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English I Revision Worksheet 4A) Kaguya The Princess of the Moon

Q.1) Write True Or False.
1. The bamboo-cutter and his wife were very poor.- True
2. The old bamboo-cutter found a baby girl in one of the trunks. - True
3. The bamboo-cutter's wife was very angry when she saw the baby girl. - False
4. The Emperor visited the old bamboo-cutter's house. - True
5. Kaguya stared at the sun the whole day.- False
6. Kaguya was a very beautiful but rude girl. -False
7. The moon army came down to Earth to take Princess Kaguya home. - True

Q.2) Write meanings.

1. Cautiously - carefully
2. Behold- look
3. Shied away- avoided
4. Befriend - to make someone your friend
5. Mingle - interact
6. Amid - in the middle of
7. Unison- together
Q. 3) Who said to whom?
1. " Oh, what is that bright light? What should I do now?"
Ans - The bamboo-cutter said to himself.
2. "What is wrong with you?"
Ans - Kaguya’s mother or the bamboo-cutter’s wife said to Kaguya.
3. "Tell us what makes you sad my daughter?"
Ans - Kaguya’s father or the bamboo-cutter said to Kaguya.

4. "Oh Father, Oh Mother! Please don't be saddened by what I will tell you now".
Ans - Kaguya said to the bamboo-cutter and his wife or her parents.
5. "I had a strange birth, didn't I, Father? I….. I'm not a human."
Ans - Kaguya said to the bamboo-cutter or her father
6. " I was sent to Earth as my parents wanted me to experience life here."
Ans - Kaguya said to the bamboo-cutter and his wife or her parents.

Q.4) Answer the following questions.

1. What was unusual about the baby's arrival?
Ans - Ans -The unusual thing about the baby’s arrival was that she came out of a bamboo trunk.
2. Why were the bamboo-cutter and his wife were sad?
Ans - The bamboo-cutter and his wife were sad because they had no children.
3. Where did the bamboo-cutter see the strange light?
Ans - The bamboo-cutter saw the strange light shining from within one of the trunk.
4. Why did the Emperor want to meet Kaguya?
Ans- The Emperor wanted to meet with Kaguya because he had heard about her beauty and

Q.5) Choose the words with prefixes, given in the box, to fill in the blanks
(dislike, disapprove, disappear, disagree, dishonest

i) Rini dislikes ghost stories, but she likes travel stories.

ii) The poor boy is honest, but his friend may be dishonest.
iii) The moon disappears at late night, it will appear tomorrow.
iv) The judge disapproves the second witness' documents but approves the previous one.
v) The officer disagrees the proposal, but agrees to the final plan

Ch. no-4B) Animals in Mythology

Q.1) Write True or False.
1. Mythological stories have been created by humans for thousands of years. -True
2. The Greek Goddess of wisdom, Athena is always accompanied by an owl.- True
3. The Indian goddess of wealth is Goddess Lakshmi.- True.
4. In Greek mythology, the Sky Fox or the Celestial Fox is a type of heavenly beast .-- False
Q.2) Write meanings.
1. Dozed off - fell asleep
2. Terrorised- made feel someone feel very scared
3. Fiction - a story about imaginary people and events
4. Chuckled-laughed quietly
5. Longevity -living for long time.
Q.3) Who said to whom?
1. " But animals are real, aren't they?"
Ans- David said to his Grandpa
2. "Yes, God's could often turn into animals themselves or send animals to trick human
Ans- Grandpa said to David
3. " Of course , I know it. It is a story everyone hears about!"
Ans- Grandpa said to David
4. " And what about foxes in different kinds of myths?"-
Ans- David said to his Grandpa

Q.4) Answer the following questions.

1. What are stories in which animals can talk called? Such stories usually have a moral at
the end.
Ans- The stories in which animals can talk are called fables.

2. Why did Zeus change into creatures known for their strength and superiority?
Ans- Zeus changed into creatures known for their strength and superiority to trick human
beings and show his own power.

3. Why did the Greek God send Laelaps to catch the fox?
Ans- Because the fox terrorised the people of Thebes.

4. Name the Indian Goddess whose companion is an owl.

Ans- The Indian Goddess of wealth is Goddess Laxmi.
Q.5) Answer in brief.

1. What is mythology?
Ans- The word ‘mythology’ comes from the Greek word mythos, which may mean a lot of things
, like ‘word’, ‘story’ or ‘fiction’.

2. What is a constellation?
Ans- A constellation is a group of visible stars that make a pattern in the sky. They could form a
shape of an animal, a character or an object.

3. Why did Zeus turn the dog and the fox into considerations?
Ans-The myth is about two animals- Laelaps, the dog and Teumessian, the fox. The Greek Gods
had sent Laelaps to catch the fox. Bothe the dog and the Fox had special qualities- the dog
never missed his prey and the fox could never be caught. To solve this problem, the Greek God
Zeus turned the dog and the fox into two constellations and since then , the dog has been
chasing the fox forever in the night sky.

4. Why are God's often accompanied by animals or birds in mythological tales?

Ans- Because the relationship between humans and animals goes back a long way, Mythological
stories have been created by humans thousands of years ago. Animals have become a part of
our stories, perhaps due to the humans fear of powerful animals or our observation of qualities
that animals possess. For example the term 'wise owl comes from the fact that owls are said to
be wise and intelligent birds. And this is reflected in different mythologies. The Greek goddess
of wisdom, Athena is always accompanied by an owl.

Q.6) Fill in the blanks to complete the following sentences by using the words given in
(David, Summer vacation, Encyclopaedia, Greek, God, Hiking)

i) Lots of picture books and new storybooks around the world always thrilled David.

ii) David was on the way to his grandfather's house during summer vacation.

iii) Books with large collection of information are called Encyclopaedia.

iv) Zeus is a Greek God.

v) Walking for pleasure in a country side is called hiking.

Q.7) Choose the word with a prefix.

1. a. reread. b. decide
Ans - reread
2. a. forecast b. listens
Ans- forecast
3. a. mismanagement. b. laptop
Ans- mismanagement
4. a. superstar b. considered
Ans - superstar
5. a. overjoyed. b. propose
Ans- overjoyed

Ch. no-4C) Where are All The Unicorns?

Q.1) Answer the following questions.

1. Why do you think the poet was unable to find the unicorns?

Ans-The poet was unable to find the unicorns because they are mythical creatures and do not


2. People of which country were nicest to the poet?

Ans- People of Ireland were the nicest to the poet.

Q.2) Write meanings.

1. Leprechauns -Magical creatures in the shape of a little old man.
2. Nuts - Foolish

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