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i Oneliners Constitution Day of India is celebrated on 26 November By which name/names is our country mentioned in the constitution? Bharat and India Who has termed constitution a sacred document? =B.R. Ambedkar In relation to Indian Constitution who said that "Indian Constitution established good balance between Rigidity and Flexibility"? -K.C. Wheare (Creation of a new state requires a....majority for Constitutional Amendment Simple When was the first Bill for the amendment of the Indian Constitution presented? 1951 Which is the most specific feature of the single member oftconstituency system? —It secures a stable majority in the Legislature ‘The committee on subordinate legislation deals with Delegated legislation The Parliament and Constitution are the instruments of —Economic Justice ‘A motion moved by a member in a legislature when it is desired to have a discussion on a matter of urgent publicimportance is called?—Adjournment Motion Which organ of the State isthe custodian of National Purse? Legislature According to Indian Constitution, the Right to property isa Legal Right ‘What was the exact constitutional position of the Indian Republic when the Constitution was brought. into force with effect from 26th January, 1950 A Sovereign Democratic Republic Constitutional Monarch means—The King exercises power granted by Constitution POLITY AND GOVERNANCE i Autocracy means Absolute rule by ong Univeral Ault Franchise shows that nisi coum which is Democratic The Indian Constitution recognizes minorties on ye basis of Percentage of the population of gy, ‘group to the total population What is meant when the Constitution declares Indi as "Secular State? “The State regards religions a, , private affairs of the citizen and does noy discriminate on this basis Which is the highest law of the land?—Constituton Judicial Review in the Indian Constitution is based on Procedure established by Lay © Whatis Ordinary Law? —Laws made end enforced by the Government © Division of Powers and Independent judiciary are the ‘two important features of —Democratic form of Government © Constitution of India consider free and compulsory education to children upto? —I4 years © Where is the objective of Social Justice! articulated in Constitution of India? ~The Preamble Evolution of Indian Constitution Which Act of British Parliament abolished the East India Company monopoly over trade in India? —Charter Act of 1813 © Which Act provided for establishment of Supreme ‘Court at Calcutta? Regulating Act, 1773 © The Federal Court of India was established in which year? -1937 © Under which Act dyarchy was introduced at Central level? Government of India Act, 1935 © The Act of 1909 was associated with Introduction, of separate electorate TT Samarth Agrawal Books - ge General Knoraledex for Judicial Serves Examinations which Actintroduced the Principleof Constitutional uwocraoy? —The Government of India Act, 1935 ‘phe Indian Legislature was made bi-cameral for the fist ime by which Act? a —The Government of India Act, 1919 Inthe federation established under the Act of 1935, residuary powers were; given to the e —Governor General “The proposal for framing the constitution of India by anclected Constituent Assembly was made by - —Cripps Mission ‘As per Cabinet Mission plan, in the Constituent ‘Assembly to decide alloted members seat in each province, one representative was in ratio to which @ population? —10 Lakh Constituent Assembly and Indian Constituent Assembly was established under @ Cabinet Mission, 1946 ‘Who was the first elected Chairman of Constituent @ Assembly? =Dr, Rajendra Prasad Who chaired the first meeting of Constituent © Assembly? Dr. Sachidanand Sinha Constituent Assembly of India was established on @ 09 December, 1946 “The resolution for giving a constituent to India was ® adopted by the Constuent Assembly on —22Jam ‘Who presented the objectives resolution? . Jawahar Lal Nebru How many sessions of the Indian Constituent 7 ‘Assembly were conducted for the formulation of Indian Constitution? 12 6 How much time the Constituent Assembly took to frame the constitution of India? . —2years, 11 months, 18 days The Chairman of Drafting Committee of Indian Constituent Assembly was —Dr. BR. Ambedkar ‘Who was the Chairman of Advisory Committee on Fundamental Rights and Minorities constituted by the Constituent Assembly? Sardar Patel ‘The Drafting Committee of the Constituent Assembly under Dr, B.R. Ambedkar had how many other members? -6 The Constituent Assembly set up « Drafting (Committee under the Chairmanship of Dr. Ambedkar on 29th, August, 1947 Who was the Constitutional Advisor at the time of the formation of the Constitution? © —B.N. Rao eWihe prepared the first draft of the Constitution? BN. Rao_ Who was the chairman of the National Flag Committee? Dr. Rajendra Prasad Mention the correct date of the last meeting of the _ Constituent Assembly of India? £24 January, 1950 _ Indian Constitution was adopted by the Constituent Assembly on. =26 November, 1949 How many women members were there in the Indian ‘Constituent Assembly? Ss ‘Who described Government of India Act, 1935 as a new Charter of bondage? —PtJawahar Lal Nehru ‘The Government of India Act, 1935 was based on ‘What was the basis for constituting the constituent assembly of India? The Cabinet Mission Plan, 1946 ‘Which prominent leader was never part of Constituent Assembly? MK. Gandhi The drafting of Constitution was completed on? —4" November, 1949 The provisional President of Constituent Assembly was Dr. Sachidanand Sinha The concept of Constitution first originated in Britain In which country Financial Legislations introduced in the Upper House of Legislature? = Germany Samarth Agray 1 Books 261 General Knowledes for Judicial Serviaes Examinations : The concept of ‘Judicial Review’ in India has been adopted from the Constitution of U.S.A. ‘The Idea of Concurrent List in the Indian Constitution has been borrowed from —Australia Theconcept of the Directive Principles of State Policy in the Indian Constitution has been adopted from the Constitution of —Ireland The concept of Fundamental Duties has been taken from —Russian (Former Soviet Union) Constitution The concept of Fundamental Rights, as incorporated in the Indian Constitutions has been adopted from United State of America ‘The concept of Concurrent List in Indian Constitution isborrowed from the Constitution of —Australia Nomination of Rajya Sabha Members by the President ‘was taken from the Constitution of | —Ireland ‘The method of impeachment of the President of India is adopted from -USA ‘Cabinet System! and ‘Collective Responsibility’ are the contributions of Britain The two basic principles of the liberal theory of democracy as emphasized by John Locke, are Universal Adult Franchise and Right to Property ‘The method of amending the Constitution by popular veto is found in Switzerland The concept of "Rule of Law’ is a special feature of Constitutional system of Britain The system of judicial review originated in —USA From the Constitution of which country the provision of Federation was borrowed while framing the Canada ‘How many parts, Articles and Schedules was there in the original Indian Constitution? 22 Parts, 395 Articles & 8 Schedule Economic planning is included in which list of Constitution? Concurrent list The provision that “no bill imposing tax can be introduced in the Legislature except on the recommendation of the President! is covered in the Constitution of India under which Article? Article 117 According to Article 1 of Indian Constitution, Indias —The Union of States Under which Article of the Constitution reservation in admission to educational institutions, including private and unaided, to OBCs/ST/SC is made? Article 15(5) In the Indian Constitution the ‘Right to Freedom’is granted by four Articles which are Article 19 to Article 22 Which Article under the fundamental rights is directly related to the exploitation of children? —Article 24 Child Rights are protected in Article of ICCPR —24 In which Article of the Indian Constitution the abolition of untouchability has been guaranteed? —Article 17 Which Article of the Constitution ensure the Freedom of the Press? Article 19 Inwhich Article the Fundamental Rights of Freedom of Speech and Expression is provided in che Constitution of India? Article 19 Under which Article of Indian Constitution wearing of "Kirpans' by sikhs is deemed asa right to feeedom of religion? —Article 25 ‘Which Article of the Indian Constitution provides that all minorities shall have the right to establish and administer educational institutions of their choice? Article 29 The 'Right to Equality’ is granted by 5 Articles in the Indian Constitution. Theseare —Article 1418 ‘The Supreme Court has held that hoisting the National Flag on top of the private building is a fundamental right of every citizen under which article? ‘Article 19(1) of the Constitution ee ‘Samarth Agrawal Books ss | General Knonlede for Judicial Services Examinations 4 ’No person shall be prosceuted aitd punished for the came offence more than once’, Under which article, the above preservation of conviction for crime is given? Article 20 ¢ Inwhich article of Indian Constitution Doctrine of Due Process of Law is included? Article 21 ¢ Which Article gives safeguard to the Fundamental Rights of arrested person? “Article 22 ‘Which Article directs State Government to organise ‘Village Panchayats? Article 40 ¢ Which Article of the Indian Constitution is related to Indian Foreign Policy? Article 51 ‘¢ Which Article of the Constitution of India has the provision of participation of workers in management of industry? “Article 434, Which Article of the Indian Constitution prescribes cligiblity conditions for reelection tothe post of the President of India? Article 57 ¢ Under which Article of the Indian Constitution can the President be impeached? Article 61 © Under which Article of the Constitution the President of India has been empowered to promulgate an ordinance? Article 123 © Which Article of the Indian Constitution describes the executive power of every state shall be so exercised 28 not to impede or prejudice the exercise of the executive power of the union. Article 257 ‘© Under which Article of the Indian Constitution is the Comptroller and Auditor General of India appointed? Article 148 © Inwhich Article of the Constitution of India was the provision for reservation of Scheduled Castes in the Lok Sabha made? Article 330 © Which Article of the Indian Constitution empowers the Parliament to legislate on a subject of State list? Article 249 © Which provision deals with the privileges and immunities of the Members of Parliament under the Constitution of India? Article 105 Under which Article of the Indian Constitution the Parliament can make laws on State list subject for giving effect to international agreements? — —Article 253 Money Bill has been defined by the Constitution under which Article? 110 Which Article permits the Supreme Court to review its judgement/order? “Article 137 Under which Article the courts have been prohibited from inquiring the proceedings of the Parliament? ~Article 122 Which Article of Indian Constitution provides the provision of Vidhan Parishad in the States? Article 171 Under which Article of the Indian constitution the Legislative Assembly is allowed to resolve for creation of Legislative Council? Article 169 ‘The financial relations between the Union Government and states have been discussed under the Article 268 to 281 Article 249 of Indian Constitution deals with— Legislative Powers of Parliament with respect to subjects in State list ‘According to which Article ‘National Emergency’ may be declared by the President of India? —Article 352 Under which Article the President of India can suspend the enforcement of Fundamental Rights (except Articles 20,21)? Article 359 Under which Article the President's Rule can be imposed ina State? Article 356 ‘The Indian Constitution can be amended under the provisions of Article 368 The Ninth Schedule to the Indian Constitution was added by First Amendment ‘Which Article of the Constitution provides that every State shall endeavour to provide an adequate facility for instruction in mother tongue at primary stage of education? Article 3504, ‘Which Article of the Constitution guarentees the 1/3 representation of women in Panchayats? Article 243) LL Samarth Agrawal Books 263 a General Knowledge for Judicial Services Examinations © Provision for constitution of a National Commission for SCs and ST's has been made in the Constitution under which Article? Article 338 and 338A. © Under which Article of the Constitution the seperate Scheduled Tribe Commission was established? Article 338A © Which Article of the Indian Constitution abolished the practice of untouchability? Article 17 © The Articles 17 and 18 of the Constitution provide Social equality © Article 1 of the Constitution declares India as Union of States © Which Articles of the Indian Constitution includes the Fundamental Duties of the Indian Citizens? Article S1A © Where is the objective of "Social Justice"articulated in Constitution of India? Article 15 © Article 19 of the Constitution provides 6 Freedoms ‘© Article 14 of Indian Constitution guarantees Indian Citizens Equality before law and Equal Protection of Law © What constitutional provision evables the Central Government to provide reservations in jobs and educational institutions for weaker section of society? Article 16 © Under which Article of Constitution an individual can move o Supreme Court direcly in case of any violation of Fundamental Rights? Article 32 © Which Article provides for equal oppurtunities forall citizens in publicemployment? Article 16 © Under which Article of the Indian Constitution the decision of the Central Administerative Tribunal can be challanged in the Supreme Cour? Article 323(A) © Which Article mentions the establishment of Welfare State in India? Article 38 __ Schedles of the Indian Constitution _ At present Indian Constitution has how many ‘Schietiles? 12 Schedules © Fourth Schedule of the Constitution of india day withAllocation of seats for the Council of sia, © To give Constitutional protection, State lind ref, laws have been included in which Scheduler Mth Schedule © In which Schedule of the Indian Constitution Anti Defection Law is placed? Tenth Schedule Relation of Centre State lies in which Schedules ~74 ¢ Functions to be assigned to Panchayats by 734 ‘Amendment of the Constitution are mentioned in which Schedule? —Eleventh Schedule © How many subjects are provided by 11" Schedule of Indian Constitution for Panchayats? —29 Subjects Some Special Features of © The Indian Constitution is divided into —22 parts © In which part of the Indian Constitution, legislative relations between centre and states are given —Part XI © Inwhich year Sarkaria Commission, was} empowered to recommend changes in Centre State relations submitted its report? 1987 © Which part of Indian Constitution ensures social and ‘economic democracy? Directive Principles of State Policy © The voting age in India was lowered from 21 year 018 year through Constitutional Amendment ‘© Whatiis the chief source of political power in India? —The People * Which judgement stated that ‘Secularism! and "Federalism are the basic features of the Indit® Constitution? -S.R. Bommai 095° © The feature of federal system of the India™ Constitution is inspired by the Constitution of —Canada ‘© India is a Republicwhich implies that ~The head of the State is Samarth Agrawal Books y| General Knoeolede for Ju called Indian Federalism a8 the copy erative iv 2 federalist ~Granvile Austin gro said "Indias a quasisedera stage “KC. Wheare aul revenes recieved by the Union Govern vray of 2x68 and Other receipts for the co, Jovernment businesses are credited tothe Consolidated Fund of india iment by duct of what is basis of classification of governments ay uoaryandfeder? Relationship betwecs, the centre and states federal structure for Tndia was put forward by Act of 1935 + Who proposed the Preamble before the Drafting Committee of the Constitution? —Jawabar Lal Nehru ¢ Theidea ofthe Preamble has been borrowed in Indian Constitution from the Constitution of | —U.$.A, + Inwhich case the Supreme Court regarded Preamble as a part of the basic structure of Indian Constitution? —Keshwanand Bharti v. State of Kerala According to Preamble, the ultimate power lies in the hands of People * The term ‘Secular’ was added to the Preamble to the Indian Constitution by —42™ Amendment The Preamble to our Constitution makes no mention of —Adult Franchise © Where do we find the ideals of Indian democracy in the Constitution? —Preamble * Which is the most important system in democracy? Political * Which words were included in the Preamble through 42°! Amendment Act, 1976? ; ~Socialism,Secular, Integrity Civilequality implies —Equality of opportunities The ind and ideas ofthe framers ofthe Constitution Preamble © The Preamby, lof the tn first time he Indian Constitution was for the mended by the 4st 4, mend ‘The Union and its Territories The concept of Constitution has bee Union of States in the Indian ren derived from “TheBritish North-American Act © Which Part and Chapter of the Indian Constitution dnl With the legislative relation bermeen the union nd the states? Part XI and Chapter 1 . ‘What was the exict Constitutional Status of the fndian Republic on 231-1950 when the Constitation came intoforce? —A Sovereign Democratic Republic ‘Thetwo Union Territories which have been given right to take partin the election of the President of India by the 70% Amendment of Indian Constitution, are Delhi and Puducherry © Representation of states in the Council of States is based on —Ratio of their Population © The members of Council of States are elected by Members of Legislative Asembly of States ‘© Which was the first State to establish the institution of Lokyukta? Maharashtra ‘© Total assembly seats in National capital of Delhi are -70 © Among the tax revenue of the Union Government, the most important source are“Union Excise Duties © How many states are there in the Indian Union’—29 © After Independence, in which year were the Indian States reorganised on the linguisticbasis? —1956 fe Inwhich year did the states of Jharkhand, Chattsgach and Uttarakhand came intocxistence? —--—2000 fe Firstever state constituted on linguistic basis? Andhra Pradesh © Thestates reorganization in 1956 created E —14 states and 6 Union Territories fe Sikkim was granted statehood in theyear®— —1953 ederal government thestates enjoy i pene given by the Constitution 2 ee ‘Samarth Agrawal Book a | General Knol for Judicial Services Examinations © When was the comprehensive reorganization of States, completed in accordance with reecomendations of States reorganization Commission? =1956 © Inwhich year were the Indian States reorganised on the linguistic basis? =1956 © In which state of India there is a Uniform Civil Code? =Goa ‘* Which commission made the recommendations which formed the basis for Punjab Reorganisation Act which ‘created the states Punjab and Haryana? Shah Commission © Which part of Constitution contains provisions relating to citizenship? —Part IT © Thecitizenship provided by the constitution of India is Single Citizenship © How many years does a person of Indian origin need to reside in India to become a citizen of India under the Citizenship Act, 1955? =7 years © In India the concept of single citizenship is adopted from? UK. © The term 'Greater India’ denotes —Cultural Unity © Which department is responsible for giving Indian Citizenship? —Home Ministry ‘Fundamental Rights ‘© Eradication of all types of social discrimination comes under which generation of Human Rights Second generation © Under which Article ofthe Indian Constitution, the Supreme Court safeguard the Fundamental Rights of Indian Citizens? Article 32 ‘© Which fundamental rights cannot be suspended during the enforcement of Emergency under Article 359 of Constitution? Right to life and Right to Personal Liberty @ Which Fundamental Rights are available to Indian Citizens only? Article 15, 16, 19, 29 and 30 @ = Who is the guardian of Fundamental Rights? —Supreme Court © Fundamental Rights are not givento— —Aliens (Citizen of another Country) © Which part of Indian Constitution deals with ‘Fundamental Rights? Part Iii © Fundamental Rights granted to Indian Citizen Can be suspended (Except Article 21 & 21) ¢ Freedom of press is implied in the right to —Preedom of speech (A. 19) © Which is not enumerated as aright in the Constitution of Inc Economic Right © Fundamental Rights in India are guaranteed by it through —Right to Constitutional Remedies © Which Fundamental Right was abolished? Right to Property © Supreme Court is the guardian for? —Fundamental Rights © Under which Article of Constitution can the Fundamental Rights of the members of the Armed Forces be specifically restricted? Article 33 © Which factor is necessary for the development of democratic institutions? —Respect for Indi idual Rights ‘© Right to Education became a Fundamental Right on =I" April, 2010 © Which writ can be issued by a High Court to secure the liberty of the individual? —Habeas Corpus © Which writis regarded as the greatest safeguard for the liberty of a person? —Habeas Corpus © When the Supreme Court issues a writ to a person or to an institution to perform its duty, itis called Mandamus © Acourt enforces enjoyment of Fundamental Right by issuing =A Writ © Which writ literally means, ‘What is your authority”? —Quo warranto @ Which writ can only lie against a person holding a public office? Quo warranto 266 Samarth Agrawal Books General Knotlede for Judicial Service Examinations which order can a court issue for enforcement of ondamental Rights? =A writ wich writs issued by a High Court or Supreme Coutt tocompel a authority to perform a function that it was pot performing? Mandamus Which writ isa bulwark of personal freedom? Habeas Corpus Under the constitution, the power to issue a writ of Habeas Corpus is vested in “Both Supreme Court and High Court « Avwrit of Mandamus can be issued by the Supreme Courtto An official to perform public duty ‘¢ Where in the Indian Constitution has "economic justice" been provided as one of the objectives? Directive Principles Which ‘writ! is sought to produce in the Court a person/suspected to be missing/in custody? Habeas Corpus ¢ Which ‘writ’ is sought to get an order of an authority quashed? —Certiorari statement explains the concept of which kind of State Welfare State © The concept of Welfare State is included in the Constitution of India in the Directive Principles of State Policy © The Directive Principles of State Policy of the Constitution of India is taken from the Constitution cof which country? Ireland © ‘Equal Pay for Equal Work’ has been ensured in the Indian Constitution as one of the Directive Principles of State Policy © In the Constitution of India, promotion of International Peace and Security is included in the Directive Principles of State Policy. ‘* Whatis the nature of Directive Principles? =Non-justiciable . "The Directive Principles of State Policy is a cheque ‘which is paid on Bank's convinience." Who said it? -K.T. Shah ‘The number of subjects incorporated in Union List is 297 Which part of the Indian Constitution ensures social and economic democracy? Directive Principles of State Policy (On the subjects mentioned in the concurrent list, laws may be enacted by the States & Us Education is included in which of the lists? Concurrent List Inour Constitution, the Economic Planning is included in Concurrent list What are Residuary Powers?—Powers which are not mentioned in any of the lists Directive Principle in our Constitution are =Non enforcable in the Court of Law ‘Seperation of the judiciary from the executive has been provided in which part of the Indian Constitution Directive Principles of State Policy ‘The main purpose of including the Directive Principles of State Policy in the Indian Constitution is to —Establish welfare State ‘The concurrent list in the Constitution is adopted from the Constitution off —Australia ‘Who has been authorised by the constitution to make Jaw on civil affair like marrage, divorce, inheritance etc? —Centre and State by the Concurrent list of the Constitution Who interprets Constitution? —Supreme Court & Constitution of India were added on the recommendation of ~—Swaran Singh Committee Inwhich year the Fundamental Duties incorporated in the Constitution? -1976 Fundamental duties are mentioned in which Part of the Constitution of Indi: —Part IV A By which Fundamental Constitutional Amendment, the Fundamental Duties were added in the Constitution for Indian Citizen —_—. jue Samarth Agrawal Book: = Gamera Knowle for Judicial Services Examinations Which Article of Indian Constitution enumerates Fundamental Duties of Indian Citizens? Article 51-A ‘© Howmany Fundamental Duties are there in the Indian, Constitution? =Bleven * Fundamental Duties were incorporated in the Indian ‘Constitution on the recommendations of —Swaran Singh Committee © "Not to destroy the Government property" is a Fundamental Duty Fundamental Duties were added to the Constitution by 42" Amendment Which Article of the Constitution deals Fundamental Duties? Article 51A How many Fundamental Duties are included in Indian, Constitution? -Eleven Some Important titutional Amendment Acts The education which was initially a state subject was ttansferred to the concurrent lst by which amendment? 424 Amendment The words 'Secular' and ‘Socialist’ were added to the Preamble of the Indian Constitution by which Amendment? 42° Amendment ‘Which Constitutional Amendments integrated Sikkim asa fall fledged State of the Indian Union? —36" Amendment ‘The ‘Right to Property’ was deleted from the list of fundamental rights guaranteed to the citizens of India by which amendment? —4 Amendment Which Constitutional Amendment has limited the number of Central Ministers to 154% of the total numbers of Lok Sabha? ~91" The protection of women from Domestic Violence Act came into force on 26th October, 2006 The Scheduled castes and Scheduled Tribes. (Prevention of Atrocities Act), 1989 came into force on 30" January, 1990 The lower age limit of voters of Union Legislative was reduced from 21 years to 1g I" id Sug Yay ‘Amendment, a ‘The President's power to veto Bill for a of the Constitution has been taken qa submitting the word sal ive isa? amendment? “2 hmeven By which Constitutional amendment OBC ha given 27 percent reservation in the adm; ae istion tp educational institutions? 3 By which Constitutional Amendments Delhi bens ‘National Capital Region’? 69" Amendment Which amendment banned floor crossing by ge members elected om a party ticket to legislature: ~S2 Amendment Which Constitutional Amendment Act is termetg Mini Constitution? Ad Amendment Which Amendment of the Indian Constitution mis the size of the Union Ministry? —91* Amendment ‘Mizoram was granted the Status of a state by which Constitutional Amendment? —53% Amendment Under which Constitutional Amendment fo languages were added to the languages under the Eighth Schedule of the Constitution, thereby rising their number to 22? 92" Amendment Which amendment to the Indian Constitution provides Constitutional status to Panchayati ®) System? =73* Amendmest Under which Constitutional Amendment 30% 99% in the village panchayats have been reserve foros? in India? =73 Amendmest ed Which Constitutional Amendment provid 2 Constitutional status to the urban local govern= =74% Amend! jn Which Act exercised the most profound influen= framing Indian Constitution? 195 The Government of India Aes 1 By which Constitutional Amendment Ach sh ° Property ceased to remain a fundamental gh? a 44% Amend ——ssS—OsFSFS Samarth Agrawal Books a General Knoroledge for Judicial Services Examinations py which Constitutional Amendment Bill did the parliament lower the Voting age from 21 to 18 years? 61" Amendment “The system of privy purses in respect of former rulers of Indian States before independence was abolished by the Constitution through 26" Amendment, 1971 By which Constitutional Amendment political defections were banned? —52 Amendment, 1985 . te _Inwhich year was Prevention of Terrorism Act (POTA) enacted? 2002 Which Act provide separate electorate for Muslims? —Act of 1909 (Morley-Minto Reforms) Executive of the Union : The President Ina Presidential Government,all the executive powers are vested in. President All the executive power in Indian Constitution are vested in, President © Whois the head of Indian Republic? —President of India Atleast how many days of prior notice is required for the impeachment of the President of India? =14 days © What is the deadline to fill the occurence of vacancy due to death, resignation or removal of the President in India? —Six Months © Incase the post of President of India falls vacant and there is no Vice-President also, who would be the Acting President? Chief Justice of India The joint sitting of the House of people and the Council of States is summoned by?—The President © How many members President may nominate in Council of States? 12 Members ‘© Firstactress to be nominated to Rajya Sabha? Nargis Dutt Who has the right under Constitution to seek opinion of the Supreme Court on the question of law? President © The Union Public Service Commission submits its anna report tothe ~The President © In Presidential Government the President is independent of Legislature © Thewinning candidate in the Election of President of India should secure?—More than 50% and majority of total votes polled © Whocan initiate impeachment of the President? =1/4" of the total members of either House of Parliament © APresidential Ordinance can remain in force? For 6 months © Ifthe AngloIndian community does not get adequate representation in the Lok Sabha two members of the community can be nominated by the —President © The Presidential form of Government sperates on the Principle of. Separation of Power ‘© The authority to porogue the two Houses of the Parliament rests with the President @ Who constitutes the Finance Commission every 5 years? President ‘© The ‘Recall Provision’ to remove the elected office bearers from the local self government institution has been executed in —Madhya Pradesh © Who is not the member of National Development Council? —President of India © How can a President remove a Council of Minister? On the recommendation of Prime Minister The Vice President © To whom does the President of India submit his resignation? ~The Vice President of India © The Vice President may be removed from his office by aresolution of —Council of States © Which Vice President resigned from his office to contest for the office of President? WN. Giri © The Vice President of India can be removed by the Rajya Sabha with the concurrence of Lok Sabha as Samarth Agrawal Books ee 269 a General Knoveleae for Judicial Services Examinations the election of Vice President of India? Elected Members of Lok Sabha abha In case the President wishes to resign, to whom he is . fice President © Article 78 ofthe Constitution of Indian lays down the Prime Minister duties of the © Whatis the minimum age requirement to become the Prime Minister of India? 25 years © A Central Minister who is not the member of any ‘House, can remain in the office for —6 months © | Whowas the Law Minister in the first Cabinet of post indepence India? =B.R. Ambedkar ‘© The policy of Liberisation, Privatisation and ‘Globalisation was announced as New Economic Policy bywhich Prime Minister? —P.V. Narsimha Rao When can 2 Privilege Motion be raised against a minister? When the Minister withholds facts of a case or gives distorted version of facts © The President of India has the discretionary power to —Appoint the Prime Minister © The most important feature of cabinet system of Government is —Collective Responsibility © Ifthe Prime Minister of India submits his resignation to the President, it will mean the resignation of Entire Council of Ministers © The policy that deals with the tax and expenditures policies the Government is called —Fiscal Policy © Cana person who is not a Member of Parliament be appointed as a Minister?—Yes, but he has to become a Member of Parliament within 6 months of his appointment @ What is the tenure of the Prime Minister of India? —As long as he enjoys the support of @ a majority in the Lok Sabha © The Council of Ministers does not include Cabinet Secretary ‘What is the composition of the electroral college for © Who is thegChaieman of the National Disaster Management Authority? =Prime Minister © Who appoints the Attorney General of India? ~The President Who is considered to be the first law officer of the Government of India? Attorney General Who has the right of audience in all Courts in the territory of India in the performance of his duties? Attorney General ‘As a non-member who can participate in the proceedings of either House of Parliament? Attorney General In India, the real executive authority rests with the Council of Ministers is not a member of Parliament but has the right to address it? Attorney General of India ‘Which functionary can be invited in the Parliament to Attorney General of India . sive his opinion? Who is the chief law officer of the Government of India? Attorney General of India ‘The Attorney General of India has the right to audience in—Any Court of Law within the territory of India The Comptroller and Auditor General of India) © The tenure of Comptroller and Auditor General of 6 years Indiais ‘The Comptroller and Auditor General of India can be removed from his office in like manner as Judge of the Supreme Court What isthe period of appointment of the Comptroller and Auditor General of India? 6 years or 65 years of age whichever is earlier ‘The CAG of India acts as a chief accountant and auditor for Union and State government Parliament exercises control over public expenditure through =CAG Which Act suggested for the post called CAG? =1935 Act ee 270 Samarth Agrawal Books qs asa Friend, Philospher and Guide “Public Accounts Committee The Parliament of India ne main Source cof Political Power in India? : =The People sinment has the power fo crete new tate _ in onatiniona Provnon? “Arle 3 cout a new State is vested in . The Parliament _penpowse ae the bound of States rho emp tution of Indiv? —Parliament eh Hose fare paces maybe don President? By any House of Parliament By den does the President of India addresses the xe ee oa “when both Houses of Parliament assembled together | Toxiom the Couns of Ministers sponsible? Parliament 4 Taeutimate responsibilty oF taking due action on the comments of the Comptroller and Auditor General vests with Parliament . ec how many daygof absence from Fiat tox permission cana MLP, be disqualified? —60 days . Thocanleisate onthe sbjecs which arenor ind inany ofthe ists of subjects Biven {in the constitution? Parliament ‘Zero Hour’ is the contribution of ‘which country to the Parliamentry system? —India © What could be maximum time limit of 'Zero Hour’ in Lok Sabha? —One Hour ¢ Whenis economic survey presented in the'Parliament?? Before Presenting Budget for coming year * Vote on Account is meant for-Appropriating funds pending passing of Budget ’ ; , Largest committee ofthe Parliament? The committee ‘on estimates General Knorolege for Judicial Services eam tn whi tn wich yea nt the fic of the Parenter created fist time Independent India? ~1992 Pablic Accu le Accounts Commitee present its report 9 Parliament A recamadon of natond emery st be placed refore the Parliament for approval for at least how much time? Within one month ‘The fitst Lokpall Bill was prevented in the Parliament inwhich year? 1968 ‘Amendments tothe Constitution may be initiated by Bither House of the Parliament Parliamentary and Presidential Governmens 28 be distinguished by The Legislative Executive relationship “Motion is related to Union Budge? —C# From which fund can the unanticipated expendicare bemet without the prior approval of the Parliament? ‘Contingency Fund of India “does not come under legislative control O¥ Constitution? Supreme Court By whom can the jurisdiction of Supreme Court be enlarged? Parliament by making a law . ‘The concept of Public Interest Litigation originated in —The United States . Which rights not enumerated in the constitution bue Supreme Courthasariculateditas Fundamental Right? —Right to Privacy The Supreme Court of India Chief Justice which was appointed as the acting President? Justice M. Hidayatulla * The Supreme Court of India act a a Federal Court when it deals with Inter State Dispute ‘Who was the first woman Judge of a Supreme Court? —Fatima Beevi Retirement age of the Judges of Supreme Court of ® Indiais 65 years Who held the offices of Judge of the Supreme Cour, and the speaker of the Lok Sabha? KS Hedy, What does the ‘Judicial Review function of the Supreme Court mean?—Examine the constitutinat validity of lay ‘The Supreme Court at Calcutta was established by Regulating Act of 1773 Salaries and Allowances of the Judges of High Cour are charged to the ~~ —Consolidated fund of State ‘Age of retirement of a High Court Judge? 62 years ‘A High Court Judge addresses his letter of resignation to ~The President Who was the first woman Chief Justice of 2 High Court ofa State in India? Leila Seth To become a Judge of the High Court one must bea practicing advocate of the High Court for atleast 10 years District Judge is under the control of High Court Who recommends the principles for sharing of revenues among the Union and the States? Finance Commission Finance Commission is constituted after every 5 years The Report of Mandal Commission was submitted inwhich year? =1980 Who is responsible for revenue distribution between the State Government and the Local Government? State Finance Commission By which Bill does the Government propose collection of revenues for a year? Finance Bill ‘Which authority recommends the Principle governing the Grants in aid of the revenues of the tates out oF the Consolidated Fund of India? “ —Finance Commission The deciding authority of States share in Central 8x8 isthe Finance Commission SE Samarth Agrawal Books 216 wea General Knowledge for Judicial Services Examinations ¢ chairman of Finance Commission is appointed a The Presiden Emergency Provisions ‘When was the National Emergency imposed by the President oF Indistoa Whe prety Internal disorder? -1975 Which type of Emergency has not been declared in India so far? Financial Emergency The declaration of constitutional Emergency in an Indian State has to be approved by the Parliament within a period of —2 months @ ThePresidentof India enjoys emergency powers of —3 Types ‘¢ Thelndian Parliament is competent to enacta law on a Statesubjectif—Emergency under Article 352 in operation ‘What is the period within which a proclamation of National Emergeney made by President (on the Advice of Union Cabinet) isto be placed before each house of theParliament for approval? —Within one month A law can be enacted, or executive order issued, even contrary to Article 19, during proclamation of emergeney—Caused by war or external aggression A proclamation of emergency, account of war or a Parliament within under Article 352 on, sgeression requires approval of —one month ‘Which Articles deals with Emergency Provisions? Articles 352, 356 and 360 Which Article emp. ower the President to impose Financial emergency? Article 360 The National emerg President of India dus revolt through? ency in India declared by the let external aggression of armed ticle 352 Public Service Com: n The maximum strength of Public Accounts Committee: 22 members ° What are the basic functions of Public Accounts Committee? “To examine the statement of qccunt showing the income and expenditure of State Corporations, Trading and Manufacturing Schemes and Projects, Samarth Agrawal Books ‘The Parliamentry Committee which scrutinizes the report of the CAG of India? Public Accounts Committee Commission the original ‘When was the Public Service Commission t version of UPSC set up? lst October 1926 ‘The annual report of UPSC is submitted to the President The term of office of the member of the UPSC is 6 years or till attain age of 65 years Who is the highest civil servant of the Union Government? Cabinet Secretary ‘The Constitution of India provides for an Election ‘commission under the Article 324 ‘What isthe tenure of the Chief Election Commissioner of India? —Six years or till the age of 65 years Chief Election Commissioner can be removed from his office by2/3 majority of the members of both the Houses of the Parliament on the basis of proven misconduct ‘The Chief Election Commioner of India is appointed by —President Election tothe office ofthe President is conducted by ~The Election Commission of India While deciding any question relating to the Eisqualification of a member of Parliament the President shall obtain the opinion of Election Commission of India ‘The State Election Commission con ducts, control and Stpervises Municipal elections und, ler Article 243(K) Right to vote is mentioned in the parts of the constitution relating to Election Vote on account Means —Stat xpenditure related to dem; Passage of planning bill tutory acceptance of ands of grants till the The Election Commission of India is a “3 member Commission The system of proportional Teptesentation as an slectoral mechanism ensures Majority Rule General Knotoedg for Judicial Services Examinations © Aperson cannot contest election From more than 2 constituencies © _Inan election, electioneering has to be stopped in a 48 hours before the hours of commencement of polling Constituency? © The Chief Election Commissioner of India holds office for—6 years or till the age of 65 whichever is © When was the first general election to Lok Sabha held? 1951-52 © Who was the first Chief Election Commissioner in. India? Sukumar Sen © Whats Plural voting system? Eligible voter exercises one vote and some voters with specific qualifications cast more than one vote © The Second Chief Election Commissioner of India was —Kalyan Sundaram © The responsibility of preparation of electoral roll in India rests with the —Election Commission © An electoral system under which legislature reflects the strength of various political partes is called Proportional Representation © Which was the first state to go to polls under delimitation? —Karnataka ‘The Official Languages © Under Article 344 of Indian Constitution, when was the first official language commission established? In 1955 under the Chairmanship of B.G. Kher © The number of official languages recognized under Eigth Schedule of the Indian Constitution is. —22 Which State has given the Sanskrit language the status of second official language? Uttarakhand © Which Committee recommended Three Language Formula? Kothari Committee © How many languages are contained in the VIII Schedule of Indian Constitution? —22 National Symbols © In which year was ‘Jana Gana Mana' adopted as the National Anthem of India? =1950 © The State Emblem was adopted by Ge India on 20 Janne Jernary, ig © India's National Animal i : ‘ger © National flower is . Lory © National Bird of India is es edcock Total numberof spokes in National Fag of ag ‘ ~25 © Accomplete or formal rendition of nation! an them, takes place in 82 Secong, @ Where and when was our national anthem fst sung =27* December, 1911 in Caeui, Important Statements/Bookay Commities and Commissions © Intheconten of Indian history the principle of Dy (iarchy)'refersto Division of the subjes delegated to the provinces into two categorie © Who called the Preamble of Indian Constiation "ke horoscope of our sovereign, democratic republic? KM. Munshi © seunuavithout duties are like men without shadow Rights © Who said, "The emergency power of the Presidents: fraud with the constitution"? —K.M. Nambiar © Which Committce/examined by the Centre and Se relationship? Sarkaria Commission © Which committee Report recommended the establishment of the institutions of Lokpal and Lokayukta? First Administrative Reform Commission © Which committee Report recommended the establishment of the institutions of Lokpal and Lokayukta? First Administrative Reform Commission * Which committee was established on Criminil Politician and Bureaucratic nexus? : Vohra Committee © Who said, "Oh! Disrespectable democracy! lovee? —G.B, Shaw 278 Pe. Samarth Agrawal Books a General Korlede for Judicial Services Examinations Who said, “A good citizen makes a good state and a @ Bureaucracy literally means a system of government by ad citizen makes a bad State’? ristotl Officials ( ead D6 Whoiskoown a fier of Pincple of Bureauersy 4g _ January 26 was selected asthe date for the inaugration =Max Weber : ofthe Consttation becuse —The Congress had ‘observed it as the Independence Day in 1930 ‘¢ Which President of India is known as the Philosopher King or the Philosopher Ruler? Dr. Radha Krishnan ¢ - The tenure of the Chairman of the National Human Rights Commission? =S years ‘¢ Who was the first Chairman of Backward Classes Commission? Kaka Saheb Kalelkar # National Voter's day's celebrated on —25* January | # Howmany lected and Ex officio members are there in District Planning Committee? 2045 What taxis exclusively and totally assigned to the central Government by the Constitution? Corporation Tax ‘* Political liberty implies —Free political activities of the People * Whatis meantby social Justice? —Alll kinds of discrimination based on colour, caste, creed and. gender should be abolished © Political equality is found in Universal Adult Suffrage * Under the DPSP, upto what age of the children, they are expected to be provided free and compulsory cducation? =14 years ® Grass root democracy is related to. Devolution of Powers, Decentralization of Powers, Panchayati Raj System . ‘Which country follow the concept of Direct Democracy? Switzerland Who was the first Indian to be appointed as leader of communist international? —MN Rai . ‘What is the Ancient school of law? ~The Philosophical School © Who are the 5 members (permanent) of United Nations Security Council? ~China, France, Russia, Britain, USA © Which country became the first country to legalize "Euthanasia in the world? Netherlands * Who had proposed partyless democracy in India? JP. Narayan © Despotism is possibleina One Party State ‘© Rashtrapati Bhawan was designed by? Edwin Lutyes . Which country is following one party system? —China NITI Aayog & Planning Commission © Who is the exofficio Chairman of Niti Aayog? —Prime ‘ister © Theauthority which is not established by constitutional provisions is -Niti Aayog © Planning Commission of India was established in 1950 © Planning Commission was dissolved in 1S Aug, 2014 ‘© Which body replaced Planning Commission? -Niti Aayog Se a 2719 Services Examinations General Knowle DRAFTING COMMITTEE Temas serup on August 29, 1947, Ie wa this committee that was entrusted with the task of preparing «dag g > Jsted of seven members. They were: the new Constitution. It cons car (Chairman) 1. Dr.B.RAmbe 2, N.Gopalaswamy Ayyangat Alladi Krishnaswamy Ayyar 4 Dr. KM Manshi Syed Mohammad Saadullah iy 5. jgned due to ill-health) N. Madhava Rau (He replaced B.L.Mitter who res TT Krishnamachari (He replaced DP. Khaitan who died in 1948) a of India was published by the Drafting Committee in February 1943, the Drafting Committee prepared a second 6 > Thefirst draft of the Constitutios > Inthe light of the public comments, criticisms and suggestions, draft, which was published in October 1948. > The Constitution as adopted on November 26, 1949, contained a Preamble, 395 Articles and 8 Schedules, The Preamble was enacted after the entire Constitution was already enacted. hhe Constitution came into force on the same day i. on 26th Novernber, 1949 and the > Some provisions of tl remaining provisions eame into force on 26% January, 1950. IMPORTANT COMMITTEES OF THE CONSTITUENT ASSEMBLY & THEIR CHAIRMAN 1. Ad hoc Committee on the National Flag, : Rajendra Prasad 2. Advisory Committee on Fundamental Rights, + Vallabhbhai Patel Minorities and Tribal and Excluded Arcas 3. Committee on the Functions of the Constituent Assembly: G.V. Mavalankar 4, Committee on the Rules of Procedure : Rajendra Prasad 5. Credential Committee 2 Alladi Krishnaswami Ayyar 6, Drafting Committee : BR Ambedkar 7. Excluded and Partially Excluded Areas (Other than those 1 AN. Thakkar in Assam) Sub-Committee 8. Union Powers Committee + Jawaharlal Nehru 9. Finance and Staff Committee + Rajendra Prasad 10. Fundamental Rights Sub-Committee + JB Kripalani 11, House Committee : B. Pattabhi Sitaramayya 12, Minorities Sub-Committee : H.C. Mookherjee 13, North-East Frontier Tribal Areas and Assam Exluded + Gopinath Bardoloi & Partially Excluded Areas Sub-Committee 14. Order of Business Commitee + KMMunsi 15, States Commitee | h jawabarlliete eo ear ag omnes fly + Rajendra Prasad 17. Union Constitution Committee Jawaharlal Neha Samarth Agras ol General Knowledge for Judicial Services Examinations | KEY POINTS TO REMEMBER ‘> First meeting > Interim President > Elected President > Drafting committee > Chairman (Drafting Committee) > Time taken to draft COL > Constitution was adopted on > Constitution was enforced on 9 December 1946 Sachchidanand Sinha Dr. Rajendra Prasad 29% August 1947 Dr. BR. Ambedkar 2years 11 months 18 days 26 November 1949 26 January 1950 > National Flag 224 July 1947 > National Anthem & National Song. 24% January 1950 > First President 24 January 1950, SOURCES OF INDIAN CONSTITUTION > United Kingdom Parliamentary form of government Single citizenship Rule of law Legislative procedure Parliamentary privileges First Past the Post system in elections, > United States of America Fundamental rights Supremacy of the Constitution Independent Judiciary Judicial Review Election of the Head of the State Impeachment ofthe President and its procedure Post of Vice-President Financial Emergency, > Canada Federal form of Government Residuary powers. Samarth Agrawal > Ircland Directive Principles of State Policy Nomination of members in Rajya Sabha Electoral College System of President > Australia Preamble Concurrent list Division of powers between Centreand State. Germany President's powers during the emergency. > South Africa Procedure of ‘Constitutional Amendment. > Russia Fundamental Duties, > Japan Procedure established by Law, France Republican system Principle of Brotherhood and Fraternity.

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