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famous celebrity

James Cleveland "Jesse" Owens was an American track and field athlete who won four
gold medals at the 1936 Olympic Games. Jesse Owens was recognized in his lifetime
as "perhaps the greatest and most famous athlete in track and field history". Owens
realised he had a passion for running. He first came to national attention while he was
attending East Technical High School in Cleveland, taking part in the National High
School Championship of 1933 in Chicago. He matched the world record of the 100 yard
dash (91m) in 9.4 seconds and long-jumped 24 feet ,He even matched the world record
for the 100 metre race and broke the world records for the 200 metre race at 20.7
seconds and broad jump. Though he was successful, he had to live off campus, eat at
Blacks-only restaurants and could only stay at Blacks-only hotels when travelling with his
team. He continued to work part-time to pay for school, as he could not receive any
scholarships for track and field because the sport was not well respected despite his
achievements. Again, he had never received an athletic scholarship nor financial support
of any kind despite extreme economic hardship, and of course his Olympic successes
brought with them no financial reward.

how racism affects our mental and physical health

Physical health

It is found that experiencing racism has associations with poor mental health and, to a
lesser extent, poor physical health. But this is not only because stress breaks the body
down. It is also because stress pushes people to cope in unhealthy ways.There is
considerable research to suggest that the stress that comes with experiencing racism
can have long-lasting physical effects.Stress can elevate blood pressure and weaken the
immune system, which, in turn, raises the risk of developing long-term health
conditions.Racism has links with higher rates of stress, increasing a person of color’s risk
of developing high blood pressure. Also,Another study found that unfair treatment of
people of color significantly affects sleep and physiological functioning in midlife.

mental health

Research has shown on countless occasions that experiencing or internalizing racism

can have a significant impact on one’s mental health. Here we see how racism works in
a cycle to damage health. People at a social disadvantage are more likely to experience
stress from racism. And they are less likely to have the resources to extinguish this
stress, because they are at a social disadvantage.This makes sense -- if we think our
environment contains threats, then we will be on guard. But it raises a question that is
prevalent in the study of the impact of discrimination on health.

And here are, some 3 simple actions you can take against racism


Pay attention to the voices of people who experience racism every day – listen to friends,
classmates, neighbours, and community leaders.


Share the resources that you have found useful with your community to help them learn
how they can play a role in ending racism and discrimination.


Schools and universities should be safe places for children and young people of all races
and ethnicities. Find out whether your school or university has a policy on non-
discrimination and racism, safe ways to report incidents, support services, and
programmes or initiatives to promote tolerance, diversity and inclusion.

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