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Name: Arsie E. Saguban.

Date: October 5,2020

Course and Year: Bsed 2-A. Time: ___________________
Semester/ school Year: 1st sem. 2020-2021 Score: __________________
Q @ A: Activity 1: FLUIDS
I. FILL IN THE BLANKS: On the space before each number, write the concepts/ideas / terms needed.

Fluid 1. A substance that cannot maintain its own shape, and hence takes the shape of its
Viscosity 2. The ratio of applied shear stress to the obtained shear strain rate in fluids.
Viscosity 3. It offers resistance to the movement of fluid layers.
Pressure. 3. The term use in fluids which is analogues to the term stress used in solids.
Fluid 4. It is defined as the ratio of density of a particular fluid to the density of standard
fluid (generally water).
Ideal fluid 5. A fluid which is incompressible and is having no viscosity.
Ideal fluid 6. An imaginary fluid as all the fluid, which exists, and has some viscosity
Real fluid 7. A fluid, which possesses viscosity within an actual practice,
Newtonian fluid 8. A real fluid, in which the shear stress is directly, proportional to the rate of shear
Non- newtonian fluid 9. A real fluid in which the shear stress is not proportional to the rate of shear
Ideal plastic fluid 10. A real fluid in which the shear stress is more that the yield value and the shear
stress is proportional to the rate of shear strain.

II. Define a fluid and enumerate 10 different fluids.

- Fluids is a substance (such as a liquid or gas) tending to flow or conform to the outline of its container
or a fluid is anything that flows.

The 10 different fluids are:

1.Ideal fluid
2.Real fluid
3. Newtonian fluid
4. Non-newtonian fluid
5. Pseudoplastic fluid or shear thinning fluid
6. Dilatant fluid or shine thickening fluid
7. Ideal plastic fluid
8. Plastic fluid
9. Incompressible fluid
10. Compressible fluid

III. Differentiate a liquid and a gas in terms of:

(a) shape
- The difference between liquid and gas in terms of shape are A solid has definite volume and
shape, a liquid has a definite volume but no definite shape, and a gas has neither a definite volume nor

(b) volume

- The difference between a liquid and gas in terms of vomule are a liquid has a definite volume
but no definite shape, and a gas has neither a definite volume nor shape.

(c) resistance to shear

- The difference between a liquid and gas in terms of resistance to shear are Liquids form a free
surface (that is, a surface not created by the container) while gases do not. Viscoelastic fluids like Silly
Putty appear to behave similar to a solid when a sudden force is applied. Also substances with a very
high viscosity such as pitch appear to behave like a solid.

(d) compressibility

- The difference between liquid and gas in terms of Compressibility are the liquids is slightly
compressible and In gas it is highly compressible or iquids are non-compressible and have constant
volume but can change shape. A liquid's shape is dictated by the shape of the container it is in. Gases do
not have a constant volume or shape; they not only take the shape of the container they are in, they try
to fill the entire container

(e) resistance to motion

- The difference between liquid and gas in terms of resistance to motion are friction also occurs
when a body passes through a liquid or gas. This force has many different names, all really meaning the
same thing, viscous force, drag force, fluid resistance.
Name: Arsie E. Saguban Date: October 5,2020

Course and Year: Bsed 2-A Time: ___________________

Semester/ school Year:1st sem.2020-2021 Score: _______________

Q @ A: Activity 2: Mechanics

I. FILL IN THE BLANKS: On the space before each number, write the concepts/ideas / terms needed.
Mechanics 1.The branch of physics that deals with how the action of force affects material
bodies or the functional parts of an activity.
Statics 2. The forces acting on and in a body at rest.
Kinematics 3. It describes the possible motions of a body or system of bodies.
Kinetics 4. It attempts to explain or predict the motion that will occur in a given situation.
Classical mechanics 5. The study of macroscopic objects,
Quantum mechanics 6. It deals with the study of microscopic objects.
Kinematics 7. The branch of mechanics concerned with the motion of objects without
reference to the forces which cause the motion.
Statics 8. The study of forces without motion.
Dynamics 9. The study of forces and motion; or more formally, the branch of mechanics that
deals with the effect that forces have on the motion of objects.
Force 10. It is a push or pull.

II. Give and describe how the branches and types of mechanics applied in your day to day act.
- This 3 branches of mechanics the statistics,kenematics,kinetics and types of mechanics classical
mechanics,quantum.all of this i use in my daily life activities where it is part of physics that extends well
in our everyday life,it describe the motion,forces and energy of ordinary experiences.In action,such as
walking,driving a car or using a phone, Physics is at work. For everyday living,all the technolgies we
might take for granted exploit the rules of physics.

III. ESSAY: Discuss briefly but completely.

1. Discuss how mechanics is important in your daily activities?

- Physics mechanics is playing its part in running our everyday tasks and assists us to do our
errands,chores and duties smoothly and effectively. Physics is a considered natural science because it
deals with the things like matter, force, energy and motion and also mechanics is important because
motion is a fundamental idea in all of science.
Name: Arsie E. Saguban Date: October 5,2020

Course and Year: Bsed 2-A Time: ___________________

Semester/ school Year: 1st sem.2020-2021 Score: _______________

Q @ A:Activity 3: Motion
Fill in the blanks. On the space before each number, write the concept/idea needed.
Equation 1. The statement that asserts the equality of two expressions.
Motion 2. It described in terms of displacement, distance, velocity, acceleration, speed, and
Rotation 3. The change with time of the position or orientation of a body.
Motion 4. It changes the orientation of a body
SUVAT Equation 5. The name of the equation that stand for displacement (s), initial velocity (u), final
velocity (v), acceleration (a) and time (T)

Solving Problems: Solve the following problems completely. Show your solution.
1.A train is traveling on a straight section of track at constant speed. In 120 seconds it covers a distance
of 1800 meters. What is the speed of the train?

Given: 1800m =d
120s =t
Unknown: Speed
Formula: S=distance/time
Solution: S=1800 m/120 s
Answer: S= 15 m/s

2. A bus traveling at an average rate of 150 kilometers per hour made the trip to town in 12 hours. If it
had travelled at 90 kilometers per hour, how many more minutes would it have taken to make the trip?


Step 1: set up a rtd table.

Cases Rate (r) Time (t) Distance(d)

Case 1

Case 2

Step 2. Let t= time to make the trip in case 2.

Cases Rate (r) Time (t) Distance (d)

Case 1 150 12

Case 2 90 t

Step 3: fill in the values for d using the formula d=rt

Cases Rate (r) Time (t) Distance (d)

Case 1 150 12 150*12= 1800

Case 2 90 t 90 t

Step 4: Since the distances travelled in both cases are the same, we get the equation:
Isolate variable t
T= 1800/90= 20
Step 5: So we need to deduct the original 12 hours taken.
Answer: The time taken would have been 20 minutes longer.

3.Mr. Roy B. Agbisit leaves Burbank at 10 a.m. and drives west on the Ventura Freeway at an average
speed of 100 miles per hour. Ms. Mina B. Domingo leaves Burbank at 10:30 a.m. and drives west on the
Ventura Freeway at an average speed of 120 miles per hour. At what time will Ms. Mina B. Domingo
overtake Mr. Roy B. Agbisit, and how many miles will they each have gone?

Driver Rate (r) Time (t) Distance (d)

Ms.mina B. Domingo 120 mph t 120t

Mr.Roy B.Agbisit 100 mph T+1/2 100(t+1/2)

Because each travel the same distance,

120t=100 t+ 50
20 t= 50
= 2.5

Ms.mina overtakes mr.Roy after 2.5 hours of driving. The exact time can be figured out by using ms.mina
starting time: 10:00+2:00=12 noon. Since ms.mina has travelled for 2.5 hours at 120 mph, she has
travelled 2.5 *120, which is 300 miles. So,Mrs.Roy is overtaken at 12 noon,and each has travelled 300

4.How fast in miles per hour must a car travel to go 1200 miles in 30 hours?
1200=r (30)
1200/30= r(30)/(30)

5.How long will it take a bus traveling 144 km/hr. to go 72 kms?

Distance= rate of times time

72 km= (144km/hr)(t)
-Therefore,it will take one half hour for the bus to travel 72 km at 144 km/hr.

SYNTHESIS: Answer the question below.

1. State and discuss the three laws of motion.

- The three laws proposed by Sir Izaaac Newton concerning relations between
force,motion,acceleration,mass and inertia. These laws form the basic of classical mechanics and were
elemental in solidifying the concepts of force,mass and inertia.
- Newton’s first law states that, if a body is at rest or moving at a constant speed in a straight line,
it will remain at rest or keep moving in a straight line at constant speed unless it is acted upon by a
force. This postulate is known as the law of inertia. The law of inertia was first formulated by Galileo
Galilei for horizontal motion on Earth and was later generalized by René Descartes. Before Galileo it had
been thought that all horizontal motion required a direct cause, but Galileo deduced from his
experiments that a body in motion would remain in motion unless a force (such as friction) caused it to
come to rest.

- Newton’s second law is a quantitative description of the changes that a force can produce on the
motion of a body. It states that the time rate of change of the momentum of a body is equal in both
magnitude and direction to the force imposed on it. The momentum of a body is equal to the product of
its mass and its velocity. Momentum, like velocity, is a vector quantity, having both magnitude and
direction. A force applied to a body can change the magnitude of the momentum, or its direction, or
both. Newton’s second law is one of the most important in all of physics. For a body whose mass m is
constant, it can be written in the form F = ma, where F (force) and a (acceleration) are both vector
quantities. If a body has a net force acting on it, it is accelerated in accordance with the equation.
Conversely, if a body is not accelerated, there is no net force acting on it.

- Newton’s third law states that when two bodies interact, they apply forces to one another that are
equal in magnitude and opposite in direction. The third law is also known as the law of action and
reaction. This law is important in analyzing problems of static equilibrium, where all forces are balanced,
but it also applies to bodies in uniform or accelerated motion. The forces it describes are real ones, not
mere bookkeeping devices. For example, a book resting on a table applies a downward force equal to its
weight on the table. According to the third law, the table applies an equal and opposite force to the
book. This force occurs because the weight of the book causes the table to deform slightly so that it
pushes back on the book like a coiled spring
Name: Saguban, Arsie E. Date: October 5,2020
Course and Year: Bsed 2-A Time: ___________________
Semester/ school Year: 1st sem.2020-2021 Score:_______________

Q @ A:Activity 4:Speed
I. Solve the following problems. Show complete solution of each problem.
1. Kate travels a distance of 18 km from herhouse to the school by auto-rickshaw at 32 km/hr. and
returns on rickshaw at 30 km/hr. Find the average speed for the whole journey.

Time taken by kate to reach school= d/s= 18/32hr=9/16 hr

Time taken by kate to reach house to school= 18/30=3/5 hr
Total time of journey= (9/16+3/5)hr.
Total time of journey= (19+14)/10=33/10 hr.
Total distance covered= (18+18)km=36 km Therefore, average speed for the whole journey=
distance/speed= 36/(33/10) km/hr.
= 360/33 km/hr.
= 10.9 km/hr. ( approximately)

2. A car covers a distance of 900 m in 2 minute whereas a train covers 138 km in 90 minutes. Find the
ratio of their speeds.

Speed of car= Distance covered/ Time taken= 900/120 m/sec=15/2

=15/2*18/5 km/hr.
= 27 km/hr.
Distance covered by train =138 km
Time taken= 90 min=90/138 hr.=15/23 hr.
Therefore, speed of trains=138/(15/23) km/hr.
= 138/1*23/15 km/hr.
= 139.5 km/hr.
Therefore, ratio of their speed i.e., speed of car/speed of train= 27/139.5= 27:139.5

3. What is the speed of a running car if the car runs 360 meters per 40 seconds?

Given: 360 m= distance

40 s= time
Unknown: Speed
Formula: S=d/t
Solution: S= 360 m/40 s
Answer: S= 9 m/s
4. A man walks 40 km in 8 hours. Find his speed.
Given: Distance covered= 40 km
Time taken= 8 hours
We know, speed= distance/ time
= 40/8 km/hr.
Therefore, speed= 5 km/hr.

5. A runner runs 400 meters in 28 seconds. What is his speed?

Given: 400 m=distance

28 s= time
Unknown: Speed
Solution: 400 m /28 s
Answer: S= 14.29 m/s

II.Define speed based from your activities in your daily life.

- Speed how quickly something is moving or being done or something moving fast that we do our
daily activities like doing house chores and how fast we walk everyday and etc.we use speed in everyday
life but were not aware if we use it.
Name: Saguban,Arsie E. Date: October 5,2020
Course and Year: Bsed 2-A Time: ___________________
Semester/ school Year: 1st sem.2020-2021 Score: _______________

Q @ A:Activity 5:Velocity
I. Solving Problems: Solve the following problems completely. Show your solution.

1. If a sprinter runs 200 m in 20 seconds,what is his average velocity?

Given: 200 m=distance

20 s=time
Unknown: AV
Formula: AV=d/t
Solution: AV=200 m/20 s
Answer: AV= 10 m/s

2.A car travels at uniform velocity a distance of 400 m in 9 seconds. What is the velocity of the car?

Given: 400 m =distance

9 s= time
Unknown: Velocity
Formula: V=d/t
Solution: V= 400 m/9 s
Answer: V= 44.44 m/s

3. A man walks 14 km in 4 hours and 4 km in 2 hour in the same direction.

a) What is the man's average speed for the whole journey?

Average speed= distance
= 14 km + 4 km
4 hours +2 hours
= 18 km
6 hours
= 3 km/h

b) What is the man's average velocity for the whole journey?

Average velocity= displacement
= 14 km+ 4 km
4 hours +2 hours
= 18 km
6 hours
= 3 km/h
4. A car travel 120 kilo meters east in two hour. Calculate the velocity of the car.

Given: 120 km=d

2 hours=t
Unknown: Velocity
Formula: V= d/t
Solution: V= 120 km/2 hours
Answer: 60 km/hr.

5. A man walks 28 km in 3 hours and 3 km in 2 hour in the same direction.

a) What is the man's average speed for the whole journey?
Average speed= distance
=28 km +3 km
3 hours +2 hours
= 31 km
5 hours
= 6.2 km/hr.

b) What is the man's average velocity for the whole journey?

Average velocity= displacement
= 28 km +3 km
3 hours + 2 hours
= 31 km
5 hours
=6.2 km/hr.

II. Define velocity based from your daily activities.

- Velocity it describes the time where i do the house chores that is what I defines velocity in my
daily life activities.
Velocity is the rate of motion, speed or action or it is a vector which means it has both magnitude
and direction. An example of velocity is a car driving at 75 miles per hour.
Name: Saguban, Arsie E. Date:October 5,2020
Course and Year: Bsed 2-A Time: ___________________
Semester/ school Year:1st sem.2020-2021. Score:_______________

Q @ A:Activity 6:Acceleration

I. Solving Problems: Solve the following problems completely. Show your solution.
1.How long does it take to accelerate a car from a speed of 100 km/h to a speed of 200 km/h at an
acceleration of 2 m/s2?
The initial velocity is 100 km/hr and the final velocity is 200 km/hr and we are given the acceleration
= 200 km/hr- 100 km/hr
Average acceleration= 2 m/s2=t
The above equation gives the equation
2 m/s2*t= 100 km/h
100 km/h= 100 km (1000 m/ 1 km)/(1 h*(3600 s/1 h)= 27.7 m/s
t= (27.7 m/s)/(2 m/s2)= 13.85 seconds

2.Starting with a constant velocity of 100 km/h, a car accelerates for 64 seconds at an acceleration of
0.10 m/s2. What is the velocity of the car at the end of the period of 64 second of acceleration?

100 km/h is the initial velocity.we are given the acceleration and we asked to find the final velocity.
V=100 km/h
Average acceleration= 0.10 m/s2= 64 seconds
The above equation can be written as
V=100 km/h= 0.10 m/s2 * 64 s= 6.4 m/s
Convert 16 m/s into km/h
6.4 m/s=6.4 m*(1 km/1000 m)/ (1 s* 1h/3600 s)= 16*3600/1000 km/h= 23.04 km/hr
V= 23.04 km/h +100 km/hr=123.04 km/hr.

3.What acceleration is needed to accelerate a car from 72km/h to 144 km/h in 50 seconds?

The initial velocity is 72 km/h and the final velocity is 144 km/h, hence
144 km/h - 72 km/h= 72 km/h
Average acceleration= 50 seconds
72 km/h= 72*1000 m /3600 s= 20 m/s
Average acceleration= 20 m/s
50 seconds
= 0.4 m/s2
4. A car accelerates from rest to a speed of 72 km/h in 40 seconds. What is the acceleration of the car in

The initial velocity is 0 (from rest) and the final velocity is 72 km/h. Hence
32 km/h -0 =36 km/h
Average acceleration = 40 seconds
We now convert 72 km/hr into m/s as follows
72 km/h= 72 *1000 m/3600 s= 20 m/s
Average acceleration = 20 m/s
40 seconds
= 0.5 m/s2

5. Calculate the acceleration of ambulance with a velocity of 66.66 km/sec. In 20 seconds?

Given: 66.66 km/sec- V2

0- V1
20 sec.- t2
Unknown: a
Formula: a = change in velocity2- change in velocity1/ change in t2-change in t1
Solution: a= 66.66 km/sec- 0/10 sec-0
Answer: 6.66 km/sec2

II. Define acceleration based from your activities ever day.

- Acceleration is the act of increasing speed.acceleration comes from latin word accelerationem
which means "a hastening" when you hasten you hurry so acceleration is a speeding up like when you
buy a sports car,you want one that has a great acceleration so it can from zero to 60 miles an hour in no
time and also like when doing house chores you hasten to do your activities in your house.
Name: Saguban,Arsie E. Date: October 5,2020
Course and Year: Bsed 2-A Time: ___________________
Semester/ school Year: 1st sem./2020-2021 Score: _______________

Q @ A: Activity 7: Forces

Solving: Problems: Solve

The following problems completely. Show your solution.

1. A thug pushes some 100 kg punk with 300 N of force. How much is the punk accelerated?

Given: 100 kg=m

300 N=F
Unknown: a
Formula: a=F/m
Solution: a=300 N/100 kg
Answer: a=3 m/s2

2. A student starts a food fight by throwing a 0.5 kg burrito at some girl he likes.

He throws it kind-of hard so he accelerates it at 3 m/s2. How much force did

this take?

Given: 0.5 kg=m

3 m/s2= a
Unknown: F
Formula: F=ma
Solution: F= (0.5 kg)(3 m/s2)
Answer: F= 1.5 N

3. A batter hits a baseball with 800 N and the ball is accelerated at 25 m/s2. What is the mass of the

Given: 800 N=F

25 m/s2=a
Unknown: m
Formula: m= F/a
Solution: m=(800 N)/25 m/s2
Answer: m= 32 kg
4. A thug pushes some 100 kg punk with 300 N of force. How much is the punk accelerated?

Given: 100 kg=m

300 N=F
Unknown: a
Formula: a=F/m
Solution: a=300 N/100 kg
Answer: a=3 m/s2

5. A batter hits a baseball with 800 N and the ball is accelerated at 25 m/s2. What

is the mass of the ball?

Given: 800 N=F

25 m/s2=a
Unknown: m
Formula: m= F/a
Solution: m=(800 N)/25 m/s2
Answer: m= 32 kg
Name: Saguban, Arsie E. Date: October 5,2020
Course and Year: Bsed 2-A Time: ___________________
Semester/school Year:1st sem./2020-2021 Score: _______________

Q @ A. Activity 8.Fluid Mechanics

I. FILL IN THE BLANKS: On the space before each number, write the concepts/ideas / terms needed.
Fluid mechanics 1 . A branch of science that deals with the behaviour of the fluids at rest as well
as in motion.
Ludwig prandtl 2. The founders of modern fluid mechanics, first conceived the idea of a
boundary layer based solely on physical intuition.
Fluid mechanics 3. The of science concerned with moving and stationary fluids.
Fluid mechanics 4.The he study of all fluids under static and dynamic situations.
Fluid mechanics 5. A branch of continuous mechanics which deals with a relationship between
forces, motions, and static conditions in a continuous material.

II.Using the Matrix below trace the history of fluid mechanics.

People involved Dates Events

Braise pascal 1663 equilibrium of liquids

Archimedes O250 Bouyancy, aka archimedes


Izaac Newton 1687 Friction and viscosity of liquid

Daniel Bernoulli 1738 Hydrodynamics

Jean Le Rond d' alembert 1743 Fluid dynamics

III. Discuss the significant of fluid mechanics in your daily undertakings.

- We need to study fluid because fluids help our body to digest (break down) food. A fluid helps to
prevent constipation by keeping stools soft and regular. Fluid is an important part of blood, and helps to
carry nutrients around the body and Mechanics is a term used to describe the ways we move as we go
about our daily lives. It includes how we hold our bodies when we sit, stand, lift, carry, bend and sleep.
We use fluid mechanics in everyday life like washing dishes, applying make-up, making coffee and etc.
were not aware but we use it in everyday life.

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