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First Semester : Introduction to The Philosophy of The Human Person Grade 12- All Strand

Name: ________________________________Grade 12 Strand: STEM/ABM/GAS/ICT/F&B Teacher: Crestena Habal

MODULE 9: Lesson 4.1: The Human Person in their Environment: Natural Order vs. Disorder

Environmental Ethics or Environmental Philosophy

- It’s a New sub-discipline of Philosophy
- The Study of the ethical basis of environment or discussion of the ethical basis of environmental protection.
Why need to study Environmental Ethics?
To overcome the following questions.
What are the environment damage produce by the present generation?
What acts must be give up to slow such damage?
Environmental Ethics Principles
 respect for nature.
 maintain a harmonious relation with other species.
 responsibility for this impact on nature.
Two Frameworks where humans can be related.
 Anthropocentric Model
 Ecocentric Model

ACTIVITY: Human Person in their Environment

DIRECTIONS: DIRECTIONS: Interview a one person who is 45-60 years old. Following the guide questions:
Please wear your face mask during the interview. The video should be sent to my FB messenger with your Name, School, Strand and Section. Write the answers of your
interviewee in a clean paper. Upload the screenshot in the Google classroom.
1. What are the things that you remember in your environment when you were my age?
2. What were the things that you like doing when you were young?
3. What are the positive and negative changes in the environment?
4. Do you think environment plays a vital role in a person’s development? Why or why not?
5. Distinguish the ecocentric from the anthropocentric models. Cite examples.
6. How do humans react to nature? Explain. In what way are your answers positive or negative?
(For you- Interviewer)
7-8. In your opinion, how can we protect, conserve and restore our environment?
9-10. Summarize your thoughts about the interview session.

INDIVIDUAL PT- Interpretative Dance

Choose one song from the songs below. The video should be sent to my FB messenger with your Name, School, Strand and Section.
 Masdan Mo Ang Kapaligiran by Asin
 Anak ng Pasig - Smokey Mountain

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