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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education


1. Which of the following best describes a state institution?

a. Owned and controlled by private individuals or organizations
b. Created and regulated by the government
c. Operated for profit
d. Controlled by religious organizations
2. What is the main difference between a state institution and a non-state
a. State institutions are for-profit while non-state institutions are non-profit
b. State institutions are created and regulated by the government while non-state
institutions are not
c. State institutions are usually larger than non-state institutions
d. State institutions are generally more efficient than non-state institutions

Answer: b. State institutions are created and regulated by the government while non-
state institutions are not

3. Which of the following is an example of a state institution?

a. A public school c. A religious organization
b. A non-profit organization d. A privately-owned company
Answer: a. A public school

4. Which of the following is an example of a non-state institution?

a. The military c. A private university
b. The police department d. The legislative branch
Answer: c. A private university

5. What is the main function of state institutions?

a. To provide public services c. To promote religious beliefs
b. To make a profit d. To promote the interests of private
individuals or organizations
Answer: a. To provide public services

6. Which of the following is an example of a non-state institution that provides public

a. A privately-run hospital c. A non-profit organization
b. A religious organization d. A privately-run prison
Answer: c. A non-profit organization

7. Which of the following is a non-state institution that provides a public good?

a. A private university c. A for-profit corporation
b. A religious organization d. A privately-run prison
Answer: a. A private university

8. What is the primary purpose of non-state institutions?

a. To make a profit e c. To promote religious beliefs
b. To provide public services d. To promote the interests of private
individuals or organizations
Answer: b. To provide public services
9. Which of the following is a form of state institution?
a. A privately-owned company c. A government agency
b. A religious organization d. A non-profit organization
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Answer: c. A government agency

10. Which of the following is a form of non-state institution?

a. A for-profit corporation c. A religious organization
b. A publicly-traded company d. A government agency
Answer: c. A religious organization

11. Which of the following is not a function of education in society?

a) socialization c) personal development
b) transmission of culture d) wealth creation
Answer: d) wealth creation

12. Which of the following is an important role of education in social mobility?

a) promoting conformity c) encouraging competition
b) reinforcing social stratification d) providing vocational training
Answer: d) providing vocational training

13. Education contributes to a nation's development by:

a) increasing income inequality c) enhancing workforce skills
b) decreasing literacy rates d) promoting political instability
Answer: c) enhancing workforce skills

14. The social benefits of education include:

a) promoting self-centeredness c) increasing civic participation
b) encouraging conformity d) promoting intolerance
Answer: c) increasing civic participation

15. The process of education involves:

a) transmitting only the dominant culture c) reproducing existing social norms
b) reinforcing existing social inequalities d) challenging existing social norms
Answer: d) challenging existing social norms

16. Education can be seen as a form of social control because:

a) it teaches individuals how to think critically
b) it provides individuals with the tools to challenge authority
c) it encourages creativity and innovation
d) it reinforces social norms and values
Answer: d) it reinforces social norms and values

17. The credentialist theory of education argues that:

a) education serves to reproduce the social status quo
b) education provides individuals with a set of useful skills
c) education serves as a means of sorting individuals based on their abilities
d) education promotes social change and innovation
Answer: c) education serves as a means of sorting individuals based on their abilities

18. The human capital theory of education suggests that:

a) education increases a person's wealth and income
b) education contributes to an individual's personal development
c) education promotes social equality
d) education is a waste of resources
Answer: a) education increases a person's wealth and income
19. The hidden curriculum refers to:
a) a formal curriculum that is explicitly taught in schools
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
b) the set of values and behaviors that are implicitly taught through the school
c) a curriculum that is taught in secret
d) a curriculum that is not relevant to students' lives
Answer: b) the set of values and behaviors that are implicitly taught through the school

20. The primary purpose of education is to:

a) transmit cultural values and norms c) promote social inequality
b) provide individuals with job skills d) encourage individual creativity and
Answer: a) transmit cultural values and norms

21. Which of the following best describes social stratification?

a. It is a system of government where power is divided among different groups
b. It is a way of organizing society based on social classes
c. It is a type of economic system where goods are produced and distributed based on
d. It is a system of religion where individuals are ranked based on their piety
Answer: b. It is a way of organizing society based on social classes

22. Which of the following is a characteristic of a caste system?

a. Social mobility is easy and attainable
b. Social status is based on achieved status
c. Social status is inherited and fixed
d. Social classes are fluid and flexible
Answer: c. Social status is inherited and fixed

23. According to conflict theory, social stratification is a result of:

a. merit and hard work c. power struggles between different groups
b. natural differences in ability and talent d. societal values and beliefs
Answer: c. power struggles between different groups

24. Which of the following is an example of social mobility?

a. A person born into poverty becomes wealthy through hard work and entrepreneurship
b. A person born into a wealthy family inherits their wealth and status
c. A person born into a low-caste family is able to marry into a higher-caste family
d. A person born into a high-caste family is forced to marry someone from a lower-caste
Answer: a. A person born into poverty becomes wealthy through hard work and

25. Which of the following is a form of horizontal social mobility?

a. A teacher becomes a principal
b. A worker moves from a low-paying job to a higher-paying job in the same industry
c. A person moves from one social class to another
d. A person marries into a higher or lower social class
Answer: b. A worker moves from a low-paying job to a higher-paying job in the same

26. Which of the following is an example of structural functionalism's explanation for

social stratification?
a. Social stratification exists because it is necessary to motivate individuals to work hard
b. Social stratification is a result of power struggles between different groups
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
c. Social stratification serves a function in society by ensuring that the most talented
individuals are in the most important positions
d. Social stratification is a result of natural differences in ability and talent
Answer: c. Social stratification serves a function in society by ensuring that the most
talented individuals are in the most important positions

27. Which of the following is a characteristic of a class system?

a. Social status is based on inherited characteristics
b. Social mobility is difficult and rare
c. Social status is based on both achieved and ascribed status
d. Social classes are fixed and unchanging
Answer: c. Social status is based on both achieved and ascribed status

28. Which of the following is a type of vertical social mobility?

a. A person becomes a manager in their current company
b. A person marries someone from a higher social class
c. A person becomes a self-employed entrepreneur
d. A person born into a lower social class becomes a doctor
Answer: d. A person born into a lower social class becomes a doctor

29. Which of the following is a non-material aspect of social stratification?

a. Income b. Occupation c. Education d. Social status
Answer: d. Social status

30. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of a stratification system?

A) It is a hierarchical arrangement of social categories
B) It is universal across all societies
C) It is perpetuated through social institutions
D) It involves unequal distribution of resources and opportunities
Answer: B) It is universal across all societies

31. What is the main goal of government programs and initiatives aimed at
addressing social inequalities?
A. To provide equal opportunities to all citizens
B. To ensure that everyone is financially stable
C. To create a society without any form of inequality
D. To provide free healthcare to everyone
Answer: A. To provide equal opportunities to all citizens

32. What is the primary function of government welfare programs?

A. To eliminate poverty altogether
B. To provide temporary assistance to those in need
C. To provide free education to everyone
D. To provide financial support to wealthy citizens
Answer: B. To provide temporary assistance to those in need

33. Which government agency is responsible for enforcing anti-discrimination laws in

the workplace?
A. Department of Labor C. Environmental Protection Agency
B. Department of Education D. Department of Justice
Answer: A. Department of Labor
34. What is the purpose of affirmative action policies?
A. To promote diversity and reduce discrimination
B. To provide financial support to low-income families
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
C. To create a society without any form of inequality
D. To eliminate poverty altogether
Answer: A. To promote diversity and reduce discrimination

35. What is the primary objective of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs)?
A. To eliminate all forms of inequality globally
B. To provide free healthcare to everyone
C. To reduce poverty and improve living conditions in developing countries
D. To provide education to everyone
Answer: C. To reduce poverty and improve living conditions in developing countries

36. What is the purpose of the Social Security Administration (SSA)?

A. To provide financial support to low-income families
B. To provide free education to everyone
C. To provide retirement, disability, and survivor benefits to eligible individuals
D. To eliminate poverty altogether
Answer: C. To provide retirement, disability, and survivor benefits to eligible individuals

37. Which government agency is responsible for enforcing fair housing laws?
A. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)
B. Environmental Protection Agency
C. Department of Labor
D. Department of Justice
Answer: A. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)

38. What is the purpose of the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC)?
A. To provide free healthcare to everyone
B. To provide financial support to wealthy citizens
C. To provide financial assistance to low and moderate-income families
D. To create a society without any form of inequality
Answer: C. To provide financial assistance to low and moderate-income families

39. Which government agency is responsible for enforcing civil rights laws?
A. Environmental Protection Agency
B. Department of Justice
C. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)
D. Department of Education
Answer: B. Department of Justice

40. What is the main purpose of international aid programs?

A. To provide financial support to wealthy countries
B. To create a society without any form of inequality
C. To eliminate poverty and improve living conditions in developing countries
D. To provide free education to everyone
Answer: C. To eliminate poverty and improve living conditions in developing countries

41. What is the definition of social inequality?

A. The unequal distribution of wealth and resources in society
B. The unequal distribution of power and resources in society
C. The unequal distribution of education and resources in society
D. The unequal distribution of healthcare and resources in society
Answer: B
42. Which of the following is an example of local social inequality?
A. Unequal access to education in a particular school district
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
B. Unequal access to healthcare across the country
C. Unequal access to resources across the globe
D. Unequal access to employment in a particular city Answer: A

43. Which of the following is an example of national social inequality?

A. Unequal access to education in a particular school district
B. Unequal access to healthcare across the country
C. Unequal access to resources across the globe
D. Unequal access to employment in a particular city Answer: B

44. Which of the following is an example of global social inequality?

A. Unequal access to education in a particular school district
B. Unequal access to healthcare across the country
C. Unequal access to resources across the globe
D. Unequal access to employment in a particular city Answer: C

45. What is the best way to address social inequalities?

A. By implementing government policies and programs
B. By promoting equal access to education and healthcare
C. By increasing awareness and education about social inequalities
D. All of the above Answer: D

46. Which of the following is an example of a government program aimed at

addressing social inequality?
A. Affirmative action policies in hiring and education
B. Universal healthcare for all citizens
C. A minimum wage increase for low-income workers
D. All of the above Answer: D

47. How can individuals address social inequalities in their communities?

A. By volunteering with local organizations that promote equality
B. By educating themselves and others about social inequalities
C. By speaking out against discriminatory practices
D. All of the above Answer: D

48. What is one barrier to addressing social inequalities on a global level?

A. Lack of international cooperation and agreement
B. Lack of awareness and education about global social inequalities
C. Lack of resources to implement global programs and initiatives
D. All of the above Answer: A

49. What is the role of NGOs in addressing social inequalities?

A. To raise awareness and education about social inequalities
B. To provide resources and support for marginalized communities
C. To advocate for policy change and social justice
D. All of the above
Answer: D

50. What is the importance of addressing social inequalities in society?

A. It promotes fairness and justice for all individuals
B. It improves social cohesion and stability
C. It leads to greater economic prosperity for all
D. All of the above
Answer: D
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education

1. What is the best way to explain a state institution?

a. owned by private people or groups and run by them
b. Made by the government and controlled by it
c. Designed to make money
d. faith groups have control over it

Answer: b. Made by the government and controlled by it

2. What makes a state institution different from a non-state institution?

a. Institutions run by the government make money, while institutions not run by the
government don't.
b. The government makes and runs state institutions, but it does not do the same for
non-state institutions.
c. Most of the time, state organizations are bigger than private ones.
d. Most of the time, state institutions work better than non-state institutions.

Answer: b. The government makes and runs state institutions, but it does not do the
same for non-state institutions.

3. Which of the following is an example of an organization run by the government?

a. A school for the public c. A group of religious people
b. A group that doesn't make money d. A company that is privately owned
Response: a. A free school

4. Which of the following is NOT an organization run by the government?

a. The armed forces c. A private university
b. The department of police d. The government's legislature
Answer: c. A private university

5. What do state organizations do most of the time?

a. To provide public services c. To spread ideas about religion
b. To make some money d. To look out for the interests of private people or groups
Response: a. To provide public services

6. Which of the following is an example of a non-state organization that offers public

a. A hospital that is privately run c. A group that doesn't make money
b. A group of religious people e. A jail that is privately run
Answer: c. A group that doesn't make money

7. Which of the following is an organization that serves the people but is not run by the
a. A private college or university c. A company that makes money
b. A group of religious people e. A jail that is privately run
Response: a. A private university

8. What is the main goal of agencies that aren't run by the government?
a. To make a profit e c. To spread ideas about religion
b. To provide public services d. To look out for the interests of private people or groups
Answer: b. To provide public services
9. Which of the following is NOT an institution of the state?
a. A business that is privately owned c. A part of the government
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
b. A group of religious people e. A group that doesn't make money
Answer: c. A part of the government

10. Which of the following is not an organization run by the government?

a. A business that makes money c. A group of religious people
b. A company that is on the stock market d. A part of the government
Answer: c. A group of religious people

11. Which of the following is not not a benefit of schooling in society?

a) interaction c) personal growth
b) the spread of culture d) the making of money
Answer: d) Making money

12. Which of the following is NOT a big part of how education helps people move up in
the world?
a) Getting people to agree c) Getting people to compete
b) Keeping people in their place in society; d) giving them job training.
Answer: d) giving people skills for jobs

13. Education helps a country grow in these ways:

a) Widening the gap between rich and poor c) Improving job skills
b) lowering the number of people who can read and write.
Answer: c) improving the skills of the workers

14. The benefits of schooling to society are:

a) Making people more self-centered; c) bringing more people into the political process.
b) supporting obedience d) encouraging intolerance
Answer: c) Getting more people involved in politics

15. The steps in the process of teaching are:

a) Passing on only the dominant culture; c) Reproducing the social rules that are
already in place.
b) making social problems worse c) making social rules harder to follow
d) Challenging the social rules that are already in place

16. Education can be thought of as a way to keep people in line because:

a) It shows people how to think for themselves
b) It gives people the tools they need to question power
c) It helps people be creative and think of new ideas
d) it promotes society rules and ideals
Answer: d) it promotes social rules and ideals

17. This is what the credentialist view of education says:

a) Education helps keep things the same in society
b) Education gives people a set of skills they can use.
c) Education is a way to sort people according to how smart they are.
d) Education helps bring about society change and new ideas
Answer: c) Education is a way to sort people according to how smart they are.

18. This is what the human capital idea of schooling says:

a) Education makes a person richer and more wealthy.
b) Education helps a person grow and change as a person.
c) Education helps make society fair
d) Spending money on school is a waste
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
a) Education makes a person richer and gives them more money.
19. The term "hidden curriculum" means:
a) A organized set of lessons that are given in schools
b) The set of morals and practices that kids learn without being told in school
c) A lesson plan that is kept secret
d) A lesson plan that has nothing to do with the students' lives
Answer: b) the set of values and practices that are indirectly taught through school.

20. The main point of schooling is to:

a) transmit traditional beliefs and norms c) promote social inequality
b) Help people get jobs. d) Encourage people to be creative and come up with new
Answer: a) transmit societal beliefs and norms

21. Which of the following is the best way to describe how people are ranked?
a. It's a way of running a government where power is shared between different groups.
b. It is a way to set up society based on different social groups.
c. It's a type of economy where things are made and given out based on what people
d. It is a religious system in which people are ranked by how religious they are.
Answer: b. It is a way to set up society based on different social groups.

22. Which of these is NOT a feature of a caste system?

a. It is easy and possible to move up in society.
b. Status is based on what you've done.
c. Status in society is set and passed down.
d. Social classes change and move around.
Answer: c. Status in society is set and passed down.

23. Conflict theory says that social division is caused by:

a. hard work and honor c. power battles between different groups
b. different abilities and talents that come from nature d. societal ideals and views
Answer: c. power battles between different groups

24. Which of the following is an example of moving up or down in social class?

a. A person who is born poor can get rich through hard work and being an entrepreneur.
When someone is born into a rich family, they get their money and standing.
c. People from low-caste families can marry into higher-caste families.
d. People from high-caste families have to marry people from lower-caste families.
Response: a. Someone who is born poor can get rich through hard work and business.

25. Which of the following is a way that people can move up or down the social ladder?
a. A teacher becomes the head of a school.
b. A worker goes from a job that pays less to one that pays more in the same business.
c. Someone goes from one social class to another.
d. When someone marries into a different social class,
Answer: b. A worker goes from a job that pays less to one that pays more in the same

26. Which of the following is an example of how structure functionalism explains how
people are put into different social classes?
a. There is social division because people need to be encouraged to work hard. Power
battles between different groups are what cause social division.
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
c. The purpose of social division is to make sure that the most skilled people are in the
most important jobs.
d. Social division happens because people have different talents and skills.
Answer: c. The purpose of social division is to make sure that the most skilled people
are in the most important jobs.

27. Which of these is NOT a feature of a class system?

a. People's social standing is based on traits they were born with.
b. It is hard and rare to move up in society.
c. Status is based on both what you've done and what others think of you.
d. Classes in society are set and don't change.
Answer: c. Status is based on both what you've done and what others think of you.

28. Which of the following is a way that people can move up in society?
a. A person becomes a boss at the company they already work for.
b. A person gets married to someone from a better class.
c. A person starts his or her own business.
d. A person from a lower class who grows up to be a doctor
Answer: d. A person from a lower class who grows up to be a doctor

29. Which of the following does not have to do with material things?
a. Income b. Job title c. Schooling d. Social status
Answer: d. Social status

30. Which of the following is NOT a feature of a method for dividing people into groups?
A) It is a way of putting social groups in order of importance
B) It's the same in every society.
C) It keeps happening because of the way society works.
D) It means that resources and chances are not shared equally.
Answer: B) It is the same in every society.

31. What is the main goal of government programs and projects that try to fix social
A. To provide fair chances to all people
B. To make sure that everyone has enough money
C. To make a world where there is no injustice of any kind
D. To give everyone free health care
Answer: A. To provide fair chances to all people

32. What is the main goal of government programs that help people?
A. To get rid of poverty for good
B. To help people temporarily who are in need
C. To give everyone a free education
D. To give money to people who are already rich
Answer: B. To help people temporarily who are in need.

33. Who is in charge of making sure anti-discrimination rules are followed in the
A. Environmental Protection Agency D. Department of Labor
B. The Education Department D. The Justice Department
Answer: A. The Labor Department
34. What are the goals of laws on affirmative action?
A. To encourage variety and cut down on prejudice
B. To provide cash help to low-income families
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
C. To make a world where there is no injustice of any kind
D. To get rid of poverty for good
A. To encourage variety and cut down on discrimination

35. The main goal of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) is to help people live
better lives.
A. To get rid of all kinds of unfairness around the world
B. To give everyone free health care
C. To get growing countries to have less poverty and better living situations
D. To give everyone a chance to learn
Answer: C. To get rid of poverty and make life better in emerging countries

36. Why does the Social Security Administration (SSA) exist?

A. To provide cash help to low-income families
B. To give everyone a free education
C. To give qualified people benefits for retirement, unemployment, and death
D. To get rid of poverty for good
Answer: C. To give qualified people retirement, unemployment, and widow benefits

37. Which government body is in charge of making sure that fair housing rules are
A. Housing and Urban Development Department (HUD)
B. Agency for Environmental Protection
C. Labor Department
D. The Ministry of Justice
A. The Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Department.

38. What is the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) used for?
A. To give everyone free health care
B. To give money to people who are already rich
C. To help families with low and middling incomes with money
D. To make a world where there is no injustice of any kind
Answer: C. To help low-income and middle-income people with money

39. Which government body is in charge of making sure civil rights rules are followed?
A. Agency for Environmental Protection
B. The Ministry of Justice
The Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Department
D. Education Department
Answer: B. The Justice Department

40. What is the main goal of programs that give money to other countries?
A. To give money to countries that already have a lot.
B. To make a world where there is no injustice of any kind
C. To get rid of poverty and make things better for people in emerging countries
D. To give everyone a free education
C. To get rid of poverty and make life better in emerging countries

41. What does the term "social inequality" mean?

A. When people don't have the same amount of money or tools,
B. The uneven way power and wealth are shared in society
C. The uneven way knowledge and wealth are given out in society
D. Health care and funding are not given to everyone in the same way.
Answer: B
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
42. Which of the following is an example of a difference between people in the same
A. In a certain school area, not everyone has the same access to schooling.
B. Access to health care is not the same all over the land.
C. Access to tools isn't the same everywhere in the world.
D. Different people in a certain place don't have the same access to jobs.

43. Which of these is an example of social injustice on a national level?

A. In a certain school area, not everyone has the same access to schooling.
B. Access to health care is not the same all over the land.
C. Access to tools isn't the same everywhere in the world.
D. Different people in a certain place don't have the same access to jobs.

44. Which of the following is an example of injustice between people around the world?
A. In a certain school area, not everyone has the same access to schooling.
B. Access to health care is not the same all over the land.
C. Access to tools isn't the same everywhere in the world.
D. Different people in a certain place don't have the same access to jobs.

45. How can we best deal with social differences?

A. By putting government plans and laws into place
B. By making sure everyone has the same access to schooling and healthcare
C. By making people more aware of and educated about social differences
D. All of the above

46. Which of the following is an example of a government scheme that tries to make
things more fair?
A. Policies that help minorities get jobs and go to school
B. Everyone should have access to health care.
C. A raise in the minimum wage for people with low incomes
D. All of the above

47. How can people in their groups deal with social inequality?
A. By helping out with neighborhood groups that work for equality
B. By learning about social inequality and teaching others about it,
C. By speaking out against unfair treatment,
D. All of the above

48. What is one thing that makes it hard to deal with social inequality on a world scale?
A. Lack of unity and agreement on a global level
B. Lack of knowledge and schooling about social inequality around the world
C. Not enough money to carry out world plans and projects
D. All of the above

49. What do non-governmental organizations (NGOs) do to help fix society problems?

A. To bring attention to and teaching about social differences
B. To help and support groups that have been left out.
C. To fight for policy changes and fairness
D. Every one of these
Answer: D

50. Why is it important to do something about social inequality?

A. It makes sure that everyone gets fair treatment and justice.
B. It makes society stronger and more stable.
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
C. It makes the economy better for everyone.

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