Technology Hack

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1. How to Tidy Up Your Desk Cables

Do your desk cables constantly become tangled and messy? Are you
always trying to find the right cable? Put an end to these problems with this
simple life hack, and use binder clips to organize your cables.

2. How to Protect Your Cables

Have you ever owned charging cables that wore out and broke in the
past? Smartphone and laptop charging cables aren’t cheap. Use this top life
hack to protect them using a spring from an old pen. 1

3. A Handy Way to Charge Your Phone

Have you ever needed to charge your phone and realized that you’ve
lost your charging adaptor? Remember this useful life hack and charge your
phone using the USB port on the back of a TV.

4. How to Clean Your Electronics

Computer keyboards and charging ports on electronics often
accumulate dust and dirt. Use this cool life hack to clean them. All you need is
a squeezy-ketchup bottle top and your vacuum. 2

5. How to Organize Your Cables

If you’re like most people, you probably have a tangled bag of wires and
cables somewhere. Use this easy life hack to get organized. All you need is a
shoebox and a few toilet paper rolls.

6. How to Charge Your Phone Wherever There’s a Socket

Have you ever gone to charge your phone, only to realize there’s
nowhere to put it and your cable doesn’t reach the floor? Don’t let your phone
hang from the cable, use this top life hack instead. All you need is a used
plastic bottle and a pair of scissors. 3

7. How to Create Safe Passwords That You Can Remember

Use this real life hack to protect your accounts! Choose accented letters
to include in your passwords to make them extra secure.

8. How to Stop a Plug from Slipping Out of a Socket

Urgh! This is so annoying, right? Not anymore. Just pinch the prongs
together to give your plug some extra grip. 4

9. How to Keep Your Headphones Neat On-The-Go

Headphones can wear out quickly, so use this daily life hack to extend
their life-span. All you need is a hair clip.

10. How to Make a Cosy Light

Use this simple life hack to create a cozy light wherever you are. Just
switch on your smartphone flashlight and place it under a water bottle. 5

11. The Ice Cream Finish

Whenever you finish a jar of Nutella, jelly, or peanut butter don’t throw
it out. Instead, remember this cool life hack and finish it off with some ice

12. How to Stop Your Straw from Rising

If you’re fed up with your straw rising out of your drink, use this top life
hack. Simply put your straw through the can’s tab. 6

13. How to Stop Popsicles from Dripping

Want to enjoy your popsicle slowly without it dripping? Are you kids
super messy when they eat popsicles? Poke the popsicle stick through a
cupcake liner to catch the drips.

14. How to Store Your Pasta More Efficiently

This simple life hack can help you save cupboard space and prevent your
pasta from breaking. All you need is an empty Pringles can. 7

15. How to Improve Your Iced Coffee

If you love iced coffee, you probably don’t like it to be watered down by
ice cubes. So, why not make coffee ice cubes? Use this cool life hack to never
water down your iced coffee again.

16. How to Reseal Plastic Food Bags

Use this simple life hack whenever you run out of tupperware. Just cut
the top off a plastic bottle and use it to create an air-tight seal. 8

17. How to Easily Peel a Boiled Egg

This amazing life hack will save you time and mess! Add a teaspoon of
baking soda to the water and eggshells will come off effortlessly.

18. How to Cut Soft Foods

This top life hack will help you cut food like a professional chef. Use
some unscented floss to cut soft foods cleanly. 9

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