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阿卡索新经典综合英语1 (上)

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阿卡索新经典综合英语1 (上)

Acadsoc New Classic English 1 (A)

Lesson 70 Don’t … ! You mustn’t/can’t/shouldn’t … !

Learning Objectives:
The meanings, tones and usages of the following words:
don’t, mustn’t, can’t, shouldn’t

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A. Warm up B. Read B. Learn C. Practice D. Review
A. Warm up
Which of the following sentences
should be used to show the strongest
tone (最强烈的语气)?
① _________ ② We understand.
We’re sorry about A. Please don’t play football here.

B. You mustn’t play football here.

C. Don’t play football here.

D. What about playing football

somewhere else?

TI: Help S describe the picture and do the exercise. 2

A. Warm up B. Read B. Learn C. Practice D. Review

A. Warm up
Which of the following sentences
should be used to show the strongest
tone (最强烈的语气)?
① _________ ② We understand.
We’re sorry about

B. You mustn’t play football here.

TI: Help S describe the picture and do the exercise. 3

A. Warm up B. Learn B. Read C. Practice D. Review

B. Dialogue – Learn (1.5mins)

Learn the words with your teacher.

play talk library drive

/pleɪ/ /tɔːk/ /ˈlaɪbreri/ /draɪv/
v. 玩 v. 说话,交谈 n. 图书馆 v. 开车
The child is playing with They are talking on the The old man studies The man is driving his
his toy. phone. in the library every day. friend home.

TI: Listen to the audio and learn the words. 4

A. Warm up B. Learn B. Read C. Practice D. Review

B. Dialogue – Learn (1.5mins)

Learn the words with your teacher.

fast break noise

lean out of
/fæ st/ /breɪk/ /nɔɪz/
adv. 快速地,迅速地 v. 打破 n. [UC]/[C] 噪声, 杂音
You mustn’t lean out of
The man is driving too If you break the window, The workers are making
the window!
fast. you must pay for it! a lot of noise.

TI: Listen to the audio and learn the words. 5

A. Warm up B. Read B. Learn C. Practice D. Review

B. Dialogue – Read (1min)

Listen and read the dialogues.

Don’t take this medicine!

You shouldn’t go to work.

Don’t drive so fast!

You mustn’t lean out of the window!

TI: Click the audio icon for the all the dialogues. Have S read after them.
A. Warm up B. Read B. Learn C. Practice D. Review

B. Dialogue – Read (1min)

Listen and read the dialogues.

Don’t play with fire!

You can’t talk in the library!

Don’t make a noise!

Don’t break that vase!

TI: Have S read after the audio.
A. Warm up B. Read B. Learn C. Practice D. Review

B. Dialogue – Learn (5mins)

Different tones carried by the negative forms of modal verbs 情态动词否定形式的不同语气

Don’t Mustn’t Can’t Shouldn’t
to give direct orders to talk about what’s to talk about sth. to offer negative
and instructions not permitted by the that’s against the advice/persuade sb.
speaker rules not to do sth.
用于发出直接指令 用于谈论说话者不允许 用于谈论不合规定 用于给出建议,
他人做的事情 的事情 劝某人不应当做某事
a straightforward a very strong warning a statement of the a relatively mild
Tones command rules suggestion
直截了当的命令 非常强烈的警告 对规则的陈述 较为温和的建议
Don’t talk in the You mustn’t talk in You can’t talk in You shouldn’t talk
Examples library! the library! the library. in the library.
例句 别/不要在图书馆里 你不许/不准在图书馆 你不能在图书馆里 你不应该在图书馆里
说话! 里说话! 说话! 说话。
TI: Teach S the grammar point. Give more examples if necessary.
A. Warm up B. Read B. Learn C. Practice D. Review

C. Practice (3.5mins)

Choose the right expressions to fill in the blanks. Use their correct forms.

lean out of drive through talk to play with

The cars are The boy is Don’t ________
_____________ _____________ ___ the window.
each other on
the tunnel. a stuffed toy. It’s not safe!
the phone.

TI: Click to show the answers one by one. 9

A. Warm up B. Read B. Learn C. Practice D. Review

C. Practice
Choose the right expressions to fill in the blanks. Use their correct forms.

lean out of drive through talk to play with

The cars are The boy is lean out
Don’t ________
talking to
driving through
_____________ playing with
_____________ of the window.
each other on
the tunnel. a stuffed toy. It’s not safe!
the phone.

TI: Click to show the answers one by one. 10

A. Warm up B. Read B. Learn C. Practice D. Review

C. Practice (2.5mins)

Fill in the blanks according to the words you’ve learned today.


We shouldn’t He’s borrowing (借) The police officer The girl told the boy
make ________ in books in the said they were not to ______ the
the movie theater. ______. driving too _____. vase.

TI: Click to show the answers one by one. 11

A. Warm up B. Read B. Learn C. Practice D. Review

C. Practice
Fill in the blanks according to the words you’ve learned today.

We shouldn’t He’s borrowing (借) The police officer The girl told the boy
make ________
a noise in books in the said they were not to ______
break the
the movie theater. library
______. fast
driving too _____. vase.

TI: Click to show the answers one by one. 12

A. Warm up B. Read B. Learn C. Practice D. Review

C. Practice (4mins)

Fill in the blanks with “can’t”, “mustn’t”, “don’t” or “shouldn’t” according to the contexts.
Use the most suitable word for each blank.
根据语境用can’t, mustn’t, don’t或shouldn’t填空。每空应选用最恰当的词语。

1. I’m sorry. You ________ smoke here. It’s against the rules.
2. He ________ eat so much greasy food. It’s bad for his health.
3. ________ drive too fast! The police officer is in front of us.
4. You ________ play football in the classroom. Stop it right now!
Do you understand?
5. Excuse me, you ________ sit here anymore. We’re closing now.
6. We ________ lie to our parents and teachers. It’s not right.

TI: Click to show the answers one by one.
A. Warm up B. Read B. Learn C. Practice D. Review

C. Practice
Fill in the blanks with “can’t”, “mustn’t”, “don’t” or “shouldn’t” according to the contexts.
Use the most suitable word for each blank.
根据语境用can’t, mustn’t, don’t或shouldn’t填空。每空应选用最恰当的词语。

1. can’t smoke here. It’s against the rules.

I’m sorry. You ________
2. shouldn’t eat so much greasy food. It’s bad for his health.
He ________
3. Don’t drive too fast! The police officer is in front of us.
4. mustn’t play football in the classroom. Stop it right now!
You ________
Do you understand?
can’t sit here anymore. We’re closing now.
5. Excuse me, you ________
shouldn’t lie to our parents and teachers. It’s not right.
6. We ________

TI: Click to show the answers one by one.
A. Warm up B. Read B. Learn C. Practice D. Review

D. Review (2mins)

In this lesson, you’ve learned:

Different tones carried by the negative forms of modal verbs
Words 情态动词否定形式的不同语气
Don’t Mustn’t Can’t Shouldn’t
talk direct orders & what’s not permitted sth. that’s against offer negative
Used to talk
instructions by the speaker the rules advice
drive about … 直接指令 说话者禁止他人做的 不合规定的事 建议某人不要
用于谈论…… 事 做某事
a straightforward a strong warning a statement of a mild
library Tones 非常强烈的警告
command the rules suggestion
noise 直截了当的命令 对规则的陈述 温和的建议
Don’t (别/不要) You mustn’t (不准) You can’t (不能) You shouldn’t
fast Examples
talk in the talk in the library! talk in the (不应该) talk
lean out of library! library. in the library.

TI: Review the grammar point with S.
See you next time!


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