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User's Manual for MX118 V1.

0 Preface

Welcome to use Our Injection Molding Machine Control System

Safety Cautions

(Please read it before installation)

1. When the exterior power supply is ab normal or the control system

breaks down, m ake sure the safety circuit is installed outside the
control system in order to make the entire system work safely.
2. When abnorma l situations occur, such as the c ontrol system unable
to test the input/output, the output can not be controlled; in order to
make the machine operate safety, for the output signal related to major
accident, please design the exterior safety circuit or protection device.
3. The emergency door safety device is the core safety part of the
in jec tion molding ma chine. M ake sure related sa fety protectio n
devices for mach ine and o il lin e are added outsid e.

1. Oth ers e xcept th e trained a nd qualified p ro fessio na l technica ns

are no t a llowe d to in stall a nd maintain th is sy stem.
Cautions 2. When a valuable or large die is used, the travel control method
must b e ad opted to use the neutron; otherwise, the control system
can not guarantee the safety of the die.

User's Manual for MX118 V1.0 Preface


Please read the manual carefully before you use this

system. PORCHESON Company will only be responsible
for the maintenance of the problems exist in the system
itself, and will not be responsible for the fault caused by
improper operation, unauthorized maintenance,natural
disasters, or the system damage or data loss caused by
other abnormal situations. The changes in the manual will
not be informed in advance. The contents in the manual
are for reference,the company will not be responsible.
for the losses caused by the misunderstanding of the
manual.There may be differences between the actual
objects and the abstract image,but the functions are
According to the Copyright Law, the Company owns
and retains the exclusive ownership of all works,without
The written approval of the Company,any deletion, revision,
reproduction or imitation of the manual are not permitted.

User's Manual for MX118 V1.0 Preface

Product Guarantee Terms

I. Ou r gua ra ntee serv ices are provide d by ou r afte r- sale service ce nter of all offices all ov er
China and cover all produ cts so ld by us.
II.Our products carry out one-month 3-R service and two-year (one year for LCD screen)
free repair service. Except otherwise specified by both parties, these periods shall start
as of the date where the products are sold.
III. P rovide d that they a re used normally, i n ca se of fai lure s due to qua lity reason of t he
products, within the 3-R or free repair period, we will provide free repair or replacement
for you.
IV. Within the 3 -R or free repair period , in any o f the fo llow ing circumstances ,you will not
be a ble to e njoy th e 3-R s ervice an d free repair service:
1.When the product is defective or damaged due to human factor or force majeure;
2.When the product is damaged due to the installation and operation not conforming to
the related regulations;
3.When the product is damaged due to peripheral electric leakage or short during use;
4.When the product is damaged due to being bumped by external force during use;
5.When th e product is repaired without permission or its bar code or serial number is tore
or altered;
6.When the product is used in the environment with high temperature and humidity and
thus it is burnt due to overheat or damaged due to high damp.
V. We undertake hereby that, if the domestic user needs after-sale services due to product
quality, based on our service offices everywhere, we will repair the product within 24h
if in the same city, within 48h if in the same province or not later than 72h if out of the
same province to reach your place; if the overseas user needs such service, he can send
the product back to us at its own cost and we will provide the desired repair.
VI.In order to satisfy the individualized demand of the user, our products can provide
software devel opment pa cka ge for seconda ry development; howeve r, t he user should
bea r all risks therefrom.
VII. In case of failures during use, the user should inform us as soon as possible and then
we will displa y our professional technicians for repair. It is not a llowed to dismantle
t he produc t by the user without our permission; othe rwise, it will be deeme d t hat the
user waives the right for free repair and any loss or product damage will be assumed by
the user.
VI II. Th e rep air o ut of th e fre e mainten an ce period will be charge d. The fa ilu re of th e same
feature can enjoy 3-m onth free mainte nance as of the com pletion of the first mainte nance;
however, the six circums tances mentioned in IV above will be excluded for f ree maintenance.
IX . These Term s shall come into effect as of June 1, 2009. In the case where any terms before
are inconsistent with these Terms, the latter shall prevail.
X. We reserve the final r ight to interpret these Terms.

User's Manual for MX118 V1.0 Contents


System Configuration &
Installation 1

Line of M X 11 8 Button Operation specification

Operator's Manual

Explanation of the Parameter/

Function Setting 14

Production management 42

Explanation of the System

Debugging and Setting 48

Input/output State Detection 65

Reference & Appendices 70

All copyrights are reserved, any duplication without the prior authorization
shall be forbidden.

User's Manual for MX118 V1.0 Contents

Chapter 1 System Configuration & Installation
1. System Configuration & Remarks p1
2. Features of the PS860AM Control System p1
3. Installation and Debugging of Computer Control System p2
Chapter 2 Specifications of the Button-Pressed Operations
1. Figure of Keyboard of the Operation Panel (See the figure below) p5
2. Explanation of the Functional Keys p6
3. Explanation of the Parameter Setting button p8
4. Cursor Key p9
5.Operation Mode Selection Key p9
6. Electrothermal ON/OFF key and Motor ON/OFF key p9
7. Manual Operation Keys p10
8. Setting Scope of Numeric Items p13
Chapter 3: Descriptions on setting parameters/functions
1. The main control panel shown while turning on p14
2 . The descriptions on display P15
3 . Descriptions on alarm mode P16
4 . Descriptions on operation/prompt mode P17
5 Setting for celerity information P18
6 Setting for mold close information p19
7. Set mold open information p20
8. Set the plastic injecting information p21
9. Set the pressure retaining information p22
10. Set plastic feed/suck back/cooling information p23
11. Set the stuff auto-clearing up information p24
12. Set the table information p25
13. Set the mold adjusting information p26
14. Set the ejecting forward information p27
15. Set loose core information p28
16. Set blowing information p29
17. Set time/count information p30
18. Set temperature information p31
19. Set warm-up and chart of observation information p32
20. Set Mold information P33
21. Information amendment history P34
22. special parameter adjustmetn Setting P35
23. Set Ethernet information P37
24. Set fingerprint base management information P38
25. Set fingerprint log in information sheet P39
26.Set MES-Injection Workshop Management system (Optional ) P40

User's Manual for MX118 V1.0 Contents

Chapter 4 production management

1. Set porduction Imformation p43
2. SPC Track Note Page p44
3. Pressure/Speed curve Setting Page p45 of servo alarm record p46
5. Alarm note Page p47
6.Curve page p48
7. Temperature Track curve Page p49
8. USB Setting Page p50
Chapter 5 Instructions for the System Commissioning Settings
1. Engineer Setting Page p51
2. Delay Setting Page p52
3. Pressure/Flux Slope Setting Page p53
4. Pressure Pre-Adjustment Page p54
5. Flux Pre-Adjustment Page p55
6. Back Pressure Pre-Adjustment Page p56
7. Electronic Ruler/ Pressure Setting Inspection Page p57
8. Special Function Options Page p58
9. Servo Driver monitor Setup Page p61
10. Servo Driver Setup Page p62
11. Standby Function Setting Page P64
12. Programmable Standby Function Page P65
13. Temperature Parameter Page P66
14. Machine No./ Production-Factory Value Setting Page p67
Chapter 6 Input/Output Mode Inspection
1. Input Inspection Page p68
2. Key inspection Page p70
3. Output Inspection Page p71
Reference & Appendices
1. MB118 keyboard installation dimension Layout p74
2. MC118 keyboard installation dimension Layout p75
3. MD118 keyboard installation dimension Layout p76
4. MF118 keyboard installation dimension Layout p77
5. external dimensions and installation hole positions drawings for power supply case
and transformer p78
6. Exterior dimensions and installation hole position drawings for main controller p79
7. PS860AM System wiring drawing p80
8. PS660AM input and output Wiring Diagram p81
9. PS860AM input and output Wiring Diagram p82
10. PS960AM input and output Wiring Diagram p83
11.Motor heater wiring drawing p84

User's Manual for MX118 V1.0 Chapter 1 System Configuration & Installation

Chapter 1 System Configuration & Installation

1. System Configuration & Remarks

No. Code Content NO Remarks
P S 6 60A M 2 4/ 24 +9+ 3 Electronic Ruler 1 Set
1 Host Computer P S 8 60A M 27/28+10+3 Electronic Ruler+3Pressure Sensor 1 Set
P S 9 60A M 48/48+7+4Electronic Ruler+4Pressure Sensor 1 Set
M B1 1 8 "800*480 7inch/TFT 1 Set
M C1 1 8 "800*480 7inch/TFT 1 Set
2 Keyboard Optional
MD1 18 "800 *4 80 7in ch /T FT 1 Set
MF1 18 "800 *4 80 10.2inch/TFT 1 Set
3.Power pack P W 4 50 4 50 W 1 Set
4.Message cable D B - 15F 1To8 meter optional 1 Set

2. Characteristics of PS860AM Control System

The system has bright LCD display
The system ad opts two CPU desig n with fast operating speed, precise control and high stability.
It has the real time function to display time and date in real time.
With 999 groups of mode data storage, it may enter the mode description and real-time
operating help in Chinese and English.
The password setting and data locking can prevent the operators from changing the established
data arbitrarily to influence the quality of products.
There are multiple languages for your choice that display dynamically in real time.
Packing modulus setting function for 8-digit output may set the packing modulus.
Various self-plugging and tein type programs are applicable for the self-plugging and tein
control in different types.
PID with self temperature control has (6+1) sections of temperatures.
Temperature may be preset a week in advance to enable more convenient operation.
Failure Self-detection functions, alarm display and voice prompt
Input and output are done by the optically coupled circuit to isolate the interference of the
external circuitry.
3-circuit standard D/A proportion output with max. current as 3A
The output value of pressure, speed, current can have real-time dynamic observation,
and it is not necessary to install another ammeter
In the inspection window, you can inspe ct all input and output points and the moving states of key.
Presetting of the voltage and runoff values, proportional valve available for the products in
all brands and better linear proportion.
The managem ent of 255machine pro duction is by a hos t networking computer ,It canac curate
Statistics ea ch mac hine production state a nd produc e d ata type ,so it is c onvenient to manage.

User's Manual for MX118 V1.0 Chapter 1 System Configuration & Installation

3. Installation and Debugging of Computer Control System

3.1Cautions upon Installing the Control System
The design of control system is simple and easy, only one 15-core shielding cable connecting
the k ey bo ard a nd h ost com pute r s he ll with flexible and h an dy in stallation and co nn ection . The
sk etc h map fo r ins talla tio n is s ho wn a s follo ws:

O ra n g e B ack Yell ow Gray

RS 2 3 2

+5 V( 3 A)
+ 24 V( 3 A)


+2 4 V
+ 24 V( 8 A)
+ 38 V( 3 A)

- Control Strong
X0 0 fr on t do or 1
X0 1 fr on t do or 2
X02injectorP rote ctiv e cove r
pres su re P

Speed S
P res s ure P ro por tio nal Valve
S peed Pr opor tional V alv e
X0 3 m o ld cl os e sto p B ack pr es sur e Prop ortional V alv e

3 Back pressureF
4 X0 4 E lectric E yee n ter Stan db y Y 3 3 3
5 X0 5 fe ed rot ation s peed
Stan db y Y 3 2 2
6 X0 6 be fore n o zzle stop blow femal e Y 3 1 1


X0 7 af ter no zzle st op
X1 0 St andby
blow mal e Y 3 0

c ore B out



X11 S t andby
X1 2 E jector return Fend er
X1 3 E jecter befor e s top
X1 4 E jector return s to p
X1 5 ba ck do or 1
X1 6 ba ck do or 2
cor e B in
core A out
core A in
mold open b uffer
mid dle p u mp
big p u mp
Y 24


Power Equipment
7 X1 7 m o to rs tart fault a larm Y20 0
- XC O M Y C OM +
0 X2 0 fin ead j u st teeth n umbe r highpressure mold clos e Y 1 7 7
1 X2 1 fr on t mo ld ad j ect sto p low pressuremoldclose Y 1 6 6
2 X2 2 ba ck mo ld ad j ect sto p mac hine ej ector stop Y 1 5 5
3 X2 3mechanichand mold clo se machi nemoldopen st op Y 14 4
4 X2 4 m echan ic han d eject mold th ic k Y 1 3 3
5 X2 5 co re Ai n /Cou n t Poordynamicmoldclose Y 1 2 2
6 X2 6 co re Ao ut /Co u nt m old th in Y 1 1 1
7 X2 7 m o to rfa u lt E jector r eturn Y 1 0 0
- XC O M Y C OM +
0 X30 c o re B advance /Count Ejecto rad v a nce Y 0 7 7
1 X31 c o re B re turn /Count mold ope n Y 0 6 6
no z zle re turn Y 0 5 5
s u ck bac k Y 04 4
f eed Y 0 3 3
2 X32 oil short Inj ector Y 0 2 2
+ REF + n o zzle adv an ce Y 0 1 1
1 AD 4 mol d close Y 0 0 0
2 AD 5
3 AD 6
- AD G
2 Mold close
2 Inje c t

oil te mper atur e


E je c t

K 6 oil te mperatur e

K 5 Segment5
Fir eWireL 1 2
oil m otor Strong Strong
Segment4 - K 4 Segment4 Lubr ic ate motor

eletricity eletricity
+ OIL 8

K 3 Segment3

K 2 Segment2

K 1 Segment1
7 HC5
Relay board
T1 3 HC1
Nozzle + K0 Nozzle T0
zero value N 1
2 HC0 Nozzle

Equipment Equipment
PS860A M

Ebb eletricity section Strong eletricity section

control box equipment outfit (for reference only)

(1)Upon installing the host control box, adopt the enclosed dis tribution cabinet at the first choice.
It sha ll be fixed in the well-v entilized , greasep roo f an d dustproo f conditions equipp ed with a
fa n and d ustproof . Th e distributio n box shall b e stored un der 5 0degree.
(2)Upon fixing the host computer and power pack, please keep the interconnecting parts such
as all AC connecto rs an d tra nsfo rm ers a s far awa y fro m ea ch othe r as p os sible to p reve nt the
electric w av e interfer en ce from the elec tro nic grid.
(3)All electric wires and shielding wires shall not be cut off, lengthened or curtailed arbitrarily.
You should use the electric wires and shielding wires provided by this company to prevent
from influencing the reliability and normal operation of the control system.
(4) The shell of flame cou ple sh all adopt the shielding wire. When the oute r shielding of all flame
couples adopts the thermal couple reticles, the reticle and machines shall be well grounded and
connected to the ground with the earthing resistance below 10ohm.
(5)Upon wiring, separate the high and low pressure line from the computer control line as m uch as
possible, do not bind all electrical wires together to prevent the interference from affecting the
reliable operation of control system.
(6 )Upon fixing the keyb oard an d 15- co re communic atio n co nnectio ns o f th e ho st c omp uter, yo u
shall press and tweak with force to prevent the poor connection from affecting the reliable
operation of control system.
(7)Pay spec ia l atten tion to the oil valve outlet public port YC OM, it shall be c onnected well to preve nt
the computer from inputting while having the phenomenon of oil valve having no motio n.

User's Manual for MX118 V1.0 Chapter 1 System Configuration & Installation

3.2Inspection of the Control System

(1)After installation completed, carry out an over all inspection if all connection lines are well
fixed including the switching power supply, host computer shell, electrothermal output line
and the thermal couple of keyboard.
(2)After the line inspection completed, carry out an electric connection inspection. First take
Out the11 -digital o utpu t line plug of the DC p ower su pply ou tlet po rt, nam ely the p ower pack
PW450, And then po wer on to examine and measure if the voltage is the same as the nominal
values and observe if the output indicator on the power pack is norm al.
(3)Power off after the measurement completed, insert the DC power supply to input to the plug
of host computer shell. After power-on again for inspection, LCD o n the keyboard w ill display
the normal state of the main page. Revolve on the emergency stop switch to check if the RUN
indicator on the host computer shell turns on. When it turns on, it indicates that the system
can work soundly.
3.3gging of the Control System
(1)After the system having shown normal operating state, press
page to adjust color and comparison.
1 STU button on the monitor

资 料
(2)To conduct the parameter setting and memory testing, press DATUM button to select a group

输 入
of mod ule numbers and then set data in all screens. Press ENTER button to save data. Disconnect
th e power and c onn ect it a gain af te r a few time, the sy stem will au tomatically call the da ta of
module numb ers saved by you. In case of they are correct, it indicates that the memory is all right.
(3)Afterwards, set the data in all relevant data (please see Chapter III Explanation of the Parameter
Settin g for the deta iled ope ra tio ns). Upon setting in the f irs t time , s et th e pressure an d sp ee d
as little as possible and then after all movements come normally, gradually increase the values
to normal parameters to prevent from damaging the mechanical performances.
(4)After all parameter set, save them and carefully inspect if all input and output po ints are normal.
Carry out an overall inspection of the alarm system, including the front and back safety doors.
The wire of safety doors shall be connected as stated in the following figure .

Safety Door 1 (PS660AM)

After Safety Door 1 After Safety Door 2

After Door

Front Door
Front Safety Door 1 Front Safety Door 2

User's Manual for MX118 V1.0 Chapter 1 System Configuration & Installation

L S1 LS2 L S3 L S4

X00 X15
Safety Door Wiring Diagram (for reference only)

Safety Door 2 (PS860AM)

LS 4 LS2
Afte r 2 Afte r 1
After Door

Front D oo r
Fron 2 Fron 1
LS 3 LS1

LS 1 LS 3 LS2 LS 4

X00 X01 X15 X16

Safety Door Wiring Diagram (for reference only)

★Safety Doors * Special Explanation: PS860AM

W hen X00=ON/X15=OF F orX00=OFF/X15=ON c lo sing/ ope ning the door s, or in case of
other abnorma l conditions, the sy ste m will issue an alarm 2 sec onds later for S afety Door
Failure and s imul ta neously termina te a ll operating output. In the semi -a utoma ti c mode, the
condition for opening/ c los ing the safety doors is tha t the ti me from LS1, LS2, LS3, LS4 al l
turn [OFF] to all turn [ON] is more than 0.5 as valid in order to prevent the twitter of safety
door switches from causing error operation.

User's Manual for MX118 V1.0 Chapter 2 Explanation of the Key Operations

Chapter 2 Explanation of the Key Operations

1. Figure of Keyboard on the Operation Panel (See the figure below)

20 10-03- 28 *Manual* 20:38:08

Nozzle 1Segment 2Segment 3Segment 4Segment 5Segment oil temperature Mold number: 2512
34.2 34.3 34.1 34.1 34.1 34.3 **** G-18CUP
Setup: 50.00 S Operate: 2.14 S Cycle: 216.90 S
Pressure: 20.0 Bar Flux: 20.0 % back pressure: 0.0 Bar

201 0-0 3- 28 *M anu al* 20:38:08

Nozzle 1Segment 2Segment 3Segment 4Segment 5Segment oiltemperature Mold number: 2512
34.2 34.3 34. 1 34.1 34.1 34.3 **** G-18CUP 0

. 6 %
6 6

9 9

Setup: 50.00 S Operate: 2.14 S Cycle: 216.90 S 0


. 6 %
6 6

9 9

Pressure: 20.0 Bar Flux: 20.0 % back pressure: 0.0 Bar

Temp erture.OK
Move mold: 593.9 M M Ejector: **** MM estimate production: 0 M M
Screw: 6.15 MM Screw speed: **** RPM current production: 0 M M
Mach ine Run W ell mold close slow
3 3 6

0 9 9
7 .6 %

3 3 6

0 9 9
7 .6 %

Move mold: 593.9 MM Ejector: **** MM estimate production: 0 MM

Screw: 6.15 MM Screw speed: **** RPM current production: 0 MM
M ach ine Run Well mold close slow

User's Manual for MX118 V1.0 Chapter 2 Explanation of the Key Operations

2. Explanation of the Functional Keys

Keys Usage

Enter into page for mould opening & mould clamping setting

射 出 Enter into page for ejection & pressure maintaining setting


储 料 Enter into page for feeding, shoot retreat & automatic

FEEDING material clearing setting

Enter into page for seat stand & mould adjustment setting

Enter into page for ejector, self-plugging and huff setting.

时 间
Enter into page to set timing and counting.

温 度
Enter into page for temp pre-heating & temp monitor setting.

资 料 Enter into page for mould ,Datum modification setting


Enter into pages for celerity one 、 two setting

监 视
Return to monitor page at any time.

帮 助
? Enter into real time help page under current status.

User's Manual for MX118 V1.0 Chapter 2 Explanation of the Key Operations

Keys Usage

Enter into page of USB setting

诊 断
Enter into page to set alarm

曲 线
Enter into page to injection, servo temp curve

生产 管理
Enter into pages to set production data &
SPC Tracking

line of MF Keyboard
For back up

line of MF Keyboard
打 印
Current page can be printed on pressing this key.

line of MF Keyboard

When cursor moves to such as the time setup location,1 will

be automatically increased with each pressing on this key.

line of MF Keyboard

When cursor moves to such as the time setup location, 1 will

be automatically reduced with each pressing on this key

line of MF Keyboard

Press this key is equal to mo ve cu rsor to [Enter] while in log in

status and then press the enter key

line of MF Keyboard

When cursor moves to such as mould name modification,

press this key to switch Chinese/English input method

line of MF Keyboard

Press this key is equal to move cursor to [Cancel] while in log in

status and then press the cancel key .

User's Manual for MX118 V1.0 Chapter 2 Explanation of the Key Operations

3. Explanation of the Parameter Setting


0-9 n umeric key s are used for data input in the data
4 JKL 5 MNO 6 PQR settingpage. When e lectric lock is in “ OFF”
State, these ten numbers are locked to ensure the data
will not be changed arbitrarily. In the meanwhile, there

1 2 3
are 26English letters and special symbols respectively
STU VWX YZ on 0-9 nu me ric keys used for the input of Chinese and
English letters as well as the machine serial number.
[Delete] key is used to delete the error words during
清 除
CLEAR 0 [ ]/ -.
entering the parameters and serial numbers. [Input]
key is used to se le ct the func tions dur ing funct io n
Selection and use d to confirm during item confirmation.

4. Cursor Key

Keys Usage

Skip key, pressing it will skip the cursor to the upper line

Escape key, pressing it will move the cursor to the left

Escape key, pressing it will move the cursor to the right

Skip key, pressing it will skip the cursor to the lower line

User's Manual for MX118 V1.0 Chapter 2 Explanation of the Key Operations

5. Operation Mode Selection Key

Keys Usage Remarks

手 动
Pressing this key will enter the system
into manual state. There is an indicator on the left upper
of all keys. Pressing any key will turn
on this indicator, indicating the system
半自动 Is in this state. Every time the computer
Pressing this key will enter the system
into semi-automatic operation is started, the default state of system is
SEMI.AUTO anual operation.In case of the temperature
has not reached the set value, the system
电眼自动 is impossible to perform semi-automatic 、
Pressing this key will enter the system senr-automatic and time automatic
into senr-automatic operation operation s. The indicator will not turn
on when the semi-automatic 、senr-
automatic and time automaticoperation
时间自动 key pressed till thetemperature reaches
Pressing this key will enter the system
the set value.
into time-automatic operation

电热开/关 马达开/关

6. Electrothermal ON/OFF key HEATER ON/OFF

and Motor ON/OFF key MOTOR ON/OFF

In the manu al mode, press the key once and the indicator a t the left u pper will turn on ,indicating
the function state has opened. Pressing the key again and this indicator will turn off, indicating
the function state has shut off. Repeatedly pressing this key, the functions will turn on or off in
turn. Upon the e mergency sw itch stops, the mot or will power off swift ly wi thout affecting the
el ectro the rmal operation.

User's Manual for MX118 V1.0 Chapter 2 Explanation of the Key Operations

7. Manual Operation Keys

Keys Usage Operation Conditions

开 模
Mold-opening operations 1. M old is not rea ched to the te rminati on position.

1.No rmal safety door inp ut;

锁 模
2.Ej ector retrac ts till bumpi ng;
Mo ld-closing operation 3.Mo ld is not clo sed to the term ination positi on;
4.The signals (mold-closing) of robot hands have been connected
when the robot hands are selected.
1.In case of time glue shot selected, the injection time has
射 出 not completed;
2.In case of the position selected , i t has not reache d
Glue Shot Operation t he glue- shot ter mination position;
INJECT 3.Temperatures within all sections of material canister shall
no texce ed th e leewa y scope (without temp erature alarm)
1.When the electronic ruler is off duty, the time for launching
back is inadequate;
射 退 2.When the electronic ruler is on duty, the position for
Suck back Operation launching ou t is inadequate;
3.The actual temperature of the reel has to be in the setup
SUCK BACK sco pe (n o temper atur e ala rm) a nd the ti me f or co ld st art
of t he sc rew is ad equa te;
1.Mold ope ning ha s come to the termin ate pos ition;
2. The neu tron withdrawal limit has been conne cted and the time
for withdrawal of neu tron is adequate; (when select neutron)
托模进 3.Mechanical hand signals (tra y mold) has been connected
Ejector advance operation ( when select mechanical hand);
4.When the electro nic rul er is on duty, the position of tray
EJECT ADV. mo de has not rea ched th e term inal po sition;
5.When the electro nic rul er is off duty, ① cho ose the trip:
has not re ached t he stop position. ②c hoose t he tim e: the
tim e calcu lation of tray mode is not ad equate ;

托模退 1.When the electro nic rul er is on duty, the position of tray
mo ld has not reac hed th e termi nal position;
Ejector return operation 2.When the electro nic rul er is off duty, ① cho ose the trip:
has notrea ched the stop positio n. ②c hoose the time : the
tim e calcu lation of tray mode is not ad equate ;

储 料
1.Fe eding h as not come to the te rmination pos ition;
Feeding Operation 2.Temperatures within all sections o f material canister shall
not exceed the le eway scope (without temp erature alarm)

自动清料 1.Selection and use of automatic material removal;

Automatic Material Rem 2.Times of automatic material removal not completed;
oval Operation 3.Temperatures within all sections of material canister shall
AUTO PURGE not exceed the leeway scope (without temper ature alarm)

User's Manual for MX118 V1.0 Chapter 2 Explanation of the Key Operations

Keys Usage Operation Conditions

1.The operating conditions are the same as those for ejection
Several Items Operation advance and liftoff;
2.Th e time of ejector setting has not completed.

润 滑
Lubricating Pump Work 1.Lu bricate total time hav e no end

1.Se lection and usage of male m old huff;
Male Mold Huff Operation 2.Th e time of male mold huff ha s not co mplete d.

Female Mold Huff 1.Se lection and usage of female mold h uff;
Operation 2.Th e time of fema le mol d huff h as not comple ted

座台进 1.When the block limit selection is off duty, there is no conditions;
2.When the block limit selection is on duty, ① the lock mode stops
Nozzle advance operation
ON. ② Has not reached the block stop position; b. the time
NOZZLE ADV. calculation of the block is not enough;

Nozzle backward operation 1 . No condition;

1.If transfers mod e by hand, press this button in the m anual

调 模 st ate, the i ndica tion ligh t wil l be o n, th at m eans you can
transf er m odeb y hand;
Mold-adjusting Selection 2.If autom atically transfers mode, press the button twice in
MOLD ADJ. th e manu al state , and the indication l ight will be on, that
m eans yo u can c onduc t autom atic tra nsfer o f mode ;

调模退 1.En ter the state of manual mode transf er;

Mold-Adjusting Backward 2.The mold-adjusting retract has not come to the termination
Operation position.

1.To select the mold-adjusting use state;
Mold-Adjusting Forward
Operation 2.T he m old-a djus ting a dvan ce has no t com e to the
MOLD THIN te rmin ation position.

User's Manual for MX118 V1.0 Chapter 2 Explanation of the Key Operations

Keys Usage Operation Conditions

中子A进 1.Selection and usage of Self-plugging A;
2.Chip-insertion A has not come to the termination
Chip-insertion Operation A position or the time has not completed;
CORE A IN 3.Liftoff has reaches its position or the liftoff time
has come.
1.Selection and usage of Self-plugging A;
2.Chip-insertion A has not come to the termination
Chip-Extraction Operation A position or the time has not completed;
CORE A OUT 3.Liftoff ha s reac hes its positio n or th e liftoff time
has come.
1.Selection and usage of Self-plugging B;
2.Chip-insertion B has not come to the termination
B Chip-insertion Operation B position or the time has not completed;
CORE B IN 3.Lif toff has reaches its posi tion or t he liftoff time
has come.
1.Selection and usage of Self-plugging B;
2.Chip-insertion B has not come to the termination
B Chip-Extraction Operation B position or the time has not completed;
CORE B OUT 3.Lif toff has reaches its posi tion or t he liftoff time
has come.
line of MF Keyboard 1.Selection and usage of Self-plugging B;
2.Chip-insertion C has not come to the termination
C Chip-insertion Operation C position or the time has not completed;
CORE C IN 3.Lif toff has reaches its posi tion or t he liftoff time
has come.
line of MF Keyboard 1.Selection and usage of Self-plugging C;
2.Chip-insertion C has not come to the termination
C Chip-Extraction Operation C position or the time has not completed;
CORE C OUT 3.Lif toff has reaches its posi tion or t he liftoff time
has come.
line of MF Keyboard 1.Selection and usage of Self-plugging D;
2.Chip-insertion D has not come to the termination
D Chip-insertion Operation D position or the time has not completed;
CORE D IN 3.Lif toff has reaches its posi tion or t he liftoff time
has come.
line of MF Keyboard 1.Selection and usage of Self-plugging D;
2.Chip-insertion D has not come to the termination
D Chip-Extraction Operation D position or the time has not completed;
CORE D OUT 3.Lif toff has reaches its posi tion or t he liftoff time
has come.
line of MF Keyboard

Push N Operation 1. The upper l imit of the stocker has not come to the
end l ocat ion.

User's Manual for MX118 V1.0 Chapter 2 Explanation of the Key Operations

Keys Usage Operation Conditions

line of MF Keyboard

Pull N Operation 1 . No co ndition ;

line of MF Keyboard

Door open Operation 1. The safety door has not opened to the end
location or the time has not ended.

line of MF Keyboard

Door close Operation 1. The safety door has not closed to the end location.

line of MF Keyboard

Standby operation keys

line of MF Keyboard

Standby operation keys

8. Setting Scope of Numeric Items

Number Setting Items Setting Scope Unit

1 Time Setting Digital ≤600 .00 Second

2 Pressure Setting Digital ≤160 .0 Bar

3 Speed Setting Digital ≤99. 9 %

4 Back Pressure Digital ≤ 160.0 Bar

Digital ≤ 999.9(Measure)
5 Temperature Setting
Digital ≤ 600.0(set) ℃

6 Storage of Mold Data Digital ≤ 999 Number

7 Predicted Turnout Digital ≤9 99 999 99 PC

In case of the set values exceed the above-mentioned scopes, the system will not accept the
numbers set and keep the original set values. For the habit of data input, the data input of this
system is display from right to left.

User's Manual for MX118 V1.0 Chapter 3: Descriptions on setting parameters/functions

Chapter 3: Descriptions on setting parameters/functions

1. Main page of Starting up

Connect with power, turn the red urgent stop switches, the operation light of the compute r-
RUN-flickers, t he following m enu shown on the display, now the control system is running
a nd it is ready to operate the m achine.
2010-03- 28 *Manua l* 20:38:08
Nozzle 1Segment 2Segment 3Segment 4Segment 5Segment oil temperature Mold number: 2512
34.2 34.3 34.1 34.1 34.1 34.3 **** G-18CUP
Setup: 50.00 s Operate: 2.14 s Cycle: 216.90 s
Pressure: 20.0 bar Flux: 20.0 % back pressure: 0.0 bar

3 3 66

0 99
7. 6 %

3 3 66

0 99
7. 6 %

Move mold: 59 3.9 mm Ejector: **** m m estimate production: 0 mode

Screw: 6.15 mm Screw speed: ** ** R/M current production: 0 mode
Machine Run Well mold close slow
F1 mold o./c. F2 Inj./Hid. F3 Mt./purge F4 Noz./Adj. F5 Eje./Core F6 Time F7 Tem.Set F8 Datum

监 视

Pr es s MONITOR key at a ny time a fter re -turning on the comp uter, an d th en enter the menu of
the monitor menu of the machine. This menu is for monitoring temperature and machine running
condition.The names and numbers of the moulds will be set in mould information menu.The
temperature scale and current oil temperature show the real value of each stage thus its information
cannot be modified. Each function of the menus is described as follows:
The descriptions on mode:

Mode Meanings

Motor is running

Electric heating is operated

Lubricant pump is working with oil

User's Manual for MX118 V1.0 Chapter 3: Descriptions on setting parameters/functions

2.The descriptions on display:

Display Meanings and descriptions

Manual The running mode of the machine;

Injector This section is heating;

Mold number The current mold number;

Movable mold Shows the current position of the mold. The unit: mm;
Screw Shows the current position of the screw. The unit: mm;
Thimble Shows the current position of the thimble. The unit: mm;

Pressure The set pressure value of the current movement;

Flux The set flux value of the current movement;

Estimated ou tpu t Estimated output of current mould number;

Output Record the numbers of mould opening for current mould number during the
automatic operation of the system;
Set The time value and counter data of the current movement;
When a time value is set for current movement, only the operation time gradual
Operation ly reached set value, can next movement be proceeded, if number of times is set
correspondingly the number of times would be displayed and to reached its set .

Cycle Cycle time of actual operation of system;

Actual tempera ture is not within setting range, showing current ly al l
Low temperature
sec tions of temperat ure are abnormal
Screw speed The number of rotation of the screw in one minute (unit: RPM);

User's Manual for MX118 V1.0 Chapter 3: Descriptions on setting parameters/functions

3.Descriptions on alarm mode

Alarm Source Solution

Please check whether swit che s of front sa fe

Mould locking will not work and displayed Door correctly connect wi th input port
Safe door unclosed .safe door unclosed unless safe door closes
X00and X 01
Ple ase c he ck wh ether switches of re ar safe
Switches of X15 and X16 of rear safe
Rear safe door unclosed door are in OFF status . d oor correc tly con ne ct with ports X15 an d
X 16
Please open safe door In semi-auto operation, single cycle Please open safe door to take out made
ends,but safe door is not opened product, close safe door and then continue
to wo rk
In automatic operation, when inspecting Eliminate faults of ejecting forward or ejecting
sensor is still not ON after thimble retreats
backward and judge if electric eye was estopped.
Failure of sensor inspection of sensor cycle mode and mid-time is over, Key inspection should be on conne ctions of sensor
Failure of sensor inspection will be or sensor itself if light of X04 input port is on.
Clamping and open mould not completed Reoperate mould opened or check mould posi
Mould opened is not reach wi thin “ the ti me limit ation of the tion 1, if electronic ruler is ’able‘state,check
set point mould opening or closing” position reading 2,if electronic ruler is ’disable
state ,check X12 to confirm it is connected
Mould opening/closing M ould ope ning/closin g is not don e Chec k i f there are abnormals in the
beyond fixed time .w ithin fixed time .p rocess o f mould open ing /c losing ,if
result is normal,adjust fixed time appro

Low- pressure protection Suppose low-pressure time is up, and Check if there are sundries in the mould, if
time is up yet not chan ge to high-presssu re,alarm result is no, adjust time of low- pressure
will be on protection appropriately
W hen only one of X00 and X01 is Please check to see whether switches of
Fault of safe door on, system alarms Front /Rear safe door is connected
. correctly with inp ut po rts of X01 and X02

While feeding, it is not done within C heck if th ere are an y abno rmals d uring
fixed time the process of feeding and ch eck w hether
Feeding is not done within material insid e charging b arrel is none,
fixed time if resu lt is normal , adju st time of feedin g
Fail to press fit to stroke switch of
inj ection inspect ion during the pro Check process of injection and adjust
Failure of injection cess of injection or fail to reach inje
deviation value of injection inspection
cti on inspection point whi le choose
electronic ruler

When there is signal inputs at motor Check if hydraulic motor was working
Motor is mulfunction protect ion point , system will be ala with overload that cause thermal realy
rmed to have protection action

Check if there are abnormals during the

Cycle time is up Automatic produ ction cyc le time process of automatic production , if result
exceeds set value is normal,adjust cycle time appropriatedly

User's Manual for MX118 V1.0 Chapter 3: Descriptions on setting parameters/functions

Alarm Source Solution

Neutron A is not reach Neutron A ,B w as chosen by machine Check whether end switches of neutron A
set point ,Limit connection of neutron A , B re and B were connected correctly and can be
Neutron B is not reach treat must be done while at the time press -fit normally. Please chose disable
set point. .of eject-forward or mult i-eject. for neutron A and B while not using neutron

Machi ne stops when output of mach Solution: If you need the machine continues
ine hal t is started and the numbers of Running after the ou tput reached, just set
Set output is reached mould opening reached set value of
The [stop after alarm] in production menu
output .
. as [out]; or reset the total mould opening
of the current mou ld number .

4.Descriptions on operation/prompt mode

Alarm Source
High temperature in 1,2,3, Current section real temp to machine hopper is higher than max temp value..
4,5, sections Injection nozzle. (Higher limit value of temp = setting value of temp + setting value of upper limit).

Low temperature in 1,2,3,4, Current section real temp to machine hopper is lower than min temp value..
5, sections Injection nozzle. Lower limit value of temp = setting value of temp - setting value of down limit).
Temperature short circuit in
1,2,3, 4,5, sections Injection Current section temp line was shorted or faulted to machine hopper.
Auto material clearing After setting Number of movements completed and when using auto
completed material clearing
Auto mold adjusting
Auto mold adjusting completed when using mold auto adjusting.
Auto mold adjusting
Auto mold adjusting not completed when using mold auto adjusting.
not completed
Enter manual mode first Operate manual keys when under auto state..

Functions not selected Certain function has not been selected when manual operate its keys.

When choose to use motor, pressed semi-auto/auto keys but motor yet
Start motor please not started.

Next cycle Prepared In auto mode, the mid-time between completing a cycle and starting next cycle.

Sensor prepared The mid-time has not been reached after withdrawing thimbles during auto sensor
Exit mould adjusting When operate non-[adjust forward, backward ] keys under mold adjusting state.
mode first
Enter mould adjusting When operate [adjust forward, backward ] keys under non-mold - adjusting state.
mode first

User's Manual for MX118 V1.0 Chapter 3: Descriptions on setting parameters/functions

5. Setting for celerity information


Press CELERITY SET key, enter the menu for fast setup 1 information, now as following:

2010.05.05 Fast setup1 10:07:12

Pressure Flux Place
Mold close slow 20.0 20.0 508.8 Mold close slow(s) *****
Mold close fast 50.0 80.0 109.0 low pressure protect(s) 50.00
Mold close low pressure 20.0 30.0 2.0 Mold close limit(s) 600.00
Mold close high pressure 120.6 25.0 *****
Mold open slow 20.7 20.0 50.0
Mold open fast 40.0 80.0 215.0 Mold open slow(s) *****
Mold open middle 60.0 70.0 550.0 Mold open limit(s) 20.00
Mold open low 45.0 20.0 600.0 mechanic hand Disable
Delay Tim e Eject Times
Ejector advance fast 60.0 80.0 ***** 0.5 0.8 2
Ejector advance slow 55.0 20.0 ***** ***** 1.0
Ejector hold 50.0 10.0 **** **** 1.0
Ejector return 50.0 40.0 ***** 0.6 *****
Hint:set range:0.00~600.00


Press CELERITY SET key twice, enter the menu for fast setup 2 information, now as following:

2010.05.05 Fast setup 2--Injection .Storing 10:07:12

Pressure Flux Time Place
Inject 5 Segment 125.9 95.0 ***** 0.00* Total time
Inject 4 Segment 110.0 90.5 ***** 5.00 50.00
Inject 3 Segment 30.0 20.0 ***** 20.00 Inject method
Inject 2 Segment 110.8 80.0 ***** 70.00 Place
Inject 1 Segment 20.6 40.0 ***** 120.00
hold pressure 4 Level 20.0 20.0 1.00
hold pressure 3 Level 35.0 25.0 1.10
hold pressure 2 Level 50.0 35.0 2.59
hold pressure 1 Level 45.0 20.0 1.25 Back pressure
Forward inject retreatt 30.0 250.0 ***** 20.00 **** Cool time
Stocking 1 120.0 85.0 ***** 150.00 15.2 30.00
Stocking 2 80.0 20.0 220.00 20.2 Feed limit
Eject return 50.0 43.0 ***** 250 ***** 80.00


Fa st setup 1 an d 2 menu s are parameters c lus ter men us co mmon used by jet plastic e machin es.
. two menus c an provide important parameters needed daily adjustm ent by machines,
including: mold close, mold open, injection, hold pressure, plasticizati on, ejector forward .

User's Manual for MX118 V1.0 Chapter 3: Descriptions on setting parameters/functions

6. Set moId close information

Press key, e nter the menu for setting mold close information , now the menu is as follow ing:

2010.03.28 Mold close 10:07:12

system pressure: 20.0

593.9 mm system flux: 20.0

system back pressure: 0.0

slow speed fast speed low pressure high pressure slow mold close(s) ****
Pressure (bar) 20.0 50.0 20.0 120.0 low pressure protect(s) 30.00
Flux(%) 20.0 80.0 20.0 25.0 Mold close limit(s) 30.00
Place(mm) 508.8 109.0 2.0 Differential mold close Enabled

Hint:0.disabled 1.enabled
Machine R un Well mold close slow
F1 mold o./c. F2 Inj./Hid. F3 Mt./purge F4 Noz./Adj. F5 Eje./Core F6 Time F7 Tem.Set F8 Datum

Descriptions on setting parameters/ process/function mold

Action Slow Fast Low pressure high pressure

Pressure 20 50 20 12 0
Flux 20 80 30 25
Place 508.8 109 .0 2.0
(1). Process: while closing mould, enter slow clamping first, and then enter fast clamping
stroke arrives at[508.8], and then enter low pressure clam ping w hen stroke runs another [109.0],
And then enter high pressure clamping when stroke runs another [2.0] till clamping comp leted.
It alarms [low pressure mould protection time is over ] when the low pressure time is over but not
enter the high pressure y et.
(2). Slow- mould -closing : when the dynamic mould electronic ruler is [disable], the time for
closing mould slowly.
(3). Low pressure protection: Set a smaller low-pressure time for mould closing, it is better to be fitting,
otherwise,the mould can not be protected.
(4). Limitation to mould closing: time limitation to mold closing,please set it longer, and it is Better to
be fitting, othe rwise, the s ystem alarms [mold ope n/close not completed on time].
(5).Differenti al mould closing: pre ss enter key to s elec t[on]or[off], output when select [on]for
quick mould cl osing and Y 12 is wit h sig nal , when s elec t[off] for quick mould clo sing,and
Y12 is without signal.

User's Manual for MX118 V1.0 Chapter 3: Descriptions on setting parameters/functions

7. Set moId open information

Press key twice, enter the setting mold open infor mation, the menu is as following:

2010.03.28 Mold open 10:07:12

system pressure: 20.0

593.9 mm system flux: 20.0

system back pressure: 0.0

slow speed middle speed Fast speed slow speed

Pressure 45.0 50.0 40.0 20.7 slow mold open(s) ****
Flux( % ) 20.0 70.0 80.0 20.0 Mold open limit(s) 30.00
Place 600.0 550.8 212.5 50.5 mechanic hand Disabled

Hint:0.disabled 1.enabled
Machine Run Well mold close slow
F1 mold o./c. F2 Inj./Hid. F3 Mt./purge F4 Noz./Adj. F5 Eje./Core F6 Time F7 Tem.Set F8 Datum

Descriptions on setting parameters/ process/function mold

Action Low Middle Fast Slow

Pressure 45 60 40 20
Flux 20 70 80 20
Place 600.0 550.8 215.5 50.5
(1). Process: while opening mould, enter slow mould opening first, and then switches to fast mould
Opening when stroke arrives at 50.5mm, and then switches to middle speed mould opening when
arrives at 215.5mm, and then switches to low speed mould opening when arrives at 550.8mm,and
then mould opening completed when arrives at 600mm
(2). Slow- mould- op ening: when dynamic m ould e lectronic rule r is [disable], the time fo r o pening
mould slo wly.
(3). Mould open limit: time limitation to mould opening and clamping, please set it longer, and it is better to be
fitting, otherwise, the system alarms [mold opening/clamping not completed on time].
(4). The function of mechanical arm : if a mechanical arm is needed, please select [on] for it. After [on]
sele cted,the mac hine will output m anipulator signal w hile mol d openin g com pleted. Before
mo ld clo se,the Next c ycle starts only after receivin g th e manipu la to r signal, an d stop the outp ut
o f it at the same time.

User's Manual for MX118 V1.0 Chapter 3: Descriptions on setting parameters/functions

8. Set the plastic injector information

射 出
Press key, enter the menu for setting plastic injector information, now the menu is as following:

2010.03.28 Injector setup 10:07:12

system pressure: 20.0

6.15 mm
system flux: 20.0

system back pressure: 0.0

5Segment 4Segment 3Segment 2Segment 1Segment

Pressure 125.9 110.0 30.0 110.8 20.0 Injector total time
Flux( %) 95.0 90.5 20.0 80.0 40.0
Injector method
Place 0.00 5.00 20.00 70.00 120.00
Time **** **** **** **** **** 1.time
Machine Run Well mold close slow
F1 mold o./c. F2 Inj./Hid. F3 Mt./purge F4 Noz./Adj. F5 Eje./Core F6 Time F7 Tem.Set F8 Datum

Descriptions on setting parameters/ process/function mold

Action Segment5 Segment4 Segment3 Segment2 Segment1

Pressure 125 110 30 110 20
Flux 95 90 20 80 40
Place 0.00 5.00 20.00 70.00 120.00
(1).Process: while injecting, 1stage injects plastic first, and then switches to stage2when arrives
at 22 0.0 mm, a nd th en switch es to stage 3 when arrives at 15 0.9 mm, a nd th en switch es to Stage 4
when arrives at 98.5mm, and then switch to pressure retaining when arrives at 10.0mm
(2). Injection total time; monitor normal travel of injection.It starts to count when entering into injection
and wait to be time u p,if choose [injection total time],it will switch to pressure holding Regardless
of distance reached or not,. Thus the injecting time should be set longer than real time.
(3).Injectoion pattern : when screw elec tronic ruler is on ,[Position] or [Time] can be sele cted.a. If
Sel ect [posi tion], inj ec ti on will be switc he d to pr es sure mai nt aining from e lectronic Rul er
position; b. If sele ct [tim e],injection will be swi tched to pressure m ainta ining from Time.

User's Manual for MX118 V1.0 Chapter 3: Descriptions on setting parameters/functions

9. Set the hold pressure information

射 出
Press INJECTION key tw ice, enter the pressure maintaining information , the menu is as following:

2010.03.28 Hold pressu re 10:07:12

system pressure: 20.0

6.15 mm
system flux: 20.0

system back pressure: 0.0

4Level 3Level 2Level 1Level

Pressure 20.0 35.0 50.8 55.0 Injection check Enabled
Flux 20.0 25.0 35.0 20.0 allowable deviation _
+ 2.00
Slope 1.00 1.10 2.59 1.25 collect mold number 20
Time Disabled Disabled Disabled Disabled reference standard 20.00

Hint: set range:20~100

Machine Run Well mold close slow
F1 mold o./c. F2 Inj./Hid. F3 Mt./purge F4 Noz./Adj. F5 Eje./Core F6 Time F7 Tem.Set F8 Datum

Descriptions on setting parameters/ process/function mold

Level5 P r es
Level 4 Level 3 Level 2 Level 1 125.9

50 55
Level 4 Level 3 Level 2 Level 1
Pres 20 35 50 55
Flux 20 25 35 20

Time 1.00 1.10 2.59 1.25 (Curve graph of slope function)

(1). Process: when entering into phase of pressure maintaining after injection, firstly from level 1 pressure
of pressure maintaining and speed movement when [lever 1 time is up] enter into level 2 pressure maintaining
And then enter into level 3 of pressure maintaining when [level 2 time is up],and enter into level 4 of pressure
maintaining when [level 3 time is up] and then switch to storing delay when [level 4 time is up].
(2).Method of application: when level 1 pressure maintaining control is enough for condition of moulding
control method is as below:please input time for level 1 pressure maintaining on level 1 time column ,
level 2 pressure maintaining time [0.00 set to be 0 while disable],level 3 pressure maintaining time
[0.00 set to be 0 while disable],level 4 pressure maintaining time [0.00 set to be 0 while disable]
(3). Slope function: Controlling pressure maintaining means to hold pressure or slope change, referring to
page to setting, the actual pressure output is as above chart.
(4). Injection inspection:[Disable] and [Enable] cab be selected. Computer will automatically take
average of injection terminal of first 1-100 output as inspection point, user can set alllowable
error of numerical value on page of pressure maintained. If exceeds set mould numbers, and
result is not reached or exc eeded inspection range,[Injection fail] will be alarmed and meantime
it will be regarded as defected product by output management .

User's Manual for MX118 V1.0 Chapter 3: Descriptions on setting parameters/functions

10. feed/suck back/cooling setup information

储 料
Press key , enter the feed/suck back/cooling setup information ,now the menu is
as following:
2010.03.28 Feed/suck back/cooling setup 10:07:12

system pressure: 20.0

6.15 mm
system flux: 20.0

system back pressure: 0.0

Front ejector Feed 1 Feed 2 Back ejector Cooling tim e

Pressure (bar) 30.0 120.0 80.0 50.0 30.00
back pressure (bar) **** 15.0 20.2 **** Feed limit
Flux(% ) 25.0 85.0 20.0 43.0 Feed delay
Place 20.0 150.0 220.0 250.0 1.0

Hint: set range:0.0~99.9

Machine Run Well mold close slow
F1 mold o./c. F2 Inj./Hid. F3 Mt./purge F4 Noz./Adj. F5 Eje./Core F6 Time F7 Tem.Set F8 Datum

Descriptions on setting parameters/ process/function mold

Action Front ejector Feed 1 Feed 2 Back ejector

Pressure 30 120 80 50
Back Pressure 15 20
Flux 20 85 25 43
Place 20.0 150.0 220.0 350.0
(1). Process:After phase of pressure maintaining, it will switch to storing 1when injection retreats move
To20.00mm, and then switch to storing 2 when move to150.0mm,and then switch to suck back
backward when move to 220.00 and finish storing when move to 250.00mm.
(2). Feed limit Time : Mon itor tim e for no material. It is regarded as no material when time is up but
Feeding is not completed, therefore, set time limit longer than actual feeding time, otherwise,
[feeding not completed on time] will be alarmed.
(3).Cooling time: In auto mode, injection and pressure maintaining are completed, cooling time starts
To count, time for feeding and injection retreats is also part of cooling time. If movement time ex
ceeds cooling time, cooling time will end, and mould opened can be proceeded only if feeding ,in
jection retreats finished, conversely, cooling time ends to open mould immediately.
(4)Feeding time delay: Set delay time when under au to state an d then to proceed for feeding.

User's Manual for MX118 V1.0 Chapter 3: Descriptions on setting parameters/functions

11. Set the stuff auto-clearing up information

储 料
Press key twice, enter th e menu for setting material auto-clearing up informatio n, now
the menu is as following :
2010.03.28 Auto clear setup 10:07:12

system pressure: 20.0

6.15 mm
system flux: 20.0

system back pressure: 0.0

Inject Feed Suck Back

Auto material clear Enable
Pressure(bar) 65.0 120.0 60.0
material clear times 5
Flux(%) 70.0 85.0 55.0
Restore time 1.00
Time 2.55 10.50 3.5 8

Hint: set range: 0.00~600.00

Machine Run Well Feeding 1
F1 mold o./c. F2 Inj./Hid. F3 Mt./purge F4 Noz./Adj. F5 Eje./Core F6 Time F7 Tem.Set F8 Datum

Descriptions on setting parameters/ process/function mold

Feed Suck Back Times of material clearing up ?

(1).Process : Ho w to use th e stuff auto-clearing up function . In man ual mode , pres s key o f material
Auto-clearing up, the system starts th e material auto-clearing up process, first is process of with
drawing, and then cycles automatically according with process shown in the diagram above.
(2) Autom atic material clea ring:.Under manual mode, press [automatic materia l clearing] key,
for automatic material cl earing m ovement
(3)Times of materi al clearing: Repeat movem ent of feeding and injection..
(4) Material restoring time: Under auto mode, to proceed feeding movement when move forward
completed and time is up then change to injection movement. .

User's Manual for MX118 V1.0 Chapter 3: Descriptions on setting parameters/functions

12. Set the nozzle information


Press NOZZ/ADJ. key, enter th e menu for settin g no zzle information , no w th e men u is as fo llowing :

2010.03.28 Nozzle setup 10:07:12

system pressure: 20.0

6.15 mm
system flux: 20.0

system back pressure: 0.0

Nozzle advanceslow Nozzle advancefast Nozzle return

Pressure 20.0 35.0 50.8 Auto Nozzle return
Flux 20.0 25.0 35.0
Nozzle return end method
Place ***** ***** *****
Time 1.00 ***** *****

Hint: 0.time 1.location

Mac hine Run We ll mold close slow
F1 mold o./c. F2 Inj./Hid. F3 Mt./purge F4 Noz./Adj. F5 Eje./Core F6 Time F7 Tem.Set F8 Datum

Descriptions on setting parameters/ process/function mold

(1)Move forward slow motion: ① When electronic ruler is [disable], move forward encounters
switch of move forward[X06] and then change to move forward slow and mould combination
and tim e will cou nts to end of mo ve forward ② when electro nic rule r is [Enab le],mov e forwa rd
Fast or slow was controlled by position of electronic ruler.(Function:To prevent crashing and
protect mould)
(2)Position of auto base retreats:[Disable]or [Feeding completed] or[ cooling completed] can be
selected, when [Feeding completed] is selected and under auto mode, move backward will be
proceeded after feeding and sucking back finished, and when [cooling completed] is selected
and under auto mode, move backward will be proceeded after cooling is finished.
(3) Move backward termination methods: ① When electronic ruler is [Disable], [travel] or [time
can be selected, when [travel] was selected,] the position of automatic base was controlled by
base stopped backward limit switch [X07],and when [time] was selected, the retreat of automatic
Base was controlled by time.② when electronic ruler is [Enable], [position] or [time] can be
selected, while [position] was se lected , the retreat of a utomatic b ase was con trolled by position
Of electronic ruler; while [time] is selected, the retreat of automatic base was controlle d by time.
(Notice: Under manual mode, press [nozzle Ret] key and nozzle ret movement will not be affected.)

User's Manual for MX118 V1.0 Chapter 3: Descriptions on setting parameters/functions

13. Set the mold adjusting information


Press NOZZ/ADJ. key twice, enter the menu fo r setting mold adjusting, now the menu is as following:

2010.03.28 Mold adjusting setup 10:07:12

system pressure: 20.0

system flux: 20.0

system back pressure: 0.0

Mold thick Fine adjust Mold thin

Pressure 20.0 35.0 50.8 fine adjust method Time
Flux 20.0 25.0 35.0 fine adjust tim e 6.0 0
Adjust method Manual Mold close time 12.00 fine adjust teeth number ***

Hint: 0.time 1.teeth

Machine Run Well mold close slow
F1 mold o./c. F2 Inj./Hid. F3 Mt./purge F4 Noz./Adj. F5 Eje./Core F6 Time F7 Tem.Set F8 Datum

Descriptions on setting parameters/ process/function mold

(1).adjust method: [Manual] or [Auto] can be selected, the pressure for mould adjusting is about
20- 50 bar, the speed is 30-60%.
(2).Fine adjusting method: [Time]or [gear number]can be selected. Select [time] if the machine is
not mounted with sensor; the initial value is controlled by [time]; select [gear number] if there
is a sensor, the initial value is controlled by [gear number].
(3).The time of mold closing: In auto mould adjusting, time limitation for mould closing.
(4).How to use auto m old adjusting: Select[auto ]for mold adjusting, press the key[mold adjusting]
and [auto mo uld adjusting], and than ente r the mode of au to mould adjusting as soo n As the exit
shut. The movement pressure and flux of adjusting f orward and backward in the proces s of
auto mould adjusting is controlled by a set value in the fine adjusting box. The sound of can be
heard and [mould adjusting completed] shown after the mould adjusting completed.
(5).While adjust mould manually o r automatically, the forwa rd tim e of m ould adjus ting is
controlled by stop limit .

User's Manual for MX118 V1.0 Chapter 3: Descriptions on setting parameters/functions

14. Set the ejector forward information

Press key , enter the menu for setting ejector forward, now the menu is as following:

2010.03.28 Ejector setup 10:07:12

system pressure: 20.0

200.0 mm system flux: 20.0

system back pressure: 0.0

Ejector return Ejector advance fast Ejector advance slow Keep

Ejector times
Pressure 45.0 55.0 50.0 50.0
Flux 45.0 20.2 10.0 10.0
Place ***** ***** ***** ***** Ejector Method
Delay 0.6 0.5 **** **** times
Time **** 0.8 **** 1.0
Hint:0.times 1.vibrating 2.retaining
Machine Run Well mold close slow
F1 mold o./c. F2 Inj./Hid. F3 Mt./purge F4 Noz./Adj. F5 Eje./Core F6 Time F7 Tem.Set F8 Datum

Descriptions on setting parameters/ process/function mold

(1) Times fixed : [Ejecting forward] → [Ejecting forward stopped] -[Maintain] -[Ejecting backward]
[Ejecting backward stopped] as one cycle, move in according to time s.
(2) Vibrating:[Ejecting forward stop] -[Ejecting forward stop]-[0.1Ejecting backward]-[time is up]
as one cycle, set moveme nt according with ejecting times, and ejecting backward movement will
stop when times is finished.
(3) Remain:[Ejecting forward]-[Ejecting forw ard stop] movements stop ,ejecting backward will only
Be con duc te d only befo re m ould closin g of nex t cycle.(Notic e:[Remain] m ove ment will not be
limited b y times , mo veme nt will b e only c ond ucted o nce whe n [times of ejec ting ] is la rg er than
(4). Ba ckward delaying: afte r eject ing forward c omple ted, the ejec ti ng backward move ment
occurs w hile the set ti me de layed.
(5). Forward delaying: after mould opening completed, the ejecting forward movement occurs
while the set time delayed.
(6) Mainta ining function: If m aintaining time set to be 0,there is not mainta ining function.The
Re taining function is for retaining pressure,sp eed and sta rting retaining time for the output
after ejecting forward completed. The retaining movement is completed as soon as the time
. is over.
(7). Retain maintaining function: [Enable] and [Disable] are available. Select the ejecting mode as retain
while under semi-auto state. When retain maintaining selecte d disable, the process: ejecting forward
stop--maintaining(time is up or opening and closing safe door)--cycle over,c onversely, ejecting
forward sto p--cycle over.
(8) [Notic e]:a.While ejecting is under m anual mode, it will not be limited by times.(But while m ulti-
e jecting is under m anual mode, it will be limited by time s)b. Ejecting function will be disable
when [e jecting times] was set to be 0.

User's Manual for MX118 V1.0 Chapter 3: Descriptions on setting parameters/functions

15. Set loose core information

托 模/中子

Press EJE/CORE key twice, enter the menu for setting core, now the menu is as following:

2010.03.28 Core setup 10:07:12

system pressure: 20.0
Movement mold
system flux: 20.0
593.9 mm
system back pressure: 0.0

Core A in Core A out Core B in Core B out

Pressure (bar) 65.0 65.0 40.0 35.0
Flux (%) 35.0 50.0 25.0 15.0
Core A Disable
Time **** **** 3.0 3.0 A method Way
Count *** *** *** *** Core B Disable
Start the way front mold close Mold close stop Front high pressure Front modeopen B method Time
Start the place ***** ***** ***** *****

Hint:0.time 1.way 2.count

Machine Run We l mold close slow
F1 mold o./c. F2 Inj./Hid. F3 Mt./purge F4 Noz./Adj. F5 Eje./Core F6 Time F7 Tem.Set F8 Datum

Descriptions on setting parameters/ process/function mold

(1) Core A function: [Neutron],[Twist], [Disable] can be selected, while selecting neutron, inlet
valve of core A will output meantime when injecting, while selecting twist, inlet valve of core
A will not output meantime when injecting.
(2)Core B function:[Neutron],[Twist],[Disable] can be selected, while selecting neutron, inlet
valve of core B will output meantime when injecting, while selecting twist, inlet valve of core
B will not output meantime when injecting.
(3)Mode A. [Time ], [st roke] and [count] ca n be se lec te d. If [ti me] sel ected, set the time t ill the
movement of loose core A terminated; if [stroke] selected, the movement of loose core will not
terminate until the stop signal [X25, X26] of input point shows ON; if [count] s elected, pipe
Thread control can be taken, and the movement termination is decided by the number of pipe
tread pulse inputted through [X25 ].
(4). Mode B: [Time ], [stroke] and [c ount] can be sele cted. If [tim e] selected, set t he tim e till the
terminate until the stop signal [X30, X31] of input point shows ON; if [count] selected, pipet
m ov eme nt of loose core B te rm in ate d; if [stro ke ] sele cted , th e mo ve ment o f lo os e core will n ot
Hread control can be taken, and the movement termination is decided by the number of pipe
tread pulsein putted through [X30]
(4). Time: When neutron A or B select time, foward/backward of neutron was controlled by time.
Gear n umber:When neutron A or B select gear number,forward/backward of neutron was continue
rolled by gear number..
(6). Start the trip: the neutron start the position of movement (neutron in: [before lock the mode],
[before the low pressure], [before the high pressure] and [the lock mode stops]; neutron out:
[Be fore the m ode opening] [before t he middle speed], [before the low speed] and [t he mode
Opening stops]), that is, where the template is moving, setup the ac tion of neut ron A and B.
(7). Start position: The position for starting the movement of core knock in or knock outwhere the
mould stops-- is a set value for the movement of core loose A and B.

User's Manual for MX118 V1.0 Chapter 3: Descriptions on setting parameters/functions

16. Set blowing information


Press EJE/CORE key thrice, enter the menu for setting air blow information, now the menu is as
2010.03.28 The blowing setup 10:07:12

system pressure: 20.0

Movement mold system flux: 20.0

593.9 mm
system back pressure: 0.0

Air blow male Air blow female

Time 1.5 2.3
Delay 0.2 0.0
Start the place ***** *****
Start the way beforemoldopen before mold open
Function method Enable Enable

Hint:0.disable 1.enabled
Machine Run Well mold close slow
F1 mold o./c. F2 Inj./Hid. F3 Mt./purge F4 Noz./Adj. F5 Eje./Core F6 Time F7 Tem.Set F8 Datum

Descriptions on setting parameters/ process/function mold

(1) . Why blowing air: This function can be used in the stamping mold that need air blow.
(2).Time delay: Delay first when arrives automatically at the position of air blow, and than blow
air when delay time starts.
(3).Start the way: you can s elect[before the mold opening] or [after the mol d opening] to set the
value of blowing.
(4) . Start ing pos ition: [Pre -mold ope ning] c an b e selec ted. [Pre-m ol d op ening] is t ake n a s a set
value for the movement of air blo w.
(5).Function mode: [On] or [Off] can be selected, no movement of air blow if [Off] is selected.

Mold end,delay count

Blow Male

Mold end,delay count

Blow Female

User's Manual for MX118 V1.0 Chapter 3: Descriptions on setting parameters/functions

17. Set time/count information

时 间
Press key , enter the menu for setting time/count information , now the menu is as following:

2010.03.28 Time/count setup 10:07:12

lubrica te mold number 1 cycle waiting time 1.00

lubricate total time 8.00 manual action time limit 99.00
lubricate time 4.00 fault alarm time 10.00
lubricate intermittent 1.00 cycle time 120.00

PC open time 8 1
Motor running time 18 8
Motor running time 14 4

F1 mold o./c. F2 Inj./Hid. F3 Mt./purge F4 Noz./Adj. F5 Eje./Core F6 Time F7 Tem.Set F8 Datum

Descriptions on setting parameters/ process/function mold

(1). Lubricate mold number: Count mold opening times. The oil pump starts when mold opening
times reach the set value.
(2). Lubrication Total time : the total time spent in this lubrication.
(3). Lubrication time: the output of the repeated operation with the total time for lubricatin.
(4). lubricate intermittent: The interval of the repeated operation with the total time for lubricatin.
(5). Cycle Wait tim e: During a uto p rocess, it is the time b etwe en co mp leted thimble mov ement and
starting a m oveme nt of mo uld s clamping of next c ycle.
(6).Cycl e time : The t ime lim itation to operation cycl e in automatic proc ess. T he system ala rms
[cycle time is ove r] when the real operating time is longer than cycle time limitation.
(7).Movement time limitation: the max time permitted when output movement.
(8).Error alarm b ell: The max time when error output occurs. To avoid long time alarming, the
bell stops alarm when time is over.
(9) Alarm interval: The time b etween alarm output and stop in a larm time.
(10).L ub ricati on pro cess: As it shows in the follo w ch art ,Du ring the outp ut time o f lu brication, if it fails
to detect any lubrication pressure signal, it would trigger an alarm, telling that th e lubrication
is failing. If “opping working” after the failing of lubrication is chosen, then it would stop
lubric ating and would change to work in m anual mode and s top the engi ne after the c ycle o f
the alarming.

Output Lubric space

Lubrication total time

User's Manual for MX118 V1.0 Chapter 3: Descriptions on setting parameters/functions

18. Set temperature information

温 度
Pr ess key, enter the menu for setting temperature information , now the menu is as following:

tem perature test Temperature setup 10:07:12

Ejector 1Segment 2Segment 3Segment 4Segment 5Segment

Actual 34.6 34.8 34.9 34.9 **** ****
Setup 34.3 34.9 34.9 30.0 ***** ****
State Normal Normal Normal Normal ***** ****
M aximum 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 *** ***
M inimum 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 *** ***

Ejector met hod Close Half temperature functions Close

Cold boot 12.00 electric heat state Close
Machine Run Well mold close slow
F1 mold o./c. F2 Inj./Hid. F3 Mt./purge F4 Noz./Adj. F5 Eje./Core F6 Time F7 Tem.Set F8 Datum

Descriptions on setting parameters/ process/function mold

The set temperature value is 0.1℃( Celsius). The temperature of the hopper of injection molding machine
is close-loop controlled after it is fed back to controlling system by K style thermal electriccouple.
The system provides total 6 stages of temperature control and 1 stage oil temperature test ing. [Open-
loop] /[close-loop]can be selected to control temperature for injection nozzle. The system monitors
Th e te mpera ture in eve ry are a to find out if the te mperature over passes the set top and bottom
limitation. It cannot inject or me lt p lastic if the temperature is lower tha n the bottom limitation
and th an the cold pr eve nting scre w starts. It alarms whe n the tempera ture is highe r than t he top
limitation. The temperature of e ach sta ge is show n on the main menu.
Half of temperature functions: select use, at this time, the temperature setup value is half of the current
showed setup value.
Cold boot: After the boot, the actual temperature in each area will be within the setup scope.
部 分 塑 胶on密
References 度 plastic
some 与 料 densities
管 加 热and 温pipe度 heating
参 考 资 料
Material abbreviation 密度
Density 加热温度º
Heating temperature
C 原料简名
Material abbreviation 密度
Density 加热温度º
Heating temperature
A.B.S 1.01-1.05 190-270 PMMA 1.17-1.20 180-260
PS 1.05 190-240 PPO 1.08-1.09 260-330
A.S 1.06-1.07 180-250 PA/NYLON 1.08-1.17 230-290
H.P.S 1.05-1.08 220-280 NYLON66 1.03-1.15 280-330
L.P.S 0.91-0.93 150-260 PVC/S 1.20-1.40 150-180
H.P.E 0.94-0.96 190-260 PVC/H 1.30-1.58 160-200
P.P 0.98-0.90 200-290 P.E.T 1.38-1.41 280-310
P.C 1.2-1.22 280-320 P.T 1.41-1.52 220-280
P.O.M 1.41-1.42 190-230

User's Manual for MX118 V1.0 Chapter 3: Descriptions on setting parameters/functions

19. Set warm-up information

温 度
Press key twice, enter the menu for setting warm-up information , now the menu is as following:

2010-04-12 pre-heat setup 16:40:30

Pre-heat function Enable

Week Monday Tuesday Wednesday Tursday Friday Saturday Sund ay

On- time 13.00 00.00 00.00 00.00 00.00 00.00 00.00
Off- time 13.00 00.00 00.00 00.00 00.00 00.00 00.00

Hint:0.OFF 1.ON
F1 mold o./c. F2 Inj./Hid. F3 Mt./purge F4 Noz./Adj. F5 Eje./Core F6 Time F7 Tem.Set F8 Datum

温 度
Press key third, enter the menu for setting chart of observation , now the menu is as following:

Temperature setup Temperature Observation Temperature curve

Ejector 1Segment 2Segment 3Segment 4Segment 5Segment

Actual 34.6 34.8 34.9 34.9 ***** *****
Setup 34.3 34.9 34.9 30.0 ***** *****

State Well Well Well Well ****** ******

Setup 300

Actual 200


Ejector 1Segment 2Segment 3Segment 4Segment 5Segment

F1 mold o./c. F2 Inj./Hid. F3 Mt./purge F4 Noz./Adj. F5 Eje./Core F6 Time F7 Tem.Set F8 Datum

Description on setting parameters

Warm-up function: Can set a time for seven days a week in advance. The system controls the heating system
to heat through the set value of the intraday [on]/[off] time. The system heats automatically the hopper to
working temperature before operator comes to the office. The operator's waiting time for heating hopper
is decreased.
*[note]: The input value of time adopts the input value of 24 hours system. 00:00 is 12: 00 Midnight.

User's Manual for MX118 V1.0 Chapter 3: Descriptions on setting parameters/functions

20. Set mold information

资 料
Press key, enter the menu for setting mold information, now the menu is as following:

2008-07-17 mold data setup 14:30:52

mold number 0 Read Save Delete

mold name A Cup AB C enter

mold view
Mold number mold name saving date
0 A Cup 2010-6-10 14:38:52
1 B Cup 2010-6-07 13:39:52
2 C link 2010-6-06 13:30:52

F1 mold o./c. F2 Inj./Hid. F3 Mt./purge F4 Noz./Adj. F5 Eje./Core F6 Time F7 Tem.Set F8 Datum

Descriptions on setting parameters/ process/function mold

(1 ).Mo ld nu mber : this sy stem can sto re 10 m ou ld nu mbers. Th e sys tem can prov id e a utom atica lly
the informa tion of the m odified m old n umb er after they have be en mod ified.
(2 ).Ho w to store mo ld : Mo ve cursor to the box of m old nu mbers, key in th e mold n umb er; and than
move the cursor to the box of t he na me of the mold, key in the name of the mold; this system
provides the input mold wit h E ngl ish/Chine se phonetic a lphabe t; move the cursor tobox of
st ora ge after the name has been ke yed in and than pres s [enter] t o st ore the na me .
(3).How to get mold: Move cursor to the box of mold numbers, key in the mold num ber that will
be re ad out, move the cursor to the box of reading out, press[enter]t o read out. The funct ions
of getting mold is limited within manual mo ld to p re vent a ccid en t oc cu rs; in the semi-auto/auto
m old, the accident is caused by the influence of bad product s, which c omes from the sudden
varyi ng of the set pa rame ters i n the menu.
(4).How to delete: Move cursor to box of mold number, key in the mold number that will be
deleted, and than move the cursor the box of deleting, press the [enter] to delete. The current
mold number can not be deleted.
(5).How to check mold: M ove cursor to the box of mold browsing, re ad it through the rolling
menu by using up and down key\
(6)Pag es set ting:Input pa ges that nee d t o chec k a nd then press E NTER key,and then corresop
onding contents wi ll be displayed on column..

User's Manual for MX118 V1.0 Chapter 3: Descriptions on setting parameters/functions

21. Information amendment history

资 料
Press key twice, enter the menu for amend history information, now the menu is as following:

2010-04-17 Amendment history 14:30:52

record times 3 Show Record all delete

amend t ime amend page Amend item original value amen d v alue
14:38: 52 Mold close middle speed 0.00 9.00
13:38: 52 Hold pr essure low pressure 0.00 30.00
12:38: 52 Mold open 3Level Pressure 0.00 20.00

F1 mold o./c. F2 Inj./Hid. F3 Mt./purge F4 Noz./Adj. F5 Eje./Core F6 Time F7 Tem.Set F8 Datum

Descriptions on setting parameters/ process/function mold

(1).Page number: This screen c an keep at most 9 99 ite ms of records, press or ,press
butto ns to move up or down cursor to view the re vised informatio n.
(2). Printing: s tart printing function
(3) Page s setting:Input pages th at nee d to chec k and the n press EN TER key, c orrespo ndig conten ts
will be dispalyed on colum n..

User's Manual for MX118 V1.0 Chapter 3: Descriptions on setting parameters/functions

22. Set special parameters

Press 1 STU key in the home menu, enter the menu for setting special parameters, now the menu
is as following:
2010-04-17 special parameters setup 14:30:52

special parameter
M iddle pump 30.0 %
language selection

The Li st of sensor

Manage Sensor

Hint:set range:0.0~99.9
F1 mold o./c. F2 Inj./Hid. F3 Mt./purge F4 Noz./Adj. F5 Eje./Core F6 Time F7 Tem.Set F8 Datum

(1) Mid / big pump start: when the setup executive action flow value is bigger than the setup mid/
big pump flow output value, the mid/big pump output point will have output.
(2) Mov e th e c ursor to se lect th e [specia l pa ramete rs>>] bu tton , pre ss the in pu t bu tton, a new p ag e
will pop up. At th is time, the scree n displays as follows:

System menu Next

IP para State
special parameters setup Sales management setup

LCD contrast Adjustment 30 Sales Engineer login

LCD brightness adjustme nt 80 Remove the Function of Stopped setup
LCD color setup Normal
LCD backlight time 6 Connet state
Function of key sound Enable Current IP:
Correction of key sound 6 Current state:connect
TouchPanel Correction Test

User's Manual for MX118 V1.0 Chapter 3: Descriptions on setting parameters/functions

(2a) Adjustment of LCD contrast: move the cursor to this place, input the data [adjustment range
"1-100%"]. Under appropriate brightness, the higher the contrast is, the richer the color will
be (Note: when LCD is the STN screen, it can be valid).
(2b) LCD brightness adjustment: move the cursor to this place, input the data [adjustment range
"1-100%"], the screen will display the darkness & brightness degree according to the data entere d.
(2c) LCD color setup: the system can provide [normal/anti-color] two options, move your cursor
to this place, press [input] button to select LCD color display.
(2d) LCD backlight time: the system has the function of screen protection, the background light
time is adjustable, the setup scope is 1~6 minutes. If the keyboard is not pressed in the setup
time, the background light will be automatically turned OFF. (Note: if any button is pressed,
background light will be on)
(2e) Function of key sound: Select [use], you will hear a "tick" sound when the key is pressed, if
do not select, no sound.
(2f) Key sound scope: move your cursor to this place, input the data[scope "0-10"]to adjust voice
(2g) Correction of Touchscree n: click on the [Correction] button to enter the correction page (Note:
only if keyboard has the touch function, the correction can be valid)
(2h) Network connection status: the network connection status is indicated with colors.
(2i) Current IP: show the IP address of the machine.
(2j) Current connection state: show the network connection status: disconnect / connect.
(3) Move the cursor to select[language conversion>>]button, press the input button, a new page
will pop up. The screen displays as follows:

System language Return

Chinese English

Russian Japanese

(4a) Language options: the system provides [Chinese / English / Russian /Japanese]the four language
options, move the cursor to th is place, press the [input] button, you can carry out the conversion.
(Note: the language categories of the system can be set up by users)

User's Manual for MX118 V1.0 Chapter 3: Descriptions on setting parameters/functions

23. Set Ethernet information

Mo ve t he cursor to select [Ethernet] butt on, pres s the ent er button to e ject a ne w page, whi ch
wil l display the following information:

Ethernet/ CAN-Bus Configuration Return

Ethernet Setup CAN Setup

Et hernet Use Own ID 1 500 Acceptance ID 1 600
Remote Update OPWIN Allow Own ID 2 0 Acceptance ID 2 0
Own ID 3 0 Acceptance ID 3 0
Gateway Own ID 4 0 Acceptance ID 4 0
Gateway FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF Own ID 5 0 Acceptance ID 50
Rev ise Rev ise

Parameter Setup Instructions

(1 ) Eth ernet: With the re mote co mmunica tio n fun ction, the user ca n p repa re pr og rams an d cha ng e
different versions of software remotely. The network connection software provided by us allows
t he ne twork connection and mana gement of 255 i njecti on molding for production machines
by one PC h ost and the produ ction o f each mach in e can b e calculated a ccu rately and p rod uctio n
data can be printed and managed conve niently.
(2) Remote OPWIN Update: The update it em can be respectively set as [Allow /Forbid], choose
[Allow] to prepare programs remotely and change different versions of software and conduct
system program updates.
(3 )C AN_bu s: Such setup ca n rea lize the fu nction of one keyb oard co nn ec ting with multiple ho sts.
N ote:
a. The above revised parameters will not come into effect unless the cursor moves to [Revise]
for confirmation and a restart is made.
b. The keyboards with Ethernet function include TC and TH series.
c. The keyboards with CAN-bus function include TH series.

User's Manual for MX118 V1.0 Chapter 3: Descriptions on setting parameters/functions

24. Set fingerprint base management information

Move the cursor to select [Fingerprint Base Management>>] button and press the Input button
to eject a new page. In such case, the page will have the following display:

Sensor Management Return

Sensor ID name Level: saving date Sensor Function On
1 Lee san 6 super 2010-6-10 14:38:52 sensor Registration
Registration Number 0
Logon Level 6 super
Logon Name
Cancel English Input Enter
Delete sensor
Registration N umber 0
Cancel Enter
Clear sensor

Parameter Setup Instructions

(1) Fingerprint Function: [Off] and [On] are available. When [Off] is chosen, you should log on
with password; when [On] is chosen, you should log on with fingerprint.
(2) Fingerprint Registration: ① Fingerprint Registration Content Instruction
a. Registration No.: The serial number of fingerprint, i.e. finger ID.
B. Logon Level: There is [1 Average], [2 Manage], [3 System], [4 Intermediate], [5 Advanced]
or [6 Super] available, meeting the demand of the management of different levels of people.
c. Registration Name: The name of the fingerprint owner;
d. Cancel: Cancel the operation of this fingerprint registration;
e. Chinese/English Input: Switch Chinese/English.
F. Enter : After fingerprint registration succeeds, press this button to enter the current information
to the fingerprint base.
② Fingerprint Registration Method: In [Registration No.], input the fingerprint ID not available
in the fingerprint-> Choose logon level->Input logon name-> Move the cursor to [Enter] and
press the Input button; when the system reminds you of [lease put your finger in], be sure to
put the finger to be registered flatly into the keyboard fingerprint sensor and press gently for
several seconds until the sy stem reminds you of [lease put your finger again]? > Take your fin ger
away from the fingerprint sensor-> after fixing the distanc e, input your finger again (the sam e as
the first time ) until the system reminds yo u o f OK, please press the Enter button to comple te the
registration? > Move the cursor to [Enter] and press the Input button to add the current information
into the fingerprint base-> Complete.
(3) Delete Fingerprint
a. Registration No.: Input the fingerprint ID to be deleted into this column.
b. Cancel: Delete the fingerprint.
C. Enter: After the fingerprint ID to be deleted is input, press this button to this button to delete
the information in the fingerprint base related to the fingerprint ID from the fingerprint base.

User's Manual for MX118 V1.0 Chapter 3: Descriptions on setting parameters/functions

25. Set fingerprint log in information sheet

Move the cursor to select [Fingerprint Logon List>>] button, press the Input button to eject
a new page whose display is as follows:

Sensor list Return

Sensor ID name Level: Logon Date/Time Logout Date/Time Yield Clear List
1 Lee san 6 super 2010-6-10 14:38:52 2010-6-10 14:40:42 0
Current Count


Description on setting parameters

(1) Fingerprint Logon List: Records the user's fingerprint, name, level, logon time, cancellation
time and the number of molds produced in such period.
(2) Current Record No.: Displays the logon information lines in the fingerprint logon list.
(3) Yield: Displays the total of molds produced.
Note: The keyboards with fingerprint function include TC and TH series.

User's Manual for MX118 V1.0 Chapter 3: Descriptions on setting parameters/functions

26.Set MES-Injection Workshop Management system (Optional )

Press three-times for MES- function selection page and then page will be displayed as below:

2010-04-17 MES functions selection 14:30: 52

Selection of production type
Selection of Production order Number
Production finished
Selection of machine halt types
Quality management
MES function selection Enable
After selecting MES function,please select [Production type] and next
select [Production Order No. ] before enter into automatic production,
otherwise unable to enter into [Automatic Mode]

F1 production types F2 Production Order No F3 Production finished F4 machine halt types F5 Quality management

2010-04-17 MES Production type selection 14:30: 52

production type 0 execute or not Not Current production types 1

Number Type
1 Production by orders
2 Production over machine adjustment
3 Production without orders
4 Production at abnormal status
Production type,Production Order No. are to proceed at manual mode.
F1 production types F2 Production Order No F3 Production finished F4 machine halt types F5 Quality management

Description on setting parameters

(1)MES function selection: [Enable], [Disable] option, machine is in MES management mode while
select [Enable],conversely,it is in Standard mode.
Production type selection:[ Production by orders] [Production over machine adjustment] [Production
without orders] [Production at abnormal status].Opertional method:Please input production types of
sequence no. .in [Production types selection]based on actual situation,next select[YES] on [Execute
or not ],.after successful execution,chosen,sequence will be displayed on [Current production type]
Notice:MES function is only available for keyboard with Ethernet function.

User's Manual for MX118 V1.0 Chapter 3: Descriptions on setting parameters/functions

2010-04-17 MES Production Order No selection 14:30:52

Production Order No 1 execute or not Not Current production Order No 1
Shift Order No production No Mould No
Number Status Start time Finish time Pre-Production Q. Produced q. Defected q.
Day shift PD-201305154-0001 QS196 -CCF 1968 -8-6
1 No P. 7000 0 0
Night shift
2 No P.
3 No P.
4 No P.
5 No P.

F1 production types F2 Production Order No F3 Production finished F4 machine halt types F5 Quality management

2010-04-17 MES Production finished 14:30:52

F1 production types 1
F2 Production Order No 1
Pre-set production quantity is to be done,finish this order Not ===
proceed to production 0
Pre-set production quantity is to be done,continue to proceed? Not ===

Pre-Production mould NO(mould) MES Pre-Production quantity NO(number) Defected quantity NO(number)
21 00 0 0

MES Pre-Production quantity NO(number)

Output number(mou ld ) One mould (number) Produced quantity (number)
21 00 5 0

F1 production types F2 Production Order No F3 Production finished F4 machine halt types F5 Quality management

Description on setting parameters

(1)、Selection of Production order No.: The choose of Production order No. Can not be empty when [Selection
Of production types] is [Production by orders].Please choose the order NO. That need to be produced according
to actual production situations ,and the operation method please refer to [Selection of production types.]
(2)、Production termination:When [Selection of production types] is [production by orders]and[output was
reached set pont] ,the following page will be automatically jump out while alarming such as: [finish this
order] or [continue to production] and [continue same production output ] ,choose one of the two.Please
choose[termination]when the set output of this order is being reached,and if want continue to production
then the needed produced output must be input first and next choose [continue to production].

User's Manual for MX118 V1.0 Chapter 3: Descriptions on setting parameters/functions

2010-04-17 MES machine halt types selection 14:30:52

machine halt types 1 execute or not Not Current machine halt types 1

Number Status of machine hat Number Status of machine hat

1 Arlam 11
2 change mould 12
3 change order 13
4 change material 14
5 adjust machine 15
6 Maintenance 16
7 Plan 17
8 Repair 18
9 19
10 20

F1 production types F2 Production Order No F3 Production finished F4 machine halt types F5 Quality management

2010-04-17 MES Quality management selection 14:30:52

Complement No. of order 1 execute or not Not Complement No. of order 1

Shift Status Order No

NO Defected reasons NO Defected reasons NO
Pre-set produced quantity Produced quantity inferior product
1 11
2 12 Day shift No P. PD-201305154-0001
3 13 7000 0 0
4 14 Night shift No P. PD-201305154-0001
5 15 5000 0 0
6 16 No P.
7 17 0 0 0
8 18 No P.
9 19 0 0 0
10 20 No P.
0 0 0
F1 production types F2 Production Order No F3 Production finished F4 machine halt types F5 Quality management
Description on setting parameters

(1) Selection of machine halt types: Please select reasons of machine halt by jumping out of this page when
changing automatic mode to manual mode under manual status.
(2) Quality management: ,input defected quantity into corresponding order form based on orders,so good
products quantity are able to supplement in time during production to insure pre-set good ones.

User's Manual for MX118 V1.0 Chapter 4 production management

Chapter 4 production management

1. Set porduction Imformation

Press FLOW CHART key , enter the menu for setting production information, now the menu is as following:
2009-07-17 production mana gement 14:30:52
Setup mold number one mold number Output number Good product inferior product
4000 4 1000 3900 100

Warn stop Disable number clear ze ro OFF production record clear

Date one mold number Output number Good product inferior product
08-15 10 :16 4 1000 3900 100

Hint:0.OFF 1.ON
F1 mold o./c. F2 Inj./Hid. F3 Mt./purge F4 Noz./Adj. F5 Eje./Core F6 Time F7 Tem.Set F8 Datum

Description on setting parameters

(1) The quality products equal to the num ber of the opened m old times the amount of one mold min us
rejects. The rejects are contro lled through ejecting testing function. When ejecting testing function
is on, just like in stroke. W hen too much or too less stuff occurs, the rejects will incr ease am ount
value of one m ould, and [ Failure of pla stic] alarms .
(2). Set mold numbers: In the mold numbers setting of pre-production, the system starts alarming when
the numb er of mold opening arrives at the first 5 molds till it reacheded The set output .
(3). Warn Sto p : [On] or [Off] can be selected. It will continue producing even arrives at the set mold
number if [O ff] has been selected till an operator stops it.
(4). H ow to check production reco rds: Move cu rsor to the box of produc tion records, read it thr ough
the rolling m enu by using [↑↓] key
(5) Pages setting:Input pages that ne ed to check and then press ENTER key, corresponding
contents will be disp layed o n column.

User's Manual for MX118 V1.0 Chapter 4 production management

2. SPC Tracing record

生 产管 理

Press FLOW CHART key twice, enter the SPC Tracing record management, now the menu is as follows:
2009-07-17 SPC track record 14:30:52
intermittent cycle 0 record cycle 999 record item number 1 Print record clear
Time mold number cycle time pressure keep switch pressure keep position material position Mold openposition
10:1 6 1 15.16 0.50 0.48 50.05 500.1

Hint:setup :0~100
F1 mold o./c. F2 Inj./Hid. F3 Mt./purge F4 Noz./Adj. F5 Eje./Core F6 Time F7 Tem.Set F8 Datum

Description on setting parameters

(1). Record: the pagel has up to 999 pages, containing the consecutive inform ation of the 999 modules.
The SPC Tracing record system can provide up to 7 important parameters of the latest 999 modules.
The operator can scroll up and down between page 1 and page 10 to manage the production of
The modules. By using the system, the operator will be able to have more insight of the actual
Variation of the important para me ters and take specific and proper a ctions to adju st the system's
operation and improve th e quality of the product as a result.
(2).Print : the function would let the operator to make use of the printing service of the system.
(3).Intermittent cycle: record the data once every several cycles.
(4).Recording cycle: After entering automatic state, it will calculate from the first product, when
the product number is smaller than the data, the SPC tracking record will be valid.
(5)Pag es setting: Input page Number that need to che ck a nd then press E NTER key,co rrespoind ing
co ntents will be d isplayed on column.

User's Manual for MX118 V1.0 Chapter 4 production management

3. Pressure Speed curve

曲 线

Press CURVE key, enter the Pressure Speed curve ,now the menu is as follows:
2009-07-17 Pressure Speed curve 14:30:52
Display c hoice Inject pressure clear record
0.00mm 90.00mm 180.00mm 270.00mm 360.00mm 450.00mm

F1 mold o./c. F2 Inj./Hid. F3 Mt./purge F4 Noz./Adj. F5 Eje./Core F6 Time F7 Tem.Set F8 Datum

Description on setting parameters

(1 ). Dis play ch oice : th e system can sh ow y ou th e selected curv e, su ch as cu rv e o f injection, curve

o f p re ssu re fo r inje ction, pre ssure for pre ss ure re te ntion , p ressu re fo r lockin g the m od ules. All
the cu rves can b e selected by th e inp ut ke y.

User's Manual for MX118 V1.0 Chapter 4 production management of servo alarm record

Press key to enter into page of servo alarm record ,and then page will be like below:
2009-07-17 Servo alarm record 14:30:52
rec ord number 2 clear record 2 rec ord number 2
alarm time Number alarm content Number Current rotating speed

F1 mold o./c. F2 Inj./Hid. F3 Mt./purge F4 Noz./Adj. F5 Eje./Core F6 Time F7 Tem.Set F8 Datum

Description on setting parameters

(1).D isplay: there are 999 alarm records to be checked wh ich provides convenience Fo r equipment
maintenance/rep airing.
(2).Pag es setting: inp ut pa ge that needed to be checked an d then press ENTER key,and then corres
ponding con tent will be displayed on column.

User's Manual for MX118 V1.0 Chapter 4 production management

5. Alarm note page

诊 断

Press DIAGNOSE key , to enter the alarm note page, and it is as follows:
2009-07-17 Alarm history 14:30:52

record item number 2 Print record clear

Alarm Time Number Alarmmatter
16 10:06 64 Temperature highter
16 10.1 3 21 cycle time over

F1 mold o./c. F2 Inj./Hid. F3 Mt./purge F4 Noz./Adj. F5 Eje./Core F6 Time F7 Tem.Set F8 Datum

Description on setting parameters

(1 ). Dis play : the system s to re s at most 999 piece s of alarm rec ords for inspe ctio n, it will be helpful
fo r the ma intenan ce o f th e eq uipmen ts.
(2 ). Printing lis t: start the fun ctio n of p rintin g lis t of th e prin te r.

User's Manual for MX118 V1.0 Chapter 4 production management

6.Curve page

Press key once to enter into curve page of injection,and then page will be As below:
2009-07-17 Curve of injection 14:30:52
repeated times 1 Max pressure 180.0 Bar Setting injection Display Setting speed Display
record all clear away max sp eed 60 Mm/s Actual injection Display Actual speed Display

F1 mold o./c. F2 Inj./Hid. F3 Mt./purge F4 Noz./Adj. F5 Eje./Core F6 Time F7 Tem.Set F8 Datum

Press key two times to enter into actual curve page of servo , and then page
will Be displayed as below:
2009-07-17 actual curve of servo 14:30:52
sampling cycle 0.1 amplification factor 6 Pressure set. Display Flux Display Current Display
left axis max 0.1 Bar right axis max 140.0 % Pressure Feedback Display Flux Display motor speed Display
movement selection Injection Repeated times 4 % record all clear away

F1 mold o./c. F2 Inj./Hid. F3 Mt./purge F4 Noz./Adj. F5 Eje./Core F6 Time F7 Tem.Set F8 Datum

Description on setting parameters

(1)、Collect cycle: Interval time that for collecting parameters

(2)、Amplification factor:amplification factor of X axis of time which is convenient for check 。
(3)、Repeated times:Curve that is for consecutive cycle of same movement
(4)、Max pressure/ injection speed:The max value of left or right Y axis
(5)、Data collection:start/stop 。Draw curve while starting, no need draw curve while sopping.

User's Manual for MX118 V1.0 Chapter 4 production management

Press key three times to inter into historical curve page of servo,and then page will be displayed as below:

2009-07-17 History curve of servo 14:30:52

sampling cycle 0.1 amplification factor 6 Pressure set. Display Flux Display Current Display
left axis max 0.1 Bar right axis max 140.0 % Pressure Feedback Display Flux Display motor speed Display
movement selection Injection Repeated times 4 % record all clear away

F1 mold o./c. F2 Inj./Hid. F3 Mt./purge F4 Noz./Adj. F5 Eje./Core F6 Time F7 Tem.Set F8 Datum

7.temperature tracking curve

Press four times to enter into temperature tracking curve page, and then page will be displayed as below:

2009-07-17 History curve of servo 14:30:52

Selection of display Nozzle

F1 mold o./c. F2 Inj./Hid. F3 Mt./purge F4 Noz./Adj. F5 Eje./Core F6 Time F7 Tem.Set F8 Datum

Description on setting parameters

(1) Selection of display which is the historical tracking curve for checking on certain sections of temperature,
temperature historical tracking record function of the system can provide the first 6 hours historical parameters
for 6 sections of temperature and that enable operators master the change of machine actual inspection
temperature better that lead to operators are able to make a comparison and analysis of affect to product quality
by temperature.
(2) Interval of sampling record: the time for sampling record interval ,5 minus.

8. USB setting page (for options)

User's Manual for MX118 V1.0 Chapter 4 production management

8. USB setting page (for options)


Press PC LINK key; enter USB setting page. and it is as follows:


System USB up/download option
Data operation: download data area:system program
Update area: Upload Download start D: 0 Update OPWIN.PS6: Update
System: Upload Download Finsh D: 0 Updata autobuild file : Update
Host burner: Burner System-v: 5. 3.26 update start background file : Update
Opwin-v: 5.28

Movable deposit dist (USB)

.. PS860.PIN

Parameter setting introduction

(1) Formula downloading: download the mold data from control system of jet injection machine
to the USB of moveable disc.
(2 ) Fo rmu la uploading: upload the mo uld data from th e USB of mov eable disc to c ontrol syste m of
jet injection machine; at the same time the data will overlay prev io us d ata co rrespon dingly.
(3) System downloading: download the mold data from control system of jet molding ma chine
to the U SB of m ove able disc.
(4) System uploading: upload the mould data from the USB of moveable disc to control system of
jet moulding machine; at the same time the data will overlay previous data correspondingly.
(5).Start/End D: when you are downloading the material of [formula] and [system], please designate
the scope of the downloading data .
(6 ).Mainframe replic atio n: mea ns u pd atin g the h os t p ro ced ures. F irst, press the sto p bu tton on the
keyboard, then move the cursor to [replication], press the enter button and move the cursor to
select [. Pin] files and update it.
(7).Update OPWIN.PS6: means updating the keyboard procedures. Move the cursor to [update],
press the enter button and move the cursor to select [. PS6] files and update it.
(8).Update the boot background documents: means updating the boot screen. Move the cursor to
[update], press the enter button and move the cursor to select [. Bmp] files and update it.

User's Manual for MX118 V1.0 Chapter 5 Instructions for the System Commissioning Settings

Chapter 5 Instructions for the System Commissioning Settings

1. Engineer Setting Page

Press 0 [ ]/- . Key the Main Page to enter the Engineer Setting , and the following will be displayed:

2009-07-17 Engineer setup 14:30:52

system password login F1 setup delay

senior password login F2 setup Pressure / flux slope
cancel record F3 setup Pressure /flux/back Pressure
Machine NO F4 Electronic ruler
F5 sepcial Function set up
Controller NO
F6 Standby Function/ Programmable Standby
PS860AM MB118
Software version F7 Temperature Parameter
V2.0 F8 Machine No/ Ex-FactoryValue Setting

Enter the password * * * *.If the password entered is correct, you can enter the system parameter
setting page. It is not Necessaryfor the equipmen t end-user to adjust t he syst em parameters.
Please consult the equipment manufacturer for any query. Any parameter adjustment disorder
may result in damage to equipment capability,unstable performance or failure to operate.
After the correct password is entered, the cursor jumps automatically to the first item from
the right. The cursorcan be moved to different items and then Key is pressed to enter

the corresponding pages. Alternatively, you can press the following keys 输 入 to enter directly
the corresponding pages:

Key Entering Page Key Entering Page

开锁模 托模/中子
<Delay Setting> <Standby Function Setting>

射 出 <Pressure/Flow Setting I> 时 间 <Programmable Standby

<Pressure/Flow Setting II> TIME Points>

储 料 <Pressure Pre-Adjustment> 温 度
<Temperature Parameter>
FEEDING <Flow Pre-Adjustment> TEMP.

座台/调模 资 料 <Machine No./Ex-Factory

<Special Function Options>
NOZZ/ADJ. DATUM Value Setting /Time Setting>

User's Manual for MX118 V1.0 Chapter 5 Instructions for the System Commissioning Settings

2. Delay Setting Page

Entering Engineer Setting Page, press Key enter the Delay Setting Page. The following is
Next Action delaySetup Return Engineer

Begin Act ion End Begin Action End Begin Action End
0.1 Mold close 0.1 0.1 Mold open 0.1 0.1 Core A out 0.1
0.1 Nozzle advance 0.1 0.1 Ejector advance 0.1 0.1 Core B in 0.1
0.1 Injector 0.1 0.1 Ejector return 0.1 0.1 Core B out 0.1
0.1 Feed 0.1 0.1 Mold thin 0.1 0.1 Poor dynamic 0.1
0.1 Ejector 0.1 0.1 M old thick 0.1 0.1 Standby 0.1
0.1 Nozzle return 0.1 0.1 Core A in 0.1 0.1 Standby 0.1

Hint:set range:0.0~0.5
F1 Delay F2 Slope F3 Pre-adj. F4 Ruler. F5 F6 Program. F7 Heating F8

Entering Engineer Setting Page, press M.PLT Key twice to enter the Delay Setting Page.The following
is displayed:
Next Tim e Delay Setup Return Engineer

Mold close delay 0.1 Mold open delay 0.1

Nozzle advance delay 0.1 Mold open to ejector 0.1
Injection delay 0.1 Core A in delay 0.1
Feed delay 0.1 Core A out delay 0.1
Suck back delay 0.1 Core B in delay 0.1
Nozzle return delay 0.1 Core B out delay 0.1

Hint:set range:0.0~2.0
F1 Delay F2 Slope F3 Pre-adj. F4 Ruler. F5 F6 Program. F7 Heating F8

Setting delay between actions

delay time T1 → pressure output ON
(1) The meaning of Start Delay: the
corresponding action valve ON →
flow output ON
pressure output OFF
(2) The meaning of End Delay: the
→ → delay time T2→ action valve OFF
corresponding action valve
flow output OFF

User's Manual for MX118 V1.0 Chapter 5 Instructions for the System Commissioning Settings

3. Pressure/Flow Slope Setting Page

射 出
Entering Engineer Setting Page, press Key INJECTION once to enter Pressure/Flow Slope Page I.
The following is displayed:
Next Pressure/Flow Slope Setup 1 Return Engineer

Action P F Action P F
slow mold close 16.0 16.0 ejector return 16.0 16.0
Fast mold close 16.0 16.0 Core A in 16.0 16.0
Low mold close 16.0 16.0 Core A out 16.0 16.0
high pressure mold close 16.0 16.0 Core B in 16.0 16.0
Slow mold open 16.0 16.0 Core B out 16.0 16.0
Fast mold open 16.0 16.0 1 Level Injection 16.0 16.0
Middle mold open 16.0 16.0 2 Level Injection 16.0 16.0
Low mold open 16.0 16.0 3 Level Injection 16.0 16.0
Ejector advance Fast 16.0 16.0 4 Level Injection 16.0 16.0
Ejector advance Low 16.0 16.0 5 Level Injection 16.0 16.0

Hint:set range:1.0~16.0
F1 Delay F2 Slope F3 Pre-adj. F4 Ruler. F5 F6 Program. F7 Heating F8

射 出
Entering En ginee r Setting Page, pres s Key twice to enter Pressure/Flow Slop e Pag e II.
The following is disp la ye d:

Next Pressure/Flow Slope Setup 2 Return Engineer

Action P F Action P F
1 Level hold pressure 16.0 16.0 Mold thin 16.0 16.0
2 Level hold pressure 16.0 16.0 Mold thick 16.0 16.0
3 Level hold pressure 16.0 16.0 Standby 1.0 1.0
4 Level hold pressure 16.0 16.0 Standby 1.0 1.0
Front Suck back 16.0 16.0 Standby 1.0 1.0
1 Level feed 16.0 16.0 Standby 1.0 1.0
2 Level feed 16.0 16.0 Standby 1.0 1.0
Back Suck back 16.0 16.0 Standby 1.0 1.0
Nozzle advance 16.0 16.0 Standby 1.0 1.0
Nozzle return 16.0 16.0 Standby 1.0 1.0

Hint:set range:1.0~16.0
F1 Delay F2 Slope F3 Pre-adj. F4 Ruler. F5 F6 Program. F7 Heating F8

Description on setting parameters

The Pres sure/Flow Slope ref ers to the steep degree of rise or fall when the pressure/flow
changes from one value to the next value. "0 .1 stands for the slowest change and "16.0 stands
for the fastest change. The setting range is .[0.1-16.0].

User's Manual for MX118 V1.0 Chapter 5 Instructions for the System Commissioning Settings

4. Pressure Pre-Adjustment Page

储 料
Entering Engineer Setting Page, press FEEDING Key once to enter the Pressure Pre-Adjustment
Page.The following is displayed:
Next Pressure Pre-adjustment Return Engineer

minimum current Pre-adjust Disable 80 23993 OFF

1000 OFF 90 26992 OFF
1 1
Flow pre-adjust
10 3000 OFF 100 29991 OFF
90.0 %
20 5999 OFF 110 31199 OFF
initi al data
OFF 30 8998 OFF 120 33128 OFF
current 40 11997 OFF 130 39997 OFF
0 mA 50 14996 OFF 140 44996 OFF
60 17995 OFF 150 47995 OFF
70 20994 OFF 160 48000 OFF

Hint:set range:0~65535
F1 Delay F2 Slope F3 Pre-adj. F4 Ruler. F5 F6 Program. F7 Heating F8

Description on setting parameters

The pressure pre-adjustment is the linear adjustment of pressure output. In general, the standard
pressure is 0-800mA and the standard output impedance is 10-20Ω ,unless the manufacturer
has specific requirements since different manufac tures' overall oil piping designs and the
capabilities of the pressure proportional valve being used are different.
Pressure Adjustment Method:
The parameters on this page have been set before ex-factory. If the capability of the proportional
valves being used by the user is different, and the normal proportion and linear proportion cannot
be achieved, the pa ram ete rs on this pa ge c an be adj ust ed. First set t he pre-adjus tme nt to be
[Activated], and then set the pre-adjustment item to be [ON]. For example, for the 50 bar
Pressure position of Item 50, if the read ing on the pressure meter is 45 bar, the parameter of
this item should be increased until the pressu remeter readin g reaches 50 bar. Make a djustments
On all parameters which need ad ju sting a nd make th e0-160 bar pressures being set corresp ond
to the pressures being shown on the oil pressure meter respectively.After the adjustments are
completed, the computer executes automatically linear processing and takes the processing
results as the subsequent normal D/A proportional output values.
Initial data:
First, pre-adjust the needed maximum pressure data in 160bar, and t hen move the cursor to
[initia l dat a], pre ss the ente r key a nd s ele ct [ON], the sy st em wi ll automa ti ca lly distri bute
averag e data to 10bar---160 bar.

User's Manual for MX118 V1.0 Chapter 5 Instructions for the System Commissioning Settings

5. Flow Pre-Adjustment Page

储 料
Entering Engineer Setting Page, press Key FEEDING twice to enter the Flow Pre-Adjustment
Page.The following is displayed:
Next Flux Pre-adjustment Return Engineer

minimum current Pre-adjust Disable 70 25200 OFF

1 1 OFF 80 28800 OFF
Pressure pre-adjust
10 3600 OFF 90 32400 OFF
80.0 ba r
initi al data 20 7200 OFF 99 36000 OFF
OFF 30 10800 OFF
Screw speed: 40 14400 OFF
**** RPM 50 18000 OFF
current 60 21600 OFF
0 mA

Hint:0.OFF 1.ON
F1 Delay F2 Slope F3 Pre-adj. F4 Ruler. F5 F6 Program. F7 Heating F8

Description on setting parameters

The flow pre-adjustment is the linear adjus tment of flow output. In general, the standard value
is 0- 800mA and the output impedance is 40Ω,unless the manufacturer has specific re quirem ents
si nce different ma nufa ctures' overall oil piping designs and the capabilities of t he press ure
proportional valve bei ng used are diffe rent.
Flow Adjustment Method:
The parameters on this page have been set before ex-factory. If the capability of the proportional
va lves bei ng used by the user is different, a nd the normal proportion and linear propor tion
cannot be achieved, the parameters on this page can be adjusted. As for the speed adjustment,
different manufacturershave different measuring methods. Some manufacturers use the melt
t achometer to measure the rot ati on speed. F ir st heat the barre l unt il the barrel te mpe ra ture
reaches normal melt temperature. Set the melt speed to be 1, 10, 20, 30, and more until 99 and
check the actual values. Ma ke adjustme nts on all parameters w hichneed adjusting and make
the 0-99% speeds being set corre spond to the proport ional coe ffi cie nts be ing shown on the
tachometer respec tive ly. After the adjus tments ar e complet ed, the com puter exe cutes
automa tically linear processing and takes the p rocessing results as the subsequent normal D/A
proportional o utputvalues.
Initial data:
First, pre-adjust the needed maximum flow data in 99%, and then move the cursor to [initial
data], press the ente r key and select [ON], the system will automatic ally distribute average data
to 10%---90%.

User's Manual for MX118 V1.0 Chapter 5 Instructions for the System Commissioning Settings

6. Back Pressure Pre-Adjustment Page

储 料
Entering Engineer Setting Page, press Key FEEDING third to enter the Back Pressure Pre-Adjustment
Page. The following is displayed:
Next Back pressure Pre-adjustment Return Engineer

coil resistance Pre-adjust Disable 80 23993 OFF

12 Ω 1 1 OFF 90 26992 OFF
minimum current 10 3000 OFF 100 29991 OFF
80 .0 20 5999 OFF 110 31199 OFF
Maximum current 30 8998 OFF 120 33128 OFF
OFF 40 11997 OFF 130 39997 OFF
initial data 50 14996 OFF 140 44996 OFF
OFF 60 17995 OFF 150 47995 OFF
70 20994 OFF 160 48000 OFF

Hint:set range:0~65535
F1 Delay F2 Slope F3 Pre-adj. F4 Ruler. F5 F6 Program. F7 Heating F8

Description on setting parameters

The back p ressure pre-adjustment is the lin ear ad justm ent of bac k p res sure outp ut. In gene ral,
the standard pressure is 0-800mA and the standard output impedan ce is 10-20Ω ,unless the
Manufacturer has specific requirements since different m anufactures' overa ll oil piping de signs
and the capabilities of the pressure proportional valve being used are different
.Back Pressure Adjustment Method:
The parameters on this page have been set before ex-factory. If the capability of the proportional
valves bei ng used by the user is different, and the normal pr oportion and line ar proportion
cannot beachieved, the parameters on this page can be adjusted. First heat the barrel until the
barrel tempe ra tu re reac hes normal melt tem perature. Se t the me lt back pressu re to b e 1, 10, 20 ,
30 , a nd more u ntil 160 a nd che ck the a ctua l va lu es . Mak e ad ju stmen ts on a ll parame te rs which
need adjusting and make the 0-160bar back pressures being set corres pond to the back pressures
being shown on the back p ressure meter resp ectively. After th e adjustments are comp lete d, th e
computer executes automatically l inea r proc essing and takes the processing results as the
subsequent normal D/A proportional output values.
Initial data:
First, pre-adjust the needed maximum pressure data in 160bar, and then move the cursor to
[i ni tia l da ta], press t he e nter ke y and se le ct [ON ], the sy stem wil l automati ca lly distribute
ave rage data to 10ba r---160bar.

User's Manual for MX118 V1.0 Chapter 5 Instructions for the System Commissioning Settings

7. Electronic Ruler.Pressure text Setting Page

Ente ring Engine er S etti ng P age, pre ss Key NOZZ/ADJ. onec/twice enter t he E lect ronic Ruler/
Pressure Set ting Page. T he followin g is displayed:

Next Electronic ruler Return Engineer Next pressure te st setup Return Eng ineer

Ruler Function value Total Limit set zero 0 5V 9.9V Ruler Fun ction value Maximum Highest set zero 0 1 2V 24V

Mold close Enable 593.9 600.00 600.00 OFF Mold close Enable ***** ***** ***** OFF
0 5V 9.9V 0 1 2V 24V

Scr ew Enable 235.75 600.00 600.00 OFF S cr ew Disable 235.75 300.00 200.00 OFF
0 5V 9.9V

Ejector Disa ble ***** ***** ***** OFF

0 5V 9.9V

Nozzle Disable ***** ***** ***** OFF

Hint:0.disable 1.enable Hint:0.OFF 1.ON

F1 Delay F2 Slope F3 Pre-adj. F4 Ruler. F5 F6 Program. F7 Heating F8 F1 Delay F2 Slope F3 Pre-adj. F4 Ruler. F5 F6 Program. F7 Heating F8

Description on setting parameters

(1) Electronic Ruler Function: If the equipment needs to use the electronic ruler, choose [Enable].If
the equipm ent adopts stroke switch control, choose [Disable].
(2) Mea suremen t Values: indicati ng the ac tual dynamic pos itions of the electronic rul ers for the
moving moul d, the screw and t he ejector.
(3) Total Length: referring to the actual lengths of the electronic rulers for the moving mould, the
screw and the ejector.
(4) Limit Position: It refers to the maximum value set for the position. This parameter is subject to
the maximum position setting. For exam ple , if the parameter set is bigger than the limit position
value, the system will not accept the parameter set and will retain the orig inal setting.
(5) Ze roing: When the equ ipment choose [Ena ble] for the Electron ic Ruler Fun ction and uses the
Electronic ruler, it m ay a ppear th at th e mecha nic movement stroke is in p lace and yet th e actual
positions of the electronic rulers for the clamping unit, the injection unit and the ejector do not
Indica te "0". In such case, the corre sponding ruler should be zeroed. Move t he cursor to the
Zeroing button for [movable m old ruler], [ sc rew rule r] a nd [ejec tor rul er], and the n
press 输ENTER入 Key to make zero clearing for the corresponding electronic ruler.
(6) Functions of sensors: setting process same as electronic ruler.

User's Manual for MX118 V1.0 Chapter 5 Instructions for the System Commissioning Settings

8. Special Function Options Page

托模/中 子
Entering Engineer Setting Page, press EJE/CORE Key to enter the Special Function 1 Options Page.
The following is displayed:
Next Chose special function 1 Return Engineer

Motor rotation stopself Disable Mold open pla ce 5.0

motor rotation limit 1 M Core start method travel
motor Y-△conv ersion Disable Ej ector end method Timel
motor Y-△conversion time 2.0 Mold adjust drive Hydraulic
motor △forward delay 0.1 Blow begin travel
M otor start delay 3.0 Heater limit Disable
Manual Nozzle advance limit Disable Feed single ring teeth number
Feed w ith mold open Disable High Temperature alarm Disable
Feed wit h key lock Disable injector Protective cover Enable

Hint:0.disale 1.enable
F1 Delay F2 Slope F3 Pre-adj. F4 Ruler. F5 F6 Program. F7 Heating F8

Descriptions on setting parameters function mode

(1) Motor Id le Running & Automatic Stop: When [Enable] is chosen, time setting is effective and the setting range
is2-99minutes. If the equipmen t has no operation within th e set time p eriod after the motor starts up, the motor
is turned off automatically to pro tect the motor life and to save electricity charge.
(2) M otor Y- Conversion: If [Enable] is chosen, the system converts from star output to delta output when
the mot or starts up. The conversion time period can be set and the setting range is 2.0-99.9seconds.
(3) Motor Startup Delay: After the motor starts, no manual/auto oper ati on can be conducted until the set
time is delayed.
(4) Manual Base Advance Li mit: If deactivated, the injection base advance is not subj ect to stroke control.
If activated, the injection base advance position is subject to the control of the lim it switch X06.
(5) Mould Openi ng with Melt: If activated, the mould opening can be done as soon as the cooling ti me expires,
even if the melt has not finished taking out.
(6) Melt Key Locking: If activated, press the melt key once and then the melti ng continues and will stop when
the mel t posi tion i s reached or the time expires. Or press the melt key once more t o stop the melting.
(7). Neutron beginni ng methods: select [t ravel] or [position], select [position] t o set the position val ue, and the
Movements when the dynamic mode arrives; select [travel], select the starting movements from the four
options of dynamic mode trip.
(8). The Core start method: sel ect [positi on] or [travel], start t he blowing work at the dynamic mode position
or the trip conditions i n automatic state.
(9) Eject or Stop Type: [Stroke] or [Time] can be chosen. If [Stroke] is chosen, the stop is subject to the stroke.
If [Time] is chosen, the stop is subject to the set time.

User's Manual for MX118 V1.0 Chapter 5 Instructions for the System Commissioning Settings

(10) Mould Ad justment Activation : [Hydrau lic] or [E lectric] ca n be chos en. When [Hydraul ic] is chos en,
mould adj ustment p ressure an d speed d o not part icipate in the mould adjustm ent job.
(11) Beg in Blowing : Choose [Lo cation] or [Travel], then the machin e will blo w in th e mo ld moving
location o r travel conditions in a uto ma tic mode.
(12) Electric Heating Restrict: Choose [Disable] or [Enable], in [Enable], the electric heating will
not be started in the process of motor start, but will in [Disable].
(13) Stock Single Ring Gear No.: The number of the gears around the screw.
(14) High Temperature Alarm Function: Choose [Disable] or [Enable], when in [Enable] and the actual
temperature is beyond the upper limit; ? in the automatic state, alarm [High Temperature]
and ejection, s tock and withdrawal w ill not act; ? in manual sta te, ejectio n, stock and with drawal
will continue work ing. In [D isa ble], all actions will not b e a ffe cted by temperature upp er limit.
(15) Ejec tion Protective Boot F unction: C hoose [Disable] or [Enable], w hen in [Enable] and the ejection,
stock and withdrawal ac t a nd X0 2 is OFF, the sys tem will alarm w ith [Ejection Protectiv e Boot
not Closed] and th ere is no action output; o n the contrary, the action w ill n ot b e affected by Xo 2

Entering Engineer Setting Page, press EJE/CORE Key to enter the Special Function 2 Options Page.
The follow ing is displayed:
Next Chose special function2(upper limit) Return Engineer

mold close slow pressure 30.0 Nozzle pressure 160.0 injector pressure 160.0
mold close slow flux 20.0 Nozzle flux 99.0 Injector flux 99.0
mold close high pressure 160.0 Mold adjust pressure 160.0 Feed pressure 160.0
mold close high flux 99.0 Mold adjust flux 99.0 Feed flux 99.0
mold close/open pressure 160.0 Eject or pressure 160.0 Back pressure 160.0
mold close/open flux 99.0 Eject or fl ux 99.0 Temperature upper limit 600.0
mold open slow pressure 30.0 core pressure 160.0 Temperature Percent 100.0
mold open slow flux 20.0 Core flux 99.0 Standby ****

Hint:set range:0.0~160.0
F1 Delay F2 Slope F3 Pre-adj. F4 Ruler. F5 F6 Program. F7 Heating F8

Function parameter setting introduction

(1) Press ure/flux upper limit: the setting value in this page will li e on the upper lim it range for
settin g values of mold parameter in eve ry page.
(2). Maximum temperature / percentage: the scope of maximum temperature setup value.

User's Manual for MX118 V1.0 Chapter 5 Instructions for the System Commissioning Settings

托模/中 子
Entering Engineer Setting Page, press Key third time to enter the Special Function 3
Options Page.The following is displayed:

Next Chose special function 3 Return Engineer

head mold lubricate function Disable Base forward valve of Manual injection Disable
lubricate intermittent Enable Servo function Enable
Lubricate mold number upper limit 200
Lubricate timing lower limit 3.0
oil lack output limit Disable
oil lack delay alarm 2.0
Cool water Disable
Cool water delay 1.0
Door control Method Mode 1
A fter Door open motor stop

Hint:0.disale 1.enable
F1 Delay F2 Slope F3 Pre-adj. F4 Ruler. F5 F6 Program. F7 Heating F8

Function parameter setting introduction

(1 ) First mold lubrication: select [Enable], lubricate once wh en the motor is from clo se to open and
first molding. or it will not lubricate .
(2) Interv al lubrica tio n: ca n selec t [Enable] or [Disable ] , it will lub ricate no inter vals wh en sele ct
[Disab le ], it will lubric ate interv als w hen selec t[Enable]
(3) Maximum lubricating mold number: The maximum number of lubricati ng mold ,it is used to
control lubricating cycle
(4) Minimum lubricating time :The minimum time of lubricating
(5) lack of oil delay alarm: select [Enable] it will alarm when the input time in the lack of oil delay
alarm X32 is up
(6) Water cooling: select [ Enable], the cooling w ater switch is ON in normal state, and it w ill alarm "
the switch of cooling water is not open "until setting time is up
(7) safety door control mode: can select [mode 1] or [mode 2] , select [mode 1] front safety door :
X00,X01, back safety door :X15,X16(back safety door control motor), select [mode 2] front
safety door : X0, back safety door :X15 (please refer to safety door diagram I ,II)
(8) Back Safety Door Open: Choose [Stop Motor] or [Disable]. If the [Safety Door Control Mode]
cho ose s [M od e 1], the [Ba ck Sa fety Doo r] func tion will be valid. W he n [Stop Motor] is chosen,
if t he re ar s afet y door X 15 or X16 i s OF F, the syste m will a larm wi th [Rear Safety Door No t
Closed] and the motor will stop; on the contrary, only a larm without stopping the m otor.
(9) Base forward valve of Manual injection :there are [Enable] or [Disable] can be selected,when select
manual state is [Enable],signal of base forward-stop is on,Y1 is outputted and there is injection
movement,conversely no output.
(10) Servo function: there are [Enable] or [Disable] can be selected,the relevance pages will be displayed
when selecting [Enable],conversely no display.

User's Manual for MX118 V1.0 Chapter 5 Instructions for the System Commissioning Settings

9. Servo Driver monitor Setup Page

监 视

Press MONITOR key to enter the servo driver setup page with the display as follows:

2012-02-09 Servo Driver Monitoring Parameters 1 2: 02:09

Servo Driver NO AG2 011RA
Operat ion Status Normal

Pressure Setup 140.0 Ba r Output Current 2.5 A

Pressure Feedback 20.0 Ba r Output Torque 7 Nm
Flow Setup 99.9 % Motor rated Speed 140 Rpm
Flow Output 30.0 % power output 300 Kw

Driver Temperat ure 35.6 ℃ Motor Temperature 36.1 ℃

Hint:0.disale 1.enable
F1 Delay F2 Slope F3 Pre-adj. F4 Ruler. F5 F6 Program. F7 Heating F8

User's Manual for MX118 V1.0 Chapter 5 Instructions for the System Commissioning Settings

10. Servo Driver Setting Page

监 视

Enter the engineer page, press MONITOR key to enter the setup page with the display as follows:

Next Selection IV-Type Selection Parameters Return Engineer

Operation Confirmation 1 Operation Hint Ready

M otor Cont rol ON Parameter Revision Password 0
Pressure Sensor Range 250 Number of Motor Poles 8
Pressure Sensor Signal 4~20mA Motor Rated Current 23.2
Command Signal Mode CAN Motor Rated Torque 70
Motor Rot ation Direction CW Motor Rated Speed 1500
Motor Control Mode Standard Parameter Selection ==
M otor Max Speed 1800 Motor Control Initial Status OFF
System Max. Pressure 140 Standby Main
Hint:0CAN 1.0~10V
F1 Delay F2 Slope F3 Pre-adj. F4 Ruler. F5 F6 Program. F7 Heating F8

Next Selection V-Type Selection Parameters Return Engineer

Low Pressure 2.0 System Response Proportion 75

Low Flow 2.0 System Response Integral 5
Pressure Adjustment Slope 30 System Response Differential 90
Flow Adjustment Slope 30 System Response Time 10
Torque Overload Multiple 50 Pressure Discharge Reverse Speed Limit 5.0
Pump Swash Plate Switching Value 100 Reverse Max. Torque 10

Hint:set range:0.0~20.0
F1 Delay F2 Slope F3 Pre-adj. F4 Ruler. F5 F6 Program. F7 Heating F8

Note: The above is the page of the related parameters of the servo driver. Please refer to [User
Manual of Servo Driver] for details.

User's Manual for MX118 V1.0 Chapter 5 Instructions for the System Commissioning Settings

Next six-parameters for on-line machine Return Engineer

Operation on-line mode NO Operation Hint Ready

No. of pump while on-line machine 2 displacement of Minimum speed 1
displacement of main machine pump 75 displacement of main machine pump5 1
displacement of main machine pump1 63 displacement of main machine pump6 1
displacement of main machine pump2 1 displacement of main machine pump7 1
displacement of main machine pump3 1 displacement of main machine pump8 1
displacement of main machine pump4 1 displacement of main machine pump9 1

Hint:0CAN 1.0~10V
F1 Delay F2 Slope F3 Pre-adj. F4 Ruler. F5 F6 Program. F7 Heating F8

Next selection seven multi- group PID selection Return Engineer

Mold closing slowly/fastly 0 stor ing 1 0

low pressure mold closing 0 sto ring 2 0
high pressure mold closing 0 injection retreat 0
Mold opening slowly 0 ejector forward 0
level 1 injection 0 ejector return 0
level 2 injection 0 Core 0
pressure maintaining 0 mold adju stment 0

Hint:set range:0.0~20.0
F1 Delay F2 Slope F3 Pre-adj. F4 Ruler. F5 F6 Program. F7 Heating F8

The above is parameters page for servo driver, for specification please refer to servo driver manual .

User's Manual for MX118 V1.0 Chapter 5 Instructions for the System Commissioning Settings

11. Standby Function Setting Page

时 间
After entering the correct password, press TIME Key to enter the Standby Function Setting
Page. The following is displayed:
Next Standby Function Return Engineer

Y 6 Y 26 ON
Y 0 Y 0 OFF
Y 0 Y 0 OFF
Y 0 Y 0 OFF

X 25 X 0 ON
X 5 X 10 ON
X 0 X 0 OFF
X 0 X 0 OFF

Hint:0.OFF 1.ON
F1 Delay F2 Slope F3 Pre-adj. F4 Ruler. F5 F6 Program. F7 Heating F8

Descriptions on setting parameters function mode

(1) Output Point Transfer Function: This function can be enable or disable. If enable , the output
point executes im mediat ely transfer operation. In case that mal-funct ion or damage oc curs
to a certai n poi nt, the control c an be transferr ed to another point by activating thi s function.
Fo r exampl e, in case that failu re occurs to the mould opening output point and the knocko ut
core function is disable, the Y06 mould opening point can be transferred to Y26 and then the
outp ut w ires sh ould be exchan ged. The system is equipp ed with the function of simu ltaneo usly
tran sferrin g two ou tput points. O nce this function is enable, the system makes judgment on the
two selec ted items. If th e item is [ON], the t ransfer of the pre-se t conditions of the i tem will
be executed.
(2) Input Point Transfer Function: This function can be enable or disable . If enable, the input point
Executes immediately transfer operation. In case that mal-function or damage occurs to a certain
point, th e control ca n be transfe rred to a nother p oin t by activating this function. Fo r exa mple, in
cas e that fa ilure occ urs to the front safety door input point and the knockout core function is
disab le , the X0 0 front sa fety d oor inp ut p oint c an b e tran sferred to X25 and the n th e in put wires
should be exchanged. The system is equipped with the function of simultaneously transferring
two input points.once this function is enab le, the system makes judgment on the two selected
item s. If the item is[ON], th e tra nsfer o f the pr e-set con ditio ns of th e ite m will be ex ec uted .

User's Manual for MX118 V1.0 Chapter 5 Instructions for the System Commissioning Settings

12. Programmable Standby Function Page

时 间
After entering the correct password, press Key TIME to enter the Programmable Page. The
following is displayed:
Next Programmable Standby Function Return Engineer

Enable Y 4 AT CD Segment out

Enable Y 6 AT FH Segment out
Disable Y 0 AT Segment out
Disable Y 0 AT Segment out
Disable Y 0 AT Segment out

A=fast mold close B= low pressure C=high pressure D=mold close stop
E=nozzle advan ce F=injector advance G=h old pressure H=feed
I=injec tor return J=nozzle return K=mold open slow L=fast mold open
M=low mold open N=ejector O=c ore P=m old adjecte

Hint:set range :0~77

F1 Delay F2 Slope F3 Pre-adj. F4 Ruler. F5 F6 Program. F7 Heating F8

Descriptions on setting parameters function mode

In order to meet diversified application needs and provide an innovative product, we take the
Initiat ive t o offer t he progr amm able sta ndby fun ct ion page so t ha t the use rs can define a nd
revise by themselves the functions and the action sequence.
Example 1: For a certain mould injection machine, due to the diffe rent design of the oil piping,
it is required that a point is output while clamping at high pressure and the power will not be
interru pted until th e melt finishes taking out. To achieve such a sp ecial function, choose an item
and h ave it activ ated,an d th en spec ify an o utput point (i.e. this functio n is output th ro ugh Y 01 ),
and then set the action sequence [CD].
Notes: Regarding the out put scope of Se quence D Clamping S top, in automa tic mode, the
Clamping switch is contacted during the process of mould close at high pressure, and this
sequence output starts until the melting finishes; in manual mode, the clamping switch is contacted
during the process of mould close at high pressure, and this sequence output starts until the mo uld
opening key or the reset key is p ressed.
Example 2: For a certain mo uld injection machine, due to the different design of the oil piping,
it is required that a point is output while injecting and melting. To achieve su ch a special function,
Choose an item and have it ac ti va ted, and t hen sp ecify an output point (i.e. this function i s
output through Y22),and then s et the action sequence [FH].

User's Manual for MX118 V1.0 Chapter 5 Instructions for the System Commissioning Settings

13. Temperature ParameterSetting Page

温 度
After entering the correct password, press Key TEMP. to enter the Temperature Parameter
Setting Page. The following is displayed:
Next Temperature Parameter Return Engineer
Function P D
Ejector Enable 100 200
1 Segment Enable 100 200
2 Segment Enable 100 200
3 Segment Enable 100 200
4 Segment disable 100 200
5 Segment Disable 100 200
K 6 Oil Temperature Alarm Disable
Oil Temperature upper limit 60.0
Hint:set range :0~300
F1 Delay F2 Slope F3 Pre-adj. F4 Ruler. F5 F6 Program. F7 Heating F8

function Description on setting parameters

(1) Ejector Function、 1Segment、 2Segment 、3Segment 、4Segment 、5Segment function、 [Activated]or
[Deactivated] can be chosen. If deactivated, the system will not execute inspectionand control on
this sequence.
(2) Oil Temperature Alarm: [Activated] or [Deactivated] can be chosen. If deactivated, once it is detected
(3) Pd Setting: Pd has been set before ex-factory. It is recommended that the user should not revise this
parameter under normal circumstance.
(4) Proportion control: proportion control is one of the simplest way for controlling, in which the input
error signals are in proport ion relation with output signals. There are steady-state errors when
proportion control is the only way to be utilized.
(5) Different coefficient control: in different coefficient control, output error signals of controller form
direct proportion relationship with input error signals of controller Fluctuation even destabilization
may appear in automatic control system during the course of getting over and adjusting errors. The
reason is: the existing heavier inert (links) or lagging assemblies can constrain errors, and its changing
is always behind the changing of errors.The solution is to make the changing of errors constraint effect
become advancing, i.e., the errors constraint effect should be zero when errors become close to zero.
That is, it is not efficient enough to i ntroduce proportion into contr oller merely. The function of
Proportion can only enlarge the amplitude value of errors. But at present time it is necessary toin
c rea se differe nt coefficient , whic h can fo rec ast the changing d irect ions of th e errors . Thec ontroller
combined proportion with different coefficient can cause errors constraint effect to be zero, even
to be negative,thereby severe over adjusting of proportion under controlling can be avoided. So for
Assemblies under controlling with heavier inertia or lagging, PD controller can improve dynamic
behaviors of system during adjustment.

User's Manual for MX118 V1.0 Chapter 5 Instructions for the System Commissioning Settings

14. Machine No./Ex-Factory Value/Time Setting Page

资 料
After entering the correct password, press Key DATUM to enter the Machine No./Ex-Factory Value/
Time Setting Page. The following is displayed:
Machine No./Ex-Factory Value Return Engineer

Machine No Input conversion AB C enter

M3 timer to zero Confirm
Controller No
System Backup value Confirm
Ex-Factory Value Restoration Confirm
Soft ware version
V2.2 Code table enter
Super password

TUE 2010-04-25 15:30:40

F1 Delay F2 Slope F3 Pre-adj. F4 Ruler. F5 F6 Program. F7 Heating F8

Descriptions on setting parameters function mold

(1) Machine No: The system is equi pped with the function of setting NO.for the mou ld injection
machine so that the manufacturer can set the No. for easy sales management and after-sales
service record.
(2) Ex-Factor y Value Restorat ion : During the modifying process of passw ord page s, if norma l
ope rat ion cannot be achieved due to too much dev iati ons of the modified paramete rs, pres s
Key En ter and choo se Confirm, and then a ll the conten ts and all the pa ramete rs will be restored
to the standards values set before ex-factory.
(3) System Backup value:standard values backup are provided for resetting when machines leave
(4).Time setup: to set up the time, after the setup, press the [input] key, and then press [OK], the
update is suc cessfully set up.

User's Manual for MX118 V1.0 Chapter 6 Input/Output Mode Inspection

Chapter 6 Input/Output Mode Inspection

1. Input Inspection Page

(1) Press 2 VWX Key on the Main Page to enter Input Inspection Page 1(PS6 6 0AM ) and the
following will be displayed:
2010-04-28 Input check 1 16:33:30

X00 front door 1 X10 fine adjust t eeth number

X01 front door 2 X11 lubricating oil is low
X02 injector Protective cover X12 Cooling water
X03 mold cl ose stop X13 Ej ection before stop *
X04 Electric Eye enter X14 Ej ection return stop
X05 feed rot ation speed X15 back door
X06 before nozzle stop X16 mechanic hand mold close
X07 after nozzle stop X17 mechanic hand eject
M achine run well mold close slow
F1 Input 1 F2 Input 2 F3 Key 1 F4 Key 2 F5 AD test F6 Output 1 F7 Output 2 F8 Output 3

(2) Press 2 VWX Key on the Main Page t o enter Input Inspection Page 1(PS8 60AM ) and the
followi ng wil l be displayed:

2010-04-28 Input check 1 16:33:30

X00 front door 1 X10 St andby
X01 front door 2 X11 lubricating oil is low
X02 injector Protective cover X12 Ej ection return Fender
X03 mold cl ose stop X13 Ej ection before stop *
X04 Electric Eye enter X14 Ej ection return stop
X05 feed rot ation speed X15 back door 1
X06 before nozzle stop X16 back door 2
X07 after nozzle stop X17 motor start
M achine run well mold close slow
F1 Input 1 F2 Input 2 F3 Key 1 F4 Key 2 F5 AD test F6 Output 1 F7 Output 2 F8 Output 3

User's Manual for MX118 V1.0 Chapter 6 Input/Output Mode Inspection

(3) Press 3 YZ Key on the Main Page t o enter Input Ins pe ction P age 2( PS660AM) and t he
follow ing wil l be displ ay ed:

2010-04-28 Input check 2 16:33:30

X20 low pressure on lubricting

X21 front m old adject stop
X22 back m old adject stop
X23 core B in /Count
X24 core B out
X25 core A in /Count
X26 core A out
X27 motor fault

M achine run well mold close slow

F1 Input 1 F2 Input 2 F3 Key 1 F4 Key 2 F5 AD test F6 Output 1 F7 Output 2 F8 Output 3

(4) Press 3 YZ Key o n the Mai n Pa ge to ente r Input Inspec tion Page 2 ( PS860AM)and the
followi ng w ill be dis played:

2010-04-28 Input check 2 16:33:30

X20 fine adj ust teeth number X30 core B advance / Count
X21 front mold adject stop X31 core B return
X22 back mold adject stop X32 oi l short
X23 mechanic hand mold close
X24 mechanic hand ejector X34 Cooling water
X25 core A in /Count X35 core C advance / Count
X26 core A out X36 core C return
X27 motor fault

M achine run well mold close slow

F1 Input 1 F2 Input 2 F3 Key 1 F4 Key 2 F5 AD test F6 Output 1 F7 Output 2 F8 Output 3

User's Manual for MX118 V1.0 Chapter 6 Input/Output Mode Inspection

2. Key Inspection Page

(1) P ress 4 JKL Key on the Main Page to enter Key Inspection P age I and the foll owing
wil l be di spl ayed:

2010-04-28 Key check 1 16:33:30

M00 manual M08 charge
M01 Semi-automatic M09 auto purge
M02 Electric Eye auto M10 mold chose
M03 time auto M11 core A in
M04 heater on/off M12 core A out
M05 motor on/off M13 injecti on
M06 mold open M14 suck back
M07 mold close M15 bl ow male

M achine run well mold close slow

F1 Input 1 F2 Input 2 F3 Key 1 F4 Key 2 F5 AD test F6 Output 1 F7 Output 2 F8 Output 3

(2) Press 5 MNO Key on the Main Page to ente r Key Inspection Page 2 and the following will
be displa yed:

2010-04-28 Key check 2 16:33:30

M16 blow female M24 ejector M32 door close

M17 mold thick M25 push N M33 Sw1
M18 mold thin M26 pull N M34 Sw2
M19 core B in M27 core B in M35 core D in
M20 core B out M28 core B out M36 core D out
M21 ejector advance M29 noz zle adva nce M37 data lock
M22 ejector advance M30 nozzle return M3 8 emerg ency stop
M23 lubricat e M31 door open

M achine run well mold close slow

F1 Input 1 F2 Input 2 F3 Key 1 F4 Key 2 F5 AD test F6 Output 1 F7 Output 2 F8 Output 3

User's Manual for MX118 V1.0 Chapter 6 Input/Output Mode Inspection

(3) Pre ss 6 PQR Ke y on the Mai n P age enter A/ Dc he ck and the following w ill be displa ye d:

2010-04-28 A/D check 16:33:30

K0 eject temperture
K1 1Segment temperture
K2 2Segment temperture
K3 3Segment temperture
K4 4Segment temperture
K5 5Segment temperture
K6 oil 1temperture

M achine run well mold close slow

F1 Input 1 F2 Input 2 F3 Key 1 F4 Key 2 F5 AD test F6 Output 1 F7 Output 2 F8 Output 3

3. Output Inspection Page

(1) Press 7ABC Key on the Main Page to enter Output Inspection Page 1 and the following will
be displayed:

2010-04-28 Output check 1 16:33:30

Y00 mold close Y10 ejector return

Y01 nozzle advance Y11 mold thin
Y02 injector Y12 Poor dynamic mold close
Y03 feed Y13 mold thick
Y04 suck back Y14 machine mold open stop
Y05 nozzle return Y15 machine ejector stop
Y06 mold open Y16 low pressure mold close
Y07 ejector advance Y17 high pressure mold close

M achine run well mold close slow

F1 Input 1 F2 Input 2 F3 Key 1 F4 Key 2 F5 AD test F6 Output 1 F7 Output 2 F8 Output 3

User's Manual for MX118 V1.0 Chapter 6 Input/Output Mode Inspection

(2) Press 8 DEF Key on the Ma in Page to enter Output Inspec tion P age 2(PS660AM) and the
following will be displa yed:
2010-04-28 Output check 2 16:33:30

Y20 fault alarm Y30 mi ddle pump

Y21 blow male Y31 big pum p
Y22 blow female
Y23 mold open buffer
Y24 core A i n Pressure indicat ion
Y25 core A out Flux indication
Y26 core B i n Mold adject light indicat ion
Y27 core B out Auto cl ear indication

M achine run well mold close slow

F1 Input 1 F2 Input 2 F3 Key 1 F4 Key 2 F5 AD test F6 Output 1 F7 Output 2 F8 Output 3

(3) Press 8 DEF Key on the Main Page to enter Output Inspection Page 2(PS860AM) and the
following will be displayed:

2010-04-28 Output check 2 16:33:30

Y20 fault alarm Y30 blow male

Y21 big pump Y31 blow female
Y22 middle pump Y32 Standby
Y23 mold open buffer Y33 Standby
Y24 core A i n Pressure indicat ion
Y25 core A out Flux indication
Y26 core B i n Mold adject light indicat ion
Y27 core B out Auto cl ear indication

M achine run well mold close slow

F1 Input 1 F2 Input 2 F3 Key 1 F4 Key 2 F5 AD test F6 Output 1 F7 Output 2 F8 Output 3

User's Manual for MX118 V1.0 Chapter 6 Input/Output Mode Inspection

(4) Press 9 GHI Key on the Main Page to enter Output Inspection Page 3 (PS660AM) and the
following will be displayed:
2010-04-28 Output check 3 16:33:30

T0 eject or temperture manual

T1 1Segment tem pert ure Semi-automatic
T2 2Segment tem pert ure Electric Eye aut o
T3 3Segment tem pert ure time auto
T4 4Segment tem pert ure Heater
Oil lubricate Motor
M motor A uto run
motor Y Motor △

M achine run well mold close slow

F1 Input 1 F2 Input 2 F3 Key 1 F4 Key 2 F5 AD test F6 Output 1 F7 Output 2 F8 Output 3

(5) Press 9 GHI Key on the Main Page to enter Output Inspection Page 3 (PS860AM)and the
following will be displayed:
2010-04-28 Output check 3 16:33:30

T0 eject or temperture manual

T1 1Segment tem pert ure Semi-automatic
T2 2Segment tem pert ure Electric Eye aut o
T3 3Segment tem pert ure tim e auto
T4 4Segment tem pert ure Heater ON/ OFF
T5 5Segment temperture Motor ON
Oil lubricate Auto run
S11 △ motor S12 Y Motor

Machine run well mold close slow

F1 Input 1 F2 Input 2 F3 Key 1 F4 Key 2 F5 AD test F6 Output 1 F7 Output 2 F8 Output 3
(6 ) Ab ove delivery insp ection p ages are us ed fo r monitoring sign als. If you w ant to inspe ct whethe r
t he delivery valv e is ok or not manually w itho ut a ny a ctions, you can move the cursor to the
delivery name which is waiting for your inspection, pressure enter button,then the delivery valve
will come to work. Meanwhile the solid block in the scene shows the delivery of the signals.

Special explaination

All the input and output point pages in this instruction manual are subject to changes without
notice. The inspection pages displayed on the computer should be correct and final.

User's Manual for MX118 V1.0 Reference & Appendices

194 32



470 456



MB 118 keyboard installation dimension Layout


User's Manual for MX118 V1.0 Reference & Appendices

198 32




470 454


6-M4X12 screw

MC 118 keyboard installation dimension Layout

User's Manual for MX118 V1.0 Reference & Appendices

220 34



510 454


6-M4X12 screw

MD118 keyboard installation dimension Layout

User's Manual for MX118 V1.0 Reference & Appendices

258 34



510 492


6-M4X12 screw

MF118 keyboard installation dimension Layout

User's Manual for MX118 V1.0 Reference & Appendices

PW450 125


External dimensions and installation hole positions drawings for power

supply case and transformer

PS660AM 180

151 34.5

Exterior dimensions and installation hole position drawings for main controller

User's Manual for MX118 V1.0 Reference & Appendices


210 198
190 PS860AM 202

35.75 228.5 35.75


6 6

P S9 60 A M 221

47.5 260 47.5


Exterior dimensions and installation hole position drawings for main controller

Electronic ruler pressuretest
+ 10 V
+1 0 V
4 85 A
2 4V G
+ 24 V
+ 2 4V
+ 2 4V
+ 2 4V
2 4 VG
2 4 VG
Motor Electric-Heating Wiring Diagram (for referenceonly)
Power pack
Reference & Appendices User's Manual for MX118 V1.0
User's Manual for MX118 V1.0 Reference & Appendices

RS232 Orange Back Yellow Gray

+2 4 V
+2 4 V
R UN +4 0 V

+ +2 4 V p ressure +P + Pressure Proportional Valve

0 X 0 0 front door -
1 X 0 1 Low pressure mold close
+S + Speed Proportional Valve
2 X 0 2 high pressure mold close -
3 X 0 3 mold close stop core B out Y27 7
4 X 0 4 Electric Eye enter core B in Y2 6 6
5 X 0 5 feed stop core A out Y25 5
6 X 0 6 nozzle advance stop core A in Y24 4
7 X 0 7 nozzle return stop mold open buffer Y23 3
- XC OM blow female Y 2 2 2
0 X 1 0 fast mold open blow male Y 2 1 1
1 X 1 1 mold open slow fault alarm Y2 0 0
2 X 1 2 mold open stop YCOM +
3 X 1 3 ejector advance stop hi gh pr essur e mold close Y 1 7 7
4 X 1 4 ejector return stop lo w pressure mold close Y1 6 6
5 X 1 5 back door machine ejector stop Y 1 5 5
6 X 1 6 inject check mac hi ne mold open stop Y 1 4 4
7 X 1 7 inject Segment 2 Mold thick Y 1 3 3
- XC OM Poor dynamic mold close Y 1 2 2
0 X 2 0 inject Segment 3 mold thin Y 1 1 1
1 X 2 1 front mold adject stop ejector return Y1 0 0
2 X 2 2 back mold adject stop YCOM +
3 X 2 3 core B advance stop ejector advance Y 0 7 7
4 X 2 4 core B return stop mold open Y0 6 6
5 X 2 5 core A advance stop nozzle return Y 0 5 5
6 X 2 6 core A return stop suck back Y 0 4 4
7 X 2 7 motor fault feed Y 0 3 3
- XC OM injector Y 0 2 2
- nozzle advance Y 0 1 1
4Segment K4
+ mold close Y0 0 0
3Segment - K3
2Segment K2
+ Inject 2
1Segment - K1
Mold close 2
+ R EF + +


PS660AM input and outputWiring Diagram


User's Manual for MX118 V1.0 Reference & Appendices

RS232 Orange Back Yello w Gray

RUN +38V(3A)

X00 front door 1 pr essure P - Pressure Proportional Valve
X01 front door 2 +
1 X 02 injector Protective c over Speed S - Speed Proportional Valve
X03 mold close stop + Back pressure Proporti onal Valve
X04 Electric Eye enter
Back pressure F -
4 Standby Y33 3
5 X05 feed rotation speed Standby Y32 2
6 X06 before nozzle stop blow female Y31 1
7 X07 after nozzle stop blow male Y30 0
0 X10 Standby core B out Y27 7
1 X11 Standby core B in Y26 6
2 X12 Ejector return Fender core A out Y25 5
3 X13 Ejecter before stop core A in Y24 4
4 mold open buffer Y23 3
X14 Ejector return stop
5 X15 back door 1 middle pump Y22 2
6 X16 back door 2 big pump Y21 1
7 X17 motor start fault alarm Y20 0
0 X 20 fine adju st teeth number high pressure mold close Y17 7
1 X21 front mold adject stop low pressure mold close Y16 6
2 X22 back mold adject stop machine ejector stop Y15 5
3 X23mechanic hand mold close machine mold open stop Y14 4
4 X24 mechanic hand eject mold thick Y13 3
5 X25 core A in /Count Poor dy namic mold close Y12 2
6 X26 core A out /Count mold thin Y11 1
7 X27 motor fault Ejector return Y10 0
0 X30 core B advance /Count Ejector advance Y07 7
1 X31 core B ret urn /Count mold open Y06 6
nozzle return Y05 5
suck back Y04 4
feed Y03 3
2 X32 oil short Injector Y02 2
+ REF+ nozzle advance Y01 1
1 AD4 mold close Y00 0
2 AD5
3 AD6
2 Mold close
2 Inject
2 Eject
+ RE F +
FireWire L 12
oil temperature - K6 oil temperature
+ M 11 M oil motor
5Segment - K5 5Segment Y 10 Y
+ 9
4Segment - K4 4Segment
+ OIL 8 Lubricate motor
- T5 7 HC5 5Segment
3Segment K3 3Segment
+ T4 6 HC4 4Segment
2Segment - K2 2Segment 3Segment
+ T3 5 HC3
- T2 4 HC2 2Segment
1Segment K1 1Segment
+ T1 3 HC1 1Segment
Nozzle - K0 Nozzle Nozzle
+ T0 2 HC0
zero value N 1


PS860AM input and outputWiring Diagram


User's Manual for MX118 V1.0 Reference & Appendices

A nalog out CAN /48 5 Orange Brown Yellow G ray

Mold close
Mold close Standby

Coder 3B St andby
Coder 3A St andby
Coder 2Z Pump 5
Coder 2B Pump 4
Coder 2A P ump 3
Coder 1Z Pump 2
Coder 1B Pump 1
Coder 1A total pu mp

Stand by St andby
oil filter entrails Hold pres sure
Le vel low inject back pressure
Motor on finish inject feed
Lu bricate pressure lo w fault alarm
Lubricate Level low E jection mo ld release
packet upper limit Door c lose
packet lower limit Door open

X37 cor e D i n st op co re D out

X3 6 core D out stop core D i n
X35 cor e C in st op co re C out
X3 4 core C out sto p core C in
X33 cor e B in st op co re B out
X3 2 core B out sto p core B in
X31 cor e A in stop c ore A out
X3 0 core A ou t s top core A in

X27 m otor fault b low female

X26 injector Protective cover blow male
X2 5 Door open stop Pull N
X24 mechanic hand eject Pu sh N
X23 mechanic hand mold close machine defectieproducts
X22 back mold adject stop machi ne aotu
X21 front mold adject stop machine ejector stop
X20 fine adju st teeth number machine mold open stop

X1 7 Mold clo se mid dle high pressure mold close

X1 6 Mold open mid dle low pressure mold close
X15 back door X10 M old o pen fas t
X1 4 Ejecter b efo re s top mold o pen cushion
X1 3 Ejector r etu rn stop mold thick
X1 2 mold o p en stop Poordynamic mold close
X11 Mold open slow mold th in
X10 M old op en fas t Ej ect or retur n

X07 no zzl e r etur n stop Eject or advance

X06 nozzle advance stop mold open
X05 feed rotation speed no z zl e ret urn
X04 Electric Eye enter suck back
X03 m old close stop feed
X02 high pressure mold close In jector
X01 Low pressure mold close noz zl e advance
X00 fr ont door mold c lose

I/O extended partition

User's Manual for MX118 V1.0 Reference & Appendices


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