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THBT retired parents should be allowed to sue their kids 4 alimony

 Mr Taher says. :"My wife and I had to go through a lot of hardship to

raise our son, but after he got married, he changed and stopped caring
about his parents." Despite help from his daughter, Mr Taher struggled.
The 75-year-old says he had no choice but to pursue legal action
against his son, Mohammad Shahjahan, for maintenance. His son
rejects the allegations. The pair have been estranged for decades but
Mr Shahjahan, who works as a banker, says he did support his parents.
He says his father brought the case "to disgrace him".

Cultural mores
 "If you are a (grown-up) child and not living with your parents you
should at least provide for them."
 Take a recent case from China's Sichuan province. Five adults were
reportedly sentenced to up to two years in jail for abandoning their
elderly father, after a court found they hadn't fulfilled their filial duties.

Because child support payments are legal obligations imposed by a family court, a parent violates the
court order when they miss one or more child support payments. Parents who are owed back support
have a right to these payments, and suing for back child support is not uncommon
What Is Back Child Support? Legally known as arrearage, back child support is any past-due, unpaid
child support payment. An obligated parent who owes back child support is considered “in arrears.”
Can my parents sue me for raising me?
Unless there was an agreement for you to repay them or a written agreement of some sort they cannot
sue you for past issues

Is there a legal case for aged retired parents to sue their children for financial

Somebody tried it here in Canada. A woman abandoned her children in their early teens, leaving
them to fend for themselves completely on their own. Later, when she was old and poor, she
tried to make them (now adults) support her, and they refused. She sued them. She lost the case,
and quite right too.

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