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SCIENCE CAREER COACHING Scene ‘arco, Turgspuctiens—> The falagen derivatives | aliphatic and halides (thaloatkane) ae“ Lali th Gre Called albyt CAaloarencs) « Thake. Ane phtninedd the ofa H- can oe el ye 4 halogen atom(Fc!,86,2) Haloctkanst ceutein, en atlached fybtidied conten of a lag panpr ene. Contain Halepen atory aftmehad fo 3} hy Pepboridisad c-atem o$ an anyl Aryl “ prsup: Leassitica: nies & Hain: bad Halbatkancs tnd taloarnuss axe classified Ln diffesut dlags a+ follouss — Ahassification the basic of No- en (x) atoms t— chocheckibe ta Gee tas $F pepcenare ge 3 a hi and haloarenst are classifica as mono, oi (hei~ detea ~ ete.) Lomptunds ee Rare Te. Contain one, two oe more halogen in thee ag aon a at Gin cS enex Un Gx oo (Tribals - eny-X. wx alkane) mM (orohaloatkans) 7 5 Fantart No.: 8003024131,9 www _ EER COACHING SCIENCE CAR! ° Trthaloarene (Monohalrarens) (Oihaloarens) Oe aa . dis Atala i (11) ification on the bass t Geen cng ECL (a) Alkyl abides pr paloalkanes 2» In these halides the falogen atom ls bonded toan Alkyl gebup(R) i i i Ste! ds alicyclic then the halide Ls called cyclo. — walhythalide ox cyeloclkane - i & H e & ee oO " ' eW'—c—x R—c—x R—c—x i ' H (Primary |") Axcendany 2!) (Tedintiy habo alkane) ® Aliylic Aalides 3 Jn tase halides the haloy is bonded te an fp* t.atom nut te the oe gee atom next tothe c=c ik alled allylic oa + Cllylic Carbon) = : & See peer ae ee o So ) Gentylie Aalide 3 In these halides the tal a bonded t an sp? c-atom nent te an anomalie a ’ Hy-x “6 ikaccom SCIENCE CAREER COACHING cHemistey class 13m pralide 1 In these halides » Lhe ave atom is bonded Le an dp) C-atom neat “te x cac bond. & R-C=c—cH,X i> Be In these halides, tre jen alam is bon- wded to an SP Caxhen- atom: (Vinglic Carson) R-cyecHex , Cr Bigl halides?» In these halides, the talepen atom is bended ioe AP Cato of an desmatic sing - These artmatic talegen tompounds are alsc knbutn as Wy e) 3 Crnpaunds chntalaing Sb - Corben t > In these palogen dinivedtives the en atom Us dinsctly bended to one of the c-atdmu of a bend - Ex. R-c =c—x jaloatkans) NomencLaTuee 8 —(1-Nomenclatuce of H (2+Nomencletuxte of Heloarsnes) i Nami of Meno hel Commbu ai QuPAc Name i eth Chy-el methyl ALdeide chieedm ——————ESSSS | NG SCIENCE CAREER coacHIN® —— __wrewscesinar com ies ; ae © CHyere Gr n-propyl bedmiale ee enh. Bs : Se oe Lo butyl chlbridee ie 4 pple 2:5 dee 3 i Z epee ne bpendi chioride cn Marine of Dials pelyhalo haloal g- i ‘ * Z ee @ hen beth the halayin ateme ant attached! Coateen these ave clled SerM BOA, oe Thee are also ailplidene dthalides Hose = “a Bia SS Ex. cH ene at = TS cf Gem -cthalide Elid 2 olichlunid. (4,4-dicbewethane ) (b) bln the two a a present at és c-ah hun they are Wane kabel: adjacent These art also called abhytene leprale sikedcte Sas tite rope eee Vicinad dihalide ies ; 8 Primmetiytdibe soils qth ene t C,3-aibeomepuepase " 4 y ( 1,0-dieMeride www.scesikarcom SSF ee Beomoberrzene ee er Ph ¢bvomide Oo & { -cleleeo- tp henge mn a on! Benrgt chloride 4 i «) 4,4-ciehLocometha,, oO Ephylidene dichloride L 1 cn,ele 2.1 tecehlero: 8 chels chloroform a a eee Caton tebrachleride 14, d-talead lo- a Sum Fridslbrobemzene 1,3,5-detchlorob en, cr ‘c! * Meluat ef Cox beat i halondana In vthe C-x bond Ls Covalent but the electeonepatinil . then the nature ae Tei % i : from Alcohols?» 7, hydeo placed “d (-0H1) of abeohot i PEEP Ae Maln ance ) Sy te Aetloe oh halogen aciy R-0OH + Hy 5 s- i -X + H,0 fee aleshols term ‘ yas Lt pasiod thrsugs lorbabeanes bhhen tydeocklorte acid rae “ehel im the precssice of anhydesit kivoue “& Ths 1s kntusn as reove’s Proces?’. + Znel, help tn the cleavage Of C-0 bend: uv s aleohols are Very Acactive . they Atact nitth Coue -He! at Abo demperature Ahithout Znclp- f CHg C—O +H! arty CHyCHy-¢) + 4,0 2 GMs Ela chs CHy- CH-OH+H-Cl Onby-, ChyetH—cl +40 eH 2ncl, 3 os ch —0H +H-c} Room Bmp, cny-c—cl + 440 oa bn 2° £3" buomicles £ lodides Can rot be prepared from the bs is be : aa at La On healing With Come MaSPy i of aleohel —> S222" { a etal of akygens —* EZ E Medex Ceo #nel Po els oe eel R-on + Pels pee +1 3P03 R-on + Pely ——” ane pup 50 Dy BB rar, 2 rs ere pot tale i the ath of 4X74 ee © 4 R-0H +SOCI, Pyridine, p-cl+sea? © ame a 2 b i ethod This method is preferred than ether 77 Aids puccscth (50,4 NEN) ane gascont and 2. Eten Hyder Catdebnd $—> a) Geom alkanes 2-cl, & Br, tenets wlitr alkanes in ptedence wv Ligat Lo form This nenction is “Y Hh ett ive the mixture of pol hraloaleanes ‘ant difficult te Separate - fk CHycn,cn, te CHych,cn,cl + Cnt cry d cust) = Css7%)J ty it ype habeyins ‘seas = allylic > Alkye >Vinylic = acrylic | > Allylic and bensylic halides Cam be tngt Ye © CH=Ch—thy ec), US RISK oy oe fe 2=Ch. \ ae ia +H-x st = . < . x St 4 Peskie Apmennetcicad) alkenes (=chacH:) — During the addition Hx to : Harkdvetteow fale ppd eer CH3- CH=CH, +HxX ——_+ tis Ch-chs x ~ Halogen Combine utith Lhote Carbon ho have Less H. and "hyduogen Lombine utith other - > Gat tf degnuiie poranide Ls used as st datebyct this pare: is avertid ana kneusu at Buti -marko- “Unikeu'g Juke Or peronide eect Kharasch cffect CHA-CH = CH + HX adn _, Cg SN ‘3 2 av bigat mx IG ICE CAREER COACHIN SCIEN tw keith other who have bts H-ator- CHA=CH-Chx +HK Tsk i tee 4 also Carried by NAS CN-Babeno- co las oer ool ee aay APs ensennen a cn, —Co Na ~eo, ena—cooN4 i i andes {Oca = AUplic Chlicination 2s also aa the prssance 64 pevoride. phy eyl chlértole CH=CH - 0, WIsk, 40 ta Ay tSo,cp re Chg +sathe) 3 2g balepees exchenge > Finkelstein Re Aeeto act), bu << + Nal oa . (The Yd Of bromide is L237 ae Cam ULL Cl, algo but mot T, becouse — 2CH,CooAg +P, Sole chycoocn, + co, +2A42 Birnbaum Simontni Reactinny Nethed Of prrparation pf Halrarsness—> 26 1 Eesopbile Autti tf eset Sahtcce Pie lesah carted pny (x= ceo Jo Ow Blo -320K pAlely} ieee feciga te Ore Hore. + habogen tomeerd sation Intramediate + aft Me! (excess) yy The peeactinn usin fluorine is Violend be Vigtbus ard Gan not be contualied - —> The sanction with L, is not possible because shen product is foemad HD saduce fo, back - O+=— OQ" 5 bo the Atmction Le canted Oud in tu prudence Gxidisiog agent ( HDOs, Hy) +0 oddise HD- “ Sida habe baleperatin t- 4 ne eeet 388k 2 Teamiigeh + he} > $4 cl, tb exces than all 'H’ are « L Sag hihen the dicle chain is s than a m halo tnation Occurs at C- meat ts aoe = CO Bin hd cn-cng isa “ate - va Fe SCIENCE y suet m : - CAREER COACHING cuamsrey _ and “ NY, ie CJ HHeNo they 23298 | er = x Net _Gaaxs oy Hx +N, Cx=ct, er) . as Ue ds uded Inplace of Cary, tun reaction is Inpusn M4 Gattexman Reaction’. Niet cy 5 a-}~. 1 Wan OL o ©: aaa + ia * 3,8F. 14 & af, Hct BG: » “aS +6Fs oY *anerg= alo +2 d er ote Lea! ‘Balz- schiemann Acaction’- This Aeaction # iG id 87 ye 2 Ferm cts ebb Ob Asoo 7 feactions> er Ome ae or re HING SCIENCE ‘ CAREER © coach! a " Pagan) Dae, lel le FP Phyciend “st enn in & tye ache ee ZB pt. are high auc +o polax i nature - > Sndlommable NaSina t+ Let inflammable thar hyde > polarity asd d dipole Moment *— These are polar, O1dex bf dipole moment is - F Bond Lngtht-> EFcoC! 1 RK + KCN ——» R-CN-+ kx Come-Hel_, cH conn, Wo, i Ooh Cyl + KEN, ——PCHscn Owe 1a ,GNsOy cn en,NH2 Saad san Re”) cE CAREER “agers BOGIENSE Se alt tou 28 , thew kthen haloalkane 1s dw Gh Aint, da Aaplaceel by op (* 3 R-x +NH,——> stl (excess) (Ses, : Rak VENO, ob ReneS Aer 7 tutaj y i y? ex + hgne 8 8-0 + Ag 6: 1 1 i oO ed ong +x-R GahsoH RC -OR + yk 3 hist i (Tht i> R-x + NasH—o __, @-sH +Nax ‘6 ea 7 The. ~~ R-x +Nasr’———» R-s-@' 4 ax 11 Susbatitetibn by azide eapupt—» R-x NaN +NaN, R-Ny4+Nax Cc tool ae ey cH Slow 1? Cr ¢- er mee, tee (Gecmete +0h fast, (CHt,),C-0n AWlie sand bensgylic h hide Abou high kemctivty Luiards the Af Aachen « Stead Yindogh eee Te Larbocabion thus formed get Atabilised s tation Re ian) Su? (Bi me ; i eiale vom id The need ipnie eon Cyc! and bytt Pe lhe : wn One , é , "ha seh aud thliride - conc of beth a ee” je R —_rimvscentarcon _ SCIENCE CAREER © + Grtain Compounds sttrte the PPL tthen it a “Shae P i marr) COACHING SCIENCE CAREER CO ——— Ria ad achinal mieoy images 22 Calle J te each ote Calle enantiomers ~ as TOM - The blercodtomens Aelate Able mivrer Images art aes ¢ trrantcommns percers idantienl phypien Mept.. be pts, Solubility , napractive Wider ete “4 to the The only difjersuce butt Anspeet PPL : OA montane cning two enantiomers in equal pabporditig Will have zexo opti: D wcctalinn Such a miaturt dé knousn, % nacemie minture 6 katumic modification » and the proce, bb known as Kacemi¢ation Relation 2 sb during a Acaction. no bond te the Aten contre is Keoken, te penduet uit have the gennal Configuration 5 pesup axbund the dtereneebre aus Oh deactant. Such a ssection ts dald te proceed bith tiem of Lonfiguralion . a a a 3 c ae KB (Retention of conbieuratiinn) 4 Jrwenaton > metintion and Anceeisstion >— GHs CMs y et a i y D. my ony ’ v Gis Ghs as tney aS P in mee AREER COACHING _ ee =a wermietcatannem 5. SCIENCE | cA (0) Redssctian Kemcti btn ?- R-X +2H Ghgci+2H ep R-H+tN% +ne eduction Znfreis —? Be follows ents are used fee Nal Gh¢ De Bang eed fiue etc CE] Kearranpemant Kenchitey > Cngen,cryet Acts = oS ean S13k oh ch, es Alcs cn F— cH, ct is Be ey a _ Ask Sh ae os ony, te a u z fod z Haloarenes are ters reactive than halo | S4 44 dus te - alkane, Keabaauace tebset *- Oetecatitation of oy “[e es Sm » dB) Cr gadaee —9 mbt S- Chanactr more elechs fae rmbee Lightly, bo last sactive: ” Aad $0 pao 3- Parity of ox bond t— dn c-x be : i lead vd leas meet polanit 4 pee Sap a a — NH, ->@ +2NHy+Cu,0 Wisk 9, 4% GO ata + Ga,cl, +H0 tins Bubitittion by cyano otup (fermatinu of Gansbenrens) ens) 2 o CN ya fpidine ©) 4 Cub 416K (Benzo nitnile) 9+ Lan be Lenvercted to dome useful Gonpeunds Like + Cove Hct, 202 oe enza mu: cOoH AEE, dnaiyis eS (Complete hydrolysis ) eon, S CHAN, Spmobenaent gon oO (oenaylamine) (Reduction) CHING eat gen CO www secsihar com SCIENCE caree* —— himnioy the -M0, grevips The - 0, groups Lees 7 has ro effect tomards the Ae ot stant Uy Rewetien pith mapesahaon Ltdgli 1 fexmation of Grignard Reagent > RMX as sae A. rm Ht OS (Uh) Remeligns piith Li 3» (pe ott Be - Sye see Phamagt Lithisem (Tihs Remetion with Sodium t-» (Must, fittig Reactinn ):- {7 Sper +2Na+erd 4 cH, ——» CH +2Nac} Toluene However nthen haloarenet nenct with Ala tt ts Colled x ittig Reactfon) City Light Colony, Pipralt Road, Sikar Contact No.: 8003024131,9309068859 |. SCIENCE CAREER COACHING Yon oH ' — ) onsesom well eu geTge abablizad by the Mee TOES j ae i Sof banaanee 2 [ea] Neale a Pi (Minor) M3 (major) ee ght Colony, Piprall Road, Sikar Contact No.: 8003024131,% FE SCHChe gs Onidised be ait in the presence of Ligit ene otttes rap Eile 40 that air is 2cHel, +o, Hest | 2Cocl, +2He} Chosgene) ' Dikisde methane (Lodo form) i— 3+ was used earl AREGHEDIE EEF ge oe > DPT, the st ;, e t Prepared in 1273, but it utes met ict: ided Wat oriniraly, £239 that pis Muller of in Sisiteland Lacy ~Verta the iveness Of DDT a4 an Ons eetizide - tt fells ited Mibatalad Lhe Nebel pra D4 macs. and Physiology in (gue fet ths discovery « ~* The use of Dor Lucreased MAT bushy bh A Weeldwite badis after Alertd ular 2, pais becauce of Lh effecti- ~Veness ined the respite Aprtads Malaria and hice tn canny type : Prsblems Aslated fo extensive ute of DDT | appear in the late (10g « 1t Colony, Piprali Road, Sikar Cantest Ma + 2900004604 26424... iDoc Scanner, meee) www scesikarcom ING “Cuase rie | cones Ti SCIENCE CAREER con aan Russ Cmplate the following rractions - Cy tener — Gi) ChyehycH=cn, tHar ——» (Ait Drdia 2003) | ” éves- fo auto nee tyrone enacted i oateatoel of HL and 181 takes place Maes ig tee Seta Less ee - “i ony ad) ey 25 a —— CF (L-iedo- L- rmategh gelohexene) Gir cayergren acm, + nBs ———> cng, 1 My or (2-besmobutane ) Ques :s- Complete Lhe follsuriig Acaction - a ee cl+k«kD ——+ h ! an" a] +8e Ss cDethi 2008 AU Dradin 2008! n7 At: i) GugNyfed + kT ——s G&MsT + KCI + NAP (Dodobenrene) an Ae 4 (um be ae Br, SCN, By— cn, —cw,- er (1,2- dibremoethane) Quis. Out of Chisevbemene and Cyclohenyl Cll inte «nuh cue ls more reactive Luwrarcle emer Ce nd CAI Dndtm 20139] At - Cycloheryl Chlovide 1 rove Aeaetive Lowdarcels ea ae ta skiain hens CCl bond 3| pscoomarcom SCIENCE CAREER COACHING cremmstey CASS 12m x sh Qt yes’ Ook Cy nl Ot Mitek 2s an ecapte of ; bet- Tn allylic halides the halogen J, CAN India 2617) gbeieleesl asi pede en Thea (O] te a allylic Halide. Shalotpelabar\-ene Quit:2. Kthat tappent phen beamine attacks? CAI! Lneia 2012] fot CH= CH=CH, CCH |os er cH- Ch -cH,~d dB } : 1 i Bs BY > Jha La foemed wtham Br, Ls suse in excess: Bob if ene mole of ar, Ls used , the following product wll be br er cH, =cH-cH,—¢ BCH pa ee on-enpde ba UAmelod igen on = —Het Ante + H,0 (Deli 2010] aged junction bs as follows esccsnaecon SCIENCE CAREER COACHING dis in Cyclohaseye Chlericle than ehlorsbemens. In cyclobaryl chlorisle ye\- stom ts bencled t gp? c-atom Tonite in SUA iasitA< i Sedahali gs C-Cl bond da mace sting thlores and Lest Acactive towards Mutlopiilie Le ae tu He the dtecetine of amr Loomer of Compeund Culg6* Ls mest rsactive Lewards 6/1 reaction CAN Dradin Zoi] me oe Aalisles ort mott reactive towards Sy Asmctite followed by 2° 4 Pabkeye halides Culg@y has four fsomen- Chg Ch chy Ch, BF LU [beam butane) CL abkyt halide) as ens en = cn Gr (Le beemo- 2 roaet wie eee cs natiy CL alkyl halide Ca abeegl hati On, ons cH oe pita ella a oa Corel SCIENCE CAREER COACHING _ =< wrvew Qussy Complete the following rsmctions Cyne > i. in 2009) Giy CnyemcHecn,tHar——» (At Drala Compounds ald” drt- te Case Of Ten metate tnsnbanated = , FJ noel ee pee paxko WJ : ee bE onal Sena Gee Vink ents a on ons or ut —— CT (L-iede- 1 - rath h cgelohaxene) iy Cnyen,—cH = en, + HBr ———> CH, G5 or (2-beomobutane ) Quust:s- Complete Lhe felleusiig Acaction - G) GgHeN cl + KD ——> 5 4 h Cy acl" +an, Shs CDeths 2008 Au Prsdin 2008 nZ7 “Sh Bots I) Gg Net +kT ——s “&MsT +KC1 + Ny? (Dodobenrene) ‘ +8y, So, By— cH, —cn,- ar (4. ,2- dibremocthane) Dus Out of Chiceobemene and Cyclohenyl Chiged bis tue ls moe renetive twwarae ci i Acaction and thy 7 CAttDPndtn 26053 fet Cycloheryt chloride Ls rove Ataetive towarel =. ie Alas hes bieitign C-Cl bowel c. ——— ations Piprai Reed, Star Contact Nox 800” Sm City Light

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