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40 COMPREHENSIVE PRACTICAL CHEMISTRY, & Determine the calorimeter constant (W) of calorimeter (polythene bottle), THEORY In order to determine the calorimeter constant, a known volume of hot water at a know, temperature is added to a known volume of water taken in the calorimeter at room temperature Since energy is conserved, the heat gained by the calorimeter and the cold water must be equa] to the heat lost by hot water. Ift,, t, and ¢, are the temperatures of, cold water, hot water anj mixture respectively and m,, m, and m, are the masses of calorimeter, cold water and hot water respectively, then we can write mC ,(t, —t,) + m,C(t, —t,) = mgClt, - ts) Here C, is the heat capacity of calorimeter and C is the heat capacity of water. The quantity m,C, is the calorimeter constant, W Wt, —t,) + m,C(t, —t,) = m,C(t, ~ t5) Wt, — t,) = msC(t, ~ t,) —m,C(t, - ty) Ww Clg (tz — ty) — malts — ty) The heat capacity of water, C is 4.184 J/K or J/°0. Knowing all the parameters on RHS, the value of W can be calculated. It may be noted that t, > t, > t,. Win 8 PROCEDURE 1. Put 100 ml of distilled water in polythene bottle with a thermometer and stirrer Fig. 4.1. Rubber stopper Thermometer (110th degree) Stirrer Polythene bottle 4 Fig. 4.1. Polythene bottle calorimeter. e temperature (¢,°C). e water in a beaker to a temperature 20-30°C higher than that of room ‘THERMOCHEMISTRY a 4, Pat 100 ml ofthis warm water ig another beaker, 5, Note the temperature of this water, Let it bet,°C. ~ ’ 6. Add warm water from the beaker into the polythene bottle without any loss of time. 7, Stir the contents, 8. Read the temperature attained after mixing. Let it be t, OBSERVATIONS 3O> Volume of water taken in bottle = 100 ml er ‘Temperature of water =4°C ~ 24. | Volume of warm water added = 100ml ie . Temperature of warm water =tC - 48 | ‘Temperature after mixing = 0 > 4042 CALCULATIONS Heat given out by hot water = Heat taken by bottle and cold water. = 100 x 4.184 x (t, — 1) = W x (t,—t,) + 100 x 4,184 x (t,—¢,) w = 100x 4.184 x (tp ~ ts) 100 x 4.184 x (ty — 41) ss (ts -t) ) WES 4Soh From the above expression the calorimeter constant, W can be calculated. “OO 210° ae aie tue web ) 2S uae4 (se ithe enthalpy of dissolution of given solid copper sulphate (CuSO, 5H,0O) at room temperature. Qu geste = = WHS 6 , the enthalpy of dissolution is measured by the use of calorimetric tech- ‘volume of the water is taken in a polythene bottle as shown in Fig. 4.1, Its and then known weight of the solute is added to it. The solution is stirred temperature is recorded. From the change in temperature, heat absorbed ated. In this experiment one mole of solute is dissolved per 400 moles of this ratio 7.0 g of CuSO,.5H,0 is dissolved in 200 mL of water. ae. ml or 500 ml polythene bottle fitted with a rubber cork with two ter (7; thdegree) and other for stirrer, two beakers, stirrer and copper sulphate, distilled water, 42 COMPREHENSIVE PRACTICAL CHEMISTRY_, De aint PROCEDURE 7° Z iw A. Determination of Calorimeter Constant Calorimeter constant is determined by following the procedure as described j, Experiment 4.1. B. Determination of Enthalpy of Dissolution 1, Put 200 ml of distilled water into the polythene bottle. 2. Now fit a cork with two holes into the mouth of the polythene bottle. Insert a therm. meter into one hole with its bulb about 1 cm above the bottom of the bottle. Put the stirrer into the second hole. 3. Note down the temperature (t,)- 2 U ga 4, Take a known weight of finely powdered substance. 5. Transfer the known weight (say w g) of finely powdered hydrated copper sulphate quickly by removing the rubber cork and putting it back into its position without any loss of time. . Stir it with the help of a stirrer till hydrated copper sulphate is dissolved. However, the rate of stirring should be kept as low as efficiency permits to minimise the energy introduced by stirring (vigorous stirring does cause some increase in temperature), 7. Note down the temperature (t,) when the substance just dissolves. OBSERVATIONS Weight of the hydrated copper sulphate dissolved Volume of water taken into the bottle we 1g: = 200 ml 100 g (assuming density = 1 g/ml) ‘Temperature of water =tyc 2x? ‘Temperature of water after dissolving hydrated copper sulphate =1,°C 34° Calorimeter constant of the polythene bottle =Warc CALCULATIONS Assuming density and specific heat of the solution to be same as that of water, heat evolved or absorbed for dissolution of w g of the solute Q = Wt, —t,) + (200 + w) (t,—t,) x 4.184 J Heat liberated on dissolution of 1 g of copper sulphate = Wty ~t)) + (200+ w) (ty ~ 1) x 4.184 J w Heat liberated on dissolution of 1 mol (249.5 g) of copper sulphate - Wie - th) + (200 + tw) fp — ty) x 4.184 w + Ajq Hof copper sulphate aoa) + 200 FW) yt) 4-184 x 249.5 J/mol Hy x 249.5 5 qHERMOCHEMISTRY 43 RESULT .. J/mol. Enthalpy of dissolution of copper sulphate is .... Note: Ift, >t, heat is evolved during dissolution and A,,, H has negative sign. Similar] ly we can find out the enthalpy of dissolution of potassium nitrate. For that dissolve 5.5 g of KNO, in 200 mL of water. Here, the mole ratio of solute and solvent is 1 : 200. oe ‘SURFACE CHEMISTRY é 4 SS 1, Lyop! sols; and 2, Lyophobic sols. 1. Lyophilie Sols Inthis type of colloidal solutions, the disperse phase has great affinity for the dispersion medium. In such colloids, the dispersed phase does not get easily precipitated and the sols are quite stable. The solids obtained after evaporation may be reconverted to the sol state by simply agitating them with the dispersion medium. Examples of lyophilic sols include sols of gum, gelatine, starch, proteins and certain polymers in organic solvents. Such sols are called reversible sols. If water is the dispersion medium, these are called hydrophilic sols. 2. Lyophobic Sols In this type of sols, disperse phase has little affinity for the dispersion medium. These sols are relatively less stable than lyophilic sols, These sols are easily precipitated (or coagulated) on the addition of small amounts of electrolytes, by heating or by shaking. These are irreversible as their precipitated mass cannot be brought back into the colloidal state by simply shaking them up with the dispersion medium. Examples of lyophobic sols include sols of metals, and their insoluble compounds like sulphides and oxides. They need stabilizing substances for pres- ervation. If water is the dispersion medium, these are known as hydrophobic sols. @ To prepare colloidal solution (sol) of starch. THEORY Starch forms a /yophilic sol when water is used as the dispersion medium, The formation of celerated by ere sol can be prepared by heating starch and water at 100°C. It is quite stable-and i3 uot affected by the presence of any electrolytic impurity. 2 es RATUS 250 ml and 50 ml), glass rod, funnel, filter-paper, pestle and mortar, tripod)stand, d burner. REQUIRED (500 mg) and distilled water. starch to make a thin paste and transfer this paste to a 50 ml beaker. xt 100 ml of distilled water in a 250 ml beaker and heat the beaker so that slowly with stirring into boiling water in the beaker (Fig, 2.1). for about 10 minutes and then allow the beaker to cool. s of the beaker-through a filter-paper, fixed in a funnel. 12 COMPREHENSIVE PRACTICAL CHEMISTRY_, Fig. 2.1. Preparation of starch sol. PRECAUTIONS 1. The apparatus used for preparing sol should be properly cleaned. 2. Distilled water should be used for preparing sols in water. 3. Starch should be converted into a fine paste before adding to boiling water. 4, Starch paste should be added in a thin stream to boiling water. 5, Constant stirring of the contents is necessary during the preparation of the sol. The substances such as metal hydroxides or sul- oxide forms a lyophobic sol. ily give colloidal solutions on treatment with water hich are insoluble and do not readil lyophobic colloids. ic hydroxide sol is prepared by the hydrolysis of ferric chloride with boiling distilled reaction that takes place can be represented as 3 ‘ Boil ; FeCl,(ag) + 3H,00) —~> Fe(OH),(s) + 3HCl(aq) Ferric chloride Red sol drolysis reaction produces insoluble ferric hydroxide particles which und mm to yield bigger particles of colloidal dimensions. These particles aes Fo from the solution to give positive charge to the sol particles. Stability of the on the sol particles. Hydrochloric acid which is produced during hydrolysis sly a i ee TE it _. 14 COMPREHENSIVE PRACTICAL CHEMISTRY—xi, SL , APPARATUS Conical flask (250 ml), beaker (250 ml), a boiling-tube, glass-rod, funnel, round-bottom flask, iron stand with a clamp, wire-gauze, tripod-stand, burner and a burette or a dropper. MATERIALS REQUIRED 2% solution of ferric chloride (prepared by dissolving 2 g of pure FeCl, in 100 ml distilled water) and distilled water. PROCEDURE 1. Take a 250 ml conical flask and clean it by steaming-out process as shown in Fig. 2.2. Steam Vessel to be cleaned Glass tube Funnel Fig. 2.2. Steaming-out process for cleaning conical flask. 2, To this cleaned flask, add 100 ml of distilled water and heat it to boil by placing the flask on a wire-gauze. 3, Add ferric chloride solution dropwise (by the use of a burette or a dropper) to the boiling water. 4, Continue heating until deep red or brown solution of ferric hydroxide is obtained. Replace the water lost by evaporation during boiling at regular intervals, Keep the contents of conical flask undisturbed for sometime at room temperature the solution as “Ferric hydroxide Sol”. ic hydroxide sol is affected by impurities, the apparatus required for the 's0l should be thoroughly cleaned by steaming-out process. le solution dropwise. SURFACE CHEMISTRY 2 SS SSS SSS 3. Heating is continued till the desired sol is obtained. 4. Hydrochloric acid formed as a result of hydrolysis of ferric chloride is removed by dialysis process otherwise it would destablise the sol. tl Containing 1 M solutions of ZnSO, and CuSO, and nota the position! of tHe boi il voltmeter and record the reading in your record book. P

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