2022 Bio Structured

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a Part A Structured Essay f Answer all questions on this paper itself (Each question carries 100 Marks) ETN TT L(A «@ Nasw_EG_mowacrhares that form a. non-reducing dieecharide, (2 pe) @ (a) Wear bs 2 oll Junction’? a) wo Name a cell junction that curtis out cach of the fatlowing: Preventing leakage of extracellutar fluid ; (ipo Adkowing exchange of materials (ipo i) Sate @ malo function of each of the following galls: (a) Chondioestes (ipo 2 Oseoeyten (ipo Ws) Name one penduct each of the curbonylase and exygenase reactions of Rubisco: ©) Carhoaytase reaction: cpp (© Oxygeuase reaction cp | ©) Wise are laepraced in Noo Darwinian? j ; Cpe) acide wenn Se a 3 Wags ileringiehona)/ GEE AA Eeaninaton "3023 (3003) Ansimenig nob lngo CamScanner Contidentiy peportment of Examinations - Sri Lanka pigs 5 and the organs oo ieee ne ! jn | (1) Muliicetutar Unicellular (2) Bilateral symmetry or asymmetrical Radial symmetry (3) Segmented body Unsegmented body (4) Legs present Legs absent (5) Body cylindrical Body not cylindri Shout 6} Hagulle present . Unds\in« . Flagel'a absent ' (if coy step is wrong , no mn.cks should be piven F< vond tut ste») C12 pa) Gi) State two functions of a zygospormngiom, (pu) (3) State three structural features unique to phylum Behinexlerudta, (any threey GO pssy i 4 CamScanner i confidential Department of Examinations - Sri Lanka Gi) State two differences between monocot flower afd 2 dicot flower. (2p) (¥) What are knowin as hard wood and soft: wood? (@) Hand wood: 0) Soft wood = ' ye @p) (QO @ Leaves of plants are generally arranged horizontally or vertically. Stale ane adlyuntage of eich of these aangements, | (@ Horizontal arrangement ¢ (b) Vertical arrangement Capt) G1) State the generic names of two photosynthetic plants that obtain nitrogen and minerals from insects, (any two) (2 pts) ‘Gil) What is known as double fertilization in angiosperms? v) Name the ion. responsible for gravitronism in plants, i ro) b (©) When examining a stained teuipotiry preparation of onion mot ‘under the ‘microscope, a student observed cells with short, — ‘ Mactany Sine) / GEE (Ai) Laaningtion 2082 (20231 / oonasanc ics 1 CamScanner Cp (40 pts x25 marks = 100qarha) Q b Depart ST aA woe oe ee ¢ heart: * in the homan 2.(A) @ State the specific locatir —~ the following valves valve: (1p) () Seminar valves (2 pts) Gi) What are known as. chordae tendinac (pd) (iil) State the reason for each of the following: @ Angina (py (b) Myocardial infarction ; (py AY) Wht are known a3 diastitic prsume and sy:tolie prssure? (a) Diasiolic pressure; apy (b) Systolic pressure . (1 pry (What is represented by the J wave-in an BCG tcing? (py @ ©) G@) What is known as basal metabolic mate (MR)? loa j (h) State the rage of average BMR of an adult tmnan male, pp i hed caine om li Op ter Rete Sn ee TE bm CamScanner ———S— rr — ket confidential exxymes of man that catalyse the b of is ‘Name two © bowl (any two points) (2 pts) @we is soquired immunity? (pts) (h) Site the exact ocation of the. re, glands. in — kidney stone pis) (©) Give three causes for fomation of ce) ((3 pts (any three) (( mg (© @ (9 Name & phylum which inctudes animals.with a brain and tongitudinal nerve cords, (pd 10 Babich he a Cea) ee tun cea tates which (any two) (2 pts) W) (@) Name two ‘structures of the homan brain = of the embers. 3 neg —— from the fonsbaain | i | (any two) (2 pts) (2023) Amandine yr CamScanner ¢ ste eff of moor neon in he piper ervns system of eee ne dnd Bch CE (AVE) Examiaton 2022 (2023) 7 Arnoca (Lp) CW (9 Sib he factor ti re importa oe manning eng membrane peti of a neu. Gps) () Write in comect sequence, the pathway of nerve impulses for the vision of humans after photoreceptor-cells are stimulated. ~ @ ‘Naame a phylum which includes animals that reprodace by budding and fragmentation, apo (U) State tres functions of, thp sep stvvt human males. Any two onan : Q pty (©) (@) State two. sources of progesterone during pregnancy. Cm () State the Functions of chorion during embryonic development. Gym) | i G pis) 3 4 CamScanner Department of Examinations » Sri Lanka (@ Sie a metiod that cam bo ued to determine the sie wort karma (ip) a (40 pts x2.Smarks = 100maFk8) 0 ) +3, (A) @ Name toro hormones which mediate long: tem stress en a> 93 ea (2 pts) i) What is the cause of hyperthyroidism? : (py (ii) What is the reason for slipped dise condition in man? (pd (iv) This question is based on the following diagram. (a) Identify the structure given in (he above diagram, (py) Fe CamScanner ions - Sri Lanka CO Baw, | epernet of xarinations SANS ee Gg Name the parts belied as F al O- Pp " ithe answer for (a) is wrong ,no marks for (b) and (¢) (20s) ay @) @ (@ Name a human genetic disorder caused due to gene mutations. (1Py () Name three human genetic disonders caused due to chromosome mutations and’ state the specific reason for each of them, ! ‘ oe said (6 Pts) Hi) Low does ep stasis oecur? «i ‘What are the two main intentions of a genetic counseling service? | | (2 pts) | (2) Nome to exc requ or meg DNA on RA tea, (po Gd) Wes is conned in x eDNA tbe? 4 onlll CamScanner tment of fxaminations- Sri Lanka fe Deparment of Bam (9) 0 io ee pe gn sft fren DNA im ca? 3 pts) the advantages of using Small ‘Tandem Repeats (STR markers) in DNA. ae (Apts) e=s)| ©) @ What is known as primary consumer and niche in. an ecosystem? | (a): Primary consumer G) (b) Niche a, Gi) Sexe the main anthwopogenic activity that has severely affected each of the following Liomes. (@ Tundra (®) Temperate grasslands (©) Northern coniferous forests = G pts) Gi) State four main features of a savanna ecomystent. CamScanner Diversity other than conservation 0) State the two main gosls of Convention on Biclogical Di of biodiversity. prs 40 x 2.5 marks = 100 marks y 4.(A) @ What is known as species diversity? , (3 pts) Gi) Name two types of extremophiles that are present in the deep sea. (2 pts) (iii) What is the source of carbon used by ehemoantotrpitic Sacterial species? (py Gv) State two chamcteristics common to mycoplasma snd phytoplasma. d ; a (any two) am | (©) What is known av invuivencas of pathogen? | 2 pts) 4 1 @) Name two tacts paces that we wre 19 wld favour ring : You prodacidn, a q as i Q pay CamScanner i confidential pepartment of Examinations Se Lanka ay Name one enzyme each, other than amylase, stingy ol ts : ergilas tiger - (&) Aspergillus oryene | (2 pts) Gil), Why is alum added during drinking water treatment? Pts) (Gy) State two physical changes that take place in food due to growth of microorganisms, (2pts) {C) @) State fowr issues faced by growers in plant nursery management other than those ocecialed with providing optimum eaviroumental conditions. (Apts) (i) Why is a gelling agent added to a tissue culture mediuni? (py (Gi) What are the conditions that a seod has to complete 10 CamScanner

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