1-The Altar Server

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What do

about being an Altar Server?

What do I

about being an Altar Server?

What do I

from the Formation Seminar for

Altar Server?
What shall I
after this Formation Seminar for
Altar Server?
do you love
Who is God?
God reveals
Himself to us
every day.
Our life’s mission:
Know, love &
serve the Lord
Altar Server
is a lay member of the
community who assists the
clergy and deacon during
the Eucharist and other
liturgical ceremonies.
“You are far more than
‘helpers of the parish
priest’. Above all, you are
servants of Jesus Christ
the eternal High Priest.”
- St. Pope John Paul II
directly to
Help the
Assist the people
to worship God.
What should be my

as an Altar Server?


- Deep respect for God & for sacred

- Reverent actions, peaceful &

dignified behavior should be seen
by the people when standing at the
- Good training & commitment.
- Active participation in the Mass.
- Presence of mind.
- Good relationship to others (family,
- Care, concern, respect &
reverence to the Church.
- knowing “what is proper”.
- keeping their uniforms neat &
- being well-groomed.
- moving in a dignified manner, with
confidence & reverence.
- Carrying within a great love for
God & for His people, even if not
serving in Church.

- Having a life of prayer, deep

devotion to the Lord.
- doing good to others at all times.
- being faithful to responsibilities.
- being a good example to others.
- having Jesus-like heart: “WWJD”
(What Would Jesus Do?)
- serving together as a team of
- being aware of your own
responsibility & other ministers.
- helping each other, being friendly
& kind.
- teaching the new patiently.
- praying together.
Altar Servers who become Saints
Martyr, Patron Saint of Altar Servers & First Communicants
- lived during the time of persecution of Christians at
the hands of Emperor Valerian.
- Christians were forced to meet secretly in
private homes or Catacombs to hear the Word
of God, to pray and celebrate Mass.
- Knowing the danger, he volunteered to bring
the Holy Eucharist to the Christians imprisoned
by Valerian. On his way, he was stopped by
pagan boys and found out that he’s a Christian.
They beat him, stoned and kicked him to the
ground. They turned over his body but the
Blessed Sacrament was mysteriously gone.
Martyr, Patron Saint of Altar Servers, Filipino Youth & OFWs

- Accused by the Spanish officials as a scapegoat for

murder, he has no choice but to leave the Philippines
and his family to avoid arrest & execution.
- He joined the Dominicans on their mission to
Okinawa, Japan. The Japanese persecutes Christians at
that time. They were arrested & brought to Nagasaki
to face trial by torture.
- Despite the suffering, he refused to renounce
his faith, saying “I am a Catholic &
wholeheartedly accepts death for God; Had I a
thousand lives, all these to Him shall I offer.”
Martyr, Patron Saint of Youth, Altar Servers & Catechists
- aged 14, he was amongst the exemplary young
catechist chosen to join the Jesuit missionaries to
- He preached the Chamorros, natives from Guam and
baptized the infants with Father Diego de San Vitores.

- invited the Chieftain Matapang to join the Christian

faith but refused. They baptized the chief’s children,
with wife’s consent. Matapang discovered and
became furious leading to the violent killing of
Calungsod & San Vitores- their bodies were dumped
into the waters of Tumon bay.
Duties & Responsibilities of Altar Servers
1. To be FAITHFUL in attending to their duties in serving the Mass and
other liturgical celebrations.
2. To arrive at least 30 minutes before the Mass to:
- Prepare all liturgical materials.
- Review final instructions.
- Personal/ group prayers.
3. To notify their coordinator if they will not be able to attend their
4. To have knowledge of the materials used for the celebration of the
liturgy & the proper use of these.
5. To ensure the care & maintenance of materials used for the
Duties & Responsibilities of Altar Servers
6. To have a knowledge of the parts of the Mass & the importance of
each, as well as understanding of their roles & responsibilities.
7. To be present during practice & training sessions for special
8. To assist in other liturgical celebrations.
9. To have a knowledge & understanding of the basic teachings of the
10. To be faithful in attending meetings & formation programs of the
parish, vicariate or diocese.

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