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ual ener \ — aa \ = a 688 IS THE ‘ORLD’S MOST ECO. pee -——{ NOMICAL ND_U \ FRIENDLY OICE, 1 5.Cell Site Specific Mi itoring Mode Setting Avxilable, ~ 6.Dechde Touch tones stsed to access Voice Mail Answer Machine ete. in or out. l 8.Autoy jatically recond both sides of all convers) tions as ) Connecting with Voice-ControK Recorder. / 9.Track\Hand-ofts From Vehictes, \ 10.Time Sétting and DEME pe \_11L.Can We Used as A Noval Cell Cell to ies Following lar Phone, co ee oe 20 NUMBERS CELLULAR AU 688. USER'S MANUAL Your av 688ean monitor specific cellular telephone, single set or up io 20 sets (Option) conversations of both placing & receiving a call that are in the same cell. Ifyou are following your target and your target is moving, you can monitor the whole conversation even your target changes the channel (hand-off). The user can read the channel number assigned and the power transmit level of the target phone, that is useful to help identify the geographical location of the target. ‘The unit is very simple to operate. (The most user friendly) Lets begin Make certain the battery is charged. Turn on the power. Set the system of the unit fo A, B, or A then B (depending on the system in your country). ‘You may set the system to match the system used in your country by pressing the [FCN] Key then key in 22, keying [FCN] 22 again will change the setting of the system. First set the system on A. ‘1, GENERAL MONITORING First try doing a General Sean by. 1. Key in 13504 2, Press the button marked [FCN] 3. Key in 53 (you should be able to hear two short beep) which means the unit is ow seanning for near by telephone activ In this function the unit will sean, pick up and display the numbers of phone being used within range of Omiles, note the PREFIX numbers that are displayed before the phone number that the unit picked up, in some countries, the area code may be displayed before the phone numbers, in some countries the country code and city code may appear before the phone numbers (note the pattern so you can key in the correct prefix when doing a specific number sean.) If-a conversation is picked up and you don't want to stop and listen (o the conversation, just press END for two seconds and it will keep on scanning, picking up other conversation. 2. SPECIFIC MONITORING Now that you know how (0 key in the PREFIX. You are now able to target specific numbers. ‘You may target one number or up to 20 numbers. (A) SINGLE NUMBER MONITORING To monitor 1 number. 1. Key im the cellular number i.e, PREFIX+PHONE NUMBERS, 2, Press the button marked [FCN] 3. Key in 54 (B) MULTIPLE NUMBER MONITORING To monitor 20 numbers. First the storing process. Note, the set of phone numbers will be stored in registers 80 0 99, 1. Key in the number you want to monitor PREFIX+PHONE NUMBERS, 2, Press {STO] 80 For the second number and so on, just repeat the process 1 and 2 above and store it in registers 81,82.....99. Then ‘To start the 20 number monitoring process ‘Just press 68535 [FCN] 54 ‘And just wait. If one of those numbers being stored intercept . in use then it will immediately * Some conversation has distortion, this means that the signal is weak and may be out of cell range or almost out of cell range. Some conversations are intercepted and suddenly disappears which means that the signals is on trunking mode (For some model of cellular telephone it does uses trunking). Which means that the frequencies of the particular conversation are controlled by computer and will jump from one frequency to another. Therefore when it jumps to another frequency, the intercepted conversation would be lost. ‘Then you may try keep on scanning: until the conversation is picked up again. CAUTION: FOR BATTERY CHARGING USE 12 VOLT POWER ADAPTER ONLY S00mA MAX. 3. PERSONAL CELLULAR PHONE USE. ‘The AU688 can be used as a normal cellular phone for communicatio Enter 10 digits MIN (mobile identification number) then press [FCN] 24 Press [END] , back to the main screen. Press [FCN] 19 switch to the ALPH mode. Enter 200 fallowed by the ESN (serial number) Enter the letters or numbers by pressing the button which prints the letters you want to key in, (Each button contains 2 or 3 letters and 1 digit. Push the button and hold it continually then the letters will show ont the screen one by one then the digit.) Enter the ESN then press [FCN] 85 then press [END] Press [SAVE] and [FCN] 92 Press [FCN] 19 to switch back to the NUM mode. 4 VOICE CHANNEL SCAN Enter [FCN] ## to enter voice channel scan, [FCN] #9 to scan recorded voice channel which have been used by the station. Use Keys to re-sean channels, Enter [END] key for two seconds to stop scan. Enter [SND] key to enter tracking mode. 5 TRACKED CHANNEL SCAN Enter 1212X [FCN] 52 to set site-monitoring mode. X can be 0,1,2 or 3. Let X= 0 for static target. Let X= 1,2,3 for moving target. 1 will track on the strongest signal, 2 will track the second strongest signal, 3 will track the 3rd strongest signal. For tracking mode the machine will re-sean control signal every 2 minutes. * Lock on fix control channel: enter OXXX [FCN] 96, XXX decimal number of control channel ice. 0342 [FCN] 96. 6. TIME SETTING Enter HAMMSS [FCN] 51, i.e. 131500 [FCN] 51 to set the time at 13: 7. TOGGLE DTMF OUT PUT Enter [FCN] 56 to enable or disable DIMF tone output, if DIME is enable it will output the DI'MF tone for the time and MIN. ‘This function is very powerful when used with a recorder that has DIMF decoder such as our AUO23. 51. 8. PHONE BOOK STORE Enter 10 digits of MIN first, if you get an error input you can use [CLR] key to clear the last input, or you can use [END] key to clear all input, after 10 digits are inputted, press [STO] key and two digits of memory set number to store. Press [RCL] key and hold then enter two number of memory set to review the stored memory number. Memory 01 to 79 ean be used to store 80 sets of phone number for temporary use. ‘TROUBLE SHOOTING: Symptoms: No display. Action: Check if the batteries are properly charged, make certain that the connections are secure while charging. ‘Symptoms: The phone does not ntercept. Action: Try pressing END for 2 second and repeat the monitoring process. {scam mode, single number mon 1g mode or multi number monitoring mode) Symptoms: The phone does not intercept. Action Key in 12121 [FCN] 52 then repeat the monitoring process. (scan mode, single number monitoring mode or multi number monitoring mode) fit still does not work. Key in 12122 [FCN] 82 then repeat the monitoring process. (scan mode, single number monitoring mode or multi number monitoring mode) fit still does not work. Key in 12123 [FCN] $2 then repeat the monitoring process. (scan mode, single number monitoring mode or multi number monitoring mode) ‘Try changing to system [B] by keying in [FCN] 22. ( Keep on pres: until the display reads [B] . [RCN] 22 Tips: ‘You may use hand free mode by pressing 0 after an interception. «v sss Operating Brief Form Functions Commands |General Monitor 3504 [ FCN] 53 i Single Number Monitor [MIN [FCN] 54 [Multiple Number Monitor | [20 Sets Memory Store Ve vice Channel Sean [Function Quitting [Tracked-Channel Scan [es 65535 [ FCN] 5450 MIN [STO] 80-99 [13504 LCN J ## s END ] (HOLD FOR2 1212X [ FCN] 52 _|G-3=Signal Strength, 0=Normal) [Tracked-Channel Setting OXXX [FCN ] 96 [Time Setting IMHMMSS [FCN] 51 Volume Adjusting [FCN] Up ae LFCN J 12Down —_(MAX:15) Ring Tone Adjusting [FCN J 13 Down Phone Book Store J 14Up ¥ (MAX:115) | Kop | 01-79 |Name Store [Toggle DTMF Output 197 LCN ] 56 (1) MIN+ [ FCN J +244 Ka) C POM 7 + 194200 (3) SAVE + [ FCN J +92 (4) [FCN ¥ +19 |Personat Cellular Phone NO. Input Steps: TEND Y ON + LK ITCN Y + 85+ [ END J THE DISPLAY INTERPRETATION INSVC 0335 55 ‘The Ist line: “0335” is target’s control channel, The 2" line: The first digit “5” is the signal strength level of av 688 (0 ~ 5) “0” means farthest from site; “5” means Shortest from site. The second digit “5” is the battery power level (0 ~ 5) MONIT 0335 “0335” is target’s control channel. The 2" line: The first digit “5” is the signal strength level of av 688 (0 ~ 5); The second digit “5” is the battery power level (0 ~ 5) The 3™ line: “13504” is identification of mode command. CHOS50 PL3 5513:00:55 4660230894 The line: °CH550” is target’s voice channel;”?1_3” is target’s transmitting power level(PLO ~ PL7)“PLO” farthest from site, “PL7” means nearest fi rom site. ‘The 2" line: The first digit’s” is the signal strength level of av 688 (0 ~ 5); The second digit “5” is the battery Power level (0 ~ 5); “13:00:55” is showing the time. The 3™ line: “4660230894” is the target’s MIN. means 6 Application Note JA-CO01 a0 688 1.0 Introduction This application note is supplement to the operation manual of the Cellular phone. Section 1 describes the definition of cellular system and the frequency assignment of AMPS and TACS system. Section 2 depicts the call process in the cellular radio system maps are described in section 3 and 4,respectively 1.1 Cellular System Definition A cellular system consists of an FM radio network covering a set of geographical area (known as cells) inside which mobile two-way radio units, like Cellular Telephone can commiunicate. The radio network is defined by a set of base stations distributed over the area of system coverage, managed and controlled by a - centralized or de-centralized digital switch equipment known as MTSO (Mobile Telephone Switching Office). A base station in its geographical placement is known as a cell site.It is composed of low powered FM transceivers, power amplifiers, control unit, and other hardware depending on the system configuration. Its function is to interface between cellular mobile and MTSO. It communicates with MTSO over dedicated data links, wire or non-wire, and communicates with mobiles over the air waves. ‘The MTSO’s function is controlling call processing, call setup, and release which includes signalling, supervision, switching, and allocating RF channels. MTSO also provides a centralized administration and maintenance point for the entire network. It interfaces with Public Switched Telephone Network(PSTN), over wire line voice facility, to honor services to and from conventional wire line telephone. Figure. 1.1 depicts the components and layout of a cellular system. There arc several types of cellular phones (depending the power level): (I)mobile, or car mount; (2) Portable or Pocket phone, and hand-held, or transportable phones. They fall into three classes for AMPS system and 4 classes for TACS system. The hightest outoput power is mobile (class 1), and the next level is transportable((Class 2). Pocket phone (Class 3 or Class 3 & 4 for TACS ) have minimum power output. Table 1 shows the power levels for different classes in the AMPS and TACS system, respectively. gue 1 Toe Components en tatoo Calter Se st Table 1 Power level of AMPS and TACS cellular phone Max. power output|__ AMPS (USA) | TACS (Europe) | Class 1 \4 Watts 10 Watts Class 2 2 4 jClas® 3 _ Class 4 A cell is defined by its physical size, and more importantly by the size of its population and its traffic patterns. An entire city like Los Angeles can be one cell. There are disadvantages, however, to such definition in that the number of channels would be very limited, and the transmitter of the cell would have to be very powerful to cover such a large area. The major advantage behind a cell-based system configuration is the frequency re-use scheme, whereby, the same set of frequencies/channels can be allocated to more than one NEARBY cell provided the cells are a certain distance apart. Most cellular systems adopt a frequency re-use pattern of 7. Different cellular systems have different communication protocol that governs the way a phone call is established. Cellular protocol differ between countries, e.g. in the USA the Advanced Mobile Phone Service (AMPS) standard is used, while in Canada the AURORA 800 is used. In Europe each country has its own standard. Total Access Communication System (TACS) is used in the United Kingdom; NMT or Nordic system is used in the Scandinavian countries(Denmark, Norway, Sweden, and Finland);RC2000 is used in France; and NETZ C- 450 is used in Germany. NTT is the Japanese standard for cellular. 1.2AMPS and TACS Spectrum Allocation In 1980, the FCC changed its policy towards a one-system-per- market, and established two licensed carriers per service area. It was the FCC’ view that such an approach would eliminate monopoly and provide some competitive advantages. Two system(A&B) emerged, each with its own group of channels, to share the allocated spectrum(Fig. 1.2).System A is defined for the non-wire-line companies(i.c. Company does not provide PSTN service), and the system B is defined for the wire-line companies, AMPS Cellular system employ a frequency spectrum of 20 MHZ made up of 666 channels with 30 KHZ, spacing. The transmit frequency at 825.030 MHZ is specified as channel 1,and the transmit frequency at $44,980 MHZ is specified as channel 666. The receiver operates at 45 MHZ above the transmit frequency, therefore, channel 1 receives at 870,030 MHZ and channel 666 receives at 889.980 MHZ. An additional 5 MHZ spectrum was subsequently added to the existing 20 MHZ which increased the number of channel from 666 to 832. As for the TACS cellular standard, its frequency spectrum is 15 MHZ comprised of 600 channels with 25 KHZ spacing. The transmit frequency at 890.0125 MHZ is specified as channel 600. The receiver operates at 45 MHZ above the transmit frequency, therefore, channel 1 receives at 935.0125 MHZ and , channel 600 receives at 959.9875 MHZ. The AMPS and TACS channel spectrum is divided into 2 basic groups. A set of channels are dedicated for control information exchange (mobile (—) cell site) and are termed control channels (shaded areas). The second group, made up of the temaining channels, are termed voice channels and are used for conversation. Fig. 1.2 and 1.3 show the frequency spectrum and channel assignment for AMPS and TACS, respectively. Both figures include the additional spectrum of 166 extra channels for AMPS and 400 channels for TACS. Note, however, that TACS’ additional spectrum has not been implemented and the dedicated control channels are for the 600 channel system. ‘The shaded area outlines the set of Dedicated Control Channels Table 1.2 betow summaries the frequency parameter of AMPS and TACS system, The set of control channels may be split by 4 the system operator (MTSO) into subsets of dedicated control channels, and access channels. va ws 1 os esas te = 7 3 coe sa cnunoatn 987 2 CT can ate te oq fa oso mcs owe = x GAA 8 ~]e [a 5 a AA ss os] 8 canons soe BF a mea THINS owe. AP8 reer Manage obi Te ry ors soso ist emnnne 3 305 sos ate “Fae — Notimpamenied — cat stots Ee i chums 33003 a0 Table 1.2 AMPS and TACS frequency allocation. AMPS TACS Channel spacing 30 KHZ 25 KHZ Spectrum Allocation| 20 MHZ, 15 MHZ Additional Spectrum 5 MBZ 10 MHZ Total # of channels 832, 1000 stem A Krequency Allocation. 1A Frequency Allocs Al lobile TX] Mobile RCV|ICH# [Mobile TX Mobile RC’ 1825.030MAZ| 870.030MHZ, |1 |s90.0125MHZ| 935.0125MHZ, i |313(*1)|834.390MHZ| 879.390MHZ [23(*2) |s90.5625Z| 935.5625MZ |333(*2)|834.990mz| 879.990mHz |43(*1) |s91-s025nnHz| 936.5625MHZ. 667 '845.010MHZ| 890.010MEZ |300 __|s97.562sMHZ| 942.5625 MHZ, [716 '846.480MBZ) 891.480MHZ, 991 1824,040MBZ| 869.0402, 1023 __|82s.coomtHz]_370.000MHZ. Table 1.2 AMPS and TACS frequency allocation (continued) ‘System B Frequency Allocation AMPS TACS |CH# [Mobile TX |Mobile RCV|CH#._ [Mobile TX [Mobile RCV 1334(+3) |835.020MHZ| 880.020M1Z, |323(*3) )97.0625MHZ, | 942.0625MHZ 1354(*4) |s35.620MHZ| 880.620MHZ, |[343(*4) 97.5625MHZ | 942,5625MZ 1666 [844.980MHZ| 890.000MHZ |600 (904.9875 MHZ| 949.9875 MHZ, I717___|s46.s1omHz| 891.000M08z, [799 |ess.s7ommuz| 894.0007, Note: 1.Last dedicated control channel for system A. 2.First dedicated control channel for system A. 3.Last dedicated control channel for system B. 4,First dedicated control channel for system B. 2.0 Cellular Call Process When first tured ON, the cellular phone scans the designated cell site Forward Control Channels(FCCs) and measures the signal strength and acquires word synchronization on the overhead message stream. The “NO Service” indication extinguishes when word sync occurs, indicating that the phone is now ready to place or receive a call. When a number is dialed and “SEND” is pressed, the phone re- scans to verify it is still on the strongest control channel and then transmits a call origination request to the cell site on the “ RBEERE EE WESER ERE R EERE EE Reverse Control Channel (RCC). The cell site passes on this Tequest to the MTSO, receives a channel assignment in return, and sends a Voice Channel Assignment (VCA) message to the mobile on the FCC. The Phone then responds to the VCA by returning to the assigned voice channel and transmitting the SAT signal it receives from the cell site, The cell site then alerts the called party and conversation follows. During the call, the cell site monitors the phone’s signal strength to assure call quality. If the signal strength falls below a designated threshold, the cell site notifies the mobile telephone switching office(MTSO) which then requests adjacent cell sites to report the mobile signal strength measured at their location. The MTSO then choose the best cell site for handoff, instructs the new cell site to activate a voice channel transceiver and notifies the current cell site to issue a handoff order to the mobile. ‘The cell site sends the handoff order on the Forward Voice Channel (FVC). When the handoff. message is received by the mobile, it acknowledges receipt by a short burst of Signalling Tone(ST) on the Reverse Voice Channel (RVC) and then re- tunes to the new voice channel. Upon arriving at the new channel, the mobile transponds SAT on the new channel and conversation continues. 3.0 Principle of Cellular Interception The AU 688 cellular phone capability is based on monitoring and decoding the call origination and handoff digital messages from the cell site, A cellular call begins with a Voice Channel Assignment message transmitted from the cell site to the cellular phone. This assignment contains the mobile phone number and the assigned voice charmei number. By.decoding this message, it ie possible to follow eal originations to designated phones. During voice conversation, handoff to another voice channel may occur to maintain channel quality. The handoff message, which contains the new voice channel number, is transmitted from cell site to the cellular phone on the voice channel during the conversation. By decoding these handoff messages, it is possible to follow the conversation after a handoff. When the suspect’s phone number is known, the cell site forward control channel can be monitored for voice channel assignments to designated phones. When the selected phone number has been detected, the unit is re-tuned to the assigned voice channel to monitor the conversation and decode handoff orders to the phone. When a handoff order is received, the receiver is re-tuned to the new voice channel for monitoring to continue. . When this mode of operation is done from a high vantage point . with a gain antenna, a large area can be covered because of the height and gain of both the monitor and cell site antenna and the high power of the cell site transmitter. However, in dense city environments, there is a trade off between coverage and the amount of the co-channel and adjacent channel interference that can be tolerated. If the suspects’ phone number is unknown, the general monitoring mode is used to determine the suspects’ phone numbers. If the surveillance is being conducted in close proximity to the suspects’ phones, the unit can be switched to general monitoring mode. In this mode, on all voice channel assignments, the unit follows the mobile transmit frequenty and the receiver is tumed ON only for relatively strong signals. Only those phones in close proximity will tum ON the receiver and permit the suspect to be identified. After the unit 13 locked on to one channel, it will stay until the conversation is ended or a “END” key is pressed. Then it will search for another call initialization. During a call monitoring ptocess, the user may read the telephone number(origination) and the channel number assigned that is useful to help identify the geographical location if a cellular radio system maps is available. 4.0 Cellular Radio System Map The cellular radio system map is a useful tool to help identify where the suspect go when the visual contact is lost. These maps show the geographical boundaries of the cells, and the channel set numbers assigned to each cell. By referring to the charts, the user can quickly determine from the channel number (on the AU 688 display) which cell the suspect is located in. Of course, the initial location of the . user is needed due to frequency re-use of the cellular channels. The system maps should be available from the local cellular phone service provider. During the handoff to the neighbouring cell, the user is Tecommended to move to the same cell of the suspect. This is identified by reading the channel No. assigned to it from time to time. A.useful operation team is to have two teams having this unit to monitor the same suspects. One is used to monitor the conversation, the other is used to monitor the moving of the Suspect or the other phone call from the suspects when more than one cellular phones are used by the suspects, AMPS WIRELINE CHANNEL SET SYSTEM A SYSTEM B CHANNEL NO: | FREQUENCY |] CHANNEL NO: | FREQUENCY 313 879.390 334 880.020 314 879.420 335 880.050 315 879.450 336 880.080 316 879.480 337 880.110 317 879.510 338 880.140 318 879.540 339. 880.170 319 879.570 340 880.200 I: 320 879.600 341 880.230 321 879.630 342 880.260 322 879.660 343 880.290 323 879.690 344 880.320 324 879.720 345 880.350 325 879.750 346 880.380 326 879.780 347 880.410 fe 327 879.810 348 880.440 328 879.840 349 880.470 329 879.870 350 880,500 330 879.900 | 351 880.530 331 879.930 352_ 880.560 332 879.960 353 880.590 333 879.990 354 880.620 EATCS WIRELINE CHANNEL SET SYSTEM A SYSTEM B CHANNEL NO: | FREQUENCY || CHANNEL NO: | FREQUENCY 023 935.5625 323 943.0625, 024 935.5875 324 943.0875 025 935.6125 325 943.1125 026 935.6375 326 943.1375 027 935.6625 327 943.1625 028 935.6875 328 943.1875 029 935.7125 329 943.2125 030 935.7275 330 943.2375 031 935.7625 331 943.2625, 032 935.7875 332, 943.2875 033 935.8125 333 943.3125 034 935.8375 334 943.3375 035 935.8625 335, 943.3625 036 935.8875 336 943.3875 037 935.9125 337 943.4125 038 935.9375 338 943.4375 039 935.9625 339 943.4625 040 935.9875 | 340 943.4875 041 936.0125 341 943.5125 042 936.0375 342 943.5375 043 936.0625 _ | 343 943.5625 CELLULAR SYSTEM LAYOUT SUSPECT VEHICLE’CAN ENTER SECONDARY ONLY ONE OF SIX POSSIBLE CELLS TRANCEIVER MOBILE! TELEPHONE COMPANY ENTRAL OFFICE MOBILE TELEPHONE SWITCHING OFFICE (MTSO) = = Oo on) 25@ SB CELLULAR FREQUENCY INFORMATION & CHANNEL SETS The two frequency bands originally allocated for cellular radio are: Group A: 869,040 to 879.990, Group B: 880.020 to 889.980 A formula for converting from channel to Srequency is as follows: Frequency to channel- FeCx.03 +870 Channel to frequency- C= F -870 divided by .03 ‘An example: 880,050 MHz. - 870 = 10.050 10,050 divided by .03 = 335, 880.050 MHz = channel 335 Using it the other way- Channel 335 x.03 ~ 10.50 1050 + 870 = 880.050 ‘Channel 335 ~ 880,050 The extended frequencies are: Group A: 890.010 to 891.480. Group B: 891.510 to 893.970 The data (control) channels: Group A: 879,390 to 879,990 Group B: 880.020 to 880.620 They are spaced 30 KHz apart; 879.390, 870.420 ete Cell numbers: ‘The first set of cells are A through G. Each cell usu- ally uses three channel sets. As the sets are re-as- signed the cells are numbered Al, Bl, Cl, etc. They are re-assigned so that no two adjacent cells use the same frequencies. ‘The 21 channel sets (per vendor) are changed from fone cell to another periodically as the system ex- pands. However, the frequencies and channels remain the same. Set 5 e.g. will contain the same channels no matter where that set is used, ‘The following six pages are the channel\frequency as- signments for the 21 sets. These are for the original 666 channels, Wien CHANNEL SETS cH 335 356 377 398, 419 440 461 432 503 524 345 566, 587 608 629 650 cH 343, 364 385 406 427 448 469 490 sul 532 553 374 595 616 637 658 SET OI FREQ 880.050 880.680 881.310 881.940 882.570 883,200 883,830 884,460 995.090 885.720 886.350 886.980 887.610 888,240 888.870 889.500 SET 03 FREQ 880.290 880.920 881.550 382.180 882.810 383,440 384,070 884,700 885,330 385.960 886.590 887,220 887.850 888.480 839.110 889.740 SET O2 CH FREQ 350 880.500 371 881.130 392 881.760 413 882.390 434 883.020 455 (883.650 476 884.280 497 884.910 518 885.540 339 886.170 560 886.800 381 987.430 602 888.060 623 —888.690 644889320 665 889.950 SET 04 CH FREQ 352 880,560 373 881.190 394 $81,820 415 882.450 436 883.080 457° 883.710 478 884.340 499 884.970 520 885.600 S41 886.230 562 886.860 583887490 604 888.120 625 888.750 646 889.380 cH 340 361 382 403, 24 445 466 437 son 529 550 ST 592 613, 64 655 cH 353 374 395 416 437 458 479 500 521 542 563 584 605 626 647 659 SET. 05 FREQ 880.200 880.430 381.460 882.090 882.720 383.350 883.980 384,610 385.240 885.879 886.500 887.130 887.760 888,390 889.020 889.650 SETO7 FREQ 880,590 881.220 881.850 882.480 383.110 883,740 384.370 885,000 385,630 386.260 886.890, 887,520 888.150 888.780 889.410 889.770 cH 351 372 393 414 435 456 477 498 S19 340 561 582 603 624 645 666 cH “4 365 386 407 428 449 470 491 512 533 554 575 596 617 638 SET 06 SET FREQ 880,530 881.160 881.790 882.420 883.050 883.680 884.310 884.940 885.570 886,200 886.830 887.460 888.090 888.720 839,350 889.980 08 FREQ 880,320 380.950 881.580 882.210 882.840 883.470 884.100 884.730 885,360 885,990 886.620 887,250 887.880 888.510 889.140 "Wire ine CHANNEL SETS cH 342 363 384 405, 426 447 468 489 510 531 552 573 594 615 636 637 cH 338 359 380 401 422 443 464 485, 506 527 548. 569 590 oul 632 653 SET 09 FREQ 880.260, 880.890 881,520 882.150 382.780 883.410 384,040 884.670 885.300 885,930 886.560 887.190 887.820 888.450 889,080 339.710 SET IL FREQ 880.140 880,770 381.400 382.030 882.660 883.290 883.920 884.550 385,180 885.810 336.440 997,070 887.700 888,330 888.960 839,590 cH 348, 369 390 au 432 433, 474 495 516 337 358 379 600 621 642 663 cH 336 357 378 399 420 441 462 483, 54 525 546 367 588 609 630 651 SET 10 FREQ 880.440 881.070 881.700 882.330 882.960 883,590 834.220 884.850 885.480 886.110 886.740 887.370 888,000 388,630 889.260 339.890 SET 12 FREQ 880,080 880.710 881,340 881,970 882.600 883 230 883.860 884 490 885.120 885.750 886 380 887.010 887.640 888.270 838,900 839,530 cH 337 358 379 400 421 442 463, 484 502 526 547 568 589 610 631 652 SET 13 FREQ 888.110 380.740 381.370 882,000 882.630 383.260 883.890 884.520 885.150 885.780 886.410 387,040 887.670 388.300 388,930 889.560 SET 1S cH 339 360 381 402 423 444 465 486 507 528 549 570 591 612 633 654 FREQ 880,170 880.800 881.430 882.060 882.690 883.320 883.950 B84 S80 385.210 885.840 886.470 887.100 887.730 888.360 888.990 889.620 SET 14 CH FREQ 349 (880.470, 370 881.100 391 881.730 412882360 433 882.990 454 883.620 475 884.250 496 (884.880 517 885.510 538 886.140 559 886.770 580 887.400 601 888.030 622 888.660, 643 889.290 664 889.920 SET I6 CH FREQ 345 880,350 366 880.980 387 881.610, 408 882240 429 882.870 450° 883.500, 471 884.130 492 884.760 513 885.390, 534 886.020 555 886.650 376 887.280 597 887910 618 888.540 639 889.170, 660) 889,800 "WIRELINE CHANNEL SETS cH 34 362 383 404 a5 446 467 488 509 530 55 372 593 64 633 656 cH 346 367 388, 409 430 451 47 493 sd 535 556 77 598 619 640 661 SETI7 FREQ 880,230 880.860 881.490 382.120 382.750 883,380 884,010 884.640 885.270 885,900 886,530 887.160 387.790 888.420 389.050 889.680 SET 19 FREQ 880,380 881.010 881.640 882.270 882.900 883.530 384,160 384.790 885.420 386.050, 886,680 887.310 387.940 888,570 889,200 889.830 cH 354 375 396 417 438, 459 480 501 322 343 564 585 606 627 6a. cH 347 368 389 410 431 452 473 494 515 536 557 578 599 620 64 662 SET 18 FREQ 880.620 381.250 81.380 882.510 883.140 883.770 384.400 885,030 885.660 886.290 886,920 887,550 888.180 888.810 839,440 SET 20 FREQ 880.410 881,040 381.670 882.300 882.930 883,560 384.190 884.820 885.450 886,080 886.710 387.340 387.970 888.600 889,230 889.860 cH 334 355 376 397 418 439 460 481 502 523 544 565 586 607 os 649 SET 21 FREQ 880,020 880,650 881.280 881.910 882.540 883.170 883.800 384,430 885.060 885.690 386.320 886,950 887.580 888.210 838.840 889.470

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