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NATIONAL AGENDA BETWEEN 2017 – 2022 AND 2023 – 2028

The Philippine National Security Policy (NSP) 2017–2022 was a

thorough framework that described how the nation would protect its

interests and its citizens. Its objectives were achieving effective

economic growth, supporting environmental sustainability, upholding

peace and order, reinforcing institutions, and advancing national

interests worldwide. The nation's external security protected the nation's

territorial integrity and maritime autonomy; internal security addressed

armed conflicts and insurgencies through military operations and

socioeconomic reforms; and human security ensured food security,

access to clean water, improved educational and medical services, and

protection of vulnerable groups. These were the main strategic thrusts.

However, there were several obstacles to the NSP's execution,

such as a lack of funding, issues with human rights, corruption, and new
dangers including cyberattacks and the COVID-19 pandemic. Despite

these obstacles, the NSP 2017–2022 was an invaluable guide for

national security planning, and the current NSP (2023–2028) learned a

lot from it as well. Important takeaways include the value of an integrated

strategy, multi-stakeholder involvement, sound governance, and ongoing

adjustment to the always-changing security environment.

The Philippine National Security Policy (NSP) 2023–2028 seeks to

establish peace and order, deal with armed conflicts, fight terrorism, and

improve disaster preparation to build a free, resilient, peaceful, and

prosperous society. In addition, it emphasizes partnerships, peaceful

conflict settlement, territorial integrity and sovereignty, external security,

and the advancement of national interests internationally. Priorities

include safeguarding food security, enhancing healthcare and education,

defending marginalized populations, and combating climate change in

addition to human security. Technology, innovation, and sustainable

growth are the keys to achieving economic security.

A whole-of-government approach, emphasizing human security,

improving defense and public safety capabilities, and actively pursuing

diplomacy and regional cooperation are among the main strategic

thrusts. Effective planning, resource allocation, and stakeholder

cooperation are essential to the NSP's success. Cyberattacks,

pandemics, and climate change are new dangers that need to be

continuously assessed and adjusted for. To preserve credibility and

public trust, security measures must be balanced with respect for human

rights and the rule of law.

The NSP 2023–2028 offers a thorough and aspirational vision for

safeguarding the Philippines, emphasizing economic growth, human

security, and national cooperation. But putting it into practice

successfully still presents a significant obstacle that calls for ongoing

dedication, overcoming financial limitations, and confronting moral


The Philippines strives to be safe and protected in the 2017 – 2022

National Security Policies, while the 2023–2028 National Security

Policies (NSP) use different approaches and prioritize different goals.

The 2023–2028 NSP places a strong emphasis on a "whole-of-

government, whole-of-nation" approach, emphasizing inclusive and

sustainable human and economic growth. While it tackles conventional

security issues like armed conflicts and external threats, it gives non-

conventional dangers like cyberattacks, climate change, and pandemics

more attention. Additionally, it places a high priority on advancing the

Philippines' interests internationally and ensuring economic security.

Distinctions include emphasizing China and the West Philippine

Sea; the 2023–2028 NSP adopts a more balanced stance, prioritizing

regional collaboration and peaceful conflict settlement. Additionally, a

whole chapter on human security is devoted to it, emphasizing topics like

environmental preservation, disaster preparedness, and food security.

The necessity of battling corruption as a threat to national security is also

emphasized in the 2023–2028 NSP.

Nevertheless, putting these principles into practice will present

difficulties due to a lack of funding, maintaining consistency and efficacy,

and tackling underlying issues like inequality and poverty. The

Philippines' national security strategy has evolved, with the 2023–2028

NSP considering new objectives and changing threats. The key to

success is efficient execution and overcoming obstacles like corruption

and limited resources.

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