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In-Class Exercise – Session 12

Depending on the lab installation and the Linux Distribution you are using, there may be
variations to the commands issued. Please check with your instructor when there are

ID = Administrator
password kickstart

1. You need to logon to VMWARE and select Ubuntu.

2. Wait for the Linux prompt to appear.

3. You will see the LOGIN screen

4. Logon as the super user. This is the root (Administrator) account. Your
instructor will provide you with the root password if it is different from the above.

We are going to perform some file management functions. The bolded text is what
you will key at the prompt.

5. Create two sub-directories.

mkdir budget
mkdir project

6. Change the directory location to budget.

cd budget

7. View the contents of your directory.

ls –l

8. Use the touch command to create 6 empty files to use in this exercise.

touch file1 file2 file3 file4 file5 file6

9. View the contents of your directory.

ls –l

10. Copy file1 to file6 to the directory project.

1|Page Exercise for Comp 1002 Mon-Fri

cp file* project

11. Change into the project directory.

cd project

12. Rename file1 to fileone.

mv file1 fileone

13. Delete file6.

rm file6

14. List the contents of the budget directory.

ls –l

15. Identify which year is not a leap year.

cal 1900
cal 1996
cal 2000

16. Identify who is logged on to your computer.


17. There are some commands that you do not have definitions for and would like to
have more information.

man du
man ps
man grep

18. I want to use a GUI to do my work.

Close down the terminal and check out the Applications drop down menu.

19. Explore the Desktop. The options for the activities below will be found in menus.
Check out the productivity options.

2|Page Exercise for Comp 1002 Mon-Fri

Click on the Control Center. You will find this on the Panel. (The panel at the
bottom of the screen). If you do not know which icon it is, hold your mouse
over the icons until you find the Control Center. Open the icon and do the

Change the background

Find a theme for the entire user interface. This is a consistent collection of
appearance and behaviours for your GUI.

Hope you enjoyed this!

3|Page Exercise for Comp 1002 Mon-Fri

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