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Department of Mechanical Engineering

SESSIONAL – 1 (October 2023)
Branch / Sem: ME 5th T.T. 1½ Hr. / 90 min
Subject/Code: Heat Transfer (HT, MEC-301A) M.M. 40
Note: Attempt any two questions. All questions carry equal marks.

Q. No. Questions Marks CO BL

Describe the basic laws of heat transfer which govern the heat
1 (a) transfer. Show conduction, convection and radiation with electrical 10 CO1 1,2
(I). What is Fourier’s law for heat conduction? Give the
expression and plot for temperature vs distance in one 05 CO1 1,2
dimensional steady state heat transfer.
(b) (II). The inner surface of a plane brick wall is at 60°C and the outer
surface is at 35°C. Calculate the rate of transfer per m2 of
05 CO2 1,2,3
surface area of the wall which is 220 mm thick. The thermal
conductivity of the brick is 0.51 W/m°C.
What is contact resistance in conduction? Explain it. Show it with
2 (a) 10 CO1 1,2
electrical analogy.
The variation of thermal conductivity of a wall material is given by
k=k0(1+ αt + βt2) where, α and β are constant. If the thickness of the
wall is L and its internal and external surfaces are maintained at
temperatures t1 and t2 respectively where t1 is higher temperature
than t2. Then
(b) 10 CO2 1,2,3,4
(I). Find the expression for heat transfer through the wall per m .
(II). If t1=600°C, t2=100°C, L=250 mm, α=0.2 and β=0.05, then
calculate the temperature gradient of the wall and heat
transfer through the wall per m2.

A hollow cylinder has internal radius is r1 and outer radius is r2. The
internal surface and outer surface of cylinder is maintained at t1 and
t2, respectively. The length of the cylinder is L and thermal
conductivity of cylinder’s material is k. then
(I). Find the heat transfer through the cylinder is
3 (a) 10 CO1 1,2,3,4
2𝜋kL(𝑡1 − 𝑡2 )
𝑄= 𝑟
ln (𝑟2 )

(II). Find the thermal conduction resistance.

(b) A double layer furnace wall builds with 500 mm red brick (k=0.5 10 CO2 1,2,3
W/m°C) and 300 mm refraction brick (k=1.2 W/m°C). Calculate
amount of heat passing per m2 of the composite wall if inner and
outer surface at 1200 °C and 60°C, respectively. In which direction
heat will flow? Show.

BL – Bloom’s Taxonomy Levels: (1- Remembering, 2- Understanding, 3 – Applying, 4 – Analysing, 5 – Evaluating,

6 - Creating)

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