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Trinh Ngoc Khanh Linh Nguyen Trong Thien

Nguyen Duy Hung Nguyen Minh Tuan

Topic: The influences of laptops on studying in class for students in SNHU.20A class


Q1: How does the use of laptops influence students' productivity in academic tasks in class?

Q2: What are the potential challenges when using laptops for studying in class?

FINER Framework:

 Feasibility: It can be easy to research in a group of people (SNHU20A students). There

are many credible sources related to the topic are available on the Internet. The topic is
already studied by many researchers.
 Interesting: It is highly applicable to SNHU.20A students as everyone has a laptop.
Students are interested in this topic as they want to know is this worthy to buy the laptop.
 Novelty: Not a new topic as it has been studied by many researchers and universities.
 Ethics: This study was conducted with the consent and volunteering of the students, there
is no coercion here. Other than that, this is a good study and worth learning, not violating
ethical standards. Especially since the research is set in a educational context, ethics is the
first factor when making this report.
 Relevance: The topic is relevant as it explores the benefits of laptops in studying within
the current educational background, supports student success and engagement, and
addresses the development of technology skills for university students.

Key terms

 Laptops  Educational technology

 University students  Digital resources
 Academic performance  Online learning
 Digital learning  Information access
 Productivity  Multitasking
 Collaboration  Digital tools
 Digital literacy  Academic engagement
 E-learning  Technological integration

10 articles and research related:

Colombo, M. (2023). Advantages and Disadvantages of Laptops in the Classroom.





 Increased engagement: Laptops can be used to make learning more interactive and
 Improved organization: Laptops allow students to keep track of notes, assignments, and
deadlines in a more organized manner.
 Access to resources: Laptops give students access to a wide variety of online resources,
including educational videos, articles, and e-books.


 Distraction: Laptops can be a source of distraction, especially if students use them for
non-academic purposes during class time
 Cost: Laptops can be expensive, which can be a barrier for some students who cannot
afford them.
 Health concerns: Extended use of laptops can cause health concerns such as eye strain,
headaches, and back pain.

Kay, R. H. (n.d.). Investigating the Benefits and Challenges of Using Laptop Computers in

Higher Education Classrooms.

 The benefits of using laptops in class include active note-taking, accessing academic
resources, utilizing subject-specific software, communication and information sharing
with peers, and engaging with online interactive tools.
 Challenges inside the classroom involve personal web surfing, social networking, and
 However, benefits are over than challenges in the classroom.
 Outside of class, benefits include collaboration, increased productivity, and research,
while challenges include personal web surfing, social networking, and entertainment.
 Benefits and challenges are reported equally often outside the classroom. Further research
is needed to explore how distractions affect learning and productivity both inside and
outside the class.

Winona State University, Psychology Department, In-class laptop use and its eVects on student


 Of the total participants, 64.3% reported using their laptops in at least one class period;
those who used laptops used them during 48.7% of the class periods on average.
 Users reported that they multitasked (did things other than take lecture notes) for an
average of 17 min out of each 75 min class period.
 Of the students who reported their laptop uses during lectures, 81% reported that they
checked email during the lectures, 68% reported that they used instant messaging, 43%
reported surfing the net, 25% reported playing games, and 35% reported doing “other”

Zhu, E. (n.d.). Use of Laptops in the Classroom: Research and Best Practices. CRLT Occasional

Paper No. 30.


Ubiquitous laptop use in higher education: Multitasking and students’ perception of distraction

in a European setting. (n.d.).
Street, E. (2019, November 19). How Laptops in the Classroom Improve Student Learning -

Learning Liftoff. Learning Liftoff.


Day, A. M., Fenn, K. M., & Ravizza, S. M. (2021). Is it worth it? The costs and benefits of

bringing a laptop to a university class. PLOS ONE, 16(5), e0251792.

Hayes, H. B. (2020, May 6). Online Learning Keeps Schools Open All of the Time. Technology

Solutions That Drive Education.


Day, A. M., Fenn, K. M., & Ravizza, S. M. (2021). Is it worth it? The costs and benefits of

bringing a laptop to a university class. PLOS ONE, 16(5), e0251792.

Street, E. (2019, November 19). How Laptops in the Classroom Improve Student Learning -

Learning Liftoff. Learning Liftoff.

1. Informaion required: students using laptop on classroom
2. Target respondents: Students in SNHU.20A
3. Method: GG form survey
4. Q contents: benefits, drawbacks, challenges


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