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Drona Public School

Sub : English Summative Assessment - 1 Date :

Class : 6th Name : Toatal Marks : 80

Q-1)Tick the correct answer [20M]

1. Patrick never did his homework because he felt it was ...

A. 'unimportant. B. 'too boring. C. 'pastime'

2. Nintendo is a...

A. video game. B. crossword puzzle. C. card game

3. One of the clothes the tiny man had not put on was ..

A. short trousers. B. jacket. C. tall hat.

4.A home requires... and care. B. unselfish acts. C. Both 'A' and B'

5. The poet of the poem 'A House, A Home' is

A. Mary O'Neill. B. Shel Silverstein. C. Lorraine M. Halli.

6. Once Dogs lived the way_________ do.

A. Foxes B. Wolves C. Deers

7. The Dog was in search of a master.

A. who was stronger than he. B. who did not have any servant.

C. who was the strongest on the earth.

8.____________It made Taro very sad.

A. He kept ill B. His parents kept ill C. He worked very hard but he earned very little money

9. 'Saké' is a popular Japanese

A. food. B. drink. C. game.

10. Taro's father wanted 'saké' to

A. gift it to his wife. B. satisfy his hunger. C. keep himself warm.

11. The poet of the poem 'The Quarrel' is ...

A. Eleanor Farieon. B. Shel Silverstein. C. Rabindranath Tagore.

D. Mary O'Neill.

12. To become an astronaut one needs to know ...

A. biology. B. astrophysics. C. aeronautics.

13. Kalpana Chawla had later become a naturalised ______________citizen.

A. U.S. B. Indian C. Australian

14. Kalpana was selected by NASA for training as an astronaut in

A. 1990 B. 1992 C. 1994

15. One of the following astronauts was not there in the crew of Columbia Space Shuttle.

A. Japanese B. Spanish C. Ukranian

16.The poem 'Beauty' is written by-______-___

A. Shel Silverstein B. Mary O'Neill C. E-Yeh-Shure

17. Beauty is_________

A. seen B. heard C. found within oneself

18. Taro filled a pitcher of ___________ from the waterfall behind a rock.

A. sake B. water C. nectar

19.In the poem The Quarrel, there is a quarrel between

A. two sisters B. a brother and a sister. C. two brothers.

20. The quarrel started ...

A. for a silly reason. B. for a serious issue. C. but the reason is not known.
Drona Public School
Sub : English Summative Assessment - 1 Date :

Class : 6th Name : Toatal Marks : 80


Q-1] [A] Read the following_passage carefully and answer the questions given below: [5 M]

Discipline teaches us self-control, self-restrain and respect for laws. It produces a sense of duty. There is discipline in
heavenly bodies, stars and planets. The ordered growth and decay show that there is discipline everywhere in nature.
The school and colleges cannot run without discipline. Discipline makes us civilized.

We learn to respect the views and rights of others. Games and sports make the players disciplined. Discipline stands
for law and order. A well-disciplined person always does his work (duty) honestly. If there is no discipline in society
people shall do as they please and that may be harmful the society.

Where there is no discipline, there is disorder. With order and discipline there can be no peace in the societ Discipline
keeps us within limits.

Answer the following questions:

1. What does discipline teaches us?

2. What shows that there is discipline everywhere in nature?

3. What makes people civilised?

4. How do games and sports help players?

5. What does a well-disciplined person always do?

[B]. Read the given Poem below and answer the questions that follow: [5 M]

How bright on the blue

Is a kite when it's new!

With a dive and a dip

It snaps its tail

Then soars like a ship.

With only a sail.

(1) 'on the blue' means 'in the sky'. (V or X).

(2) When does the kite look bright?

(3) What is the kite compared to?

(4) How does the kite begin its journey upwards?

(5)What does the word ‘soars’ in the above extract mean?

Q-2] Word Meaning [Write any 3] [3 M]

1)Nintendo 2)ignoramus 3)Darted 4)Sake 5) Expensive

Q-3] Answer the following question [ Write any 8] [8 M]

1.What did Patrick think his cat was playing with? What was it really?

2. Why did the Dog feel the need for a master?

3.How does the kite look like in the sky?

4.Why did Taro run in the direction of the stream?

5.Why did the Emperor reward Taro?

6.Describe kalpana Chawla first mission in space.

7. Name three natural things of beauty mentioned in the poem.

8.Who was the first woman born in India to go into space?

9.Where was kalpana Chawla Born? Why is she called an Indian-American?

Q-4] Answer the following question [Supplementary Question][ write any 4] [4 M]

1.How did the two baby-birds get separated?

2.Why did the farmers bring a baby mangoose into the house?

3.Why did the farmer’s wife strike the mongoose with her basket?

4.Why was the new governor called to the palace?

5.Who visited the Shepherd one day, and Why?

Q-5]State whether the following sentences are True or False. [3 M]

1. Sometimes Patrick felt like an ignoramus.

2. A house is always a home. 18.
3. Taro's father wanted a cup of saké to warm himself.

[Q-1] Fill in the blanks correctly using the singular or plural forms of the nouns given in brackets. [3 M]

1. 'I have bad. __________ (news) for you,' Supriya said softly.

2.Nathu took his flock of _____________ (sheep) to the hills.

3. This shampoo can free your ._____________ (hair) of __________. (louse).

4. The horses have hurt their ____________ (hoof).

5. I bought a new pair of..______________ (jeans) from the mall.

6. The children spotted three _____________. (deer) near the pond.

Q-2]Identify what type each of these sentences belongs to. Then rewrite the sentences with the correct
punctuation marks. [3 M]

1. How happy Vidhu looks today

2. Please pass me some salt

3. Do you know Kamaal

4. What a great woman she was5. My last trip was to Shillong

5. Who was the first Indian to go to space

6. Let's take a break now.

Q-3]Rewrite these sentences using the correct personal pronouns. [3 M]

1. There is a letter for she from her mother, the warden said.

2. Can you please do I a favour?

3. I have known she since be was a child

4.Can I heip me carry these books?

5. The rainfall this year has been good. They all good for farmers.

6. Rimmi and me are close friends.

Q-4]Fill in the blanks with suitable determiners. [3M]

1. I didn't lose hope even though __________________ people bought my book.

2. I have_________________ knowledge of maths. It was never my cup of tea.

3. He gambled away _____________money he was left with.

4. We have spent ________time discussing this.

5. Samara has as _____________ money as Samar.

6. The professor spent __________ time in explaining the concep.

Q-5Complete these sentences using the suitable synonyms of the words given in brackets. [2M]

engaging bustling inhibition infuriate

1.We like our English teacher a lot. Her classes are always _____________(interesting)

2. This used to be______________ street in those days, but it is no longer so. (busy)

3. In time, he shed some of his _______________ and began to express himself freely. (shyness)

4. I never thought the news would ______________ so much. (anger)

Q-6] Circle the subjects and underline the predicates in these sentences. [3M]

1.How wonderful the river appears in the twilight!

2. Can you fetch me my medicine and a glass of water?

3. All students are requested to queue up in the assembly hall.

4. Scarlett O'Hara is the protagonist of the novel Gone with the Wind.

5. These hills are rich in medicinal plants.

6. Who wrote the book Gulliver's Travels?

Q-7] Fill in the blanks with the correct articles. Write NA if no article is required. [2 M]

1.____________ main route to__________hill station had been blocked because of ________ landslide.

2. 'Remember that___________ success and____________ failure are always relative, Father said.

3. ____________ Mallakhamba is _______________ traditional sport of India.

4. MY elder sister runs __________ NGO that works for the education of underprivileged


Q-8] Choose the correct prepositions. [3 M]

1. The thieves broke ______ the house while we were away.(through/into/in)

2. We will have to do _____________food for tonight,' the poor woman said to her children.
3. I will deal __________ the issue when I face it. (with/to/in)
4. The old lady got. ________the train watchfully. (from/oh/off)
5. The shop deals ______________ all kinds of furniture. (with/into/in)
6. This picture reminds me ________someone I knew as a child. (about/of/to)
Q-9] Complete these sentences with suitable conjunctions. [3M]

1. You are putting the blame on me _____________ it is solely my mistake!

me any questions that you may have.
2.____________________ it was very cold, I chose not to stay indoors
3. It rained all night __________ the roads are all flooded.
4. The plan seemed risky ___________ exciting.
5. Do you remember the place ______________ you saw her?
6. You Should think it through ____________ you make a decision.
Q-10) 1. Imagine you are the head librarian of a school. Write a letter to a famous bookseller in your city
placing an order for some books for the library. [4 M]


2. Write a letter to a friend thanking her/him for a present she/he has sent You

Q-11) Story Writing [3M]

gathered in a large number ____________ no wolf_______ the boy laughed at them___________ one day
wolf really came the boy cried for help ________

neighbours did not believe him_________the wolf killed the boy and his sheep.



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