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This exercise is a great way to get a snapshot summary of some of your core limiting beliefs which are
preventing you from moving forward in accomplishing certain goals and dreams in your life, as well as
limiting your everyday experiences.

Simply read each statement below one at a time and take a moment to sense whether or not this statement
feels familiar to you. Perhaps you’ve heard this statement from someone you observed in your life like a
parent, or you’ve found yourself saying it to yourself or others, or perhaps you’ve just heard it from that little
voice in your head (your inner dialogue).

Make a check in circle to the left of any belief that you can relate to. Don’t overthink this exercise. Often
times we have beliefs that don’t make logical sense to us or that we don’t want to believe that we have.
There’s no judgment here.

After selecting all of your limiting beliefs, circle 5 beliefs that you frequently hear yourself saying to yourself
or that trigger the strongest emotional response within you. If in this process you recall any beliefs not listed
on this page simply jot them down in the extra space at the end of this exercise.

o I’m not good enough o I don’t have anything to add/It’s been

done before
o There’s never enough time
o I’m not [smart, funny, good looking,
o I did/might do it wrong
talented, etc] enough
o I’m going to end up alone
o They always seem to have all the luck; It
o I don’t know what I want never happens for me
o If it hasn’t happened yet it never will o I can’t be happy until he/she changes
o People can’t be trusted/aren’t reliable o If people really knew me, they wouldn’t
o This is a man’s world like me

o I’m just not lucky o I can’t be happy until my

finances/relationship looks like . . .
o I`m too old or young to…
o I’ll never really change
o It`s too late for me to…
o I shouldn’t put my needs before others’
o I’m a fraud
o I should be doing more
o I don’t have enough resources
o I don’t deserve love, success, money,
o I don’t know where to start fame, etc.
o I don’t have the right skill sets o They can do/accomplish that but not me
o I don’t have the money o If I pursue what I really love my
relationships will suffer

© 2021 | All Rights Reserved | P.H.I. Consulting LLC and David Bayer Businesses
o Things will never work out for me o What if [it/action] doesn’t work
o There’s nothing I can do about my o What if they reject/don’t like me
o I should be further along
o This (negative thing) always happens
o They do it better than me
to me
o I can’t grow my business/income by that
o I shouldn’t have to tell them that
o I always have to struggle/others have
o Starting my own business is risky
it easier.
o I can’t make a living doing what I really
o Having money creates misery
love to do
o They have [something] but I wouldn’t
o The economy is bad
want their life [judgment}
o Jobs are hard to find
o I don’t know how to do that
o I can’t depend on most people
o I’m not good with money
o There’s a right way to do things
o I’m not very sociable/outgoing
o I need to know what others think before I
o I’m not very creative
take action
o I can’t seem/will never lose weight
o If you want it done right you have to do it
o This isn’t the right time to start a new yourself
o Good things happen but they never last
o I can’t change jobs right now, it’s too


© 2021 | All Rights Reserved | P.H.I. Consulting LLC and David Bayer Businesses

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