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International Students Resume

姓名 In Chinese
Full Name 英文
In English Sayed Mokhtar Moneri
国籍 护照号码
Nationality Afghan Passport No. P00044036

出生日期 出生地点 宗教
Date of Birth 02/05/2000 Place of Birth Kabul Religion Islam
性别 专业 会何种语言 职业
Sex Male Major Languages Spoken Dari, Pashto, English Profession
student 学生
international trade
Khoshal Khan 5th distract , Kabul, Afghanistan
原国家永久家庭地址及电话 0781168486
Address in homeland & home phone

cell phone Number & E-mail

Father’s name: Sayed Mohammad Asham Moneri

phone number: 0799400016 E-mail: N/A
job position: shopkeeper
Parents’ information
(names, telephone numbers, E-mail,
Mother’s name: Shazia Moneri
job position and company name)
phone number: 0729363593 E-mail: N/A
job position: House wife company name: N/A
教育背景 Education background

年度(从**年至**年) 就读学校 备注
Years(from which year to which year) School Remarks

Start: 21/3/2008 Primary School |city| country

End : 20/12/2017 Mashal Bayat
Start: 21/3/2018 Mashal Bayat High Schol |city| country
End : 20/12/2020 高中|**|**
University |city| country
工作经历 work experiences

1. Start month, year – end month, year job company name city, country
2. Start month, year – end month, year job company name city, country
3. Start month, year – end month, year job company name city, country

From primary till now, all the experience must be filled in.
申请人签字 签字日期
Applicant signature Guarantor in China
Sayed Mokhtar Moneri
Date of signature 29/3/2023

我承诺遵守中国的法律且学习期间不在中国工作. 我承诺尊重中国文化并遵守学校规章制度. 如果我不履

行义务, 将承担一切可能的后果.
I promise to comply with the Chinese laws and won’t work in China. I will respect the Chinese culture and abide by
the school regulations. If I failed to perform my obligation, I shall take all possible consequences.

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