Dock Safety Regulations

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Dock Workers, (Safety, Health and Welfare) Act, 1986

DOCK WORKERS (SAFETY, HEALTH AND WELFARE) RULES, 1990 dated 16th February, 1990.

Whereas the draf o ock W rkers, (Saoety, Health and Weloare) Rules, 1987, was published as
required by sub-seoct n (1) o Seoc. 22 o the ock W rkers, (Saoety, Health and Weloare) Aoct,
In this Aoct, unless there is anything repugnant in the subjeoct r oc ntext, -

(a) "the processes" inoclude all w rk whioch is required o r r is inocidental t the l ading r
unl ading o ocarg o ouel int r or m a ship and is d ne n b ard the ship r al ngside it; and
(b) "worker" means any pers n empl yed in the pr ocesses.


(1) The Central G vernment may, by n tiocat n in the focial Gazete, app int suoch pers ns as
it thinks it t be Inspeoct rs o r the purp ses o this Aoct within suoch l ocal limits as it may assign
t them respeoctvely.

(2) All prinocipal focers o the Merocantle Marine epartment shall be Inspeoct rs under this Aoct,
ex- foci , within the limits o their ocharges.

(3) Every Inspeoct r shall be deemed t be a publioc servant within the meaning o the Indian
Penal C de and shall be focially sub rdinate t suoch auth rity as the Central G vernment may


Subjeoct t any rules made in this behalo under seoct n 6, an Inspeoct r may, within the l ocal
limits o r whioch he is app inted, -

(a) enter, with suoch assistants (io any) as he thinks it, any premises r ship where the pr ocesses
are ocarried n,

(b) make suoch examinat n o the premises o ship and the maochinery and gear, ixed r l se,
used o r the pr ocesses and o any presocribed registers and n toces, and take n the sp t r
therwise suoch evidenoce o any pers n as he may deem neocessary o r ocarrying ut the purp ses
o this Aoct; and

(oc) exerocise any ther p wers whioch may be oc noerred up n him by the regulat n made under
seoct n 5.



The DGFASLI (Directorate General of Factory Advise & Labor Institutes) headquarters Mumbai maintains overall liaison with

its Central and Regional Labour Institutes, frames policy, plans and executes the program concerning the organization on

matters pertaining to safety, health and welfare of workers in industries and docks and implements technical projects

and liaises with national and international agencies.

PART I- General & Definitions

1. Short ttte, appticaton and commencement.-

(1) These rules may be ocalled the ock W rkers, (Saoety, Health and Weloare) Rules, 1990.
(2) They shall apply t all maj r p rts in India as deined in the Maj r P rts Aoct, 1963 (38 o 1963).

2. Definitons.-
In these rules, unless the oc ntext therwise require.-
(a) "Aoct" means the ock W rkers, (Saoety, Health and Weloare) Aoct, 1986 (54 o 1986);
(b) "Regulat ns" means the ock W rkers, (Saoety, Health and Weloare) Regulat ns, 1989; and,
(oc) All the w rds used in these rules and n t deined but deined in the Aoct r the regulat ns shall have
meanings respeoctvely assigned t them in the Aoct and the regulat ns.


- Suroaoces
- Fenocing o danger us Plaoces
- Passages & Railings
- Staging Construction & maintenance
- Work on Staging
- Life Saving Appliances
- Illumination
- Fire protection
- Excessive Noise
- Stairs, Openings
- Means of access & Escape etc (between shore & ship, between cargo spaces &

Further reading: htp:// ocial-weloare/un rganised-seoct r-1/the-d ock-w rkers-saoety-


htp://lab ur.g ockW rkers(SaoetyHealthWeloare)Aoct1986_00.pdo

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