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语法点二 不完整句子

一、 主语、谓语不能少 (包括从句中的主谓成分)
1. 认识谓语

I watch TV.
I watched TV.
I am watching YV.
I was watching TV.
I have watched TV.
I had watched TV.
I have been watching TV.
I had been watching TV.
I am going to watch TV.
I was going to watch TV.
I will watch TV
I would watch TV.
I should have watched TV.


2. 缺谓语(分词和不定式不能做谓语,被动和进行时态缺少 be,谓语被定语从句取代)
(1) Mary, who comes from the US, reading a book by the window. ×
(2) All of us seen the horse-shaped cloud. ×

5. 双主语
(1) Mary, who comes from the US, she is reading a book by the window. ×

6. such as, including, especially 等后面的内容是句子的一部分,因此不能单独成句

(1) I hate to study English at night. Especially when I am sleepy. ×

二、 缺乏介词引起的不完整句子
1. She is good at and successful in Math.

2. The fire did great damage to and destroyed the forest.
3. I saw the news in local newspapers and on national television.

三、 省略,并非缺少成分
1. Although (he is) young, he is ambitious.
2. I am as good as, if (I am) not better than, you.
(I am as good as you, if I am not better than you.)

二、Focus Practice
1. Finland’s national epic, the Kalevala, based on an oral tradition that the Balto-Finnish people
preserved for some 2,500 years despite the upheavals of history and the pressures of foreign
(A) based on an oral tradition that
(B) being based on an oral tradition that
(C) is based on an oral tradition; this
(D) basing itself on an oral tradition which
(E) is based on an oral tradition that

2. In the United States, an increasing number of commuters that believe their families to be
immune from the perils of city life.
(A) that believe their families to be
(B) that believe their families are
(C) believes their families are
(D) who believe their families to be
(E) believe their families to be

3. Mary Cassatt, an American painter strongly influenced by French impressionism, she also
responded to Japanese paintings exhibited in Paris in the 1890s.
(A) impressionism, she also responded
(B) impressionism, also responded
(C) impressionism, also responding
(D) impressionism, nevertheless, she responded
(E) impressionism before responding

4. The choreographer Katherine Dunham having trained as an anthropologist, she studied dance in
Jamaica, Haiti, and Senegal.
(A) having trained as an anthropologist, she studied
(B) was also a trained anthropologist, having studied
(C) was also a trained anthropologist and a student of
(D) was also a trained anthropologist who studied
(E) training as an anthropologist, she studied

5. The choreographer Katherine Dunham having trained as an anthropologist, she studied dance in
Jamaica, Haiti, and Senegal.
(A) Katherine Dunham having trained as an anthropologist, she studied
(B) Katherine Dunham, who was also a trained anthropologist, studied
(C) Katherine Dunham was a trained anthropologist and was also a student of
(D) Katherine Dunham was a trained anthropologist and also participated in the study of
(E) Katherine Dunham training as an anthropologist, she studied

6. S. J. Perelman, whose hallmark of a grandiloquent writing style is widely regarded as one of the

finest American wits of all time.
(A) S. J. Perelman, whose hallmark of a grandiloquent writing style
(B) Being that his hallmark is a grandiloquent writing style, S. J. Perelman is
(C) S. J. Perelman’s grandiloquent writing style is his hallmark and is
(D) S. J. Perelman and his hallmark of a grandiloquent writing style are
(E) S. J. Perelman, whose hallmark is a grandiloquent writing style, is

7. More and more holidaymakers are choosing to fly to remote islands in search of the perfect
beach; seeking sand, sun and palm trees, rather than centers of entertainment.
A. ; seeking sand, sun and palm trees, rather than centers of entertainment.
B. ; seeking sad, sun, palm trees and not entertainment.
C. , with sand, sun, palm trees and no entertainment.
D. , they seek sand, sun and palm trees, rather than entertainment centers.
E. ; they seek sand, sun and palm trees, rather than centers of entertainment.

8. Although Jimmy practiced for the driving test for months, passing it by only one point on test
A. passing it by only one point
B. he passed it by only one point
C. but he passed it by only one point
D. and he did pass them by only one point
E. yet passing it by only one point

9. The common house cat's eyes are remarkably well adapted to seeing at night yet relying heavily
on hearing and smell to navigate in the dark.
A. The common house cat's eyes are remarkably well adapted to seeing at night yet relying
B. Because its eyes are remarkably well adapted to seeing at night, the common housecat relying
C. Although the common housecat's eyes are remarkably well adapted to seeing at night, it relies
D. Although its eyes are remarkably well adapted to seeing at night, the common housecat, it
E. Being that its eyes are remarkably well adapted to seeing at night, the common housecat relying

10. All the advantages the French had over the English in manpower, horses, and military
equipment, forcing Henry V to rely on deception and using cunning tactics at the Battle of
A. equipment, forcing Henry V to rely on deception and using
B. equipment has tempted Henry V not only to rely on deception but then to use
C. equipment forced Henry V to rely on deception and to use
D. equipment not only forced Henry V to rely on deception plus he used
E. equipment, forcing Henry V into relying on deception and he therefore used

11. Trekking into the deep, inactive crater, we suddenly realized that all outside sound blocked by
the dense rock walls of the volcano.
(A) blocked by the dense rock walls

(B) blocked as a resutt of the dense rock walls
(C) was blocked by the dense rock walls
(D) was blocking the dense rock walls
(E) was going to be blocking the dense and rocky walls

12. The Old City sections of modern Stockholm, evocative of the city’s historical prosperity in
that cobblestone, narrow streets, and lively shops abound.
(A) Stockholm, evocative
(B) Stockholm evoking
(C) Stockholm, evocations
(D) Stockholm are evocative
(E) Stockholm is evoking

13. Although the dancers were nervous at the beginning of their performance, having shown
remarkable ease as the performance progressed.
(A) having shown remarkable ease as the performance
(B) once they showed remarkable ease when the performance had been
(C) but showing remarkable ease as the performance
(D) they showed remarkable ease as the performance
(E) but they showed remarkable ease when the performance

14. Word had it that employees using the latest version of word processing software to produce
documents streamlining the week’s work schedule.
(A) using the latest version of word processing software to produce documents streamlining
(B) using the latest version of word processing software to produce documents and streamline
(C) using the latest version of word processing software and producing documents, they
(D) were using the latest version of word processing software to produce documents, thus
(E) used the latest version of word processing software to produce documents, so streamlining

15. The problem of bias in journalism, often exacerbated in some countries because the
government controls the media.
(A) journalism, often exacerbated in some countries because
(B) journalism, often exacerbated in some countries and
(C) journalism, often exacerbated in some countries when
(D) journalism is often exacerbated in some countries where
(E) journalism is often exacerbated in some countries so

16. Both Cinderella and Snow White being dependent on a prince to rescue them from unfortunate
(A) Both Cinderella and Snow White being dependent on a prince to rescue them from unfortunate
(B) Both Cinderella and Snow White were dependent on a prince to rescue them from unfortunate

(C) Dependent on a prince to rescue them from unfortunate circumstances being both Cinderella
and Snow White
(D) Unfortunate circumstances were what both Cinderella and Snow White were dependent on a
prince to rescue them from
(E) Dependent on a prince to rescue them from unfortunate circumstances was both Cinderella and
Snow White

17. Although most people think of Egyptian papyrus as the earliest paper, during the Han Dynasty,
the Chinese developing a process to create paper from individual plant fibres that was much closer
to techniques used in modern papermaking.
(A) the Chinese developing a process to create paper from individual plant fibres that
(B) the Chinese developing a process and creating paper from individual plant fibres that
(C) the Chinese developing a process to create paper from individual plant fibres, it
(D) the Chinese developed a process to create paper from individual plant fibres, it
(E) the Chinese developed a process to create paper from individual plant fibres that

18. As their work load gets heavier, first-year law students trying to keep up with their
assignments by drinking a lot of coffee.
(A) trying to keep up with their assignments by
(B) trying to keep up with their assignments and
(C) tried to keep up with their assignments by
(D) try to keep up with their assignments by
(E) trying keeping up with their assignments by
19. All of the children waiting for the school bus seen the crossing guard walking out into the
street to stop traffic. No error

20. The book introduces some important aspects in language learning. Such as listening, speaking
and reading. No error

21. I hate to study English at night. Especially when I was sleepy. No error

22. The company manufactures a wide range of products. Including TV set, computers and iPod.
No error

三、真题解析(多出现在 Improving Sentence 的题型里)
24. The new political science curriculum at some high schools in India, encouraging teachers to
use cartoons and newspaper clippings to provoke classroom debate on contemporary issues.
(No.2, Sec.7, 2010.1)
A. India, encouraging teachers to use cartoons and newspaper clippings to provoke
B. India, which encourages teachers to use cartoons and newspaper clippings, and provokes
C. India is encouraging teachers to use cartoons and newspaper clippings and then provoking
D. India encourages teachers to use cartoons and newspaper clippings to provoke
E. India so encourages teachers to use cartoons and newspaper clippings as provoking

25. New data showing that Saturn’s rings were probably orbiting the planet billions of years ago,
overturning scientists’ earlier belief that the rings are only about 100 million years old. (No.6,
Section 7, 2010.5)
(A) New data showing that Saturn’s rings were probably orbiting the planet billions of years ago,
(B) New data show that Saturn’s rings were probably orbiting the planet billions of years ago,
(C) New data that show that Saturn’s rings probably orbited the planet billions of years ago,
(D) New data that show that Saturn’s rings probably orbited the planet billions of years ago, and
(E) Having shown that Saturn’s rings were probably orbiting the planet billions of years ago, new
data that overturn

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