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NGHIEN cUU-TRAO B61 “RESEARCH & DISCUSSION 5. Nguyén Thi Thanh Tang: Dai hoi todn quéc Isn thi Xl cba ®8ng (2021) - ai hoi cba khst vong 461 mai, sng tao va chi trong phat trdn gito duc Viet Nam. {ong b6i cinh mi - The Xil| National Congress of ‘the Party (2021) = Congress of innovation, creativity and development of Vietnamis education In the new context. 11 Lu Thj Bich Ngoe: Su inh dao dng din, sing tao ‘ia Trung wong Cuc la nhint6 bko dim thdng fot cia nim van ninh mign Nam.-The effective and creative leadership of the Central Office for South Vietnam was the key factor tothe success of security missions inthe South during the anti-US war 15 Mach Ngoc Thiy: Con dung cia nude moi cia Nguyén Ai Quée da thay di van ménh met in tbe ‘The way Nguyen Al Quoc’ new revolutionary path saved Vietnam’ destiny, 19. VOTHITrang:Tutuéng HO ChiMinh vé cha nghia hoi va con dung qua dé én chi nghia x8 hoi 3 Viet Nam Ho.Chi Minh Thought on socialism and the pathway to socasm in Vietnam, 24 Luu Thi Yr: Vin dung nguyen te théng nh gia Ign va thye tn aa tht hoc MacLénin vio ging day Ly ludn chinh ttl ic trung dai hoc hién nay ~ Applying the doctrine of the unity of theory and practice in MansstLeninst Philosophy on teaching Political Theory at universities today. 29. LA Tun Ngoc Tic dng ca cich mang cBng nghiép 440 dn nhin céch sinh vin vit Nam hin nay = The impact of the Industral Revolution 40 on the personality of Vietnamese students today. 35. LE Thi Huong Giang: Ti nai vé nghé che xét vé mit. [Pham viva aguén o6c - Study tea industry vocabulary Interms of scope and origin. 441. Dinh Thi Met Mgt sé gidi php nang cao chit Iuong {ldo duc d30 duc nghé nghigp cho sinh vién nganh CGido dye Mim non = Some solutions to improve the ‘ualty of profesional ethis training for preschool pedagogical students. 45. Le Thi Le Hi: Mét 56 gi phip ning cao hidy qu iém tra danh gia mon Théng Anh 6 trng ph thong theo dinh husng phat wién nang lye ~Some solutions to promote the effectiveness of assessing Engich at secondary schools inthe orientation of students performance development. 50. Le Vin Nhuong: Xiy dung chuyén dé day hoc Bia trung hee phé thong dip ng yeu cu cla Chuong tinh gigo due nim 2018 - Constructing high schoo! Geography thematics for adapting tothe goals ofthe 2018 Vietnamese Genetal Education Program. 55. Duong Th Lé - Nguyén Thi Thuong Huyén: Si dung jphuong phép day noe theo ahom nh phat huy in fichcuchoc Mithust cia hoe sinhlop4,5-Using group teaching methods to promote the postive learning artsof students in grades 45 [59 Mal Thi Hién: TS chuc met s6 td chot tosn hoc ahi ‘gy hang thi hoe tip cho hoc sinh lép 5 = Organize ath games to metivate learning fr Sth grades. - CONTENTS 664 Truong Mj An Ngoc: Mt 6 bién phip kh phuc nhing Sal st kh gai tosnlién quan dn boi va ube lop 6 - Some ‘measures to overcome erors when solving problems related to grade & multiples and divisors L& Thy Dung: Bio dim dinh duéng, thé luc cho tré em Ia «iu tu t6t cho nguén nkin luc - Balancing energy needs of children isan investment in human resources. ‘Te ThiThanh Huyér: Mét 6 phuong phip hoc tu vung Téng ‘Anh hidu gus - Some methods to lean English vocabulary effectively, Huynh My Linh: Tit ké cu hai kim tra dc hid cho hoc sinhlop theo mide db tuduy-Create reading comprehension questions for grade 4 students on efferent levels of thinking 2b} Phucmg Uyén - Duong Hau Teng -Lé Thi Quynh Nhu Van dung doy hoc dua tién vin 46 tong ging day dién tich sung quanh hin tava thé ich Khdi ra (Hin hoe 12) ‘Applying problem-based earning on teaching curved surface 189 ofa cylinder and the volume of solid ceuar cylinder (12th grade Geometry) Nguyén Th] Minh Hién: Bin phi rén ning lve tw duy sing tao cho hoc sinh & trtng ty hoc - Measures to Improve students creative thinking ability in primary school [Nguyén Thi Linh - Nguyén Duy Higp: Binh oid cabo sinh ‘THPT vé cc gai php phing, ching hinh ul sal l8ch trong ‘tong hoe: Highschool studentsopinions about dsipinary ‘nalts for improper behaviors at schools Ted Thi Oa Vai tr cakiém tra, inh 98 trong qué tinh day hoe: Therole of examination and evaluation n edueation, oan Vin Giao: Day hoc Tiéng Anh theo hung tgp cin ‘ng luc hoc sinh wong trung hoc cas8- Teaching Engh toward students competencies in junior high senoo ‘Nguyén Thi Huong: Nhn thu cia giao vién mém non thanh ph Thanh H6a vétréty kj -Thanh Hoa Cit teachers awareness of autistic children. Tein Thi Hién-Ly Thi uong: Quy tinh xiy dung mo teong ch ngoal tot ich thich hung tha khim pha ty nen v® sinh cho té 56 tub - The process of bulding an outdoor play environment to stimulate 5to-éyearld childrens feacitement to explore sterile nature 116 MATH) Khénh Ti: Ning cao hig qua 6 chu hoat ng gio yc kj nang sng cho te miu gid0 5-6 tS - Improving the effclency of organizing if skils educational activities for Sto-Gyearolds Tein Thi Phuomg: Hung tha ohn thie cia td 5:6 tabi Excitement for cognitive development of ehidren aged 5-6 yeas Va Thay Linh vin dung ro cht vao ging day Tiéng Anh cho hc sinh tiéuhoc- Applying games a primary school English teaching. INguyéa Thi Hing Vai tr cia ty dinh gis ning Ive hoe top 61 hoc sinh rung hoc cosé-The importance of academic self-assessment to secondary school students Trung Tal Théo: Kinng séng ca sinh vién din te thigu 6 Teudng Bai hoc Héng Duc ~ Life sls of ethnic minority students at Hong Duc University. 139 Nguyén Th Link - guy Duy Hidp: Tic dng tity cue vi ‘ng nguy €6 ap Phil kh tt dung phuong tin tye ‘théng xi hia than thiu ign - Negative impacts and the rks when using social media for teenagers 6 B 7 83 2 102 107 us a8 33 143 Nguyén Thi Anh Mal-Thit 3p quy trinh phat trién ning Ive t6 chte hoat dng tii nghiém cho sinh wien nganh Gio duc ti hoc theo hung gin ve thyctén host €6ng Strut ti hoc - Establishing the procedure to develop students competence of organizing experiential activities In accordance with the practical teaching at primary schools 149 L& Thi Mal Thu: Su dung phuong phap g)a0 tép trong ‘gidng day THéng Ann cho hocsinh lop 5 & trutng teu hoc Using communicative methods in teaching English for Sth ‘gtade students in primary schoo 153 Nguyén Ngoc Qujnh Dao: Dinh ois cUa sinh vién ve huang tinh d3o tao nginh Giéo dc Mm non -Trutng ‘31 hge Sti Gon - Students assessment of Early Childhood Education Saigon University. 158 guyén Thi Nam Chi: Whang kno kin trong day va hoc sgjning nétiéng Anh ve sinh vgn Khéng chuyén nd tht "nhitTruéng Bai hoc Ma Hd NBi- The problems faced by first year non-English majors in learning English speaking still at Hanoi Open University (OU) 164 Trveng Vang! -LaThanh Phong: Ning yéut6 tic dong {én gio duc phong chdng “Dign bién hoa binh’ cba cic thé Ive thu dich cho sinh viénTevéng Dai hoc BSng Tha ign nay - Some factors affecting the "peaceful evolution’ prevention education of hostile forces for students at ong Thap university. 168 Nguyén Thi Héng Anh: Vai td cia cc ahdn 86 trong ie te dng dén su phat tin bau khéng itm iy tich Ce trong tap thé sinh viéngido duc mém non nam nhit “Trung Bal hoc Vin ha, Thé thao & Du lich Thanh Hoa ~ Factors affecting the development of positive emotional ‘atmosphere among fstyear pedagogical students at ‘Thanh Hoa University of Culture, Sports and Tours, 1175 Trén Minh Hing: Nghién cou mat 2 bal tgp nhdm phst tri th ye mon Vovinam cho nam sinh vgn Teutng Dat hoe Tan Tio = Research and proposal of some Vovinam ‘exercises to develop physieal strength for male students at Tan Tae Unversity. 178 Nguyén HAI Anh: Banh oid higu qui cia veep dng mo inh Blended Learning trong host Bbng giing day Tiéng Anh tai Truéng Bai hoc Ludt Ha NBi- General evaluation ‘onthe effectiveness of Blended learning inthe processes ‘of nglish teaching at Hanol Law University. 1182 Ng6 Thi Thu Huong: Bin psp ghi nh tu vung téng Anh chohocsinhdtruéng rung hoccasé-Methodstomemrize Enqlish vocabulary for students in secondary schoo 1186 Nguydn Thl Thay Giang: Nhing Ii thubng g3p khi dich ‘cde cfu tric tiéng Vit sang tiéng Anh ia sinh vienchuyen ‘ngU tal Truéng ai hoc Hal Phong - Common errors in Vietnamese to English trarsation made by English majors at Hal Phong University. 191 VOTH Doan: Phithuy tinh ich cy ca sinh vién thong ‘qua phuong phép hop tac nom trong hoc phn Bia It ‘yenhien Viet Nan -Promoting the activenes of students ‘through group cooperation method in the section of [Natural Geography of Vietnam. 196 Nguyén Thi Lj: Mot s6 uu kh vén dung phuong phap sing day tich cue trong gling day cic hoc phi Tosn ‘ho siah vin Khoo Kinht6,Truéng Bai hec Céng nghe Giao théng van ti - Some notes when applying active teaching methods in teaching math modules for students ofthe Department of Transport Economics - University of Transport Technology. yinrun min Notsbogayen hin hy srs dn tae te ontharh fora Vonost3oy aaa eee ssf hanamarapenet ee Sr reted se Nowyte Tm Huong: Noi ding a ¥ nia cb Ho 206 Mau ersten ad esning ote 198 201 Constitution. ‘Bao Xuan Phong isi hsp quan y chit thai dn thong 710 tang tran dia ban tinh Béc Glang g6P phén bio emoi uong va phat trién bén vang «Solutions for normal solid waste management in Bac Giang Province towards environmental protection and sustainable development 215 wang Hoang Sang: Han muc giao dit nong nghiep cho gia inh, aha theo quy dinh cia Lust St dal fim 2013 - Allocation quota for agricultural nd and household indiveual under the provisions ofthe 2013 Land Law. 220 Dinh Thi Nga Phugng: Kinh doanh da cSp - quy dish Bhp lt va thy tién = Multlevel business ~ Law and practice 1224 LaThi HA Pham Thi Dam: Yéu 16 nh hutng dén Ninh Wi tuin thd vé thué thu nhip doanh nghiep cia céc ‘doanh nghiép ten dia ban thanh phé Hai Phong Factors affecting the corporation income tax compliance of businesses in Hai Phong City 229 Chu Thi Khénh Ly - Nguyén Huy Théo: Quin su thay 648i cia Na nude trong BS! cin hién nay & Viet Nam Administration of the Governance States changes inthe current context 234 DUThi Tuo: Ning cao higu qui cdi cich thi tc hanh

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