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Value education

Case study based questions

1.What do you mean by teamwork?

A. Taking control of the team
B. Working with the team to get what everyone wants
C. Creating problems for everyone
D. Only you work
Ans - B

2. What is the key step in teamwork?

B. Responsibility
C. Organization
D. All of the above
Ans. D

3. What are the benefits of working together?

A. Nothing
B. We see our own faults
C. Learn to work independently
D. Allows each individual to grow and succeed
Ans - D

4. Which of the following is important for good communication in teamwork?

A. Active listening
B. Dominate others
C. Quarrel with each other
D. None of these
Ans: A

5. What does Teamwork mean?

A.To work well with others
B.To work hard
C.To communicate well
D.To work using soft skills
Ans. A

6. How do you use teamwork in your everyday life?

A.Help a old lady across the street
B.Help someone in class
C.Work with students to get an assignment done
D. A and B both
Ans. C

7. What is the primary benefit of effective teamwork?

A. Increased workload for team members
B. Improved problem solving
C. Individual rewards.
D. None of these
Ans. B

8. A group of people working with common objectives or goals is known as a _________

A. Team
B. Teamwork
C. Group
D. Club
Ans. A

9. What are some good ways to show teamwork?

A.To cooperate and get along with others in your team
B. To yell and scream at others in your team
C. To bully others in your team
D.To do everything yourself
Ans. A

10. What does the word ''cooperate'' mean?

A.Doing all the work alone
B.Working together with others
C.Yelling at others while working
D.Not working with others
Ans. B

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