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Roll No. .........................

Total Page : 3
BT–5/D–21 45036
Time Allowed : 3 Hours] [Maximum Marks : 100

Note : Attempt five questions in all, selecting at least one question from
each Unit. All questions carry equal marks. Assume any missing data


1. (a) Why is it that metals are good conductors of both heat and electricity,
while some non-metallic crystalline solids are very good conductors
of heat but very poor conductors of electricity? Explain. 5

(b) A person who sits in front of a fireplace feels warm. Name and explain
the mode of heat transfer through which he receivers heat. 5

(c) An aluminum pan whose thermal conductivity is 237 W/(mºC) has a flat
bottom with diameter 100 mm and thickness 6 mm. Heat is transferred
steadily to boiling Water in the pan through its bottom at a rate of
500 W. If the inner surface of the bottom of the pan is at 150ºC, determine
the temperature of the outer surface of the bottom of the pan. 10

2. Consider a pipe of inside radius r1 = 30 mm, outside radius r2 = 60 mm

and thermal conductivity k1 = 10W/(mºC). The inside surface is maintained
at a uniform temperature T1 = 350ºC, and the outside surface is to be
insulated with an insulation material of thermal conductivity k2 = 0.1 W/
(mºC). The outside surface of the insulation material is exposed to an
environment at T2 = 20ºC with a heat transfer coefficient h2 = 10 W/
(m2ºC). Determine the thickness of the insulation material needed to reduce
the heat loss by 25 per cent of that of the uninsulated pipe exposed to the
same environmental conditions.

45036/K/609 P.T.O.

3. (a) What is a boundary layer? Differentiate between hydrodynamic and

thermal boundary layer. 10

(b) Water is to be heated from 20ºC to 70ºC as it flows through a 40 mm

internal diameter and 600 mm long tube. The outer surface of the tube
is wrapped with Electrical Wire which acts as an Electrical resistance
heater. The Heater provides uniform heating throughout the surface of
the tube. The outer surface of the heater is well insulated. At steady state
if the system provides hot Water at 15 litre/min, determine the power
rating of the resistance heater and the inner surface temperature of the
pipe at the exit. The expression for heat transfer coefficient in this case
is given by Nu = 0.023 Re0.8 Pr0.4. The Nusselt number is defined on
the basis of tube diameter. The properties required for the use of the
expression are to be evaluated at the mean bulk temperature and are
given for Water in the present case at a temperature of 45ºC as
ρ = 990 kg / m3 ; k = 0631 W / (m K); cp = 4180 J / (kg K);

v = 0.66 × 10−6 m 2 / s; Pr = 430. 10

4. (a) Explain the significance of Grashof and Prandtl numbers as related to

convective heat transfer. 8

(b) Derive the Nusselt’s equation for film condensation on a vertical plate.
State the assumptions made. 12


5. (a) Define intensity of radiation. State the Lambert’s Cosine law and derive
the relationship between normal intensity and emissive power. 10

(b) Why is Planck’s law the basic law of thermal radiation? Explain
graphically how E b λ and T are related. 10

6. (a) State and explain the reciprocity theorem. 5

45036/K/609 2
(b) Two parallel black plates 0.5 × 1.0 m are spaced 0.5 m apart. One
plate is maintained at 1000ºC and the other at 500ºC. What is the Net
radiant heat exchange between the two plates? 15

7. Discuss the limitation of LMTD method. Also derive the expression for
effectiveness using NTU method for counter flow heat exchanger. 20
8. A 4 kg/s product stream from a distillation column is to be a 3 kg/s water
stream in a counter flow heat exchanger. The hot and cold stream inlet
temperatures are 400 K and 300 K respectively and the area of the
exchanger is 30 m2. If the overall heat transfer coefficient is estimated to
be 820 W/m2K, determine the product stream outlet temperature, if its
specific heat is 2500 J/kg K and coolant outlet temperature. 20

45036/K/609 3
5. A three degree of freedom system is schematically shown in fig. 1. Write
down its three differential equations of motion by Newton’s second law.
Put these equations in matrix form.


6. Derive the equation of motion for the torsional vibrations of circular uniform
7. What are the functions of lubricants? Explain the technique used to find
the extreme pressure of lubricants.
8. Explain the following :
(a) Law of friction
(b) Role of additives in lubricants
(c) Methods of friction and wear measurement
(d) Factors affecting wear.

45197/K/272 2

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