Sample Employee Satisfaction Questionnaire

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Sample Employee Satisfaction Questionnaire

For each of the statements below state whether you Strongly disagree Disagree Agree or Strongly agree I understand the long term strategy of the company _________________ I can share my opinions and suggestions in this organization ___________ My supervisor has strong human relations _________________________ I like the work I do ______________ The communication channels in this organization are effective and accurate _______________ All departments in this organization co-operate ____________________ My accomplishments and good work are recognized by the organization ________________ I set goals and objectives when performing tasks allocated to me ________________ Your job is very important to you _________________________ You have job security in this organization __________________________________ Training and development provided in this organization is valuable ____________ I have enough freedom and authority to carry out my job tasks ____________ I am satisfied with the spirit of cooperation in the organization ______________ You have good relations with your immediate supervisor ___________________ Employees in this organization are treated well and respected ________________ You are satisfied with your pay package __________________ What other benefits would you like to be added to your pay? ______________________________________________________________

What more can the company do to increase your satisfaction as an employee?

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