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*** CONVERTING YOUR CHARACTER *** *** LEVELING UP *** | \/ |/ _ |_ _| || | __| _ / __| || |_ _| _ \
-------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- | |\/| | (_) || | | __ | _|| \__ | __ || || _/
|_| |_|\___/ |_| |_||_|___|_|_|___|_||_|___|_|
First, copy your old information onto the 1e We’ve removed Experience Points and character ®
Character Profile. levels. This better reflects the idea that SCI-FI HORROR RPG
characters in Mothership are ordinary people under
-- [ Skills ] ------------------------------------ extraordinary pressure. Rather than each character +-----------------[ presents ]-----------------+
improving, the players themselves get better | |
Mark your old Skills on the new Skill tree. If an at the game. Players can still advance their | |
old Skill has been moved, and you are missing a characters mechanically in a few ways: | |
prerequisite Skill, choose a prerequisite Skill. | |
Additionally, if your class now starts with a * Stress can be converted into improved Saves by | |
Skill you do not have, you gain that Skill. Any taking Shore Leave at port. This makes Stress a | |
remaining Skill Points are converted at the rate kind of Experience Point system. | |
of 1 point to 6 months Skill Training. * Skill training is long and costly, making it a | _____ _ _ ___ |
significant investment. Most characters will not ||_ _| || | __| |
Replaced Skills: improve their Skills during short campaigns. | | | | __ | _| |
* Biology --> ZOOLOGY * Conditions from Panic cause long term problems, | |_| |_||_|___|_ _____ ___ ___ ___ ___ _ _|
* Close-Quarters Combat --> HAND-TO-HAND COMBAT and Stress can't be relieved simply through | / __/ _ \| \| \ \ / / __| _ \/ __|_ _/ _ \| \| |
* First Aid --> FIELD MEDICINE leveling up. Overall, Stress has more of a || (_| (_) | .` |\ V /| _|| /\__ \| | (_) | .` |
* Heavy Machinery --> INDUSTRIAL EQUIPMENT push-your-luck aspect. | \___\___/|_|\_| \_/ |___|_|_\|___/___\___/|_|\_|
* Scavenging --> WILDERNESS SURVIVAL || |/ /_ _|_ _| |
* Xenobiology --> EXOBIOLOGY Additionally, we’ve added High Scores. This is || ‘ < | | | | |
a record of how many sessions your character ||_|\_\___| |_| |
Removed Skills: Astrogation, Genetics, Gunnery, has survived. This has no concrete mechanical | |
Hydroponics, Vehicle Specialization, Weapon benefit, but Wardens and players are encouraged | |
Specialization to work together to find ways to bring it into | |
the game (perhaps as a measure of the characters’ | |
-- [ Experience Points ] ------------------------- reputation in the sector, or maybe as a spendable | |
“luck” resource). +----------------[ version 1.1 ]-----------------+
Take your total XP and divide that by 100. If
that number is greater than 1, you may split that At first glance, it may appear that getting rid
number among your Saves however you choose. of levels means characters who have survived a If you have recently purchased the Mothership
long time are just as weak as characters who First Edition Boxed Set (or any of its books), you
-- [ Armor Points ] ------------------------------ have only just begun. What it really means is do not likely need this pamphlet. However, if you
that characters should advance in power and were an early adopter (thank you!), this pamphlet
Your character no longer has an Armor Save. influence in the game world, rather than simply is here to help you easily convert older modules,
Instead they have Armor Points, which are based on on their character sheet. Competent contractors, adventures, and characters to the current version,
the armor they are wearing. loyal contacts, functioning equipment, powerful and, where possible, to explain why we made some
cybermods, upgraded ships, and alliances with of the changes.
-- [ Health ] ------------------------------------ influential factions and figures will go much
further than a +5 bonus to Strength. If you don’t like the changes, prefer the old
Using the table below, convert your Health stat version, or prefer a house rule you found online
into the appropriate Health per Wound. -------------------------------------------------- (or have invented yourself), that’s great! The
*** WHY DID WE CHANGE ANYTHING? *** old game wasn’t broken, we just felt it could run
0e Health 1e Health Per Wound -------------------------------------------------- smoother, and made changes accordingly.
28 or less 11 At the end of the day, these changes hopefully For third party publishers: your old products are
29-44 12 reflect our desire to increasingly pull the game not obsolete—if anything, they’ve just become more
45-60 13 out of the rulebook and put it back into the much dangerous and challenging! This conversion kit
61-76 14 more competent hands of the players and Wardens should help you make any changes you may warrant,
77-92 15 who play the game. We’ve sought to reduce the and ensure you know why we did what we did.
93-108 16 book’s importance to only the matters which we
109-124 17 have found work the best at the majority of tables But for now, let’s dive in!
125-140 18 we’ve played at, and then written guidance for new
141-156 19 Wardens to take it from there. We hope you enjoy.
157+ 20 +------------------------------------------------+
+-----------------------------+ | |
-------------- CONGRATULATIONS ------------------- | Written by SEAN McCOY | | TUESDAY |
| | | MRPG-A2 |
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-- [ Stats ] ------------------------------------- The core system (d100 roll under, Advantage/ Combat and violence are greatly streamlined.
Disadvantage, Skill bonuses, etc.) is largely Instead of a strict turn order, the Warden
We changed Stat generation from 6d10 to 2d10+25, unchanged, with a few tweaks in presentation: describes the situation and the players describe
since it only requires two dice and increases each how their characters react. The Warden assigns
stat about 3 points on average. * We removed Opposed Checks and Crisis Checks rolls if necessary, players roll, and the Warden
from the *Player’s Survival Guide* but we describes the consequences (rolling damage, etc.
-- [ Saves ] ------------------------------------- encourage Wardens to add them back in if it as relevant). Instead of two actions, characters
makes sense contextually. can move and take a single action, or move twice.
We changed Save generation from class-specific to * We’ve stopped using the underline as a notation
2d10+10. Saves start out much, much lower, but can meaning d10*10. -- [ Attacking ] ---------------------------------
be improved through *Stress Conversion*.
-------------------------------------------------- To attack, players make a Combat Check and roll
Armor Saves are replaced by Armor Points. This *** STRESS & PANIC *** damage. Any damage less than the target’s Armor
helped decrease the amount of rolling in violent -------------------------------------------------- Points is ignored. Damage greater than or equal to
encounters and added a survival/scavenging element the target’s AP destroys the armor, dealing the
as characters’ armor gets destroyed. The big change here is the addition of THE remainder. Cover works the same way.
PANIC DIE, a single d20 which is *only rolled*
Armor Armor for Panic Checks. This change was made because -- [ Damage ] ------------------------------------
Armor Save Points players continually got confused with the old
-------------------------------------------------- system of rolling 2d10 under their Stress. The Damage has been rebalanced to accommodate
Standard Crew Attire +0% 1 Panic Die makes it very clear that something bad characters’ reduced Health and Wounds.
Vaccsuit +7% 3 is happening, and to signal to the players to pay
Hazard Suit +5% 5 attention because the rules are different than
Standard Battle Dress +10% 7 normal (rolling under your Stress is bad, whereas Weapon 0e damage v1 damage
Advanced Battle Dress +15% 10 normally rolling low is good). --------------------------------------------------
Exosuit (A Pound of Flesh) +20% 13 Boarding Axe N/A 2d10 DMG
Creatures / Horrors 66-85% 15 Characters start with a minimum Stress of 2. Combat Shotgun 2d10x10 DMG 4d10 DMG
Creatures / Horrors 85%+ 20 Rolling a 1 on the Panic Die always results in a Crowbar 1d10 DMG 1d5 DMG
Panic. Characters have a maximum Stress of 20. Flamethrower 2d10*10 DMG 2d10 DMG
-- [ Health ] ------------------------------------ Any additional Stress taken after 20 is instead Flare Gun 1d10 DMG 1d5 DMG
subtracted permanently from the most relevant Stat Frag Grenade 1d10*10 DMG 3d10 DMG
We've renamed "Hits" to "Wounds" and characters or Save. Hand Welder 1d10 DMG 1d10 DMG
can now gain them, just like enemies, making them GPMG N/A 4d10 DMG
much, much weaker. Players no longer add Stress to their characters’ Laser Cutter 1d% DMG 1d100 DMG
Panic rolls. Instead, if they Panic, look up the Nail Gun 2d10 DMG 1d5 DMG
-- [ Class Bonuses ] ----------------------------- result on the Panic Table. This makes players much Pulse Rifle 5d10 DMG 3d10 DMG
more likely to see results on the bottom end of Revolver 3d10 DMG 1d10+1 DMG
All the classes have had their Stat and Save the spectrum, and reduces the overall swinginess Rigging Gun 2d10 DMG 1d10 DMG
bonuses tweaked, as well as their starting Skills. of results. Scalpel 1d10 DMG 1d5 DMG
Smart Rifle 1d10x10 DMG 4d10 DMG (AA)
-- [ Loadouts ] ---------------------------------- The Panic Table has largely been rewritten to SMG 4d10 DMG 2d10 DMG
remove most clinical language. Additionally, there Stun Baton 1d10 DMG 1d5 DMG
Loadouts are removed from the character sheet, are many more permanent Conditions which must be Tranq Pistol Body Save 1d5 DMG
and characters now receive a Random Loadout based treated in game. This makes Panic both a short and Vibechete 2d10 DMG 3d10 DMG (AA)
on their class. Random Loadouts help decrease long term problem.
information overload and analysis paralysis, For everything else we recommend reducing 0e
and additionally increase desperation (players We clarified: characters gain 1 Stress when damage by 1d10-2d10.
must work together or look for better equipment failing a Stat Check or Save. They make a Panic
immediately). Check on any Critical Failure as per usual. -- [ Range ] -------------------------------------

-- [ Skills ] ---------------------------------- When resting, players now make a Rest Save based Range has been simplified to range bands:
on their worst Save. On a success their Stress Adjacent, Close Range, Long Range, and Extreme
Skills have been reworked with an eye to making is reduced by the ones digit rolled. As usual, Range. This does not affect compatibility, but the
each character more unique. Notable changes are players should seek to improve this Save through range band terminology will be standard in 1e.
that First Aid (now called Field Medicine) and recreational activities.
Piloting are now Expert Skills, meaning you really -- [ Anti-Armor & Damage Reduction ] -------------
need to want them if you’re going to take them.
Additionally, Weapon/Ship specializations have Weapons with Anti-Armor (AA) ignore and destroy
been removed. Wardens are, of course, encouraged armor when they hit. Armor with Damage Reduction
to add these Skills if it suits their game. (DR) which always reduces incoming damage first.

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