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KHBD – Tiếng Anh 9 Năm học 2023- 2024

Week : 17 Date of planning: /12/2023

Period : 47 Date of the first teaching: /12/2023


Skills 2
By the end of the lesson students will be able to:
1. Knowledge:
- Listen for general and specific information about life in an extended family.
- Write about some qualities a person needs to get along in an extended family.
Vocabulary: about family groups in Viet Nam in the past and at present.
Grammar: Review
Skills: Listening completion, listening and deciding on True, False ,writing to give reasons.
2. Competences:
SS will develop some competences such as being determined, self-studying, creative and
communicating. They will use language correctly.
3. Personal qualities:
Students are hard-working and attentive. Ss have aware of protecting the traditions and
promoting them.
- Books and notebooks.
- Computer connected to the Internet
- Projector
1. Activity 1: WARM-UP: (5 mins)
a. Objectives:
To attract Ss’ attention to the lesson and to lead in the new lesson.
b. Content:
Ss work individually to draw aliens and answer the questions.
c. Expected outcomes:
Ss can answer the questions correctly.
d. Organization
Teacher’s and students’ activities Contents
- Ask Ss to say if they are living in small
families with their parents and siblings only or
in big families with grandparents and other
relatives. Ask them if they find any difficulties
living in their family group or if they want to
have anything changed.
2. Activity 2: PRESENTATION (13 mins)
a. Objectives:
Giáo viên: Hoàng Thị Thanh Hiền Trường THCS Quyết Thắng
KHBD – Tiếng Anh 9 Năm học 2023- 2024

Help Ss listen for general and specific information about life in an extended family and do
b. Content:
+ Describe what you see in each picture. What are the similarities or differences between
+ Nick is talking to Mrs Ha, Duong’s mother, about her family in the past. Listen to the
conversation and fill in the blanks.
+ Listen again and decide if the following statements are true (T) or false (F).
c. Expected outcomes:
Ss can listen to life in an extended family and do listening exercises correctly.
d. Organization
Teacher’s and students’ activities Contents
- Ask Ss to work in pairs to describe 1. Describe what you see in each picture. What
the pictures and answer the question. are the similarities or differences between them?
- Ask a pair to share their ideas with
the class. 2. Nick is talking to Mrs Ha, Duong’s mother,
- Tell Ss that they are going to listen about her family in the past. Listen to the
to a talk between Nick and Mrs Ha, conversation and fill in the blanks.
Duong’s mother, about her family in Key:
the past. 1. extended family
- Ask them to read the information in 2. three generations
the table carefully and try to predict 3. shared
the answers. Tell them to decide the 4. their day
part of speech of the words they will 5. their work
need to fill in the blanks, then listen 6. things happening
carefully to find the 7. to be tolerant
words from the recording. 8. talk
- Play the recording twice. 9. listen
- Have two Ss write their answers on 10. compromise
the board.
- Confirm the correct answers.
- Have Ss work individually to
underline the key words in the 3. Listen again and decide if the following
statements. statements are true (T) or false (F).
- Ask Ss to do the exercise without Key:
listening to the recording. 1. T 2. T 3. F
- Write their answers on the board 4. F 5. T 6. T
without confirming the correct
- Play the recording again for Ss to

3. Activity 3: PRACTICE (15 mins)

Giáo viên: Hoàng Thị Thanh Hiền Trường THCS Quyết Thắng
KHBD – Tiếng Anh 9 Năm học 2023- 2024

a. Objectives:
Help Ss discuss some qualities a person needs to get along in an extended family and Help Ss
write about some qualities a person needs to get along in an extended family.
b. Content:
+ Work in pairs. Discuss which three of the following qualities would be necessary for people
living in an extended family. Remember to give reasons.
+ Write about the three most important qualities you think a person needs to be able to get
along with other members in an extended family. You can use the suggested words/phrases
above or use your own.
c. Expected outcomes:
Ss can know more qualities a person needs to get along in an extended family and write about
some qualities a person needs to get along in an extended family well.
d. Organization
Teacher’s and students’ activities Contents
- First, check that everybody understands the 4. Work in pairs. Discuss which three of
meaning of all the adjectives in the box. Set a the following qualities would be
time limit for pairs to brainstorm ideas and do necessary for people living in an
the discussion. Move around and help Ss if extended family. Remember to give
necessary. reasons.
- Ask Ss to refer back to the listening in 2 and
3, and the example for useful language and
- Ask some pairs to present their ideas to the
whole class. Confirm that they should give
examples to support their main points.

- Now that Ss have talked about the topic, it’s

time they wrote about it. Ss should work
individually to get their ideas down on paper 5. Write about the three most important
and check the accuracy of what they have qualities you think a person needs to be
written. able to get along with other members in
- Give them about 10 minutes to write and edit an extended family. You can use the
their work. suggested words/phrases above or use
- Next they should pass their work to someone your own.
who wasn’t in their pair for them to do peer Some samples:
review and add their comments and Positive comments – Good
corrections. It may help to give Ss ideas of point/Interesting argument/Original/Good
comments they can write on their classmate’s English/Very clear
work. Write some samples on the board. Suggestions – Can this be clearer?/Please
- If time allows, give feedback on a few Ss’ give an example/Please explain more
work. If not, ask Ss to write the second draft
for homework.
- Remind them to refer to peers’ comments
Giáo viên: Hoàng Thị Thanh Hiền Trường THCS Quyết Thắng
KHBD – Tiếng Anh 9 Năm học 2023- 2024

and feedback.

4. Activity 4: PRODUCTION (5 mins)

a. Objectives:
Help Ss practice speaking
b. Content:
Ss talk about most important qualities you think a person needs to be able to get along with
other members in an extended family
c. Expected outcomes:
Ss can talk about most important qualities you think a person needs to be able to get along
with other members in an extended family
d. Organization
Teacher’s and students’ activities Contents
T asks Ss to talk about most important qualities
you think a person needs to be able to get along
with other members in an extended family
Ss do it
T corrects the mistakes
5. Activity 5: CONSOLIDATION (5 mins)
a. Wrap-up
- Ask Ss to recall what they have revised in this lesson
b. Homework
- Revise the writing.
- Prepare next lesson: Looking back - Project.
+ Find the transportation then and now
+ Guide to do exercise

Giáo viên: Hoàng Thị Thanh Hiền Trường THCS Quyết Thắng

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