Study Plan

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Intent letter

Date: 15 \3\2023
I hope you are doing well
My name is Mohammad Ali son of Ahmad shah and My last name is
(Ahmadi) but I think its so hard for same people to say so you can call
me (Ali). I was born in Afghanistan and spent my childhood growing
up in capital city along the east. I have a three siblings.
I graduated from school in (2022). I am only boy in my family that I
always attempt hard to improve my level of education, because of
weak economy I enrolled in some main courses like (matamatas ,
physic ,chemistry ,computer ,and English).first I want to say a few
words regarding my study background I have a diploma in English
and as well as I have completed the six Monte physic course also I
have a certificate in physic and I graduated from eight Monte
chemistry course as well as I learn computer by my self. so my
greet ambition is that I really love to know the culture of china and
also I love Chinese people because the Chinese peoples are very
talented and worker also one imported that I love to learn Chinese
I have a lots of goals:
1. I must be complete my Bachler in one of the best university in
2. After that when I complete my Bachler I want to apply for
master’s degree
3. When I complete my masters degree I want be a person to
serve in every society.


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