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Name the following reagents :

a) Tollen’s reagent – ammonical silver nitrate solution

b) Fehling’s solution – obtained by mixing Fehling’s A (copper sulphate solution) and Fehling’s B
(Sodium potassium tartarate )


2) Common name for Sodium potassium tartarate is Rochelle’s salt
3) The fruity smell produced is due to formation of ester for the test of alcohols and carboxylic acids.

4) The yellow ppt formed for the iodoform test for alcohols is due to the formation of iodoform.

5) The reaction of phenol with neutral ferric chloride gives violet coloured ferric phenoxide .
6) The shinning mirror formed with Tollen’s reagent for aldehyde is silver.
7) The appearance of red ppt in Fehling’s test is copper oxide (Cu2O).
8) Carboxylic acid reacts with sodium bicarbonate to give brisk effervescence due to the evolution of
carbon dioxide gas.
9) Name two tests which distinguishes aldehydes from ketones?
Tollen’s and fehling’s test
10) Give the functional group present in
a)alcohol – OH group
b) carboxylic acid – COOH group
c) aldehyde – CHO
d)ketone – C=O

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