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Pemangku Kepentingan
Project Stakeholders

 STAKEHOLDERS are persons or organization

(customers, sponsors, performing organizations, or
the public), who are actively involved in the project
or whose interests may be positively or negatively
affected by the performance or completion of the
 Stakeholders may also exert influence over the
project, its deliverables, and project team members.
 PMBOK 4th edition - 2008
Project Stakeholders

may be

Who exert

Key Stakeholders

 Sponsor
 Project Team
 Project Manager
 Project Management Team
 Other Project Team members
 Customers / Users
 PMO ( Project / Program / Portfolio Management
Office )
 Other Stakeholders
Key Stakeholders

 Sponsor : the person or the group that provides

the financial resources, in cash or in kind, for the
 Project Team : is comprised of the people who
carry out the work.
 Project Manager
 Project Management Team
 Other Project Team members
Key Stakeholders

 Customers / Users : the persons or organizations

that will use the project’s product or service or
 PMO : organizational body or entity assigned
various responbilities related to the centralized
and coordinated management of those projects
under its domain.
Key Stakeholders

 Influencers : people or groups that are not

directly related to the acquisition or use of the
project’s product , but due to an individual’s
position in the customer organization or
performing organization, can influence,
positively and negatively, the course of the
Project Stakeholders

PMBOK 4th Edition - 2008

Project Stakeholders

Sub Corporate Project

Contractors Director Owner

Suppliers / Functional Project Functional

End User
Vendors Department Manager Department

A/E Financial
Consultant Support

Sumber : Imam Soeharto , 1997

Project vs Stakeholders

 A project can be perceived as having both

positive and negative results by stakeholders.
 Identify the stakeholders and understanding
their relative degree of influence.
 Determine their requirements and expectations
 To the extent possible, manage their influences
in relation to the requirements to ensure a
successful project.
Contoh :
Pemerintah akan membangun jalan tol antara 2 kota
yang akan melewti daerah pertanian yang cukup luas.

Penurunan BOK
Penghematan BBM
Waktu perjalanan lebih singkat dan
lancar Pengurangan lahan pertanian
Peningkatan keamanan lalu lintas Terganggunya saluran irigasi
Kemudahan mengendarai kendaraan Peningkatan polusi udara
Peningkatan harga tanah di sekitar
jalan tol

Biaya Konstruksi Pendapatan iuran (tol) pemakai jalan

Biaya perawatan Peningkatan pajak akibat meningkatnya nilai
Biaya administratif tanah di sekitar jalan tol

 Sebutkan dan jelaskan peran

Stakeholder pada proyek konstruksi bangunan
gedung bertingkat !
 Jika proyek berlangsung selama 1 tahun
dimana 2 bulan pertama untuk perencanaan, 7
bulan berikutnya untuk konstruksi, 3 bulan
selanjutnya untuk masa pemeliharaan dan
operasional, siapa saja stakeholder yang
terlibat dan buatlah grafik jadwal keterlibatan
masing-masing Stakeholder dalam proyek

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