Rewrite 31

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The brains behind – Người chủ mưu, người chịu trách nhiệm kế hoạch

Rewrite 31
1. 1 We could just discern the buildings through the fog. (MAKE)
 We could just make out the buildings through the fog.
2. It is my strong belief that John was responsible. (SUSPECT)
 I suspect that John was responsible.
3. He has a good relationship with all his students. (GETS)
 He gets on well with all his students.
4. His rude behaviour is too much for me. (PUT)
 His rude behavior puts me off.
5. The meeting was well attended. (TURNED)
 The meeting turned out to be well attended.
6. It was obvious that the old house was past its prime. (DAYS)
 The old house was obviously past its days.
7. As a boy, he was a regular churchgoer. (USED)
 As a boy, he used to go to church regularly.
8. How likely is it she will pass the exam? (CHANCES)
 What are the chances that she will pass the exam?
9. The film didn't come up to my expectations. (SHORT)
 The film fell short of my expectations.
10. I can't stand that dreadful noise any longer. (ENOUGH)
 I can't stand that noise anymore; it's enough.
11. It is certain that the new cuts will worry the staff. (BOUND)
 The staff is bound to be worried by the new cuts.
12. John is very dependable. (LET)
 Let John be very dependable.
13. They accused me of causing the accident. (BLAME)
 They blamed me for causing the accident.
14. They are likely to come. (DOUBTFUL)
 It is doubtful that they will come.
15. His favourite breakfast is porridge and kippers. (WHAT)
 What he likes for breakfast is porridge and kippers.
16. After the scandal, he was asked to resign. (HAND)
 After the scandal, he handed in his resignation.
17. That's got nothing to do with you. (BUSINESS)
 That's none of your business.
18. I'd never been to Rome before. (VISITING)
 It was my first time visiting Rome.
19. Sarah wore dark glasses so that no one would recognize her. (AVOID)
 Sarah wore dark glasses to avoid being recognized.
20. Anne was afraid the neighbors would despise her for not having a washing machine. (LOOK)
 Anne was afraid the neighbors would look down on her for not having a washing
21. If only you had tried harder, you might have passed the exam. (EFFORT)

To rack one’s brain – Vắt óc ra nghĩ 1

The brains behind – Người chủ mưu, người chịu trách nhiệm kế hoạch
 If only you had put in more effort, you might have passed the exam.
22. "I wonder if you could possibly open the door for me?" (MIND)
 Do you mind opening the door for me?
23. It might be better if that paragraph was omitted. (LEAVE)
 It might be better to leave out that paragraph.
24. Bill reckoned that his success was due to incredible luck. (PUT)
 Bill put his success down to incredible luck.
25. Why not tell him the truth and be finished with it? (GET)
 Why not tell him the truth and get it over with?
26. Martin had difficulty in accepting the loss of his money. (HARD)
 Martin found it hard to accept the loss of his money.
27. It wasn't my intention to upset you. (MEAN)
 I didn't mean to upset you.
28. The children pestered us for sweets. (KEPT)
 The children kept pestering us for sweets.
29. I'd rather we started at 7.00. (PREFERENCE)
 My preference is that we start at 7.00.
30. There'll be trouble if you do that again. (BETTER)
 You had better not do that again.
31. The accident wasn't his fault. (BLAME)
 He was not to blame for the accident.
32. Most people know that Britain's economy is heavily dependent on North Sea oil. (COMMON)
 It is common knowledge that Britain's economy is heavily dependent on North Sea oil.
33. I'd be grateful if you would check these accounts for me. (MIND)
 Would you mind checking these accounts for me?
34. It's unlikely that the contractor will complete the work before February. (TAKE)
 It will take the contractor until February to complete the work.
35. That jumper you knitted for my daughter no longer fits her. (GROWN)
 My daughter has grown out of the jumper you knitted for her.
36. That sort of behavior is deplorable, in my opinion. (APPROVE)
 In my opinion, that sort of behavior is not to be approved of.
37. The new lecturer was unpopular with his students. (TAKE)
 His students did not take kindly to the new lecturer.
38. The last political scandal of this kind took place fifty years ago. (SINCE)
 It has been fifty years since the last political scandal of this kind.
39. Women are not allowed to enter the inner temple. (LET)
 Let women not enter the inner temple.
40. They'll have to take the dog on holiday with them. (BEHIND)
 Taking the dog on holiday with them is behind their plans.
41. Don't run away with the idea that this job is easy. (CONCLUSION)
 Don't draw the conclusion that this job is easy.
42. We'd better leave them a note because it's possible they'll arrive later. (CASE)
 In case they arrive later, we'd better leave them a note.
43. Before he came here, he worked for Mr. Smith. (PREVIOUS)
To rack one’s brain – Vắt óc ra nghĩ 2
The brains behind – Người chủ mưu, người chịu trách nhiệm kế hoạch
 He worked for Mr. Smith before he came here.
44. He speaks German extremely well. (COMMAND)
 He commands an extremely good knowledge of German.
45. His criticisms are quite unfair. (JUSTIFICATION)
 There is no justification for his unfair criticisms.
46. I can't understand why they are reluctant to sign the contract. (BAFFLED)
 I am baffled by their reluctance to sign the contract.
47. I always find chess problems like that quite impossible! (DEFEAT)
 Chess problems like that always defeat me.
48. This must be kept secret. (KNOW)
 You must know that this must be kept secret.
49. I can't afford a new dress; that old blue one will have to do. (MAKE)
 I can't afford a new dress; I'll have to make do with that old blue one.
50. John inflated the tires of his bicycle. (BLEW)
 John blew up the tires of his bicycle.

To rack one’s brain – Vắt óc ra nghĩ 3

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