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Introduction to Irrigation Principles Dr.


Carbonates & bicarbonates hazard of irrigation water

Bicarbonate hazard of irrigation water: High carbonate (CO3=) and

bicarbonate (HCO3-) increases SAR index (around >3-4mEq/L or >180-
240mg/L). Let us explain why:

Bicarbonate and carbonate ions combined with calcium or magnesium

will precipitate as calcium carbonate (CaCO3) or magnesium carbonate
(MgCO3) when the soil solution concentrates in drying conditions.

The concentration of Ca and Mg decreases relative to sodium and the

SAR index will be bigger. This will cause an alkalizing effect and increase

the PH. Therefore, when a water analysis indicates high PH level, it may be

a sign of a high content of carbonate and bicarbonates ions.
Residual Sodium Carbonate (RSC)

The RSC has the following equation:


RSC= (CO3-+HCO3-)-(Ca2++Mg+2)

It is another alternative measure of the sodium content in relation with Mg

and Ca. This value may appear in some water quality reports although it is
not frequently used.

If the RSC < 1.25 the water is considered safe

If the RSC > 2.5 the water is not appropriate for irrigation.
Bicarbonate (HCO3) hazard of irrigation water (meq/L)

None Slight to Moderate Severe

(meq/L) <1.5 1.5-7.5 >7.5

RSC <1.25 1.25 to 2.5 >2.5

Introduction to Irrigation Principles Dr. EZZAT FINDI

Trace elements hazards of irrigation water

Trace elements:

Some elements in irrigation water may be directly toxic to crops.

Establishing toxicity limits in water is complicated by reactions, which take
place once the water is applied to the soil. When an element is added to the
soil from irrigation, it may be inactivated by chemical reactions or it may
build up in the soil until it reaches a toxic level.

An element at a given concentration in water may be immediately toxic

to a crop because of foliar effects if sprinkler irrigation is used. If furrow
irrigation is used, it may require a number of years for the element to
accumulate to toxic levels, or it may be immobilized in the soil and never

reach toxic levels.

Irrigation waters containing more than 1.0-ppm boron (B) may cause

accumulation of toxic levels for sensitive crops.



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