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Subject : English
Grade : 2
Made by : Miss Sabina Aslam
Unit 4 : Long , long ago
Lesson: 4.1- 4.9

Learning outcomes:

2- Homophones
3- Similes
4- Present and Past verb forms
5- Connectives
6- Speech marks

Question 1 : Using adjectives for description:

➢ The story uses some very interesting adjectives.

1 What three words describe what bears are like?
2 What two words describe what bears' tails are like
3 Were bears always grumpy?
4 What were bears' tails like long ago?
5 Use three interesting adjectives for the description of the Bear.

Question 2: Homophones ( Words that sounds alike but have

different meanings)

Question 3:Past tense

➢ This story is written about a man who lived long ago.

It is written in the past tense.

We use the past tense to describe something that happened earlier or a

long time ago. To make the past tense we often add ed: play - played. But
watch out! Sometimes the words change completely e.g. go-went.

Write out these sentences and fill in the gaps with the correct
1 Long ago in the mountains of Japan, there
—--------------------stonecutter called Yoshi.
2 He—------------------ a poor man.
3 One day, Yoshi —----------------------some stone to a rich man's
4 Yoshi —-------------------------- the rich man's beautiful home.
5 "Oh I wish I could be a rich man,"----------------------------- Yoshi.
6 When Yoshi —---------------------fine house. home his hut had turned
into a fine house.

Use this chart to help you:

Word turn love
Past tense turned loved

Question 4: Connectives ( Words that join the sentences)


Question 5: Similes ( A simile is a comparison between two things,

usually using the words 'like' and 'as')

1. A simile COMPARES 2 things.

A True
B False
2. A simile COMPARES 2 things using the words—------ or —------
A and, or
B like, as
C and, like
3. Complete the Simile:
As cold as
A ice
B sand
C crystal
D silk
4. Complete the Simile:
As busy as a
B bee
C goat
D buffalo
5. Complete the Simile:
As big as
A an ant
B a giraffe
C a bottle
D an elephant
6. Complete the Simile:
As flat as a
A cake
B tree
C pancake
D muffin

Question 6: Speech marks

1. Mom, can we have grilled cheese sandwiches for

dinner? asked joe.
2. Gina asked, How many students are in your dance
3. Does everyone have their backpacks ready for
tomorrow? asked Jen.
4. Do you know at what time the store opens? Harry
5. Tim yelled, You can come to my house today.


2 Plan your own circular story. Draw a chart with six circles on
it. You could use a computer to do this if you prefer.
a Keep circles 1 and 6 the same as in the chart in Activity 1,
but you can change the main character.
b Think of new things your character wishes for in circles 2-5.
(You can draw the wishes or you can add pictures from the

C Make a short video of your chart with yourself in which you

will explain the wishes that Yoshi desired.

This activity contains 5 marks that will be added in your 2nd
term exams.

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