PM. When you reach the unmanned level Crossing, you find that a medium size
truck had overturned and is now lying on its side over the Railway track. The overturned truck is
effectively blocking the Railway track as well as the road. Further enquiry reveals that the driver is
seriously injured and unconscious and the cleaner is absconding. Your friend Rajeev whose father
works in the Railways, tells you that the Rajdhani Express running in easterly direction was expected to
cross Manjhue at 6 : 30 PM towards Baniganj station.
Manjhue and Baniganj are District Head Quarters. There is an hourly bus service between them.
Saidpur has a family welfare centre.
As you are thinking of what to do an old man tells you that his son’s dead body is lying on the
bullock-cart parked South of the overturned truck and begs you to help him take the dead body to the
cremation ground at the Mansarovar lake.
Time now is 5 : 50 P.M.

- 42K




0 1 2 3 4 5 Km. DURGHATNA

Exercise 3
You are a group of Medical students, coming from Bana to Picnic Spot by bus for enjoying
swimming at Chilka lake. While enjoying swimming, your one friend becomes unconscious as she had
drunk water too much. You all bring her on a tea shop. As all you are thinking what to do, A villager
comes to you and informs you that the idol of temple which was made of gold, had been stolen by
230 | SSB

pujari and ran away to Juna. So the villagers are going to protest at Police Station. And suddenly the
boatman comes to you and requests you to help him in repairing of boat because it is the only way for
him to earn his livelihood. Nandgram, Rajpur and Baniganj are three villages. You all have to reach
your college hostel by 7 : 00 PM. Time now is 1 : 00 PM.

40 Km.
90 Km.







0 1 2 3 4 5
JUNA - 50 Km. JUNA - 70 Km.
1 Cm. = 1 Km.

Lesson 16
A Warm SUNSHINE Awaits You
The Outdoor Tasks
(Nothing Official About it)
Nothing Official About It !
Military Training academies the world over host a very peculiar relation among junior and senior cadets. In
the Indian academies, a junior has to by heart a few standard answers to some seemingly innocuous questions
and rattle out whenever any senior asked. One of these questions to the juniors is ‘how is life ?’
The standard answer to be given by a junior is ‘life is full of light, colour and warmth. Now the senior might
ask the junior to elucidate the terms light, colour and warmth. Elucidations too are standard as followings :
Light means sunlight (life in drill square, PT ground and all other places wherever it is possible to
‘toughen’ the juniors in open).
Colour means white colour (juniors wear whites only till their uniforms are made ready by the academy’s
Warmth means that they have to keep their body warm (like a new born) by toiling hard. So must keep
running, jumping skipping, hopping…
SSB | 231

After verbally communicating and arguing in the cosy indoor environment, your batch will now be
facing the heat and dust in real sense. The indoor tasks (Group Discussions and GPE) help the group
blend up and at the same time, provide a mental set for the leader follower equation. Those who
proposed superior arguments and ideas during the discussions and planning exercise are differentiated
from the ordinary and average. Reasoning, logic, knowledge and information are individual attributes. It
is hypothesised that those with superior individual attributes will influence the group by their
intellectual superiority and take suitable decisions for the group in achieving the group goals (lead the
group). The group will place trust and faith in them and will accept their ideas without resistance or
reservation. Outdoor tasks in a way seek to confirm the leadership attributes of a person.
Group tasks, like group discussion are leaderless tasks. But unlike group discussions, group tasks
need leader to steer the group through. Group discussions primarily are verbal in nature and only
ideas are exchanged. Group tasks need ‘preformance’ and while performing both your mind and
body act. Your interaction with the group members is more wide and comprehensive. Qualities of
tolerance and tact, social and emotional intelligence can be witnessed with sharper focus during
the group tasks.
The GTO does not nominate as leaders in outdoor tasks. (Command Task is exception for a
different objective. It is different even in structure and composition). The outdoor tasks provide a fertile
ground in which the seeds of leadership would spontaneously spread. Those who are real leaders will
certainly establish themselves while the paper tigers will now slip into the background and the group
will find new leaders who steer the group through obstacles.

Lesson 17
Categories of Outdoor Tasks
There are two categories of outdoor tasks :—
— Group Tasks, and
— Individual Tasks
Group Tasks. As the name suggests these are the tasks to be performed by the group. Each group
member must find a sense of accomplishment in contributing his bit toward achievement of group
objective. Even in face of the pitched competition, rivalry, differences of opinions and approaches, the
group is expected to maintain unity and cohesiveness. Interest of the group reigns supreme and
individual objectives are to surrender in favour of the group goals. Group tasks thus are the wonderful
examples of co-operation and competition in a single fold.
What you are required to do in the group tasks—The group is required to move from one
position to another crossing/negotiating a set of obstacles. A ‘load’ or parcel is supplied by the GTO to
add the stress factor. The load is never to be disowned. It is to be carried all the while by the group
members as a sacred and inescapable responsibility. In other words, group-members and the inanimate
object (the load) together make a unit.
To negotiate the hurdles/obstacles some helping material are also provided by the GTO.
Normally these include a rope (sometimes two pieces) and two wooden planks/beams. (In
selection boards the most common phrase used for beam is ‘balli’). The helping material are to
imaginatively applied to bridge the gap between structures for advancing. Helping materials
too become the inseparable possession of the group and can never be discarded. The group has
to complete its journey with the load and the helping material.
The group has to observe certain rules and regulations while advancing. While the GTO will brief
you in detail about various rules. some of the commonly applicable rules are mentioned below :—
Start and Finish Lines—The obstacles may be of a single or multi stages. Every stage of obstacle
set has well defined start and finish lines. All members of the group have to assemble at the starting
232 | SSB

line before assaulting the obstacles. Those who finished, have to wait for the rest of the members to
reach the finish line. In the parlance of SSB such rule is called as group rule.
Out of Bound—Certain areas in the obstacles field are placed ‘out of bound’. Such areas are
normally painted in red colour. Out of bound means that you are not allowed access in those areas.
Safety Rules—Certain rules are meant primarily to ensure safety of candidates while performing
group tasks. The Group Testing Officer will explain you about these rules in detail. You must pay
attention to his instructions. One of such rules is not to jump long distances (more than four feet).
Another rule in this category is not to hang the rope in the neck to avoid the obvious mishaps.
Distance Rule—As an implication of one of the safety rules, it is prescribed that no distance
beyond four feet is to be crossed by jumping. Distance between two points -vertical, horizontal or
diagonal is to be bridged only using the provided helping materials.
Ground Rule—No member or the helping material must touch the ground/fall on the ground.
Anything that touches/falls on the ground has to go to the start line and start afresh.
Group Testing technique incorporates a battery of outdoor tasks. The tasks vary in terms of
difficulty, number of stages, and number of participants. The approach of the GTO is to converge on to
each individual by observing his group behaviour, effectiveness and individual competence.
Outdoor Group tasks include the following tasks :—
1. Progressive Group Task (PGT).
2. Half Group Task (HGT).
3. Command Task (CT).
4. Final Group Task (FGT).
5. Group Obstacle Race (GOR) Not applicable to AFSBs.
6. Individual Obstacles (IOs)
7. Lecturette.
While the first five tasks from the above-mentioned list are meant to observe the pattern of
interactive behaviour of the individual in the group, the last two i.e. individual obstacles and lecturette
measure the individual competence of candidate.
A leader/influential person has higher individual competence than the average and he interacts with
others in a better skilled manner. He has more tolerance, tact, will to accommodate, emotional control
and social intelligence. The outdoor tasks provide opportunity to observe these behaviour/abilities in a
rather reliable way. As the group advances towards from the start line to its destination, interaction
among the group members is unavoidable. Group has to agree on a plan and the plan is to be
implemented. Decisions are to be taken, weak member is to be helped, views are to be exchanged. The
context of mutual influence stimulates the emergence and the acceptance of the leader who emerges by
virtue of his qualities.
A leader must have his own physical and psychological strength. Individual obstacles and
lecturettes fathom these well. Agility, stamina, skill and risk taking behaviour are well reflected in the
individual obstacles while logic, knowledge, information, ability to concise and present facts with
confidence are convincingly reflected in extempore speech or Lecturette.

Lesson 18
(Progressive Group Task)
Drum is treated as load and some times as helping material. “Drum has an important role to play
because it has no roles to play. Drum is a Droipati which is carried on by every one”.
Progressive Group Task (the PGT). Progressive Group Task is the first in the sequence of the
outdoor task. The characteristics that mark the PGT are mentioned below :—
SSB | 233

Firstly, it is a multi-stage task. It includes four stages. The degree of difficulty progressively
increases from the first to the last stage. That means, every next stage is more difficult than the previous
Secondly, entire group has to participate in the PGT.
Thirdly, PGT is the first opportunity to segregate the pseudo-leaders from the real leaders. Being
verbal and mental in nature, the previous tasks of group-discussion and group planning exercise favour
those who can ‘talk well’. But those who have the gift of gab might just be the paper tigers who wish to
remain in the comfort avoiding toiling amidst heat and dust of the Mother Earth. Many families,
societies and groups rear their children in overprotected and sometime snobbish environment.
Candidates from such environments might find themselves uncomfortable to maintain their lead in spite
of initial advantage during the group discussions and the GPE. Besides your mental superiority, you got
to be rouged and rough.
The group will accept the blend of intellectual fineness with raggedness who is socially soft and
tolerant. The leader-follower equation is redefined in the PGT. The pseudo leaders slip in
background and the leader who is genuinely suited to the defence comes out.
The Group Testing Officer decides the time and the number of stages to be included in the PGT.
Such selections depend on the type of entry and the nature of batch (fresher or repeater). Normally,
NDA candidates are given longer stages and lesser time because of their agility and younger age profile.
Concessions as deemed appropriate to other entries might be given by the GTO. His wisdom and
discretion reigns supreme and no prescriptions can be made in this regard. You may, however, expect a
task of three or four stages to be performed within 30 to 45 minutes. Wise will it be, to obey the
instructions given by the tester in this regard.

Lesson 19
Practicing the PGT
I P.G.T. II P.G.T. F.L. III P.G.T. F.L. IV P.G.T. F.L.
6' 4' ORUM)
Finishing 8'
(Line) 6' 6'
9' White White R

4' Red
6' B
9' 7'
White R 9'
3' B White
3' W
7' 2'
White 6' B
4' Blue Red
5' Blue 5' Red 6'
Red Red
7' 7'

White Blue Blue


Red Red

White 6'


7' 8' Red Blue

2 White 6' 1' W
White 2
3' 2

S.L. S.L. S.L.

Starting 3'

8' Plank

Rope (3')

234 | SSB

Lesson 20
Half Group Task (HGT)
“Just how immense the untapped potential is, for an example, be seen in the current low
volume and high volume of performance or how an individual is adaptable to create a balance
between seeking the co-operation and extending the co-operation which in turn reveal the
leadership qualities which assessors are looking forward to evaluate. Finally the word co-
operation means the subjugation of personal interest for the interest of the
Half Group Task—Half Group Task is generally a two stage task. As the name suggests the task
is performed by half of the group strength. Other rules of the game remain the same.
The tester divides the batch into two-half after completion of the PGT. If your batch comprises of
eight members, four members each would constitute each half. As a matter of practice, such a division
is done randomly. But the GTO would be careful not to club all the bright people into a single half.
With lesser number of participants, it is possible to observe every individual rather closely. This close
observation serves more than one purpose.
Firstly, it confirms the initial observations of PGT wherein probable leaders mark their presence
assertively. With closer observation, it is possible to verify/test their group effectiveness. Not only the
leadership behaviour, but the passive and passengers also get well scanned during the Half Group Task.
Secondly, the Half Group Task still provides opportunity to the shy and the late bloomer.
Sometimes even a good candidate gets subdued due to the presence of many bright candidates. Half
Group Task promotes such candidates to come off their inhibition and prove their leadership qualities.
By the end of the HGT, the GTO would be left with the task fathom your level. He has, by now
categorised you as a leader, follower or a passenger and accordingly he would select a Command Task
to confirm his observation.

Lesson 21
PGT, HGT and Command Task
Conduct of PGT and HGT : Role of GTO—Before beginning of every test, the GTO explains
the requirement and the rules of the task. He will provide the helping material and explain the requisite
information. Leaving no scope for any ambiguity or doubt, the GTO will withdraw at a distance where
his presence is not shadowing the autonomy of the group once the group begins.
However, the GTO remains watchful and keeps manipulating the interactional involvement of the
group by his active involvement. He may shorten or lengthen the route taken by the group to evaluate
the increase or decrease of difficulty by adding/withdrawing one or the other materials. (For example
the GTO might put the group in an assumed situation in which rope is broken). He might ask for an
alternative route/solution. Thus the tester is not a passive spectator. He is an active, grasping, absorbing,
controlling, manipulating and punctuating the individual and the group. The Group Testing Officer
reserves his right to check the group at his discretion.
SSB | 235

Practicing the H.G.T.

3' 3'
10' R W
3' 3'
8' 3'
8' W B
3' 2'
Plank (9')
Balli 6'ft
The Command Task : You Are in Focus (the CT)—Remember, we are searching for a leader in
crisis. Leadership behaviour is the primary function of an officer. So far all the tests were conducted in
a leaderless situation wherein your will to assert/exert/influence would have guided your performance
and you must have applied the tact and all allied activities to come up. Throughout the Command Task,
the GTO is testing your skill to command and will to perform.
In command tasks the candidate is placed in the role of a commander and he selects his team of
Command Task is a single stage task. Depending upon the manifested performance of
candidates so far, the GTO selects a task for every batch member according to their tentatively
assessed level. The main variable is the degree of difficulty. Some tasks are difficult. An
ordinary or average candidate may not succeed in the task. Some tasks are simple and meant
for the weak, average or below average candidates.
Conduct of command task—The GTO calls the candidates one by one and interacts with them
personally. He holds a short walking conference with the candidate wherein he walks a few steps with
the candidates, enquiring informally about their background, likes and dislikes, aims etc. Remember,
he has already selected a task for you seeing your performance in the tests conducted so far.
Walking and chitchatting informally with the candidate, the GTO comes to the structure.
Now he switches over to the business. He explains you the task along with the available helping
material, invites your queries if any and then asks to choose your subordinates from your own batch. He
then sends for the subordinates chosen by you.
Once your subordinates report and you get on to the business, the GTO carefully watches and
interacts with you; seeking your ideas and alternatives. The interaction between the candidate and the
GTO is rather purposive. His sole intention is to measure you according to his evaluation before the
task. In his effort to fathom the level of your potential the GTO might close one of your proposed
236 | SSB

options or ask for more than one solution to the problem. He might increase the difficulty level of the
task. This is done in many ways. The GTO may deprive your of one of the helping materials. Your time
could be reduced. He might introduce some hurdle in your route or simply ask for second or third
solutions. You may actually measure a higher or a level lower than the level hypothesised by the GTO
and would like to be as close to your potential.

Lesson 22
Practicing the Command Task


W W 6' R

7' 7'
5' 4'

W W 1' W W
W W W 5'
2' 2'

7' 4'

W 6'
2' 3'

2' S.L.


CT 9'
CT Balli


Lesson 23
How To Do Well in the Outdoor Tasks
Outdoor tasks or negotiating obstacles can be equated with the Situation Reaction Test in the
psychological series. The difference lies in the fact that in the outdoor tasks, the solution is to be
performed and not merely to propose verbally.
The performance tests measure effective intelligence, reasoning ability, imagination, all sub-factors of
leadership and dynamic qualities besides convincingly measuring the emotional intelligence and group
behaviour in a greater degree than any other test.
SSB | 237

Key to success in the performance tests in ‘observation’. GESTAULT School of psychology lays
great stress on observation. In order to do well in the outdoor tasks observe the following :—
1. Observe the field, obstacles, and colours.
2. Observe the load and the helping materials. Notice their structural features, weight and shape.
Is it possible to make a cantilever bridge using the helping material ? Will a lasso serve the
needed purpose ?
3. Also observe the physical strength, agility and stamina of the group members.
4. While observing the field, quickly make a mental evaluation of possible routes and quickly
decide the most practical/feasible alternative.
According to GESTAULT School of thought in psychology, the solution appears suddenly.
Suddenness is opposed to ‘trial and error’. Your mental efficacy/strength lies in the time consumed to
arrive at a solution (quickness). Trial and error may be costly in terms of time and while racing against
it, you can ill afford delay.
Observation of the situation provides vital clues for the solutions. If you observe your helping
material closely, you might find something rather useful. The other important thing is to
discuss your ideas. Word your ideas without any inhibition. You will notice that a short
discussion always stimulates the mind to think fast and far.
Value of Tolerance to the weak, is wonderfully witnessed in the outdoor tasks. No batch consists of
only ‘supermen’ who physically and mentally surpass the common folk. Weaker people are bound to
exist. A bright, energetic and dashing person may find the weak person a liability, slow and irritating
due to his tardiness. Sometimes due to mental limitations, lack of ideas, immaturity or simply obstinate
nature, such person proves himself as obstruction to the progress of the group.
But to a mature leader, there is nothing to feel disturbed or irritated. Presence of people of
varied capabilities is only natural and to be tolerated. If a physically weak boy is unable to
holdfast in a critical position of an obstacle, he is not to be ridiculed or discarded. Your
emotional and social intelligence is to put to acid test in such situation. Remember, everyone is
an integral part of the group irrespective of his mark of being good, bad or ugly.
What is desirable is to be tolerant and kind to such members. Encourage and boost their faith in
themselves. After all a good leader also motivates his team members to strive and achieve. The long and
short of the matter is–the weak are to be cared and carried along if the cohesiveness of the group is
to be maintained. You will do well to pay heed to this piece of my advice. Any emotional reaction
or expression of intolerance to the weaker members will show you in poor light.

Lesson 24
Final Group Task (FGT)
Final Group Task is final assessment of the observations made by the GTO in respect of all the
candidates of the batch. The GTO has seen your group behaviour, leadership behaviour (through PGT,
HGT AND CT) and individual capabilities (through IOs and Lecturette). Armed with these inputs the
GTO will put you through the mil l of FGT as the final confirmation.
The FGT is by no means any new or different task. It is, for all technical purposes, is like any
Progressive Group Task only. Rules of the game are the same. Structures are similar. No doubt, the
purpose is different. Its implicit purpose is the assimilation of observations about every candidate of the
238 | SSB

Some Misconceptions About Tasks—The outdoor tasks/obstacles to a cool head are not difficult
at all. Majority of candidates and parents take them as test of physical strength and stamina. They start
running, climbing ropes, swinging on Burma-bridges and balancing in gyms no sooner the call letter is
received. This way they (erroneously) assure themselves about a wholesome preparation for the SSB.
Bloated with a false sense of confidence these candidates appear before the SSB while quite a few of
them ‘find’ themselves unfit for an organisation job like military for their weak physique.
Many of these candidates surrender even before seeing them while some overrate
themselves, if performed well. Remember, the primary objective of outdoor tasks is
to evaluate your personality’s qualities. Ideas logic and organisation are more
important than the physical strength. Even with ordinary level of physique and
stamina, you can perform well in the obstacles with your logic and imagination.
As far as your stamina and physical strength is concerned, training in the military academies will
make you robust and strong. The SSBs do not look for ready-made officer. They, rather try to find out a
person who is having adequate potential and at the same time flexible enough to be moulded or, trained
well to take up the responsibilities of his cadre.

Lesson 25
Practicing the F.G.T.

4' 3' 2'

3' 4'

6' 6'

Goat Post


Plank 6'



SSB | 239

Lesson 26
Tests to Measure Individual Competence : Individual
Obstacles and Lecturette
There are many factors that influence the performance of individuals in a group situation. It is a
common observation that the group provides motivation and tempo that catalyses an upwards
performance. Some persons always perform well in a group. You must have seen the students who
arrange combined study sessions prior to examinations. Converse is also true. Some individuals find
presence of group; obstructive, distracting and disturbing. It is for this reason; the GTO must see you to
perform individually also. Remember, as an officer you are to perform alone.
The pyramidical structure of the Armed Forces does not allow two persons stand on
the same ladder of the pyramid. Not even two course mates stand equal. If you are a
Company Commander, you are alone for all the practical purposes. You have your
superiors and your subordinates but the least you have is a person who is your
pall-holding parity of status in the chain of command. You have to work with your
individual capabilities without the play of any group-stimulant.
The GTO has two sessions for this purpose. The Individual Obstacles and the Lecturette.
Individual Obstacles—An individual is to cross ten obstacles-all alone and without using any
implement applying tact and physical strength. He is to complete within three minutes. The individual
obstacles are numbered from one to ten. Their difficulty level increases, as you will progress from the
first to tenth.
Crossing every obstacle earns you points. You may skip a few obstacles and repeat some of them
also after completion of all of them if time permits. Please pay attention to the instructions given by the
tester in this regard. The ten Individual Obstacles are listed below :—
1. Sliding jump. 2. Drum jump.
3. Balancing Beams. 4. High jump.
5. Burma Bridge. 6. Tarzon Swing.
7. Double jump. 8. Double Ditch.
9. Commando walk. 10. Tiger leap.
In the opinion of many candidates, Individual obstacles are ‘very important’. I have found
candidates talking quite nervously about their performance in the Individual Obstacles. Some think that
their future will doom if they perform badly in the IOs. (Individual obstacles).
To such a nervous candidate, I would say that the IOs are important but for a different purpose. The
purpose of IOs is to ascertain the following :
1 2 3
Application of mind and Reaction to physical stress,
Confidence muscles. Work sense risks, fear of injuries

4 5
Planning and organisation Stamina and agility

Time management
No doubt, successful negotiation of obstacles goes in your favour but doing the obstacles
successfully is not everything. Similarly, not all is lost if you have failed to manage a few of them. The
GTO is wise enough to understand your limitations and he will take into account all relevant inputs
rather than depending on just one test.
240 | SSB

Example of Individual Obstacles

1-Sliding Jump

7-Double Jump.
2-Drum Jump

3-Balancing Beams


4-High Jump

9-Commando Walk

5-Burma Bridge

6-Tarzon Swing 10-Tiger leap

SSB | 241

Lecturette—Unfortunately you will not find this word in common dictionaries. Lecturette refers to
a short extempore speech. The features of this test are as following :—
● Topics are decided by the draw. The candidate draws a card out of the many offered to him by the
GTO. Every card contains four topics. The candidate selects one out of the given topics.
● Candidates are given three minutes to prepare for the topic and just the same duration to speak. As
one candidate starts speaking, the next to follow is called for selection of the topic to avoid the loss
of time between candidates. You have to ornate your delivery/projection which should appeal to
the audience.
Lecturette reflects all characterstics and qualities required to make a good orator. Knowledge,
information, ability to present the ideas confidently in forceful and convincing manner and
skill to interact with the audience are a few characteristics that make a person a good orator
and a leader too.

Topics of Lecturette
31. ASEAN 32. SAARC 33. NATO
242 | SSB


Practice of Lecturette
Israel Palestine Problem
Introduction—Palestine was among the several former Ottoman Arab territories which were
placed under the administration of Great Britain under the Mandates System adopted by the League of
Nations. All but one of these Mandated Territories became fully independent States, the exception was
Palestine. During the years of the Palestine Mandate, from 1922 to 1947, large-scale Jewish
Immigration from abroad, mainly from Eastern Europe took place, the numbers swelling in the 1930s
with the notorious Nazi persecution of Jewish populations.
Body—After looking at various alternatives, the UN proposed the partitioning of Palestine into two
independent States, one Palestinian Arab and the other Jewish, with Jerusalem internationalized. One of
the two State envisaged in the partition plan proclaimed its independence as Israel and in the 1948 war
expanded to occupy 77 per cent of the territory of Palestine. Israel also occupied the larger part of
Jerusalem. Over half of the indigenous Palestinian population fled or were expelled. Jordan and Egypt
occupied the other parts of the territory assigned by the partition resolution to the Palestinian Arab State
which did not come into being. In the 1967 war, Israel occupied the remaining territory of Palestine,
until then under Jordanian and Egyptian control (the West Bank and Gaza Strip). This included the
remaining part of Jerusalem, which was subsequently annexed by Israel. Security Council resolution
242 (1967) of 22 November 1967 called on Israel to withdraw from territories it had occupied in the
1967 conflict. The General Assembly conferred on the PLO (Palestine Liberation Organization) the
status of observer in the conferences held under UN auspices. In June 1982, Israel invaded Lebanon
with the intention to eliminate the PLO. A cease-fire was arranged, PLO troops withdrew from Beirut
and were transferred to neighbouring countries after guarantees of safety were provided for thousands
of Palestinian refugees left behind. In December 1987, a mass uprising against the Israeli occupation
began in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (the intifada). Method used by the Israeli forces during the
SSB | 243

uprising resulted in mass injuries and loss of life. A Peace Conference on the Middle East was
convened in Madrid on 30 October 1991, with the aim of achieving a comprehensive peace settlement
through direct negotiations along 2 tracks : between Israel and the Arab States, and between Israel and
the Palestinians, based on Security Council resolutions 242 & 338 (1973) (the “land for peace”
formula). A series of subsequent negotiations between the Government of the State of Israel and the
Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), led to several other positive developments, such as the partial
withdrawal of Israeli forces, the elections to the Palestinian Council and the Presidency of the
Palestinian Authority, the partial release of prisoners and the establishment of a functioning
administration in the areas under Palestinian self-rule. After the controversial visit by Ariel Sharon of
the Likud to Al-Haram Al-Sharif (Temple Mount) in 2000 was followed by the outbreak of the second
intifada. Israel began the construction of a West Bank separation wall, located within the Occupied
Palestinian Territory, which was ruled illegal by the International Court of Justice.
Conclusion—In 2002, the Security Council adopted resolution affirming a vision of two States,
Israel and Palestine, living side by side within secure boundaries. In 2005, Israel withdrew its settlers
and troops from the Gaza Strip as part of its “Disengagement Plan,” while retaining effective control
over its borders, seashore, and airspace. Following the Palestinian Legislative Council elections of
2006, the Quartet concluded that future assistance to the Palestinian Authority would be reviewed by
donors against the new Government’s commitment to non-violence, recognition of Israel, and
acceptance of previous agreements.
Problem of Gaza Strip
Introduction—The Gaza strip is one of the most densely populated places on earth, almost half of
the population are children aged 14 or younger. Following its victory in the 2006 municipal legislative
elections and the military conflict between Fatah and Hamas, Hamas assumed administrative control,
and Israel and Egypt sealed their border crossings with Gaza and imposed a blockade on the territory,
prohibiting all exports and allowing only enough goods to avert a humanitarian or health crisis.
Body—In response to the blockade, hundreds of underground tunnels between Egypt and Israel
were developed. Egyptian claimed that these tunnels were mainly employed to import food; the IDF
(ISRAEL DEFENCE FORCES) said that these tunnels were indeed used for weapons smuggling.
Hamas and other Palestinian paramilitaries increased the number of rockets fired from the Gaza strip
into Southern Israel. Israel conducted airstrikes on Gaza during 2007 and 2008, against Hamas. On June
19, 2008, an Egyptian-brokered pause in hostilities between Israel and Hamas consisting of a six-month
‘lull’. The June 19 agreement required Hamas to end rocket attacks upon Israel in exchange for an end
of the blockade and for commerce in Gaza to be restored. Israel accused Hamas of continuing the
smuggling of weapons into the Gaza strip via tunnels to Egypt, pointing out that the rocket attacks had
not completely ceased, Hamas criticized Israel for maintaining the Blockade of the Gaza Strip. On
December 20 Hamas officially announced that they would not be extending the cease-fire, blaming
Israel saying it had not respected its terms, including the lifting of the blockade. On December 26, 2008,
Israel reopened five crossings between Israel and Gaza for humanitarian supplies. At the same time,
militants fired about a dozen rockets and mortrar shells from Gaza at Israel. Israel launched its military
operation, Operation Cast Lead, at 11 : 30 a.m., on December 27, when more than 50 fighter jets and
attack helicopters entered Gazan airspace, killing 225–292 Palestinians and wounding more than 1,000.
Conclusion—On 17 January, Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert declared a unilateral ceasefire.
The unilateral ceasefire consists of two phases : “First a ceasefire is declared. If Hamas stops firing
rockets then Israel pulls its forces out of the Gaza Strip. If rocket fire resumes then the IDF goes back
in, this time with the international backing gained by having tried a truce.” On 17th Jan afternoon,
Hamas, Islamic Jihad and other paramilitaries stated they would stop launching rockets into Israel for
one week, on condition that Israel would withdraw its military within this period.
Special Economic Zone
Introduction—Special Economic Zone (SEZ) is a geographical region that has economic laws that
are more liberal than a country’s typical economic laws. The category ‘SEZ’ covers : Free Trade Zones
244 | SSB

(FTZ), Export Processing Zones (EPZ), Free Zones (FZ), Industrial Estates (IE), Free Ports, Urban
Enterprise Zones and others. Usually the goal of a structure is to increase foreign investment. One of the
earliest and the most famous Special Economic Zones were found by the government of the People’s
Republic of China under Deng Xiaoping in the early 1980s. The most successful Special Economic
Zone in China, Shenzhen, has developed from a small village into a city with a population over 10
million within 20 years. Following the Chinese examples, Special Economic Zones have been
established in several countries including Brazil, India, & Russia.
Body—The main objectives of the SEZ Act are :
(a) Generation of additional economic activity
(b) Promotion of exports of goods and services
(c) Promotion of investment from domestic and foreign sources
(d) Creation of employment opportunities
(e) Development of Infrastructure facilities
India was one of the first in Asia to recognize the effectiveness of the Export Processing Zone
(EPZ) model in promoting exports, with Asia’s first EPZ set up in Kandla in 1965. With a view to
overcome the shortcomings such as absence of world-class infrastructure, and an unstable fiscal regime
and with a view to attract larger foreign investments in India, the Special Economic Zones (SEZs)
Policy was announced in April 2000.SEZs in India functioned from 1.11.2000 to 09.02.2006 under the
provisions of the Foreign Trade Policy and fiscal incentives were made effective through the provisions
of relevant statutes. The Special Economic Zones Act. 2005, was passed by Parliament in May. After
extensive consultations, the SEZ Act, 2005, supported by SEZ Rules, came into effect on 10th
February, 2006.
The incentives and facilities offered to the units in SEZs for attracting investments are—
● Duty free import/domestic procurement of goods for development operation and maintenance of
SEZ units.
● 100% Income Tax exemption on export income for SEZ units for first 5 years, 50% for next
5 years thereafter and 50% of the ploughed back export profit for next 5 years.
● Exemption from minimum alternate tax.
● External commercial borrowing by SEZ units upto US $ 500 million in a year without any maturity
restriction through recognized banks.
● Exemption from Central Sales Tax.
● Exemption from Service Tax.
The major incentives and facilities available to SEZ developers include—
● Exemption from customs/excise.
● Income Tax exemption on income derived from the business of development of the SEZ in a block
of 10–15 years.
● Exemption from dividend distribution tax.
● Exemption from Central Sales Tax (CST).
● Exemption from Service Tax (Section 7, 26 and Second Schedule of the SEZ Act).
Conclusion—The SEZ scheme has generated tremendous response amongst the investors.
Developers who have set up SEZs in India : Nokia SEZ in Tamil Nadu, Quark City SEZ in Chandigarh,
Motorola, DELL and Forxconn.
In China the most prominent SEZ’s are Shenzhen and Pudong, a district of Shanghai. In Iran
Sarakhs, Sirjan, Shahid Rajeev Port, Pet Zone, Mahshahr & Kish.
In Philippines : The four governmentally owned are Cavite Economic Zone, Bataan Economic
Zone, Mactan Economic Zone and Baguio City Economic Zone.
Association of South-East Asian Nations
Introduction—The Association of South-East Asian Nations, commonly abbreviated ASEAN, is a
geo-political and economic organization of 10 countries. It was formed on 8 August 1967 when
SSB | 245

foreign ministers of five countries—Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, and Thailand–
met at the Thai Department of Foreign Affairs building in Bangkok and signed the ASEAN
Declaration, more commonly known as the Bangkok Declaration. Since then, membership has
expanded to include Brunei, Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, and Vietnam aim is to include the accelera-
tion of economic growth, social progress, cultural development among its members & protection of the
Body—ASEAN’s agenda-setting and decision-making processes can be usefully understood in
terms of the so-called Track I and Track II. Track I refers to the practice of diplomacy among
government channels. The participants stand as representatives of their respective states. All official
decisions are made in Track I. Track II on the other hand refers to diplomatic activities that are
unofficial and includes participants from both government and non-government institutions such as the
academic, economic communities and NGOs. This track enables governments to discuss controversial
issues. The track that acts as a forum for civil society in South-East Asia is called Track III, which is
essentially people-to-people diplomacy undertaken mainly by CSOs. Track III network claim to
represent communities and people who are largely marginalised from political power centres and unable
to achieve positive change without outside assistance. The ASEAN Leaders’ Formal Summit was first
held in Bali, Indonesia in 1976. Its third meeting was held in Manila in 1987 and during this meeting, it
was decided that the leaders would meet every five years, consequently, the fourth meeting was held in
Singapore in 1992 where the leaders again agreed to meet more frequently, deciding to hold the summit
every three years. In 2001, it was decided to meet annually. On 15 December 2008 the members of
ASEAN met in the Indonesian capital of Jakarta to launch a charter, signed in November 2007, with the
aim of moving closer to “an EU-style community.” The charter turns ASEAN into a legal entity and
aims to create a single free-trade area.
Conclusion—During the 12th ASEAN Summit in Cuba, several activist groups staged anti-
globalization and anti-Arroyo rallies. They also viewed the organization as imperialistic that threatens
the country’s sovereignty. A human rights lawyer from New Zealand was also present to protest about
the human rights situation in the region in general. Thus ASEAN has agreed to an ASEAN human
rights body which will come into force in 2009.
Introduction—“Anti-globalization” is a term that encompasses a number of related ideas. What is
shared is that participants stand in opposition to the unregulated political power of large, multi-national
corporations, and the powers exercised through trade agreements. Recent developments, which are
unprecedented changes in the global economy, have been characterised as ‘turbo-capitalism’, ‘market
fundamentalism’, ‘casino capitalism’, etc. Some similar terms include the Global Justice Movement, the
Anti-Corporate-Globalization Movement, Anti-Intellectualism, the Movements, the Alter-globalization
movement, etc.
Body—Supporters believe that by the late 20th century those they characterized as “ruling elites”
sought to harness the expansion of world markets for their own interests; this combination of the
Bretons Woods institutions, states, and multinational corporations has been called “globalization” or
“globalization from above.” In reaction, various social movements emerged to challenge their
influence; these movements have been called “anti-globalization”. Protesters believe that the global
corprorations exercise privileges that human citizens cannot : moving freely across borders, extracting
desired natural resources, doing permanent damage to the natural capital. Activists goals are for an end
to the legal status of “corporate personhood” and the dissolution of free market fundamentalism
measures of the World Bank, International Monetary Fund. Anti-Globalization refer’s to a specific form
of international economic integration, one based on investor rights. Although over the past years more
emphasis has been given to the construction of grassroots alternatives to (Capitalist) globalization, the
movement’s largest and most visible mode of organizing remains mass decentralized campaigns of
direct action and civil disobedience. This mode of organizing, sometimes under the banner of the
People’s Global Action network. One of the major causes of poverty amongst third-world farmers are
246 | SSB

the trade barriers put up by rich nations and poor nations alike. The WTO is an organisation set up to
work towards removing those trade barriers. Therefore, it is argued, people really concerned about the
plight of the third world should actually be encouraging free trade, rather than attempting to fight it.
Conclusion—Critics have asserted that people from poor countries (the Third World) have been
relatively accepting and supportive of globalization while the strongest opposition to globalization has
come from wealthy “First World” activists, unions and NGOs. Anti-globalization movement has failed
to attract widespread support from poor and working people from the Third World, and that its
“strongest and most uncomprehending critics had always been the workers whose liberation from
employment they were trying to secure.”

Lesson 27
Group Obstacle Race




Back side Rope


SSB | 247

Lesson 28
Practicing the G.O.R.
“This is a task of cooperation and team spirit. Your performance should be impressive and in turn
emergence of solution should uplift the cooperation. The question is how close cooperation can develop
into a special relationship based on mutual trust and hostility. The essential component of cooperation is
one should learn how to walk before attempting to fly”.
The purpose of this test is to see the degree of candidates’ involvement in the group. Armed Forces
operate in group and it necessitates wholehearted and pure involvement. There must not be any clash of
interest between the individual and the group. Remember, interest of the group always reigns supreme
from the view point of Armed Forces. Individuals’ interest is always relegated to second priority.
‘Service before self’ is seen and needed no where else better than the Armed Forces.
A soldier draws his strength, pride and motivation from his ‘paltan’. He rejoices the achievements of
his paltan as his own and the loss of his paltan is like his own personal loss. And one of the reliable
tests to verify this quality is the GOR.
Besides the group spirit the other qualities that are refleced in this test are courage or risk taking
behaviour like physical stamina, planning and organisation co-operation and co-ordination. In
nutshell, while dynamic and social factors are primarily reflected in the GOR, the intellectual and
the leadership functions are also reflected in a sprinkle.
Conduct of GOR—Group obstacle race is basically a competitive race among groups of
candidates in negotiating some sets of obstacles with a load or ‘snake’. For this, the entire batch,
depending on the strength, is divided into three or four groups. So far, you were working within your
own batch for tests like GPE or the GD. Your affiliation for the GOR is with another group, which is
certainly larger than your batch and yet very temporary in nature.
The Group Testing Officer explains each group the nature of obstacles and what the group is
required to do. He then will explain you the rules of the race. You are advised to listen to the tester
carefully. At the end of his briefing, he will invite your doubts and will ensure that you are clear in your
mind about ‘what’ and ‘how’ of what is to be done.
Ordinarily, the weight of the load is about fifty kilograms. It is to be held by a minimum of three
candidates at a time. It is not to fall on the ground anytime. A time-penalty is imposed on the group
whenever the snake is dropped. Also snake and the group have to follow the same route in which the
snake leads.
Every group must strive to come first. A sense of urgency is created that the task becomes ‘the
race of life’ for some over-motivated candidates. This motivation sometimes creates such a great
competition fever that even the most ordinary candidate gives his lifetime best performance.
Some candidates are seen to become anxious and tense before the race begins. Do not worry. The
obstacles are only moderately difficult and anyone with normal physical strength can afford to do them
well !
Interview Technique

Lesson 1
Common Missgivings About SSB
Common Missgivings About SSB
Fortunately, candidates are better informed about the approach and methodology of SSB today. Some twenty
years ago, the situation was different. Selection was a mystery and hence mysterious beliefs were prevalent
among candidates.
One of such beliefs was about the waiters. We were given to believe by some opinion mongers that waiters
or the attendants of the candidates’ mess were the experienced ‘observers of human behaviour’ (if not the
psychologists) and they would report whether your conduct in the candidates’ mess is ‘officer-like’ or not. How
do you sit, eat, watch TV and interact with your own batch-mates was their special areas of concern. They were
the ones who could smell blue blood and would report to the President about their observations.
They were considered to be trained spies who would shadow candidates everywhere from dormitories to
toilets, from dining hall to cinema halls so, beware and do not dare take panga with the mess-staff ever.
Much to the chagrin of any well wisher of the system, even today things have not gone from the minds of
candidates completely !
Vani-Vilas : The Interview

Answer My Questions And Take It

Ancient Indian Universities of Nalanda and Taxila had a peculiar system of admission for the students. The
aspirants had to convince the Dwarpal or the ‘doorkeeper’ of their scholarstic aptitude by entering into a
‘shastrarth’ or a question-answer session to measure the depth of knowledge. The Universities had gates for
entrance in all the four directions and the Dwarpals appointed were the great scholars whose job was to certify
the scholarstic aptitude and eligibility of the aspirants.
One section of the Mahabharata accounts Yudhishthir’s answers to the question of a Yaksha who laid claim
over a pond. He would ask some questions to any one desirous to draw its water and would allow only when his
questions were answered satisfactorily.
Vidyottama the princess of Ujjaiyini wanted to marry the man who could accomplish her in the shastrarth.
Feeling jealous of her beauty and wits, the pundits thought of a design that she loses to a blockhead. They found
Kalidas a fool beyond any doubt to trap the princess. The only condition was that Kalidas would NOT UTTER
A WORD. Kalidas obeyed them in letter and spirit and got Vidyottama in marriage !

In its broadest sense, interview may be defined as ‘a personal meeting and a formal conversation
between two (or more persons) with an aim of getting information about the person or persons taking
part in the meeting’.
SSB | 249


HOW ? + Aspect


What is specific and what is not ?

is discussed below with citation
& examples.

Purpose—To find out the OLQ’s which are required for an officer cadre. Being over courteous or an artificial
courtesy is not welcomed. Nothing less or more.
Interpretation—When the interview starts, it is not advisable to become habitual to say ‘sorry’ or
‘sir’ use them when required. Use of these words with a flair and in a natural way, becomes the
convenient outcome of your behavioural pattern.
OLQs (Officers like qualities) are the basic demand of the defence forces. Projection becomes the
responsibility of an aspirant, simultaneously evaluation is the job of an assessor. Being a projective
technique who-so-ever projects appropriately will get through. However this system of selection is
psychologically based, scientific and fool-proof. When the personality is found at the above scale of
parameters then the candidate can’t be bounced and if the personality is not up to the mark no one will
recommend the candidate in the SSB. This is the test of your personality, not the performances. Your
personality is bound to come when you perform. Optimum outcome amounts to a deserving personality as
these tests are situational and quality demanding.
Therefore the remedy is, to be natural, honest, truthful, specific and to the point.
Interpretation—It may be difficult to find out; what is genuine ? and what is not ? Therefore, the
best option is, to answer only what is asked ? What is asked is transparent, but what is genuine may be
an ambiguous. What is transparent is specifically discussed here :—
Interview : Sri Rohit Kumar for CDSE entry is being interviewed.
President :—Rohit, what do people call you at your home ?
Candidate :—Bhaiya, Sir (here the use of ‘Sir’ is O.K.)
President :—Should I call you Rohit or Bhaiya.
Candidate :—Rohit would be better Sir. (Here again the use of ‘sir’ is O.K.).
President :—Rohit are you from Delhi ?
Candidate :—Yes sir. (Again use of ‘sir’ is acceptable).
President :—Rohit, Please tell me, when you got the call up letter ?, at what time you left
your house ? When you reached the station ? How long you waited for the train ? In which
compartment you boarded ? How much was the fare ? How many stations came in between Delhi to
Allahabad ? And at what time you reported here ?
Answer—You are required to reply in the same sequence. Let me interpret the word sequence in
the context of your interview : if you are able to maintain the sequence, then its good, nothing is like
that. In case of failure; follow the path of coherence and the flow with a flair of the confidence. It will
definitely work under the circumstances, when I.O. asks you that Rohit, have you missed some of the
questions ? If you have missed; say—sorry sir, I have forgotten to tell the details of my siblings.
Interpretation—Gentleman, this is the job of the interviewing officer to find out OLQs from your
responses. He is doing his job and he expects you to do your job as expected from you. ‘He is doing his
job that does not require any explanation but ‘what he expects from you, requires explanation. During
testing hours, you are informed about your interview. Before your turn comes, he knows everything
about you from your P.I.Q.
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To render professional justice to his profession he draws a mental picture about your personality having read all
the details from your P.I.Q. and I.Q. regarding your family background, schooling, medium of language,
failures, achievements, hobbies, interest, participation, awareness, motivation level, curiosity and finally how
serious you are, for the job you are pursuing. He has to differentiate between the job seekers and doers.
‘‘lk”kRd`kj d`jus ok¥k vf|d`kjh vkids` P.I.Q. ls vkids` ckjs eÍ lc dq`N tku pqd`k gksrk gS\ vki vius ckjs eÍ fd`ruk
tkurs gß] vkSj mls vki fd`rus vPNs rjhds` ls ^Lrqr d`j ld`rs gß oks vki gh ls tkuuk pkgrk gS\ ;gh ^næZu d`h rd`uhd` gS
vkSj ;gh p;u d`k lkfgR; gS’’
Before the interview commences, he draws a mental picture about your personality and forms an
expectation level basing on above details. This expectation level he wants you to reach, if you full fill,
then he registers you at your acceptable level.
How you will register in your expectable level is given below—Sometimes I.O. himself, may
and may not remember the order of the questions. please follow my advices and practice as I say, you
will never get fail in the SSB. Now I am coming to the missing questions pertaining the details about
siblings :—
For the candidates while saying sir; give a pause and gradually land on the word ‘Sir’ this will spell
an emotional tone and will make further conversation friendly and confident. Answer like this—
Candidate :—Sir, I have one elder brother who is a computer Engineer in BHEL, posted in
Bombay and my younger sister is a student of 10th Class, studying in Queens Convent College, Delhi.
Interpretation—What happens when you miss the sequence or it is checked or pointed out by the
I.O. under this circumstance three situation arises :—

1 2 3
You do not When you have When you have
want to spell poor merit than stranged
about your them. relations or they
siblings because are notorious
father is ‘one’
and mothers are
Answer for Point No. 1—Advises received by the SSB aspirant are like this—Be honest, positive
and natural, is being interpreted by me as below—Whatever the condition is; be ready to face it. It
happens with most of the families. Try to maintain the confidence and practice to maintain
the confidence honestly more for the darker side of your life and say like this :—
Candidate—Sir, since my childhood I noticed my step-mother nursing my mother who used to
remain on the bed. Sir later on, I came to know that my first mother became unable to walk due to
severe illness. My father did not have any alternative except to marry my step-mother as my elder
brother was also a kid. Sir I am proud to say that we have never found any difference between the
mothers and even the dedication of father is beyond our expectation.
Answer for Point No. 2
Candidate :—When you have poor merit than them :—Sir, my brother had a good merit in his
academics, my sister drew motivation and maintained that. It did not motivate me and I lost my
percentage in high school. The poor marks in my high school degraded me in my friend circles,
relatives and neighbours. In intermediate I worked hard, took tips from my brother and seniors and
secured 78% from Delhi Board.
Answer for Point No. 3 : When you have stranged relations or they are notorious—
Candidate :—Patna is a political place and a few students are reported to be notorious. My elder
brother first supported the sitting president of the Patna university and next year contested and lost. Sir,
during supporting and contesting he became notorious, that too, he stopped listening the father-mother
both and Sir, I and others did not stand any where. Sir, Now he has changed himself & his decisions
SSB | 251

also. He has qualified CDSE and has got the call for IMA. Now-a-days he is very good to all of us and
for others. It happened due to my class teacher who happened to be his teacher also. My class teacher
taking my parents into the confidence counselled him thrice in a month.
In SSB, failure does not spell disqualifications. SSB is not a competition where you are to compete
with others. Let me explain you the meaning of the word “recommendation”. In the SSB, the system
says that, we do not select or reject a candidate, we only recommend or not recommend for the armed
forces, which means we pass a verdict whether the candidate’s personality and attitude is suitable for an
army officer or not. This verdict again is not final as the candidate may be having the qualities but he
may not be able to display them due to some reasons or the other. The very fact that many people clear
their SSB in the 10th, 12th or 13th attempt, bears testimony to the fact. The only difference between
recommended and non-recommended candidate is that the recommended candidates suit our
requirements slightly in a better way. And once again remember that we are not passing a judgment on
your personality in a general context, so there is no reason to feel dejected in a case when you are not
through. It was just one of the various avenues that was available to you. And those of you who feel that
you have missed by a narrow margin, can try again. But, for that you should do some serious
introspection of your past performance and identify your areas of strengths and weaknesses.
And yes, you must enjoy doing your mistakes because if you don’t enjoy doing mistakes you can’t rectify
I have derived these above contents from the opening address of the SSB just to make you bold, increase
guts, boost up confidence and finally to induce in you to admit the shady things of life in a courageous way
because this is one of the strong instrument which may push you to reach above the certain scale of parameter.

Candidate—Sir, I got my call letter Sir on 23 Sept., 2005 Sir.

Here the word, ‘Sir’ has been used regularly. Now it becomes over courteous and amounts to an
artificial courtesy rather it is an impression management. The responses should be as below :—
Being a projective technique in every projection the behavioural pattern plays a prime role to
translate into an acceptable graded projection. Since projection is bedded with behaviour and can’t be
groomed up without behavioural aspect, hence I will explain behavioural pattern as here under :—
The moment you attain/reach the adolescent stage, you become friendly to your parents,
sometimes only with your mother or may be with your father or even with teachers/seniors. While
conversing you become natural and submissive similarly why don’t you become friendly with the
President/Deputy President or the interviewing officers, whereas this is the demand of the profession. I
am citing an example of point No. (D) How Aspect —How ?
How a candidate should answer and behave—Endorse with ‘Sir’ while saying, ‘Sir’, please be
submissive, give a pause with a proper gap (leaving gap between or after the word or sentence, allows
audience or listeners to grasp or to get convinced) after saying ‘Sir’ maintain the eye contact while
smiling & being pleasant. Please remember, no coaching school in our country is imparting
training/guidance on projection embedded with behavioural pattern, where as without it

recommendation is not possible. Either you practice it or you should have IT in you, find

yourself quite balanced, comfortable, pleasant and smiling with reasonable command over your power
of expression then your interview will go smoothly like this :—
In your projective answers, your I.Q. (Intelligence Quotient),
E.Q. (Emotional Quotient), M.Q. (Moral Quotient) and the 4th is
S.Q. (Situational Quotient) is being evaluated.
I am exemplifying the first set of questions in order of sequence :—Sir, I received my call letter
(before the word call letter’, use ‘my’ call letter not alone ‘the’ call letter as the word ‘my’ call letter,
particularly ‘my’ reveals emotional quotient and attachment and your interest etc) on 23 Sept., 2005, I
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left my house at 4 P.M. The distance from my house to Railway Station is 12 km, Sir I waited for an
hour for the train to arrive. Thereafter, I boarded the bogie no S–6, Rs. = 536/- was the fare and Sir,
soon after getting comfortable, I started interacting with the co-passengers and reading the magazines
and even kept on exchanging the reading materials, due to that Sir, I could not count, how many stations
came in between. Finally, I got down at Allahabad Railway Station at 6·30 A.M.
There are only two options or remedies to succeed the interview technique.(1) Either you speak whatever is
genuine (2) or you answer in brief what is asked. Interpretation : It will be difficult for you to analyse or decide
what is genuine ? And what is not and how ?, hence the best method is that you only answer what is asked that
too in brief.
Examples and explanations :—President : Rohit, please tell me the name of your father.
Candidate—Sir, my father’s name is Rajesh Kumar Rahi or Sri Rajesh Kumar Rahi, Sir; may also
serve the purpose but it would be better always if you use ‘my’ father, my mother, my sister, my
brother, my C.O., as these reveal emotional attachment or feelings. Which will strengthen your
emotional intelligence or emotional quotient.
The story of the great king Akbar and his Mantri Birbal—In the kingdom of Akbar, once an
incident took place. A crying child of 7 years approached the throne.
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Soon Birbal was asked to tackle the situation. The Boy replied, that his mother is missing. Birbal
asked the features and complexion, (Rup-Rekha or hulia) the crying boy replied that, ‘she is the most
beautiful woman of the world’. Birbal humbly reported Akbar. Badshah ordered for an immediate
search. The soldiers began searching by foot and using cavalary but no such beautiful woman was
noticed but they continued their search.
After few hours his mother having already known the where abouts of her son approached the
throne, the woman appeared on the spot had a dusky complexion.
Son saw his mother approaching; he ran and he hugged his mother. They both were produced
before the Badshah for the identification parade. The querry raised was how this dusky woman can be
his mother as it was contradictory to the boy’s earlier statement. The boy darely replied to Badshah,”
Hujur “She is the most beautiful woman of the world because she is my mother”.
For the candidates—Do not forward other details while answering the name of your father unless
asked, otherwise I.O. will loose his interest or he may consider you an outspoken or it may come under
impression management.
The Psychological and G.T.O. techniques are the strongest technique, hence it can be given to the
youngest evaluators as they carry sufficient tools. I.O. technique does not have enough tools except your
I.Q. (Intelligence Quotient) and P.I.Q. (Personal Information Questionnaire). Therefore, it is assigned
only to an old man; old man means wise man, who has to render professional justice to his profession, and
is proficient and has been trained enough not to go on your hair style, dress, gestures, body language,
good flair in conversational English, defence mechanism and finally any kind of impression management.
This technique is only powerful in Factor Ist (Factor Intelligence or organising) and factor IIIrd that is
How the I.O. or the President behaves and evaluate your personality :—
“If you want to hook-out an answer then you have to vary your technique of questioning to
evaluate a personality in terms of O.L.Qs.
For the candidates :—If you analyse, practice and become frequent or used too with this
technique, you may succeed in I.O. technique and also guide others. Now my few examples will suffice
your purpose :—
I Method Rapport building :—This method is used to establish rappo with the candidates.
Establishing ‘rappo’ means, making you familiar, comfortable, easy, free and frank so the Interview
officer could induce his confidence in you and in turn you can induce your confidence in him. I will
exemplify as below :—
Here, Vinod Kaushal for NDA is being interviewed at Bangalore services selection Board :—
President :—Vinod, what people call you at your house ? He will ask in a very polite, humble
and in a sweet way.
Candidate :—Sir, people call me, ‘Vinu’.
President :—What should I call you; Vinod or Vinu.
Candidate :—Vinod would be better, Sir,
President :—How is the climate in Lucknow, Vinod ?
Candidate :—Pleasant, Sir.
President :—How and why it is pleasant ?
Candidate :—Due to spring season, Sir.
Interpretation :—Now up to this stage the Interview officer has been able to induce his confidence in the
candidate and in turn the candidate in him. Contrary to this if rappo is not built-up. The I.O. may not proceed
further and will switch back to establish rappo again.
II Method :—Leading Questions—Where in the answers are mostly in ‘yes’. It means the question
will itself lead you to the answer for example :—
President :—Vinod, are you from the capital city of UP, the city of Nawabs ?
Candidate :—Yes, Sir,
President :—Is Lucknow famous for mannerism and Tahjeeb ?
Candidate :—Yes, Sir.
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President :—Have you done your intermediate from Colvin College Lucknow ?
Candidate :—Yes, Sir.
President :—You must be knowing the English teacher Mr. Y.P. Singh.
Candidate :—Yes, Sir,
President :—How is he ?
Candidate :—Sir, he is fine and is a Vice-Principal.
President :—He is very honest, dedicated, caring and loving, is it so ?
Candidate :— Yes Sir.
President :—You must be knowing librarian Sri A.K. Srivastava, is it not true that he is a bit fool
and out spoken ?
Interpretation :—Either you agree with him or you justify that how he is not a fool & out spoken ? Even in
rappo building or in leading questions sometimes facts and opinions come. Personality comes, the moment you
react. It is a personality based selection not the performance based. Your personality comes when you perform.
Therefore, you perform in such a way so the performance matches with your personality that too through your
body language, maturity, gesture, words and patience etc. In the process of maintaining the naturality alongwith
honesty. The system would like you to see in the profile of a defence officer.
III Method :—Rapid fire questions :—When a bunch of questions is fired rapidly then it becomes
rapid fire.
Purpose :—To find out your grasp, I.Q. level, effective intelligence, logical reasoning, confidence,
patience, power of expression and the mental stamina etc.
Interpretation :—Distance of the chair, number of questions both are decided immediately by the
Interviewing officer considering your O.I.R. (Officer Intelligence Rating) If you are OIR–2, he may fire more
than 20 questions, OIR–3 may face between 15 to 20 questions, in case of OIR–4 it may rang between 10 to 15
questions and OIR–5 is rarely recommended.
IV Method :—Punctuating and bulldozing the questions :—
Explanation :—When the questions are bulldozed and punctuated to you; meaning thereby the
questions are imposed leaving no alternative except to answer. Questions of this category are answered
in the way as they are expected to be answered from a man of your level. These questions require some
sort of solutions, particularly intellectual solutions. For that gentleman, he will place you in position of
an authority, sometimes on the top or at the bottom to find out your adjustment and judgement. I will
exemplify it as below :—
President :— Vinod, a lot of power cuts, electricity thefts are being reported causing heavy loss to
the Govt. exchequer and you are the chairman of UP Electricity Board, how you will control it ?
Candidate :—Sir, I will take a week to analyse the situation after getting report from all the zones
of city as it is a known phenomenon. I will draw the exact feedback and data about the illegal
connections, power thefts, defective meters, irregularity of staffs, pending decisions. Then, I will form a
committee delegating the required powers to install the camps even into the interiors, giving a month
time to bring everything into the order. For example :—regularising the connection, breaking into the
easy instalments for the backlog or pending dues, issuing heavy penalty for thefts while conducting
raids and nabbing the culprits, awarding over time for the staff working extra to dispose-off the pending
work as the last measure. I myself will keep a close eyes on every deployment running and exerting
from pillar to post. By this way I will control the power crisis.
Interpretation :—There is no fixed answer or criterion to these questions, the above example is a model. You
& your intellectual imagination will answer the question not me. Improve your personality, knowledge, depth,
logic and planning, because your answer will spell your level. It can be answered in so many ways as it depends
on your imagination as imagination is unlimited. Imagination does not have any prescription as it happens in
clue not in vacuum.
The second method to answer this question may be like this :—
Candidate :—The moment, I will takeover as a chairman, I will Ist study and finalise the issues, as
what to do, and How to do, that too within how much time ? as I am from the same profession and
SSB | 255

aware of the problems, on the second stage, I will hold an urgent meeting declaring my plan of action.
Then, I will make a publication, will issue notices to the concerning zonal and divisional general
managers/engineers giving a month time to regularise all the issues giving powers for the prize and to
inflict the punishment. That too with final declaration that the one month time is the final, beyond that
all the consequences will be faced by the defaulters. By this way I will control the situation.
Interpretation :—The responses can be of any type but it must be logical, specific, practical and feasible and
suiting to the gravity of the question and that too should be solution oriented and convincing.
Example of other questions :—Similar to this, other questions may be asked. For the
example :—
President :—Vinod, if you are made the D.G.P. (Director General of Police Bihar and the Chief
Minister gives you freehand, then how you will control the law and order situation ?
President :—Vinod, you are the District Inspector of Schools you get a report of mass copying in
the board examination, how you will control it ?
V Method :—Questions related to logics and reasoning
President :—Vinod, why U.P. is back ward ?
Answer :—Either you should favour or oppose it. If you favour, you should give logic why U.P. is
backward ? If you oppose it, then you should give logic why U.P. is not backward ?
Explanation :—Similar to this, a very important question is asked from every candidate and it is a
routine and may be mandatory question. I will exemplify as below :—
Vinod, why do you want to join the armed forces :—
Explanation :—There is no fixed answer to this question.
Interpretation :—This question is related to your inspiration, motivation level. How and at what stage you
inspired yourself to join the Army ? Which incident fired your inner feelings and motives to join the forces ?
Which occasion brought a change compelling and changing your heart to take this decision ?
Solution :—Do you feel that any mugged up answer will serve your purpose ? Do you think any
guided answer will serve your purpose ? Or any hear say answer or any answer of a selected/
recommended candidate will fulfil your requirement ?
No-gentleman. It is not and never. The interviewing officer is proficient in his profession. He will
make out the difference between the real /natural answers and fabricated, cooked, manipulated or
mugged up answers.
Interpretation :—System is not interested what you are answering rather it is
interested from- where you are answering as this technique is an inferential
technique hence it becomes the responsibility of the system to differentiate between
the job seekers and doers.
Justification :—If you have tried for so many jobs and landed to defence as an option then you
will be a job seeker. If you fail in first, second or in third attempt and landed to defence as a fourth
choice then again you are a job seeker. An answer should be an answer and not something else. A
natural answer will always carry with full of your motives, emotions, inner feelings and a natural
attachment, let me counter it as given ahead :—
At what stage you decided to join the forces ? Was it due to a serial like Fauji, or film like Prahar,
Border, Haqeeqat and so on ?, or did you witness any person in Army uniform ? or did you listen any
martyr sacrificing for the motherland ? or did you realised the sacrifice of Veer Abdul Hameed, Capt.
Manoj Pandey, Lt. Kalia and others ? or did you see any clipping of soldiers fighting a war ? or did you
see army personnels rescuing humanity under distress like flood, earth quake etc. ?
Interpretation :—There is no right or wrong answers. System is looking for the desirable & natural answer
which reveals your inner feelings, motivation, behavioural pattern that too in natural way.
What makes your answer undesirable :—Answers handed over by your friends, relatives, books
or answers transferred to you by selected & rejected candidates. Now the situations are new as they are
256 | SSB

asked on the spot considering your personality traits and level. Now, what will amount to a desirable
answer ? That is only you who knows that. Which occasion inspired you and created a spark to join the
forces. My few examples will suffice your requirement.
Mugged up answers or routine answers or answers handed over by the friends,
recommended/rejected candidates or by the books :—
President :—Vinod, why do you want to join the forces ?
Candidate :—Sir, good uniform, adventure, job security and good salary etc. (Not a desirable
Another example :—(1) Sir, Army is the best job which provides facilities, protection to the
family a good discipline and conduct etc.
(2) I want to serve my country in a direct way in the uniform, Sir, I like this job as it is the best in
the country which provides a good dignity and reputation in the society.
(3) Sir, it’s a class one job with a define routine, discipline and further this job provides honesty
and better career prospects leading to the growth and good promotional avenues. These above answers
may be satisfactory but may not win the heart and head of the president.
(4) Puran Singh Pokhria for CDS : Sir, a six years back land slide struck in Garhwal and people
were crying and fighting between life and death. All the security agencies raised their hands up, then
Army was pressed into the action. Sir, I am surprised to say, that the Army brought everything in order
within 24 hours. That incident inspired me seeing their dedication and the way they effectively
controlled the situation.
(5) Rakesh Mohan Sachan (for OTA) : Sir, I am from Gorakhpur U.P.; in 2004 flood struck in
Rapti river throwing the life and property of the people at stake. Situation went out of control then
Army was pressed into the action May God bless their working and effective control that within 20
hours they brought relief to all the deprived. Sir, I got inspired so much that I should be able to serve the
helpless in the same way as they did.
(6) Sir, I became fond of seeing movies after Intermediate as I got comfortable release from the
clutches of my parents. I started watching Fauji, Udaan, Border, Paramveer Chakra, Prahar,
LOC, Angad and realised the sincerity, Scarifies and dedication of the forces towards a cause. This
inspired me so much that I never thought of any thing except the Army. The above answers from 4 to 6
are desirable one.
VI Method :—Questions of Daily Routine; This method relates to your routine. The routine of
your parents, even your siblings (siblings means your brothers and sisters), it may include your grand
parents. Routine shapes your personality. Routine means disciplined routine, regulated, punctual and
defined routine. Having well organised routine spells your sincerity.
Purpose :—Every question posed on you, has got a sense and relation to the job requirement of the forces.
Interpretation :—Army is neither a job nor a profession but it is a way of life. System has to differentiate
between the job seeker and doers. Now routine indicates the symptom whether your diversion is towards a job
seeker or doer. If your routine is properly scheduled you will have self-confidence towards your goal and you
can define better about you leaving impact over others.
Example :—Question of daily routine may be asked separately during rapid fire.
Saurabh :—Is a candidate for NDA entry :—Saurabh, please tell me at what time do you get up
? How much do you take for natural call ? What do you do after that ? When do you take your breakfast
? At what time do you study ? When do you go to your school/college ? How much time does it take ?
What is the distance ? When do you come back from school ? and then what do you do ?
Interpretation (Answer) :—Please answer in the same sequence that too confidently. Confidence
is maintained when you remain honest and natural. This can be only possible when your routine is well
scheduled or led down. If you are not able to answer in order then complete the answers and say sorry
sir, I have not been able to maintain the sequence, I.O. may excuse you seeing you humble/natural. If
your daily routine is well organised/scheduled and resultantly planned then your facial index, tone,
body language, gesture and eye contact, everything will support/boost up your confidence. Here the
saying of SSB system that the best way is, to ‘stay consistent, positive, honest and be natural bears
the testimony to this fact’
SSB | 257

What is wrong in not maintaining the order of the questions :—

Interpreting the above, I can say that every human functionalism leaves human errors. Even
in some cases, the I.O. himself may not remember the order of questions but he may pose like this :—
Saurabh have you missed some of the questions ? or Saurabh :—Have you maintained the sequence ?
Answer :—It solely depends on you, your behavioural pattern the way I.O. is carrying forward the
interview or you are moulding the interview. During the interview you will come to know about the
trend of the interview and acceptability of the I.O. or the impression you are leaving on him. Therefore,
even a lot of guidance from me will go into waste, if you are not honest/frank and true to him. Now the
best remedy is consider I.O. as friend not the foe. The second remedy is to understand the I.O.
technique. The I.O. technique is not an interview but it is a personalised conversation. This is the only
system where, one is being interviewed by one. Nothing unknown is asked. Do not get confused with
the word interview; He is conversing with you not interviewing. I will example as hereunder :—
President :—Saurabh, are you from Lucknow ?
Candidate :—Yes sir,
President :—Saurabh, please tell me about your family, right from your father, his qualification,
routine, monthly income, good & bad habits, like & dislikes, occasions on which he gets annoyed,
about your mother, her qualification, interest, routine issues on which she becomes happy and annoyed;
good & bad habits, about your siblings, their education, how you adjust, so far what they have done till
now, what they would like to become and finally on what matters you all agree & disagree and how you
resolve ?
How to answer, if your routine is haphazard :—
Interpretation :—Please tell me; is he not asking about your family ? Are you not familiar with them since
your birth ? Another set of questions will be about your routine, schooling, teachers, your academics, your
friends, neighbours, relatives, your adjustment and judgment, your participation in games/sports, extra and co-
curricular activities, your good and bad points, subject/teachers you like and dislike, your surroundings and
happenings and finally how you organise and face the situation of duress and odds. Meantime or at the last he
will ask that Sourabh :—Do you read newspaper ? On your consent of ‘yes’ he may ask the question pertaining
to current affairs. At the time of packing up the conversation he will extend a privilege, Saurabh :—I have
asked you so many questions, have you got to ask any question ? These aforesaid question are known to you and
you are the only person who is familiar and personalised with the questions, therefore, it is not an ‘Interview’
but it is a ‘Pesonalised’ conversation.
You can’t prevent the accident but you can prevent the incident. We are all born with our
respective limitations, our inadequacies often derail our thought process. That in turn undermines our
potential and dampens our mental faculties, which otherwise abound despite our limitations. Quite
often, most human beings direct all their vital energies to unproductive ends. A considerable amount of
energy is wasted attending to unfounded fears—fear of the future, fear of failures, fear of reoccurrence
of past unpleasantness, fear of suffering and so on. The unnecessary brooding contemplation, worry and
stress that follows further and consumes our limited energies. So; at the end of the day, we are left with
very little energy for the creative application, therefore our productivity is minimum with expectation
level still remaining high. Therefore, if your routine is haphazard then nothing is wrong. I.O. is always
kind to remain or place himself at your disposal to excuse or remit your mishaps provided you remain
with him with your truthfulness & honesty and guts to confess the incidents as they happened. I will
example as below :—
(1) Sir, I got freedom after joining the intermediate, loosing control of my parents and during study
hours I started watching movies, roaming here and there. Further, I developed my interest in gossiping
with peer group. My involvement wasted golden period of my graduation which led to a bunch of
comments from the parents, friends, relatives. I got myself realised diagnosing the pros-cons and have
made a mark in my post graduation. Sir, this is how I have upgraded myself which has made me
positive and result-oriented.
Remedies for Defence Mechanism, Impression management, Intellectualism, rationalisation,
fabricated, mugged up and cooked answers :—This above aberration leads to bouncing in 60 to 80%
cases as it does not allow you to project the transparent personality, we are interested in the right kind
of personality. Neither SSB is a competition nor it is the test of your performances. These tests are
258 | SSB

designed in such a way in which you are asked to enter into the situational tests and performances are
bound to come and the evaluation of your personality starts. Then basic, confirmatory and final
conclusion is drawn that whether you are above the certain scale of parameter or not, let me quote the
statement of the SSB system :—
“The only difference between recommended and not recommended is that the recommended
candidates suit our requirements slightly in a better way. And once again remember that we are not
passing a judgement on your personality in general context, so there is no reason to feel dejected in case
you are not through. It was just one of the various avenues were available to you.
And those of you, who feel that you have missed by a narrow margin, can try again. But for that
you should do some serious introspection of your past performance and identify your areas of strengths
and weaknesses. And yes, you must enjoy doing your mistakes because if you don’t enjoy doing your
mistakes, you can’t rectify them.”
Answers leading to defence mechanism, intellectualism, impression
management etc.
President :—Gaurav, you got 75% in high school, 65% in Intermediate and 55% in your
graduation. What is the reason for the downfall of your academic graph ?
(a) Answer :—Sir, in the Intermediate, I participated in 100 and 200 meter race and represented
state. Again I Maintained my marks in graduation. Because of the busy sports schedule I lost my
interest in academics, even though if I could have worked hard, I would have got. Sir this was my fault.
Interpretation :—Here there is no defence mechanism, the candidate’s personality is transparent
as he has shown mark in another field and simultaneously has admitted his ignorance towards studies.
(b) How this answer will reveal defence mechanism
Answer : During intermediate my mother was suffering with chest pain, no one was in the family
to look after her except me and there was regular power cut, teacher did not complete the course sir, this
led to the decreasing of graph.
Interpretation :—This answer is a defence mechanism or impression management etc which will
allow I.O. for grilling. I.O. will grill like this : Gaurav, what was the frequency of your mother’s chest
pain, day hours power cut will not stop your studies, similarly in the night you could have studied in the
candle’s light. And for the incomplete course you should have gone to teacher’s house, or seniors or
Interpretation :—This grilling will shut your mouth, lower your tone & confidence and deviate
your eye contact and depress facial index and finally it will lead to deterioration in another set of
(c) Other question’s & answers of defence mechanism or self defence :—In these set of answers
again :—
You are inviting the I.O. for Grilling—Example :
President :—You should have taken a letter from your principal with due recommendation of your
class teacher requesting the nearest college to enrol you in the N.C.C.
Interpretation :—Again you will keep mum having no explanation. Another set of responses
leading to impression management may invite a question mark or may mar your recommendation. For
the example : If you say, I had busy schedule of my academics for that your P.I.Q. is there which will
spell the percentages and the level. If you say, I got diverted myself with sports, extra and cocurricular
activities, again your PIQ is lying with him. Gaurav, please take my words. The I.O. is proficient in his
profession, has seen the life and has to find out your actual level and potential for that he has to bring all
ups and down on the table. Therefore, the testimony of being true, honest and natural bear ? this fact.
The only remedy is to confess honestly giving answer like this :—
Candidate :—Sir, I am responsible for not joining the N.C.C., for poor academics, again I am to be
blamed, as I wasted my time in watching movies, gossiping with friends, moving here and there. The
major loss I incurred while being in love with a neighbouring girl. These aforesaid misdeeds did not
allow me to make a mark in the field of sports and other activities. Now completely I had wasted three
years including the first year of my graduation.
SSB | 259

Acceptable Answer, Sir, the first spark I made in B.Sc. IInd year enhancing from 55 to 65% in III
year following the representation of inter university in Badminton with two second and one first prizes.
In debate I made a mark at university level. The very Ist competition was CDSE which I have qualified
and now I am before you for joining the services.
Interpretation :—Your honest answer will support your gesture, body language, tone, eye contact,
confidence and it will not create any gap for the interview officer to grill you. Honesty requires
admission and confession of the same thing.
Questions related to your emotional Quotients or emotional intelligence or the
emotional stability
President :—Gaurav, your sister is two years younger than you. Don’t you fight with her ? Gaurav,
on what occasion your mother gets annoyed on you ? Gaurav, how much and how long have you been
closed to your English teacher Miss Sunder Rani Kulkarni ? Tell me, how often she calls or remembers
you for special assignments ? And how have you been performing ? Gaurav, you have been in co-
education is it so ? Yes Sir; please tell me how many girls have been there in your class ? Out of all,
with how many you have been in talking terms ? What were all those issues which encouraged the
conversation to be initiated and prolonged ? And finally, how many girl friends you do have ? with
whom you are close ? And why ? what qualities you prefer in her ? Often what do you talk ? Do you
miss any commitment of her ? or vis-a-vis, then how she or you react ? How do you patch-up ? How
you restore your promises ? And Gaurav, one question I forgot to ask that is; Don’t you have a bhabhi ?
Gaurav, bhabhies are not generally in favour of Devars. How you adjust with your Bhabhi ? On what
issues disagreement and agreement often arise and how you cope with that ?
Interpretation :—Emotional stability is one of the job requirement and is the demand of the
defence forces. It is also one of the major point in seven selection determinants and also it is
instrumental in OLQs (Officer Like Qualities). Interview officer is not interested in your personal
affairs rather he is under obligation to render professional justice to his profession.
Remedies :—please answer the questions related to your emotions the way they have happened ?
representing your same feelings with which you were emotionally influenced ? Gaurav please take my
words again and again, there should not be any difference or gap between the feelings you had and
feelings you are revealing before the interview officer. This difference makes your answers fall under
the impression management or defence mechanism.
There should not be any jump cut between questions and answers :—A question must be a
question it should not be something else, similarly an answer should be an answer and it should not
amount to something else. An answer being something else invites other questions.
What answer will amount to jump cut ?
President :—Gaurav, a boy is drowning in a river how will you save him ?
Candidate :—Sir, I will jump and save him.
Interpretation :—This is jump cut answer. The logical method is there should be How ? Between
question and answer. The following explanation will illustrate it.
Explanation with examples :—Gaurav, your answer
lacks the ‘How ?’ aspect which invites Means &
Methods’. It will further denote adequate deployment,
proper and intelligent application of the resources. Gaurav
your answer should be like this : sir, I will plung into the
river, rush to the spot by swimming, catch hold the boy
and bring him to the bank. (If you know swimming). IInd
answer when you do not know swimming. Sir, I will take
a bamboo, enter into the water, loudly ask the boy to
catch the bamboo. If President says there is no bamboo,
then Gaurav you say, sir, I will find a rope, he says there is no rope, then Gaurav you say, sir I will take
out my clothes will ask others for the same. He again says tieing cloth together does not form a length
which could be sufficient to pull the boy back. Then Gaurav you say, Sir I will ask the on lookers to
form the human chain and bring the boy back.
260 | SSB

Interpretation :—Gaurav, this is one example. In all set of questions some intellectual solutions
are always required which requires your logic, reasoning, planning and intelligent application of
More examples will suffice your requirement :—A teen aged girl coming back to her home by
rickshaw from evening coaching classes, suddenly two hooligans stop her, they want her to accompany
with them. On refusing, they plunged to take her away by force. The girl is crying for the help. What
will you do ? You say, I will help her. Gaurav, again you have projected a jump cut answer.
Interpretation :—In personality test, for evaluation,
there is no best answer. Problem is same for every one
but answers are many. Gaurav, again you have not made
the proper application of, ‘How’ ? aspect.
There is no best answer only desirable one or
acceptable one, now the acceptable answers are as
below :—
How you will help her Gaurav ? Sir, I will take out
my belt and bash them. There is no belt. Sir, I will find
out stones and bricks. Gaurav, it is a mettled road neither
stone nor brick is there. Sir, I will snach a bamboo from
the nearby hut. Gaurav, a couple of days back the hut was
set on fire and nothing is there except ash. Sir, I will call
upon the passers by, while seeking their help I will rescue the girl. I.O. says the road is empty Gaurav.
Sir, I will motivate Rickshaw puller to give me a hand and we both will plung into the physical fight,
simultaneously finding their physical strength deteriorated the girl will escape with a loud cry calling
passer by to support the cause and will hand over them to police.
Interpretation :—Gaurav, here your ‘How’ ? Aspect has been adequately applied.
Question of Gaurav from Psychologist
Question of Gaurav :—Sir, since 1972 you are in this profession. You have helped more than
thousand aspirants for commissioning in the armed forces, guiding different set of candidates with
varying behvioural pattern. How we should project OLQs in the interview and how to succeed with the
I.O. ?
Answer by Psychologists :—“This is the job of the interview officer to find OLQs through your
responses. Your responses / answers should represent your personality 100%. SSB testing is not a
competition, nor is the test of your performances. You are made to walk through various test under
these three techniques and performances are bound to come which in turn will project your personality.
The right kind of personality is required. There is no question to succeed with the I.O. you have to put
forth your worth proving further as leader to manage the crisis. System wants the homogenous mix and
the sound interplay of the 15 OLQs in you by virtue of that you manage the crisis.”
Question by Gaurav :—Sir, thrice I have been to the board in an opening and closing address, I
have always heard the word, “right kind of personality” but yet it is unanswered.
Answer by Psychologist :—“Right kind of personality, “means a person of average mind who is
psychologically, mentally, physically and emotionally well balanced. Must be truthful and honest to the
cause, has positive bent of mind who under all the circumstances remain cool, spells adaptability and
trainability. SSB is a comprehensive system. Under the assessment, if you come up as a person who has
done something consistently with right/positive attitude, face the SSB with a clear and positive mind.
Let it be assessed that the qualities you are lacking/appear possible to be trained, no assessor will
reject you. Personality is never good/bad. The need is for right type of people who under all actions
seem to be trainable or flexible. Progressively, if you reveal trainability then you deserve to be an
officer suitable for regimentation, services have enough vacancies. The desire is to recommend not to
The Strength of Emotions
The subconscious mind is more susceptible to influence by impulses of thought mixed with
“feelings’ or emotions, let me explain the power of subconscious mind :—
SSB | 261

“The subconscious mind consists a field of consciousness, in which every impulse of thought that
reaches the conscious mind through any of the five senses, is classified and recorded, and from which
thoughts may be recalled or with drawn as letters may be taken from a filing cabinet. It receives and
files sense impression or thought, regardless of their nature. You may voluntarily plant in your
subconscious mind any plan, thought, or purpose which you desire to translate into its physical or
monetary equivalent.
The subconscious acts first on the dominating desires which have been mixed with emotional feelings,
such as faith.
Interpretation :—Positive and negative emotions can not occupy the mind at the same time. One
or the other must dominate. It is your responsibility to make sure that positive emotions constitute the
dominating influence of your mind. Here the law of habit will come to your aid. Form the habit of
applying and using the positive emotion ! Eventually they will dominate your mind so completely that
the negatives cannot enter into it.
Healthy and positive emotions become an essential component in man’s life. The strength of the
emotions can be easily executed, transferred or transmuted by the opposite sex. May be mother, sister,
Bhabhi, Girl friend, daughter, teacher or any woman who so ever comes in contact. Take the instance of
brave Shivajee who got motivated and emotionalised by his mother Jija Bai.
The contents of emotions and their kinds have been derived from “THINK and Grow Rich by
At Times Emotions can be Pretended, Argued and Contested
Real emotions lead to contentment even in situations of loss, I will exemplify as below :—
Two women fighting for the motherly right of their son were produced in front of the king
Vikramaditya in his Court. Subsequently the king afforded the privilege to produce their defences. The
first woman claimed her motherly right on the boy. Another women repeated the same version. The
king got deeply confused and found himself in dilema. After analysing the situation the king took a
threatening decision, he called the ‘Jallad’ (official Butcher) and ordered him to cut the boy into two
pieces to handover the same to both the women.

The real mother immediately confessed and confronted the king while crying that the boy does not
belong to her. But the another woman remained quiet at the time of declaration of such a judgement.
Finally the king caught the culprit and allowed the first woman to arm her son back and
subsequently imprisoned the second one.
Interpretation :—The mother of the boy made the declaration with an utmost sacrifice to
handover her son to other woman under the presumption to save her son from being cut into two pieces.
262 | SSB

At that very moment, the king analysed from her emotions, gesture appearance, body language, pitch of
the urge and finally the way she reacted and appealed. Hence he reached the conclusion that she is the
real mother of the child because her reactions whatever were natural.
But for the second one, her silence did not allow her to react sentimentally and neither emotions
were noticed from her facial index nor body language, nor gesture, nor from her eye contact and the
way she contested earlier, She was ready to sacrifice the child because the child did not belong to her.
Had she been the real mother ! she too, could have been reached as his real mother in the same natural
way and in the same fashion. Consequently the judgement of the king was appreciated by all the
sundary in the Court. Other live examples, I will cite as below :—
I will illustrate the case of Mr. Sanjive Awasthi who is presently working with RAW (Research &
Analysis wing) Delhi. I never predicted him to become an army officer. Sanjive Awasthi was a tenant in
C-151 Nirala Nagar, where I was residing for last 17 years. In the year 1994, he was called from
selection centre central Bhopal for CDSE entry. The few interview questions were asked by the
Interview Officer and responsed by him are as below :—
President :—Sanjive, are you in a rented accommodation or is it your own house ?
Candidate :—It is a rented one sir.
President :—How much do you pay ? Sanjive.
Candidate :—‘Six’ Sir.
President :—Sanjive, what do you mean by six ? It may be six lakh, six thousand, six hundred and
Rupees six also.
Candidate :—Sorry Sir, it is six hundred only.
President :—Sanjive, when questions are very much specific than why the answers are not
specific ?
Candidate :—Again, sorry Sir.
President :—O.K. Sanjive, Please don’t bother.
Candidate :—Thanks Sir.
President :—Are you studing in co-education ?
Candidate :—Yes Sir.
President :—Sanjive, how many girl friends do you have ?
Candidate :—4 to 5 Sir.
President :—Sanjive, either it should be 4 or 5 not 4 to 5. Your girl friends are not commodities,
even in case of commodities either it should be 4 or 5. Again you are not specific Sanjive
Candidate :—Sorry Sir,
President :—How many times you will take excuses saying sorry ?
Candidate :—Now, no more Sir.
President :—Tell me the kind of relationship you hold with them.
Candidate :—Sir, they are my made sisters. I invite them in my room for discussion.
President :— Then, what do you do ?
Candidate :—Sir, I ask them to prepare tea.
President :—Do they allow the door to remain open ?
Candidate :—No sir, it is closed.
President :—Sanjive, when they are your made sisters then why do you close the door
Candidate :—Kept mum.
President :—Yes Sanjive, please come on, keeping mum is not the answer.
Interpretation :—If you are caught with any fault, you may fumble, lose confidence, get stuck
up, break eye contact, deteriorate facial index and finally you may remain inconsistent, if you fail to
answer or possess followings :—(1) If your routine is not properly laid down, (2) Your academic
schedule is not consistent, (3) There is no proper lay out between your academics, hobbies, extra and
Co-curricular activities, (4) Your future aim; how much does it require to be achieved and how much
you are giving ? In brief, what is your aim ? Where you want to go ? Where or at what place do you
stand ? How much gap exists ? How much you are giving ? How much is exactly required ? Within
how much time you would like to achieve ? What means and method you will opt ? Now coming to the
answer of Sanjive regarding his made sisters. There is a difference between sister, cousin sister, made
sister and a girl friend. I have seen so many examples of made sisters establishing and converting
themselves as girl friend and later on getting married. Marrying cousin even is not an exception.
SSB | 263

Therefore, saying made sisters and fulfilling the emotions of girl friends will not have sound logic to
stand. Sanjive; you should have been natural and truthful to the Interviewing officer, like this, Sir, I
wanted to make them my girl friend. Since, they did not have confidence in me so, I established the
confidence in making them my made sisters. When I gained confidence in them & vice-a-versa I started
enjoying friendship with them, calling them in my room and going in restaurants and at picnic spots etc.
Explanation :—Sanjive, the way you answered the relationship of made sisters, neither did it
reveal the natural feeling and emotions of a sister nor of a girl friend. Even it did not have any
sentiments with the content of words, by your gesture, body language, eye contact, facial index and
your pitch of the responses. Had they been your made sisters, you would have answered about closing
the door with the actual reasons. Since, you had something and you wanted to answer something else,
therefore the interviewing officer seeing the nature of your responses occupied himself with doubt and
posed questions to bring the cards on the table. Specific question and specific answers by the successful
Candidates :—Name of the Candidate Mr. Kapil Mishra, Now he is Sqn. Ldr. He attempted 11 +1
= 12 TAT, 45 WAT but was only able to attempt 25 SRTs since he was interviewed earlier to the
psychological testing therefore nothing was asked about the incomplete SRTs. He knew very well that
he may face the music in the conference for the incomplete SRTs. He was asked ‘5’ SRTs during
conference by the president of the Selection Board, the most important SRTs, I am citing which invited
the specific answer by Kapil Mishra.
President :—Kapil, why you have not completed the SRTs.
Candidate :—Sir, I am a slow writer.
President :—Your father is in Nagaland with Intelligence Department, is it so ?
Candidate :—Yes Sir,
President :—Kapil, you are returning from
Nagaland and landed to Charbag Rly, Station. You
hear an announcement of ‘Section 144’ followed by
communal riots. No passenger is allowed to move from ¥[u˜
the Railway Station and you don’t have money, what
will you do ?
Candidate :—Sir, I will ask the Station Master to
lend some money and wait on the station till curfew
gets over.
President :—Station master has refused.
Candidates :—Sir, I will come out from the station
till the extend I am permitted and will look for the
district authorities passing through. On finding them,
I will introduce and narrate my problem and will get a
President :—Kapil, Curfew is being followed by shoot-at-site order. The District authorities
have stopped issuing the passes.
Candidate :—Sir, I will wait at Railway Station itself, will interact with the people waiting
there managing my food etc with them till curfew is relaxed.
President :—-Kapil, won’t you walk taking the side through railway line.
Candidates :—Sir, you want me to walk in curfew affected areas ? will you Sir ? The entire
board smiled and allowed the boy to go. To the best of my knowledge and experience and asking
the boy to display the same answer with the same gesture, body language, appearance, facial
index and pitch of the urge. I can confirm that the entire interview and finally the last answer
which I have underlined had he support of emotion and feelings. Here again the saying that be
positive, honest and natural responses bear the testimony of this fact. For IInd example, I am citing
Major Susmit Banerjee who is Major in Armoured. Whose complete detail I have already given in the
chapter, “Do you have it in You ?. “He has it in him.” He approached me for NDA but could not make
the grade. He again approached me for CDS but got himself bounced from the selection center central
Bhopal. In the third attempt with due course of time he departured for Allahabad by Triveni Express.
This train carries daily passengers who used to travel on monthly passes. Susmit Banerjee was
accompanied with another aspirant, ‘a candidate of my academy’. One of the daily passenger sat beside
264 | SSB

Banerjee finding the seat vacant as his aid had gone to bathroom. Banerjee refused to share, the
situation grew and developed hard talks and converted into fight. Seeing the swelling on the face the
president being his interviewing officer posed the very first question. Susmit what has happened on
your face ? Sir, I have fought with daily passengers before Nigoha railway station, soon after boarding
the train from Lucknow with my friend who is also giving his SSB here in another board. Susmit how
did the fight grew ? Susmit narrated and said Sir, before plunging into fight, we did not knew that they
are huge in number. Susmit, if they would have been less in number then would you have negotiated or
fought ? Sir, we would have negotiated. Then what happened next ? Sir when fight started they were
two, then they became five, 7, 10 and the number went on. Then what you did ? Sir we both kept on
fighting Susmit; the injury was less commensurating the number of people. Sir, the place became so
congested that it did not have sufficient space for battling more than 4 to 5 people and Sir this was the
reason we did not give up and rather left with no alternative except to fight. In fact fighting was only for
our survival or existence on that occasion. President got himself convinced and proceeded for further
course of Interview. Again this was the real/natural answer being a situational one. The third example
will relate with Rachit Sahini, who is a Major in Infantary. He cleared SSB for NDA but could not avail
his intermediate final year passing certificate of UP Board, neither he got the certificate nor he could
produce it till the time extended by the Army H.Qs New Delhi. The last and final extension got lapsed.
He became overage as it was his last chance. Second time he approached me for CDS but could not
clear the screening test. In the third consecutive attempt being third one for CDS (IMA) he approached
Allahabad and finally got through.
In NDA’s SSB during conference, the President of the Board posed a motivational question or the
question related with attitude and flair. Rachit why do you want to join the Army ? Sir, my mother
wanted to marry with a defence officer but unfortunately she married with a businessman Sir,
when I attained consciousness my mother induced the flair to join the defence forces. Right from
that day I decided to fulfill the dreams of my mother. Rachit, to whom you love more, your mother
or the father. Mother Sir, Can you support with any instance ? Sir, after my selection my mother
took a promise not to take liquer during the entire course of service which I have decided and yet
not touching and in future I will stick to my words.
Here again the answer is natural. Natural means being spported by everything.
Mr. Shashank Shukla S/O Late Sri Raj Kumar Shukla R/A 93/28 Grain Market, Ganesh Ganj
2LKO, Date of Reporting 4th Oct. 1998, Date of Result 10th Oct. 1998 selection centre 1 AFSB
Dehradun. Result recommended for flying branch. He can be contacted on Mobile No. 9415062698
I am citing his interview from the record available in my Academy.
President :—Good morning Shashank, you have filled up very interesting PIQ. We are here to
have a formal talk in which I will ask generalised questions from you. The answer given should be
natural and instinctive as if you are talking to an elder member of your family.
President :—Tell me something about your self ?
Candidate :—Answered
President :—Tell me Shashank about your education, friends, qualifications, teachers, your place
of residence all the good and bad points ?
Candidate :—Answered in sequence.
President :—What have you learnt from your parents ?
Candidate :—Sir, my father expired when I was only 4 years old, the cause of death was heart
attack due to smoking and drinking. This was the only short coming of my father who was otherwise a
very honest person, so I learnt honesty and determination to never smoke or drink in life.
President :—Are you sure, that you will never drink even after you become an officer, won’t it
embrace you in parties ?
Candidate :—I am sure Sir, as drinking is not one of the qualities that I think must be possessed by
an officer.
President :—What have you learnt from your mother ?
Candidate :—Sir, since my childhood I have been brought up by my mother who is solely
responsible for whatever I am, and whatever I have achieved. My mother gets up at 5 AM and does all
the household course then she goes to college and in the evening works again till 8 O’clock, So sir I
have learnt hard work, dedication and above all affection from my mother.
President :—Who is the person you regard most in the life ?
Candidate :—My mother.

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