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Th Dang Manh – 0904.139.

1. Provide the correct verb forms ( l0pts ) 44-012
I didn’t do the test well. I hadn't prepared it very carefully at home.
 The cup, which is very old, certainly has lost its original colour.
 Were the painting genuine, it would be worth thousands of pounds.
 The teller made (lie) down on the floor.
 I don’t mind her being appointed above me.
 She feels as though she is sitting on a fire.
 Look! The rain has spoiled our furniture. Did you close the windows last night?
 He suggested that a petition be drawn up.
 Jimmy was pleased to be admitted to the college.
 The price of gold is said to be going up now.
II. Fill in blank with a suitable preposition (10 pts).
1 I wonder what everybody finds in him. What is there so remarkable about him that people will hang on his
every word.
He was last in a long line, and from the look of it, he was unlikely to get a good seat for the show.
The poverty of her childhood stands in total contrast to her life in Hollywood.
It’s a book about three men and their dog on a boating holiday.
He drove through a red light and a policeman saw him.
The assistant manager has no authority over matters that have to do with accommodation. You’d better speak to
the manager.
If they are really concerned about his future and want him to be prepared for the hardship of life, they should
not make things too smooth for him.
His chances of recovery after the operation were a hundred to one, but he did get well.
III. Provide the correct word form of the word in brackets (l0 pts).
1. She is quite an (eye) ………EYEFUL………………………………..
2 When he doesn’t like anyone, he often speaks in monosyllables.
 I am famished! How about you? Have you had lunch yet?
 When a person begins a new job, he may feel rather disoriented at the beginning.
 The thief was caught in the very act.
 What is done can’t be undone.
 It is out of character for him to lose his temper like that. He’s usually very calm.
 I was surprised by the formality of the occasion. All the men wore dark suits and ties.
 The unresponsive audience made the lecturer somewhat disheartened. What a shame!
 Any opposition to the rule is tolerated.
IV. Read the following passage, identify the 10 errors and then correct them (10 points).
E.g: (0) language — languages
In countries where two or more language are spoken, language is frequently a political and highly emotive
issue. Although Canada is officially bilingual, the French-speaking province of Quebec introduced the law->a
law in 1976 which, in other->among other measures, banned languages rather than->other than French on
commercial signs and restricted admissions to English- speaking schools. In 1988, the supreme court of Canada
ruled that some sections of this law were illegal. No sooner had they done so than thousands of French speakers
took to the streets in protest. Under the regime of General Franco, a Basque->the Basque language, spoken by
about 600,000 people in Spain, was forbidden. So strict was this ban that people using Basque in public could
be imprisoned.
Th Dang Manh – 0904.139.554

Lingual->Linguistics suppression still goes on, but on the whole, government today are more tolerable
of their minority languages. Nowhere has this reverse->reversal of attitudes been more pronounced than in
Wales. Until the twentieth century, Welsh was all along->but illegal, and its usage->use was forbidden in
schools and at many places of work. Only after a long campaign of protests->protest and vandalism by Welsh
speakers in the 1960s did the British government allow Welsh to become an official language.

V. Fill in each blank with a suitable word (l0pts).

About twenty percent of the world’s present energy already comes from the sun in one form or another.
Special devices have been (1) ……made…….. available to place on the (2) ……roofs……… of houses or flats
to catch the sun’s rays and thus heat water. Thousands of these (3) ……devices…….. are now being used to
provide (4) …heating……….in homes throughout the United States while more than a million solar water-
heating units have already been (5) ……installed…… in homes in Japan. Other purposes for which energy is at
present (6)……activity…… used include the extraction of salt (7) …from………… sea water, irrigation and
sewage disposal.
(8) ………for…….most people in developing countries, the need is (9) ………not…..for air condition
or central heating but for cheap (10) ……means……… of cooking food, drying crops and lighting home.
VI. Rewrite the second sentence so that it is closest in meaning to the original one, using the word(s)
provided (20pts).
There being no more questions, I think we can end the meeting.
What's more, I would like to choose my own clothes.
Urgent action must be taken to solve the problem of homelessness.
If it hadn't been for my father's money, we couldn't have managed.
This is the procedure that follows.
Make yourself at home without ceremony.
The film fell short of my expectations.
His name stands for generosity.
His theory stands out as logical and clear.
In the area of football, Thailand shoulders the responsibility of being much better than all other countries.

Chuc cac em thanh cong!

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