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Weirs are overflow structures which are built across an open channel for the purpose of measuring or controlling the
flow of liquids.

I. Classification of Weirs
According to shape, weirs may be rectangular, triangular, circular, parabolic, or of any other regular
form. According to the form of the crest, weirs may be sharp-crested or broad-crested.
The flow over a weir may either be free or submerged. If the water surface downstream from the weir is
lower than the crest, the flow is free, but if the downstream surface is higher than the crest, the flow is

II. Definition of terms

Nappe – the overflowing stream in a weir
Crest of Weir – the edge or top surface of a weir with which the flowing liquid comes in contact.
Contracted Weir – weirs having sides sharp-edged, so that the nappe is contracted in width or having
end contractions, either one end or two ends.
Suppressed weir or full-width weir – weirs having its length being equal to the width of the channel so
that the nappe suffers no end contractions.
Drop-down curve – the downward curvature of the liquid surface before the weir.
Head, H – the distance between the liquid surface and the crest of the weir, measured before the drop-
down curve.

III. Rectangular Weir

 Weir Factor (Cw) – It is a common practice to combine ⅔ √2g C
H’ = h + hv
hv = velocity head of the
 If the ratio H/P is sufficiently small, the formula becomes,

 The following simplified equation may be used:

d = depth of water upstream

IV. Standard Weir

The ff. specifications must be applied to a standard rectangular weir without end contractions:
1. The upstream face of the weir plate should be vertical and smooth.
2. The crest edge shall be level, shall have a square upstream corner, and shall be narrow that the
water will not touch it again after passing the upstream corner.
3. The sides of the flume shall be vertical and smooth and shall extend a short distance downstream
past the weir crest.
4. The approach channel shall be of uniform cross section for a sufficient distance above the weir, or
shall be provided with baffles that a normal distribution of velocities exist in the flow approaching
the weir, and the water surface is free of waves or surges.
V. Standard Weir Factor (Cw) Formulas
A. Francis Formula
1. Based upon experiments on rectangular weirs from 1.07 m – 5.18m long under heads from
180mm – 490mm.

2. For H / P ˂ 0.4

B. Rehbok and Chow Formula

C. Bazin Formula
For rectangular weirs of length from 0.5m to 2.0m under heads from 50mm to 600mm.

VI. Contracted Rectangular Weirs


L’ = measure length of crest

N = number of end contraction
H = measured head
VII. Triangular Weir (V-Notch)
For very low heads, a V-Notch weir should be used is accuracy of measurement is required. The
vertex angle is usually between 10˚ to 90˚ but rarely larger.

(can be used even if the side inclinations are unequal)

 For triangle V-notch weir (side inclinations are equal)

 For standard 90˚ weir:

VIII. Trapezoidal sharp crested Weir & Cipolletti Weir

IX. Suttro Weir or Proportional Flow Weir (Rettger Weir)

X. Submerged Sharp Weir

XI. Unsteady Flow Weir (Variable Head)


Cw = weir Factor
L = crest Length
As = constant water surface are of reservoir or tank
H1 = Initial Head
H2 = Final head

XII. Sample Problems:

1. A rectangular, sharp-crested weir with end contractions is 1.4m long. How high should it be placed
to maintain an upstream depth of 2.35m for a flow of 400 liters/s?

2. A suppressed weir 7.5m long is to discharge 10.125 m³/s of water onto an open channel. The weir
factor Cw = 1.88. To what height P may the weir be built, if the water behind the weir must not
exceed 1.80m deep?

3. Water flows through a parabolic weir that is 2 m. deep and 2m. wide at the top under a constant
head of 1.50m Assuming C = 0.65, determine the discharge through the weir.

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