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Referee Table E: Target Number THE NAMELESS DESIGNER

Difficulty Target Number

Creating an Adventure
Very Easy 0 (no roll required)
1. Adventure: Create an adventure for the players using Easy 5
Table G as prompts or use the pre-prepared adventure; Moderate 10 Challenging 15
Difficult 20
2. Elements: The adventure location should be explorable
with multiple pathways; have objects to interact with; Table F: Reaction Table
equipment to scavenge; treasure to find; dangers which d20 Outcome
01 A terrible outcome, hostile
should be sign-posted and challenges which can be 02-03 A very bad outcome, aggressive A MICRO RPG FUNNEL GAME
overcome in a number of ways. 04-07 A poor outcome, defensive
3. Denizens: Populate the location using Table H as an 08-13 An indifferent outcome, cautious
example. Give each denizen a special ability. 14-17 A good outcome, favourable
18-19 A very good outcome, friendly
20 An excellent outcome, helpful
Running the Game
Table G: Adventure Creator
1. Player Agency: Present the environment but let the
d20 Objective Location Area Threat
players drive the story through their choices actions. 01-03 Defeat Temple Moors Witch
2. Time: The game is structured by exploration turns of 10 04-06 Rescue Mansion Forest Monster
mins in which each player can take one action. Players 07-09 Steal Tower Caves Devil
10-12 Destroy Tomb Estate Thief
can explore a room per turn.
13-15 Secure Dungeon Ruins Vampire
3. Random Encounter: After each exploration turn roll a 16-18 Capture Mines Graveyard Dragon
d20. A random encounters occurs on a 1-2. This 19-20 Roll twice Roll twice Roll twice Roll twice
increases by +2 (i.e. 1-4) each turn until it resets after an
Table H: Denizens
encounter. Do not roll this during combat turns.
d20 Size Attributes
4. Reward Creativity: Award advantage when the players 01-03 Tiny (d20) HLT 2 DEF 8, CHK 0, DAM d2
do something clever. 04-06 Small (d12) HLT 4, DEF 8, CHK 0, DAM d4
07-09 Small (d10) HLT 6, DEF 10, CHK d4, DAM d6
10-12 Medium (d8) HLT 10, DEF 11, CHK d6, DAM d8
Combat & Survival
13-15 Medium (d6) HLT 15, DEF 12, CHK d8, DAM d10
1. Combat can be deadly, each turn takes a few seconds. 16-18 Large (d4) HLT 20, DEF 13, CHK d10, DAM d12
2. Initiative: Each side rolls a d20, highest result acts first. 19-20 Huge (1) HLT 40, DEF 15, CHK d12, DAM d20
3. Attacking: Roll a d20 to equal/exceed opponents defence Table I: Wounds Table
score. Monsters add their check die (CHK) to this roll. d20 Size
4. Damage: Roll weapon damage and deduct this from 01-03 Death, you suffer a visceral death
opponents health. 04-06 Mortal wound, whisper a few last words then die
07-09 Lose arm/leg, dis. on related actions permanently
5. Death: When health reaches zero, the opponent is dead.
10-12 Break arm/leg, dis. actions but recover post game
Commoners may roll on the Wounds Table (Table I) 13-15 Chest wound, slow act once every 2 turns Versi on 1. 0
6. Morale: If opponents have been reduced to half their 16-18 Blow to head, disadvantage for 10 turns DE SIG N: THE NAMEL ESS DESIG NER
health or number roll a d20 vs target 10 to continue 19-20 Lucky escape, knocked out on 1 health HT TPS ://NAME LE SS - DESIGNE R .ITCH.IO
combat, otherwise they flee or surrender.
5 6 Ar t work: Public D omain Image, Br it ish L ibr ar y
Players Table A: Name Table C: Talent
d20 Male Female d20 Nickname Benefits
01 Aldo Anabel 01 ‘Strong’ Adv. strength related checks
Pitchforks & Witches is a micro-rpg funnel game where the 02 Baldwin Beatrice 02 ‘Tough’ Adv. Endurance/Resistance checks
players take on the role of a rabble of commoners who band 03 Cuthbert Clarice 03 ‘Lucky’ Gain 1 free re-roll per session
together to rid their settlement of some threat. 04 Dunn Dina 04 ‘Quick’ Can escape 1 encounter per session
05 Edmund Erika 05 ‘Sneaky’ Adv. stealth related checks
06 Finn Fiona 06 ‘Nimble’ Adv. agility related checks
Create the Rabble 07 Godwin Ginny 07 ‘Wise’ Adv. on knowledge checks
1. Create a group of 8-12 commoners between the players. 08 Hodge Heather 08 ’Iron Skin’ Absorbs 1 damage when injured
2. All commoners start with the following attributes; Health 09 Iain Isabel 09 ‘Psycho’ Adv. attack & damage rolls 1/session
10 Jon Joan 10 ‘Brave’ Will be the first to enter combat
(HLT) 5; Defence (DEF) 10; a pitchfork (d4 damage) and
11 Keef Kira 11 ‘Smiles’ Adv. on reaction rolls.
a torch (lasts 1 hr). 12 Lothar Lily 12 ‘Big’ Bigger than everyone, +2 health.
3. Roll on Table A to determine their name 13 Much Mirabel 13 ‘Little’ Smaller than everyone, +1 defence
4. Roll on Table B to determine their occupation 14 Nevil Nynave 14 ‘Fletch’ Adv. on ranged attacks
15 Pell Petra 15 ‘Veteran’ Adv. on melee attacks
5. Roll on Table C to determine their talent
16 Randolf Ruby 16 ’Stubborn’ Adv. on will related checks
6. Roll on Table D once for each commoner and divide this 17 Sam Sabrina 17 ’Craven’ Avoids combat encounters
equipment between the group. 18 Tom Tammy 18 ‘Gripper’ Adv. on climbing checks
19 Vilan Violet 19 ’Yarn’ Saw an elf once, lucky charm (1 re-roll)
20 Walter Wendy 20 ‘Professor’ Owns a book, healing potion d6
How to Play
1. The game is narrated between the referee who presents a
scene and the players who decide on their actions. The Table B: Occupation Table D: Equipment
d20 Occupation Equipment d20 Item
outcome of these actions are determined by the referee.
01 Baker Fresh Loaf of Bread 01 Crowbar
2. If the outcome of an action is risky or uncertain the 02 Blacksmith Hammer d6 02 Ball of string (200ft)
referee may call for a check (a die roll).. 03 Butcher Hatchet d6 03 Lockpicks
3. A check is made by rolling a d20 and equalling or 04 Carpenter Saw 04 Torches x2 & Tinderbox
05 Cobbler Climbing Boots (Adv) 05 A chicken
exceeding a target number (Table E). If the commoner
06 Cook Chicken, Bread Knife d4 06 Bandages, heals d4 health (1 use)
has a talent related to the check then give advantage. 07 Farmer Shovel d4 07 10ft pole
4. A reaction roll (Table F) may also be used by the referee 08 Fisherman Fishing Rod, Bait 08 Hunting trap d4
to determine an opponents reaction or random event. 09 Lumberjack Axe d6 09 Bottle of medicine, heals d4 (1 use)
10 Mason Pick Axe d6 10 Bottle of poison, save 10 dis. all actions until cured
5. Advantage (roll twice, take highest result) or
11 Miller Sack of Grain 11 A smelly piece of cheese
Disadvantage (roll twice, take lowest result) may be 12 Peddler Donkey 12 50ft of rope
awarded by the referee based on situational factors. 13 Roofer Mortar, Trowel 13 Worn Chain shirt, +2 defence
6. The game ends when the objective has been completed or 14 Shepherd Quarterstaff d4 14 Tatty Gambeson Armour, +2 defence
15 Tanner Knife d4, Animal Skin 15 Shield, +2 defence, sacrifice to ignore damage
the rabble has been defeated. Any surviving commoners
16 Vagabond 1 copper penny 16 Dented helmet +1 defence
should be created as a hero in your chosen RPG system. 17 Vicar Holy Water d12 vs evil 17 Hunting bow + 6x arrows d6
18 Weaver Ball of String (200ft) 18 Heavy Hammer, d6 advantage, slow - attacks last
B/X Conversion: Health = HP, Defence = AC, CHK = Base attack 19 Winemaker Sickle d4 19 Old Spear d6
20 Woodsman Bow, 6x Arrows d6 20 Rusty Longsword d8, breaks on a natural 1-2.

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