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Characte s of the political structure of the HKSAR Consider the following sources. Then answer the questions Source A: Composition of the Fifth Executive Council ere ical Chief Executive cota | e ia a Comprising 7 members of the Legislative Council, the Chairman of the Financial Services of Burestx Development Council, the Chairman of the Hong Kong Stack Exchange, Source B: Composition and method for the formation of the Legislative Council (Effective from the seventh term, 2022-2026) Hong Kong is died esd bya 1500 member AO were} eon Came, she 40 ‘elected by candidates who receive the the Election into 10 geographical Members are elected by the 28 functional constiuencies.* (The constituencies. Eligible vores elect «wo members in highest numbers of vores every constituency. The wo Committee are elected. ‘candidates who receive candidates who receive the the highest number of highest numbers of votes are re) & 88, s e oes in thee epecive dled wet & 33 ogte FC ate deed) 2O vemves S%y Cus BEF FF, 0 sender oe ecedby W/W a BG! AONE tobectcted geographical */ 4 /ap/Mm PNA\P\ © ay the Election constituencies *®/*@ /¢@/% /% VO \P\P\% committee 00/00 [00/0 /eo e\e\c\e\e * Each functional constituency (FC) elects one LegCo Member except for the Labour FC, which returns 3 Members 7 Topic 1 The Meaning and Implementation of "One Country, Two Systems 38 Source C: Adapted from a news report on Headline Daily, 4th February, 2022 ‘The Financial Secretary will announce the Budget for the new year on February 23, and the Finance Committee of the Legislative Council will hold a five-day special meeting on April 8 and berween April 11 and April 14, to examine in detail che budgeted expenditure of various departments, By arrangement, after delivering the Budget speech at the Legislative Council, the Financial Secretary will pass the Appropriation Bill to the Finance Committee for review. The Finance Committee will convene a special meeting. The Chairman of the Finance Committee will then submit a report to the il and return the bill che Legislative Council for debate as well as second and third Chapter 4 Political structure of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region | Cat (@) With reference to source A, which of the following are correct descriptions about the composition of the Executive Council? (1 mark) (1) The Chief Executive shall be the President of the Executive Council (2) Members of the Executive Council consist of officials and people from society. (3) Allofficial embers are principal officials of the HKSAR. A. (1)and (2) only B (1)and (3) only C Q)and 8) only D (1), @)and 8) (b) Which of the following are the duties of ExCo members? (1 mark) (1) Giving suggestions on the appointment and removal of personnel of the executive authorities (2) Attending ExCo meetings held at Central Government Offices every month (3) Upholding the principle of confidentiality of the Executive Council (4) Holding collective responsibilty for the decisions of the Executive Council A. (1)and (2) only B (3) and (4) only C (1), @)and (4) only D (1), (@)and (4) only (©) State two eligibility requirements for Hong Kong residents to run for a Legislative Council election. (2 marks) (d) With reference to source B, state and explain two characteristics of the composition of the Legislative Council, (4 marks) (@) “The executive authorities and legislature of the HKSAR, while keeping checks and balances, complement the functions of each other”. How do sources B and C support this view? Explain your answer. (6 marks) 9 Topic 1 40 The Meaning and Implementation of “One Country, Two Systems @ ©) © @ © D (1 mark) B (1 mark) Be Hong Kong permanent residents / Have no right of abode in any foreign country / Be Chinese citizens (Any two of them, 1 mark each) Members of the Legislative Council are elected by different methods: According to the Basic Law, LegCo Members are returned by El tituency (FC) and geographical constituency elections. Election Committee seats are returned by 1,500-member Election Committee, FC seats are returned by 28 functional constituencies. Geographical constituency seats are returned by eligible voters in every geographical constituency. (2 marks) The proportions of diferent kinds of seas in the Legislative Council vary: The proportion ofthe Election Committee seats, FC seats and geographical constituency seats are different. Election Committee seats (40) have the largest proportion, followed by FC seats (30) and then geographical constituency seats (20). (2 marks) tion Committee, functional cor ‘Suggested marking guidelines Marks ‘The candidate: * with reference to source B, states and explains how the characteristics of the composition of the | 4 Legislative Council, eg * Members of the Legislative Council are elected by different methods: According to the Basic Law, LegCo Members are returned by Election Committee, functional constituency (FC) and geographical constituency elections. The proportions of different kinds of seas in the Legislative Council vary: The proportion of the Election Committee seats, FC seats and geographical constituency seats are different. Election Committee seats have the largest proportion, + makes appropriate and comprehensive use of the source attempts to explain how the characteristics of the composition of the Legislative Council, but the | 2-3 claboration is insufficient in detail! similar or not targeted: or is only able to clearly explain one of the characteristics + makes use of some points of relevance in the source, but not comprehensive enough briefly explains the characteristics of the composition of the Legislative Council, but the explanation | 1 is not entirely accurate + uses the source in a limited manner or sometimes inappropriately, e.g. the answer shows discrepancies between the explanation and the source + makes no attempt to answer the question 0 + gives an answer which is not relevant to the question ‘Checks and balances: According to the Basic Law, the Budget prepared by the HKSAR Government has to be reviewed and passed by the Legislative Council before implementation. According to source C, for example, after the Financial Secretary announced the Budget for 2022, the Financial Committee held a five-day special meeting to ‘examine in detail the expenditure of various departments. The Appropriation Bil for the Budget had to be submitted to the Finance Committee for review, and to be returned to the Legislative Council for debate as well as second reading and third reading. (3 marks) Chapter 4 Political structure of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region ‘Complementing the functions of each other: According to the Basic Law, in the policymaking process, the executive authorities will discuss relevant ideas and suggestions with the legislature in various ways, According to source 8, for example, some members of the Legislative Council are invited by the Chief Executive to participate in the Executive Council as non-official members. This allows members of the legislature to express thelr views on policies, thereby enhancing the communication and cohesion between the executive authorities and the legislature. Ths also facilitates the implementation of polices. (3 marks) Suggested marking guidelines Marks ‘The candidate: + explains clearly and logically how sources B and C support the claim that “the executive authorities and legislature of the HKSAR, while keeping checks and balances, complement the functions of cach other”; makes appropriate use of relevant evidence in the sources to support his/her argument, 8 Explanation on keeping checks and balances: = According to the Basic Law, the Budget prepared by the HKSAR Government has to be reviewed and passed by the Legislative Council before implementation. For example, after the Financial Secretary announced the Budget for 2022, the Financial Committee held a special meeting to examine in detail the expenditure of various departments. The Appropriation Bill for the Budget had to go through the three- reading procedure in the Legislative Council Explanation on complementing the functions of each other: According to the Basic Law, in the policymaking process, the executive authorities will discuss relevant ideas and suggestions with the legislature in various ways, For example, some members of| the Legislative Council are invited by the Chief Executive to participate in the Executive Couneil (source B). This allows members of the legislature to express their views on policies, thereby enhancing the communication and cohesion between the executive authorities and the legislature. + makes appropriate and comprehensive use of the sources to explain how the sources support the + provides a well-structured, clear and in-depth elaboration 56 + attempts to provide his/her argument based on the sources, but the argument lacks clarity/ consistency; attempts to elaborate on the view that “the executive authorities and legislature of the HKSAR, while keeping checks and balances, complement the functions of each other”, but is unable Co provide sufficient depth and details based on the sources; draws mostly upon the sources for argument, but the explanation in support of his/her arguments is superficial + shows partial understanding or is only able to apply relevant knowledge in a basic way + makes use of some points of relevance in the sources provided, but sometimes inappropriately + provides a somewhat shallow discussion, which is not well structured and does not always articulate his/her ideas clearly 34 + attempts to present his/her argument, but the elaboration is too partial + makes use of the sources in a limited/ inappropriate manner to explain how the sources support the claim; may draw wrong conclusions from the sources + gives a superficial answer with ite organisation Avithout focus; express ideas vaguely + makes no attempt to answer the question + gives an answer which is not relevant to the question 4

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