Comparatives Grammar Drills Tests - 61039

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A- Write the correct form of the adjective.

1. Although the Sheraton is ______________ (cheap), it is ______________ (far) from the

beach, so it’s ______________(convenient) to stay in Plaza Hotel.

2. My present boss is ______________(easy) to work with than my previous one.

3. Our new house is ______________(expensive), but it is ______________ (comfortable)

and ______________ (modern).

4. It’s ______________(fast) to go by train than by car.

5. This year it has been ______________(cold) and ______________(wet) than last year.

6. The beaches in Algarve are ______________(crowded) than the ones in the Alentejo.

7. This hotel is ______________(old) that that one, but it is ______________(charming).

8. Marriage vows state that you should stay with your spouse for ______________ (good) or

for ______________.

9. It is obviously ______________(dangerous) to walk around in Central Park during the

day than it is at night.

10. Your little brother may be ______________(young) than you, but he is much


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