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Ministry of Finance

Mindful of the Constitution;

Mindful of Directive No. 03/11-UEAC-
195-CM-22 of 19 December 2011 relating GENERAL
to the accounting plan of the State;
Mindful of Law No. 2018/011 of 12 July
2018 on the Code of transparency and ARTICLE 1
Good Governance in the management of (1) This decree sets the general
public finances in Cameroon; framework for the presentation of
the Accounting Plan of the State,
Mindful of Law No. 2018/012 of 12 July
abbreviated as “APS”.
2018 on the Fiscal Regime of the State
and Other Public Entities; (2) To this end, it defines the standards,
the principles and the rules relating to
Mindful of Decree No. 92/089 of 4 May
the keeping of the general accounts
1992 specifying the duties of the Prime
of the State and determines the
Minister, amended and supplemented by
modalities of its implementation with a
Decree No.95/145-A of 4 August 1995;
view to the production of the financial
Mindful of Decree No. 2013/160 of 15 statements relating there.
May 2013 on the General Regulations of
(3) It applies to the State and other
Public Accounting;
legal entities governed by public law,
Mindful of Decree No. 2018/190 of 2 subject to their specificities, such as
March 2018 to amended and supplement public establishments and Regional
Decree No. 2011/408 of 09 December and Local Authorities (RLAs).
2011 on the organisation of Government;
Mindful of Decree No. 2019/001 of 04
January 2019 on the appointment of the (1) The general accounts of the State is
Prime Minister, Head of Government; intended to describe the heritage of
the State and its evolution.
(2) The general accounts of the State is
based on the principle of recognition
of rights and obligations.
(3) Operations are recorded in the
general accounts for the financial
year to which they relate, regardless
of their date of cashing or payment.
(4) The general accounts of the State is
kept in double entry on the basis of
the accounting plan of the State.
(5) Public accountants are in charge of
keeping and compiling the accounts
of the State in accordance with
the principles and rules of the
accounting profession.

In particular, they ensure the accuracy of • the principle of transparency;
accounting records and compliance with • the principle of permanence in
procedures. terminology and methods;
• the principles of security, durability
ARTICLE 3 and irreversibility of the accounting
(1) The general accounts of the State information;
draws inspiration from international • the principle of continuity of
standards and the principles of exploitation;
the accounting system of the • the principle of precaution;
Organisation for the Harmonization • the principle of intangibility of the
in Africa of Business Law (OHADA). opening balance sheet;
It is implemented in accordance with • the principle of regularity;
the plan of accounts annexed to this • the principle of sincerity;
decree. • the principle of exact picture;
(2) The rules applicable to the • the principle significant importance.
general accounts of the State are
distinguished from those applicable ARTICLE 6
to enterprises because of the (1) The principle of periodically closing
specificities related to the action of the entries, accounts and financial
the State. statements requires that the
accounting entries be made per day,
ARTICLE 4 per ten days, per month and at the end
(1) Accounting standards are a set of of the financial year.
internationally recognized principles, (2) The financial year coincides with the
rules, methods and criteria for the civil year.
purpose of ensuring the transparency,
regularity and fairness of accounts ARTICLE 7
and ensuring that they give a true (1) Income corresponding to revenues
picture of the State’s financial collected on spontaneous payments
situation. are recorded in the general accounts
(2) The accounting standards applicable at the time of their payment. The
to the public sector are defined by the collection certificate is issued in
body in charge of the standardization regularization.
of public accounts.
(2) Income corresponding to revenues
collected on collection certificates are
recorded in general accounts at the
CHAPTER II time of the accounting entry of the
certificate regardless of the date of
ACCOUNTING collection.

(1) Expenditures are recorded in general
ARTICLE 5 accounts under the Financial year they
General accounts are based in particular relate to, at the time of liquidation,
on the following accounting principles: irrespective of the date of payment.
• the principle of the periodic closing (2) Expenditure committed but not yet
of entries, accounts and financial paid at the end of the financial year
statements; and whose invoices have not yet been
• the principle of recognition of rights received by the assigning accountant
and obligations; are recorded under their financial year,
• the principle of the double entry; irrespective of the date of payment.

(3) Expenditure without prior (3) In the event of a change of method,
authorization is recorded at the time the users of the financial statements
of payment. They must be the subject must be expressly informed and
of securities issue in regularization. the consequences specified in the
attached statement.
(1) Any operation debited from an ARTICLE 12
account shall be credited to one or (1) The principles of security, durability
more other accounts for an equivalent and irreversibility of the accounting
amount. Conversely, any operation information require that the protection
credited to an account is debited to of transactions and the safeguarding
one or more other accounts for the of the rights and obligations of the
same amount. State vis-à- vis third parties be
(2) The balance sheet asset accounts and
the expense accounts are increasing (2) The accounting information must be
expenses, by debit and decreasing well-preserved, available to be put at
expenses, by registration in credit. disposal in a timely manner, and not
be modified after the approval of the
(3) The balance sheet liability accounts annual accounts.
and the revenue accounts are
resources increasing, by recording ARTICLE 13
under credit and decreasing, by
recording under debit. The principle of continuity of exploitation
requires that assessments and forecasts
ARTICLE 10 be made on the assumption that the
functioning of the State will continue
The principle of transparency requires the under the same conditions as today.
general accounts of the State to provide
a regular and honest description and to ARTICLE 14
give a true and fair view of the events,
operations and situations relevant to the (1) The principle precaution consists in
financial year. the reasonable appraisal of events
and operations in order to avoid
ARTICLE 11 the risk of transferring present
uncertainties to the future, which are
(1) The principle of permanence in likely to encumber the assets and the
terminology and methods requires result of the financial year.
that accounting methods should not
be modified if the State does not (2) The principle of precaution governs
record a substantial or exceptional in particular the calculation of
change in its activity. provisions.
(2) Notwithstanding the provisions of (3) Any information of significant
paragraph 1 above, there may be a importance, available at the time of
change of methods for the purpose of: the establishment of the accounts,
without exception, must be taken into
• complying with changes related to the account for their establishment.
• adapting to improvements in
accounting standards;
• integrating the effects of technical
progress making it possible to
evaluate new elements.

ARTICLE 15 (2) The principle of significant
The principle of intangibility requires importance imposes the setting
that the detailed opening balance sheet of thresholds in the registration of
of a financial year correspond exactly to operations.
the detailed closing balance sheet of the
preceding financial year. ARTICLE 20
All accounting procedures and accounting
ARTICLE 16 information systems must comply with
The principle of regularity requires that the accounting principles referred to in
the accounts of the State be established Article 5 of this decree.
in accordance with the accounting
principles, rules and procedures defined
by legal texts and regulations.
(1) The principle of sincerity prescribes
the reasonable and faithful application FRAMEWORK
of accounting rules and procedures. It
implies completeness, coherence and
accuracy of the financial information Section I
provided by the State. Accounts of the accounting
(2) The principle of sincerity requires that plan of the state
the accounting documents disclose to
third parties all transactions deemed
important, all information that may ARTICLE 21
have an influence on valuations (1) The Accounts of the Accounting Plan
and decisions in the assessment of of the State are grouped into classes
accounts. comprising:

ARTICLE 18 • five classes of balance sheet

accounts, numbered from 1 to 5;
(1) The principle of true picture requires • two classes of management accounts,
that the production of accounts be numbered from 6 to 7;
as objective as possible, so that the • one class of balance sheet
information on the heritage of the commitments account, numbered 8
State communicated to third parties (2) The accounts of the State’s
may allow them to have an accurate Accounting Plan referred to in
perception. paragraph 1 above are grouped in an
(2) The true picture must be provided instrument called a Plan of Accounts.
globally by the balance of accounts (3) The Plan of Accounts is attached to
and the financial statements. this decree.
ARTICLE 19 (4) The classes of Accounts are titled as
(1) The principle of significant follows:
importance requires that one or • Class 1: long and medium term
more pieces of information that may resource accounts;
have the effect of influencing or • Class 2: capital accounts;
modifying a decision of third parties • Class 3: inventory, in operating and
be communicated. internal accounts;
• Class 4: third parties accounts;
• Class 5: cash accounts;

• Class 6: expense accounts; • the expenditure log book;
• Class 7: products accounts; • the sundry operations log book;
• Class 8: off balance sheet
commitments account. • the general ledger, constituted by all
the accounts;
ARTICLE 22 • the general balance of the State’s
accounts, which is a recapitulative
(1) Codification is the operation of statement showing for each account
subdividing each class into accounts the accumulation since the opening
identified by a number and a title. of the financial year of the debit
(2) The codification of the accounts of or credit movements and the debit
the chart of accounts of the State balance or the credit balance on the
follows the method of decimalisation. date considered;
• the inventory book consisting of the
(3) Basic codification limits accounts to a
balance sheet, the income statement
maximum of six digits as follows:
and the summary of internal
• the main accounts with 2 digits; management flows.
• divisional accounts with 3 digits; (2) The recording of supporting
• basic imputation accounts with 4 documents in the accounting aid
digit; referred to in paragraph 1 above shall
be made in chronological order.
• specific imputation accounts with 5 or
6 digits. (3) An ancillary accounting is kept
(4) The plan of accounts annexed to this according to the specific needs of
decree may be amended from time to each accounting post.
time by the Prime Minister’s Order at
the behest of the Minister in charge ARTICLE 24
of public accounts. (1) The accounting documents must be
(5) The nomenclature of accounts is the kept without correction or alteration
instrument that defines the operating of any kind.
and managing modalities of accounts (2) Any error correction is carried out
according to the specifications of the exclusively by the negative entry of
list referred to in Article 21 (4) above. the erroneous elements. The exact
(6) The nomenclature of accounts may record is then operated.
be supplemented by special codes,
according to the needs of public ARTICLE 25
services at the behest of the Ministry Accounts centralization is the mechanism
in charge of public accounts. which organizes and structures the
general accounts of the State so as
to give it all its unity. The procedures
Section II for centralization are specified by the
Accounting aids Instruction on General State Accounting
elaborated by the Ministry in charge of
public accounts.
(1) The accounting aids which are
mandatory are the following:
• the entry or imputation slip;
• the revenue log-book;

(1) The balance sheet, in the form of a
ACCOUNTING net position statement, shows the
assets and liabilities of the State. It
AND FINANCIAL shows distinctively:
• on the assets side: fixed assets,
STATEMENTS non- cash current assets, cash and
ARTICLE 26 • on the liabilities side: financial
(1) The accounting and financial debts, non-cash non-financial
statements constitute the general debts, provisions for risks and
account of the State. charges, cash and accruals.
(2) The general account of the State (2) The summary statement of
comprises the following documents financial assets and liabilities shows
at the end of each financial year: distinctively:
• the general balance of accounts; • on the assets side: loans and
• the annual financial statements. shareholdings, corresponding
regularisation cash and accrual
ARTICLE 27 accounts;
(1) The general balance of accounts
• on the liabilities: financial debts,
must be established at the end of
non- cash non-financial debts,
each month and at the end of the
provisions for risks and charges,
financial year. It must show, for
cash and accrual regularisation
each account:
• the debit or credit balance at the
beginning of the year; ARTICLE 30
• the accumulation of the debit Only assets whose management is
movements and the accumulation under the control of the State may be
of the credit movements of the entered in the balance sheet of the
period; State. This rule applies in particular
• the debit or credit balance at the to assets related to public-private
date in question. partnership contracts, whereby
(2) The general balance of accounts the State entrusts to a third party
is produced at the end of the financing, the realization, the
each financial year, after the maintenance and/or the exploitation of
centralization of the accounts and investment operations of interest public.
after the inventory operations.

(1) The profit and loss account for the
(1) The financial statements comprise: year shows the income and expenses.
• the balance sheet, in the form of Expenses are classified according
a net equity statement or, where to whether they concern service
applicable, a summary statement of running, interventions or financial
the financial assets and liabilities of operations. Provisions for depreciation
the State; and amortization are charged to the
• the income statement; corresponding expenses.
• the cash flow statement;
• the annexed statement. (2) Income comprises tax proceeds and
(2) The financial statements referred other proceeds.
to in paragraph 1 above form an
inseparable whole.
(3) The difference between the income and • any offsetting between asset items
expenses makes it possible to determine and liability items in the balance sheet
the result of the financial year. or between expense and revenue
items in the income statement is
ARTICLE 32 prohibited;
(1) The cash flow statement shows cash • the presentation of the accounting
inflows and outflows, classified into and financial statements is identical
three from one financial year to the other;
(03) categories: • each item in the accounting and
• cash flows related to the activity; financial statements must include the
• cash flows from investment code relating to the corresponding
operations; item for the preceding financial year.
• cash flows related to financing
(1) The balance of accounts and
(2) The cash flow statement shows the the financial statements shall be
financing needs of the State. forwarded to the Audit Institution for
(3) The classification of cash certification purposes no later than
aggregates makes it possible to 31 May of the fiscal year following
calculate three significant balances: the year in which they are made.
• the definitive cash surplus; (2) The corrections requested by the
• the excess of cash after investment; Audit Institution within the framework
• the change in cash position for the of the certification procedure may be
financial year. charged on the previous financial year
up to the following 30 June, after the
ARTICLE 33 end of the year in respect of which
(1) The annexed statement contains the general account of the State is
all information relevant to the
understanding and use of the
financial statements of the CHAPTER V
State. It includes the explanation
and quantification of medium and APPLICATION
long-term resources, fixed assets,
inventories, third-party transactions, MODALITIES OF
cash, expenses, revenues and off-
balance sheet commitments.
(2) Any particular operation to change
accounting standards intended to
provide accurate information between
two financial years must be described ARTICLE 36
and justified in the attached statement. (1) The keeping of the general accounts
of the State is subject to the rules
ARTICLE 34 and practices of depreciation and
Accounting and financial statements are provisions.
subject to respecting the following rules (2) Depreciation and amortization are
of presentation: accounting and non-budgetary
operations, except for the operations
• the entry balance and/or the relating to budgetary allocations
opening balance sheet of a intended to cover refund defaults or
financial year must correspond to pledges made on the imprest, loans,
the balance of payments and/or surety and guarantee accounts.
the closing balance sheet of the
previous financial year;
(1) Depreciation is the obligatory
accounting recording of the
depreciation of the value of fixed
assets which depreciate in a sure and
irreversible way with time, usage or
because of the change of techniques, LIABILITIES AND
the market developments or any other
(2) Depreciation consists of allocating
the cost of the good over its probable THE RESULT
duration of use according to a
predefined plan. ARTICLE 41
(1) Tangible and intangible assets
(3) Assets are amortized on a straight-
acquired before the date of entry
line basis over their probable duration
into force of this decree shall be
of use.
inventoried, registered, valued and
(4) Notwithstanding the provisions recorded in the books according to the
of paragraph 3 above, the use of modalities, methods and techniques
degressive or progressive depreciation defined in the compendium of the
systems must necessarily be accounting standards of the State.
motivated by needs specific to the
(2) Fixed assets acquired after the
goods concerned.
changeover to property accounting
(5) When the impairment of the value are recorded on the basis of the
of an asset is only probable due to service rendered, at the historical cost
events whose effects are considered of their respective acquisitions by the
reversible, a provision for depreciation authorising officer.
is recorded.
(6) Amortization and provisions are ARTICLE 42
entered as an asset separately, less (1) Assets acquired after the date of
the gross value of the assets and the entry into force of this decree shall be
corresponding receivables to get their valued on the basis of historical cost,
net book value. in accordance with the system of the
Organisation for the Harmonization in
ARTICLE 38 Africa of Business Law (OHADA).
All loans, advances, collateral or (2) Debt is valued at the nominal value of
guarantees must be subject to provisions its various components.
based on the risks related thereto.
ARTICLE 39 (1) The assets and liabilities of the State
The rules and practices of amortization shall be assessed at the end of the
and provisions are specified by the financial year at their at their current
body in charge of the standardization values.
of public accounts. (2) The value of each asset or liability
at the end of the financial year is
ARTICLE 40 compared with its balance sheet value
Each public-private partnership contract at the beginning of the year or at its
shall be subject to accounting provisions entry value in the balance sheet if
according to its risks. it entered during the course of the
financial year.

(3) If the end-of-year value is lower than ARTICLE 48
the entry value, an impairment loss is Notwithstanding the provisions of Article
recognized in the form of amortization 2 of this Decree, income and expenses
or provision, depending on whether it relating to previous financial years
is considered final or not. which have not been attached to their
original financial year shall be recorded,
ARTICLE 44 according to their nature, as the income
On leaving the store or inventory, and expenses for the current year and
interchangeable goods are valued contribute to the formation of the result
using the first-in, first-out or of this financial.
weighted average cost methods.
They must be the subject of a specific
ARTICLE 45 label in the annexed statement.
(1) Goods acquired in foreign currency
are recorded in CFA francs by
converting their cost in foreign
currency on the basis of the exchange
rate on the date of the transaction. LINKS BETWEEN
(2) Receivables and debts denominated
in foreign currencies are converted
into CFA francs on the basis of the
exchange rate on the date of the ACCOUNTING
When the birth and settlement of the
receivables or debts occur in the same
financial year, the deviations from the
entry values due to the variation of
the exchange rates constitute foreign ARTICLE 49
exchange losses or gains to be recorded General accounting of the State must be
respectively as financial expenses or in coherence with budgetary accounting,
financial income for the financial year. cost analysis accounting and stores-,
securities- and bonds accounting.
The foreign currency reserves held by ARTICLE 50
public accountants at the end of the (1) Budgetary accounting is an auxiliary
financial year are converted into CFA accounting of revenues and
francs on the basis of the exchange rate expenditures, which are traced by
at the end of the financial year. economic nature in general accounts.
(2) Periodic contradicting reconciliations
must be made between the data of
budgetary accounts and those of
general accounts.

(3) The discrepancies between the
budgetary accounts and the general CHAPTER VIII
accounts are justified by the principle
of recognition of the rights and
obligations of the general accounts
and the existence of non-budgetary
income and expenses.
(4) The breakdown between the budget
result and the end-of-year profit-and-
This decree is of immediate application.
loss account explains the differences
However, provisions relating to accounting
between the budget accounts and the
principles, the application of depreciation
general accounts.
and provisions, the financial statements
and the valuation rules for assets and
ARTICLE 51 liabilities shall be applied progressively
(1) The accounting of stores, securities and shall be made obligatory as from 1
and bonds is an ancillary accounting January 2022.
which feeds the general accounts of
the State. ARTICLE 54
(2) Periodic contradictory reconciliations The State’s Plan of Accounts referred to
must be made between the Stores- in Article 21 (2) shall form an integral part
Accounting and General Government of this Decree.
Accounting data, in order to ensure
the fairness and reliability of the ARTICLE 55
financial information on State-owned This decree, which repeals all previous
assets. provisions to the contrary, will be
(3) Consistency between the stock registered, and published according to the
records and the general accounts procedure of urgency, then inserted in the
must be periodically maintained in Official Gazette in English and French.
order to ensure the fairness and
reliability of the financial information
of the assets belonging to the State.


(1) The cost analysis accounting is THE PRIME MINISTER, HEAD OF
made up of the results of the general GOVERMENT,
(2) At the end of the financial year, the
annual balance of the State’s account
shall be put at the disposal of the
authorizing officer for the purpose of
determining the costs of the various
(3) Reconciliations must be made to
establish consistency between the
general accounting data and the cost
accounting data

Appendix to decree No. 2019/3199/PM
of 11 September 2019 to set the general
framework of presentation of the Accounting
plan of the State

CLASS 1 102 Other assets integration
1021 Inventory Integration Accounts
1022 Receivable for current assets-
MAIN ACCOUNTS integration accounts
1023 Gold and DTS-integration
COUNTERPART ACCOUNTS 1024 Other treasury assets-
11 CARRY FORWARD A NEW integration accounts
12 RESULT OF THE FINANCIAL 1029 Sundry assets-integration
YEAR accounts
THAN ONE YEAR 103 Asset counterpart accounts
15 PROJECT LOANS 1031 Counterpart accounts of
16 PROGRAMME LOANS intangible assets
17 OTHER LOANS 1032 Counterpart accounts for non-
18 SURETEED DEBTS produced assets
19 PROVISIONS FOR RISKS AND 1033 Property counterpart accounts
EXPENSES 1034 Counterpart accounts for
materials and furniture
1035 Counterpart Accounts for
MAIN SUB-DIVISIONS Military and Police Equipment
10 FIXED ASSETS INTEGRATION 1036 Counterpart Accounts of
Investments - Surety Bonds
1037 Counterpart Accounts for
Loans and Advances
101 Asset Integration Accounts
1011 Intangible asset integration
104 Annex budgets and special
accounts Integration accounts
1012 Non-produced Capital Assets
1041 Annex budgets Integration
Integration Accounts
1013 Building integration accounts
1042 Special Account Integration
1014 Materials and furniture Accounts
integration accounts
1015 Military equipment, police and
similar administrations integration 105 Revaluation differences
accounts 1051 Revaluation differences on
1016 Equity, related receivables and intangible assets
surety ship integration accounts 1052 Revaluation differences on
1017 Loans and advances non-produced assets
integration accounts 1053 Revaluation differences on real
1019 Other fixed assets integration estate

1054 Revaluation differences on 1113 Credit brought forward a new -
equipment and furniture annex budgets
1055 Revaluation differences
on military, police and similar 112 Debit brought forward a new
administrations equipment
1121 Debit brought forward a new -
general budget
1059 Other revaluation differences 1122 Debit brought forward a new -
Special Accounts
106 Equivalence gap 1123 Debit brought forward a new-
1061 Equivalence gap on equity annex budgets
securities within the country
1062 Equivalence gap on equity 12 PROFIT FOR THE FINANCIAL
Securities abroad YEAR

108 Liabilities integration accounts 121 Profit for the financial year -
1081 Integration Accounts - Credit
Treasury bills over one year 1211 Credit profit for the financial
1082 Integration Accounts - Project year - general budget
Loans 1212 Credit profit for the financial
1083 Integration Accounts - year-special accounts
Programme Loans 1213 Credit profit for the financial
1084 Integration accounts - other year-annex budgets
1085 Integration Accounts - 122 Profit for the financial year -
Secured debts debit
1086 Integration accounts - 1221 Debit profit for the financial
provisions for risks year - general budget
1087 Integration Accounts - Other 1222 Debit profit for the financial
Debts year - special accounts
1088 Integration Accounts - Cash 1223 Debit profit for the financial
Flow Liabilities year - annex budgets
1089 Integration Accounts - Other
141 Treasury Bonds
111 Credit brought forward a new
1411 Treasury Bonds - Residents
1111 Credit brought forward a new -
14111 Fungible Treasury Bonds -
general budget
1112 Credit brought forward a new -
14112 Zero coupon treasury bonds -
special accounts

14119 Other Treasury bonds - 15 PROJECT LOANS
1412 Treasury Bonds - Non- 151 Multilateral project loans
Residents 1511 Initial Multilateral Project Loans
14121 Fungible Treasury Bonds - 15111 Initial Project Loans - World
Non-Resident Bank
14122 Zero Coupon Treasury Bonds - 15112 Initial Project Loans - African
Non-Resident Development Bank
14129 Other Treasury Bonds - Non- 15113 Initial Project Loans - Central
Resident African States Development Bank
15114 Initial Project Loans - Islamic
144 Accrued and unmatured interest Development Bank
on government securities over one 15115 Initial project loans - European
year Development Fund
1441 Accrued and unmatured 15116 Initial Project Loans -
interest on treasury bonds International Fund for Agricultural
14411 Accrued and unmatured Development
interest on fungible treasury bonds 15119 Other Initial Multilateral
14412 Accrued and unmatured Project Loans
interest on zero coupon treasury 1512 Rescheduled Multilateral
bonds Projects Loans
14419 Accrued and 15121 Rescheduled Loans - World
unmaturedinterest on other Treasury Bank
bonds 15122 Rescheduled Project Loans -
1448 Accrued and not yet due African Development Bank
interest on other securities above 15123 Rescheduled Loans - Central
one year African States Development Bank
14481 Accrued and unmatured 15124 Rescheduled Project Loans -
interest on other securities of more Islamic Development Bank
than one year - residents
15125 Rescheduled Loans -
14482 Accrued and unmatured European Development Fund
interest on other securities with
more than one year - non-residents 15126 Rescheduled Loans -
International Fund for Agricultural
148 Other securities over one year 15129 Other rescheduled multilateral
1481 Other securities over one year project loans
- residents
1482 Other securities over one year 152 Project Loans from
- non-residents Governments Affiliated to the Paris
1521 Initial Project Loans from

Governments Affiliated to the Paris 1532 Rescheduled project loans
Club from governments not affiliated with
15211 Initial project loans from the Paris Club
France 15321 Rescheduled project loans
15212 Initial project loans from from China
Germany 15322 Rescheduled project loans
15213 Initial project loans from from Kuwait
England 15323 Rescheduled project loans
15214 Initial project loans from from Saudi Arabia
Japan 15324 Rescheduled project loans
15219 Initial Project Loans from from India
Other Governments Affiliated to the 15329 Rescheduled project loans
Paris Club from other governments not
1522 Rescheduled Loans from affiliated to the Paris Club
Governments Affiliated to the Paris
154 Accrued and unmatured interest
15221 Rescheduled Project loans on project loans
from France
1541 Accrued and unmatured
15222 Rescheduled Project loans interest on multilateral project loans
from Germany
15411 Accrued and unmatured
15223 Rescheduled Project loans interest on project loans - World
from England Bank
15224 Rescheduled Project loans 15412 Accrued and unmatured interest
from Japan on project loans - African Development
15229 Rescheduled Project loans Bank
from other governments affiliated to 15413 Accrued and unmatured
the Paris Club interest on project loans - Central
African States Development Bank
153 Project Loans from 15414 Accrued and unmatured
Governments Not Affiliated to the interest on project loans - Islamic
Paris Club Development Bank
1531 Initial Project Loans from 15415 Accrued and unmatured
Governments Not Affiliated to the interest on project loans - European
Paris Club Development Fund
15311 Initial project loans from China 15416 Accrued and unmatured
15312 Initial project Loans from interest on project loans -
Kuwait International Fund for Agricultural
15313 Initial project loans from Saudi
Arabia 15419 Accrued and unmatured
interest on other multilateral project
15314 Initial project loans from India borrowings
15319 Initial project loans from other 1542 Accrued and unexecuted
governments not affiliated to the interest on project loans from
Paris Club

governments affiliated with the interest on project loans from other
Paris Club private bodies abroad
15421 Interest accrued and not due 1546 Accrued and unmatured
on project loans from France interest on project loans from
15422 Accrued and unmatured general government
interest on project loans from 15461 Accrued and unmatured
Germany interest on domestic project loans
15423 Accrued and unmatured from central government
interest on project loans from 15462 Accrued and unmatured
England interest on domestic project loans
15424 Accrued and unmatured from local governments
interest on project loans from Japan 15463 Accrued and unmatured
15429 Accrued and unmatured interest on domestic project loans
interest on project loans from other with social security funds
governments affiliated with the 15469 Accrued and unmatured
Paris Club interest on domestic project
1543 Accrued and unmatured borrowings from other government
interest on project loans to 1547 Accrued and unmatured
governments not affiliated with the interest on project loans from
Paris Club private bodies at home
15431 Accrued and unmatured
interest on project loans from China 15471 Accrued and unmatured
15432 Accrued and unmatured interest on project loans from
interest on project loans from financial institutions and the
Kuwait banking system within the country
15433 Accrued and unmatured 15472 Accrued and unmatured
interest on project loans from Saudi interest on project loans from
Arabia private non-financial private
15434 Accrued and unmatured enterprises
interest on project loans from India 15479 Accrued and unmatured
15439 Accrued and unmatured interest on internal project loans
interest on project loans from other from other private bodies
governments not affiliated with the
Paris Club 155 Project loans from external
1545 Accrued and unmatured private bodies
interest on project loans from 1551 Initial Project Loans from
external private bodies Private External Bodies
15451 Accrued and unmatured 15511 Initial project loans from
interest on project loans from commercial banks abroad
commercial banks outside
15512 Initial Project Loans from
15452 Accrued and unmatured Foreign Investment Funds
interest on project loans from
outside investment funds 15519 Other initial project loans
from external private bodies
15459 Accrued and unmatured

1552 Rescheduled project loans 15719 Other internal initial projects
from external private bodies loans from private bodies
15521 Rescheduled project loans 1572 Rescheduled internal project
from external commercial banks loans - private bodies
15522 Rescheduled project loans 15721 Rescheduled project loans
from external investment funds from financial institutions and the
15529 Other rescheduled loans from banking system
private bodies abroad 15722 Rescheduled project
loans from non-financial private
156 Project Loans within the country
– Public Administrations 15729 Other Rescheduled internal
project loans from private bodies
1561 Initial project loans from public
15611 Initial project loans from 16 PROGRAMME LOANS
central public administrations
15612 Initial project loans from local 161 Multilateral programmeloans
public administrations
1611 Initial multilateral
15613 Initial project loans from programmeloans
social security funds
16111 Initial Programme Loans -
15619 Initial internal project loans World Bank
from other public administrations
16112 Initial Programme Loans -
1562 Rescheduled project loans African Development Bank
from the public administrations
16113 Initial programme loans -
15621 Rescheduled project loans Central African States Development
from public administrations Bank
15622 Rescheduled domestic 16114 Initial Programme Loans -
project loans from local public Islamic Development Bank
16115 Initial programme loans -
15623 Rescheduled internal project European Development Fund
loans from social security funds
16116 Initial Programme Loans -
15629 Rescheduled internal International Fund for Agricultural
project loans from other public Development
16119 Other initial Multilateral
157 Internal project Loans - Private 1612 Rescheduled Multilateral
Bodies Programme Loans
1571 Initial internal project loans - 16121 Rescheduled Programme
private bodies Loans - World Bank
15711 Initial project loans from 16122 Rescheduled Programme
financial institutions and the Loans - African Development Bank
banking system 16123 Rescheduled Programme
15712 Initial project loans from non- Loans - Development Bank of
financial private enterprises Central African States

16124 Rescheduled Programme 1631 Initial ProgrammeLoans from
Loans - Islamic Development Bank Governments Not Affiliated to the
16125 Rescheduled programme Paris Club
loans - European Development Fund 16311 Initial programme loans from
16126 Rescheduled Programme China
Loans - International Fund for 16312 Initial project borrowings from
Agricultural Development Kuwait
16129 Other rescheduled multilateral 16313 Initial project loans to Saudi
programme loans Arabia
16314 Initial project loans from India
162 Programme loans from 16319 Initial programme loans from
governments affiliated to the Paris Club other governments not affiliated to
1621 Initial ProgrammeLoans from the Paris Club
Governments Affiliated to the Paris 1632 Rescheduled programme loans
Club from governments not affiliated to
16211 Initial programmeloans from the Paris Club
France 16321 Rescheduled programme
16212 Initial programme loans from loans from China
Germany 16322 Rescheduled programme
16213 Initial programmeloans from loans from Kuwait
England 16323 Rescheduled programme
16214 Initial programme loans from loans from Saudi Arabia
Japan 16324 Rescheduled programme
16219 Initial programme loans from loans from India
other governments affiliated to the 16329 Rescheduled programme
Paris Club loans from other governments not
1622 Rescheduled ProgrammeLoans affiliated to the Paris Club
from Governments Affiliated to the
Paris Club
16221 Rescheduled programme 164 Accrued and unmatured interest
loans from France on programme loans
16222 Rescheduled programme 1641 Accrued and unmatured
loans from Germany interest on multilateral programme
16223 Rescheduled programme
loans from England 16411 Accrued and unmatured
interest on programme loans - World
16224 Rescheduled programme Bank
loans from Japan
16412 Accrued and unmatured
16229 Rescheduled programme interest on programme loans -
loans from other governments African Development Bank
affiliated to the Paris Club
16413 Accrued and unmatured
interest on programme loans -
163 Programmeloans from Central African States Development
governments not affiliated to the Bank
Paris Club 16414 Accrued and unmatured

interest on programme loans - Saudi Arabia
Islamic Development Bank 16434 Accrued and unmatured
16415 Accrued and unmatured interest on program loans from India
interest on program loans - 16439 Accrued and unmatured
European Development Fund interest on other programme loans
16416 Accrued and unmatured from governments not affiliated to
interest on programme loans - the Paris Club
International Fund for Agricultural 1648 Accrued and unmatured
Development interest on other programme loans
16419 Accrued and unmatured 16481 Accrued and unmatured
interest on other multilateral interest on other multilateral
programme loans programme loans
1642 Accrued and unmatured 16482 Accrued and unmatured
interest on programme loans from interest on other bilateral
governments affiliated to the Paris programme loans
16421 Accrued and unmatured
interest on programme loans from 168 Other programme loans
France 1681 Other initial programme loans
16422 Accrued and unmatured 16811 Other Initial Multilateral
interest on programme loans from Programme Loans
Germany 16812 Other Initial Bilateral
16423 Accrued and unmatured Programme Loans
interest on programme loans from 1682 Other rescheduled programme
England loans
16424 Accrued and unmatured 16821 Other rescheduled multilateral
interest on programme loans from programme loans
16822 Other rescheduled bilateral
16429 Accrued and unmatured programme loans
interest on programme loans from
other governments affiliated to the
Paris Club 17 OTHER LOANS

1643 Accrued and unmatured 171 Other multilateral loans

interest on programme loans to 1711 Other initial multilateral loans
governments not affiliated to the
Paris Club 17111 Other Initial Multilateral Loans
- World Bank
16431 Accrued and unmatured
interest on programme loans from 17112 Other Initial Multilateral Loans
China - African Development Bank
16432 Accrued and unmatured 17113 Other Initial Multilateral
interest on programme loans from Loans - Central African States
Kuwait Development Bank
16433 Accrued and unmatured 17114 Other Initial Multilateral Loans
interest on programme loans with - Islamic Development Bank

17115 Other initial multilateral loans 17221 Other rescheduled loans from
- European Development Fund France
17116 Other Initial Multilateral Loans 17222 Other rescheduled loans from
- International Fund for Agricultural Germany
Development 17223 Other rescheduled loans from
17119 Other Initial Multilateral Loans England
1712 Other rescheduled multilateral 17224 Other rescheduled loans from
loans Japan
17121 Other rescheduled multilateral 17229 Other rescheduled loans from
loans - World Bank other governments affiliated to the
17122 Other rescheduled multilateral Paris Club
loans - African Development Bank
17123 Other Rescheduled 173 Other loans from governments
Multilateral Loans - Central African not affiliated to the Paris Club
States Development Bank 1731 Other initial loans from
17124 Other rescheduled multilateral governments not affiliated to the
loans - Islamic Development Bank Paris Club
17125 Other rescheduled multilateral 17311 Other initial loans from China
loans - European Development Fund 17312 Other Original Loans s from
17126 Other rescheduled multilateral Kuwait
loans - International Fund for 17313 Other initial loans from Saudi
Agricultural Development Arabia
17129 Other rescheduled multilateral 17314 Other initial loans from India
17319 Other initial loans from
governments not affiliated to the
172 Other loans from governments Paris Club
affiliated to the Paris Club 1732 Other rescheduled loans to
1721 Other initial loans from governments not affiliated to the
governments affiliated to the Paris Paris Club
Club 17321 Other rescheduled loans from
17211 Other initial loans from France China
17212 Other initial loans from 17322 Other rescheduled loans from
Germany Kuwait
17213 Other initial loans from 17323 Other rescheduled loans from
England Saudi Arabia
17214 Other initial loans from Japan 17324 Other rescheduled loans from
17219 Other initial loans from other India
governments affiliated to the Paris 17329 Other rescheduled loans from
Club governments not affiliated to the
1722 Other Rescheduled loans from Paris Club
Governments Affiliated to the Paris

174 Accrued and unmatured interest 1743 Accrued and unmatured
on other loans interest on other loans from
governments not affiliated with the
1741 Accrued and unmatured Paris Club
interest on other multilateral loans 17431 Accrued and unmatured
17411 Interest accrued and interest on other loans from China
unmatured on other multilateral 17432 Accrued and unmatured
loans - World Bank interest on other loans from Kuwait
17412 Accrued and unmatured 17433 Accrued and unmatured
interest on other multilateral loans- interest on other loans from Saudi
African Development Bank Arabia
17413 Accrued and unmatured 17434 Accrued and unmatured
interest on other multilateral loans - interest on other loans from India
Central African States Development
Bank 17439 Accrued and unmatured
interest on other loans from
17414 Accrued and unmatured governments not affiliated to the
interest on other multilateral loans - Paris Club
Islamic Development Bank
1745 Accrued and unmatured
17415 Accrued and unmatured interest on other loans from private
interest on other multilateral loans - entities
European Development Fund
17451 Accrued and unmatured
17416 Accrued and unmatured interest on other loans from
interest on other multilateral loans commercial banks abroad
- International Fund for Agricultural
Development 17452 Accrued and unmatured
interest on other loans from external
17419 Accrued and unmatured investment funds
interest on other multilateral loans
17459 Accrued and unmatured
1742 Accrued and unmatured interest on other loans from other
interest on other loans from external private agencies
governments affiliated with the
Paris Club 1746 Accrued and unmatured
interest on other loans from public
17421 Accrued and unmatured administrations
interest on other loans from France
17461 Accrued and unmatured
17422 Accrued and unmatured interest on other loans from central
interest on other loans from public administrations
17462 Accrued and unmatured
17423 Accrued and unmatured interest on other loans from local
interest on other borrowings from public administrations
17463 Accrued and unmatured
17424 Accrued and unmatured interest on other loans from social
interest on other loans from Japan security public administrations
17429 Accrued and unmatured 17469 Accrued and unmatured
interest on other loans from other interest on other loans from other
governments affiliated to the Paris public administrations
1747 Accrued and unmatured

interest on other loans from 17619 Other initial loans from other
domestic private agencies public administrations
17471 Accrued and unmatured 1762 Other rescheduled domestic
interest on other loans from loans - public administrations
financial institutions and the 17621 Other rescheduled loans from
banking system central public administrations
17472 Accrued and unmatured 17622 Other rescheduled loans to
interest on other loans from non- local governments
financial private enterprises
17623 Other rescheduled loans
17479 Accrued and unmatured from social security public
interest on other internal project administrations
borrowings from private entities
17629 Other rescheduled loans from
other public administrations
175 Other borrowings from foreign
private bodies
177 Other internal loans - private
1751 Other initial borrowings from bodies
foreign private bodies
1771 Other internal initial loans -
17511 Other initial loans from foreign private bodies
commercial banks
17711 Other initial loans from
17512 Other initial loans from foreign financial institutions and the
investment funds banking system
17519 Other initial loans from other 17712 Other initial loans from non-
private bodies abroad financial private enterprises
1752 Other rescheduled loans from 17719 Other initial internal loans
external private bodies from private bodies
17521 Other rescheduled loans from 1772 Other rescheduled internal
commercial banks abroad loans - private bodies
17522 Other Rescheduled Loans 17721 Other rescheduled loans
from Foreign Investment Funds from financial institutions and the
17529 Other rescheduled loans from banking system
other foreign private bodies 17722 Other rescheduled loans from
non-financial private enterprises
176 Other Domestic Loans–Public 17729 Other rescheduled
Administrations internalloansfrom private entities
1761 Other Initial Domestic Loans–
Public Administrations 18 SECURED DEBTS
17611 Other initial loans from central
public administrations
181 Multilateral secured debts
17612 Other initial loans from local
public administrations 1811 Initial multilateral secured debts
17613 Other initial loans from social 18111 Initial Secured Debt - World
security public administrations Bank

18112 Initial secured debts - African 18214 Initial secured debts to Japan
Development Bank 18219 Other Initial Secured Debt to
18113 Initial secured debts - Central Governments Affiliated to the Paris
African States Development Bank Club
18114 Initial secured debts - Islamic 1822 Rescheduled secured debt to
Development Bank governments affiliated to the Paris
18115 Initial secured debts - Club
European Development Fund 18221 Rescheduled secured debt to
18116 Initial secured debts - France
International Fund for Agricultural 18222 Rescheduled secured debt to
Development Germany
18119 Other initial multilateral 18223 Rescheduled secured debt to
secured debts England
1812 Rescheduled multilateral 18224 Rescheduled secured debt to
secured debt Japan
18121 Rescheduled secured debt - 18229 Other Rescheduled secured
World Bank debt to governments affiliated to
18122 Rescheduled Secured Debts - the Paris Club
African Development Bank
18123 Rescheduled secured debts - 183 Debts endorsed by governments
Central African States Development not affiliated to the Paris Club
Bank 1831 Initial debts endorsed by
18124 Rescheduled Secured Debts - governments not affiliated to the
Islamic Development Bank Paris Club
18125 Rescheduled secured debts - 18311 Initial secured debts to China
European Development Fund 18312 Initial endorsed debts to
18126 Rescheduled Secured Debt - Kuwait
International Fund for Agricultural 18313 Initial endorsed debts to Saudi
Development Arabia
18129 Other rescheduled multilateral 18314 Initial endorsed debts to India
secured debts
18319 Other initial Secured Debt to
Governments Not Affiliated to the
182 Debts secured to governments Paris Club
affiliated to the Paris Club 1832 Rescheduled secured debt to
1821 Initial secured debts to governments not affiliated to the
governments affiliated to the Paris Paris Club
Club 18321 Rescheduled secured debt to
18211 Initial secured debts to France China
18212 Initial secured debts to 18322 Rescheduled secured debt to
Germany Kuwait
18213 Initial secured debts to 18323 Rescheduled secured debt to
England Saudi Arabia

18324 Rescheduled secured debt to 18424 Accrued and unmatured
India interest on debts endorsed with
18329 Other Rescheduled secured Japan
debt to governments not affiliated 18429 Accrued and unpaid debts to
to the Paris Club other governments affiliated to the
Paris Club
184 Accrued and unmatured interest
on guaranteed debts 1843 Accrued and unmatured
1841 Interest accrued and interest on secured debts to
unmatured on multilateral secured governments not affiliated to the
debts Paris Club
18411 Interest accrued and 18431 Accrued and unmatured
unmatured on secured debts - World interest on secured debts to China
Bank 18432 Accrued and unmatured
18412 Accrued and unmatured interest on secured debts to Kuwait
interest on secured debts- African 18433 Accrued and unmatured
Development Bank interest on secured debts to Saudi
18413 Accrued and unmatured Arabia
interest on secured debts - Central 18434 Accrued and unmatured
African States Development Bank interest on secured debts to India
18414 Interest accrued and 18439 Accrued and unmatured
unmatured on secured debts - interest on secured debts to other
Islamic Development Bank governments not affiliated to the
18415 Interest accrued and Paris Club
unmatured on secured debts - 1845 Accrued and unmatured
European Development Fund interest on secured debts to external
18416 Accrued and unmatured private bodies
interest on secured debts - 18451 Accrued and unmatured
International Fund for Agricultural interest on secured debts to
Development commercial banks abroad
18419 Accrued and unmatured 18452 Accrued and unmatured
interest on other secured debts interest on secured loans toexternal
1842 Accrued and unmatured investment funds
interest on debts endorsed by 18459 Accrued and unmatured
governments affiliated to the Paris interest on secured debts to other
Club external private bodies
18421 Interest accrued and 1846 Accrued and unmatured
unmatured on debts endorsed by interest on secured to public
France administrations
18422 Interest accrued and 18461 Accrued and unmatured
unmatured on debts endorsed by interest on secured to central public
Germany administrations
18423 Interest accrued and 18462 Accrued and unmatured
unmatured on debts endorsed with interest on secured to local public
England administrations

18463 Accrued and unmatured 18611 Initial secured domestic debts
interest on secured debts to social – central public administrations
security public administrations 18612 Initial secured domestic debts
18469 Accrued and unmatured to localpublic administrations
interest on secured debts to other 18613 Initial secured domestic
public administrations debts to social security public
1847 Accrued and unmatured administrations
interest on secured debts 18619 Initial secured domestic debts
todomestic private bodies to other public administrations
18471 Accrued and unmatured 1862 Rescheduled secured domestic
interest on secured debts to debts –public administrations
financial institutions and the banking
system 18621 Rescheduled secured
domestic debts to central public
18472 Accrued and unmatured administrations
interest on secured debts to non-
financial private enterprises 18622 Rescheduled secured
domestic debts to local public
18479 Accrued and unmatured administrations
interest on internally secured debts
to private bodies 18623 Rescheduled secured
domestic debts to social security
public administrations
185 Secured debts to foreign private 18629 Rescheduled secured
bodies domestic debts to other public
1851 Initial secured debts toforeign administrations
private bodies
18511 Initial securedto commercial 187 Domestic secured debts -
banks abroad private bodies
18512 Initial Secured Debt toForeign 1871 Initial domestic secured debts -
Investment Funds private entities
18519 Initial secured debts to other 18711 Initial domestic secured
private bodies abroad debtsto financial institutions and the
1852 Rescheduled secured debts to banking system
private bodiesabroad 18712 Initial domestic secured
18521 Rescheduled secured debts to debtsto non-financial private
commercial banks abroad enterprises
18522 Rescheduled secured debts to 18719 Other initial domestic secured
investment fundsabroad debtsto private bodies
18529 Rescheduled secured debts to 1872 Rescheduled initial domestic
other private bodies abroad secured debts - private entities
18721 Rescheduled initial domestic
186 Secured domestic debts –public secured debts to financial
administrations institutions and the banking system
1861 Initial secured domestic debts 18722 Rescheduled initial domestic
–public administrations secured debtsto non-financial
private enterprises

18729 Other Rescheduled initial CLASS 2
domestic secured debtsto private
organisations CAPITAL ACCOUNTS
189 Other payments
1891 Other initial payments 21 INTANGIBLE ASSETS
1892 Other rescheduled payments 22 NON-PRODUCED FIXED ASSETS
191 Provisions for operating risks
related to Public Private Partnership
1911 Provisions for operating risks
related to Public Private Partnership
1912 Provisions for operating risks
related to Public Private Partnership
192 Provisions for investment risks 29 PROVISIONS FOR
related to Public Private Partnership DEPRECIATION OF FIXED ASSETS
1921 Provisions for investment risks
related to Public Private Partnership
1922 Provisions for investment risks 21 INTANGIBLE ASSETS
related to Public Private Partnership
abroad 211 Research and development
199 Other provisions 2111 Research and Development
Expenses - in use
1991 Provisions for pensions
21111 Agricultural research and
1992 Provisions for litigation
development expenses
1993 Provisions on expenses to
21112 Fisheries and animal research
spread over several financial years
and development expenses
1994 Provisions for foreign
21113 Mining Research and
exchange loss
Development Expenses
21114 Scientific and technological
research and development expenses
21115 Military research and
development expenses
21116 Research and development
expenses - health

21119 Other research and 2122 Patents, Trademarks,
development expenses Copyrights - In process
2112 Research and development 21221 Patents - in process
expenses –in progress 21222 Trademarks - in process
21121 Agricultural research and 21223 Copyright - in process
development expenses - in progress
21122 Fisheries and Aquatic
Research and Development 213 Designs of organizational
expenses - in progress systems
21123 Mining Research and 2131 Designs of organizational
Development expenses - in progress systems - in use
21124 Scientific and technological 21311 Software Designs
research and development expenses
- in progress 21312 Software Package Designs
21125 Military research and 21319 Other designs of
development expenses - in progress organizational systems
21126 Research and development 2132 Organizational System Designs
expenses - health - in progress - in process
21129 Other research and 21321 Software Designs - in
development expenses – in progress progress
21322 Software Package Designs -
in process
212 Brevets, marques de fabrique, 21329 Other Designs of
droits d’auteur Organizational Systems - in process
2121 Brevets, marques de fabrique,
droits d’auteur – en service
21211 Brevets 214 Business exploitation right
21212 Marques 2141 Business exploitation right - in
21213 Droits d’auteur
21411 Agronomic business
2122 Brevets, marques de fabrique, exploitation right
droits d’auteur – en cours
21412 Commercial and animal
21221 Brevets – en cours businessexploitation right
21222 Marques – en cours 21413 Mining business exploitation
21223 Droits d’auteur – en cours right
21414 Scientific and technological
business licence
212 Patents, Trademarks, Copyrights 21416 Business exploitation right -
2121 Patents, trademarks, copyrights health
- in use 21419 Other business exploitation
21211 Patents rights
21212 Trademarks 2142 Business exploitation right - in
21213 Copyright progress
21421 Agronomic business

exploitation right- in progress 22124 Land for parks and gardens -
21422 Fish and animal business in progress
exploitation right -in-progress 22125 Public lands - in progress
21423 Mining business exploitation 22126 Sports fields - in progress
right - in progress 22127 Building lands - in progress
21424 Scientific and technological 22128 Escapment allowances –in
business exploitation right–in progress
22129 Other lands - in progress
21426 Businessexploitation right -
health - in progress
21429 Other business exploitation 222 Sub-soils, deposits and quarries
rights – in progress 2221 Sub-soils, deposits and
quarries - in use
22211 Sub-soils, oilfields
219 Other rights and intangible
assets 22212 Sub-soils, gas deposits
2191 Other rights and intangible 22213 Sub-soils, ore deposits (gold,
assets - in use diamond, bauxite ...)
2192 Other rights and intangible 22214 Quarries
assets - in progress 22219 Basements, deposits - other
extractive resources
2222 Sub-soils, deposits and
22 NON-PRODUCED FIXED quarries - in progress
ASSETS 22221 Sub-soils, oil deposits - in
221 Land 22222 Sub-soils, gas deposits - in
2211 Land - in use progress
22111 Agricultural and forestry lands 22223 Sub-soils, ore deposits (gold,
22112 Mining or industrial lands diamond, bauxite ...) - in progress
22113 Lands for cemeteries 22224 Quarries - in progress
22114 Land for parks and gardens 22229 Sub-soils, deposits - other
22115 Public lands extractive resources - in progress
22116 Sports fields
22117 Building lands 223 Plantations and Forests
22118 Escapment allowances 2231 Plantations and Forests - in
22119 Other lands
22311 Reserves
2212 Lands - in progress
22312 Parks and woods
22121 Agricultural and forestry lands
- in progress 22313 Agricultural plantations
22122 Mining or industrial lands - in 22319 Other plantations and forests
progress 2232 Plantations and Forests –in
22123 Cemeteries land - in progress progress

22321 Reserves - in progress for office use of decentralized
22322 Parks and Woods - in administration - in progress
progress 23129 Other administrative buildings
22323 Agricultural plantations - in for office use - in progress
22329 Other plantations and forests 232 Administrative buildings for
–in progress housing use
2321 Administrative buildings for
224 Mater bodies housing use - in use
2241 Territorial waters (seas and 23211 Administrative buildings
oceans) for housing use of the central
2242 Rivers
23212 Administrative buildings
2243 Lakes for housing use of Decentralized
2244 Rivers and ponds administration
2249 Other water bodies 23219 Other administrative buildings
for housing use
229 Other non-produced assets 2322 Administrative buildings for
housing use - in progress
2291 Other non-produced assets - in
use 23221 Administrative buildings
for the housing use of central
2292 Other non-produced assets - administration - in progress
in progress
23222 Administrative buildings
for housing use of decentralized
23 ACQUISITIONS, administration - in progress
CONSTRUCTIONS AND MAJOR 23229 Other administrative
REPAIRS OF BUILDINGS buildings for housing use - in
231 Administrative buildings for progress
office use
2311 Administrative buildings for 233 Administrative buildings for
office use - in use technical use
23111 Administrative buildings for 2331 Administrative buildings for
office use of central administration technical use - in use
23112 Administrative buildings for 23311 Hangars or workshops
office use of the decentralized
administration 23312 Sports buildings
23119 Other administrative buildings 23313 Buildings for social, cultural or
for office use recreational centres
2312 Administrative buildings for 23314 Buildings for teaching and
office use - in progress learning
23121 Administrative buildings for 23315 Buildings for conference or
office use of central administration - show halls
in progress 23316 Buildings for hospital use
23122 Administrative buildings 23317 Buildings for agricultural use

23318 Buildings for pastoral use 2351 Infrastructure - in use
23319 Other administrative 23511 Road infrastructure
buildings for technical use 23512 Railway infrastructure
2332 Administrative buildings for 23513 Airport infrastructure
technical use - in progress
23514 Port infrastructure
23321 Hangars or Workshops –in
progress 23515 Sports infrastructure
23322 Sports Buildings - in progress 23519 Other infrastructure
23323 Buildings for social, cultural 2352 Infrastructure –in progress
or recreational centres - in progress 23521 Road infrastructure - in
23324 Buildings for education and progress
training - in progress 23522 Railway infrastructure - in
23325 Buildings for Conference and progress
Show Halls - in progress 23523 Airport Infrastructure - in
23326 Buildings for hospital use - in progress
progress 23524 Port infrastructure - in
23327 Buildings for agricultural use progress
- in progress 23525 Sports infrastructure - in
23328 Buildings for pastoral use - in progress
progress 23529 Other infrastructures - in
23329 Other administrative progress
buildings for technical use - in
progress 236 Computer networks
2361 Computer networks - in use
234 Works 23611 Centralization and
2341 Works - in use interconnection devices (routers,
23411 Structures (bridges, viaducts, switches ...)
tunnels, trenches ...) 23612 Storage devices (servers and
23412 Hydraulic works (dams, dikes, others)
canals ...) 23613 Wiring
23413 Monuments 23619 Other computer networks
23419 Other works 2362 Computer networks - in
2342 Works - in progress progress
23421 Structures (bridges, viaducts, 23621 Centralization and
tunnels, trenches ...) - in progress interconnection devices (routers,
switches ...) - in progress
23422 Hydraulic works (dams, dikes,
canals ...) - in progress 23622 Storage devices (servers and
others) - in progress
23423 Monuments –in progress
23623 Wiring - in progress
23429 Other works –in progress
23629 Other computer networks -
in progress
235 Infrastructure

239 Other acquisitions, and Equipment –in progress
constructions and major repairs of 24126 Telephone and Media
real property Networks - in progress
2391 Other acquisitions, 24127 Lifts –in progress
constructions and major repairs of
real estate –in progress 24128 Office furniture and
equipment - in progress
2392 Other acquisitions,
constructions and major repairs of 24129 Other furniture and
real estate - in use equipment - in progress

242 Office computer hardware

24 ACQUISITIONS 2421 Office Computer Hardware - in
OF EQUIPMENT AND 24211 Computer hardware services
FURNITURE 24219 Other computer hardware
2422 Office Computer Hardware –in
241 Office and housing furniture and progress
equipment 24221 Computer hardware of
2411 Office and Home Furniture and services - in progress
Equipment - in use 24229 Other computer equipment -
24111 Air conditioning in progress
24112 Electrical installations and
electricity generators 243 Service and Duty Transport
24113 Plumbing and water systems
2431 Service and Duty Transport
24114 Sanitary and sanitation Equipment - In Use
24115 Office furniture and 24311 Service and Duty Automobile
equipment Transportation Equipment
24116 Telephone and media networks 24312 Service and Duty Rail
24117 Lifts Transport Equipment
24118 Office furniture and 24313 River service and duty
equipment transport equipment
24119 Other furniture and equipment 24314 Service and Duty Air
2412 Office and House Furniture and Transportation Equipment
Equipment –in progress 24315 Service and Duty Ship
24121 Air Conditioning –in progress Transportation Equipment
24122 Electrical Installations and 24316 Horse-drawn service and duty
Generators - in progress transport equipment
24123 Plumbing and water systems 24319 Other transport equipment for
- in progress services and duties
24124 Sanitary and Sanitation 2432 Service and Duty Automobile
Systems –in progress Transportation Equipment –In
24125 Office Furniture Equipment

24321 Service and Duty Automobile and equipment - in progress
Transportation Equipment –In 24424 Dormitory equipment - in
progress progress
24322 Service and Duty Rail 24425 Public works equipment - in
Transportation Equipment - in progress
24426 Agricultural equipment - in
24323 River Service and Duty process
Transport Equipment - in progress
24427 Professional Documentation
24324 Service and Duty Airlift –In and Library Shelving - in progress
24428 Service-specific technical
24325 Service and Duty Ship machines and equipment - in
Transportation Equipment –In progress
24429 Other technical equipment
24326 Service and Duty Horse and tools - in process
Transport Equipment –In progress
24329 Other service and duty 245 Transit and Freight Equipment
transportation equipment - in 2451 Transit and Freight Equipment
progress - in use
24511 Automobile Transit and
244 Technical equipment and tools Freight Equipment
2441 Technical equipment and tools 24512 Public transit and freight
- in use railroad equipment
24411 Educational Material 24513 Fluvial equipment for public
24412 Hospital Materials and transportation and goods
Equipment 24514 Public Transit and Freight Air
24413 Kitchen and food facilities Equipment
and equipment 24515 Public Transit and Freight
24414 Dormitory amenities Naval Equipment
24415 Public works equipment 24516 Horse-drawn transit and
goods equipment
24416 Agricultural machinery
24519 Other public transportation
24417 Professional Documentation and goods in use
and Library Shelves
2452 Public Transit and Freight
24418 Technical machines and Equipment –In progress
equipment specific to services
24521 Transit and Freight
24419 Other technical equipment Automobile Equipment - In progress
and tools
24522 Public transit and freight
2442 Technical equipment and tools railroad equipment - in progress
- in progress
24523 Public transport and goods
24421 Teaching Material - in fluvial equipment - in progress
24524 Transit and Freight Airborne
24422 Hospital Equipment and Equipment - In progress
Supplies –In progress
24525 Public Transit and Freight
24423 Kitchen and food facilities Naval Equipment - In progress

24526 Horse-drawn transit and 24721 Strategic Stock or Food
freight equipment - in progress Emergency - In progress
24529 Other Transit and Freight 24722 Strategic or Emergency
Equipment - In Progress hydrocarbon Stock - In progress
24723 Strategic or Emergency Stock
246 Valuables - Collections - Works of Medical Equipment and Supplies
of Art - In progress 24724 Strategic or
2461 Valuables, Collections, Works of Emergency Stock of Pharmaceutical
Art - in use Products - In progress
24611 Museum collections 24725 Strategic or emergency stock
(valuables, works of art) of social services - in progress
(beds, blankets ...)
24612 Community Collections
(valuable objects, works of art) 24729 Other Strategic or Emergency
Stocks –In progress
24619 Other collections (valuables,
works of art) 248 Cheptels
2462 Valuables, Collections, Works 2481 Cheptels – en service
of Art –In progress 24811 Cheptels bovins
24621 Museum collections 24812 Cheptels ovins
(valuables, works of art) - in 24813 Cheptels porcins
progress 24814 Cheptels équins
24622 Community Collections 24815 Cheptels caprins
(Valuables, Works of Art) - In
progress 24816 Cheptels volaille
24629 Other collections (valuables, 24819 Autres cheptels
works of art) - In progress 2482 Cheptels – en cours
247 Strategic or Emergency Stocks 24821 Cheptels bovins– en cours
2471 Strategic or Emergency Stocks 24822 Cheptels ovins– 1en cours
- in use 24823 Cheptels porcins – en cours
24711 Strategic Stock or Food 24824 Cheptels équins – en cours
24825 Cheptels caprins– en cours
24712 Strategic or Emergency
hydrocarbon Stock 24826 Cheptels volaille – en cours
24713 Strategic or emergency stock 24829 Autres cheptels – en cours
of medical equipment and supplies
24714 Strategic or emergency stock 248 Herds
of pharmaceutical products 2481 Livestock - in use
24715 Strategic or emergency stock 24811 Cattle herds
of social services (beds, blankets ...) 24812 Sheep flocks
24719 Other Strategic or Emergency 24813 Swine herds
24814 Equine herds
2472 Strategic or Emergency Stocks
- In progress 24815 Goat herds
24816 Poultry flocks

24819 Other flocks 251 Military structures and
2482 Livestock - in progress infrastructure
24821 Cattle herds - in progress 2511 Military structures and
infrastructure - in use
24822 Sheep flocks- 1year
25111 Military Command Works
24823 Swine herds - in progress
25112 Military instructional and
24824 Equine herds - in progress training books
24825 Goat herds - in progress 25113 Military Support Site Works
24826 Poultry flocks - in progress 25114 Military articles of daily life
24829 Other flocks - in progress 25115 Military, technical-operational
and industrial military works
249 Other acquisitions and major 25119 Other military works and
repairs of equipment and furniture infrastructure
2491 Other acquisitions and major 2512 Military works and
repairs of equipment and furniture infrastructure - in progress
- in use
25121 Military Command Works - in
2492 Other acquisitions and major progress
repairs of equipment and furniture –
in progress 25122 Military Instruction and
Training Books - in progress
25123 Military Support Site - in
25 EQUIPMENT OF progress
THE ARMED FORCES, 25124 Military articles of daily life -
ADMINISTRATIONS 25125 Military, technical and
operational military works - in
250 Military Buildings progress
2501 Military Buildings - in use 25129 Other Military Works and
25011 Military buildings for office Infrastructure - In Progress
25012 Military buildings for housing 252 Military furniture, equipment
use and materials
25013 Military buildings for
technical use 2521 Military furniture, equipment
25019 Other Military Base Buildings and materials - in use
2502 Military Buildings - in progress 25211 Acquisitions of furniture,
equipment and military equipment
25021 Military buildings for office
use - in progress 25212 Major repairs of furniture,
equipment and military equipment
25022 Military Buildings for Housing
Use - In Progress 2522 Military furniture, equipment
and materials - in progress
25023 Military buildings for
technical use - in progress 25221 Purchases of military
furniture, equipment and equipment
25029 Other Military Base Buildings - in progress
- in progress

25222 Major repairs to furniture, 25423 Police technical and
equipment and military equipment - operational structures - in progress
in progress 25429 Other Police Works and
Infrastructure –in progress
25329 Autres bâtiments de police –
en cours 255 Police furniture, equipment and
253 Hotels and Police Buildings equipment
2531 Hotels and police buildings - in 2551 Police furniture and equipment
use - in use
25311 Police buildings for office use 25511 Acquisitions of police
25312 Police buildings for housing furniture, equipment and equipment
use 25512 Major repairs of police
25313 Police buildings for technical furniture, equipment and equipment
use 2552 Police furniture and equipment
25319 Other police buildings - in progress
2532 Hotels and Police Buildings - in 25521 Purchases of police furniture,
progress equipment and equipment - in
25321 Police buildings for office use
- in progress 25522 Major repairs of police
furniture, equipment and equipment
25322 Police Housing Buildings - in –in progress
25323 Police buildings for technical
use - in progress 256 Buildings of similar
administrations (Customs, Prison
25329 Other police buildings - in administrations, water and forestry
progress ...)
2561 Buildings of similar
254 Police works and infrastructure administrations - in use
2541 Police works and infrastructure 25611 Office buildings of similar
- in use administrations
25411 Police command structures 25612 Residential buildings of
25412 Police Instruction and Training similar administrations
Facilities 25613 Technical buildings of similar
25413 Technical-operational and administrations
industrial police works 25619 Other buildings of similar
25419 Other police works and administrations
infrastructure 2562 Buildings of similar
2542 Police works and infrastructure administrations - in progress
- in progress 25621 Office buildings of similar
25421 Police Command Structures - administrations - in progress
in progress 25622 Residential buildings of
25422 Police Instructional and similar administrations - in progress
Training Facilities - in progress

25623 Technical buildings of similar 25812 Major repairs of furniture,
administrations - in progress equipment and materials of related
25629 Other buildings of similar administrations
administrations - in progress 2582 Furniture, fixtures
and equipment of related
257 Books and infrastructure of administrations - in progress
similar administrations (Customs, 25821 Purchases of furniture,
Prison Administrations, Waters and equipment and materials of similar
Forests ..) administration - in progress
2571 Books and infrastructure of 25822 Major repairs of furniture,
similar administrations - in use equipment and materials of similar
25711 Command works of similar administration - in progress
259 Other equipment of the armed
25712 Instruction and training books forces, the police and similar
of similar administrations administrations
25713 Technical-operational 2591 Other equipment of the
and industrial books of similar armed forces, police and similar
administrations administrations - in use
25719 Other books and 2592 Other Equipment of Armed
infrastructure of similar Forces, Police and Related
administrations Administrations–in progress
2572 Books and infrastructure of
similar administrations - in progress
25721 Command books of similar RELATED RECEIVABLES AND
administrations - in progress
25722 Instruction and training
books of similar administrations - in
261 DomesticEquity investments
2611 Private equity shareholdings-
25723 Technical-operational
controlled entities
and industrial books of similar
administrations - in progress 2612 Domestic Equity Interests -
Non-Controlled Entities
25729 Other books and
infrastructure of similar
administrations - in progress 262 Foreign equity shareholding
2621 Foreign equity shareholding
258 Furniture, equipment -controlled entities
and equipment of the similar 2622 Foreign Equity shareholding -
administrations (Customs, Prison Non-Controlled Entities
administrations, water and forests ..)
2581 Furniture, equipment and 264 Surety bonds
materials of related administrations
2641 Surety bonds on behalf of
- in use
25811 Acquisition of furniture,
2642 Surety bonds on behalf of
equipment and materials of related
public establishments

2643 Surety bonds on behalf of 274 Loans to financial institutions
public enterprises 2741 Loans to private financial
2644 Surety bonds on behalf of institutions
private bodies 2742 Loans to public financial
2649 Other bonds institutions

265 Receivables related to equity 275 Other domestic loans

interests in the withinthe country 2751 Other domestic loans to private
2651 Receivables related to investors
investments - controlled entities 2752 Other domestic loans to
2652 Receivables related to private associations
investments - non-controlled 2753 Other Domestic Loans to Co-
entities operative Societies
2759 Other domestic loans to
266 Receivables related to foreign households
2661 Receivables related to 276 Loans abroad
investments - controlled entities
2761 Loans to States
2662 Receivables related to
investments - non-controlled 2762 Loans to international and
entities community institutions
2763 Loans to foreign private bodies
269 Other financial fixed assets 2769 Other loans abroad
2691 Debt securities
2692 Gold and precious metals 277 Transferred loans
2699 Other financial fixed assets 2771 Loans transferred to public
2772 Loans transferred to private
27 LOANS AND ADVANCES enterprises
2779 Other transferred loans
271 Advances to public
278 Accrued interest not yet due on
2711 Advances to public loans and advances
2781 Accrued interest not due on
2712 Advances to RLAs advances to public administrations
2713 Advances to social security 2782 Accrued interest not yet
organisations due on loans to other public
273 Loans to nonfinancial public 2783 Accrued interest not yet due
enterprises on loans to nonfinancial public
2731 Loans to public enterprises enterprises
2732 Loans to semi-public 2784 Accrued interest not due on
enterprises loans to financial institutions

2785 Accrued interest not due on buildings for housing use
other domestic loans 2833 Depreciation of administrative
2786 Accrued interest not due on buildings for technical purposes
foreign loans 2834 Depreciation of works
2787 Accrued interest not due on 2835 Depreciation of infrastructure
transferred loans
2836 Depreciation of computer
279 Other loans and advances 2839 Depreciation of other
2791 Other loans properties
2792 Other advances
284 Depreciation of equipment and
28 AMORTIZATIONS furniture
2841 Amortization of furniture and
281 Depreciation of intangible office and office equipment
assets 2842 Depreciation of office
2811 Amortization of research and computer equipment
development expenses 2843 Depreciation of service and
2812 Amortization of patents, duty transport equipment
trademarks, copyrights 2844 Depreciation of equipment and
2813 Depreciation of software and technical tools
software packages 2845 Depreciation of Transit and
2814 Amortization of exploitation FreightEquipment
rights business assets 2846 Depreciation of valuables -
2819 Amortization of other rights Collections - works of art
and intangible assets 2847 Depreciation of strategic or
emergency stocks
282 Depreciation of non-produced 2848 Depreciation of livestock
assets 2849 Depreciation of other
2821 Amortization of operating materials and furniture
lands (agricultural, mining,
industrial, forestry and others) 285 Depreciation of equipment of
2822 Depreciation of basements, the armed forces
deposits and quarries 2851 Depreciation of military bases
2823 Depreciation of plantations 2852 Depreciation of military
and forests structures and infrastructure
2829 Depreciation of other non- 2853 Depreciation of military
produced assets furniture,equipment and materials

283 Depreciation of buildings 286 Depreciation of police

2831 Depreciation of administrative equipment
buildings for office use 2861 Depreciation of police hotels
2832 Depreciation of administrative and buildings

2862 Depreciation of police 2929 Provisions for depreciation of
structures and infrastructure other non-produced assets
2863 Depreciation of police
furniture, equipment and materials 293 Provisions for depreciation of
287 Depreciation of equipment of 2931 Provisions for depreciation of
administrations related to the armed administrative buildings for office
forces and the police use
2871 Depreciation of buildings of 2932 Provisions for depreciation of
administrations related to armed administrative buildings for housing
forces and police use
2872 Depreciation of works and 2933 Provisions for depreciation
infrastructure of administrations of administrative buildings for
related to armed forces and police technical use
2873 Depreciation of furniture, 2934 Provisions for depreciation of
materials and equipment of works
administrations related to armed 2935 Provisions for depreciation of
forces and police infrastructures
2936 Provisions for depreciation of
29 PROVISIONS FOR computer networks
DEPRECIATION 2939 Provisions for depreciation of
other buildings
291 Provisions for depreciation of
intangible assets 294 Provisions for depreciation of
2911 Provisions for depreciation of equipment and furniture
research and development expenses 2941 Provisions for depreciation
2912 Provisions for depreciation of of furniture and office and office
patents, trademarks, copyrights equipment
2913 Provisions for depreciation of 2942 Provisions for depreciation of
systems of designed organizations office computer equipment
2914 Provisions for depreciation of 2943 Provisions for depreciation
exploitation rights business assets of service and function transport
2919 Provisions for impairment of equipment
other rights and intangible assets 2944 Provisions for depreciation of
equipment and technical tools
292 Provisions for depreciation of 2945 Provisions for depreciation of
non-produced assets transit equipment and goods
2921 Provisions for depreciation 2946 Provisions for depreciation of
of farmland (agricultural, mining, valuables - Collections - works of art
industrial, forestry and others) 2947 Provisions for depreciation of
2922 Provisions for depreciation of strategic or emergency stocks
basements, deposits and quarries 2948 Provisions for depreciation of
2923 Provisions for depreciation of livestock
plantations and forests

2949 Provisions for depreciation of 2966 Provisions for depreciation
other materials and furniture of receivables related to outside
295 Provisions for depreciation of 2969 Provisions for depreciation of
equipment of the armed and police other financial fixed assets
2951 Provisions for depreciation of 297 Provisions for depreciation of
military bases loans and advances
2952 Provisions for depreciation of 2971 Provisions for depreciation of
military works and infrastructures advances to general government
2953 Provisions for depreciation of 2972 Provisions for depreciation of
furniture, equipment and military loans to other general government
equipment 2973 Provisions for depreciation
2954 Provisions for depreciation of of loans to nonfinancial public
hotels and police buildings enterprises
2955 Provisions for depreciation of 2974 Provisions for impairment of
police works and infrastructures loans to financial institutions
2956 Provisions for depreciation 2975 Provisions for depreciation of
of furniture, equipment and police other domestic loans
equipment 2976 Provisions for depreciation of
2957 Provisions for depreciation loans abroad
of buildings of administrations 2977 Provisions for depreciation of
assimilated to armed forces and retroceded loans
2978 Provisions for depreciation of
2958 Provisions for depreciation accrued interest not due on loans
of structures and infrastructures and advances
of administrations assimilated to
armed forces and police
2959 Provisions for depreciation of CLASS 3
furniture, materials and equipment INVENTORY ACCOUNTS, IN
of administrations assimilated to PROGRESS AND INTERNAL
armed forces and police ACCOUNTS
296 Provisions for depreciation of MAIN ACCOUNTS
investments, guarantees and related 31 GOODS
2961 Provisions for depreciation of
equity investments inside 33 OTHER SUPPLIES
2962 Provisions for depreciation of 34 PRODUCTS IN PROGRESS
equity investments outside 35 FINISHED PRODUCTS
2964 Provisions for impairment of 36 NON-PERSONALIZED STATE
surety bonds SERVICES
2965 Provisions for depreciation 37 RELATIONS WITH SUBSIDIARY
of receivables related to equity BUDGETS AND SPECIAL
investments inside ACCOUNTS

38 INTERNAL LINK ACCOUNTS 33221 Service and functional
39 PROVISIONS FOR INVENTORY transport equipment
DEPRECIATION 33222 Public transport and freight
333 Defence and security
3331 Food inventory
311 Inventories of goods
3332 Hydrocarbon inventory
3111 Inventory of goods A
3333 Inventory of medical
3112 Inventory of goods B equipment and supplies
3113 Gold inventory 3334 Pharmaceutical products
32 INVENTORIES OF RAW 3335 Social services inventory
MATERIALS (beds, blankets...)
3339 Other defence and security
321 Raw materials inventories inventories
3211 Raw material inventory A
3212 Raw material inventory B 334 Inactive value inventories
33 INVENTORIES OF OTHER 3341 Fiscal stamp inventories
SUPPLIES 3342 Inventories of windscreen
331 Inventories of supplies and 3343 Toll gate ticket inventories
consumables 3349 Inventories of other inactive
3311 Fuels and lubricants securities
3312 Office supplies
3319 Other supplies and 34 INVENTORIES OF
332 Inventories of spare parts
and accessories for technical and 341 Inventories of work in progress
transport equipment
3411 Inventory of work in progress A
3321 Inventories of spare parts and
3412 Inventory of work in progress B
accessories for technical equipment
33211 Housing and office equipment
342 Inventories of services in
33212 Office computer equipment progress
33213 Technical machinery and 3421 Inventory of services in
equipment progress A
33214 Valuables - Collections - 3422 Inventory of services in
Works of Art progress B
3322 Inventories of spare parts and
accessories for transport equipment

35 INVENTORIES OF 372 Relations with special accounts
FURNISHED PRODUCTS 3721 Repayment of surplus from
special accounts to the general
351 Inventories of finished goods budget
3511 Inventory of finished products A
373 Relations with organizations
3512 Inventory of finished products B benefiting from parafiscal levies
3731 Repayment of the surplus of
36 NON-PERSONALIZED the parafiscal charge in the general

361 Treasury accounts of the State 379 Relations with other

imprest accounts organizations
3611 Current account with the 3791 Surplus remittance from other
imprest accounts (number 1) organizations
3612 Current account with the
imprest accounts (number 2) 38 INTERNAL LINK
362 Advances to Revenue collection
centres 380 Transfers of revenue between
3621 Advances to revenue collection accountants
centres (number 1) 3801 Transfer of revenue between
3622 Advances to revenue collection Treasury accountants
centres (number 2) 3802 Transfer of revenue between
Treasury accountants and financial
363 Revenue collection centres administration accountants
3631 Revenue Collections Centres 38021 Transfer of revenue from tax
(Issue 1) accountants to Treasury accountants
3632 Revenue Collections Centres 38022 Transfer of revenue from
(Issue 2) Customs accountants to Treasury
37 RELATIONS WITH THE 38023 Transfer of revenues from
Domain accountants to Treasury
ANNEXED BUDGETS, accountants
BODIES BENEFITING FROM 381 Transfers of expenses between
3811 Transfer of expenditures
371 Relationship with related budgets between senior Treasury accountants
3711 Repayment of surplus from
ancillary budgets to the general

39 PROVISIONS FOR inventories of work in progress A
INVENTORY DEPRECIATION 3982 Provisions for depreciation of
inventories of work in progress B
391 Provisions for depreciation of 3983 Provisions for depreciation of
goods inventories of services in progress A
3911 Provisions for impairment of 3984 Provisions for depreciation of
inventories of goods A inventories of services in progress B
3912 Provisions for impairment of
inventories of goods B CLASS 4
3913 Provisions for impairment of THIRD-PARTY ACCOUNTS
gold inventory
392 Provisions for depreciation of 40 SUPPLIERS AND RELATED
raw materials ACCOUNTS
3921 Provisions for depreciation of 41 CUSTOMERS, DEBTORS AND
raw material inventories A RELATED ACCOUNTS
3922 Provisions for depreciation of 42 STAFF REMUNERATION
raw material inventories B
393 Provisions for depreciation of 44 CORRESPONDENTS AND
other supplies RELATED ACCOUNTS
3931 Provisions for impairment 46 OTHER DEBTORS AND
of inventories of supplies and CREDITORS
3932 Provisions for depreciation ACCOUNTS
of inventories of spare parts and
accessories for technical and 48 REGULARISATION ACCOUNTS
transport equipment 49 DEPRECIATIONS
3933 Provisions for depreciation of
defence and security inventories MAIN SUBDIVISIONS
3934 Provisions for inventory write- 40 SUPPLIERS AND RELATED
downs of inactive values
395 Provisions for depreciation of
401 Suppliers, accounts debts
finished products
4011 Suppliers - purchase of goods
3951 Provisions for depreciation of
stocks of finished products A 4012 Suppliers - service acquisitions
3952 Provisions for depreciation of 4013 Debts in accounts - tax
stocks of finished products B reductions
4014 Debts in accounts - subsidies
398 Provisions for depreciation of and transfers
goods and services in progress 4015 Debts in accounts -
3981 Provisions for depreciation of extraordinary expenses

4016 Debts in accounts - interest 408 Suppliers, accounts payable,
and financial expenses invoices not received
4017 Suppliers - retention of 4081 Suppliers of goods or services,
guarantee account debts, invoices not received
4018 Suppliers - penalties 40811 Suppliers of goods or services,
4019 Other payables, accounts accounts payable, invoices not
payable received during the financial year
40812 Suppliers of goods or
402 investment suppliers services, accounts payable, invoices
not yet received at the end of the
4021 Investment Suppliers - financial year
Acquisitions of Intangible Assets
4082 Investment suppliers,
4022 Investment Suppliers - securities not yet received
Acquisitions of Non-produced
Capital Assets 40821 Investment suppliers,
securities not received during the
4023 Investment Suppliers - financial year
Property Acquisitions
40822 Investment Suppliers,
4024 Investment Suppliers - securities not yet received at year-
Furniture Acquisitions end
4025 Investment Suppliers - 4084 Equity investments, loans and
Acquisition of military, police and advances, securities not received
related equipment
40841 Equity investments, loans and
4026 Investment Suppliers - advances, securities not received
Acquisitions of fixed assets: during the year
40842 Equity investments, loans and
4027 Investment Suppliers - advances, securities not yet received
Acquisition of Fixed Assets: at year-end
4029 Other investment suppliers 409 Trade payables, receivables
4091 Suppliers, advances on orders
403 Suppliers, debts in accounts, for goods or services
notes payable
4092 Suppliers, advances on orders
4031 Suppliers, debts in accounts, for fixed assets
notes payable
4093 Advances on acquisitions of
4032 Investment Suppliers, Notes financial fixed assets
4034 Equity investments, loans and 41 CUSTOMERS, DEBTORS
advances, notes payable
404 Equity investments, loans and 411 Customers
advances payable
4111 Sale of goods or services -
4041 Acquisition of shares to be paid current year
4112 Sale of goods or services -
4042 Loans and advances payable previous year

4113 Sale of goods or services - 414 Liabilities, debts on asset
previous years disposals
4114 Sale of goods or services on 4141 Current year’s debts,
behalf of third parties - current year receivables on asset disposals
4115 Sale of goods or services on 4142 Liabilities, debts on asset
behalf of third parties - previous disposals - previous year
year 4143 Current liabilities, debts on
4116 Sale of goods or services on asset disposals - previous years
behalf of third parties - previous 4144 Liabilities, debts on sales of
years assets on behalf of third parties -
current year
412 Liabilities, tax revenues 4145 Liabilities, debts on sales of
4121 Current year tax revenue assets on behalf of third parties -
recoverables previous year
4122 Liabilities, tax revenue - 4146 Liabilities, debts on sales of
previous year assets on behalf of third parties -
4123 Liabilities, tax revenues - previous years
previous years
4124 Liabilities, tax revenue on 415 Liabilities, debts related to other
behalf of third parties - current year income
4125 Liabilities, tax revenue on 4151 Current year’s accounts
behalf of third parties - previous receivable from other income
year 4152 Adjustments, receivables from
4126 Liabilities, tax revenue on other revenue - previous year
behalf of third parties - previous 4153 Current liabilities, receivables
years from other income - previous years
4154 Liabilities, receivables from
413 Liabilities, non-tax revenues other revenue on behalf of third
4131 Liabilities, non-tax revenue - parties - current year
current year 4155 Liabilities, receivables from
4132 Liabilities, non-tax revenue - other revenue on behalf of third
previous year parties - previous year
4133 Liabilities, non-tax revenues - 4156 Liabilities, receivables from
previous years other revenue on behalf of third
parties - previous years
4134 Liabilities, non-tax revenue on
behalf of third parties - current year
416 Trade receivables, payables, bills
4135 Liabilities, non-tax revenue on of exchange receivable
behalf of third parties - previous
year 4161 Trade receivables, notes
4136 Liabilities, non-tax revenue on
behalf of third parties - previous 4162 Trade receivables - asset
years disposals, notes receivable

417 Doubtful debts 423 Staff - oppositions and seizures
4171 Doubtful debts on tax revenues judgments
41711 Tax revenue - Taxes 4231 Objections and garnishments
on salaries of staff under general
41712 Tax revenue - Customs civil service regulations
4172 Doubtful debts on non-tax 4232 Objections and garnishments
revenues on salaries of staff under special
41721 Doubtful debts on company civil service status
and non-interest income 4233 Objections and garnishments
41722 Doubtful debts on fees and on wages of students in training
administrative expenses 4234 Objections and garnishments
41729 Doubtful debts on other non- on wages of staff with a global
tax revenues balance
4235 Objections and seizures of
418 Customers, accrued income stoppages on salaries of non-status
4181 Customers, sales of goods or staff
services - invoices to be issued 4236 Objections and garnishments
4182 Customers, asset disposals - of staff salaries excluding salaries
invoices to be issued 4237 Stop and seizure of temporary
staff salaries
419 Customers and other third-party 4239 Other oppositions and seizures
creditors judgments
4191 Customers and other third-
party creditors - advances on orders 43 STATE AND OTHER
for goods or services RELATED BODIES
4192 Customers and other third-
party debtors - advances on
disposals of fixed assets 431 State
4311 Pension contributions of retired
state agents
PENSIONS 4312 Employer’s contributions for
pensions for civil servants
421 Employee compensation
4313 Temporary disability
4211 Employee compensation - allowances, validation of services
current year
4319 Other payroll deductions
4212 Compensation of employees -
previous years
4218 Advances on salaries 436 Other related organizations
4361 Advances on orders from the
general budget and special accounts
422 Pensions to commercial accounts
4221 Pensions - current year 4362 Advances received by
4222 Pensions - previous years commercial accounts
4228 Pension advances

438 Accrued expenses and income 44337 Public economic and financial
receivable institutions
4381 State, accrued expenses 44338 Special public institutions
4382 Statement, accrued income 44339 Other national public
4385 Other organizations, accrued institutions
4389 Other organizations, accrued 444 Government operations and
income third-party creditors in the context
of public policies
4441 Public intervention policy
4442 Grant operations for utility
441 Decentralized Local Authorities 4449 Other transactions and third-
4411 Regions party creditors in the context of
4412 Municipalities public policies
4419 Other Decentralized Territorial
Communities 445 Foreign operations
4451 Foreign operations
442 Local public institutions 4452 Settlements with foreign
4421 Local public institutions - governments
regions 4458 Transactions carried out by
4422 Local public institutions - the Treasury on behalf of foreign
municipalities treasuries
4429 Local public institutions - 4459 Other foreign operations
other Decentralized Territorial
Communities 446 International organizations
4461 Sub-regional organizations
443 National societies and public 4462 Regional organizations
4463 International organizations
4431 Publicly traded companies
4469 Other International
4432 Mixed economy company Organizations
4433 National public institutions
44330 Public administrative 447 Central government deposits
4471 DGT deposits
44331 Public social institutions
44711 DGT - Support for the
44332 Public hospitals collection of CAC taxes
44333 Public cultural institutions 44712 DGT - Equipment funds
44334 Public scientific institutions 44713 DGT - Penalties
44335 Public technical institutions 44714 DGT - Control of downstream
44336 Public institutions of a petroleum products
professional nature

44715 Deposits from the Road 44762 Deposits for decentralized
Revenue Security Programme services MINSANTE
44716 DGT deposits - base costs 44769 Other MINSANTE deposits
mining tax share 4479 Other central government
44717 DGT - PSRMEE Fines and deposits
Penalties for Water Violations
44718 DGT- Share of discounts on 448 Social Security Fund
windscreen licences 4481 Retirement pension
44719 DGT Deposits - Other contributions of government
Deposits employees affiliated to the fund
4482 Employer’s contribution for
pensions of government employees
4472 DGC deposits affiliated to the fund
44721 DGC- Support for recovery 4483 Temporary invalidity allowance,
CAC Customs validation of the services of agents
44722 DGC - Equipment Fund affiliated to the fund
44723 DGC - Penalties 4489 Other social security
44729 DGC Deposits - Other contributions
44731 DGTCFM- Support for the CREDITORS
recovery of ACC Taxes
44732 DGTCFM- Support for 461 Miscellaneous third party
recovery CAC Customs debtors
44733 DGTCFM - Equipment Fund 4611 Miscellaneous third party
44734 DGTCFM- Share of discounts debtors - Debt balances for which
on windscreen licences the accountants are liable
44739 DGTCFM-Other deposits 4612 Miscellaneous Third Party
4474 MINESEC deposits Debtors - Accounting Deficits
Before a Debit Order or Debit Order
44741 Deposits central services is Issued
4613 Miscellaneous third party
44742 Deposits for decentralized debtors - Accounts payable by
services MINESEC accountants after taking over a
4475 MINEDUB deposits debit order or debit stop
44751 Deposits from central 4614 Miscellaneous third party
services MINEDUB debtors - Fines imposed by the
44752 Deposits for decentralized judge of the accounts
services MINEDUB 4617 Miscellaneous Third Party
4476 MINSANTE deposits Debtors - Rejected Customs Drafts
44761 Deposits from central 4618 Miscellaneous third party
services MINSANTE debtors - Unpaid cheques not

4619 Other third-party debtors 44648 Constitution part of
46191 Disbursements to the emoluments allocated to the courts
Autonomous Sinking Fund (civil and military)
4665 Miscellaneous third party
creditors - Public accountants’
466 Miscellaneous third party guarantee
4666 Miscellaneous third party
4661 Miscellaneous third party creditors - Incidental remuneration
creditors - Excess payments of certain government employees
4663 Miscellaneous third party awaiting compensation
creditors - Consignments and 4668 Miscellaneous third party
deductions on behalf of third parties creditors - Income to be repaid to
A local authorities
46631 Miscellaneous deposits and 4669 Other miscellaneous third
consignments party creditors
46632 Repatriation bonds
46633 Election bonds 467 oppositions
46634 Security for judicial charges 4671 Objections to sums paid by
46635 Contract bond (provisional- State services
final) 4672 Objections on sums paid by
46636 Market holdbacks Decentralized Local Authorities and
46637 Temporary release bond local public institutions
46638 Logs for actual offers 4673 Objections on sums paid by
national public institutions
4464 Miscellaneous third party
creditors - consignments on behalf 4679 Other objections on sums paid
of third parties B
44641 Logging instructions 47 SUSPENSE AND
44642 Miscellaneous deposits SUSPENSE ACCOUNTS
Payments to diplomatic or consular
missions 470 Provisional charging of
44643 Personal contributions and expenses
advances on purchases of company
cars 4700 Miscellaneous expenses to be
44644 Consignments for criminal budgeted by Treasury accountants
labour 47000 Financial expenses (financial
44645 Deposits of notaries and expenses)
clerks 470001 Financial expenses - current
44646 Deposits of registries accounts BEAC
44647 Judicial Services Equipment 470002 Financial expenses -
Supplementary Fund commercial bank current accounts

470003 Financial expenses - postal 47013 Expenditure to be regularized
current accounts - other staff costs
47001 Legal costs to be budgeted 47014 Expenditure to be regularized
47002 Stamp sales discounts - transfers and subsidies
47003 Exchange losses to be 47019 Other expenditure to be
budgeted regularized
47004 Domestic public debt service 4702 Miscellaneous expenses to be
allocated to Treasury accountants
470041 Domestic public debt service
- main 47021 Emoluments and fees of
military courts
470042 Domestic public debt
service - interest 47022 Emoluments and fees of civil
47005 External public debt service
47023 Urgent legal costs of military
470051 External public debt service courts
- main
47024 Urgent legal costs of civil
470052 External public debt service courts
- interest
47025 Discounts on sales of stamps
47006 External financing - to be distributed
programme loans
47029 Other expenses to be
470061 External financing - allocated
programme loans (main)
4703 Rejection of expenses
470062 External financing -
programme loans (interest) 47031 Rejection of staff costs -
salaries and pensions
47007 External financing - project
loans 47032 Rejections of expenditures on
goods and services
470071 External financing - project
loans (main) 47033 Rejections of transfers and
470072 External financing - project
loans (interest) 47034 Rejections of capital
47008 External financing - project
grants 47039 Other expenditure rejections
470081 External financing - project
grants (main) 475 Provisional charging of revenue
470082 External financing - project 4751 Miscellaneous revenue to be
grants (interest) regularized
47009 Other expenses to be 47511 Revenue to be charged to
budgeted long-term and medium-term debt
4701 Miscellaneous expenditure 47512 Revenue to be charged to the
to be regularized by Treasury disposal of assets
accountants 47519 Other miscellaneous revenue
47011 Expenditure to be regularized- to be regularized
goods and services 4752 Miscellaneous revenue to be
47012 Expenditure to be regularized- distributed
investments from internal resources 47520 Deferred prosecution costs

47521 Deferred tax surcharges 4833 Expenditure paid in the
47522 Tax and customs fines and following management: ancillary
penalties budgets
47523 Miscellaneous discounts to
be distributed 485 Taxes to be deferred over
47524 Base and collection costs of several years
municipal taxes to be distributed 4851 Deferred income over several
47525 Automobile stamp duty - financial years: tax revenue
support for collection 4852 Deferred income: non-tax
47526 Securities commissions to be revenue
allocated 4853 Deferred income over several
47527 Additional Communal financial years: other income
Additional Cents to be distributed
47528 Support for recovery to be 486 Taxes received on behalf of the
distributed following management
47529 Other miscellaneous revenue 4861 Taxes received on behalf of the
to be distributed following management: tax revenues
4753 Revenue rejections 4862 Taxes received on behalf of
the following management: non-tax
47531 Tax revenue rejections revenues
47532 Non-tax revenue rejections 4863 Taxes received on behalf of
47539 Other revenue rejections the following management: other
ACCOUNTS 487 Translation differences -
481 Accrued income and expenses 4871 Increase in debts
to be charged to subsequent years 4872 Decrease in debts
4811 Prepaid expenses
4812 Deferred income 49 DEPRECIATION AND
482 Conversion differences - assets
4821 Decrease in debts 490 Depreciation of suppliers’
4822 Increase in debts accounts
4901 Depreciation of supplier
accounts - accounts payable
483 Expenses paid in the following
management 4902 Depreciation of investment
supplier accounts
4831 Expenditure paid in the
following management: general 4904 Depreciation of accounts
budget payable - acquisition of financial
4832 Expenditure paid in the
following management: Special
Accounts of the Treasury

491 Depreciation of trade receivables 50 MARKETABLE SECURITIES AND
4911 Provisions for depreciation of
trade receivables 501 Domestic investment securities
4912 Provisions for depreciation of 5011 Actions within the company
accounts payable - tax revenue 5012 Domestic obligations
4913 Provisions for depreciation of 5019 Other domestic investment
accounts payable - non-tax revenue securities
4914 Provisions for depreciation of
accounts payable - asset disposals
502 Outside investment securities
4915 Provisions for depreciation of
accounts payable - other income 5021 External actions
4918 Provisions for depreciation of 5022 Outside bonds
doubtful receivables 5029 Other external investment
493 Provisioned risks
4931 Risks provisioned on operating 503 Treasury bills due within one
transactions year
4932 Provisioned risks on 5031 Formula Treasury Bills with a
investment transactions maturity of less than one year
4939 Other risks covered by 5032 Treasury bills with a maturity
provisions of less than one year
5039 Other Treasury Bills
499 Other depreciations
504 Short-term advances
4991 Other depreciation
5041 BEAC statutory advances
5049 Other short-term advances
511 Notes receivable and
guaranteed commitments
51 BANKS, FINANCIAL 5111 Drafts and securities
5112 Cheques received
5113 Bank cheques forwarded to the
58 MOVEMENT OF FUNDS senior accountant
59 DEPRECIATIONS 51131 Bank cheques sent by Treasury
MAIN SUBDIVISIONS 51132 Bank cheques sent by tax

51133 Bank cheques sent by 515 Other banks
Customs accountants 5151 Current accounts of Treasury
51134 Bank cheques sent by the accountants in commercial banks
Domains’ accountants within
5114 Cheque Rejection 5152 Current accounts of Treasury
5115 Cheque files for collection accountants in external commercial
5116 Cheque file rejects
5117 Credit cards for collection
517 Gold and SDRs
5118 Credit card rejections
5171 Gold
5172 DTS
512 Bank of Central African States
5121 Treasury Single Account - Pivot
Account 518 Bank payments in progress
5122 Sub-current accounts 5181 Files transfers of expenditure in
51220 Treasury accountants’ sub-
accounts 5182 Rejects files transfers of
51221 Sub-accounts for tax
51222 Customs Accountants’ Sub- 53 CASH
531 Cash for accountants
51223 Sub-accounts for Domains
accountants 5311 Cash at the Treasury’s
centralizing accountants
51224 Sub-accounts for
Decentralized Local Authorities 5312 Cash at non-centralizing
Treasury accountants
51225 Sub-accounts of national
public institutions 5313 Cash at the Tax Accountants’
51226 Sub-accounts of local public
institutions 5314 Cash at Customs Accountants
51227 Sub-accounts of social 5315 Cash flow among Domain
security funds accountants
51228 Sub-accounts of State
operators 58 CASH MOVEMENTS
5129 Other sub-accounts opened at
the BEAC 581 Cash flows to Treasury
513 Postal current accounts 5811 Movement of funds between
5131 Postal current accounts of Treasury centralizing accountants
Treasury accountants 5812 Movement of funds between
5139 Other postal current accounts centralizing and non-centralizing
accountants in the Treasury

582 Cash flows to tax accountants 59212 Depreciation of external
5821 Movement of funds between obligations
tax accountants 59219 Depreciation of other external
5822 Movement of funds between investment securities
tax accountants and treasury 5922 Depreciation of external values
599 Risks covered by provisions of a
583 Cash flows to Customs financial nature
accountants 5991 Provisioned financial risks
5831 Movement of funds between
Customs accountants
5832 Movement of funds between
Customs and Treasury accountants EXPENSE ACCOUNTS
584 Movement of funds among
domain accountants 60 PURCHASES OF GOODS
5841 Movement of funds between 61 PURCHASES OF SERVICES
the Domains’ accountants 62 OTHER CURRENT MANAGEMENT
5842 Movement of funds between EXPENSES
Domain accountants and Treasury 63 SUBVENTIONS
accountants 64 TRANSFERS
585 Internal cash flows
5851 Internal cash movements
591 Depreciation of domestic AMORTIZATION EXPENSE
investment securities 69 ALLOCATIONS TO PROVISIONS
5911 Depreciation of domestic
investment securities MAIN SUBDIVISIONS
59111 Depreciation of shares within 60 PURCHASES OF GOODS
59112 Depreciation of domestic
obligations 601 Materials, equipment and
59119 Depreciation of other supplies
domestic investment securities
5912 Depreciation of internal values 6011 Purchase of goods
6012 Purchase of raw materials
592 Depreciation of external 6013 Office supplies and technical
securities equipment, small maintenance
5921 Depreciation of external (excluding fuel) of decentralized
investment securities units with low budgets
59211 Depreciation of external 6014 Purchase of supplies and small
shares office maintenance

6015 Purchases of current IT and 6051 Subscriptions and electricity
office equipment consumption
6016 Purchases of office furniture 6052 Meter connections and
6019 Purchase of other current connections
service supplies (excluding office 6053 Gas and other energy
supplies and technical equipment) consumption
6054 Supply and consumption of
603 Changes in inventories of solar and other new energies
fungible goods purchased 6055 Fuels and lubricants for
6031 Change in inventories of goods generators
6032 Change in raw material 6056 Motor vehicle fuels and
inventories lubricants
6033 Change in stocks of supplies 6057 Fuels and lubricants for
and equipment machinery
60331 Change in stocks of office 6058 Fuels and lubricants for
supplies and technical equipment, special machinery
small maintenance (excluding fuel) 6059 Other energy sources
of decentralized units with low
606 Specific equipment and
60332 Change in inventories of supplies
office supplies and minor office
maintenance 6060 Technical documentation,
press subscriptions, book purchases
60333 Change in inventories of
current IT and office equipment 6061 Supplies and services for
publishing, printing and distribution
60339 Other changes in stocks of of documents
supplies and equipment
6062 Spare parts
6034 Change in stocks of office
furniture 6063 Purchase of vaccines or tests
and other prevention
6035 Change in stocks of spare
parts and accessories for technical 6064 Educational and school
and transport equipment supplies or minimum school
6036 Change in defence and
security stocks (arms, ammunition 6065 Food costs specific to the
and other) function (social centres, prisons,
canteens, military manoeuvres)
6037 Change in inactive stocks of
securities 6066 Purchase of medicines and
medical supplies (health facilities
6039 Change in inventories of other only)
fungible assets purchased
6067 Clothing costs specific to
service activities (uniforms, work
605 Water, electricity, gas and other clothes)
energy sources 6068 Purchase of materials,
6050 Subscriptions and water agricultural inputs, veterinary
consumption products, intermediate consumption

6069 Other purchases of small 613 Fees and studies
specific equipment and supplies 6131 Fees and related expenses
6132 Research expenses
609 Other purchases of goods 6139 Other fees and studies
6091 Non-storable maintenance
614 Care and maintenance
6092 Non-storable office supplies
6140 Ordinary building maintenance
6093 Discounts, rebates and
refunds 6141 Elevator maintenance
6142 Maintenance of electrical
installations, air conditioners,
61 PURCHASES OF generators and plumbing
SERVICES 6143 Maintenance and servicing of
machinery and technical equipment
611 Transport and mission expenses 6144 Maintenance of
6111 Transport costs for staff telecommunications equipment
members on domestic missions 6145 Maintenance, repair of current
6112 Transportation costs for vehicles, purchase of spare parts
officers on mission abroad and tyres
6113 Succession expenses 6146 Routine maintenance of
6114 Transport, transit and handling aircraft, ships, ferries and other
costs of materials and goods special vehicles
6115 Packing and delivery costs for 6147 Routine maintenance of
minimum packages infrastructure and works
6116 Mission allowances for staff 6148 Routine maintenance of
members on mission within the computer networks
country 6149 Other routine and maintenance
6117 Post allowances for officers services
serving abroad
6119 Other transport and mission 615 Insurance
expenses 6151 Insurance for administrative
612 - Rent - assets produced 6152 Insurance of rolling stock and
6121 Vehicle rentals machinery
6122 Rent from utility buildings 6153 Travel insurance
6123 Administrative leases for staff 6159 Other insurance
6124 Rental of computer and office 617 Public relations expenses -
equipment communication
6125 Rental of technical equipment 6170 Representation expenses, firm
hotel expenses
6126 Rental of congress, conference,
seminar or show halls 6171 Entertainment expenses
6129 Other rents - assets produced 6172 Official holidays and

6173 Expenses for participation in 62115 Tax on income from movable
fairs, exhibitions and other events capital
6174 Subscriptions and consumption 62116 Tax on non-commercial
of telephone, fax, telex, mobile income
phones 62119 Other personal income taxes
6175 Websites, subscriptions and 6212 Corporate income tax
Internet consumption
62121 Oil company income tax
6176 Subscriptions and
radiocommunication consumption 62122 Non-oil corporate income tax
6177 Postage on mail, diplomatic
pouch, military franchise 6213 Income tax on persons
domiciled outside Cameroon
6178 Publications, press releases, (Special Income Tax)
radio, television and advertising
expenses 6214 Tax on capital gains and gains
on disposals
6179 Other public relations expenses
- communication 6215 Property tax
62151 Arms tax
618 - Staff training costs 62152 Other property taxes
6181 Training and internship 6216 Tax on transfers and
expenses transactions
6182 Organization of seminars, 62161 Registration fee on transfers
colloquia and conferences by death
6189 Other staff training costs 62162 Registration duty on inter
vivos transfers free of charge
619 - Other service acquisitions 62163 Registration fee on securities
6191 Bank charges
62164 Registration fee on real estate
6192 Legal fees transactions
6193 Taxes payable 62165 Registration fee on public
62 Other services 62166 Special corporate tax
(Repayment of revenue 62169 Rights on other transfers and
received) transactions

621 Income, income and capital 622 Taxes on salaries and other
gains taxes remuneration paid
6211 Personal income tax (excluding 6221 Taxes on wages and salaries
wages and salaries)
62111 Tax on industrial, craft and 623 Wealth taxes
commercial profits
6231 Capital gains on the sale of
62112 Non-commercial income tax buildings
62113 Property income tax 6239 Other wealth taxes
62114 Farm Income Tax

624 Domestic taxes and duties on international transactions
goods and services 6251 Export Duties and Taxes and
6240 Axle tax Other International Trade Taxes
6241 Value added tax 62511 Single exit fee on non-wood
62411 Value added tax - Taxes goods
62412 Value added tax - Customs 62512 Single exit fee on timber
6242 Specified Products Tax and 62513 Forest products export surtax
Excise Duties 62514 Inspection fee for health and
62421 Specified Products Tax and veterinary services on export
Excise Duties - Taxes 62515 IT Fees - Customs
62422 Specified Products Tax and 62516 Health and veterinary
Excise Duties - Customs inspection fee on international
62423 Special excise duty on waste transit
disposal - State share 62517 Customs fines (State share)
6243 Tax on specified services 62519 Other export taxes
6244 Tax on the right to engage in a
professional activity 6252 Import Duties and Taxes
62441 Annual Forestry Royalty 62521 Withholding tax on imports
62442 Fishing rights 62522 Customs duties and taxes on
62443 Rights to Incorporation and white petroleum products
Merger of Companies 62523 Computer import duty
62444 Collection fees for precious 62524 Import health and veterinary
substances inspection fee
62445 Surface royalties on mining 6252525 Meat circulation tax
activities 62526 Customs import duties
62446 Animal production 62529 Other budgetary taxes on
exploitation rights foreign trade
62447 Fixed fees for the granting of
renewal or transfer of mining title
62449 Other taxes on the right to 626 Other tax revenues
engage in a professional activity
6245 Tax on authorization to use 6260 Registration and stamp duties
property 62601 Stamp duties on national
6246 Special tax on petroleum identity cards, residence cards and
products resident cards
6247 Tobacco and manufactured 62602 Registration on minutes,
goods stickers patents, originals and declarations
6248 Tourist tax - State share 62603 Dimensional and graduated
6249 Other domestic taxes and stamps
duties on goods and services 62604 Stamp duties on advertising -
State share
625 Taxes on foreign trade and 62605 Passport issuance stamps
and let pass

62606 Stamps on bills of lading and 62715 Examination and competition
contracts of carriage fees
62607 Airport stamps 62716 Transfer fees
62608 Automobile stamp duties 62717 Import declaration
6261 Stamp duties on hunting 62719 Other fees and administrative
permits and licences expenses A
6262 Stamp duties on permits to 6272 Fees and administrative
capture unprotected animals expenses B
6263 Stamp duties on permits 62721 Medical and legal certificates
for the collection of remains and 62722 Taxpayer card fees
62723 Rights to court decisions
6264 Collection fee for hides and
skins 62724 Passport and pass fees
6265 Stamp duties on scientific 62725 Costs of issuing national
research permits identity and residence cards
6266 Slaughter tax 62726 Phytosanitary approval fees
6267 Quarrying and water 6272727 Remuneration levies on
production tax ministerial officers
6268 Ad valorem tax on mining 62728 Registration in the Trade
revenues Register
6269 Other taxes not classified 62729 Other fees and administrative
expenses B
627 Non-tax revenues 6273 Incidental sale of goods A
6270 Estate income 62731 Sale of cartridges
62701 Fees for the issuance of land 62732 Sale of farm products
register surveys 62733 Sale of geological maps
62702 Rights to topographical and 62734 Vaccinations
land registry works 62735 Interventions in veterinary
62703 Income from rented public clinics
buildings 62736 Aerial shots
62704 Income from housing 62737 Accommodation expenses in
occupied by civil servants and public MINDEF reception centres
62739 Other incidental sales of
62705 Land rentals goods A
62709 Other domain revenues 6274 Incidental sale of goods B
6271 Fees and administrative 62741 Revenue relating to gold
expenses A
62742 Revenue from the sale of
62711 Visa fees petroleum products
62712 Costs of issuing judicial and 62743 Drilling revenues
extra-judicial documents
62744 Auction sale of wildlife
62713 File preparation costs products
62714 Contributions to tuition fees

62745 Costs of transferring badges 632 Subsidies to public companies
and medals 6321 Subsidies to public refinery
62746 Proceeds from the sale of companies
items manufactured by vocational 6322 Subsidies to public mining
training units companies
62749 Other incidental sales of 6323 Subsidies to public agro-
goods B industrial companies
6275 Sale of services A 6324 Subsidies to public transport
62751 Revenue from the companies
administrative garage 6325 Subsidies to public
62752 Approvals for tourist and communication and
hotel activities telecommunications companies
62753 Approvals of 6326 Subsidies to public
telecommunications activities construction companies
62754 Use of criminal labour 6329 Subsidies to other government
62755 Visits to museums, business enterprises
exhibitions, historical sites and
monuments 633 Subsidies to private companies
62756 Stadium and sports income 6331 Subsidies to private mining
62757 Revenues from shows and companies
cultural events 6332 Subsidies to private agro-
62758 Income from youth and industrial companies
animation centres 6333 Subsidies to private transport
62759 Other sales of services A companies
6276 Sale of services B 6334 Subsidies to private
62761 Hospitalizations communication and
telecommunications companies
62762 Consultations
6335 Subsidies to private
62763 Deliveries construction companies
62764 Mortuary 6336 Subsidies to private
62765 Health cost recovery companies in the education sector
62766 Toll revenue 6339 Subsidies to other private
62767 Weighing revenue companies
62768 Technical visits
62769 Other sales of services B 634 Subsidies to financial
6341 Subsidies to public financial
629 Other income institutions
6291 Oil royalty 63411 Subsidies to public banking
6292 Right of Way Pipeline financial institutions
63412 Subsidies to public non-bank
63 SUBVENTIONS financial institutions

63419 Subsidies to other public 6416 Transfers to public institutions
financial institutions of a professional nature
6342 Subsidies to private financial 6417Transfers to public economic
institutions and financial institutions
63421 Subsidies to credit 6418 Transfers to special public
institutions institutions
63422 Subsidies to microfinance 6149 Transfers to other public
institutions institutions

63429 Subsidies to other private 642 Transfers to Decentralized

financial institutions Territorial Communities
6421 Transfers to regions
639 Subsidies to other categories of 6422 Transfers to municipalities
beneficiaries 6429 Transfers to other
6391 Grants to NGOs Decentralized Territorial
6392 Subsidies to mutuals Communities
6393 Subsidies to professional
orders 643 Transfers to other levels of
6394 Subsidies to trade unions
6431 Transfers to other levels of
6395 Subsidies to political parties government
6396 Subsidies to religious
644 Transfers to non-profit
6399 Subsidies to other institutions
6441 Transfers to NGOs
6442 Transfers to mutuals
64 TRANSFERS 6443 Transfers to professional
641 Transfers to national public 6444 Transfers to unions
6445 Transfers to political parties
6410 Transfers to public
administrative institutions 6446 Transfers to religious
6411 Transfers to public social
institutions 6449 Transfers to other associations
6412 Transfers to public hospitals
645 Transfers to households
6413 Transfers to public cultural
6451 Price support for basic
6414 Transfers to public scientific
6452 Tuition support
6453 Scholarships and bursaries
6415 Transfers to public technical
institutions 6454 Direct transfers to households
6459 Other transfers to households

646 Transfers to supra-national 65 EXTRAORDINARY
authorities and contributions to EXPENSES
international organizations
6461 Contributions to inter-State
organizations 651 - Cancellations of income
recognized in previous years /
6462 Contributions to sub-regional admission to non-valuation
6511 Revenue Cancellations -
6463 Contributions to African Treasury
6512 Cancellations of income -
6464 Contributions to international Taxes
6513 Revenue Cancellations -
6469 Other contributions to Customs
international organizations
6514 Revenue Cancellations -
647 Transfers to other public 6519 Other revenue cancellations
6471 Transfers to Special Treasury
Accounts 652 - Convictions and transactions
6472 Transfers to related budgets
6521 Fines for traffic violations
6479 Other transfers to other public
budgets 6522 Fines for foreign exchange
6523 Fines for breach of public
648 Retirement pensions for civil procurement regulations
servants and other public servants
6524 Criminal fines, legal costs and
6481 Civilian pensions expenses in respect of damage to
6482 Military pensions public property
6483 Death benefit 6525 Fines for establishments
6484 Life annuity and workers’ classified as dangerous, unhealthy
compensation benefits or inconvenient
6485 Lifetime seniority pension 6526 Fines following metrological
6489 Other retirement pensions
for civil servants and other public 6527 Fines following phytosanitary
servants controls
6528 Civil fines
649 Other transfers 6529 Other fines
6491 Net non-life insurance
premiums and indemnities 654 - Accounting value of fixed
6492 Current transfers between assets sold, scrapped
different types of government 6541 Accounting value of intangible
services assets sold
6493 Transfers between domestic 6542 Accounting value of property,
and foreign public administrations plant and equipment sold

6543 Accounting value of financial management operations
assets sold 6599 Other losses

655 - Rent - non-produced assets

6551 Rentals from agricultural,
mining, industrial, forestry and
sports fields 661 Basic salaries and wages
6552 Rent for basements, deposits 6611 Basic salary of staff under the
and quarries general Staff Regulations of the Civil
6553 Rent from plantations and Service
6559 Other rental income from non- 6612 Basic salary of staff under
produced assets special civil service status
6613 Payment of students in
656 Value of guarantees training
6561 Values of foreign exchange risk 6614 Processing of staff with a
guarantees global balance
6562 Values of credit risk 6615 Payment of non-status staff
guarantees 66151 Payment of non-status staff -
6569 Other values of guarantees Contractuals
66152 Payment of non-status staff -
Decision-makers and auxiliaries
658 Unplanned expenses
6616 Remuneration of staff
6581 Unplanned expenditure related
excluding salaries
to disasters, disasters and natural
calamities 66161 Payment of foreign
6582 Unplanned expenses related to
wars and social unrest 66162 Payment of contract
staff posted abroad (embassies,
6583 Unplanned expenditure related
to accidents (road, rail, air and
maritime) 66163 Processing of Special
6584 Unplanned expenditure related
to fires in buildings and other public 66164 Payment of domestic workers
infrastructure 6617 Payment of temporary staff
6585 Unplanned expenses related 66171 Payment of researchers
to the repatriation of Cameroonians 66172 Salary of teachers
living abroad
66173 Payment of doctors or
6586 Unplanned expenditure related medical staff
to health hazards
66174 Payment of specific
6587 Unplanned humanitarian aid temporary staff
66175 Remuneration of casual and
6589 Other unplanned expenses seasonal staff
659 Other extraordinary expenses 6619 Other basic salaries and wages
6591 Exceptional expenses on

663 Bonuses and allowances 6652 Benefits in kind for staff under
6631 Miscellaneous allowances special civil service status
66311 hardship allowance 6653 Non-statutory employee
benefits in kind
66312 Liability allowance
6659 Benefits in kind to other
66313 Vehicle Maintenance employees
66314 Installation allowance
666 Social benefits
66315 Housing allowance
6661 Family allowances
66316 Operating allowance
6662 Health assistance
66317 Specialization allowance
6663 Death assistance
66318 Distance allowance
6664 Exceptional staff assistance
66319 Other allowances and rescue
6632 Miscellaneous bonuses 6669 Other social benefits
66321 Technical bonus 669 Bonuses, gratuities and other
66322 Training allowance indemnities excluding pay
66323 Research Bonus 6690 Overtime hours
66324 Risk bonus 6691 Bonuses
66325 Seniority bonus 6692 Specific allowances
66326 On-call duty bonus 6693 Flat-rate touring and risk
66327 Feeding Bonus allowances
66328 Dirt bonus 6694 Ticketing allowances
66329 Other bonuses 6695 Duty allowances
6696 Performance bonuses
664 Social security contributions 6697 Special duty allowances
and other payroll deductions 6698 Specific bonuses
6641 Social security contributions 6699 Other bonuses, gratuities and
6642 Other payroll deductions other allowances excluding pay
66421 Local Development Tax
66422 Audiovisual Royalty 67 FINANCIAL EXPENSES
66423 Contribution Crédit Foncier
du Cameroun 671 Interest and financial expenses
66424 Contribution to the National on debt
Employment Fund 6711 Interest and financial charges
66429 Other social security on external debt
contributions 67111 Interest and fees on
multilateral external debt
665 Employee benefits in kind 67112 Interest and fees on direct
6651 Benefits in kind for staff bilateral external debt
covered by the General Staff 67113 Interest and commissions on
Regulations of the Civil Service external public securities issues

67119 Other Interest and Fees on 68 DEPRECIATION AND
6712 Interest and financial charges
on domestic debt
681 Amortization of intangible
67121 Interest and fees on assets
structured domestic debt
6811 Depreciation of research and
67122 Interest and fees on development costs
unstructured domestic debt
6812 Depreciation of patents,
67123 Interest and commissions on trademarks and copyrights
the issue of public securities
6813 Depreciation of software
67129 Other Interest and Fees on packages
Domestic Debt
6814 Amortization of goodwill
operating rights
672 - Losses on disposals of 6815 Amortization of other rights
marketable securities and intangible assets
6721 Losses on disposal of shares 6819 Amortization of other
6722 Losses on disposal of bonds intangible assets
6723 Losses on sales of savings
bonds 683 Depreciation of property, plant
6729 Losses on disposals of other and equipment
investment securities 6830 Depreciation of land
6831 Depreciation of basements,
676 Foreign exchange losses deposits and quarries
6761 Foreign exchange losses on 6832 Depreciation of plantations
external cash movements and forests
6762 Exchange losses on payment 6833 Depreciation of water bodies
of salaries in accounting items 6834 Depreciation of other non-
abroad produced fixed assets
6763 Exchange losses on payment 6835 Allocations to fixed assets for
of scholarships abroad buildings
6764 Foreign exchange losses on 68350 Depreciation of
external transactions administrative office buildings
6769 Other exchange losses 68351 Depreciation of administrative
buildings used for housing
679 Other interest and financial 68352 Depreciation of administrative
expenses buildings for technical purposes
6791 Other interest and financial 6836 Allocations for depreciation of
expenses buildings
6837 Allocations for infrastructure
depreciation and amortization
6838 Allocations to depreciation of
computer networks

6839 Allocations to depreciation of 6869 Allocations to depreciation of
other buildings other police equipment

684 Allocations for depreciation of

equipment and furniture 69 ALLOCATIONS TO
6841 Allocations for depreciation PROVISIONS
of furniture and equipment for
housing and offices 691 Allocations to provisions for
6842 Allocations for depreciation of depreciation of fixed assets
office IT equipment 6911 Allocations to provisions for
6843 Allocations for depreciation of impairment of intangible assets
transport equipment 6912 Allocations to provisions for
6844 Allocations to depreciation of depreciation of non-produced fixed
technical machinery and equipment assets
6845 Allocations for depreciation 6913 Allocations to provisions
of valuables - Collections - works for depreciation of acquisitions,
of art construction and major repairs of
6846 Allocations to depreciation of buildings
livestock 6914 Allocations to provisions for
6847 Allocations for depreciation of depreciation of equipment and
strategic or emergency stocks furniture
6849 Allocations to depreciation of 6915 Allocations to provisions for
other equipment and furniture depreciation of equipment for the
armed forces, police and similar
685 Allocations to depreciation of
armed forces equipment 6916 Allocations to provisions for
impairment of equity investments,
6851 Allocations for depreciation of related receivables and guarantees
military bases
6917 Allocations to provisions for
6852 Allocations for depreciation of impairment of loans and advances
military works and infrastructure
6919 Allocations to provisions for
6853 Allocations for depreciation depreciation of other fixed assets
of military furniture, equipment and
6859 Allocations to depreciation 692 Allocations to provisions for
of other equipment of the armed inventory impairment
forces 6921 Allocations to provisions
for depreciation of current
consumption inventories
686 Allocations for depreciation of
police equipment 6922 Allocations to provisions
for depreciation of raw materials
6861 Allocations for depreciation of inventories
police works and infrastructure
6923 Allocations to provisions for
6862 Allocations for depreciation depreciation of inventories for other
of police furniture, equipment and supplies

6924 Allocations to provisions for securities
impairment of inventories of work in
progress 695 - Allocations to provisions
6925 Allocations to provisions for for depreciation - trade accounts
impairment of inventories of finished payable
products 6951 Allocations to provisions for
6929 Allocations to provisions for depreciation - trade payables,
impairment of other inventories accounts payable
6952 Allocations to provisions for
693 Allocations to provisions for depreciation - investment suppliers
impairment of current assets 6953 Allocations to provisions
receivables for depreciation - trade payables,
6931 Allocations to provisions for accounts payable, notes payable
impairment of tax receivables 6954 Allocations to provisions
69311 Allocations to provisions for for depreciation - trade payables,
impairment of tax receivables - accounts payable, invoices not
Taxes received
69312 Allocations to provisions for 6955 Allocations to provisions
depreciation of tax receivables - for depreciation - trade payables,
Customs receivables
6932 Allocations to provisions for 6959 Allocations to provisions for
impairment of non-tax receivables depreciation - other suppliers
69321 Allocations to provisions for
depreciation of State receivables 696 - Allocations to provisions for
69322 Allocations to provisions for risks and expenses
impairment of utility receivables 6961 Allocations to provisions for
6933 Allocations to provisions for operating risks related to the Public
impairment of receivables on asset Private Partnership
disposals 6962 Allocations to provisions for
6939 Allocations to provisions for investment risks related to the
impairment of other current assets Public Private Partnership
receivables 6963 Allocations to provisions for
694 - Allocations to provisions for 6964 Allocations to provisions for
impairment of marketable securities disputes
6941 Allocations to provisions for 6965 Allocations to provisions for
impairment of shares charges to be spread over several
6942 Allocations to provisions for financial years
impairment of bonds 6966 Allocations to provisions for
6943 Allocations to provisions for foreign exchange losses
impairment of savings bonds 6969 Allocations to provisions for
6949 Allocations to provisions for other risks and charges
impairment of other investment

CLASS 7 703 Change in product inventories
7031 Change in stocks of finished
MAIN ACCOUNTS 7032 Change in inventories of work
in progress
70 SALES OF PRODUCTS AND 7033 Change in stocks of
SERVICES intermediate products
71 TAX REVENUES 7034 Change in residual product
72 NON-TAX REVENUES inventories
73 TRANSFERS RECEIVED 7035 Change in gold stocks
74 DONATIONS AND LEGACIES 7039 Change in inventories of other
711 Income, income and capital
gains taxes
MAIN SUBDIVISIONS 7111 Personal income tax (excluding
70 SALES OF PRODUCTS AND wages and salaries)
SERVICES 71111 Tax on industrial, craft and
commercial profits
701 Product sales 71112 Non-commercial income tax
7011 Sale of finished products 71113 Property income tax
7012 Sale of goods in progress 71114 Farm Income Tax
7013 Sale of intermediate products 71115 Tax on income from movable
7014 Sale of residual products capital
7015 Sale of gold 71116 Tax on non-commercial
7019 Belly of other products
71119 Other personal income taxes
7112 Corporate income tax
702 Sales of services
71121 Oil company income tax
7021 Provision of agricultural
services 71122 Income tax on profits of non-
oil companies
7022 Provision of fisheries and
animal services 7113 Income tax for persons
domiciled outside Cameroon -
7023 Provision of mining services (Special Income Tax)
7024 Scientific and technological 7114 Tax on capital gains and gains
services on disposals
7025 Provision of health services 7115 Property tax
7029 Other services provided 71151 Arms tax
71159 Other property taxes

7116 Tax on transfers and 71431 Registration on minutes,
transactions patents, originals and declarations
71161 Registration fee on transfers 71432 Dimensional and graduated
by death stamps
71162 Registration duty on inter 71433 Stamp duties on advertising -
vivos transfers free of charge State share
71163 Registration fee on securities 71434 Passport issuance stamps
transactions and let pass
71164 Registration fee on real estate 71435 Stamps on bills of lading and
transactions contracts of carriage
71165 Registration fee on public 71436 Airport stamps
order 71437 Automobile stamp duty
71166 Special corporate tax 71438 Stamp duties on hunting
71169 Rights on other transfers and permits and licences
transactions 71439 Other stamp and registration
712 Taxes on salaries and other 7144 Tax on specified services
remuneration paid
7145 Tax on the right to engage in a
7121 Taxes on wages and salaries professional activity
71450 Annual forestry royalty
713 Wealth taxes
71451 Fishing rights
7131 Capital gains on the sale of
buildings 71452 Rights to Incorporation and
Merger of Companies
7139 Other wealth taxes
71453 Collection fees for precious
714 Domestic taxes and duties on 71454 Surface royalties on mining
goods and services activities
7140 Axle tax 71455 Animal production
7141 Value added tax exploitation rights
71411 Value added tax (Taxes) 71456 Fixed rights to grant, renew or
71412 Value added tax (Customs) transfer mining titles
7142 Specified products tax and 71459 Other taxes on the right to
excise duties engage in a professional activity
71421 Specified Products Tax and 7146 Tax on insurance contracts
Excise Duties-Taxes 7147 Special tax on petroleum
71422 Specified Products Tax and products
Excise Duties-Customs 7148 Tobacco and manufactured
71423 Special excise duty on waste goods stickers
disposal - State share 7149 Other domestic taxes and
7143 Stamp and registration duties duties on goods and services
71430 Stamp duties on national
identity cards, residence cards and 715 Taxes on foreign trade and
resident cards international transactions

7151 Import Duties and Taxes 7167 Health and veterinary
71511 Withholding tax on imports inspection fee
71512 Customs duties and taxes on 7168 Wood conditioning tax
white petroleum products 7169 Other taxes not classified
71513 Computer import duty
71514 Import health and veterinary 719 Other tax revenues
inspection fee 7191 Other tax revenues
7151515 Meat circulation tax
71516 Customs import duties 72 NON-TAX REVENUES
71517 Customs fines (State share)
71519 Other budgetary taxes on 721 Business and non-interest
foreign trade income
7152 Export duties and taxes and 7211 Forest royalties
other taxes on international trade 7212 Oil royalties
71521 Single exit fee on non-wood 7213 Mining royalties
goods 7214 Dividends
71522 Single exit fee on timber 7215 State fees
71523 Forest Products Export Surtax 72151 Fees for the issuance of
71524 Inspection fee for health and cadastral surveys
veterinary services on export 72152 Rights to topographical and
71525 IT Fees - Customs cadastral works
71526 Health and veterinary 72153 Income from rented public
inspection fee on international buildings
transit 72154 Income from housing
71529 Other export taxes occupied by civil servants and
7159 Other taxes on foreign trade public servants
and international transactions 72155 Land rentals
72159 Other domain revenues
716 Other taxes on goods and 7219 Other property income other
services than interest
7160 Collection fee for hides and
skins 722 Fees and administrative
7161 Slaughter tax
7221 Fees and administrative
7162 Quarrying and water
expenses A
production tax
72211 Visa fees
7163 Ad valorem tax on mining
revenues 72212 Costs of issuing judicial and
extra-judicial documents
7164 Special tax on petroleum
products 72213 File preparation costs
7165 Tourist tax - State share 72214 Contributions to tuition fees
7166 Meat circulation tax 72215 Examination and competition

72216 Transfer fees 726 Voluntary transfers other than
72217 Import declarations donations
72219 Other fees and administrative 7261 Current transfers
expenses A 7262 Capital transfers (or projects)
7222 Fees and administrative 7269 Other voluntary transfers other
expenses B than grants
72221 Medical and legal certificates
72222 Taxpayer card fees 729 Other non-tax revenues
72223 Rights to court decisions 7291 Ancillary sale of goods A
72224 Passport and pass fees 72911 Sale of cartridges
72225 Costs of issuing national 72912 Sale of farm products
identity and residence cards 72913 Sale of geological maps
72226 Phytosanitary approval fees 72914 Vaccinations
72227 Deductions from the 72915 Interventions in veterinary
remuneration of ministerial officers clinics
72228 Registration in the Trade 72916 Aerial photography
Register 72917 Accommodation expenses in
72229 Other fees and administrative MINDEF reception centres
expenses B 72919 Other incidental sales of
goods A
723 Fines, penalties and fines
7292 Incidental sale of goods B
7231 Fines for traffic violations
72921 Revenue relating to gold
7232 Fines for foreign exchange
violations 72922 Revenue from the sale of
petroleum products
7233 Fines for breach of public
procurement regulations 72923 Drilling revenues
7234 Criminal fines, legal costs and 72924 Auction sale of wildlife
expenses in respect of damage to products
public property 72925 Costs of transferring badges
7235 Fines for establishments and medals
classified as dangerous, unhealthy 72926 Proceeds from the sale of
or inconvenient items manufactured by vocational
7236 Fines for metrological controls training units
7237 Fines for phytosanitary 72929 Other incidental sales of
controls goods B
7238 Civil fines 7293 Sale of services A
7239 Other fines 72931 Revenue from the
administrative garage
72932 Approvals for tourist and
725 Social security contributions hotel activities
7251 Pension contributions 72933 Approvals of
7259 Other social security telecommunications activities

72934 Use of criminal labour 7399 Other transfers received from
72935 Visits to museums, other public budgets
exhibitions, historical sites and
72936 Income from stadiums and
sports events
741 Donations from international
72937 Revenues from shows and institutions
cultural events
7411 Current grants received from
72938 Income from youth and the Multilateral Debt Relief Initiative
animation centres (MDRI)
72939 Other sales of services A 7412 Capital grants (or projects)
7294 Sale of services B 7413 Competition funds
72941 Hospitalizations 7419 Other current donations from
72942 Consultations international institutions
72943 Deliveries
72944 Morgue 742 Donations from foreign
72945 Health cost recovery
7421 Current donations received
72946 Toll gate revenue
from the Heavily Indebted Poor
72947 Weighing revenues Countries Initiative (HIPC)
72948 Technical visits 7422 Capital grants (or projects)
72949 Other sales of services B 7423 Competition funds
7429 Other current donations from
73 TRANSFERS RECEIVED foreign governments
BUDGETS 744 Domestic donations received
other than from public budgets
732 Transfers received from 7441 Current donations
supplementary budgets and special 7442 Capital grants (or projects)
accounts of the Treasury 7443 Contingency funds
7321 Transfers received from related 7449 Other domestic donations
budgets other than from public budgets
7322 Transfers received from special
accounts in the Treasury 749 Other donations and bequests
7491 Other donations and legacies
739 Other transfers received from
other public budgets
7391 Transfers received from 75 EXTRAORDINARY
Decentralized Territorial INCOME
7392 Transfers received from public 752 Refunds to the Treasury of
institutions amounts unduly paid

7521 Refunds to the Treasury of 759 Other extraordinary income
sums unduly paid to suppliers 7591 Receipts on payment vouchers
(operating) returned unpaid
7522 Refunds to the Treasury of 7599 Other extraordinary income
sums unduly paid to investment
7523 Refunds to the Treasury of 76 CAPITALIZED
sums unduly paid to employees and PRODUCTION
7524 Refunds to the Treasury of 761 Capitalized production -
sums unduly paid to public entities Intangible assets
7529 Other refunds to the Treasury 7611 Fixed assets production -
of sums unduly paid Research and development costs
7612 Capitalized production -
753 Refunds of surpluses from other Patents, trademarks, copyrights
public budgets and similar 7613 Capitalized production -
7531 Repayment of surpluses from Software/software packages
ancillary budgets 7614 Capitalized production -
7532 Transfer of surpluses from the Business operating rights
Special Treasury Accounts 7619 Capitalized production - Other
7533 Repayment of surpluses intangible assets
from organizations benefiting from
parafiscal levies 762 Capitalized production -
7534 Repayment of surplus Tangible fixed assets
transferred revenue 7621 Fixed assets production -
7539 Other surplus repayments Buildings
7622 Capitalized production - Works
754 Proceeds from disposals of fixed and infrastructure
assets 7623 Capitalized production - IT
7541 Proceeds from the sale of networks
intangible assets 7624 Fixed assets production -
7542 Proceeds from disposals of Equipment and furniture
non-produced fixed assets 7625 Capitalized production -
7543 Proceeds from the sale of Equipment of the armed forces,
property, plant and equipment police and similar administrations
7544 Proceeds from the sale of 7628 Capitalized production -
financial fixed assets livestock
7545 Proceeds from the sale of 7629 Capitalized production - Other
equipment of the armed forces, tangible fixed assets
police and similar administrations
7549 Other income from the sale of
fixed assets

77 FINANCIAL INCOME 7763 Foreign exchange gains on
payment of scholarships abroad
771 Interest on loans and advances 7764 Foreign exchange gains on
foreign transactions
7711 Interest on loans and advances
to governments 7769 Other foreign exchange gains
7712 Interest on loans and advances
to non-financial government 779 Other financial income
business enterprises 7791 Other financial income
7713 Interest on loans and advances
to financial institutions
7714 Interest on loans and advances
781 Transfer of expenses -
7715 Interest on retroceded loans Purchases of goods
7719 Interest on other loans and 7811 Expense Transfer - Materials,
advances Equipment and Supplies
7812 Charge Transfer - Water,
772 Interest on term deposits Electricity, Gas and Other Energy
7721 Interest on deposits with public Sources
financial institutions 7813 Transfer of expenses - Specific
7722 Interest on deposits with equipment and supplies
private financial institutions within 7819 Transfer of expenses - Other
7723 Interest on deposits with purchases of goods
external financial institutions
7729 Other interest on term 782 Expense transfer - Purchases of
deposits services
7821 Transfer of expenses -
774 Interest on marketable Transportation and mission
securities expenses
7741 Interest on obligations 7822 Transfer of expenses - Rent
7749 Other interest on marketable 7823 Expense Transfer - Fees and
securities Studies
7824 Transfer of charges - Care and
775 Holding gains on financial maintenance
assets 7825 Transfer of expenses -
7751 Shareholding gains - dividends Insurance
7759 Other holding gains on 7826 Transfer of expenses -
financial assets communication
7827 Transfer of expenses - Staff
776 Foreign exchange gains training costs
7761 Foreign exchange gains on 7829 Transfer of expenses - Other
cash movements service acquisitions
7762 Foreign exchange gains on
payment of wages

783 Transfer of charges on tax 786 Transfer of personnel expenses
reductions 7861 Transfer of expenses on
7831 Transfer of charges on tax salaries and wages
reductions and taxes 7862 Transfer of expenses on
7832 Transfer of charges on premiums and allowances
customs duty reductions 7863 Transfer of expenses on
7839 Transfer of expenses on other benefits in kind to employees
tax reductions 7864 Transfer of expenses on
bonuses, gratuities and other
784 Transfer of expenses on indemnities excluding pay
subsidies 7865 Transfer of charges on social
7841 Transfer of charges on benefits
subsidies to private companies 7869 Other transfers of personnel
7842 Transfer of expenses on expenses
subsidies to public companies
7843 Transfer of expenses on grants 787 Transfer of expenses on interest
to financial institutions and financial expenses
7849 Transfer of grant expenses to 7871 Transfer of expenses on
other categories of beneficiaries interest and debt financial costs
7872 Transfer of expenses on
785 Transfer of expenses on losses on disposals of investment
transfers securities
7851 Transfer of charges on 7873 Transfer of expenses on
transfers to national public exchange losses
institutions 7879 Transfer of expenses on other
7852 Transfer of charges on interest and financial expenses
transfers to Decentralized Territorial
Communities 789 Other expense transfers
7853 Transfer of expenses 7891 Other expense transfers
on transfers to other general
government 79 REVERSALS OF
7854 Transfer of expenses on PROVISIONS
transfers to non-profit institutions
7855 Transfer of expenses on 791 Reversals of provisions for
transfers to households impairment of fixed assets
7856 Transfer of charges on 7911 Reversals of provisions for
transfers to supra national impairment of intangible assets
authorities and international 7912 Reversals of provisions for
organizations depreciation of non-produced fixed
7859 Transfer of expenses on assets
transfers to other categories of 7913 Reversals of provisions
beneficiaries for impairment of acquisitions,
construction and major repairs of

7914 Reversals of provisions for 7932 Reversals of provisions for
depreciation of equipment and impairment of non-tax receivables
furniture 7934 Reversals of provisions for
7915 Reversals of provisions for impairment of receivables on asset
depreciation of equipment for the disposals
armed forces, police and similar 7939 Reversals of provisions for
administrations impairment of other receivables
7916 Reversals of provisions for from current assets
impairment of investments, related
receivables and guarantees 794 Reversals of provisions for
7917 Reversals of provisions for impairment of marketable securities
impairment of loans and advances 7941 Reversals of provisions for
7919 Reversals of provisions for impairment of shares
impairment of other fixed assets 7942 Reversals of provisions for
impairment of bonds
792 Reversals of provisions for 7943 Reversals of provisions for
inventory write-downs impairment of savings bonds
7921 Reversals of provisions for 7949 Reversals of provisions for
impairment of current consumption impairment of other investment
inventories securities
7922 Reversals of provisions for
impairment of inventories 795 Reversals of provisions for
7923 Reversals of provisions depreciation - trade accounts
for impairment of raw materials payable
inventories 7951 Reversals of provisions for
7924 Reversals of provisions for depreciation - trade payables,
impairment of inventories of work in accounts payable
progress 7952 Reversals of provisions for
7925 Reversals of provisions for depreciation - investment suppliers
impairment of finished goods 7953 Reversals of provisions for
inventories impairment - trade payables,
7926 Reversals of provisions for accounts payable, notes payable
impairment of residual product 7954 Reversals of provisions for
inventories depreciation - trade payables,
7927 Reversals of provisions for accounts payable, invoices not
impairment of inventories from received
other supplies 7955 Reversals of provisions for
7929 Reversals of provisions for depreciation - trade payables,
impairment of other inventories receivables
7959 Reversals of provisions for
793 Reversals of provisions for depreciation - other suppliers
impairment of current assets
796 Reversal of provisions for risks
7931 Reversals of provisions for and charges
impairment of tax receivables

7961 Reversal of provisions for 8052 Guarantees linked to missions
operating risks related to the Public- in the public interest
Private Partnership 8053 Liability guarantees
7962 Reversal of provisions for 8054 Financial commitments - co-
investment risks related to Public- financing
Private Partnership
8055 Budgetary commitments
7963 Reversal of pension provisions
8056 Forward financial instruments
7964 Reversal of provisions for
disputes 8057 Pension and other employee
benefits liabilities
7965 Reversal of provisions for
charges to be spread over several 8059 Other commitments given
financial years
7966 Reversal of provisions for 81 COUNTERPART TO THE
foreign exchange losses STATE’S COMMITMENTS
7969 Reversal of provisions for 811 Counterpart to commitments
other risks and expenses obtained by the State
8111 Counterpart of loans obtained
CLASS 8 by the State
OFF-BALANCE SHEET 8112 Consideration for donations
received by the State
COMMITMENTS 8119 Counterpart to other
KEY ACCOUNTS commitments received

80 COMMITMENTS OBTAINED OR 815 Counterpart to commitments

GRANTED BY THE STATE granted by the State
81 COUNTERPART TO THE STATE’S 8151 Counterpart of debt guaranteed
COMMITMENTS by the State
8152 Counterpart to guarantees
MAIN SUBDIVISIONS linked to missions in the public interest
80 COMMITMENTS 8153 Counterpart to liability
8154 Counterpart to financial
THE STATE commitments - co-financing
8155 Counterpart to budgetary
801 Commitments obtained by the commitments
8156 Counterpart of forward
8011 Borrowings obtained by the State financial instruments
8012 Donations received by the State 8157 Consideration for pension and
8019 Other commitments received other employee benefits
8159 Counterpart to other
commitments given
805 Commitments granted by the State
8051 Debt guaranteed by the State


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