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Object-oriented databases (OODBs) are a type of database management system that store and manage

data using object-oriented principles. Here's an introduction to the key concepts of object-oriented
databases presented in points:

Object-Oriented Paradigm: OODBs are built on object-oriented principles, representing data as objects
with attributes and methods.

Objects and Classes: Data is modeled as objects, instances of classes defining their structure and

Inheritance: OODBs support inheritance, enabling code reuse and creating class hierarchies.

Encapsulation: Data abstraction and protection are achieved through encapsulation, hiding internal
details and exposing well-defined interfaces.

Polymorphism: Different classes can be treated as instances of a common superclass, allowing methods
to exhibit diverse behaviors.

Complex Data Types: OODBs handle structured, multimedia, and complex data types efficiently.

Object Identity: Each object in an OODB possesses a unique identity, distinguishing it from others.

Object Query Language (OQL): OQL facilitates data retrieval and manipulation, extending SQL for object-
oriented databases.

Persistence: OODBs ensure data persists even after application termination.

Relationships: Support for various relationships (one-to-one, one-to-many, many-to-many) between


Consistency and Transaction Management: ACID properties are maintained through transaction
management for data consistency.

Concurrent Access: OODBs allow multiple users to access the database concurrently, managing data

Schema Evolution: Flexible handling of object schema changes without extensive modifications.

Object-Relational Mapping (ORM): ORM frameworks bridge the gap between object-oriented
programming and relational databases.

Complex Applications: Ideal for applications with intricate data structures, such as CAD software,
multimedia apps, and scientific simulations.
Object-oriented databases provide a powerful way to manage complex data, leveraging the strengths of
the object-oriented paradigm and offering unique advantages compared to traditional relational
databases. The choice between OODBs and relational databases depends on the specific needs and
requirements of the application at hand.

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