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Date: June 22, 2021

Name: Hinlo, Czar Clidwyn R.
Group No. : 2
Preceptor: Dr. Ma. Teresita Perilla, MD

1. What is the purpose of crossmatching?
Ans: To detect antibodies that may have been missed by the antibody screen because of
absence of the corresponding antigen or presence of a dosing antibody

2. What is the difference between a major crossmatch and a minor crossmatch?

Ans: Major crossmatch
• tests donor red cells with recipient’s serum to detect antibodies present in
patient’s serum.
Minor crossmatch
• tests donor serum with recipient’s red cells to detect antibodies present in
donor serum.

3. Why is major crossmatching routinely used in donor’s blood compatibility testing in-
stead of minor crossmatching?
Ans: Because this test helps to determine the presence of any antibody which may
cause hemolysis or agglutination of donor’s red cells and serve as a final check of ABO

4. What is the purpose of an autocontrol?

Ans: To detect the presence of autoantibodies by testing the patient’s serum against his
own red cells.

5. What is the clinical significance of a positive autocontrol?

Ans: Presence of autoantibodies

6. What are the consequences of transfusing incompatible blood?

Ans: Hemolytic transfusion reaction, hemolysis of recipient’s RBC, which could be fatal if
not managed appropriately.

7. Is crossmatching also required in transfusing Fresh frozen plasma and other plasma
Ans: No, only ABO compatibility testing is done.

8. In our country, is crossmatching routinely required in transfusing platelets?

Ans: No, only ABO compatibility testing is routinely done here in the Philippines.

9. Is the method of crossmatching red cells similar to the method in crossmatching

Ans: Yes, the method in crossmatching platelets is quite similar with crossmatching red
cells, except for the reagents used which are patient’s plasma and donor platelets.
10. Do you think that crossmatching red blood cells instead of platelets before transfus-
ing platelet concentrates would help assure the viability of platelets in the recipi-
ent’s body? Why?
Ans: Yes, in order to achieve viability for 5 days because platelet concentrates in open
system are recommended to be transfused within 4 hours.

- End-

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