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Date of teaching: October 2nd , 2023

Period: 9 UNIT 2: CLOTHING

Lesson 3: READ
I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students can know something about the origin
of jeans. Develop the reading skill.
II Language content:
1. Vocabulary: Words about clothing/ styles/ fashion.
2. Grammar: passive voice
III Preparation: Text books, sub board, pictures for presentation,.
IV. Procedures:
Teacher’s activities & Contents Students’ activities
I/ Warm up:(4’)
Task 1: Chatting Ask and answer the questions
1. What do you like to wear?
2. Do you like to wear jeans?
Task 2: playing game: Brainstorming
Two groups
The benefits of Jeans : - Play game
Present their ideals

Elicits some information: easy to wear, convenient,

fashionable, durable…………….
II/ Pre- reading (13’)
Task 3: Matching
A B Play game Matching
1. material a. kieåu caùch Give their answer
2. style b. loãi thôøi
3. embroidered c. theá heä Compare with teacher’s answer
4. label d. chaát lieäu Read the new words
5. out of fashion e. theâu
6. generation f. nhaõn hieäu
Answer:1 –d 2-a 3-e 4- f 5- b 6- c Copy them
Task 4: T/ F prediction
1) The workers didn’t like to wear jeans because they Book closed
were not strong Guess
2) In 1970s university and college students wore jeans Write the guessing on the small board
3) In 1980s jeans became high fashion
4) The sale of jeans stopped growing in 1990s
5) In 1970s many people wore jeans because they Listen to the tape
were cheaper
III/ While- reading:( 18’)
Task 5: Checking T/ F prediction
-Asks the students to give their answers Work in two groups
Answer: Check their guessing
1 F( the workers liked to wear jeans because they were very Present their ideals
strong) Exchange with other groups
2 F ( in 1960s) 3T
4T 5T Compare with teacher’s answer
Task 6: Filling the missing information Copy the right answer
1) …..workers liked to wear ….because the material
made from cotton was very strong and could Read the text
hardly wear out Fill in the gaps
2) …a lot of university and college ….wore jeans Present their ideals
3) …jeans became.. so many, many people began
wearing jeans
4) …jeans became high.. clothing
5) …the …of jeans stopped going up Compare with teacher’s answer
Task 7: Answering the questions Copy
1 Where does the word jeans come from?
2 What were the 1960s fashion?
3 Why did more and more people begin wearing jeans in
the 1970s? Work in four groups
4 When did jeans at last become high fashion clothing? G1: 1 G2: 2
5 Why did the sale of leans stop growing? G3: 3 G4: 4
IV/ Post- reading(9’) Sentence 5: four groups do together
Task 8: Retelling Present their ideals: one asks, one
Time Events answers
18 century ………………………………
1960s ………………………………
1970s ………………………………
1980s ………………………………Compare with teacher’s answer
1990s ………………… Copy
- Corrects the mistakes if necessary
- Asks them to interview their friends about some types of
clothes, especially Jeans
V. Homework:(2’)
1. Learn by heart the events of jeans
2. Prepare the part Write

Date of teaching: October 4th , 2023

Period: 10 UNIT 2: CLOTHING
Lesson 4: WRITE
I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students can write an exposition about the school
uniform by using the argumentative words/ phrases : I think, in my opinion …..
Develop the writing skill
II Language content:
3. Vocabulary: Words about clothing, argument .
4. Grammar:
III Preparation: Text books, sub board, pictures for presentation,.
IV. Procedures:
Teacher’s activities & Contents Students’ activities
I/ Warm up:(4’)
 Task 1: playing game Lucky numbers Play game
1. 18th Talk about the events of jeans that they
2. 2.1960s have learnt
3. 3. 1970s 1. Workers liked to wear jean cloth
4. 1980s because the material made from cotton
5. 5. 1990s was very strong and could hardly wear
 Task 2: Chatting to students out.
a. Do you like to wear school uniform? 2. A lot of university and college students
b. Is it comfortable?/ beautiful? wore jeans
c. Do you like to wear casual clothes at school? Why or 3. Jeans became cheaper, so many people
Why not? began wearing jeans
II/ Pre- writing: (12’) 4. Jeans became high fashion clothing
Task 3: Setting up the scene 5. The sale of jeans stopped going up
- Introduces the lesson : Work in two groups
“ You’ve just argued to protect your ideals. Today, we learn the Discuss and make arguments between two
argument. First, you should understand clearly the structures of the groups
an argumentative writing .It should have 3 parts as in the text book”
Caáu truùc
Môû baøi Cho ñoäc giaû bieát quan ñieåm cuûa ngöôøi
vieát( ñoàng yù hoaëc khoâng ñoàng yù) Listen to the teacher
I think,….. In my opinion,….
Thaân baøi Trình baøy nhöõng tranh luaän theo moät caùch
(caùc yù loâgíc nhaát, cung caáp daãn chöùng khi caàn thieát
tranh luaän) Firstly, … Secondly,…..
Thirdly,… Finally,…..
Keát luaän Toùm taét nhöõng yù ñaê trình baøy vaø khaúng
ñònh quan ñieåm cuûa ngöôøi vieát Look at the small board
In conclusion,… They can ask some questions if they don’t
Therefore ,…. understand
Task 4: Matching
- Has them match the meanings with words Read and underline
1 Be equal/ feel equal a. caûm thaáy coâng baèng Find the new words
2 Bear their school’s name b. theå hieän hình aûnh cuûa tröôøng Match
3 self- confident c. töï tin
4 Practical d. thöïc teá Copy
5. Freedom of choice e. töï do löïa choïn
- Asks the students in Outline 1:
Should students wear school uniforms? Answer the question
III/ While-writing:( 17’) Yes, they should
Task 5: Writing the paragraph
- Asks the students to write the argument, using the answers as prompts
and demonstrates around the class Work in groups of four
- Gives some comments Write the argument on the small board
Task 6: Presenting the model Hang on the board
In my opinion, secondary school students should wear casual clothes. Other give comments
Firstly, casual clothes make the students feel comfortable. Secondly,
wearing casual clothes give students freedom of choice. They have
rights to choose sizes, colors and fashion that they love. Thirdly, casual Compare with teacher’s model
clothes make students feel self- confident when they are in their
favorite clothes.
Finally, casual clothes make school more colorful and lively.
In conclusion, secondary school students should wear casual clothes.
Wearing casual clothes is convenient, comfortable and fun. Work in group of four
IV/ Post-writing:( 9’) Play game
Task 7: Survey Go around the class and then report
Gives words for students agree or against with these words Ex: Three people said that they agree that
1. Equal school uniform is equal, self confident,…
2. comfortable
3. self- confident
4. proud, practical
5. uniform
For Against
……………………. …………………………
- Tells the winner
-Educates the students that they should wear their school uniform at
V. Homework:(2’)
3. Learn the conjunctions in the lesson
4. Prepare the part Language focus

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